• Boot is lit on the Tricolor receiver - reasons and what to do. The Tricolor receiver does not work - solutions to the problem

    The Tricolor company, well known to many, provides optimal access to high-quality satellite television using special equipment. In order for the system to work as smoothly as possible, you will need to strictly follow the instructions for using this system. If you neglect this rule, the equipment will break down from time to time and certain failures will occur. For example: the Tricolor receiver says boot and does not turn on. In this article you can find out why a system failure may occur and how to fix it yourself.

    System failure digital television quite often occurs due to breakdown or incorrect setting receiver. This is a specially designed device that operates on the action of certain mechanisms. If minor damage occurs in the device, if the certain settings, the equipment completely fails. The set-top box simply stops working and a corresponding message appears on the screen. You can deal with many of the reasons causing the failure yourself. The main thing is to know how to solve a particular problem.

    The reasons why there is no signal on the GS 8300 or GS U510 and it does not boot and does not respond to the set-top box remote control may be different. The problem must be solved by determining what to do with the equipment if the breakdown occurs after a thunderstorm. Now we’ll find out what to do if the tuner fails and what boot means, and how to fix a similar problem. There can be many reasons for a receiver to break down.

    The most common reasons why the Tricolor TV receiver does not work and there is no signal:

    • Lack of food;
    • Mechanical failure;
    • Illiterate software installation;
    • There is a problem with the settings.

    If a malfunction occurs in the television, first of all you should check the Tricolor TV set-top box and the power supply. For this purpose, you need to check the serviceability of sockets and wires, determine whether the adapter is connected correctly to the network, it is very important to understand whether all wires are connected to the installed equipment. Quite often, already at this stage it is possible to detect the cause of the breakdown and carry out corrective work. If during the inspection the adapter is found to be damaged, you will need to contact a specialist to replace it.

    Another reason for the failure is a broken control panel. Failure of such a plan arises on the following grounds:

    1. Low battery. In this case, you need to replace it, completely eliminating the problem.
    2. The remote control itself has failed, then you will need to purchase a new one.
    3. The element receiving the signal has failed. This problem can only be corrected by a qualified technician.

    A failure in the television system may occur due to incorrect firmware device, system, which is fully responsible for all ongoing processes. If it was discovered this problem, you will need to reboot the equipment, setting the default settings in the settings, after resetting all old settings.

    What to do if the Tricolor receiver does not turn on

    If, during the process of studying the state of the equipment, problems with the receiver were discovered, they can be eliminated based on the detected causes. Here are the main options:

    1. If power problems are detected, you will need to carefully check the normal connection to the outlet, check the power source and the integrity of the cable.
    2. Damage to the remote control may result in signals not being received by the remote control. The reasons for the breakdown can be purely technical - penetration of moisture into the device and basic wear and tear of power parts. Correcting the breakdown will depend on which of these factors was discovered. Often a simple battery change is sufficient.
    3. If there is no image on the screen completely, if the current picture is frozen, you will need to check to see if the standby mode is starting. It is very important to double-check the reliability of the wire connections.

    If you are unable to eliminate the cause of the breakdown yourself, you should invite a repairman to your home. He will diagnose the equipment and resolve all issues on the spot. To successfully carry out repair work, you can call service center and act under their guidance.

    What to do when the boot message appears on the Tricolor receiver

    If a system malfunction manifests itself in the form of a boot message appearing on the TV, you will need to establish the exact cause of the equipment malfunction. The inscription very often appears due to a failure in the settings and can be resolved as follows:

    1. You need to go to the “Settings” menu and click on the special “Reset” tab. This action requires mandatory confirmation.
    2. After this, a line will appear for entering a password there. Here you will need to dial the combination 0000. This standard code for all modern receivers.
    3. After standard authorization, you need to install common language interface, primary time zone, operator and location.
    4. When searching for TV channels, experts recommend running automatic mode, due to which savings will be made large number time.

    After changing the color scheme of the indicator, you must save it installed settings. This will help you not to lose the information received. If you strictly follow the instructions, you can correct errors in a few minutes, without having to repeat it several times.

