• Why the GPS module does not work on Android. Correct GPS settings on Android

    Built-in GPS is one of the standard features modern smartphones, thanks to which mobile users can use various navigation apps like Google Maps and receive exact coordinates, for example, of your own location, localize this or that object on the map, plot travel routes, etc.

    However, different Android devices are equipped with different types of GPS sensors, which in turn differ in their technical parameters.

    Accordingly, depending on the quality of operation of such sensors, the quality of the GPS signal that each individual smartphone model is capable of providing also depends.

    Plus, the quality of the GPS signal is also seriously affected by other important factors, in particular system settings the device, the software used, the quality of the connection and even the firmware version of the device.

    In this article we have collected some useful recommendations, how to improve GPS quality in Android smartphones and tablets . So

    First, you need to make sure that your Android device has GPS function activated. To do this, go to “ Settings" device (we use this Lenovo P770), open the section " My location"(Location Access) and there we enable (check the boxes) the options " Access my location data" (Access to my location) and " By GPS satellites "(GPS Satellites).

    GPS Calibration
    Often the reason for the decline GPS quality- the signal may be a poorly calibrated compass in the smartphone, as a result of which the device incorrectly calculates the coordinates, constantly producing incorrect data. You can set up a compass in Android OS using special utility, of which there are many on the Internet. GPS Essentials, For example. After installing this application, you just need to launch it and press the button Calibrate. Next, the program independently optimizes the GPS settings in your smartphone.

    If, after completing the calibration, the GPS quality remains unsatisfactory, then you can use the diagnostic function to try to find out the cause of the malfunction and figure out whether it is related to the shortcomings of the installed software, or the problem lies in the hardware. GPS Essentials runs an additional test, based on the results of which the program will display a list possible reasons bad work GPS, in the process, is also determined, including the number of satellites from which the smartphone receives a high-quality signal.

    If it was not possible to improve the quality of GPS (or find out the reason for its poor performance) using the GPS Essentials utility (and this happens), then as a last resort you can reboot the GPS module of your Android smartphone. The fact is that sometimes the device “loops” on satellites that are out of range and stops receiving signals from available satellites. Full reboot The GPS module resets all current settings and resumes the original ones. In our Lenovo P770, we rebooted the GPS module using the utility GPS Status & Toolbox, which was also downloaded from Google Play.

    After installing and launching the application, you need to go to the A-GPS status manager menu ( Manager A-GPS State) and just press the button Reset Data . The program will reset all existing GPS module settings and restore the factory settings. This optimization method can also be used for preventive purposes, so to speak, when the quality of the GPS in the smartphone deteriorates again.

    Reflashing the device
    Another radical way to improve the quality of GPS on an Android smartphone or tablet involves flashing the device. However, only advanced users can use it effectively. Inexperienced users, on the contrary, may not only fail to correct the situation with GPS, but will most likely damage the device. However, with a competent approach to the matter, flashing can eliminate shortcomings in GPS operation and significantly improve the accuracy and quality GPS signal, and also speed up the search for satellites. Of course, o backup Don't forget the data.

    Still, it's good that modern smartphones equipped with a GPS module: thanks to it, you can save on a navigator and, it’s also useful. However, all your plans can be disrupted by one little thing - the connection between your phone and “space”. He will take it and disappear.

    Let's figure out what the system is GPS navigation, what is the reason for its malfunctions and what to do if the phone is on Android based and iOS does not find or communicate with satellites.

    How does this work

    So, what does the GPS module do in mobile devices? Receives navigation signals from satellites. And not only those included in the system, which corresponds to its name, but also analogues - GLONASS, BDS and others (with support). The very concept of “GPS” today has become a general synonym for satellite navigation.

