• Merging layers in Photoshop. How to combine layers in Photoshop into a single image, while saving each of them

    A drawing in Photoshop can consist of one or several layers, and any of them (except the background) can have transparent areas through which underlying elements are visible. The most important feature of the components of the drawing is their absolute independence and independence from others, and the result of their interaction with each other depends on the method of combining layers in Photoshop.

    You can draw and erase on a layer, move it, lock it, temporarily hide it, transform it, change its opacity, make it a smart layer, or delete it altogether. You can “put a mask” on it and draw on it or “cover” it with a corrective analogue in order to make corrections without destroying the original.

    A novice user who has launched the program for the first time with the intention of creating a masterpiece does not need to rack his brains over how to make layers in Photoshop, because by pasting an image copied to the clipboard into a document or loading a picture using the "Place" command (in the " menu File"), it will detect that the objects are inserted, automatically positioning themselves in the palette in a new place.

    Layers panel

    Each layer on the panel is equipped with a miniature copy of its image and an icon of an eye, closing which with a mouse click temporarily turns off the visibility of the image.

    You can use your mouse to move the components of the palette up or down. Double-clicking a thumbnail will highlight the layer's contents on the canvas. By clicking on the icons in the “Lock” line, we can save the transparency and colors of the pixels, lock the position of the layer, or save them all (button with a lock).

    Create a new layer

    For those who are eager to learn how to create layers in Photoshop, there is a special button at the bottom of the panel (a piece of paper with folded corner), by clicking on which you will place a new layer above the selected (selected) one. You can also add "New" as shown below.

    As the hints on the other icons in the palette below indicate, we can (from left to right) “Add a style ...”, “Add a mask”, “Create a new adjustment ...”, “Create new group" and finally throw it in the trash. The same commands are duplicated in the Layer menu.

    A new layer will be created if you right-click on it and drop it onto the leaf icon in the panel below. You can rename it by double-clicking on its name in the palette.

    Merging layers

    All commands that determine how to merge layers in Photoshop are called by right-clicking or selecting from the Layer menu. There are “hot keys” for each command, which make the life of a “Photoshopper” very easy.

    If one layer is selected in the palette, it can only be “Merge with previous”, and if two or more are selected, they can be linked, merged and grouped by selecting the appropriate commands. You can select them simultaneously by clicking on them while holding down the Ctrl key, or select the top one and then press Shift to select the bottom one.

    You can not select anything, but simply select the “Merge Visible” command.

    The ability to manipulate multiple components at once depends on how you combine layers in Photoshop.

    Layers are collected into a group using the "Group..." command in the Layer menu (Ctrl + G). The advantages of joining a group are that its members have general parameters opacity and blending mode, eliminating the need to fiddle with each layer. In addition, you can move and transform (Ctrl + T) the entire group, as well as create a single mask for it.

    If you choose a very tricky key combination Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E, Photoshop will combine all the selected ones into a single, separate layer with the resulting effect, placing it on top of the others and keeping each one in its place in the palette.

    How to "layer"

    The “originality” of the title is associated solely with the desire to cause a smile (a friendly one), and in fact, calls for focusing on such an extremely important and incredibly broad topic: how to apply layers in Photoshop.

    The “Blending mode”, a drop-down list of which is located at the top of the panel, is responsible for the nature of mixing layers superimposed on each other in Photoshop.

    The editor can calculate the desired effect from the overlay of many layers of different colors, using different methods and algorithms. In CS6, for example, there are already 27 such algorithms (mixing modes).

    All blending modes are divided into 6 groups based on the principle of common behavior (with the exception of the first, nameless group). Their number and names translated into Russian may differ depending on different versions editor.

    The first two modes have absolutely nothing in common. "Regular (Normal)" is set by default, and blending occurs only if the layers have different opacity. And in the “Fade (Dissolve, Scatter)” mode, nothing is mixed at all. Here the top layer crumbles into small dots, and the more of them, the lower the opacity.

    The second group consists of “Darkening modes”, in which the resulting image is always darker than the original layers.

    The next 4-5 are combined into a lightening group, since each of them is the opposite of the corresponding mode from the second group.

    The contrast group includes seven modes, each of which darkens something and brightens something in the image, ultimately enhancing contrast.

