• GPS does not work on Android. Video: Setting up and testing GPS on an Android smartphone. Selecting and configuring GPS operating modes

    Some users are faced with the problem of GPS not working. What to do in such a situation?

    If GPS does not work on Android, then the reason may be hidden in the navigation module. This problem is most often encountered by beginners who do not yet fully understand how the phone works. To solve the problem:

    • Activate navigation by sliding the top curtain, where all the necessary icons are hidden
    • Activate the “Geodata” item
    • Now turn on any navigation program and start using it

    By the way, some applications notify users that the reception of geodata has been disabled. For example, Navitel. They display a special alert and even immediately go to the navigation activation menu. Once everything is done, you can start planning the route.

    After turning on geolocation and settings, there is no result? The problem here is most likely your impatience. If you launched the GPS module for the first time, then wait about 15 minutes. During this time, the electronics processed information from the satellites. All other launches will be carried out much faster.

    You should do the same if your navigator was working in another area and you brought it turned off. The device needs time to determine its position.

    Reasons why GPS does not work on Android

    • If you are trying to determine your location on the go then worth a stop And stand a little to the navigator could tune in. For some devices The chips are slightly slow, so they take some time to set up
    • You entered a building, but GPS will not work through thick walls.
    • You have entered the zone adversely affecting signal reception - many trees, rocks or high-rise buildings. In this case, you just need to go out into the open area
    • If the option is not activated, then you have a direct route to a specialist, since if problems arise with GPS, namely, if it previously worked well and suddenly stopped, then this indicates internal failures
    • If you don’t want to contact a service center, then first do a factory reset, perhaps this will solve the problem

    To check the signal reception level, use GPS Test. If the geolocation option is activated, and the chip itself is working, and you are outdoors, then the map will show you the points where the satellites are located.

    Video: Setting up and testing GPS on an Android smartphone

    Car owners often complain that the navigator does not see satellites. The reasons for such a deviation can be very diverse, for example, a violation of the device’s firmware or physical damage resulting in partial failure of the device. When using Navitel software, users often encounter firmware failures. You can reboot yourself.

    Among the list of the most common reasons why a device may not see a satellite are the following factors:

    • incorrect operation of the navigation almanac;
    • device firmware violations;
    • serious damage leading to failure of the gadget.

    Problems in connecting the device to the satellite may also arise due to the presence of pronounced structural features of some vehicle windshields. In this case, you need to try to establish a connection outside the machine.

    Almanac failure

    The functioning of the device implies its correct functioning in 3 modes:

    In cold start mode, the device does not have up-to-date data about its own location. This is why connection may take quite some time.

    A cold start for Navitel devices can take up to 15 minutes. During this time, the gadget receives updated data for the almanac, information from satellites about the boundaries of the orbit.

    When using warm and hot start in internal memory The device contains up-to-date information about the almanac.

    Important! The period of correct display of the almanac is no more than 3 months; after this time, all data must be updated.

    A long shutdown of the device can result in a failure of the almanac; to restore the basic functions of the gadget, a boot when using a cold start is often sufficient. Prolonged shutdown of the gadget may result in failure of the device. In such cases, reinstalling the latest software helps correct the situation.

    The device does not pick up satellites due to a firmware failure

    What to do if the navigator does not pick up satellites? Quite often, such problems arise against the background of malfunctions of working software.

    Important! There are many reasons why Navitel software malfunctions. The most common is long-term use.

    To restore the device's full functionality, a flashing will be required. You can do the manipulation yourself or seek help from service center. Software You can easily replace Navitel yourself by downloading the current version.

    Cards current versions will allow the use of new functionality, which are often not available for legacy firmware versions.

    Failure of the receiving antenna

    If the navigator stops finding satellites, the reason may lie in the failure of the antenna receiving the signal. In order to catch a signal, the antenna needs to be replaced. If the navigator does not see satellites, the significance may lie precisely in the failure of such an element. Repairs in this case will be quite expensive, especially if the antenna is soldered to the board.

    The Navitel navigator, like any other, can suddenly stop picking up satellites. In this case, the user should try to determine the source of the failure. If serious damage is detected, you must contact the service center.

    Navigation applications installed on smartphones with operating system Android allows users to plot driving, cycling or walking routes, as well as monitor their own location on the map.

    Mobile devices with installed GPS/GLONASS chips are in particular demand among potential buyers. But, sometimes it happens that GPS on Android does not work. In this case, you need to figure out what the main cause of the breakdown is and how to configure the modules so that they correctly perform the tasks assigned to them.

