• Is GPS conf needed for android 4. Three effective ways to improve GPS reception on Android

    I described programs and techniques that speed up GPS on Android devices. An example of an alternative file was also given there gps.conf, speeding up the process of determining coordinates.

    The gps.conf file is located in /system/etc/gps.conf, and not on the memory card, where novice users usually look for it. You need root to edit. You can edit using Root Explorer, or ES Explorer (in the settings menu in the "Root rights" section, enable the "Root explorer" and "Mount system folders" options).

    For comparison, previously on my HTC Inspire 4G satellites were caught in a matter of minutes, after using it - 30-60 seconds.

    Much water has passed under the bridge since then, but I have not stopped searching even more. quick solution. And today I can present to you synthesized from several found on the Internet new file gps.conf, with which the process of determining coordinates takes 5-10 seconds. Those. by the time the navigation program is launched, the coordinates have already been determined. The file is adapted for Ukraine, but it can be easily remade for other European countries - in the first few lines we change “ua”, for example to “ru” - we get a file for Russia, etc.

    NTP_SERVER=ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=0.ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=1.ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=2.ua.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=3.ua.pool. ntp.org NTP_SERVER=europe.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=0.europe.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=1.europe.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=2.europe.pool.ntp.org NTP_SERVER=3.europe .pool.ntp.org XTRA_SERVER_1=/data/xtra.bin AGPS=/data/xtra.bin AGPS=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_1=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra .bin XTRA_SERVER_2=http://xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_3=http://xtra3.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin DEFAULT_AGPS_ENABLE=TRUE DEFAULT_USER_PLANE=TRUE REPORT_POSITION_USE_SUPL_REFLOC=1 QOS_ACCURACY=50 QOS_TIME_OUT_STANDALONE= 60 QOS_TIME_OUT_agps=89 QosHorizontalThreshold=1000 QosVerticalThreshold=500 AssistMethodType=1 AgpsUse=1 AgpsMtConf=0 AgpsMtResponseType=1 AgpsServerType=1 AgpsServerIp=3232235555 INTERMEDIATE_POS=1 C2K_HOST=c2k.pde.com C2K_PORT=1234 SUPL _HOST=FQDN SUPL_HOST=lbs.geo.t-mobile. com SUPL_HOST=supl.google.com SUPL_PORT=7276 SUPL_SECURE_PORT=7275 SUPL_NO_SECURE_PORT=3425 SUPL_TLS_HOST=FQDN SUPL_TLS_CERT=/etc/SuplRootCert ACCURACY_THRES=5000 CURRENT_CARRIER=common

    UPD - Remember simple things - 2:

    • Before I reveal another secret to you, I will say that my path to its discovery was long. When a smartphone doesn’t pick up satellites for a long time, but you need it right now, the work of the mind becomes more intense. And then at one of these moments, a thought came to me: isn’t the case on the smartphone jamming the satellite signal? And although I use a cool Speck case, I decided to check it out. As soon as I took off the cover, the satellites began to be caught one after another. Hence the conclusion - if you need to get GPS as quickly as possible, remove the case from your smartphone.
    • This advice was dictated by the same considerations as the previous one - “it doesn’t catch for a long time, but it’s needed right now.” Try changing orientation of the smartphone in space. I have repeatedly noticed that if you hold the device vertically, satellites are caught faster than if it is held horizontally. Possibly in various models It will be different, but it's worth a try.
    • Every time you start the GPS Status program, go to Menu -> Tools -> A-GPS Data -> Reset.
      Let's go out.
      Then again Menu -> Tools -> A-GPS data -> Download.
    • Also in the GPS Status program (this is usually done once) go to Menu -> Settings -> Sensors -> Sensor filtering. And we try different options(various sources recommend steps 3 and 4; for me it usually works better with step 2):
      1) No filtering
      2) Weak
      3) Average
      4) Strong

    PS: I leave questions of this type unanswered - I am not a Google competitor:

    • can you describe in detail how you did this?
    • Where is the gps.conf file located? How to open it? I don't have /system/etc/ but only DCIM LOST.DIR
    • I have a problem: I can’t save the modified gps.conf file, I tried it with 3 programs and it’s not like what’s the problem, tell me where to configure what
    • There is no gps.conf file in the etc folder, what can I do to improve it?
    • But I can’t fix the gps.conf file itself. It gives an error and says that saving is impossible! What should I do? How to change the file?
    • What do these parameters mean: INTERMEDIATE_POS=0, ACCURACY_THRES=0? (etc. etc.)
    • I have Huawei smartphone(or Acer Luqiud, etc., etc.) and is not detected by GPS - what should I do?
    • Help! I bought the phone and the GPS does not work.
    • I replaced the battery with a new one. The new Akum does not have a metal plane like the old one, could this be the reason?
    • I reformatted the SD and reset it to factory settings. Now GPS does not see satellites at all. Why?
    • I tightened the screws, but didn't lift them up completely. back cover, took out the start button and cleaned it.
      I put everything back in place, now it works fine, but GPS signal no - why?

