• How to find out if your phone is tapped. We use specialized equipment. How to find out who is tapping my phone

    Confidentiality telephone conversations- a constitutional right of every person, the violation of which is punishable by criminal liability. How to find out if your mobile phone is being tapped and if someone is invading your personal space, thereby violating existing legislation? There are a number of signs indicating the presence of wiretapping. Let's look at the main ones.

    Is wiretapping on your mobile worth it?

    Those who have grounds for such fears should be interested in the question of how to find out whether a mobile phone is being tapped. These are people whose professional activity is associated with the transfer of confidential data (employees of special services or other bodies), husbands or wives of overly jealous partners, etc. An indication that the phone is “leaking” information to third parties can be the fact that secrets are unexpectedly and unreasonably learned by those people whom you They didn’t let us in on their secrets.

    There is a simple way to determine whether a mobile phone is being wiretapped. Report false provocative information via cell phone to someone you completely trust, and if you begin to find it discussed in various sources, then the fears are most likely justified. In this case, you should become more careful and analyze whether there are other signs of phone wiretapping.

    Background sounds or echoes when talking

    The reason to ask how to find out if your mobile phone is tapped is regular extraneous sounds during a conversation. Static monotonous noise, gurgling, clicking, extraneous hum, grinding, popping - all these are signs that a cell phone can be eavesdropped. You can find out whether extraneous sounds are the result of wiretapping using a sound sensor installed on low frequency. If the needle goes off scale several times a minute, this is an alarming signal.

    Cell phone problems

    Another way that helps determine how to find out whether a mobile phone is being tapped is to pay attention to the stability of its operation. If your cell phone reboots spontaneously, the battery quickly drains for no apparent reason - perhaps these phenomena occur as a result of someone trying to eavesdrop on you. Another alarming sign is the battery becoming very hot. mobile phone. This occurs as a result of the listening device continuing to use the battery for background.

    Other signs of wiretapping

    There are a number of signs that may indicate that third parties are interested in the content of your telephone conversations. It doesn’t matter what brand of mobile phone - iPhone, Blackberry or Nokia, Android OS or Windows - there will always be loopholes to listen to someone else’s mobile phone. Other signs of phone tapping:

      Long connection between subscribers.

      It takes a long time to turn off the device.

      Self-activity. If a mobile phone turns on or off without a command or starts installing software.

    How to check your phone for wiretapping

    How to detect the fact of wiretapping and protect your mobile phone? Family members can help you with this task. household appliances. If you approach the TV or radio during a call and hear interference from another electronic device, this is a sign of wiretapping. Some listening devices are close to the FM band and produce a high-pitched sound when the radio is set to mono. The same thing can happen when you turn on the TV in UHF frequency mode.

    Pay attention to strange SMS messages that may arrive on your mobile phone. They contain an incomprehensible set of letters, numbers and symbols and come with unknown numbers. This is how listening programs send commands. If attackers use to infiltrate a phone mobile internet, then the bills for its use may increase sharply. If you have not activated the “Conference Call” service from the operator, but it constantly becomes active again, this is also a symptom of wiretapping.

    How to determine using special equipment

    There are special devices that can detect the fact of an attempt to listen to a mobile phone. Such devices connect to a cell phone and measure resistance and capacitance levels, as well as signal changes on high frequencies. To check, you need to connect such a device to your mobile phone and pay attention to the difference in indicators.

    Code 33 for checking on screen

    There is a simple and affordable way wiretapping checks, which every cell phone owner can use - combination 33. You must type *33* on the keyboard and then enter any combination of characters. If you cannot enter a single character after the second asterisk, the mobile phone is being monitored. There are conflicting opinions among professionals about the effectiveness of this method, so it is recommended to use additional ways checks.

    Applications for identifying wiretapped numbers

    Using a special free software determine whether a mobile phone is being tapped. One program that can do this is SpyWarn. To download, go to spywarn.com. Another similar application is called Darshak. It is available at aruk.org/app-darshak-apk/. The EAGLE Security program has good reviews. Main feature this utility - it distinguishes real stations from false ones. Install via Google Play or at androidprogi.com/programma-eagle-security-free-apk.

    Contacting your telecom operator

    If you suspect that your mobile phone has been tapped, you should contact your cellular company for help. Its specialists have the appropriate technical means, which make it possible to analyze the state of the line. As a result of this procedure, identifying the fact of wiretapping is not a problem. If the result is positive, you need to install anti-wiretapping software on your cell phone.

    What are the ways to listen to a mobile phone?