    The main reasons for GPS module failure

    If GPS does not work on Android, you should check whether the navigation module in your phone is disabled. This mistake is most often made by novice users who have not yet fully understood the principles. Android work smartphones.

    In order to cope with this problem, you should use your finger to slide down the top curtain, which hides various shortcuts and notifications. Find the “Location” item in the proposed menu and activate it. When it becomes active, its color will change to green, bluish and so on.

    Activate GPS on Android to find your location

    After the “Location” item becomes active, you can start launching the navigation program.

    It is worth noting the fact that developers take into account the interests of users, so many popular apps report that geodata is disabled.

    As an example, we can note the Navitel application, which informs users that they do not have a connection to GPS modules.

    It may be that the user activated geolocation in the smartphone settings, installed all the necessary navigation apps, but there were no positive results.

    In this case, the reason may be hidden in banal impatience. When starting GPS/GLONASS modules for the first time, you should wait at least 15 minutes. During this time, the smartphone will be able to process information about which satellites are active in a given area. Other launches of the navigation program will occur much faster.

    A similar problem may arise if you arrive in another city or country with your phone turned off and decide to use geolocation. You should wait 10-15 minutes so that your Android smartphone can calculate its location. This behavior is called a “cold start”.

    So, above are the main reasons why GPS does not work on Android. But they do not limit the list of all possible malfunctions. It is worth noting several more factors due to which GPS modules may not work:

    1. The user tries to perform a “cold start” while the vehicle is moving. You shouldn't do that. You need to stop, get out of the car, preferably into the most open area, and try to activate the GPS modules again.
    2. GPS does not work on Android not only when traveling in a car, but also inside buildings.
    3. There are certain areas where signal reception is difficult. This may be due to the presence of rocks, tall buildings, and so on in the immediate vicinity. In this case, you should find the highest possible area and try to find the satellites by climbing onto it.

    If the navigation does not work after active attempts to configure it, then you need to seek help from professionals working in the service center. This state of affairs clearly indicates the presence of internal breakdowns. And also, if you don’t have time to go to a specialist service center, then try resetting your phone to factory settings.

    You can check the quality of signal reception from satellites using GPS applications Test from Chartcross Limited. If the GPS chip is working and geolocation is turned on, a sky map will appear on the screen indicating the locations of active satellites.

    How to configure the GPS module on a smartphone?

    Many users are interested in how to configure GPS modules on Andrid. There are no specific settings options in this case. But, if you wish, you can experiment a little using standard methods detection. There are the following factors for the operation of location detection:

    • High accuracy. With this parameter, location detection occurs using all possible wireless modules. It uses not only GPS/GLONASS, but also Wi-Fi and a telephone network.
    • Economy mode. Location search occurs through mobile networks and Wi-Fi module.
    • Only GPS modules. As the name implies, location search occurs only with the help of satellites.

    In order to specify the method used for detecting a person’s position in space, you should go to the “Settings-Geodata” menu. Don't forget to work with GPS navigation install functional and easy-to-use software. To do this, you can download from the network free apps or use paid products from leading global companies.


    In conclusion, it is worth noting that if GPS does not work on Android, you should not despair. You may be in too much of a hurry to allow the app to communicate with satellites.

    If the problem is not resolved after fulfilling the basic conditions, you need to contact the service center for help.

    Post Views: 68

    I’ll try to systematize in this post the information I collected on the topic of acceleration GPS operation on Android. I’ll say right away that most things are relevant when presence of root and S-OFF (I immediately installed it on my smartphone custom firmware RcMix 3d Runny). The post does not pretend to cover the issue completely - I am simply sharing my experience.

    Previously, I waited for 20 minutes - the satellites were never caught. Now, as a result of applying the tips described below, the coordinates are determined in 2-3 minutes with a cold start, and approximately 30-40 seconds with a hot start.

    1) Use the program for time synchronization ClockSync (root required, found):

    — before starting Navitel (or another navigator) through the ClockSync program, synchronize the time on the phone;
    — after starting Navitel, synchronize the time on the phone through the ClockSync program.

    2) Edit the file gps.conf(needs root): in parameter NTP_SERVER register yours location.

    For editing it is convenient to use the FasterFix program.
    For example, I had


    and for Ukraine it was necessary to register


    Accordingly, for Russia


    After which reboot apparatus.

    3) Advanced editing gps.conf (root needed, found).

