• Cloud mining or your own farm? Is it worth investing in mining farms?

    Cryptocurrency for lately, especially after the sharp rise of Bitcoin, has gained wild popularity. Cloud mining services have appeared that offer mining of any popular cryptocurrencies. The most advanced ones began to mine cryptocurrency themselves, building mining farms right at home or in the garage. Let's look at the pros and cons and decide which is better - cloud mining or your own farm?

    Cloud mining

    What is cloud mining? As soon as the first cryptocurrency (bitcoin) appeared, it became possible to mine, or otherwise obtain new bitcoins. At first, advanced users in a very narrow circle began to mine bitcoins. The popularity of mining has grown with its spread. With the growth of miners, the time for mining bitcoins increased and increased, and the income fell. Then the creators of the largest farms came up with the idea of ​​sharing their power with other miners. The user buys part of the capacity, the company makes a profit, and the user receives new bitcoins.

    Advantages and disadvantages of cloud mining


    Very high profitability - you can double your investment twice in a year. If you consider that cryptocurrency is constantly growing, it becomes even more attractive.

    You can mine cryptocurrency without investment. You can get Bitcoin for free.

    On the same mining service, you can buy different cryptocurrencies and diversify the risks from the fall of any one cryptocurrency.

    Almost all services have an affiliate program and you can also make money on it.


    There is a high probability that the seller of the contracts will turn out to be unscrupulous (a fraudster) and after a while the service will simply disappear with the miners’ money.

    Pros and cons of cryptocurrency mining farms

    Bitcoin mining farm

    After the popularization and growth of Bitcoin, ordinary citizens began to mine it. They began to buy video cards en masse and build farms, some in the garage, some at home, some at work. As a result, the cost of video cards has increased incredibly, and a good video card “can’t be found during the day.”


    Having your own farm sounds beautiful, almost like having your own candle factory.

    In reality, you can make good money, pay for the equipment and reach permanent income.


    Very expensive equipment. Here you need to understand that the more video cards you buy, the more cryptocurrencies you can mine. The cost of a farm can cost several thousand dollars.

    To assemble a farm and configure everything you need to be an advanced user.

    You can go negative. The risks are large - from equipment failure to a fall in the cryptocurrency rate.

    What is better - cloud mining or your own farm?

    Of course, owning your own farm is not for everyone; it requires serious investment. Therefore, cloud mining is better in all aspects, as long as the service is reliable and proven.

    For those who are not suitable for one or the other, I recommend buying any cryptocurrency and storing it for a while, for example Bitcoin, if it also grows at the same pace, it will be +400% per annum.

    Alex 2017-04-14

    Today we are starting an experiment, based on the results of which we will find out how much you can earn from Bitcoin mining in 2017 by investing a small amount of $150.

    The purpose of the experiment: to find out how realistic it is to make money using cloud mining of bitcoins, to determine the pros and cons of this type of earnings.

    To earn money we chose cloud service genesis-mining.com with a Russian interface. We chose the service from those that have existed on the market for a long time, and we found it to be quite stable and also convenient to use.

    Bitcoin rate at the time of writing: $1,170 per 1 BTC

    Registration on the resource is very simple. We will not describe it, but will start with the choice tariff plan and an investment of $150.

    Choose a currency and invest money in genesis-mining.com

    Go to the control panel and click the yellow “Start mining now” button. Select “Unlimited bitcoin mining” at the top and use the slider on the right to set the amount you want to invest.

    We chose a small investment amount of $150, thus purchasing a pool power of 1 TH/s.

    We select the currency in which we will pay for the pool capacity. The service has different options payment, in our case we chose Bitcoin.

    Then we are warned about a daily subscription fee of 0.00028USD/GHs per day ($0.15). We are asked to accept the terms and pay. We, as real users, do not read the terms of the agreement, but pay immediately in order to earn bitcoins faster.

    After we click the pay button, a window appears containing a link to the Bitcoin wallet and a time counter for how long this link is valid (30 minutes). It is not entirely clear to us what will happen if you make a payment when the meter is running low. Therefore, we recommend opening your Bitcoin wallet in advance so that it is ready for use.

    Now all that remains is to pay $150 from our wallet (0.127 BTC) and we can start earning bitcoins. More precisely, we hope so.

    Then we indicate the Bitcoin wallet to which the earned money will be transferred to you:

    My account -> settings -> wallets.

    The minimum payout amount of mined bitcoins to your Bitcoin wallet is 0.0006 (about $0.80 at the exchange rate of $1170).

    As you can see, everything is very simple, but now we are interested in main question: How much can you earn from Bitcoin mining by investing $150?

    If you also want to try mining from genesis-mining.com, join and use our promo code - Vv7B4Y. By using it, you will receive a discount when paying.

    How much can you earn from Bitcoin mining?

    Today we publish the first report:

    We received the first payment approximately 24 hours after the start of mining and the amount of income was 0.00027068 BTC ($0.32 at $1170 exchange rate).

    On average, with an investment of $150 in cloud mining, we began to earn about 0.00027068 bitcoins per day ($0.32 at the exchange rate of $1170).

    Let's calculate how much we will earn per month and per year at the rate of $1170 per Bitcoin:

    Earnings per month — 0.32 * 30 = $9.6
    Earnings per year — 9.6 * 12 = $112.