    There are several methods to listen to a cell phone:

    Listening devices

    Wiretapping a cell phone using signal interception equipment is an unlikely phenomenon, since complex, expensive systems are used for this. More often, penetration into personal life occurs using GSM bugs with a built-in microphone that transmits sound to the attacker’s phone. We have already written above about what signs can confirm their presence.

    How can they eavesdrop on a conversation using the program?

    The first most popular means of wiretapping is malicious software. They are actively advertised on the Internet and, according to their developers, provide complete remote access from a computer or tablet to a phone. After installation, the attacker gains access not only to calls and SMS, but also to social networks, negotiations and correspondence via Skype, Whatsapp and other instant messengers. Protection against such applications is simple - install official protective software.

    How to find out who is tapping my phone

    How to discover who cares about you so much that he decided to invade your personal space? Ask yourself one question: among your friends, acquaintances and relatives there is someone who is interested in this. Perhaps this is a colleague sitting in the next office, aiming to take your place, or a secret admirer/admirer. If there is no obvious answer, it makes sense to contact law enforcement agencies.

    We present to your attention a thematic video. It discusses in an accessible, visual form the 5 most common and characteristic signs of wiretapping a mobile phone with detailed description each of them. After analyzing this information, you can come to an objective conclusion - the mobile phone is being tapped or the suspicions are unfounded.


    Pay attention to the battery temperature. It is worth noting that a phone that has a warm and even hot battery even when the device is not in use. The battery may become warm during a call, but if this happens too quickly, then the phone may be installed spyware.

    Notice unusual behavior of the device, which will help you avoid illegal eavesdropping on your conversations. If telephone set happens for a very long time, then this may indicate that your mobile is actively being tapped. The shutdown process may be accompanied by flickering of the screen and backlight. In some cases, the phone cannot be turned off at all. Of course, this may indicate a malfunction.

    Monitor the battery condition. If the phone has dangerous application for conversations, it will discharge much faster. But this is only necessary if the device has been running for several days on a single charge for a month, and now the battery has begun to discharge within one day. After all, over time, the battery tends to wear out. By the way, the speed may depend on the fact that the mobile phone records conversations in the room in which it is located.

    Listen to the noises that arise when the device is talking. When wiretapping your phone during a conversation, you may hear strange noises. Clicks, echoes and incomprehensible rumbles may be evidence that someone is listening to you. If you are not talking on the phone, but hear a pulsating noise, then this should especially alert you. Also interference on electronic devices, which creates mobile gadget at the time when you are not using it, you can mean it .

    Video on the topic

    Please note

    If you think you are being tapped on your phone, then contact law enforcement for help. They will use special equipment to check your guesses and confirm or refute them.

    Useful advice

    In order to greatly reduce the likelihood of your telephone being tapped, you should not have your phone repaired in workshops that cause mistrust.
    If you do not want your phone to reveal your location, then be sure to turn off the device and remove the battery.
    Never have an important business conversation on a cell phone.
    In a moving car, it is more difficult to intercept a conversation, since the signal weakens and the distance between the intercepting equipment increases.


    • how to find out wiretapping
    • How to listen to cell phone conversations

    No matter how hard a person tries to protect his privacy from invasion, there will always be those who want to take over confidential information. One of the worst ways to do this is listening phone. This is how scammers try to find out the details of your personal life, gain access to business information, compromise you. Luckily, there are ways to determine whether your phone is being tapped or not.


    Listening is carried out through special spy programs. Spyware is launched through viruses, the Internet, messages or other means. These programs even when you are not using your phone. Therefore, if the phone's battery remains warm after several hours of standby use, there is spyware running on the phone. This is why the phone battery heats up and discharges very quickly, even in standby mode.

    Another suspicious sign is the phone turning off. If your phone seems to freeze before turning off or the backlight begins to blink, it means that the program, perhaps spyware, is ending. In general, pay attention to all oddities in the behavior of the phone, especially spontaneous inclusions and shutdowns - they can be caused by third-party software. However, don't panic - these may be normal technical problems.

    Increasingly in history search queries The question arises: how to check an android for wiretapping and is it possible to notice from indirect signs that third parties are participating in a conversation without an invitation? We answer: you can, and that’s what today’s material is about.

    The general group of listening devices is conventionally divided into two large subgroups.

    • Conversations are recorded special program, which is installed on the phone. The recording is quickly compressed, stored in memory, and, as soon as the moment appears, sent via the Internet to the “customer”.
    • The uninvited guest joins the conversation right in the middle and becomes an invisible listener. Such wiretapping is less popular today and is more expensive.