    In addition to GPS, there is AGPS navigation (LBS), which determines the location of the phone using signals from nearby cell towers. Despite the similarity of spelling, there is no connection between these systems. But there are differences, and very significant ones:

    • AGPS is only available in coverage areas cellular communication, GPS - everywhere.
    • AGPS determines the coordinates of an object with an accuracy of up to 500 m, GPS - up to 5 m.
    • AGPS is not dependent on weather conditions; it only requires a network connection to operate mobile communications and the availability of money on the balance sheet. GPS is free, to activate it you just need to turn on geolocation on your phone, but the quality of communication is highly dependent on cloud cover and other external factors. The signal only travels in line of sight.

    Dense clouds, tall buildings, thickets of trees and thick walls of premises extinguish satellite signals. Therefore, to improve GPS communication in adverse conditions, another technology was developed - A-GPS (how can you not get confused here?). The essence of this technology is that if the signal is lost, the phone connects to a special server, from where it receives the exact coordinates of the satellites, and establishes a connection using them. For work A-GPS smartphone must be connected to the network mobile operator or have another method of accessing the Internet (in particular, Wi-Fi).

    What determines the speed of finding satellites?

    The speed of satellite detection depends on how long ago the navigation signal receiver was turned on in the phone. The duration of its activation determines the type of start - cold, warm or hot. No, the point is not in the “warming up” of the GPS module, but in what data it relies on when searching.

    When turned on, the GPS receiver retrieves from its memory the latest information about satellite coordinates: almanacs and ephemeris (ephemeris).

    • Almanacs contain information about the orbital parameters of all satellites in the system. They are not very accurate, but remain relevant for several months.
    • The ephemeris contains precise data on the clock adjustments and orbital parameters of each specific satellite. Their relevance does not exceed half an hour.

    GPS satellites around the Earth

    At cold start– this is considered to be turning on the GPS receiver after 30 minutes or more of shutdown; the device searches for satellites only using known almanacs. If the almanac data is no longer relevant, it downloads it again. At this time, outdated ephemeris are also erased and new ephemerides are loaded. The duration of a cold start is 5 minutes or more, depending on environmental conditions and the position of the phone. To make the connection faster, the device should be held motionless.

    At warm start, which refers to turning on the GPS module a little more than half an hour after turning it off, only the ephemeris is updated. It takes about 1 minute.

    Instantaneous hot start is possible only if the ephemeris remains relevant, that is, as long as less than 30 minutes have passed since the GPS was turned off.

    Why can't my phone see satellites or lose contact with them?

    The reasons for the lack and instability of a phone’s connection with GPS satellites can be external and internal. The former are caused by the influence of environmental factors on signal transmission, the latter by problems with the receiving device itself.

    External reasons:

    • Unfavorable atmospheric conditions (dense clouds), being in a forest or among high-rise buildings. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to disperse clouds, but it helps to get around these obstacles A-GPS technology.
    • The telephone is indoors. To solve the problem, it is usually enough to go to the window or go out onto the balcony.
    • The phone is in motion, for example while driving. For a cold start of the GPS module, this can be a serious obstacle. To find satellites faster, stop and place the device on a flat surface.

    Internal reasons:

    • The phone is not equipped with a satellite communication module at all or only has A-GPS, the operation of which depends on the level cellular signal and Wi-Fi.
    • The device has a GPS receiver with a low-power antenna, usually of the film type. In this case, communication with satellites is possible, but it is unstable and highly dependent on external conditions: even the case on the phone can interfere with it. Sometimes the connection only works when the Internet is connected. The problem is usually identified immediately after purchasing the gadget.
    • The GPS module is faulty. A breakdown (usually damage or failure of the receiver antenna) is detected after a shock, fall or disassembly of the device, although not always. It happens that it occurs without visible reasons. Manifests itself as a complete or periodic inability to detect satellites and establish communication with them. Or the fact that the signal is received only at a certain position of the phone.
    • Systemic problems. The source of the problem lies in incorrect settings or faulty firmware of the device.
    • Incorrectly installed system time.
    • Influence third party software or malware. This version is supported by the relationship between the failure and the installation of an application, as well as the presence of symptoms of virus infection.