    How to fix a Tricolor receiver if it does not respond to the remote control

    If certain malfunctions occur in the operation of the equipment, it is worth checking that the receiver is connected correctly. For this purpose, it will be necessary to check for correct connection receiver, examine the condition and position of the wires. If there are power problems, the device will not light up. indicator lights. LEDs light up only when the equipment is running.

    If after the checks no problems were found, if the receiver does not work, it is worth checking the state of the switch located on the back of the device. In most cases, it is accidentally deactivated during installation or during cleaning. After normal switching on, the system immediately begins to function normally. Boot inscription almost always indicates a technical or software malfunction equipment.

    Summing up

    If from time to time the TV does not have a signal from the Tricolor TV provider, if the system often turns off on its own, the problem can and must be solved, and you can do it yourself. In most cases, reinstalling the software is sufficient. If you cannot solve all the problems yourself, you need to seek help from the service center staff. At the same time, a Tricolor client can always count on receiving a free consultation.

    The Tricolor TV company provides high-quality receivers. Subscribers, if they want, of course, can use other, non-Tricolor tuners.

    But in this case, there is no guarantee that in the event of system failures, errors and problems, operators satellite television will be able to help you in any way.

    Because Tricolor itself offers exactly those products that are designed for its TV channels.

    It should be remembered that the receiver is a complex device, the basis of which is complex mechanisms (of course, it is so for ordinary users, spectators, not masters). Therefore, the smallest, minor problems can cause serious consequences.

    Among other problems, Tricolor TV subscribers often receive complaints that the device not only stops working properly, but simply does not turn on. What to do in such cases? Should I immediately take it to a professional technician? You can perform some settings yourself, without the intervention of service centers.

    Point one: mandatory check of all connections

    First, check whether the receiver is connected to the power source at all. Perhaps one of the children or adults accidentally pulled the wire, and the plug simply jumped out of the socket. In such cases receiver does not show any signs of “life” at all, nothing blinks, flickers or glows.

    If you checked and everything turned out to be as it should be, but nothing happens to the device, check whether it is connected to the TV and how, perhaps the wire is not connected well enough. It wouldn't hurt to check.

    Don't forget in mandatory look at back your receiver. It's possible that the switch that's on that side is simply in the "off" position.

    Point two: checking the firmware and other components

    If the Tricolor TV receiver stops turning on, or after a while it still turns on but flashes, or the values ​​of some numbers and other characters appear on the turned on receiver, then most likely the problem is that the device cannot load the initial bootloader (it just won't load).

    Why doesn't the Tricolor TV receiver turn on?

    The problem may also be caused by the software itself.

    Such malfunctions can also be observed in cases where the receiver’s firmware was not carried out as needed - perhaps it was carried out by an inexperienced technician or even the subscriber himself.

    The reasons why the tuner stops turning on, as you can see, are very diverse. It may be that the problem is in the firmware (this will be much more complicated) or in a normal failure that can occur in the operation of any system (for example, when the voltage “jumps”).

    Depending on the cause of the problem, the solution may be simple or complex.

    What should I do to get the receiver working again?

    In some cases (when the Tricolor receiver only gives a short-term and minor glitch), the problem can be resolved quite quickly and easily: completely turn off the device, that is, remove the power source.

    Leave it in this position for about half an hour (or more for a long time). Restart the device later. Very often, after this everything starts to turn on and work properly.

    There are also more “severe” cases when the whole problem is caused by the firmware.

    In this case, the Tricolor TV subscriber will have to reflash the tuner. For this you can use the usual computer device and a null modem cable.

    It is even less likely that the problem was caused by the power supply - but it is still possible that it has failed. Most often, the resolution of the breakdown proceeds as follows: you just need to replace the electrolytic capacitor (some craftsmen also call it “electrolyte”). Of course, it is better to trust such work to professional craftsmen who know exactly how to carry out repairs correctly.

    It will be even more convenient for the subscriber if, in the model of his Tricolor TV receiver, the power supply is located in the external part. Thus, even to “penetrate” internal system it will be unnecessary.