    The fifth group includes 2-4 of them and is called “Comparison (comparison) modes”. The tools of this group, calculating differences in color channels, compare pixels between layers and are rarely used in photo editing.

    The last group, named “Color Component Modes,” is also called the HSL group after the names of the first three modes (Hue, Saturation, Luminosity). In each of the elements of this “company,” the top layer controls either the brightness, saturation, or color of the bottom layer.

    Thus, the final result of creating or editing an image will depend on how to combine layers in Photoshop and what blending modes will be used.

    When it comes to photo editing, there are five blend modes that are most commonly used (Overlay, Multiply, Screen, Brightness, and Color).

    When working in graphic editor A Photoshop beginner will definitely have a question about how to combine layers in Photoshop? Without this function professional processing any complexity in the editor becomes almost impossible. How to work with layers correctly?

    What can layers do in Photoshop?

    When you need to perform any manipulations in a graphics editor, you need to use “canvases”, which, if necessary, will allow you to:

    • Cancel the action you took if you made a mistake.
    • Compare the state of work: at the execution stage and before this stage.
    • Achieve desired effect through the multi-layer blend mode.
    • Change the transparency of the effects used.

    Layers have a huge variety of functions, but the easiest way to understand them is through constant practice.

    How to merge layers in Photoshop is not a difficult question. The main thing is to turn it a couple of times this procedure in the present tense, and then this skill will be permanently deposited in your head. After all, 75% of the work done is done using “canvases”.

    There are several ways to combine layers in Photoshop. But first you need to figure out where the layers come from.

    For example, when you open the editor, on the right side of the screen you see a line where it says “Background”. This is the main layer or, in other words, the source file.

    If you start working on source file and get it wrong repeatedly, you'll have to start all over again. To avoid such situations, you need to use layers.

    To create new layer, right-click on the "Background" line and select "Duplicate Layer". If you need a name, enter it and click OK. Key combination for of this action: ctrl +j.

    You can see another one appear above the "Background" line called "Layer 1" or "Background Copy".

    Now you have created new “canvases”, but in the end, how can you combine layers in Photoshop? There are 2 ways:

    Such methods are suitable for any number of layers. Many people most often use method No. 2, as this significantly reduces the time spent working in the editor and brings the user much more convenience in using the program.

    This instruction also answers the question of how to merge layers in Photoshop cs6, as it is suitable for any version of the editor.


    If you need to constantly work in Photoshop, but you are just starting to master it, it is important to remember one thing. How to merge layers in Photoshop easier using hotkeys, and perform other machinations necessary for professional activities in the editor.

    It's best to group layers, because if you have 10 or more pieces, it's very easy to get lost in them. Grouping layers follows the same principle as merging, only instead of combining Shift keys, Ctrl, Alt and E need to press ctrl +g. After using this command, you will see how only the “Background” line and the line with the folder image, called “Group 1”, remain in the panel. If so, then you did everything right.

    The rule is that You should keep each image element on a separate layer, in some cases it does not work. Sometimes you need to merge layers together. It can be just two layers or even all at once. For these purposes, Photoshop has commands such as association, gluing And mixing. What these commands mean, as well as in what cases and why they may be needed is explained in this article.

    So, to use these commands, you must have at least two layers in the layers palette. Access to merging commands is available through the context menu, called by right-clicking on the layer.

    Merging layers

    If you have achieved perfection from a fragment of an image and know that more never If you don't want to change it, you can combine two or more layers into one. This will not only reduce the length of your layers palette, but will also make the resulting file smaller.

    Photoshop offers several ways how to merge layers.

    Merging with previous

    If you want to combine two layers located next to each other, select the top layer from this pair, and then select the command (Merge Down) from the context menu or press the hotkey combination Ctrl+E.

    For example, you need to combine layers 4 and 3. To do this, you need to call up the menu on the 4th layer and select this command:


    Merging Visible

    Using (the eye icon on the left side), prepare the necessary layers for merging: for those that need to be collapsed, leave the eye icon, and for those layers that should remain untouched, remove the eye icon.

    After this, call the context menu by right-clicking on any of the visible layers and select the command (Merge Visible) or press the hotkey combination Shift+Ctrl+E.

