• The computer freezes and does not respond. Reboot is the last resort. The virus completely loads the processor

    Every computer user has encountered a situation where Windows freezes completely. The OS freezes for various reasons. They cannot be placed under any one template. Therefore, there is no single cure for this problem - a kind of panacea for all ills. And that’s why it’s so important to have an idea of ​​what to do if Windows freezes. We will consider options for answering the question: “what to do if a computer with the Windows 7 operating system installed on it freezes.” The reasons why a Windows computer freezes can be classified as follows:

    • Computer hardware malfunction.
    • Inconsistency between equipment and installed software. For example, the system does not have enough RAM to execute the program.
    • Abnormal operation of programs with errors.
    • Windows is clogged or there is no space on your hard drive.
    • The system is infected with viruses.
    • Incompatibility of programs with each other.

    For each category of problem, separate “medicines” have been invented. We will discuss them in detail further.

    If the computer freezes, it paralyzes the user’s work and introduces an element of chaos and discomfort into it. To defeat this chaos, you need to know how to deal with it.

    The simplest means

    If your Windows computer freezes and no tricks help (like trying to start "Task Manager" by “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Del”), then there is nothing left to do but reboot the system. On the case of the system unit there are two on/off buttons - large and small. Pressing the small button leads to a reboot, pressing the large button leads to shutdown. If the small button does not respond, hold the large button with your finger until the computer turns off. And then turn it on again.

    If everything is not so serious and you can call it, then try to “kill” all the heaviest processes by going to the “Processes” tab of the dispatcher and pressing the button "End process", standing on the process name in the list. Perhaps the reason that Windows freezes is due to insufficient RAM. Why people are so eager to switch to the latest, and, therefore, the most cumbersome versions of programs is a rhetorical question. Why you shouldn’t use “fat” programs on weak computer- probably too. You can always find an alternative to any software for Windows. What’s especially nice is that it’s small and free. You just need to look.

    We work as a vacuum cleaner

    The profession of a janitor is considered something shameful. Vacuum cleaners have to deal with dirt and dust every day. But we will not take this point of view. Inside the case desktop computer So much dirt and dust accumulates that it’s amazing. Why this is so is as difficult to answer as answering the question: why does this happen in seemingly hermetically sealed weaving units. Dust penetrates everywhere and, if you do not fight it and do nothing to destroy it, then it will fill the entire Universe, and not just our system unit.

    What should I do to clean the insides of my computer from dust?

    • Let's disassemble the system unit. If you don't have small Phillips screwdrivers in your house, get them.
    • Next, you need to do the following: take a regular vacuum cleaner and move the hose to the “outlet” so that you get an outgoing stream of air.
    • Turn on the vacuum cleaner and direct the air flow to the open inside of the computer.
    • The dust will fly off in a column, but it will disappear from the surface of the motherboard and other nooks and crannies of the unit.

    Fighting viruses and cleaning the disk

    You don't have to keep asking why your Windows computer is freezing. We need to make sure this never happens. Imagine what you would do if you were not the owner home computer, but some responsible server. You would have to approach security issues much more responsibly. Why don't we do this at home and introduce hundreds of viruses into Windows? Why are we turning our computer into a trash heap? And what can be done to prevent this from happening?

    If you don't have it installed normal antivirus– we immediately need to make a protective shield for Windows. Very often Windows freezes for this reason virus attack. If you do not deal with this problem, you will not be able to work normally in Windows at all. Download and install the most powerful one

    We are all very annoyed when the computer takes a long time to load and subsequently freezes. This not only creates discomfort at work, but also takes a considerable amount of time. Today in our article we will talk to you about what to do if your computer freezes. We will only give advice that really works.

    11 tips on what to do if your computer constantly freezes

    1. Restart your computer. Believe me, the simplest and in a fast way You can solve the freezing problem by rebooting the operating system. Yes, you will not completely solve the problem, but you will get rid of the symptom. After all, sometimes the cause of freezing is a random error, so after a normal reboot everything will go like clockwork. You can restart your PC either with a button on the screen or with a button on system unit. Before doing this, make sure that you will not lose any important data. For example, if you worked with text document, and the computer freezes, and you did not have time to save, then you will have to wait until everything gets better and under no circumstances do “Restart”.