    Now let's calculate the annual return as a percentage - 112 / 150 * 100 = 74.6% .


    Under ideal conditions: by investing $150 in cloud mining, you can earn $112 in a year, practically returning the invested amount (assuming that the exchange rate remains unchanged - $1170).

    After we return the invested amount of $150, the annual return will be about 74%. This is a very good percentage.

    Let us remind you that for $150 we bought a mining power of 1 TH/s. If you buy 10 TH/s power for $1400, your income will increase 10 times and amount to $1152 per year.

    IN real conditions: Knowing how subject the Bitcoin exchange rate is to fluctuations, our calculated income can either fall several times or rise. The constant increase in mining difficulty will also negatively affect your income.

    If the rate rises, you will not only recoup your invested money, but also make great money. If the Bitcoin rate falls by more than half, you will lose your money. Also, no one can guarantee you that our cloud mining service will not cease to exist.

    It follows from this that under ideal conditions we receive 74% per annum, but we can only find out the exact amount of earnings after waiting a year, since it directly depends on the Bitcoin exchange rate and our luck.

    Our opinion:

    We provided you with information and showed you the real result. If you have money and you like to take risks, this will suit you, but you must decide for yourself whether it is worth doing. The main thing is to invest only an amount that you are not afraid of losing.

    In this article we will publish reports on how much you can earn per month and per year, so stay tuned. Depending on further earnings results, we will be able to purchase additional pool capacity if this makes sense.

    Updated 05/04/2017

    We publish a schedule of income in dollars as of May 2, 2017. 20 days have passed since the start of mining, during which I managed to earn $7. Note that the bitcoin cryptocurrency rate during this time increased from $1200 to $1500 per 1 bitcoin.

    First $10 dollars! Updated 05/07/2017

    Today we earned our first $10 dollars from cloud mining. It took 26 days, let us remind you that we invested $150. Since the writing of this article, the Bitcoin exchange rate has begun to grow significantly. The table shows income calculated based on the increased Bitcoin exchange rate. If it had fallen, you would have earned significantly less.

    We also publish payments in bitcoins below so you can monitor the earning process.

    Updated 05/14/2017

    For the period from April 14, 2017 to May 14, 2017, we managed to make money from Bitcoin mining $14 dollars. See the full earnings chart for this time.

    We decided to create a separate Bitcoin wallet to receive payments, so as not to be confused with the Bitcoins that we receive from other sources. We will transfer the earned bitcoins there and in the future we will show the results of earnings on it by posting screenshots.

    Updated 05/28/2017, earned 0.01249327 BTC($27 at the rate of $2232 for 1 bitcoin)

    Updated 06/15/2017, working $50 ( 0.01870485 BTC at the rate of $2644 for 1 bitcoin)

    08/24/2017 — Results for 4 months.

    On at the moment cost of 1 Bitcoin = $4309. In 4 months we fully returned the invested amount of $150! And now we start earning money) How, for passive income this method is a great option. If you also want to try, then come here and while Bitcoin is growing, you can still earn money.

    Updated10/13/2017 — Bitcoin rate $5750

    Our wallet account has $300, while Bitcoin is growing, everything is fine))

    Updated11/02/2017 — Bitcoin rate $7000

    Our wallet account has $400 (0.05661009) , Bitcoin is growing, look further)

    UpdatedNovember 26, 2017 — Bitcoin rate $9000

    On our wallet account $560 ( 0.06187362). We remind you that on April 14, 2017, we invested $150 in cloud mining by purchasing a pool power of 1 TH/s, when the Bitcoin rate was $1170.

    Updated12/07/2017 — Bitcoin rate $15147

    On our wallet account $1028.80 ( 0.06399948 BTC ). , we have invested $150 in cloud mining by purchasing pool power in 1 TH/s


    This experiment was conducted to test how much you can earn from Bitcoin mining by investing a small amount. In the end, thanks to the growth of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, we managed to make some money.

    We showed an example of how you can make money on cloud mining. Now Bitcoin has become very expensive and buying it is quite problematic from a financial point of view, so you can turn your attention to other cryptocurrencies and simply do the same thing as we did.

    We withdrew and cashed out the amount of $1000 dollars from the wallet at the rate of $19,000 per bitcoin. You can read where it is profitable to buy and sell Bitcoin in our

    We continue to earn bitcoins in this pool because we bought power there and so far it is enough to pay the pool commission.

    When the complexity of the Bitcoin system increases to the point where our purchased power is not enough for us, we will stop making a profit and write down how much we were able to earn from start to finish.

    Follow our results, the article will be constantly updated. Write your opinion on this matter in the comments.

    If you are planning to mine several units of popular cryptocurrencies in the near future and are ready to assemble your own farm, stop. There are ways to mine without farms, and therefore without serious investments. This means that this method is suitable for everyone - from beginners to professionals. Meet - cloud mining of cryptocurrencies. Fast. Just. From $1.5 per year.

    For our youngest readers, we remind you that mining is the “production” of cryptocurrencies using computer equipment. And cryptocurrency is one of the variations of the implementation of a unique calculation algorithm, which can be very expensive. For example, one of the most popular Bitcoin cryptocurrency per unit costs about $5500...6000. Ideally, having invested $550 in mining and received 1 bitcoin, we have a maximum return of 1000%. Other cryptocurrencies are cheaper, but their profitability can be higher than 100%. And the best part is that anyone can start mining.