    How to fix the problem on an Android smartphone

    Problems associated with the absence or malfunction of a GPS receiver cannot be solved at home. More precisely, the first is undecidable in principle, and the second should be addressed in service center. But you can clean your phone of viruses, adjust settings, etc. yourself. So let's get started.

    If the reason is rather programmatic in nature and arose after a period normal operation, do the following:

    • Make sure the system time is correct.
    • Uninstall apps that you installed shortly before the crash.
    • If there is no effect.

    If the phone does not find satellites initially (no cold start), although it is equipped with a GPS module, it may very well be that it is simply configured incorrectly. This is especially true for devices brought from abroad or purchased in foreign online stores - that is, not intended for the Russian market.

    To correct an incorrect setting, namely, to reset an almanac that is relevant for the territory of another country, you need access to engineering menu devices. To enter this menu, use special telephone codes, device-specific different brands. They are entered in the same way as USSD commands - in the calling application.

    On most Android smartphones, the code used to enter the engineering menu is
    If your device does not accept it, use the prompts search engines. Or, if the phone is equipped MediaTek processor, install one of the following applications:

    Or their equivalent.

    • Make sure geolocation is turned on on your phone.
    • Having opened the engineering menu, go to the " Location» – « YGPS».

    • On the " Satellites» the satellites that your device recognizes should be shown. If you only see red dots there, it means the phone finds them, but cannot establish a connection.

    • Open the tab " Information" and touch the buttons " Hot», « Cold», « Warm», « Full" And " AGPS Restart" This will delete the current almanac.

    • Open the tab " NMEALog" and click " Start" This will start downloading the new almanac.

    • To control the connection establishment, open the section “ Satellites" If some of the dots on the blue field turn green, it means your phone has received the signal. Open " NMEALog" again and press " Stop».

    In some cases, the cause of an unsuccessful cold start is an incorrectly specified time server in configuration file GPS. To fix this setting you will need root rights and a file manager with privileged access, for example, .

    • So, run Root Explorer or its equivalent and find the file /system/etc/gps.conf

    • Open it with any text editor and in the line NTP_SERVER= write down pool.ntp.org. This is if you are in Russia. You can check the data for other countries on the website. As a result, the file should look like this:

    Save the changes to gps.conf and reboot your phone.

    If you don’t want to tinker with the settings at all, but want to do everything faster, you can use the tool automatic optimization parameters of satellite communication, which is called “”. To get desired result, just press one button. I can’t judge the effectiveness, but many users are satisfied with this application.

    If you use your phone as a navigator and it often loses satellites, for example, when the screen turns off or when leaving tunnels, the A-GPS signal fixation and data reset tool will help.

    In addition, in Google market Play quite a lot free applications to test the operation of the GPS receiver, which may also be useful to you:

    And others.

    How to fix the problem on iPhone

    Owners of Apple gadgets are less likely to encounter problems finding satellites, the reasons for which lie in the devices themselves. Apparently, this is why there are much fewer ways to solve them on iOS than on Android.

    If geolocation on an iPhone does not work at all, it is usually disabled in the settings. If it is available in some applications and not in others, the reason is most likely hidden in the settings. To fix them:

    • Open the section " Confidentiality" and tap the line " Location services».
    • The next screen contains a list of applications. Next to each of them it is indicated whether it has access to this service. Tap the items you want to change and set the permissions you want.

    In cases where the geolocation service is unstable or the iPhone does not find satellites for a long time, it is often enough to open the settings section “ Basic", go to " Reset" and press " Reset location settings».

    This will return the geolocation and privacy settings to original condition, and the problem will most likely be solved.

    Also on the site:

    What to do if your phone does not see satellites or does not connect to them updated: November 1, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

    It often happens that by changing the firmware on the device, or buying a new chinese phone(sometimes not Chinese), we are faced with the fact that it does not work on a smartphone GPS . It also happens that GPS does not determine the location for a long time. Why is this happening?