    Self-repair - what the subscriber needs to know

    If you are sure that you do not want to seek help from the proper services and are confident that you can handle the repair yourself, then you will need to learn about a few icons. You will need them if you start disassembling the inside of the application device.

    Icon #1: Orange triangle with an exclamation mark in the middle

    This icon is called "Security". If you see it next to any parts or assemblies, it means that their performance is very important for the proper operation of the receiver. Therefore, you need to act with them as carefully as possible.

    Icon No. 2: a yellow triangle with a lightning bolt in the middle

    This icon is called "Danger". That is, it seems to warn you of possible danger. If you do not act according to the established rules and instructions, then it is quite possible that you will cause serious damage not only to your body, but to your life in general.

    Icon No. 3: an orange circle with the English letter “i” in the middle

    This icon is called “Information”. That is, it informs the subscriber that some problems may arise.

    Do not forget: start internal repairs only after you have decided that everything is in order in the external part, with wires and cables.

    What to do if the breakdown cannot be detected?

    If, despite all your efforts and attempts to fix the receiver, you cannot do it, then it is better, of course, to turn to professional repairmen. In general, before carrying out any repair work, be sure to check whether the warranty period is valid.

    If it turns out that the warranty period has not passed, be sure to contact the Tricolor company. Because they will be able to accurately identify the cause of the malfunction and quickly eliminate it, of course, free of charge.

    So, if the warranty is still valid, run to the service center, because this way you will save precious time, priceless nerves and cash(if attempts to correct the situation are unsuccessful, more serious problems can occur, which will entail significantly greater expenditure of money).

    If the receiving device belongs to a new generation of products, that is, it is considered a current model, then upon purchase it is usually covered by a warranty of twelve months. Remember also that in order to maintain this very guarantee, you need to follow certain rules (for example, do not open the inside of the receiver, etc.), you can learn more about them from Tricolor TV operators. In case of violation similar conditions The warranty is completely void.

    Check to see if the warranty has expired. If not, contact the appropriate service. If yes, after checking all external components and connection quality, turn off the device for several minutes or hours. Turn it on later - if it doesn't work, check the internal system. In case of difficulties, immediately seek help from professional experts.

    Tricolor TV receivers are one of the most popular on domestic market. If you care for them properly, no repair work will be required!

    Almost all modern satellite television receivers are equipped with a display that displays the progress of their operation. If the device does not turn on for some reason, the error code that has occurred is displayed on this small display. You can compare it with a special table in the equipment instructions and understand how to proceed. The situation is more complicated with earlier models of consoles, for example, with the gs 8306. They do not have a display. Instead, there are several LED indicators on the front panel. Therefore, in a situation where the Tricolor gs 8306 receiver does not turn on, it is quite difficult to find out the causes of the problem. Let's try to figure out how to act in this case.

    Screening out the most banal options

    When the set-top box refuses to turn on, we inevitably immediately begin to think about the worst - the device is completely out of order. But before you panic, it's worth checking the most commonplace and simple options failure:

    These little things should be diagnosed in any case, but first of all - if the gs 8306 does not turn on and the power indicator on it does not light up.

    Checking the remote control

    So, first of all, you should check the functionality of the set-top box control panel. Perhaps there is some damage to it, or the batteries are simply dead. If there is more than one receiver in the house, you should try to start a non-working set-top box using a different remote control. In any case, you need to make sure that this device is working properly.

    Important! If the remote control breaks down, the subscriber can replace it with a new one by contacting the dealer from whom the equipment was purchased. There you can usually diagnose and repair the device.

    Checking wires

    The next common reason that the GS 8306 receiver does not work is a breakdown in its physical connection to the power source. The connector to which the wire from the outlet fits may have become loose, or the plug may have been damaged. Or maybe the wire itself has broken or broken in some place - this often happens in apartments where there are pets. The socket could also simply fail, for example, due to a voltage drop. All this needs to be checked:

    • make sure the cable is intact;
    • reconnect the power wires so that they fit tightly to the connector;
    • Try plugging the receiver into a known working outlet.