    It would seem that great scheme for making money online, due to its high profitability, except for one “but”. Mining cryptocurrencies, due to their popularity, is a very expensive business.

    Theory: why independent mining is simple and difficult at the same time

    From the technical side of the issue: cryptocurrency is obtained through complex mathematical calculations of a unique sequence of algorithms - blockchain. Depending on the algorithm used for the calculation, the unit of the resulting block is considered a specific cryptocurrency: Bitcoin, Monero, Ethereum, Zcoin and others. Calculations are carried out on computer equipment. This is the weakest point of this scheme.

    If you read or heard somewhere that Bitcoin can be calculated using regular computer, then this is slightly outdated information. The calculation algorithm for each new block is based on the sequence of the previous ones with the addition of a unique number that has gone through hashing. Hashing is the process of converting a data array into a fixed-length string. The end result of mining calculations is to obtain a unique hash that satisfies the entire calculation system. The speed of hash calculations is called hashrate. And mining equipment is characterized by power (hash speed) - the number of hash calculations per second.

    H/s, kH/s, MH/s, GH/s, TH/s- This symbol speed of hashing calculations (hash rate), a generally accepted designation for the power of mining equipment (hash rate). 1H/s - 1 hash per second, 1kH/s - 1000 hashes per second, 1MH/s - 1,000,000 hashes per second, and so on.

    So, the current Bitcoin mining hashrate for today is 1 exahash— 1 quintillion hashes (10 18). Even the most powerful household computer produces no more than 1GH/s. With this kind of power, calculating 1 bitcoin can take 1 billion seconds or ~30 years. That’s why today no one mines on computers, and professional miners buy special equipment to assemble their “mining farms.”

    Equipment entry level for mining Bitcoin costs ~ 150...250 thousand rubles. But even this does not guarantee fast calculation. It should be understood that all computing bitcoin farms on the planet compete with each other for mining new bitcoins. And then whoever is lucky. Although, there is no such thing as luck in mathematics. Usually those who count the fastest “win”.

    In fact, having invested 150 thousand rubles, we get a setup on which it is possible to earn $5,500, but perhaps not. Consequently, the farm may or may not pay off. And this is if everything is organized correctly: maintenance, uninterrupted computing, constant access to the Internet. And if you organize it incorrectly, forget about some little thing, then even expensive equipment will not help you, you will burn out and waste a very significant amount.

    In this regard, more advanced users prefer to use cloud mining, where all equipment is rented from a large provider, settings and performance are the responsibility of technical support service, and management is carried out through a web panel or application. The main advantage of this approach is the low start-up cost and no additional headaches.

    Cloud mining: it has many disadvantages

    Oh, cloud mining! - our little reader will exclaim. - This is exactly what is needed for make quick money on cryptocurrency!

    This is certainly true, but it is not true. And here's why.

    Cloud mining has several disadvantages that are not visible at first glance. We will try to heartlessly tell you the whole truth about Internet mining and its disadvantages. We have nothing to hide. And perhaps we will help you understand this hype, which, in turn, will allow you to earn some “cryptocurrency” for caviar, butter and a fresh wheat loaf for you, your children and grandchildren. If, of course, you understand what we mean.

    Often, under cloud mining, there are ordinary scammers who have nothing. And first of all, conscience. But in fact, their beautiful website is just a cover or a pacifier wrapper. They can promise you a bunch of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, even draw your fabulous earnings in the panel, for example, a graph of earnings for 30 bitcoins per day (~150 thousand dollars). But, it's all virtual. After all, they take advantage of what is hidden. That is, they did not have and do not have any real capacities or equipment, and all the numbers are taken from the air. Until a certain time.

    So, for example, you ask them to withdraw their earnings in order to finally become a dollar billionaire, but nothing will happen. The organizers will disappear. The site will stop working. Because their real goal is to lure as much money as possible from you, and hundreds like you, by luring them with beautiful numbers and promising high earnings. And having collected the required amount, simply disappear with the money. A kind of typical financial pyramid on the hype of the crypto market audience.

    This, we repeat, is from fraudulent cloud mining services. However, there are other, honest Cloud Mining, which we write about in this article.

    Attention! Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and technologies for obtaining them are considered high-risk investments. The high market value of some coins is due only to interest and demand, without any collateral. The situation can change at any moment. Cryptocurrency should not be considered as a single store of value.

    Cloud mining: it has many advantages. Or how to choose a real operator for mining

    The main advantage when working with real cloud mining is the opportunity to make money on the crypto market practically from scratch. Because such mining will always be cheaper than your own farm: there are no costs for purchasing and setting up equipment, its operation and maintenance.

    Of course, you object, the provider has all this. Yes, but they have professional level farms connected to industrial networks. Located in large data centers, guaranteeing uninterrupted operation even in extreme conditions. And professionals are responsible for the service. Which, in terms of the amount of equipment, are much cheaper than maintaining one home farm.

    Also, do not forget that cloud mining operators do not earn money from mining itself, but from renting out equipment, therefore, honest providers are interested in ensuring that their equipment works and mines, because the more crypto it brings, the more clients the operator will have , and this is their direct income.