    Modern smartphones are equipped with a GPS chip, which greatly simplifies our travels or searches for a specific address. However, there are often cases when GPS does not work well. And it's not always enough to blame good build smartphone. You can often improve the functioning of the navigation module by tinkering with the settings.

    Many motorists have a full-fledged GPS navigator. Some of these devices have an antenna connector on the back wall or side. This allows you to enhance signal reception several times - you just need to get the appropriate antenna.

    As for modern smartphones, we hasten to disappoint you. You will never find a special antenna connector in their composition. The only way to improve GPS reception on Android is using software methods. If they don't work, then you will have to come to terms with the current state of affairs. As you might guess, budget devices work worst with GPS satellites. This is explained by the fact that they are equipped with the cheapest and oldest navigation chips that have low speed work and weak signal receiver.

    Visiting the settings section

    In many smartphones and tablets, the GPS chip is completely disabled by default. In this case, the device determines its location using cell towers and Wi-Fi networks. To enable the navigation chip, you need to configure the device. To do this, do the following:

    Step 1. Go to the section " Settings».

    Step 2. Here you should be interested in the item “ Location».

    Step 3. On different devices This item may have a different name. For example, on Samsung tablets you need to select the “ Connections" and click on the item " Geodata", at the same time activating the corresponding switch.

    Step 4. In this section, you need to enable high location accuracy. The device must use all sources for this - GPS satellites, Wi-Fi networks and data from cell towers.

    It should be noted that in this operating mode, energy consumption increases. And if this is practically not noticeable on new smartphones, then owners of budget and older devices will definitely feel the reduced battery life.

    Compass calibration

    If it is impossible to strengthen the signal reception on smartphones, then improve the performance digital compass no one will interfere. The fact is that on some devices it is not calibrated, as a result navigation program cannot understand in time which direction of the world your smartphone is facing. At this moment it seems to you that the device does not pick up GPS.

    To calibrate the compass you will need an app GPS Essentials. Download and install it, then do the following:

    Step 1. Launch the program.

    Step 2. Enter the mode Compass.

    Step 3. If the compass works stably, then the problem is not with it. If the compass refuses to show the cardinal directions correctly, then calibrate it.

    Step 4. First, rotate the smartphone around its axis with the screen facing up. Next, turn it over from bottom to top. Well, then turn it over from left to right. This should help. In some versions of the application, you must first select Calibrate in the section settings.

    View the number of visible GPS satellites

    In the same GPS Essentials you can look at how many satellites your smartphone connects to. If it is large enough, then the navigation chip should not be blamed - the problem is in one of the programs. To view satellites, you need to select the item in the application menu Satellites.

    Resetting GPS data

    A common problem with some devices is that they take a long time to lock onto specific GPS satellites, even when they have managed to move out of sight. The application can help in this case GPS Status & Toolbox. It will reset the GPS data, after which the connection to satellites will be made from scratch.

    Step 1. Download and install the utility.

    Step 2. Run installed application, agreeing to the terms of the license agreement.

    Step 3. On the main screen of the program you will see readings from various sensors, as well as information about the number of GPS satellites overhead.

    Step 4. Click anywhere on the display, after which you can pull out the curtain with the main menu on the left. Here you can calibrate the compass if this was not possible using the application discussed earlier. But now you need to click on the item “ A-GPS state management».

    Step 5. In the pop-up menu, click the button " Reset».

    Step 6. After the reset is complete, return to this pop-up menu by clicking the " Download».

    What to look for when buying a new smartphone?

    Now you know the answer to the question “How to set up GPS on Android?” But all this will not help you very much if you want to use your smartphone as a GPS navigator on a regular basis. It is better to get a good modern smartphone for these purposes. When choosing it, be sure to read the full technical characteristics. In them you need to find a mention of support for A-GPS technology - it greatly reduces energy consumption. The ideal smartphone for you will be one that also works with GLONASS satellites. Fortunately, with the support of the Russian navigation system Almost all devices that have been imported into our country over the past year have it. But, again, you still need to look at the specifications of the device before purchasing it.

