• Is it possible to find out the phone number? How to find out your home phone number by last name? Phone number database

    Subscriber. In fact, there are many different ways here. True, some of them are inaccessible to ordinary users. However, we will still find out everything possible ways related to our topic today. Let's get started quickly.

    When needed

    But before that, it’s worth knowing one more thing: important point. Namely: why do we need to look for a cell phone number by last name? After all, the success of using some options for obtaining data will largely depend on this.

    The first reason is that you simply lost the person’s contact. As a rule, it’s easier to ask your friends for their number. Or resort to the most common and simple methods of obtaining information.

    The second reason is the loss of a person in principle. That is, if the person is wanted or considered missing. Then you can find it by number. Here, as a rule, a special method of obtaining confidential information is used.

    Also, some people want to determine the phone number by last name “for fun.” For example, to prank a friend or acquaintance. In this case, they usually use methods that are not the most reliable and safe, but are “freely available”. Let's now find out all of them.

    To the mobile operator

    Well, the first method that can come to mind is to contact the cellular operator that your friend uses. It is worth noting immediately that it is suitable this method only for those who are truly confident in the telecom operator.

    All you have to do is come to the salon and then tell the employee about your intentions. If they are really important (a person has disappeared and you are looking for him), then, of course, they will not refuse you. Sometimes you can even say that you have simply lost all the contacts of the person you are looking for, and you have no other way to find out the phone number. In general, it is enough to convince the salon employee of the importance of your request.

    Megafon provides a phone number by last name (like most other operators) only to police officers. Very rare exceptions may be made for ordinary citizens. Thus, if you decide to just "play", then leave this method. Let's move on to something else.

    Buying a base

    So, now we find out a more reliable, but expensive version of the development of events. If you really want to find a phone number by a person’s last name, then you can buy a database of cell numbers. Not entirely fair and legal. Nevertheless, many people use this method.

    Find this service possible, for example, on radio markets. It is worth noting that this pleasure is not cheap. For many, price is not a hindrance. The main thing is to choose the right telecom operator. After receiving the database, you will be able to find out MTS phone numbers by last name (or any other operator) without unnecessary problems.

    In truth, this method is not used very often. This is a favorite move of scammers and advertisers. Regular users prefer other methods. Which ones exactly? Let's get to know them.


    Well, the following scenario is suitable only for extreme measures. Particularly if they are real. After all, in order to determine the phone number by the subscriber’s last name, we will have to contact the police.

    This move is very often used when searching for missing people. All you have to do is come to the department of the internal affairs agency, then explain the situation to the employees, write an application to search for the person (or rather, a report of his disappearance), and then wait. Ask to dial the phone number by last name.

    After this is done, you can find out the number. True, it will not always be reported. Such data is given only to other close and dear people. After all, the number you receive is not a toy. To be honest, this move is used extremely rarely. Thus, we are moving on to considering more “down-to-earth” options for the development of events. There are not very many of them, but almost all of them work flawlessly and at any time of the day or night.

    Telephone directory

    Now it's time to turn to the most ancient and effective method. Of course, we are talking about the most ordinary telephone directory. Now, along with home telephones, you can sometimes find “newspapers” that even report a mobile phone number. Of course, data known for the year of publication of the directory will be provided.

    There is probably no need to explain how to use this “book”. True, there is no need to immediately take up this option developments of events. After all, it's change time mobile phone- this is a matter of 5 minutes. Thus, we have no guarantee that the person still has the same number. But you can try to use the reference book. Yes, just in case. After all, users don’t really like changing numbers. Especially if we are dealing with a business and sociable person. But there are a number of other approaches that help you find a phone number by last name. Let's get to know him quickly.

    Internet services

    For example, you can always turn to specialized Internet services for help. However, all data services on them are paid. The price is not particularly high (about 50-100 rubles), especially if you really really need to find someone’s number.

    All you have to do is find the service, then enter your last name and your name in the required fields. own number. In response, you will receive an SMS with a code that will allow you to receive the necessary data. After sending a message via your computer, a separate window will appear on your screen to enter the code. The final stage will be processing the request and displaying the data you need. As you can see, nothing difficult.