    And here another plus arises, small and imperceptible, but very, very important. All cryptocurrency mined on cloud farms is distributed among all clients of the provider, according to the leased capacity. That is, cloud mining guarantees earnings. And for you this means only one thing: even renting a minimum amount will bring you cryptocurrency, of course, a pittance, but you have to start somewhere. After all, any earnings start from scratch, and in the crypto market, we repeat, only cloud mining guarantees profit from a minimum investment.

    And the most significant advantage, looking ahead a little, is that only cloud farms allow you to simultaneously and equally invest in mining various cryptocurrencies. Of course, the most significant and desirable so far is Bitcoin. But if it collapses, those farms dedicated to its production will no longer be available. This means we need an alternative. In the “cloud” this is done in a couple of mouse clicks. Bitcoin will fall, ether will remain. Losses will be compensated. Both “cryptos” will grow – double income. And there are more than two cryptocurrencies. And in the clouds they can all mine without problems, just be sure to invest and transfer earnings between them.

    So, having looked at the advantages, it’s worth thinking about how to choose honest operator cloud mining.

    Signs of honest services for cloud mining of cryptocurrencies:

    • Operator website. It should be nice, complete and understandable (not a one-pager). All information must be open for review. There must be technical support contacts, which should be more than just an address email. It is highly desirable to have photographs and videos of the provider’s equipment on the site. Project managers should be presented with photos and links to their profiles in social networks. Moreover, they must respond there to all requests from other users.
    • Project duration. The longer an operator works on the crypto market, the greater the trust in him. Hype projects that plan to collect money from users and disappear have a minimal lifespan. But don’t just trust what is written, look on the Internet. Normal projects have an “Internet” history: reviews on various independent sites (even if there are some negative reviews), discussions on forums dedicated to making money. Don't forget - reviews must be from different dates.
    • Capacity and number of users. Normal operators do not hide these numbers. And everything is simple with them. The more, the more reliable the provider. Moreover, some figures are often confirmed by various independent sources.
    • Opportunity to invest in mining various cryptocurrencies. There are cloud solo mining operations that work with one cryptocurrency, but you definitely shouldn’t trust them. A good operator will always try to offer clients as many mining opportunities as possible (don’t forget, the operator’s income comes from renting out capacity; the more rented, the more earned), constantly introducing new ones.
    • Promotions, discounts, coupons and seasonal offers. Derived from the previous point. Earnings good operator consists of the total number of active clients. The more there are, the more earnings. Consequently, the provider will always try to stimulate regular customers using various marketing techniques.

    Of course, the list is not complete and cannot guarantee 100% reliability of the operator, however, working with cryptocurrencies is no different from operations with traditional currencies. There is always a risk of losing your investment. But, even here, cloud mining is better than your own farms. Conscientious providers try to minimize the losses of their clients, since a dissatisfied client is tantamount to a loss of profit.

    For general development and further understanding, we will analyze the basic algorithms for mining various cryptocurrencies.

    What to mine: review of popular algorithms for cryptocurrency mining

    In theory, you understand that the crypt is based on a blockchain, which is calculated according to a certain algorithm. The crypto market distinguishes 5 currency algorithms that are most profitable for mining:

    • SHA-256— used for mining Bitcoin and its alternatives.
    • Scrypt- a more complex hash function that allows you to mine Litecoin, followed by transfers to Bitcoin. It features different equipment, more reliable and faster. But, more expensive.
    • Ethash (ETH)- an algorithm designed for mining cryptocurrency type Ethereum. Less demanding than the previous ones, can be calculated even on video cards. Great for solo mining and building your own farm. But, since we are hyped for cloud technologies, renting this algorithm can bring faster income than Bitcoin.
    • X11 (DASH)- an algorithm that uses 11 hashing rounds. Well optimized and suitable for low-power farms (on the same video cards). Suitable for mining cryptocurrency type DASH. About 30% more effective than the previous one, although they are very similar.
    • EQUIHASH (ZEC)— mining based on quantity RAM near the farm (at the moment you can mine even on smartphones). Mines currency like Zcash. It is gaining popularity due to the fact that this currency has begun to be recognized in the global Internet community, for example, WikiLeaks (an international non-profit organization) announced that it is accepting donations in this cryptocurrency. Low cost best time for investing in the rise of crypto.

    So, according to the algorithms, we can present a list of cryptocurrencies in which you can invest in mining for the purpose of good earnings(after the colon the exchange rate is indicated at the time of writing, in Russian rubles):

    • Bitcoin, cue ball ( Bitcoin): 1BTC = 329,307 rubles,
    • Ethereum, Ethereum ( Ethereum): 1ETH = 17,366 rubles,
    • Dash ( Dash): 1DASH = 16,616 rub.,
    • Zicoin, zetcoin ( Zcoin): 1ZEC = 234 rub.

    This is a gentleman's set of cryptos for good mining. If, by the way, we assemble a farm for the simultaneous extraction of all these currencies, we will get a monster that can compete in productivity with some small enterprise if they spent all the energy received on the same actions. But the best way is to mine. And mine in the cloud.

    Bonus for those who read to the end.