    For example, the task is to collapse only layers 5, 4 and 3. This means you need to remove the visibility icon from 1 and 2:


    Merge selected

    Often the palette is a mess and layers are scattered completely haphazardly and chaotically. Therefore, in order to merge layers that are far from each other, they must first be selected by general rule To select layers, hold down the Ctrl key and click on each desired layer () in turn. They will become highlighted. Now you can apply the command to them Merge Layers(Merge Layers) or press the hotkey combination Ctrl+E.

    For example, you need to collapse layers 1, 3 and 5. Select them, then select the command:


    Merging related

    If you are, you can also combine them easily. First you need to select all connected layers. Most quick way this can be done through the program menu Layers - Select related layers(Select Linked Layers). After this, you can open the context menu and select the command Merge Layers.


    Gluing layers

    You can think of merging as a safer version of merging because it allows the newly created merging to appear on a new layer, leaving the originals intact. You will just need to turn off the visibility of the sources so as not to interfere. Then at any time you can always return to them.

    Scientifically, this action in Photoshop is called: Print Layers.

    There are two ways how to glue layers in photoshop.

    Gluing selected

    The command can only be accessed using the hotkeys Ctrl+Alt+E. First you need the layers that you want to glue together.

    To avoid confusion, the new layer will automatically receive a name prefix "United".

    For example, you need to glue layers 2 and 4. Select them in the palette using the Ctrl key held down:

    Then we use the hotkey combination:

    Bonding visible

    Turn off the visibility of the layers you don't want to stamp by clicking on the visibility icons and then pressing Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E.

    Or you can also hold Alt key when choosing a team.

    For example, you need to glue layers 3 and 4, which means you need to remove the visibility icon from the rest:

    Now either press the hotkey combination, or you can call up the context menu and, while clicking on the command, hold down the Alt key.

    The result will be gluing while preserving the originals:

    Flattening Layers

    Flattening layers collapses absolutely all the layers on the palette, leaving only one layer. It automatically receives the name “Background” and becomes (as indicated by the padlock icon). Moreover, all images become white.

    To flatten layers, select the command from the context menu Perform flattening(Flatten Image).


    Download my PSD file and try to work through all the analyzed examples to thoroughly consolidate the material you have read. Merging layers in Photoshop is not a complicated process at all, but it has its own nuances. Practice and then you will understand everything right away. Good luck in your studies!

    If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

    In my third part of the article on working with layers in Photoshop, I want to tell you some tricks and nuances that will help you when working with layers. In this article you will find general quick tips and techniques. Sometimes our knowledge is not enough to understand what is happening in the layers panel. If you are a novice user, you have probably encountered a situation in which you do not understand what kind of layers are in the Layers panel, how to work with them, how to generally bring everything into a more familiar form for you? How to do quick discharge? How to get rid of styles? How to merge blending modes?

    If you have just joined Chronophage, you should start with the first articles in this series:

    How to merge layers in Photoshop?

    The point of working in Photoshop is layers and their presence. However, in some situations you simply need to merge all layers into one raster layer. The team will help you with this Layer > Flatten Image.

    Flatten Image — merges all existing layers into one Background Layer. It removes invisible layers. There is no need to select specific layers. The same command can be applied directly in the layers panel. Just right-click on any of the layers and select from the drop-down menu Flatten Layers.

    In other situations, you might want to merge all layers but leave the ones that are invisible. Team Flatten, as you understand, kills everything in the world. To merge only visible layers, use Layer >Merge Visible Layers. It is not necessary to select specific layers in the Layers panel. The command merges all visible layers and leaves all hidden ones intact.

    How to merge several specific layers?

    In other situations, you only need to merge a few layers together. In this case, you need to select these layers in the layers panel and apply Layer > Merge Layers or CTRL+E. If you are into design seriously and for a long time, I advise you to remember this combination. You will have to merge the layers often.

    How to rasterize layer styles?

    When working with graphics, in some situations you have to rasterize layer styles. Of course, the whole point of layer styles is not to rasterize them, but to preserve them if possible. However, often you need to create a quick layer style for the sole purpose of rasterizing it and continuing to work with the resulting graphics.


    Perhaps now you know everything there is to know about working with layers. I intentionally did not include some functions from the Layers menu, since they are relevant to other Photoshop themes. In the last and final fourth part, I will talk in detail about the innovations in CS6. Changes in working with layers are global. At least rewrite all the articles. We will also talk about specific types of layers, video layers, smart layers and color correction layers and fill layers.