    Acceleration GPS operation on Android April 22nd, 2012

    - before starting Navitel (or another navigator) through the ClockSync program, synchronize the time on the phone;
    - after starting Navitel, synchronize the time on the phone through the ClockSync program.

    2) Edit the file gps.conf: in parameter NTP_SERVER register yours location.

    The gps.conf file is located in /system/etc/gps.conf, and not on the memory card, where novice users usually look for it. You need root to edit. You can edit from using Root Explorer, or ES Explorer (in the settings menu in the "Root rights" section, enable the "Root explorer" and "Mount system folders" options).

    For editing it is convenient to use the FasterFix program.

    For example, I had


    and for Ukraine it was necessary to register


    Accordingly, for Russia


    After which reboot apparatus.

    3) Advanced editing gps.conf (root needed, found).

    In this case, it is convenient to use the FasterGPS program for editing. This program can also do what is described in paragraph 2.

    You need to add the following to the file:

    NTP_SERVER=ua.pool.ntp.org - if you did not do this in step 2, then be sure to do it now (as you understand, this is a setting for Ukraine)


    After which reboot apparatus.

    Fortunately, you can edit gps.conf manually (for example, through RootExplorer), FasterGPS is just a front-end for editing. But it’s calmer with him, because... You cannot leave spaces at the end of lines or empty lines in gps.conf.

    4) Use a program that helps determine coordinates as quickly as possible. Of the several I tested (GPS Status, GpsFix, GPS Test), GPS Status turned out to be the most effective and functional (root is not needed). Turn on GPS, turn on mobile internet, launch GPS Status, and there:

    Menu -> Tools -> A-GPS Data -> Load

    Lyrical digression:
    when you watch how GPS status confidently catches satellites one after another
    (engaged/caught: 0/1 .... 1/2 ..... 3/3 etc.),
    waiting time goes by much faster.

    By the way, this program also has a “Radar” function: you can mark the place where you are now and then return to it.

    We also remember simple things:

    • After turn on GPS, turn on the mobile Internet immediately - this way the smartphone will determine the coordinates much faster, after which the mobile Internet can be turned off.
    • GPS drains the battery, but the always-on screen drains the battery even faster. At the same time, if you lock the phone, the GPS is turned off. If you want the GPS to work longer (for example, when walking around an unfamiliar city), reduce the screen brightness to the required minimum.
    • GPS in smartphones is inherently weaker than in GPS navigators
    • GPS does not work indoors - only outdoors
    • In some smartphones GPS antenna located at the bottom of the device. You can try to speed up the search for satellites by turning your smartphone 180 degrees. Or don’t hold it in your hands, but put it, for example, on a bench.
    • If you still need to use GPS indoors, you can go out onto the balcony or go to the window. The same trick works in minibuses - you just need to sit near the window.
    • In cloudy weather the signal is worse. Fishing is also worse among high-rise buildings. Sometimes it is enough to move 100-200m away from 16-story buildings - and the result becomes noticeably better.
    • During a cold start while moving, the signal reception is worse than when standing still. Force yourself to stop and wait until your smartphone catches the satellites (launch GPS Status and admire how cleverly it catches them one after another) - in the end you will spend less time this way than trying to do it on the go.
    • In theory, you need to catch 3 satellites to determine the coordinates, and 4 to determine the coordinates and altitude. In reality, GPS Status determines all parameters when 6-7 satellites are detected. The maximum that could be caught was 9-11. The new devices catch significantly more satellites - about 17-19 due to the ability to work with Glonass satellites (in GPS Status such satellites are displayed with square rather than round symbols).

    PS - I also want to recommend good review programs for working with GPS - Workshop: using GPS on Android to the maximum - be sure to check it out, there is a lot of useful stuff there.

    PPS - from what I use from this review myself, I want to recommend the excellent profile manager Llama.

    Strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with GPS:

    What makes Llama special is that it does not use GPS to determine coordinates, but rather relies on cell towers. However, it was decided to include it in the review as an alternative to GEO-Tasker.

    The program receives location data using data about operator towers, and depending on this, it can switch profiles. For example, at home - normal during the day, quiet from 23 to 6, when you leave the house - loud, in church - no sound, at work - quiet, etc. By combining zones and events, you can customize absolutely everything for yourself and forget about manually switching profiles.

    Thank you for your attention.
    I will be glad to receive comments and additions.