    Bonus: this is perhaps the best cloud mining on the Internet

    We have been looking for a long time for Cloud Mining that we can trust. We tried, we invested, we failed. But they found it. Meet me.

    Conclusion: Why are you still missing your chance?

    Cloud mining provides good opportunities to start from scratch, will help you understand the basic terms and methods, and gives you a chance to make good money. And it is worth noting that the chance is quite high.

    And how you realize your capabilities in cloud mining, how you use your chance, and whether you use it at all, depends only on you. Cryptocurrency is popular, and everyone knows it; now it’s worth something. What will happen next? Nobody knows. But at least now there is an opportunity to immediately make money from mining, and HashFlare makes this opportunity available to the majority, because their first earnings are credited within 24 hours.

    So what are you waiting for? We are in mining at

    Cloud mining is a phenomenon that arose on the basis of the huge spread of cryptocurrencies and the use of this method of earning money by large companies. At the moment, it has become impossible to make money on your own with the help of any - even expensive specialized ASIC devices will not be able to pay for themselves due to the dominance of large farms.

    But in return, a new option has appeared: you can get your own cryptocurrency by purchasing production facilities from their owner - just visit a site for bitcoin mining and deposit funds. This opportunity is called cloud mining by analogy with cloud technologies– the whole process takes place on servers in another country.

    Why did cloud mining appear?

    The ability to mine (create) has been around since the advent of cryptocurrency. At first, it was used by a very limited circle of people, then, with the growth of demand and the rate of Bitcoin, the idea was picked up by the broad masses of computer geeks. But advanced users knew that in open source code The system uses an algorithm that invariably complicates operations and reduces rewards.

    Here it is worth explaining with an example: at first, the reward for assembled block was 50 BTC, and its creation required a strictly defined amount of time. After the number of mined bitcoins doubles, the amount drops to 25 BTC, and the time doubles. Then - again, and this procedure was repeated many times: at the moment, 2/3 of all bitcoins have already been mined.

    Therefore, farms consisting of several video cards that worked at first gave way, but soon even expensive chips for calculating hashes stopped bringing in earnings from mining without investment. And the creators of the largest farms, whose income also began to fall, came up with an idea: to sell part of their power to others in the form of shares that guarantee profit.

    The experience turned out to be successful and almost all mining sites that mined military-technical cooperation without investments began to trade their resources in this format. Considering that none of the currently existing methods of earning money are functioning, this could be an excellent chance to replenish your wallet with a certain amount.

    How does this work?

    The operating algorithm of cloud mining companies is simple:

    1. Equipment is purchased and configured.
    2. A resource is being founded that offers to conclude production contracts. All paying mining without investments prefer the web interface to applications.
    3. The user buys a certain amount of allocated power for dollars or bitcoins (there is even ruble mining without investments, but it is extremely unpopular).
    4. The company receives profit from the transaction, the user receives profit from mining on advanced equipment.

    To purchase contracts for a specific allocated capacity, a website is used, which requires registration.

    Advantages and disadvantages of cloud mining

    Among the many advantages of cloud mining are:

    • At the moment, this is the only truly working way to earn bitcoins - cryptocurrency mining sites without investments have no alternatives.
    • Most companies have a legally established status and are quite reliable.
    • The user gets rid of all the disadvantages of mining: monitoring cloud mining, setting up equipment, paying electricity bills.
    • Quite a high profitability - many services allow you to double your invested funds in a year, which, coupled with the constant growth of the cryptocurrency rate, makes this very interesting. You can also mine bitcoins without investments in test mode.
    • The total capacity of a hotel data center will always be greater, therefore, when building your own farm and renting power “on the side,” the remuneration indicators will be different - each cryptocurrency mining without investment on the machine (2019) has its own balance of costs and profits. At the same time, the difference will be in favor of cloud mining contracts - even taking into account the profit built into the service, the profitability for the user will be higher.
    • Profit can be predicted: investing in contracts for cloud mining has nothing in common with buying shares on a stock market - there the price may fall due to a decrease in demand, and mining cryptocurrency without investments is protected from such incidents. Using this service in any case brings you money, and the fixed amount of remuneration and well-known indicators of computational complexity make it easy to predict profitability and use bitcoin cloud mining without investment (2019).
    • On the same service, you can simultaneously purchase contracts for different cryptocurrencies, which will help protect yourself from occasional drops in one of them. Proper distribution of investments between them may reduce the total expected profit, but also minimize damage - in this regard, the best bitcoin mining without investment is very interesting from a security point of view.
    • The ability to carry out automatic mining of bitcoins without investments on large quantities resources at the same time, searching for the most profitable contracts without any restrictions.
    • Referral programs - for inviting a user, you may receive a fixed amount or a small additional percentage of the profit from his contracts. Thus, the creators stimulate demand for their services so that cloud mining of cryptocurrency without investment becomes more popular.