    The main difficulty here is finding a safe service to find a phone number by last name. After all, scammers are hiding behind such sites now. They only charge you for a service not provided. That's all the problems. As you can see, this is a rather dangerous, albeit effective method.

    By search engines

    The last scenario is to use a regular Internet search engine. Sometimes users leave phone numbers in their profiles and profiles on social networks and other sites. This is how you can sometimes try to get the necessary data.

    Open your browser, enter the user’s first/last name, city of residence and some “distinguishing” data into the search bar. This could be the date of birth or the school the person attended. Anything. Next, start your search. Sometimes on the first pages you will already get a number.

    You shouldn't rely on this method. After all, he is far from the most successful. It’s better to resort to the help of specialized sites.

    There is no universal way to find a phone number by the owner's last name. There are two ways to solve the problem - the use of official information channels and private databases. Each option has its own characteristics.

    Determining a cell phone number by last name in mobile companies

    Visit the offices mobile operators and try to convince the manager of the need to find out the mobile phone number by last name. The result will depend on your ability to convince your interlocutor, so come up with a convincing reason for your request in advance. Often office employees will comply with a request if it is necessary to find out the phone number of the person who has stolen funds from a mobile phone account. Appeal to cellular company does not guarantee success in the search, even if the reason is serious.

    Cell phone number by last name via contacting the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    The staff will help with the visitor's request if there are important grounds, for example, crimes against him or relatives. The Ministry of Internal Affairs may authorize the seizure of data in mobile companies concerning telephone subscribers. Intelligence agencies can also use own databases data.

    Using an Internet database to find out a cell number by last name

    Search the Internet for current telephone directories; their content is constantly updated. You can download a subscriber database from the Internet, but you will have to pay a lot of money for it. Finding a reliable site with up-to-date information can be time consuming. Before concluding a transaction, make inquiries about the seller in advance, talk to him and make sure that he is a reliable person. Friends may have old databases downloaded several years ago on their computer. Often such information is outdated, but you can try to find the information you need.

    Finding a cell phone number by last name from friends

    Try to find out more about the person – where he lives, what he does. Chat with his friends and try to find out his phone number for free. Acquaintances will often accommodate you if you tell them that they want to give a friend a pleasant surprise. You can call your place of work on behalf of an employee of a bank or other institution and ask for a telephone number, for example, to clarify personal information.

    Other ways to determine a phone number by last name

    If you can't find a phone number by mobile databases, please use other options.

    • Search for a person by last name in social networks. Look at the profile on his page, sometimes his mobile phone is indicated there. In Skype, your phone number is often specified during registration.
    • Enter your last name into an Internet search engine. The person you are interested in can register on various forums, websites, blogs and indicate their number there.
    • Use the services of a private detective who will provide a phone number and a complete profile on the person.

    Finding out a phone number through a person's last name without his consent is considered illegal. But if the end justifies the means, then you can try, just quietly and calmly.

    Almost every person has encountered the need to search for certain subscribers. And each time it came down to the lack of visible sources of information. How can I find a phone number by last name and where to look for the necessary data? IN this review we will try to tell you about all information sources that allow you to find subscribers by their last name.

    Directory search

    Many of us have already forgotten what a paper telephone directory is. But he is the one who can help us find a phone number by last name. Buy a directory at the nearest Rospechat stall, in a specialized store or at the post office, open it at the desired letter and find the desired surname in it. The required phone number will be indicated next to the selected surname.

    This method is aimed at those who want to find a subscriber in their city. But if the subscriber you are looking for lives in another city, you will need to find a directory of another city - and this is more difficult. But don't despair, as you can try to find a phone number by first and last name through city directory services. To do this, you need to find the helpline number of your (or another) city, call there and ask the operator to tell you the number by last name. In some cases, this will require providing the person's residential address.

    The complexity of this method lies in the fact that some subscribers do not give their consent to the publication of their data in telephone directories. Similarly, the dissemination of this information through help desks is blocked. You also need to remember that only city numbers are indicated in directories.