    In this case, it is convenient to use the FasterGPS program for editing. This program can also do what is described in paragraph 2.
    You need to add the following to the file:

    NTP_SERVER=ua.pool.ntp.org - if you did not do this in step 2, then be sure to do it now (as you understand, this is a setting for Ukraine)


    After which reboot apparatus.

    Fortunately, you can edit gps.conf manually (for example, through RootExplorer), FasterGPS is just a front-end for editing. But it’s calmer with him, because... You cannot leave spaces at the end of lines or empty lines in gps.conf.

    4) Use a program that helps determine coordinates as quickly as possible. Of the several I tested (GPS Status, GpsFix, GPS Test), GPS Status turned out to be the most effective and functional (root is not needed). Turn on GPS, turn on mobile internet, launch GPS Status, and there:

    Menu -> Tools -> A-GPS Data -> Load

    Lyrical digression:
    when you watch how GPS status confidently catches satellites one after another
    (engaged/caught: 0/1 .... 1/2 ..... 3/3 etc.),
    waiting time goes by much faster.

    By the way, this program also has a “Radar” function: you can mark the place where you are now and then return to it.

    We also remember simple things:

    • After turn on GPS, turn on the mobile Internet immediately - this way the smartphone will determine the coordinates much faster, after which the mobile Internet can be turned off.
    • GPS drains the battery, but the always-on screen drains the battery even faster. At the same time, if you lock your phone, GPS is turned off. If you want the GPS to work longer (for example, when walking around an unfamiliar city), reduce the screen brightness to the required minimum.
    • GPS in smartphones is inherently weaker than in GPS navigators
    • GPS does not work indoors - only outdoors
    • In some smartphones, the GPS antenna is located at the bottom of the device. You can try to speed up the search for satellites by turning your smartphone 180 degrees. Or don’t hold it in your hands, but put it, for example, on a bench.
    • If you still need to use GPS indoors, you can go out onto the balcony or go to the window. The same trick works in minibuses - you just need to sit near the window.
    • In cloudy weather the signal is worse. Fishing is also worse among high-rise buildings. Sometimes it is enough to move 100-200m away from 16-story buildings - and the result becomes noticeably better.
    • During a cold start while moving, the signal reception is worse than when standing still. Force yourself to stop and wait until your smartphone catches the satellites (launch GPS Status and admire how cleverly it catches them one after another) - in the end you will spend less time this way than trying to do it on the go.
    • In theory, you need to catch 3 satellites to determine the coordinates, and 4 to determine the coordinates and altitude. In reality, GPS Status determines all parameters when 6-7 satellites are detected. The maximum that could be caught was 9-10.

    PS - I also want to recommend good review programs for working with GPS - Workshop: using GPS on Android to the maximum - be sure to check it out, there is a lot of useful stuff there.

    PPS - from what I use from this review myself, I want to recommend the excellent profile manager Llama.

    Strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with GPS:

    What makes Llama special is that it does not use GPS to determine coordinates, but rather relies on cell towers. However, it was decided to include it in the review as an alternative to GEO-Tasker.

    The program receives location data using data about operator towers, and depending on this, it can switch profiles. For example, at home - normal during the day, quiet from 23 to 6, when you leave the house - loud, in church - no sound, at work - quiet, etc. By combining zones and events, you can customize absolutely everything for yourself and forget about manually switching profiles.

    Speeding up GPS on Android - 2

    In the first part of the article, I described programs and techniques that speed up GPS on Android devices. An example of an alternative file was also given there gps.conf, speeding up the process of determining coordinates. For comparison, previously, on my HTC Inspire 4G, satellites were caught in a matter of minutes, after using it - 30-60 seconds. Since then, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, but I did not stop searching even more quick solution. And today I can present to you synthesized from several found on the Internet new file gps.conf, with which the process of determining coordinates takes 5-10 seconds. Those. by the time the navigation program is launched, the coordinates have already been determined. The file is adapted for Ukraine, but it can be easily remade for other European countries - in the first few lines we change “ua”, for example to “ru” - we get a file for Russia, etc.