    Cloud mining also has disadvantages:

    • There is a possibility of a fall in the price of Bitcoin itself: two “soap bubbles” were observed in 2011 and 2013, and some analysts also find signs of it in 2019. If you do not want to invest in Bitcoin for the long term, cloud mining, the list of falls of which takes place , will not suit you. In theory, it can become unprofitable and even the impossibility of issuing cannot save you. This investment is designed for long term use.
    • Sudden breakdowns and other types of losses will force the data center to include less return for users in subsequent contracts. In fact, each new offer may differ from the previous one and the profit will not be fixed (as on a deposit in a bank) - bitcoin mining sites often change these indicators.
    • The likelihood that the contract seller will be caught in bad faith. The great demand for cloud mining has activated a number of scammers offering non-existent production capacities and exploiting interest in btc - cloud mining has become a godsend for them. It’s worth using only proven services with numerous recommendations and not falling for promises of exorbitant interest rates by investing in the first Bitcoin cloud you come across. For the most part, figures above 250% profitability (per year) cannot exist in theory - the best and most reliable cloud mining sites without investments (2019) cannot give such figures.
    • The company’s website itself with an online wallet is susceptible to hacker attacks and hacking - cloud mining services are not completely protected from this. If such an event happens to the site you have chosen, the money not withdrawn will flow irrevocably in an unknown direction. In this regard, you should beware of services with too long a period for the return of funds or conditions that prevent you from immediately transferring profits to your account - mining bitcoin without investments promises everything, but only in test mode and at minimum power.

    List of the most popular resources

    Important! Be sure to read the information at the end of the article ( Important!).

    1. Hashflare - () Used by Ethereum, BTC, LTC. Has the highest profitability -< 200% от стоимости контракта. Код HF18OSE8OD10 10% discount.
    2. Bitdeer - () According to many, the best cloud mining. Suitable for those who work with Bitcoin - payments are made daily.
    3. Hashing24 - Also helps you earn btc with minimal costs– carries out cloud mining. Regularly appears on lists of the best cryptocurrency mining sites.
    4. Iqmining - Profitable representative of cloud mining bitcoin, ethereum and another 150 altcoins - profitability rates up to 128% per year. Mining bitcoins cloud without investments on the machine with user-friendly interface (2019).
    5. Hashtoro - New cloud mining, deals with BTC, ETH, LTC, ZEC currencies. The average profit is 80% per contract per year (new mining projects that pay without investments cannot provide this amount). Minimum payment: 0.005 BTC, 0.5 LTC and 0.1 ETH, not including commission fees.
    6. Cryptomonitor - Operating since the end of 2015, the contract will be completed only upon reaching 200% of the invested funds, which is generally similar to other services offering cloud mining. Reliable sites without investments are rare here, but this one is exactly that.
    7. Minerjet - SCAM is a service from the same family, but already offering capacity for Bitcoin mining. More than 200% per year - new cloud mining without investments does not offer such figures (current for 2017). The project has affiliate program. You can also mine currencies: ethereum, litecoin, dogecoin, monero, etc.

    Cloud mining (video)


    Cloud mining is the only working way to get cryptocurrency and minimize your risks with such an investment. This modern solution for users who are confident in the stability of the chosen means of payment and do not intend to assemble and maintain a noisy installation. In fact, Bitcoin mining sites are a kind of analogue of investing in stocks, but with much more favorable forecasts regarding their price. Given the general trends in the Bitcoin market, your contract is highly likely to be very profitable - quite a few of them double the amount invested.

    You should be careful about options that are too profitable and carefully analyze the reviews for each site. An extra few minutes of searching can save your investment from inevitable loss.

    In the comments below, write which services no longer pay, together we will eradicate HYIPs and SCAMs that no longer pay. And also share projects that work stably and have credibility, apart from hype and SCAM.

    Important! Lately it has become increasingly difficult to make money on hype projects; if previously they worked more or less stably and brought profit, now it has become practically impossible to make money on them. And so we have identified, at the moment, only 2 real projects with which you can cooperate: the most profitable cloud mining is Hashflare, and the pool is BitClubNetwork. You can login to Hashflare with minimal investment, but there contracts are only for a year, in BitClubNetwork the investments are larger, but the contracts are from 3 years to infinity, depending on the cryptocurrency and the reinvestment percentage. So draw your own conclusions to keep your finances safe and increase them.

    No one will ever give a 100% guarantee that all services will work forever, so be responsible about your choice.

    At the end of 2018, beginning of 2019, mining became less profitable, at a rate of $3,500 per btc.

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    Investing in mining. We calculate profitability.

    A few years ago, cryptocurrency mining was carried out using computers with modest technical characteristics. The attractiveness of cryptocurrencies and the availability of mining has led to the fact that miners simply flooded the Internet. But years have passed, and the mining process has become more difficult. Mining on a PC has become impossible without 4-8 video cards. Although some miners claim that it is possible to mine cryptocurrency on a home computer.

    To find out which of them is right, you should first consider some features of the mining process on a PC. But before that, let’s say frankly: novice miners, at the first stage of work, need to obtain the necessary theoretical knowledge about what cryptocurrency is, what mining methods and principles are used to earn this or that cryptocurrency, etc. Only after you clearly understand the process itself can you move on to considering the hardware.

    Don’t rush to buy expensive things right away specialized equipment, investing huge amounts of money in its purchase. First you need to decide what cryptocurrency you are going to mine. After that, calculate the profitability of mining and how much it will cost to build a PC. For example, Bitcoin mining is already quite complicated. If you are going to mine cryptocurrency using a computer, it is better to pay attention to Ethereum, Dogecoin, Monero and other currencies.

