• Setting up a satellite dish. Satellite dish signal booster

    Let's find out why we need it increase signal with .

    If you want to increase the number of channels, then this is unlikely to help you. But there is a case when they show only a strong signal, and a weak one either “crumbles” or does not show at all. In this case, increasing the signal will also help increase the number of channels.

    It’s another matter if the picture on all channels “crumbles”, or even does not show at all, which indicates that there is no signal or it is weak.

    There may be several reasons for this signal behavior. And eliminating them is usually not difficult.

    There is also a case when for a long time everything showed perfectly for you, but now the signal began to disappear more and more often, especially in the summer. Stand opposite the antenna and see if there is a tree nearby in the direction of the antenna, which could have grown over several years and blocked the passage for the signal from the satellite to the antenna, especially in the summer, when the crown of the tree becomes denser due to foliage. In this case, it is enough to remove the interfering branch, and, if necessary, the entire plant, otherwise move the antenna to another place.

    There is also the usual problem related to quality. It consists in the fact that under the influence of temperatures, the cable braid begins to crack and fall off, or even easier, it begins to fray on the way down from the roof in an unprotected place, due to this, moisture gets inside the cable and the braid begins to oxidize and rot. In this case, the signal begins to gradually weaken. It is necessary to replace the cable with a better one and during installation pay attention to the fastening so that the wind cannot loosen and fray the cable.

    It is also necessary to pay attention to the length of the cable because... the longer the cable, the greater the signal attenuation, again resulting in poor broadcasting television channels with . In this case, the signal quality near the antenna will be satisfactory, but in the room it simply may not be there. If your TV is located at some distance (50m-100m) from the antenna, you need to buy a better quality cable with the least attenuation, and if necessary, install a signal amplifier.

    The amplifier should be installed in the cable gap at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the converter.

    Breakdowns rarely occur, but this can happen even from moisture getting through the cable. The cable, like a capillary, draws in moisture, and it accumulates in the lowest place - this is the connection to the receiver. If the receiver breaks down, no one except the technician can help you. Visually, a failure of the receiver can be diagnosed by connecting and disconnecting the cable to the receiver; the signal scale should still somehow react to these actions, provided that all other equipment is working properly. If the power supply is broken, the receiver simply does not turn on, but it happens that the receiver turns on, but there may be no signal and the picture simply freezes.

    Well, what if you checked everything, everything works fine, but there is still not enough signal.

    Here it is necessary to increase the size of the antenna mirror, in other words, it is easier to purchase an antenna of a larger diameter. The larger the antenna, the larger the signal reflection area, and accordingly the signal strength itself increases. To correctly, you need to calculate its dimensions depending on the strength of the transponder broadcast from the satellite, or use ready-made calculations.

    You can also increase the signal using various homemade methods. But you can only say that they work if you try them yourself. Although in the C-band converter great value has a selection of irradiator and polarizer.

    First, let's figure out why we need to increase the signal from satellite dish.

    If you want more channels, then increasing the signal is unlikely to help. Except if there is no reception of several transponders.

    It’s another matter when the picture fades or disappears altogether, in other words, there is no signal from the satellite.

    Reasons bad signal There may be several, and fixing them can be quite simple.

    The wind or someone twisted the antenna, even a few millimeters will be enough for this, or it was initially poorly tuned and the signal disappeared during rain or heavy clouds.

    All because mistakes were made during installation, in particular, the fastening bolts were not tightened enough (the wind twists). In this case, to increase the signal, it is enough, not forgetting to adjust the converter (right-left, forward-backward).

    Everything was fine with you, the TV was showing properly, but over time the signal began to disappear more and more often, or let’s say in winter (when there is no foliage) everything is fine, but in summer - not at all signal lost from satellite. The reason is banal. A nearby tree has grown a new branch towards the antenna and is obscuring the signal beams from the satellite. It is enough to cut a branch (or tree), or install a satellite dish in another place.

    Another very common problem. Its essence lies in poor quality. The insulation layer falls off, water gets in, or it simply gets worn out. The signal drops gradually as the cable fails. The best way out- replacement with a better one. When installing, do not forget to secure it so that the wind does not dangle it.

    There may be other cases with the cable. If the cable is very long, the signal simply fades out. And if the quality indicators near the antenna are good, then you may not detect a signal in the room.

    How to improve satellite dish reception

    In this case, you should take a high-quality cable and, if necessary, install a satellite dish signal amplifier, there are such. It is better to install it in the middle between the receiver and the satellite dish.

    It is extremely rare, but still there are breakdowns of the satellite receiver - in this case, no one except the master will help you. A failure of the receiver can sometimes be diagnosed by connecting and disconnecting the cable to the receiver (if all other equipment is in order); the signal scale should at least react somehow. When the power supplies break down, most often the tuner simply does not turn on, but sometimes it happens that there is no signal or it disappears on one or all satellites.

    Well, if everything is in order, but the signal is simply not enough, you need to strengthen it.

    In this case, only increasing the diameter of the satellite dish mirror will help. A larger antenna will have more signal strength. To choose the right size, it is better to look at Lingsat for the recommended antenna size for a specific satellite in the desired area.