    This is due to the fact that the phone often comes to us from the other hemisphere of the planet. And he has an Almanac that is not relevant for our area.

    If your GPS is faulty, we will try to fix it.

    So, I’ll show you ways to treat GPS:

    GPS+AGPS method (ROOT required):

    1) Needs to be included in Android settings, in the “My location” section of AGPS, then open the top “curtain” on the phone to activate GPS.

    2) Then in the dialer, you need to dial *#*#3646633#*#* - this is the entrance to the engineering menu.

    Maybe a different number will work on your phone to enter the Android engineering menu:

    *#*#8255#*#*, *#*#4636#*#* - for Samsung
    *#*#3424#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*, *#*#8255#*#* - for HTC
    *#*#7378423#*#* - for Sony
    *#*#3646633#*#* - for Philips, Fly, Alcatel
    *#*#2846579#*#* - for Huawei

    If that doesn't work, look for information on how to enter the engineering menu on your Android phone. If you have a phone based on MTK processors(MT 6577, MT 6589 ...), you can use the “Mobileuncle Tools” program (ROOT required), it can be downloaded from Google Play. It contains a section Engineer Mode. That's what we need.

    3) When you get (by any means) into the phone’s engineering menu, you need to go to the YGPS tab - and look on the “Satellites” tab to see if the signal scales appear. If yes, then the phone is trying to search for satellites, but cannot find them due to an incorrectly recorded Almanac. And this is not surprising, because the device came from the other “end of the world”.

    4) The next step is to go to the “Information” tab, and then press the “full”, “warm”, “hot”, “cold” buttons in turn (for full reset old Almanac).

    5) After this, on the NMEA Log tab, you need to click the start button. (recording of the new Almanac will begin)

    6) Now for proper operation GPS, you need to go to the back “Satellites” and wait for 5-15 minutes until the maximum number of satellite scales is found (usually from 10 to 13 pieces) and their scales turn green.

    7) When all satellites have been found, go back to the Nmea Log tab and click the “stop” button. Congratulations, a new almanac for your area has been written.

    I did this procedure on many Chinese phones - as a result of the procedure, the phone should begin to find satellites faster.

    Let me remind you that all the above actions to improve the quality of GPS must be carried out purely in open areas, away from buildings. AND last tip– I recommend setting the exact system time and date on your phone.

    GPS+EPO method (ROOT required):

    1) With the help file manager that supports Root and root access must be removed following files: /data/misc/EPO.dat /data/misc/mtkgps.dat , /system/etc/gps.conf

    2) You need to go to “settings - location data” and turn on GPS.
    Then you need to enable EPO and download (i.e. you need to download again - after deleting EPO.dat)

    3) Make sure A-GPS is turned off. (this is mandatory!) [and cannot be turned on after, otherwise it will stop working normally]

    4) Turn off the phone, remove the battery, insert the battery, turn on the phone.

    5) go to the engineering menu (see login methods above) - go to the location tab - there will be 2 sub-items (location based service and YGPS)

    6) We go outside into an open area where GPS reception is as good as possible, and go to the YGPS sub-item (we don’t press any buttons!), wait for 3-10 minutes for the correction (this will take a long time to wait).
    As soon as the correction is completed, exit the YGPS section with the back button, then enter the YGPS section again. Attention now the most important part:
    When you start GPS for the 2nd time, red dots (satellites) should appear, but not all at once, but 1-3 should appear every 2 seconds. For example:
    At the beginning there are 2 - then 5 - then 7 - and at the end there are 10 red dots on the radar.
    If the dots appear gradually, it means the EPO is configured correctly.

    But if they all appear at the same time - EPO does not work

    7) Checking GPS work in navigation programs.