    Internet search

    Some electronic tools will help you find a phone number by last name for free:

    Searching for data through open sources comes down to using search engines. People often leave information about themselves on message boards or social networks, so we can try to search for the required person via the Internet. If he “exposed” his data to open sources, then we will see his phone number.

    However, this method cannot be called reliable and reliable. Online directories of telephone numbers are built on the basis of regular directories and stolen databases of subscriber numbers. With their help, data is searched using a variety of source data. For example, you can search for phone numbers by names or addresses, and a reverse search is also available when only the phone number is known. The information in such directories is outdated, but in some cases it is quite sufficient.

    When using online databases, monitor your own safety - do not fall for scammers, do not buy information by sending paid SMS to short numbers (so you can “pick up” on your phone mobile subscription, which will quickly “eat up” all your money).

    Online databases of phone numbers mostly belong to scammers who take information from various sources. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the information in the purchased database turns out to be outdated or they ask for money for it without giving anything in return. All more or less working directories are completely blocked by Roskomnadzor, since distribution of subscriber information through unofficial sources is illegal.

    The same applies to purchased subscriber databases distributed on various forums, social networks and message boards - they may turn out to be fraudulent or hopelessly outdated. As practice shows, the data in the databases turns out to be out of date by 5-10 years.

    Online databases of city numbers also differ in the availability of information. As for online databases of mobile numbers, they do not exist, since mobile numbers are not tied to cities. You can only find these numbers in purchased databases, but in 99% of cases they turn out to be out of date.

    An unusual way to find number owners

    Due to the spread of social networks, city forums and other communication platforms, we are faced with ample opportunities to find people. If the right person no on social networks, but you know exactly what city he lives in, you can post an advertisement about searching for this person in social network groups and forums. In some cases, this method gives positive results.

    You shouldn’t count on the amazing effectiveness of this method, but you shouldn’t lose sight of it either. The greatest effectiveness of this technique is observed in small settlements, where the chances of meeting the person you need are higher (many residents know each other or can help in the search). In cities with a population of over a million, this method will not work.

    Not working ways to search for a number by last name

    If you think that you can find a number by last name at the nearest customer service office, then you are deeply mistaken. This information is not covered, although employees have the opportunity to search necessary information. You will receive a similar refusal from the help desk of the selected operator..

    Today we have to figure out how to find out home number phone number by citizen's last name. Is it even possible to carry out such a procedure? How legal is it? It is not very difficult to answer these questions. Especially if you take into account all the nuances of searching for a home number. What should everyone know about this process?

    Home number and personal details

    Let's start from afar. First, you need to find out what is needed to connect a landline phone. This question will tell you how much the citizen’s last name will help in searching for a specific number.

    To date, to connect home phone you need to fill out the appropriate application. It states:

    • address of the citizen/organization;
    • first name, last name and patronymic of the person/company name;
    • applicant's passport details.

    Accordingly, the name of the owner of this or that number will be known. But is there any way to use it?


    If someone is thinking about how to find out a home phone number by last name, they will have to show ingenuity and perseverance. Most likely, in the end it will be possible to find the citizen’s contacts using his personal data.

    But there are a lot of ways to find a number. Some of them are legal, some may be excluded in one case or another. Next, we will talk in more detail about all the ways to search for a home number using a citizen’s personal data. For now, we can say with confidence that it will be possible to obtain contact legally. This chance is given to all people.

    Data Search Methods

    How to find out your home phone number by last name? If a person only has this information, it will be very problematic to bring the idea to life. It is advisable to find out the citizen's name and patronymic. Ideally along with the address. If you have all this information, it will be easiest to implement your idea.

    Among the main ways to search for home telephone numbers are the following methods:

    • use of social networks;
    • working with electronic databases of telephone numbers;
    • search in a paper directory;
    • clarification of information by calling the regional helpline.

    How exactly to proceed? Each scenario has its own characteristics, but there are no clear recommendations for their use. Each person can try any approach to achieve the task.