    There are also various homemade ways to increase satellite signal. But I personally haven’t tried them myself and I won’t say that they work.

    Some people make special frames, graphite watering cans. I don't think all this works.

    Although in the C band the selection of a polarizer and feed is very important. And if you select them carefully, it is possible to amplify the useful signal even to small satellite dishes.

    Perhaps there are not all signal amplification options here, and write your objections in the comments.

    How frustrating it is to see “No Signal” on a blank screen. Unfortunately, Tricolor TV subscribers often had to observe this. Sometimes the reasons were beyond our control, but quite often the problem was hidden in the malfunction of some component. It is very important to correctly determine what caused the inconvenience and quickly remove the problem in order to return to watching TV.

    The most obvious solution with which to start searching for a breakdown is to find out whether the signal has disappeared on only one channel, or on all. On Tricolor TV in lately Broadcasting parameters have been reconfigured, which is why many users are complaining that they have lost their favorite channels. But returning them is not so difficult, and you can even carry out this procedure yourself. Just run new search, and those programs that have not stopped cooperating with Tricolor TV will again appear on the active list.

    How to check if the Tricolor TV antenna settings have gone wrong

    If there is a good signal on the remaining channels, but on a couple of others it says “No Signal” and they don’t show at all, then you need to check whether their settings are messed up. This is easy to do, even for a non-professional. We select a couple of channels and see if there is a signal.

    You need to focus on the minimum signal indicator, this is “0”, which means the channel does not show at all. If the info channel shows the minimum value, it means that the satellite dish has actually been turned and now cannot receive the signal on which Tricolor is broadcasting. If there is a signal, but the channels are still “pleasant” dark background and the inscription, it means that the cause of the breakdown is different. But more on that later, but now we’ll try to figure it out and set up the antenna.

    This requires two people. One is to monitor the TV, and the second will go and see how the antenna is. If it is loose or not securely attached, it must be installed in the correct position and secured that way. And the second person looks to see if the manipulations have an effect. It's very simple. Then all that remains is to carry out the search procedure and rebuild the list if it gets lost.

    By the way, it will be useful for users who encounter a problem to know that in the European part of Russia Tricolor broadcasts via EUTELSAT satellite 36/B. It should be positioned at thirty-six degrees east longitude. To ensure that the signal is not interrupted, it is important to install the antenna in such a way that there is a minimum of interference, and then there will be no problems with the setup. Otherwise, you will again see the message that there is no signal from the Tricolor satellite dish.

    Other reasons for signal loss and solutions to these problems

    Conventionally, any reason for signal loss can belong to two groups of reasons:

      External, that is, independent of the serviceability of the receiving equipment;

      Internal, when the cause must be sought in the equipment.

    Before you panic, you need to find out what is the reason for the appearance of the inscription signaling the loss of the signal. In this case, the elimination method is suitable. First, let's look at whether the signal was lost due to external reasons that affected the device's ability to receive the signal. Here's what applies to external causes:

      Preventative work on canals. As a rule, they are scheduled, so subscribers are sent email with the date exactly when the prophylaxis will be carried out and when it will end. Usually preventative work is completed on the same day. If you have not received such a letter, you can go to the official website of the provider, where such plans are written about.

      Weather conditions. Bad weather cannot be controlled, so to the question of what to do in this case, there can only be one answer - wait it out.

      The signal reception capabilities have changed. If an obstacle arises in the reception path, for example, a house has been built, the antenna may lose contact with the satellite and no longer receive the signal. It is within human power to eliminate this external cause, even if it brings some inconvenience. For example, the plate can be moved to another place, because no one will destroy the house so that you can watch the news.

    Internal causes of signal failure

    And now as for the internal causes of problems. They are more serious than external ones and often lead to complete or partial replacement of equipment.

    You turned on the TV and instead of your favorite programs you saw the inscription "NO SIGNAL". Why did this happen and what to do? Let's list all the reasons why Tricolor TV (or NTV Plus) does not show and why the signal from the satellite has disappeared.

    Why does "Tricolor TV" write "No signal".

    The reasons why the message “NO SIGNAL” appears on your TV can be divided into two groups.

    1. External, i.e. independent of your receiving equipment
    2. Internal, when the reason needs to be sought from you

    Now let's talk about everything in order. You turned on the TV and it “delighted” with the message “no signal”. We are trying to find out what the problem is by using the method of exceptions, examining all the problems in order. First of all, make sure that the TV remote control selects the exact input to which the receiver is connected. If everything is correct, we move on.

    External reasons


    Make sure that Tricolor, NTV Plus or another operator is not currently carrying out scheduled maintenance work on the equipment through which the satellite signal is transmitted.

    How to check:

    View news on the official website of the operator company about preventive maintenance. Check now

    When maintenance work is carried out, there is no signal on all channels.

    How to fix:

    Wait until the work is completed.


    If there is heavy snowfall or the passage of a thunderstorm front, the signal cannot get through from the satellite to your dish.

    In this case, the signal will be either very weak or completely absent.