    Today I once again thought about the topic of bad GPS reception signal on my Chinese smartphone Jiayu G2. But, unexpectedly for me, the problem was solved in just a couple of minutes - the “Chinese” finds satellites within 20 seconds. Now let's talk about everything in order.

    In October, I received a Chinese phone ordered from Aliexpress. The phone is excellent for the money, and everything would be perfect, but the GPS module found the satellites for a very, very long time, in about an hour, no faster. And this is with Wi-Fi turned on and A-GPS and GPS EPO assistance checked. This didn’t make me happy at all and I had to remember a useful post on the livejournal blog, the advice from which I used when setting up my first smartphone on Android. It came down to editing gps.conf auxiliary programs. This helped the “Chinese friend”, but after the first (and so far the last) reset to factory settings, GPS reception began to get even worse - I left it in the open air for an hour to search for satellites and no results. And today I started looking again for that useful post in blog livejournal and came across an update in the post header:

    "Fantastic!" I thought and immediately followed the link. Compared to the first post, this time even more specific actions were proposed, namely replacing the contents of the file gps.conf(you can find it along the way /etc/gps.conf, must be root-rights) to the following settings:


    These settings are designed for residents of Ukraine, but for residents of Russia they are very easy to adapt by replacing ua.pool on ru.pool.

    On my own behalf, I can add that I use the GPS Status application, and after rebooting when I first launched the application, I reset the cache data: in the program, call up the menu, then select Tools, there Manage A-GPS state and click Reset and then Download.

    I take my hat off to the author of the original post, dear mechanicuss. His advice helped not only me, and can help many more sufferers.

    That's all. Everyone clear skies and a stable signal from space.

    In this post I’ll try to systematize the information I collected on the topic of speeding up GPS on Android. I’ll say right away that most things are relevant when presence of root and S-OFF (I immediately installed it on my smartphone custom firmware RcMix 3d Runny). The post does not pretend to cover the issue completely - I am simply sharing my experience.

    Previously, I waited for 20 minutes - the satellites were never caught. Now, as a result of applying the tips described below, the coordinates are determined in 2-3 minutes with a cold start, and approximately 30-40 seconds with a hot start.

    1) Use the program for time synchronization ClockSync (needs root, found):

    — before launching Navitel (or another navigator) through the ClockSync program, synchronize the time on the phone;
    — after starting Navitel, synchronize the time on the phone through the ClockSync program.

    2) Edit the file gps.conf(needs root): in parameter NTP_SERVER register yours location.

    For editing it is convenient to use the FasterFix program.
    For example, I had


    and for Ukraine it was necessary to register


    Accordingly, for Russia


    After which reboot apparatus.

    3) Advanced editing gps.conf (root needed, found).

    In this case, it is convenient to use the FasterGPS program for editing. This program can also do what is described in paragraph 2.
    You need to add the following to the file:

    NTP_SERVER=ua.pool.ntp.org - if you did not do this in step 2, then be sure to do it now (as you understand, this is a setting for Ukraine)


    After which reboot apparatus.

    Fortunately, you can edit gps.conf manually (for example, through RootExplorer), FasterGPS is just a front-end for editing. But it’s calmer with him, because... You cannot leave spaces at the end of lines or empty lines in gps.conf.

    4) Use a program that helps determine coordinates as quickly as possible. Of the several I tested (GPS Status, GpsFix, GPS Test), GPS Status turned out to be the most effective and functional (root is not needed). Turn on GPS, turn on mobile Internet, launch GPS Status, and there:

    Menu -> Tools -> A-GPS Data -> Load

    Lyrical digression:
    when you watch how GPS status confidently catches satellites one after another
    (engaged/caught: 0/1 .... 1/2 ..... 3/3 etc.),
    waiting time goes by much faster.

    By the way, this program also has a “Radar” function: you can mark the place where you are now and then return to it.