    All detected faults must be corrected.

    Checking the power supply

    The receiver of the model we are considering does not have a built-in power supply - it is brought out separately and connected to the power plug. You must ensure that this device is working and not damaged. You can diagnose the power supply or go the other way - connect a known-good power supply to the set-top box and check its performance.

    Important! It is necessary to check the physical connection and the power supply if the receiver often turns off or when you turn it on from the button on the panel, not two, but only one light comes on.

    More complex options

    After the most common causes of the problem have been verified, you can move on to more complex options. Let’s make a reservation right away - this should only be done if the user has the skills to repair such equipment and the appropriate tools. At a minimum you will need:

    • screwdriver set;
    • soldering iron

    If the subscriber is not familiar with the principles of digital equipment, you should immediately contact the service or a trusted technician.

    Crashes after update

    Most often, users complain that after the update the gs 8306 receiver does not turn on. The LEDs light up, but not steadily, but blink randomly. This behavior of the device indicates that there is a failure in its firmware.

    The most common reasons for this situation are factors such as:

    • turning off the power while downloading an update;
    • voltage drop when loading new software;
    • Incorrect implementation of the firmware procedure not from the satellite, but from other sources.

    In some cases, the user may not notice a violation of the update process. For example, if during loading the light blinked or the contact in the USB connector, where the flash drive with the new software was inserted. This cannot be detected by the naked eye, but sensitive equipment reacts instantly. As a result, serious repair work has to be carried out.

    Important! You should begin repairs if, after completing the update, the gs 8306 does not turn on, the power indicator is on, and the remaining LEDs on the panel do not light up at all or blink chaotically.

    Repair instructions

    Repairing a faulty receiver will consist of three stages:

    • power check;
    • establishing the performance of the processor;

    Let's look at each of them in a little more detail.

    Important! It should be understood that independent repair of the receiver will void the subscriber’s warranty from the Tricolor service center.

    Power check

    We already talked at the beginning of the article about checking the power supply supplied with the set-top box. But its serviceability does not guarantee that the device receives the necessary energy. The power supply, as a supplier of electricity, can work normally. But in the receiver itself, breakdowns of the elements to which this electricity is supplied are possible. As a result of such breakdowns, the Tricolor TV gs 8306 receiver does not turn on.

    How to do the test? There are several controllers installed on the device board, each of which is equipped with a choke. The operating voltage of the corresponding controller is indicated on the top of the inductor. When checking the controller with a tester, this voltage must match the readings of the test device. If the tester produces different values ​​on one of the controllers, it must be removed and a new one soldered in.

    CPU check

    Let's assume that everything is fine with the food. Why then does the Tricolor TV gs 8306 set-top box not turn on? The reason may lie in processor malfunctions. You can check this version as follows:

    • find a memory dump on the board;
    • find out using a tester which leg of the microcircuit the data output is located on;
    • install the oscilloscope probe on this leg;
    • check the readings.

    The instrument must determine whether the processor is reading data from memory. If this does not happen, there are two options - replacing the processor or purchasing a new set-top box.

    Reflashing the device

    If the power supply and processor in the set-top box are working normally, then the problem is a software failure. In this case, the most reasonable option is to unsolder the memory chip from the receiver and flash it again. You can upload known working firmware to the card from your computer using a special adapter. Once the update is complete, the chip is soldered into place.

    Important! You can also try flashing it from a known working console, if possible.

    If all the steps described above do not help, there is only one way out - replacing the receiver through an official dealer.

    If your receiver model GS 8306 from Tricolor TV does not turn on, there may be a variety of reasons. Often, they are explained by a “banal” lack of power, due to the unstable - “shaky” position of the plug in the socket, but sometimes, the “silence” of the receiver means the presence of a real technical problem. Below, we will try to find ways to make a suddenly broken device turn on.

    Technical description

    First of all, it is necessary to emphasize that the GS 8300 series receivers are quite common equipment in the telecommunications system. Depending on the model, receivers have some differences in characteristics and layout, but fundamentally, their designs are very unified. Let's start getting acquainted with the 8306 model that interests us from the rear panel of the device. All outputs of the Tricolor receiver have letter designations, and this will make our task much easier.