    Important point: Violating the boundaries of someone else’s personal life (even with good intentions) is illegal. The offender is subject to criminal liability under Articles 137-138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If a specialist identifies listening software or bugs, the injured party has the right to file an application and claim in court.

    What may alert you in the first case, when the conversation is written by a program installed on the phone:

    1. the battery gets too hot during calls, and the charge is not enough for the usual time, although the gadget is used in the same mode;
    2. the phone screen lights up spontaneously when the gadget is in standby mode and no programs are running on it;
    3. The phone takes longer to turn on and off than usual: this is due to downloads of information from background third-party programs;
    4. During a conversation, the backlight comes on, something is downloaded, the Internet turns on, messages arrive and immediately disappear.

    The conclusion suggests itself: there is a wiretap on Android or a virus (it also happens that it is both at the same time). Any of the above or several factors at the same time should alert the owner.

    How can the eavesdropper give himself away in the second case? The gadget will tell you. Someone else joins your conversation if:

    • suddenly there is background noise, even a subtle hiss that appears unexpectedly;
    • the smartphone begins to “phon” if you pass by speakers or equipment during a conversation, although such an effect has not been observed before;
    • During a conversation, the screen suddenly lights up;
    • during a call the battery is hotter than usual;
    • connection and disconnection during a conversation is longer.

    Every alarming moment is a reason to contact a specialist. He will record the fact of wiretapping and tell you what to do next to fix the problem. But what to do if there is no specialist nearby?

    Android phone wiretapping: how to find it

    First, you need to find the ill-fated icon among hundreds of others. If an application for wiretapping or recording conversations is installed on your phone, it is quite difficult to detect it. Programs are hidden deep in system files, and most likely renamed. You need to know the system files well in order to identify a spy “by eye.”

    Antivirus does not often help in this case (although we recommend scanning the phone), because this type of application is not considered malicious. For example, complete package Kaspersky can help, but the light versions are powerless.

    Refer to the "Settings" menu item. Find the “Applications” sub-item there and the “currently active” or “Running” tab. This tab lists all active at the moment programs (also look at the “System applications” item).

    How to check for wiretapping?

    1. When talking, use headphones to pick up outside sounds and keep an eye on the screen at the same time.
    2. As soon as something seems suspicious to you, check your active applications.
    3. If an attacker uses a program to copy or eavesdrop on calls, it will appear in the device's task manager.

    If the call is listened to without programs, an extract from mobile operator. Compare with the actual cost of calls, traffic consumption, number of group calls.

    How to protect Android from wiretapping

    Only a specialist can fully protect your gadget from all viruses, wiretaps and bugs service center. Another option is to reset all settings to factory defaults. Downloaded files, media, contacts and other information will be deleted (make a backup copy).

    You can manually track energy and memory consumption, remove strange programs and thoroughly clean your phone of dubious files, then run the entire phone through good antivirus. Google and Yandex search will help distinguish “good” applications from “bad” ones.

    Google Play offers to download and use for the device special applications, detecting and blocking attempts to listen and monitor your gadget.

    Which anti-wiretapping device is safe and effective:

    • OpenGsm Pro-X is a program that monitors all manipulations with the phone;
    • GSM Spy Finder is an application created specifically to control third-party intrusions into the phone system;
    • EAGLE Security – multi-level protection of conversations;
    • Kaspersky for mobile – comprehensive and multi-level protection.

    Combinations of numbers for checking wiretapping

    Useful commands for checking your phone that will help you detect excessive third-party activity (by simply typing on the main screen):

    1. *#21#call – list of call forwarding, messages, etc.;
    2. ##002#call – deletes all numbers for call forwarding;
    3. *#33#call – services for your mobile;
    4. *#06#call – unique IMEI number phone.

    These commands are safe for your phone. They allow you to check from time to time whether there are changes that were missed by anti-wiretapping for Android, antivirus and other programs.

    WITH modern technologies and permissiveness, wiretapping becomes a fairly simple task. We tell you how to determine that you are being monitored and how to protect yourself from it.

    1. The phone makes noise when talking

    Hissing and other suspicious sounds during a conversation are the first sign of wiretapping. If the sound is similar to a steady hum or rustling, the likelihood of wiretapping is higher. If it is an occasional crackling sound or loss of sound - lower.

    Of course, you may also hear echoes, static noise or clicking noises due to interference on the line. But it's worth checking. By the way, sometimes diagnosing the speaker and microphone helps get rid of suspicions.

    2. The smartphone makes strange sounds in standby mode

    Do you place your phone near the speaker and it makes a characteristic squeak? Disorder.