    How to check:

    Look at the weather outside, make sure there is no rain, heavy snowfall, or clouds on the side where the plate is facing.

    How to fix:

    Wait for the weather to improve.


    There is another reason for the lack of signal. If you have not used the receiving equipment for a long time, then during this time obstacles could arise in the path of the signal from the satellite to the dish, for example, trees have grown or a tall house has been built.

    How to check:

    Look at the sun at 13 o'clock. The imaginary straight line from the dish to the sun should not have any obstacles; even tree branches can interfere with the signal.

    How to fix:

    If an obstacle appears, the plate, alas, will have to be moved to another place or, if possible, the obstacle itself will have to be removed.

    Internal reasons

    If external reasons excluded, then the matter is most likely in your receiving equipment. Let's check point by point.


    Over time, a satellite dish may slightly change its position or become deformed.

    How to check:

    Find out whether the plate is firmly secured enough.

    How to fix:

    If the antenna “walks,” try moving it in different directions while monitoring the signal. If the signal appears, tighten the fastening nuts. It is best to entrust the antenna setup to professionals and call an adjuster.


    The accumulation of snow and ice can also interfere with signal reception.

    How to check:

    Visually inspect the plate for mechanical damage, whether there is ice, snow or other foreign objects on it.

    How to fix:

    Carefully clear the plate of snow and ice and remove all excess.


    The satellite converter is located on a dish and is therefore subject to external influences. It is the breakdown of the converter that very often causes signal loss.

    How to check:

    Instead of your converter, replace it with another converter that is known to work.

    How to fix:

    in case of breakdown, replace the converter with a new one.


    How to check:

    Visually inspect the cable for breaks and damage, check whether the F-connectors are tightly screwed in.

    How to fix:

    Tighten the F-connectors, if damaged, replace the cable


    The receiver is the most expensive part of the kit.

    How to check:

    If possible, connect your receiver to another antenna that is known to work. If there is a signal, then the problem is not with the receiver.

    How to fix:

    If the receiver turns out to be inoperative, you will have to send it in for repair or replace it with a new one.


    It happens that the message “no signal” has nothing to do with the operation satellite dish and the inscription is given directly by the TV.

    How to check:

    Press the “OK” button on the Tricolor (or NTV+) remote control. If the channel list does not appear on the TV screen, then the TV settings have gone wrong.

    How to fix:

    You need to use the TV remote control in the TV menu to select exactly the input to which your satellite receiver.

    Weak, unstable signal "Tricolor TV"

    It happens that there seems to be a signal, but it is too weak for high-quality viewing of TV channels. The reason may be a loose cable, broken cable connections, or a swaying plate.
    If the signal constantly disappears and then appears again, then the cause may be overgrown tree branches.
    Outdated models of receivers can behave the same way. Here the reason lies not in the level and quality of the signal from the dish itself, but in the equipment. In this case, adjusting the dish will no longer solve the problem; you will have to change the receiver according to

    1. Inaccurate antenna tuning
      The antenna, as you know, must “look” towards the satellite - and in order to rotate it accordingly, the parameters of the angle of inclination and azimuth are used. A special device or program for a smartphone can suggest the correct settings; you should not turn the antenna “by eye”.
      Sometimes it happens that the antenna was initially configured correctly, but it was moved by a strong gust of wind or a bird.
      In both cases, to strengthen the antenna signal, you need to align it exactly with the satellite and securely fix it. If the problem persists, consider purchasing a lighter aluminum or perforated antenna or strengthening the mounting.
    2. Obstacle in the direction of the satellite
      It happens that the antenna is rotated at the right angle, but installed in the wrong place. The fact is that there should be no visible obstacles between the satellite and the antenna. Trees, the wall of a neighboring house and similar obstacles interfere with stable signal reception. In this case, there are two ways out: either remove the obstacle or choose another place to place the antenna.
    3. Small satellite dish
      If you live in an area with an uncertain satellite signal, then the best thing to do is to connect to another satellite. But sometimes this is simply impossible to do - in some territories there is no high-quality signal from any satellite at all (for example, some areas of the Far East, Far North, etc.). In this case, you need to use a large-diameter “dish,” which will not only strengthen the signal, but also maintain its quality in bad weather.
    4. Low converter quality
      Converters supplied in equipment kits of some operator, usually normal, but not the most best quality. To enhance the signal quality, it is better to replace the converter with expensive model, or - which is preferable - immediately “assemble” a set of equipment yourself, purchasing both an antenna and a converter for your own needs.
    5. Large number of cable connections
      Each cable connection reduces the signal quality. The rule works here: the fewer obstacles in the path of the signal, the better it is. Therefore, if there is a need to strengthen the antenna signal, you need to eliminate as many of these connections as possible. If a cable splice was used, replace the cable with a solid one. If dividers are installed, try using other methods of connecting several TVs, for example, a converter with two outputs.
    6. Long length of poor quality cable
      With a long cable length, signal attenuation is inevitable. But what if you need exactly this length? In this case, you need to choose a high-quality cable, with a completely copper, and not a copper-plated steel central core.