    2. Disable all unnecessary programs for now. We have observed this harmful (for a computer) habit among many: launching dozens of programs and windows, and then becoming indignant at the slow operation of the system, repeating the question: “Why did it freeze?!” Make it a rule not to launch more programs than are needed in the next 5 minutes. And turn off running utilities that you do not need or have already been idle for more than 10 minutes. In this simple way you can reduce the load on the system. We recommend disabling programs through the “Task Manager”, since in it you will probably find those programs that you did not launch manually. Disable unnecessary list programs and in startup (it can be found in the same “Task Manager”).

    3. Check your computer for viruses. In 70% of cases, regular freezes and illogical behavior of the computer signal to the user that a virus has entered the system. Malicious software can heavily load all computer components (processor, RAM, hard drive etc.). In this case, you urgently need to conduct a deep scan with an antivirus program or even several. More complete guide We have already described your actions in the article “”, where you will find all the answers to questions related to viruses. If you are lost in choosing a good antivirus program, then this article will come in handy: “?”.

    4. Clean your computer from dust (it may overheat). You may have already read about this earlier, and in a nutshell, you need to turn off the power to the system unit and thoroughly vacuum your computer, but you need to do this very, very carefully so as not to damage important parts, such as the motherboard. It is necessary to clean your computer because a layer of dust covering the processor, video card, hard drive or motherboard can significantly affect the speed of all processes. Slowed down processes, in turn, can poorly cope with assigned tasks, which subsequently leads to such a symptom as freezing. Cleaning should be done at least 1-2 times every 6 months.

    5. Some device on the computer is faulty. Naturally, we are now talking about the system unit, since other components (, or) cannot be the reason that the PC freezes. The cause of freezing may be a broken motherboard, hard drive and even a microcrack in RAM. However, in this case, in addition to freezing, sudden interruptions in the operation of the PC will occur ( automatic reboot). It is quite difficult to independently determine this reason, since you need special equipment that can make its verdict: whether there is a malfunction in the device or not. Therefore, here we recommend contacting service center for qualified help.

    6. Defragment your disk. Nowadays, we are constantly engaged in both writing new files and deleting them; as a result of such numerous actions, files can be split between all sectors of the disk, which creates fragmentation, which significantly slows down the operation of the entire system and especially programs. To prevent this from happening, firstly, try not to leave a small amount of space on your hard drive partitions. Secondly, defragment regularly ( this function You will find it either in the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools in Windows 7 or XP, or when you type in search in the operating system).

    7. Computer components are no longer suitable for modern day-to-day tasks. No matter how you want it, over time your computer will become far from the most powerful and newest, and most importantly, this moment may come unexpectedly. For example, if you bought your computer back in 2010 and at that time it was one of the best, then now it is a rather mediocre model that has a lot of shortcomings and does not always cope with the assigned tasks. Thus, if you are tormented by constant freezes, then you should think about replacing your PC with a more reliable one. powerful model, and we already wrote about that in earlier articles.

    8. Be patient, endure and endure again! If you don't have enough money for new computer, or its repair/update, or you don’t know the real reason freezes, then you have no choice but to endure. This fate awaits those whose computers are already 5-7 years old. Whatever actions you take, but from the problem that leads to slow work PC, you won't get rid of it. Be consistent, try not to run more than 1-2 programs at the same time and do not click quickly on the screen, otherwise you may click too much. Look for and install only software that won't take up unnecessary resources.

    9. Program incompatibility. Sometimes the cause of freezes should be sought in certain programs, so try to notice the dependence: with which program is turned on, the computer freezes and stops performing any actions. This can happen when the utility encountered an error during installation or was not originally created for this version of the operating system. Incompatibility may also arise due to the use of illegal software, which was made, roughly speaking, in a “home-made manner”, or an unauthorized license key was installed on it, since the introduction of someone else’s code into the program can contribute to its malfunction, for which no one can be held responsible except you.

    10. Clean the system of debris. If we previously advised you to clean the system unit itself (from dust), then at this point we recommend carrying out a system cleaning of the Windows OS from unnecessary programs, files, documents, cache and similar “garbage”. This point was discussed in detail in the article “”, where we also mentioned cleaning the entire system. The essence of the point and article is to rid drive C (where the operating system is installed) from unnecessary files, which can be located in the temporary folder (Temp), browser cache, and also in the registry.