    We also remember simple things:

    • After turn on GPS, turn on the mobile Internet immediately - this way the smartphone will determine the coordinates much faster, after which the mobile Internet can be turned off.
    • GPS drains the battery, but the always-on screen drains the battery even faster. At the same time, if you lock your phone, GPS is turned off. If you want the GPS to work longer (for example, when walking around an unfamiliar city), reduce the screen brightness to the required minimum.
    • GPS in smartphones is inherently weaker than in GPS navigators
    • GPS does not work indoors - only outdoors
    • In some smartphones GPS antenna located at the bottom of the device. You can try to speed up the search for satellites by turning your smartphone 180 degrees. Or don’t hold it in your hands, but put it, for example, on a bench.
    • If you still need to use GPS indoors, you can go out onto the balcony or go to the window. The same trick works in minibuses - you just need to sit near the window.
    • In cloudy weather the signal is worse. Fishing is also worse among high-rise buildings. Sometimes it is enough to move 100-200m away from 16-story buildings - and the result becomes noticeably better.
    • During a cold start while moving, the signal reception is worse than when standing still. Force yourself to stop and wait until your smartphone catches the satellites (launch GPS Status and admire how cleverly it catches them one after another) - in the end you will spend less time this way than trying to do it on the go.
    • In theory, you need to catch 3 satellites to determine the coordinates, and 4 to determine the coordinates and altitude. In reality, GPS Status determines all parameters when 6-7 satellites are detected. The maximum that could be caught was 9-10.

    PS - I also want to recommend good review programs for working with GPS - Workshop: using GPS on Android to the maximum - be sure to check it out, there is a lot of useful stuff there.

    PPS - from what I use from this review myself, I want to recommend the excellent profile manager Llama.

    Strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with GPS:

    What makes Llama special is that it does not use GPS to determine coordinates, but rather relies on cell towers. However, it was decided to include it in the review as an alternative to GEO-Tasker.

    The program receives location data using data about operator towers, and depending on this, it can switch profiles. For example, at home - normal during the day, quiet from 23 to 6, when you leave the house - loud, in church - no sound, at work - quiet, etc. By combining zones and events, you can customize absolutely everything for yourself and forget about manually switching profiles.

    Speeding up GPS on Android - 2

    In the first part of the article, I described programs and techniques that speed up GPS on Android devices. An example of an alternative file was also given there gps.conf, speeding up the process of determining coordinates. For comparison, previously, on my HTC Inspire 4G, satellites were caught in a few minutes, after using it - 30-60 seconds. Since then, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, but I did not stop searching even more quick solution. And today I can present to you synthesized from several found on the Internet new file gps.conf, with which the process of determining coordinates takes 5-10 seconds. Those. by the time the navigation program is launched, the coordinates have already been determined. The file is adapted for Ukraine, but it can be easily remade for other European countries - in the first few lines we change “ua”, for example to “ru” - we get a file for Russia, etc.

    NTP_SERVER=ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=0.ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=1.ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=2.ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=3.ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=europe.pool. ntp.org NTP_SERVER=0.europe.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=1.europe.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=2.europe.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=3.europe.pool.ntp.org XTRA_SERVER_1=/ data/xtra.bin AGPS=/data/xtra.bin AGPS=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_1=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_2=http://xtra2 Q osHorizontalThreshold=1000 QosVerticalThreshold=500 AssistMethodType=1 AgpsUse=1 AgpsMtConf=0 AgpsMtResponseType=1 AgpsServerType=1 AgpsServerIp=3232235555 INTERMEDIATE_POS=1 C2K_HOST=c2k.pde.com C2K_PORT=1234 SUPL_HOST=FQDN SUPL_HOST=lbs.geo.t-mobile.com SUPL_HOST=supl.google.com SU PL_PORT =7276 SUPL_SECURE_PORT=7275 SUPL_NO_SECURE_PORT=3425 SUPL_TLS_HOST=FQDN SUPL_TLS_CERT=/etc/SuplRootCert ACCURACY_THRES=5000 CURRENT_CARRIER=common