    Working with social networks

    Now in more detail about each method. How to find out your home phone number by last name? For example, through social networks. Unfortunately, such a solution for landlines doesn't fit very well. This is due to the fact that in questionnaires people usually either do not indicate their contacts or write their mobile numbers.

    In any case, it's worth a try. A person should go to any social network and look for the “victim’s” profile by name. Having studied it carefully, you will be able to obtain the necessary data. Usually phone numbers are written in the "Contacts" column.

    Internet databases

    A more interesting and reliable method is to use so-called telephone number databases in electronic form. They are in every city.

    So today you can find out your home phone number by last name for free in just a few minutes. The main thing is to carefully study the offer from this or that service. Often scammers hide under free (or even paid) databases. Usually, you can recognize a scam by sending an SMS message to short number to display search results. On the screen, the user will see the process of loading imaginary data.

    In general, an electronic database of telephone numbers is not a fairy tale. You can find them for each region. Such sites usually:

    • require maximum information about the “victim”;
    • free;
    • have a simple page design.

    The most simple method action is to use search services. For example, Google or Yandex. Required in search bar Enter information about the person and click on “Search”. All pages containing mentions of the “victim” will appear on the screen. It is possible that among them there will be a citizen’s home telephone number. It is not recommended to trust electronic databases of telephone numbers directly. Especially if they require payment for services for issuing relevant information.

    Regular reference book

    The best solution is to use the most common telephone directories. They are sold in all "Press" in different cities. This is a kind of database of telephone numbers.

    Such directories usually contain the following information:

    • citizen's address;
    • Full name of the phone owner;
    • home number.

    In practice telephone databases are sorted alphabetically. Accordingly, if you are interested in how to find out the home phone number by address and last name of a citizen, you can buy latest issue reference book and look for information in it.

    Among the main disadvantages such a decision The following aspects are distinguished:

    • the need to spend on a reference book;
    • rapid data obsolescence;
    • incomplete list of numbers.

    Sometimes it happens that the owner of the number prohibits the publication of data about his phone. Then you won’t be able to find it in the directory.

    Phone to help

    But there is still a way out! The home phone book didn't help? Then it is recommended to contact the city help desk. It has full base all landline phones. The caller will be provided with information completely free of charge.

    All that is required is to call the information service of a specific region and provide information about the citizen. As already mentioned, if there is a first and patronymic, as well as an address, the probability is more quick search increases significantly. All that remains after that is to wait a little. The operator will find information about the person and dictate his number.

    Important: the reverse process is not possible. This means that it will not be possible to give the citizen’s number and clarify information about him.


    From now on, it’s clear how to find out your home phone number by last name. In fact this process will not take much time from a modern resident. Despite the fact that now the bulk of information is searched using the Internet, you can trust it this issue not worth it.

    In truth, none of the previously listed approaches gives a 100% guarantee that you will be able to obtain a person’s home number. Even telephone directories sometimes lie. Therefore, if possible, it is better to ask the person their home phone number directly.


    Use free telephone directories, thanks to which you can quickly find out the phone number and last names. For example, useful and convenient sites are http://spravkaru.net/russia/ and http://www.nomer.org/. Another free service- http://www.hella.ru/code/poisk.htm. Its advantage is that the data there is updated every week, and you can find out a cell phone number, even if it was registered recently.

    Try to find out a cell phone number using search engines. You can only use the person's first and last name to search, but the likelihood of the desired result is quite low. It is better to add your place of residence, work or study. In this case, you may find, for example, a person’s resume on one of the job sites or his advertisements in which he left his cell phone number for feedback.

    Search through social networks. Perhaps the person you need has filled out his profile and data to contact him, and if you’re lucky, you can easily find out the cell phone number by first and last name. However, it is much more effective to try to find the ICQ or Skype login that the person uses. When registering for these programs, in most cases a telephone number is also indicated.