    11. Reinstall your computer. And the last, most radical piece of advice that helps even on very weak machines is to install operating system again, deleting the previous one. This is a rather troublesome and lengthy process. However, believe me, it is much better option, in which you will simply endure constant howls. Reinstallation helps in cases where you cannot remove or even find a virus on the system. If the OS is cluttered unnecessary programs, and you are too lazy to delete them or defragment them, then reinstalling the system will make your task easier. Full instructions You can find information on how to install the system in the article: “?”.

    That's all! Now you can independently rid your computer of freezes, and decide for yourself which method to choose. Good luck!

    Surely every computer owner has had such a problem at least once in their life when it started to freeze. This unpleasant moment can happen completely unexpectedly. For example, after entering the “OS”, when using any program or game, and maybe even when loading a technical device.

    Reason for computer freezing

    The most common causes of computer slowdown and how to fix them:

    1. Banal reason for freezing computer equipment - lack of RAM. When local disk crowded various files, it may not have enough space to accommodate new information, which will hinder fast work operating system. You need to clear your computer's memory.

    2. Another reason may be overheating of the video card or processor. This condition causes dust to accumulate on the system unit. In order to prevent such a turn of events, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the system unit at least once or twice a month.

    3. Computer freezes may occur due to breakdown hard drive or its train. Therefore, the specialist replaces the old cable with a new (functional) one. Or he transfers a used cable to another device. Such a check helps to understand whether it is worth making replacement of hard disk.

    4. When the power supply fails, the main signal of a malfunction is clicking sounds from the computer. They indicate the inoperative state of the power supply, which is not able to supply the necessary voltage to the hard drive, and makes the latter inoperative. In cases where there are no characteristic clicks, the possibility of a broken power supply cannot be discarded. To check and finally make sure of everything, you need to transfer it to another, working computer.

    5. Freezing may occur as a result of a malfunction motherboard. Its serviceability can be checked, just as in the previous paragraph, by transferring it to another technical device.

    6. The presence of all kinds of viruses is another reason for the computer to slow down. To avoid infection, it is necessary to install a special antivirus program, which should be updated as often as possible, plus periodically do a full scan of the computer.

    7. If the contacts are poorly secured or completely loose, the PC will operate slowly. In order to check whether this is actually the case, you need to completely turn off the device from the mains and see how tightly hard drive power is connected.

    8. Also, another reason for the computer to freeze may be a problem in the BIOS, located on a separate, permanent storage device. To resolve this issue, you must update the BIOS software. You just need to download and reinstall the files, as well as the motherboard developer programs.

    9. In addition to all the reasons described above, it also happens when the computer starts to freeze immediately after booting, during startup, and in some cases before the OS boots. In such a situation, it is very important to check the health of the power supply, hard drive, motherboard, and RAM.

    Unfortunately, not every person is able to independently carry out all the necessary manipulations to check their computer. You cannot do without certain skills in this area. Therefore, anyone who is faced with a freezing problem and does not know what to do is first recommended to perform the simplest and most obvious actions.

    For example, check the computer for viruses, which fills the RAM, clean the system unit from dust accumulation.

    If the above actions do not bring positive results, you should seek help from a specialist.

    The performance of a PC on the seven depends on the installed hardware and software. A weak processor and a small amount of RAM are the main hardware reasons why a computer slows down or freezes. Main software reasons: incorrect settings systems, large number unnecessary programs and viruses.

    Not enough RAM

    Programs running on a computer use RAM to speed up access to work data. RAM is also consumed by the system itself. Minimum Requirements to the computer hardware specified by Microsoft for Windows 7: 1 gigabyte of RAM for the 32-bit version and 2 gigabytes for the 64-bit version. When using heavy applications volume installed memory should be higher.

    To check if Windows 7 is slow due to a flaw system resources, open task manager. To do this, use the key combination “Ctrl+Shift+Esc” or call context menu taskbar and select Manager there. In a new window, open the “Performance” tab and select the “Memory” section. A graph of RAM consumption will appear on the right, updated once per second.

    To increase your available RAM, close apps you're not using instead of minimizing them. It is also recommended to disable automatic start unnecessary programs on the “Startup” tab, then the seven will slow down less. If these steps do not help, and the RAM usage level is constantly around 100%, set additional fees RAM.

    Pay attention! In addition to using RAM, in the task manager you can also check the CPU load, HDD and network access.