    If you seriously intend to mine cryptocurrency using a computer, you should first study the market and then start modifying the computer. The fact is that to mine certain cryptocurrencies, you will need to install several video cards at once, which are not possible to install on one PC.

    To mine Monero, you will need to get top i-core models 5, i-core 7; Radeon HD 270X, 280x, 290x, or higher than those listed. The more powerful the video card is installed, the higher the mining speed and the more earnings you can count on. Obvious things, but they are often forgotten. Distinctive feature Monero mining is the active use of AES commands for x86 processors. There are increased demands on PC memory, and mining coins on a GPU will be a useless exercise, since the income generated will not even cover the cost of electricity.

    It is better to mine Bitcoins on ASIC. Best models— Antiminer S7, Antiminet S9, Antimner D3. It is worth considering that Antiminer S9 with a hashrate of 13.5 Th/S and a consumption of 1400 Watt/h will not cost less than $2500.

    Mining Ethrerum is different in that there is no special equipment for it. A PC with 4 GB of RAM or higher, plus one or more video cards will be sufficient. AMD Radeon, memory at least 2 GB.

    Is it possible to mine cryptocurrency on a PC? How is the power of mining equipment measured?

    Equipment power is measured in Hashes per second. Usually we talk about GigaHashes and MegaHashes.

    It’s also important to understand this: you won’t be able to mine cryptocurrency without modifying your PC. Such mining will not be practical. Another question is how much money will need to be invested in such a modification. Below we give examples of two options for assembling a PC - budget and expensive. And you decide for yourself which option is best.

    1. Budget. Here we turn our computer into a mining farm. This assembly option is optimal for beginners who are taking their first steps in mining and do not have the financial ability to carry out serious modifications to their PC.

    Here is the assembly option we offer:

    • Motherboard - Biostar H81S2. Provides the ability to connect up to 6 video cards
    • Processor - INTEL Celeron(3.2 GHz)
    • Hard drive – 16 GB. More is possible, however, this part of the PC is not used for mining, so it will only increase the cost of upgrading the computer, making it far from budget-friendly
    • RAM – 8 GB stick
    • 4-6 R9290MSI video cards
    • 2 x 1000W Enhance power supplies

    If you do not have the experience and necessary skills to assemble a computer for mining yourself, you can purchase ready-made options with settings that are optimal for mining a particular cryptocurrency.

    1. Expensive. In this assembly option, the main emphasis is on achieving maximum power. At the same time, the miner should not forget about the importance of controlling electricity consumption and the cost of purchasing equipment. Otherwise, such modernization can literally cost a pretty penny.

    The cost of a ready-made PC for mining will cost an average of 6 thousand dollars. To some, the amount will seem exorbitant, however, as the experience of other miners shows, the characteristics will allow you to recoup the costs within 5-6 months.

    Now let's look at what such a computer will include:

    • 6 video cards Radeon RX480 – 470, one of the best. They demonstrate high performance and power even on a weak PC. But they consume 2-3 times less electricity, thanks to which you can save on electricity consumption and power supply
    • RAM – 8 GB. This is a minimum indicator, but it is quite logical that the higher it is, the better
    • Powerful and new processor 112 Mh GPU
    • Power supply - CoolerMaster 850W Silver, economical and reliable

    Regarding the computer case, it is better to assemble on our own. This will ensure efficient cooling, and at the same time reduce the cost of assembling a computer.

    A computer with the above configuration is suitable for mining Eth+DEC, ZEC, ETH+SIA and other cryptocurrencies.

    Regardless of which build option you choose, special attention should be paid to such parts of the PC as the video card and cooling system. After all, not only the efficiency of mining, but also the final cost of the assembly depends on them. But it will not be possible to do without modernization completely. Personal computers are not suitable for mining cryptocurrency, and therefore it is better to immediately accept the fact that you will have to invest money in it. But how much is up to you to decide.

    The efficiency of cryptocurrency mining directly depends on the main indicator – the power of the video card. You can independently conduct research on which video cards are suitable for mining in the best possible way. You can go the simple way using the table:

    The main indicator that was taken into account when comparing video cards was profit after deducting mining costs. It is important to remember that the more profit from mining a video card provides, the higher the cost.

    How to calculate how much cryptocurrency you can mine on specific equipment

    Mining profitability is the level of remuneration received by a user of the blockchain network for providing technical capacity to solve a number of network problems and conduct operations. The result of such work is finding a new block, for which the user receives income. Accordingly, the profitability of Monero is an indicator of the number of coins received for finding new blocks of the network.

    Monero: userHash/(difficulty * 1e9) * blockReward * 3600

    where Difficulty is the difficulty of the Monero network. It shows how difficult it is for a miner to find new block and receive a reward for it. You can find the value of this parameter on many sites, for example, on coinwarz.

    userHash – the power of your equipment.

    blockReward – reward for finding a block of the Monero network. Current information about the reward for a found block can be found at https://bitinfocharts.com/ru/monero/

    1e9 - 10 to the ninth power

    The Monero profitability formula shows us how many coins we will earn per hour of mining. Accordingly, the result is obtained in Monero coins, which we can later exchange for money through exchanges, exchange offices or other users interested in purchasing Monero.

    The profitability of other cryptocurrencies is calculated similarly.