    PPPS: I leave questions of this type unanswered - I am not a competitor to Google:

    • can you describe in detail how you did this?
    • Where is the gps.conf file located? How to open it? I don't have /system/etc/ but only DCIM LOST.DIR
    • I have a problem: I can’t save the modified gps.conf file, I tried it with 3 programs and it’s not like what’s the problem, tell me where to configure what
    • There is no gps.conf file in the etc folder, what can I do to improve it?
    • What do these parameters mean: INTERMEDIATE_POS=0, ACCURACY_THRES=0? (etc. etc.)
    • I have a Huawei smartphone (or Acer Luqiud, etc., etc.) and cannot be detected by GPS - what should I do?
    • Help! I bought the phone and the GPS does not work.
    • I replaced the battery with a new one. The new Akum does not have a metal plane like the old one, could this be the reason?
    • I reformatted the SD and reset it to factory settings. Now GPS does not see satellites at all. Why?
    • I loosened the screws, lifted the back cover not completely, took out the start button, and cleaned it.
      I put everything back in place, now it works fine, but there is no GPS signal - why?

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    IN modern smartphones navigation modules are built in by default. In most cases they work quite accurately. Just turn on GPS in Settings, launch the Maps app, and within minutes the program will determine where you are. And if you didn’t turn off the GPS, the determination will take a few seconds.

    But what if GPS doesn't work? How then to determine the route, speed, your location? Don’t rush to take your smartphone for repair: most often this can be solved correct setting phone.

    Auxiliary services

    In addition to the satellite receiver itself, auxiliary settings are sometimes very useful for determining your location. As a rule, they are easily enabled on the phone itself:

    • A-GPS. This service downloads your location data from the Internet using data cellular networks, to which you are connected. Of course, its accuracy is much lower, but it speeds up accurate satellite determination.
    • Wi-Fi. Did you not know that according to the data Wi-Fi networks Can you also determine the location?
    • EPO. However, more about it below.

    When customization is necessary: ​​a Mediatek curiosity

    Today, Mediatek (also known as MTK) is one of the leaders in manufacturing mobile processors. Even such giants as Sony, LG or HTC today create smartphones using MTK processors. But there was a time when the processors of this Taiwanese company were used only in poor iPhone clones or dual-SIM dialers.

    In 2012-2014, Mediatek released quite decent chipsets, but they constantly had a problem: GPS did not work correctly. Satellites with such devices behave according to the quote: “I am difficult to find, easy to lose...”

    It was all about the settings of the EPO auxiliary service. This service, developed by Mediatek, helps calculate the orbits of navigation satellites in advance. But here's the problem: preinstalled by default in Chinese phones EPO data is calculated for Asia and when used in Europe it fails!

    This is corrected in modern models easily. Let us remind you that all these instructions are only suitable for smartphones with MTK processors:

    • Open menu Android settings
    • Go to the “Time” section and set your time zone manually. This is necessary to avoid network location for time.
    • Go to the “My location” section, allow the system access to geodata, check the “By GPS satellites" and "By network coordinates".
    • By using file manager go to the root directory of the memory and delete the GPS.log file and other files with the combination GPS in the name. It's not a fact that they are there.
    • Download and install the MTK Engineering Mode Start application, which allows you to log into your smartphone (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.themonsterit.EngineerStarter&hl=ru).

    • Move to an open area with good visibility. There should be no high-rise buildings or other objects around that would obstruct your direct view of the sky. The Internet must be turned on on the smartphone.
    • Launch the application, select MTK Settings, in it - the Location tab, in it - the EPO item. As you may have guessed, we update the EPO data for OUR time zone and time!
    • Click the EPO (Download) button. The download should happen in seconds even on a weak connection.
    • Return to the Location section, select the YGPS tab. In the Information tab, press the Cold, Warm, Hot and Full buttons in sequence. With their help, information about the location of satellites in orbit is updated, so each time you have to wait for the data to be loaded. Fortunately, it's a matter of seconds.

    • In the same tab, click the AGPS Restart button. The AGPS support service will now take into account already downloaded data and more accurately determine the position of the satellites.
    • Go to the adjacent NMEA LOG tab and click the Start button. After that, go to the Satellites tab. You will see how the system detects satellites. This process should take 15-20 minutes, during which the satellite icons will turn from red to green. Make sure that the display does not turn off during this time, or better yet, disable sleep mode altogether. When all (or most) satellites turn green, return to the NMEA Log tab and click Stop.
    • Restart your smartphone.

    Yes, this is far from the best simple procedure. Depending on version MTK processor(we described the steps for the MT6592 platform) the procedure may differ slightly, but essentially remains the same. But after these GPS actions It will work great on a smartphone.