    The page file is too small

    Open system folder“This PC”, right click on any free space window and select "Properties". Follow the link " Additional options" Click Settings under Performance to access advanced settings.

    On the " Visual effects» disable window animation, transparency and shadow display. To do this, select the “Ensure the highest performance” option. Weak video cards do not always display smoothly dynamic effects Aero interface, causing it to freeze and Windows 7 to slow down. Save the changed values, go to the “Advanced” section and click “Change”.

    The size of the paging file is set in one of three modes:

    Uncheck automatic selection to access advanced options. There you can set the file size in manual mode. Click "Specify Size" and enter the recommended value, which can be viewed at the bottom of the window.

    Important! The specified amount of information will be blocked on the computer’s hard drive for use by the system. It will not be available to store user data.

    Tutorial video: 4 steps to speed up Windows 7

    Virus infection

    If your computer freezes, one of the reasons may be viruses. To search for them, use an antivirus, such as Avast. The utility is free and differs from other similar programs in its small size and resource consumption. Install Avast and on the main screen, click “Run Smart Scan”. You can also specify scanning parameters using the Settings button in the upper right corner.

    Hello friends!

    Yesterday a friend asked me to look at the computer and said that there was a problem - it hangs, at first it works, and then suddenly it starts to slow down. If you reboot, it works again for a while, and then the process repeats again. In general, the topic is vast, the reasons are different. But each of us wants to make the computer work quickly and accurately.

    Today's article will focus on the most common reasons for this computer behavior. And will be offered universal method solutions that help eliminate other problems along the way.

    It's no secret that the vast majority of our readers use the operating system Windows system. It just so happens that we have been accustomed to it since the mid-90s. Users of Linux, Unix, and Mac OS criticize Microsoft for being “underdeveloped,” cumbersome, “insufficient,” “inconvenient,” etc. Some of the criticism is fair, of course. But it does not affect the final result - people continued to use Windows and will continue to do so. And if so, then when a problem arises you need to know how it can be solved without reinstalling windows and specialist help.

    Where can the problem of computer freezing occur?

    • Windows XP,
    • Windows Vista
    • Windows 7
    • Windows 10 (still less common than others and slightly different symptoms)

    So, you worked and worked and suddenly...

    The main symptoms of freezing and unstable operation of a computer or laptop

    1. The computer boots quickly, but freezes after a while;
    2. The computer boots slowly and slows down more and more during operation;
    3. “Hangs” for a long time at boot (immediately after switching on);
    4. “Hangs” for a long time when turned off;

    It is likely that you have a special case and need help? Write a comment below in detail about what is wrong with you, and we will tell you what to do!

    In some cases, errors occur when running programs related to memory; A short reboot helps.

    There are two ways: the first way is to look for problems with the hardware, and the second way is to look for problems of the “software” type.

    Pay attention! There are many problems associated with a computer or laptop. And this article gives basic recommendations for software only. This is when the computer was working well, but suddenly began to freeze or slow down. And most likely there is no problem in the system unit, namely the software is malfunctioning or viruses have appeared.

    But more complex problems often occur. Namely:

    Please note that SP1 (service pack) is required for installation. That's why I pointed out that it's not suitable for everyone. For those who don't have it installed, look below. After downloaded installation file Internet Explorer 11, it needs to be started, installation will pass automatically. The computer needs to be restarted.

    Not a very fast way

    Start - Control Panel

    System and security

    Open Windows Update:

    Mark as in the picture:

    Then click “Check for updates”

    The system will check for critical updates, notify you, and prompt you for installation.

    You need to respond positively to the terms of the license agreement, install all critical “mandatory” updates, and driver updates for the motherboard. The process is not very fast and may take a couple of days. Accompanied by repeated reboots of the computer. As soon as we rebooted, we start searching for updates again. After critical updates are installed, after checking for updates again, the update service will display the following window:

    So today we got acquainted with ways to solve the problem of computer freezing. But... If all of the above methods did not help resolve the problem, then, unfortunately, the equipment is probably faulty, and you need to start checking the hardware. This topic is vast and needs to be covered in another article coming soon. Also, if you are faced with the fact that Windows reports an update error, then this topic will also be discussed in detail in another article.

    Good luck to you in solving problems.

    That's all for today.

    This is the best gratitude. Thank you!