    If you imagine the formula simply, mining profit

    You can find out the rate of Monero and other cryptocurrencies on coingecko.

    Profitability of equipment and methods of determination

    To calculate the profitability of mining equipment, it is important to find out the hashrate and the speed of cryptocurrency mining using the selected equipment. The higher the hashrate, the faster the cryptocurrency mining. But at the same time, the cost of such equipment will be higher.

    The second factor is power. The higher it is, the less profitable cryptocurrency mining will be. Since you will have to spend more money on paying bills for consumed electricity.

    If you are interested in generating income and are ready to invest a significant amount of money in the purchase of equipment, you can opt for Antiminer S9. Its characteristics:

    • Price (average): 300,000 rubles
    • Electricity consumption: 1350 watt-hour
    • Hash Rate: 13.5 Th/s
    • Estimated profit: 50,000 rub./month

    Six months of mining - and you will reach the payback level.

    The second option, Antiminer S7, will not require as much upfront costs. But mining profits will also be more modest. Specifications:

    • Price (average): 60,000 rubles
    • Electricity consumption: 800 watt-hour
    • Hash Rate: 4.7 Th/s
    • Estimated profit: 15,000 rub./month

    Payback – 4 months. Faster than with Antiminer S9, but the profit received in the future will not be so great.

    The electricity tariff is also important, because each region will have its own. On average it is 1-5 rubles / kWh.

    Equipment. Which is better in terms of obsolescence and usability?

    You should not hope that by investing in the purchase of mining equipment once, you will ensure a lifetime profit on complete autopilot. There is also enough for children and grandchildren! This is not true, because any equipment tends to become obsolete, both physically and morally. Mining on processors is already useless; it’s not even worth considering such mining. You'll be wasting your time. The only option is ASIC equipment. It is subject to increased wear and tear when it comes to mining. The equipment has to work 24 hours a day.

    The average service life of such equipment is 15 months. Afterwards you will have to replace it with a new one. Even the largest companies update their equipment twice a year, what can we say about miners.

    It's better to stick with the latest versions. Here are some of them:

    • Electricity consumption – 840 watt-hour
    • Hash Rate – 8.5 Th/s
    • The cryptographic algorithm used is SHA-256.
    • Price (average) – 100,000 rubles

    Dominator A4:

    • Hash Rate – 280 Mh/s
    • Electricity consumption from operating units
    • The cryptographic algorithm used is Scrypt
    • Price (average) – 90,000 rubles

    ASIC Antminer S9:

    • Electricity consumption – 1171 watt-hours
    • Hash Rate – 11.84 Th/s
    • The crypto algorithm used is SHA 256
    • Price (average) – RUB 345,000

    There is also an option to purchase ASIC miners. As a result, they allow you to mine cryptocurrency faster. An example of such a farm is CoinTerra TerraMiner IV.

    Choosing a cryptocurrency: which one to focus on?

    Ethereum. The Ethereum cryptocurrency, created by Vitalik Buterin, was released only on July 30, 2015. Although the Canadian-Russian programmer himself put forward the idea of ​​​​creating “ether” back in 2013. The system is based on blockchain technology.

    Ethereum gained popularity due to the presence smart contracts, providing users with ample opportunities. As well as its versatility, which allows the use of this cryptocurrency in various areas of economic activity. In the spring of 2017, they paid $40 for one “ether.” In just one quarter, the price rose to $280, and continues to grow.

    According to analysts, more than $3 billion will be invested in Ethereum in 2018.

    Ripple. The system was launched in 2012, and the purpose of its creation was the security of user transactions. The growing popularity of this cryptocurrency can be explained by the fact that the scope of its use is constantly expanding. It is used by global financial organizations such as Santander, UBS and UniCredit. There is reason to believe that more and more legal and individuals will turn their attention to Ripple in 2018. This means that the value of the cryptocurrency will go up.

    Maximum convenience is another good reason to use Ripple. Making just a couple simple clicks with the mouse, system users can make transfers all over the world. Although the current exchange rate is a modest $0.2440, more than $250 million has already been invested in it. However, first of all, a real investor pays attention not to the current value of a financial instrument, but to its dynamics. Ripple’s is simply amazing, because compared to the spring of 2017, the value of the cryptocurrency has increased 10 times! Market experts agree that in 2018, Ripple will remain a very attractive investment target.

    Litecoin. A Bitcoin fork that appeared in October 2011. It is one of the most stable and secure cryptocurrencies in the world. It occupies a confident 4th place in the capitalization ranking. Although its founder Charles Lee created this cryptocurrency as an alternative to Bitcoin, it was not destined to become its full-fledged replacement. Although according to some indicators it is even ahead of Bitcoin. Thus, it takes only 2.5 minutes to create one Litecoin block. Bitcoin takes 4 times longer to do this.

    The volume of investment in this cryptocurrency has exceeded $2 billion, and the growth dynamics of its value speaks for itself. In April 2017, one Litecoin cost $9. Closer to summer – $39. As of November 2017, the price of the cryptocurrency exceeded $76 and continues to grow.

    Of course, investing in already known and popular cryptocurrencies is a simple step. But it does not always bring maximum benefits. Yes, the rate of such cryptocurrencies is unlikely to collapse in a couple of hours, but at the same time it will take a lot of money to purchase them.

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