    If you know a person’s place of work or study, contact his colleagues or classmates. Introduce yourself as a friend or relative of the person and ask for their contact number. You can also try contacting communication stores in your city (it’s better if you know exactly the operator the subscriber uses). Although these institutions do not provide other information about subscribers for free, it is still possible to recognize a person if there are good reasons for this.

    Use Phone program Search if you need to find out a cell phone number by first and last name for free. After downloading the application, go to quick registration. By filling out special fields with various data about a person, you can quickly find out his cell phone number.

    Very often people are faced with situations where it is necessary to determine operator by number phone. This is due to the fact that most operators provide various preferential tariffs that allow you to make cheap or free calls within their network. Therefore, it is worth making sure which operator this or that number belongs to, and at what tariff you can call it.


    There are several ways to determine operator By . To get started, use help: go to one of the sites (for example, http://sbinfo.ru/operator.php or http://mtsoft.ru/abcdef), which provide the ability to calculate by phone not only operator, but also in which a specific subscriber number was registered.

    Remember the codes of the three most popular operators Russia: MTS, Beeline and Megafon. They are allocated many more codes than other Russian operator m combined. So look at DEF-, which is the first three digits. The MTS operator corresponds to numbers in the ranges 910-919 and 980-988. The Beeline operator can be identified by the following numbers: 903, 905, 909 and 960-964. If at the beginning of the number you see codes in the range 920-931 or the number 937, then this number belongs to the Megafon operator. All other operators account for only seven three-digit codes, including the following: 901, 902, 904, 908, 950-952. Most codes belong to the GSM format. This situation arose because the overwhelming number of subscribers use this type of communication.

    You can also phone on the Internet using databases mobile operators. There you will find the most complete and accurate list of telephone codes for every operator and region. This is especially necessary for operators who use common DEF codes. For example, Tele2 in GSM networks uses codes 908, 904, 950-952, and SkyLink on the CDMA network uses code 901. Thus, there are no ways to determine operator by number phone, plenty. Choose the one that is most convenient for you and always be aware of which operator you are dealing with.

    ICQ is one of the very first messengers that appeared along with the widespread use of the Internet. This messenger, popularly called “ICQ”, has not lost its popularity even now - it is used both for dating and informal communication, and for work. So if you have forgotten your ICQ login or password, this can be a fairly critical situation.


    Fortunately, restoring your ICQ login is quite simple. This can be done directly on the program website http://www.icq.com/ru. Having entered the site, immediately on the main page, on the right under the banner, you will see the inscription “Forgot your password?” By clicking on the "Receive" button directly below it, you will find yourself on a page where you will be asked to enter the email address to which your ICQ number, and check numbers. Click on the “Next” button.

    To yours email will come automatic letter containing a link to change your password. Your login will be indicated directly in the letter. If you do not need to change your password, simply enter the specified login and your Old Password. If you don't remember it, follow the link provided in the letter and enter New Password- this way you will restore both it and your login.

    If ICQ manager is already installed on your computer, you do not need to go to the main page of the program website. Launch the messenger, a login window will open, directly under the password entry window you will see the “Forgot your password?” link. After you go through it, a page will open to enter your email address and check digits described above.

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    Useful advice

    Please note that in the messenger login window there are three fields where you can check or not check the boxes: “Auto-connect”, “Remember password”, “Do not remember me when leaving”. A checkmark in the first one will allow you to automatically log into ICQ at the same time as you boot the computer; in the second one, you will be able to save your password so you don’t have to remember it.

    However, firstly, all autorun programs slow down the computer, and secondly, by checking the “Remember password” box, you risk losing your password when virus attack. Therefore, for security purposes, it is recommended not to remember the password automatically, but to record it somewhere in a safe place, for example, in a notepad.

    Tip 4: How to add your website to search engines for free in 2019

    Usually search robots find new sites themselves, subject to availability external links on them. But if after 4-8 weeks the site does not appear in the search engine results, you should add it to the search engines yourself for free.

    You will need

    • - Internet access.


    Make sure your resource is ready for indexing. That is, all pages of the site must be filled with content, optimized and have permission for indexing (not prohibited by the robots.txt file).