    Rear panel

    Let's understand the notation and functional Rear panel output assignments:

    If the Tricolor receiver freezes on a “black screen” or does not respond to the remote control, be sure to make sure that there are connections on the rear panel and that the supply cables are intact.

    Front panel

    A special feature of the “zero six” is that this receiver does not have a display where you can track its operating status. Instead, the functionality and malfunctions of the receiver can be identified thanks to signals from indicator lights on its front panel. Therefore, the purpose and operation of these alarms should be considered in more detail:

    Of the GS 8300 series receivers, the GS 8305 and GS 8306 models are equipped with indicators. Beyond this model range, LED signaling devices have the GS b211 prefix. Notification about the operation of the device and its possible malfunctions in these receivers occurs in a similar way.

    There are other reasons for a situation when the Tricolor TV GS 8306 receiver does not turn on. Let's look at them in detail.

    "No signal" message

    Information about the absence of a signal may indicate various causes of malfunctions. Let's look at the main ones:

    1. May mean routine maintenance is carried out by a television broadcast operator. In this case, there is a temporary disconnection of subscribers, which lasts several hours. Tricolor usually warns about such events in advance.
    2. Mechanical cable disconnection between the set-top box and the antenna. Opening most often occurs at the adapter location. Find this connection restart is not difficult.
    3. Happened antenna misalignment or damage. Even with minimal changes in position satellite dish, the television may turn off, or some channels will disappear from the package. In this case, there is only one piece of advice - call service department For new installation and settings. If the antenna shows signs of mechanical damage, it will need to be replaced.
    4. The converter is broken. The tricolor will not show if this one is out of order essential element. The standard service life of the device is from one to three years. Although, there are often cases when even the most simple converter, which has been working “day and night” for 5 years, continues to work like new and does not think of turning off.
    5. Something is preventing reception. Relevant for dense urban areas. Sometimes channels disappear, there is interference, or the receiver simply cannot find a stable signal. The problem is solved by moving the antenna to a more open place.
    6. System failure or receiver failure. Whether you are using the “good old” GS 6301, the “hard workers” from the GS 8300 series or the latest GS b211 and GS b520, remember - equipment has the ability to exhaust its resource. Practice shows that if your receiver begins to confuse channels or has a habit of turning off unexpectedly, it is not worth repairing. Buy new - save more.

    The first thing to do in this case is to make sure you have basic package Tricolor. When some channels work and others don't, it's usually in payment. Almost always, the television company warns the subscriber about the expiration of the deadline. You can view your own balance on the service provider’s website. If everything is fine, try turning off and, after a while, turning on again. If it doesn't help, call Technical Assistance.

    Why the TV does not work with similar “symptoms” is sometimes explained by the lack of contacts in the smart card slot.

    Reboot it, pull it out and put it back in its original place. The technique works quite often.

    Random blinking of indicators

    These signs indicate a failure in software device or its failure motherboard. Repairing or reprogramming a device involves costs with minimal guarantee of its subsequent productive operation. In such cases, it is better to buy a new device.

    Another reason could be power supply failure. This problem often happens with older models where the unit is built into the receiver. For GS 8306 it is located separately. Replacing with a new one may help.

    The receiver does not turn on from the remote control

    Everything is simple here. When the receiver “does not want” to turn on or off, or does not change channels, try replace batteries. If it doesn’t work, you should check the controls directly on the receiver itself. If it is fully functional and responds to button presses, buy it new remote control. It's about him.

    The main feature of early models of satellite TV receivers, for example, the GS 8360, is the absence of a display on the front panel. Because of this, when the Tricolor GS 8306 receiver does not turn on, the causes of the failure can be quite difficult to identify. How to understand what is being reported LED indicators, and put the device in order? Let's try to figure it out.

    Perhaps it's not the receiver at all.

    If set-top box does not respond to the power-on command, this does not mean that it is faulty. The reasons may be much simpler:

    • remote control failure;
    • failure of the power supply;
    • breakdown of the plug, power cord, socket, etc.