    That's all, successful experiments in Photoshop!


    In the illustration you can see that it is divided into layers that are not combined with each other. All of them are named in accordance with the elements that are depicted on them. Each layer can be adjusted and moved independently of the others. Those. the right hand, for example, you can move it to another place, redraw it, add an effect, recolor it. And all this will not affect other parts of our “girl’s” body in any way.

    But if you've already perfected all the parts of the head, there's no point in keeping them on separate layers. Let's combine the ones we need layers. Place all the pieces in their places. Hold down the Ctrl key and select everything you need to merge layers(in our case this is the mouth, eyes, and). Now right-click on any of them. A menu will appear in which at the very bottom you must select “Merge layers" Now the head and everything that goes with it are united into one element. Rename this layer and name it "head". This is a way to combine layers.

    Now you can go the other way. This time you need to combine the sundress, arms and legs, i.e. create a torso. Disable layers“head” and “background”, removing the eye from the window next to the layer. Right-click on one of the visible layers and select the “Merge Visible” menu item. Those layers, which were not disabled, will merge into one. Name this layer "torso".

    The last method left is “Mixing”. It is used as the very last step of working with the image. “Mixing” brings everything together layers document and secures them. Turn on layers"head" and "background". Right-click on any layer and select “Flatten” from the menu that appears. Now all parts of the image are connected. This is necessary to reduce the weight of the psd file.

    Useful advice

    Do not merge layers if there is a chance that you may still need them separately.

    The undeniable advantage of the program Adobe Photoshop is the fact that it allows the user to work on different layers single image. This provides greater comfort when working with drawings. If necessary, they can be easily glued together using software interface.

    You will need


    We propose to consider the process of gluing layers from the very beginning. So first of all you need layers. If you want to place it on a new layer, you just need to select the appropriate tool in the program. Click in the image field and enter required text. The creation of a new layer will be performed automatically by the program. If you need to draw something, then you must create a new layer.

    You can create a new layer in immediate ways. In the first case, your actions will look like this: move the mouse cursor over the “Layers” item (this item is located in the upper horizontal panel of the program) and click on it. Next, you need to hover your mouse over the “New” subsection and select “Layer”. You can also do this by pressing the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+N”. Give the new layer a name and start working with it. In the second case, you will have to do it differently: at the bottom of the window displaying layers images, click on the penultimate icon (the square icon with layering). The layer will be created.

    To merge two or more layers, you need to follow these steps. If you need everything layers, select them all, hold down the “Shift” button and right-click on any layer after selection. In the menu that appears, select “Merge layers" If you need to glue specific layers, then leave only them, removing the eye icon from the remaining elements. Next, right-click on any visible layer and select the “Merge Visible” option.

    Video on the topic

    All operations with images in the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor are carried out in layers and the more complex the document being created, the more often there is a need to connect two or larger number"layers" into one. For this purpose, the graphic editor provides several different ways, differing both in the sequence of actions and in the result.

    You will need

    • Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop


    To merge two adjacent layers, right-click the one in the list above and select context menu“Merge with previous” item. This operation corresponds to combination CTRL+ E.

    If you want to merge non-adjacent layers, first select them all - click while holding down the CTRL key. Then right-click any of the selected layers. From the context menu, select the Merge Layers command. Pressing the hotkey CTRL + E will perform the same operation.

    To leave only one layer in the document, including all visible ones, right-click any of the layers, excluding the text layer. Select “Perform flattening” from the context menu. If it contains invisible layers, the editor will ask for confirmation - it will show a dialog box with the question “Delete hidden layers?” Click “Yes” and all visible layers of the document will be combined into one, and invisible ones will be destroyed.

    You can link layers without merging them into one. After such an operation, any actions with any of the layers of the ligament will be transmitted to all the others. To link layers in this way, select any of them, and left-click the rest just to the right of the layer thumbnail - an icon of chain links will appear in this place. This can be done differently: select all the necessary layers by clicking on them while holding down the CTRL key, and then click the leftmost one (“Link Layers”) in the row at the bottom edge of the layers palette - it shows the chain links.

    Video on the topic

    On initial stages mastering Adobe Photoshop, any minor detail can throw you into a stupor, for example, the need to change layers. This little guide will help you overcome your little difficulty.