    To simplify the process of adding a site to search program prepare in advance text document with data often found when registering with search engines. It should contain the site name, site URL, brief description page contents, email address, contact details.

    Before registering a resource in a particular search engine, read the recommendations for adding sites in the selected system and make sure that your actions do not violate their rules.

    To add your site to search engines, follow the appropriate links. After following the link for a particular search engine (Yandex, Google, Aport, Yahoo, Mail Gogo, Bing), simply enter your data in the fields provided and follow the instructions of the program.

    For example, if you decide to add your site to the Yandex search engine, by clicking on a special link, you will see a “Webmaster” window, the title of which will be “Report a new site.” Enter the URL in the window bar home page your site and click the “Add” button. The remaining pages will be found automatically. At the same time, the standard http protocol may not be specified. If access to the site has restrictions and is carried out via https, specify the protocol explicitly. For example: https://mail.yandex.ru

    Add your site to the Yandex and Google webmaster services and offer them your sitemap. This way you will have a more complete indexing of the resource. Register in Google service Webmaster and the Yandex webmaster community, add your site there, and then its map, using the following link: seokleo.ru/sitemap.xml. Using the same principle, you can register in the webmaster service of the MSN and Yahoo systems by adding your website and xml map there.

    Video on the topic


    • Add a site to Yandex
    • Add your site to Google
    • Add a site to Aport
    • Add a site to Yahoo
    • Submit your site to Mail Gogo
    • Add your site to Bing
    • add a website for free

    The Skype number is used to activate the ability to receive calls in the program from landline and cell phones. This number is linked to an existing account and must be used in accordance with the Skype agreements. By default, each service user does not have personal number, and therefore can only use his own login in the service to make a call.


    You can connect your Skype number on the official website of the service. Its activation is paid, but it allows you to significantly reduce communication costs when making long-distance and long-distance calls. international communications. Moreover, the Skype number will allow you to maintain the user’s availability regardless of his location, and you will be able to answer calls from the service both from a mobile phone and from tablet computer or laptop.

    Go to the official Skype website to subscribe to the service. Before doing this, you will need to provide your own username and password in the system by entering the requested data. You will then be asked to select a country code and your current location to assign the number to. Select the country that is convenient for you, dialing code which the caller will need to indicate when trying to get in touch.

    As soon as cash will be transferred to your account, you will be able to receive calls from abroad. To make a call to this number the subscriber will need to enter international code the country you specified, the selected city code and your Skype number. The purchase of a Skype number is completed and it will be displayed in the window Skype programs when making calls.

    To find out a phone number by first and last name for free, just enter them into one of the Internet search engines, for example, Google or Yandex. Pay attention to the links offered by the search engine and select those that will be the most informative for you. First of all, look at free and paid advertisement sites, as well as job search portals. Most often, the number of the right person can be found on them, since people often post advertisements and resumes in the public domain and at the same time indicate their contact information in them.

    Continue exploring the links you found in your search. You can find out a phone number by first and last name for free on online resources that provide work on the Internet. These could be copywriting exchanges, websites and forums for freelancers, as well as aspiring businessmen. Here, people also usually fill out detailed contact information in their profile to attract customers and employers.

    If search engines have not provided you with adequate help, try registering on one or more social networks, where you can also find the right person and find out their mobile phone number by first and last name for free. After registration, you will see a search bar located at the top of the site. Enter the person's first and last name, then press Enter. Explore the search results. On this page you can also clarify your request and add other known information about the person, for example, his place of residence, work or study.

    Try to find the closest relatives or friends of the person you need on social networks. Contact them and ask them to give you his mobile phone number. Try to communicate politely and explain in as much detail as possible why you need this information.

    If you need to find out the mobile phone number by the first and last name of a person who is in trouble or has committed an offense, contact law enforcement agencies. Law enforcement officers have access to databases of residents of various cities, and they can help quickly contact the person you are looking for.

    Do not try to find and download a database of phone numbers on the Internet. This information is strictly confidential and is usually not publicly available, so the people offering it are most likely scammers.