    In a situation where the GS 8306 does not turn on and the power indicator on the panel does not light up, these factors should be checked first.

    Problems with the remote control

    To check the functionality of the remote control, we recommend taking the following steps:

    • replace the batteries in the device;
    • try to turn on the set-top box from another, obviously working remote control;
    • try turning on the receiver using the power button on the case.

    Tip: if the remote control breaks down, it can be replaced with a new one from the same dealer where the equipment was originally purchased.

    Checking the physical connection

    The reason that the GS 8306 receiver does not work may be a failure in its connection to the power supply. Here's what you should check first:

    • integrity of the power supply cable;
    • the serviceability of the outlet to which the device is connected;
    • the tightness of the power cord plug to the connector.

    It would also be useful to evaluate the serviceability of the wiring in the house. Perhaps in the area to which the TV equipment is connected, it has failed due to physical damage or a short circuit.

    Power supply failure

    Unlike modern devices, for the GS 8306 the power supply is not built into the case, but is routed to the plug connecting the device to the socket. Therefore, you can check its serviceability quite simply:

    • through external examination;
    • using special testers;
    • by replacing the block with a working version.

    If, as a result of connecting to another power supply, the set-top box starts working, the reason is clearly a breakdown of this device.

    Advice! The serviceability of the power supply and the wires suitable to it should also be checked in the case when the set-top box periodically turns off spontaneously during operation.

    Crash after update

    Often problems with the device occur after a software update. It looks like this: the GS 8306 receiver does not turn on, the LEDs light up and blink in random order. All this indicates that there was a failure during the firmware process. It is possible that the receiver was turned off before the update took place, or there was simply a voltage drop in the power supply that resulted in a violation of the procedure. Also, similar behavior of the device occurs in cases where the user installed firmware from unverified sources.

    In any case, before starting serious repairs, you should try updating the software on the console again.

    How to reflash a device

    The easiest option for flashing is downloading updates from satellite. To do this, you need to go to channel No. 333 and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

    Important! While downloading updates, the set-top box should never be turned off.

    If these steps do not help, you can download the firmware:

    • from the Internet to a flash card;
    • from a known working receiver directly to a faulty device.

    It is advisable to carry out such operations only under the supervision of a specialist. Without proper experience, there is a chance to completely damage the receiver.

    DIY repair

    In the case when the Tricolor TV GS 8306 set-top box does not turn on, and that’s all simple ways have already been tested, all that remains is to open the case and look for a hardware problem. It is not worth doing this without proper experience and special tools. But if the user has the skills to work with digital equipment and the corresponding tool base, you can try.

    Important! After self-repair the subscriber loses the warranty on the device. All services of the operator’s service center, if contacted, will have to be paid according to the price list.

    Checking controllers

    At the beginning of the repair, by removing the cover from the device, it is necessary to check whether its working elements are receiving adequate power. Even if the power supply is working normally, the reason that the Tricolor TV GS 8306 receiver does not turn on may be a lack of voltage on one of its controllers.

    To carry out the test, you must use a special tester. The operating voltage of the element is indicated on the inductor of each controller. When checked by a tester, its readings must match the markings. If the tester readings on one of the elements differ from the inscription on the element, the part must be removed from the board and replaced with a new one.

    CPU check

    • a memory dump is found on the board;
    • using a tester, find out which leg of the microcircuit the data output is located on;
    • install the oscilloscope probe on this foot;
    • check the instrument readings.

    The oscilloscope must determine whether data is being read from the device's memory by the processor. If the result is negative, you can replace the processor or purchase a new receiver.

    Flashing the console

    If all the tested elements work normally, but the GS 8306 does not turn on, the indicator on the panel is on and flashing, the cause of the problem lies in the software. The simplest option in such a situation is to unsolder the memory chip from the device and load it onto it new firmware through a special adapter. Once the download is complete, the memory module is soldered into place. If the user does not have the appropriate skills or does not have access to the firmware, it is worth contacting the operator’s service center or one of the dealers.