    Open the program (the author uses the Russified Adobe Photoshop CS5) and create some kind of inscription in a new document - this will be one of the layers. To do this, select “Text” on the toolbar (the icon with the letter “T”), move the cursor over work area, left-click and type something on the keyboard.

    In the lower right corner of the program, find the Layers panel. It contains three tabs: “Layers”, “Channels” and “Outlines”. Make sure you have the Layers tab activated. At the bottom there is a list of layers: on at the moment this is what you wrote and the background. Make it according to the background double click LMB. In the window that appears, give the future layer some name and color (for example, “Background”). The layer color is used for convenience of working with layers and does not affect the color of the inscription. Click OK. At the same time, you can notice how the padlock has disappeared from the list next to the “Background” layer. There are now two layers in the project that can be manipulated.

    Now select the text layer. This can be done in three ways (to use the first two, first select “Move” in the toolbar):1. Hold Ctrl and left-click on the inscription.
    2. Right-click on the inscription and select the required layer from the menu that appears. This method is convenient when grouped in one place at the same time large number layers.
    3. In the list of layers, select the layer with the caption. It bears the exact same name as the inscription.

    Right-click on the layer labeled in the list, select “Layer Options” (the top menu item) and specify there, for example, green. For convenience, you can change the name.

    In the list of layers, select one of them and use the “drug-n-drop” method to move one of the layers so that they are: red at the bottom, green at the top. Look at the work area - the inscription should disappear. This means that the layer with her is behind the layer with the background.


    • how to change clothes in photoshop

    The fact that Photoshop supports working with layers allows you to edit the contents of one layer without affecting the images on other layers. Layers can be added, deleted, swapped, duplicated and merged. The main tool for working with layers is the palette, which by default is located in the middle of the right side of the program window.

    You will need

    • - Photoshop program.


    For correct operation with layers open the layers palette. By default it should be displayed, but if it is not visible, click on the Layers item in the Window menu.

    One of the basic operations with layers is copying and pasting. To copy an image and paste it as a layer into another document, select the image using the All command from the Select menu. To copy a selected image, use the Copy command from the Edit menu. You can insert a new layer by clicking on the document window and using the Paste command from the Edit menu.

    To perform any actions on the contents of a layer or layers, you must specify which layer the changes will be applied to. To do this, you need to activate the layer by clicking on it in the layers palette.

    You can select several layers at once by clicking on them while holding down the Ctrl key. If it turns out that the required operation cannot be performed on several layers at once, the command to run this operation will be deactivated in the menu.

    Layers in Photoshop can be duplicated. This operation is often used to create shadows and reflections. To duplicate a layer, make it active and use the Duplicate Layer command from the Layer menu.

    In the case when you need to hide part of the content of one layer behind an image lying on another layer, change the order of the layers. To do this, you can use commands from the Arrange Layer group, or you can move layers with the mouse. Drag the layer with the image, which should overlap all or part of the contents of the lower layers, to the top.

    The layer blending mode can be changed. This technique is used when creating collages to add texture. If you need to change a layer's blending mode, select the layer whose content will interact with the content of visible layers and select desired mode overlays from the dropdown list Blending Mode. The list can be seen in the upper left corner of the Layers palette.

    If one of the layers is bothering you, you can delete it by activating the layer and using the Layer command from the Delete group of the Layer menu. You can not delete the layer, but temporarily hide it by clicking on the eye icon in the layers palette. The content of a hidden layer cannot be changed.

    In addition to image layers in Photoshop, there are adjustment layers. If you need to apply a filter to images that are visible in the document window but are on different layers, create an adjustment layer using the New Adjustment Layer command from the Layer menu and select the contents of this layer from the list. A filter placed on an adjustment layer only affects the layers below it.

    The contents of layers can be merged into one layer using the Merge Down command from the Layer menu. In this case, the active layer and the layer lying under it will form one layer.

    When the image is finished, the layers can be merged to reduce the file size. This is done with the Flatten Image command from the Layer menu. However, if you plan to edit this image again later, save the file without merging the layers in psd format, png or tiff.


    • Working with layers in Photoshop in 2018
    • how to use photoshop in 2018

    The ability to create and edit images divided into layers is one of the the most powerful tools modern graphic editors. It would lose a lot of its effectiveness if it were not possible to selectively merge such layers. In the Adobe graphics editor Photoshop ways connecting the layers is more than enough.