    NTP_SERVER=ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=0.ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=1.ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=2.ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=3.ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=europe.pool. ntp.org NTP_SERVER=0.europe.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=1.europe.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=2.europe.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=3.europe.pool.ntp.org XTRA_SERVER_1=/ data/xtra.bin AGPS=/data/xtra.bin AGPS=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_1=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_2=http://xtra2 Q osHorizontalThreshold=1000 QosVerticalThreshold=500 AssistMethodType=1 AgpsUse=1 AgpsMtConf=0 AgpsMtResponseType=1 AgpsServerType=1 AgpsServerIp=3232235555 INTERMEDIATE_POS=1 C2K_HOST=c2k.pde.com C2K_PORT=1234 SUPL_HOST=FQDN SUPL_HOST=lbs.geo.t-mobile.com SUPL_HOST=supl.google.com SU PL_PORT =7276 SUPL_SECURE_PORT=7275 SUPL_NO_SECURE_PORT=3425 SUPL_TLS_HOST=FQDN SUPL_TLS_CERT=/etc/SuplRootCert ACCURACY_THRES=5000 CURRENT_CARRIER=common

    GPS navigation function is now available in every modern smartphone. Most people need this technology almost daily. For example, drivers who do not have car navigators, often use their own as a portable navigator mobile gadget. Since these devices are not designed to be full-fledged navigators, their operation sometimes fails.

    This is often due to incorrect software settings. For many people, GPS does not work on Xiaomi devices, namely, it shows the incorrect location. There are several ways to make your device search for satellites faster.

    Testing the connection

    To compare the results of your manipulations with the device, we recommend using GPS program Test. It will show you how many satellites your phone sees, which ones it is connected to and the quality of this connection.

    GPS Status - Displays the GPS status, whether it is currently enabled or not. Each column is a satellite that your phone sees, their total number can be seen in the upper left corner of "In View", in the right top corner"In Use" - how many of them are using the phone. The color and number of the column indicates the connection quality.

    • Gray column - satellite is not used
    • from 0 to 20 (red, orange) - poor connection
    • from 20 to 40 (yellow) - acceptable quality
    • from 40 (green) - excellent quality

    In the program you will find many more useful functions, such as satellite map, compass, accuracy and more.

    We give access to the desired application

    • Additionally;
    • Battery and performance;
    • Background mode;
    • Applications.

    Select the required application that works with GPS module incorrect. We give the desired program full access and remove all restrictions.

    Changing system settings

    There are a number of users whose smartphone finds many satellites, but displays the wrong positioning point and works poorly and slowly. Here the firmware version does not play any role. For example, on the Xiaomi Mi5 device there were problems with GPS on most firmware, both custom and stock. The problem can be solved by making changes to system file.

    In order to make changes to the system, you must obtain the .

    1. Download any explorer. You can use ES Explorer or Root Explorer.
    2. Go to the system/etc folder. There we look for a file called gps.config.

    1. We recommend that you copy it in advance. this file. After making changes, navigation may stop working completely, so a backup copy may come in handy.
    2. Open the file using the built-in text editor, go to the end of the file and add with new line following:


    1. Save the changes and reboot the smartphone.
    2. To be completely sure, you can also reset the cache.

    This method has also been successfully tested on xiaomi mi4 and several other android devices. After making changes to the system file, the smartphone found the location accurately, with an error of only 2 meters.

    Possible problems with MiKey

    A rather banal solution to the problem associated with a special MiKey button. Device users xiaomi redmi note 3 pro noticed that GPS does not work when inserted into the phone additional button MiKey into the headphone jack.

    In fact, some devices take a very long time to connect to satellites along with a button.

    As it turned out, MiKey interferes normal operation GPS antennas, so connection is established slowly.

    Checking the contacts of the GPS antenna

    If you have tried all the methods, but your GPS still does not work, then you need to check GPS contacts antennas.

    Attention, this method includes disassembly of the device, which may void the warranty. If you are not confident in your abilities, we do not recommend using this method. You do all actions at your own peril and risk.

    This procedure should be done carefully so as not to damage the motherboard.

    1. Filming back cover phone.
    2. Using a Phillips screwdriver, you need to unscrew the metal cover located above the battery. We remove it from the device.
    3. On the smartphone's circuit board you will see several springs that should be cleaned with a miniature file or screwdriver. These are the antenna contacts that come into contact with the metal cover. If the contact is poor, the signal level will be low, which leads to a long search for satellites.

    1. It is not known exactly which of them is responsible for reception GPS signal, so clear everything. Do the same on the metal lid from the inside.
    2. We put the cover in place and tighten the bolts. Close the main back cover and reboot the smartphone.

    One of the American users decided to go a different route; he bent the contacts so that they were in maximum contact with the antennas on the inner cover. His photo report can be seen just below (you can scroll through the photos).

    Antenna location Before fix After fix

    After the operations performed, our experimental device is now looking for more satellites, the signal quality has increased, and accordingly the location accuracy now has a minimum error.