    Generally speaking, the device may be humming and generating interference several times an hour or less as it periodically connects to the base station to check that it is online. But if the speaker next to which the smartphone is lying creaks much more often, and the story repeats itself with other speakers, this is one of the signs of wiretapping.

    It also happens that there are sounds, but you don’t hear them. Use a low frequency sound sensor. If its needle goes off scale several times a minute, this is suspicious.

    Important: the sound level meter app on your smartphone may not detect such sounds. A significant part of the input paths of smartphones is tuned to the human voice (300-3400 Hz, 40-60 dB) and all out-of-band signals are cut off. In addition, sometimes smartphones hardware limit the level input signal, and this affects the accuracy of measurements.

    3. Connection takes too long to establish

    If a smartphone connects with a subscriber with a delay and does not disconnect immediately after a conversation, this is a reason to think about it. Most often, this happens if a malicious eavesdropping application is installed on it.

    4. Your phone gets hot and uses energy too quickly

    A gadget that just lies in your pocket should not heat up. If you notice a problem, then either you are being tapped, or some other virus has gotten onto your smartphone - a miner, for example.

    Find out where the energy goes:

    • iOS: “Settings” – “Battery”.
    • Android: “Settings” – “Battery” (or “Battery”).

    In addition, apps like BatteryLife LX or Battery LED for iOS, AccuBattery and Android can effectively track energy consumption.

    5. The device began to turn off, slow down, and reboot for no reason

    Another indirect sign wiretapping application installed on your smartphone. Often malicious applications overload the device's resources or cause malfunctions.

    6. Traffic consumption has increased sharply

    Some wiretapping apps collect data and then transmit it over Wi-Fi. But there are also those who take advantage of any opportunity and include data transfer to mobile network to give away the collected information.

    If you're not on Facebook any more than usual, but your batch megabytes are literally disappearing, check which application may be using up your traffic. It would also be useful to take a look at the Wi-Fi statistics.

    • iOS: “Settings” – “Cellular” () and third party application(for example, Traffic Monitor) for Wi-Fi.
    • Android: “Settings” – “Data transfer”, usually there are two tabs: “ Mobile traffic" and "Wi-Fi".

    There are also apps like Internet Speed ​​Meter Lite or My Data Manager that help you monitor your data usage.

    7. Strange SMS messages are coming

    Messages with a series of strange letters and numbers sent from unknown numbers can be encrypted commands for listening applications. Try moving the SIM card into a push-button dialer. If messages are still coming, this is not a glitch, but a serious reason for suspicion.

    What if there is a suspicious van standing outside the windows?

    So you've seen enough spy films. Nowadays, wiretapping stations are used extremely rarely - it’s easier to request data from SORM, which is installed on each operator, or to infect them with malware like FinFisher.

    But still, the mobile wiretapping complexes that your phone wants to connect to are quite easy to figure out. Enter the following combination:

    • iOS *3001#12345#*
    • Android *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#*

    It will open access to data from the netmonitor utility. It will output something like this:

    In Android, all data is usually available immediately. We are interested in the Cell ID (CID) and LAC ( Local Area Code).

    On the iPhone, you need to go to the UMTS Cell Environment – ​​UMTS RR info tab and look at the value of the Cell ID field. And LAC is shown on the MM info – Serving PLMN tab.

    The Cell ID value changes over time: the smartphone selects a base station taking into account range, signal strength, etc. While the phone is lying in one place, it usually goes through no more than 3-5 base stations. Their Cell ID must be written out and saved. And if, with the appearance of a strange van outside the window in netmonitor, you see the Cell ID of the new base station, then you are being tapped.

    In the service http://xinit.ru/bs/ you can find out the coordinates of the base station by LAC and Cell ID:

    Here's what I got:

    Can law enforcement agencies wiretap a smartphone?

    Yes, they can. But only by court decision.

    But actually listen desired number It is possible if you add it to the case, citing “operational necessity.” Or use a corruption scheme. It is clear that such options are illegal, but it will be extremely difficult to prove this.

    What to do if your smartphone is being tapped

    The most difficult thing is to understand why someone needed to listen to your smartphone in the first place. A spouse may be collecting evidence of infidelity, a boss or colleague may suspect you of kickbacks or leaking information, thieves may be checking your schedule to choose best time for robbery.

    • Technically, you should start by checking your smartphone for viruses and unwanted software. Try a few antivirus programs with fresh databases, because it often happens that each of them does not see all the malware.
    • Save all the necessary data and reset your smartphone to factory settings. Turn off data and Wi-Fi, insert a SIM card with zero balance and take your smartphone to places where there is no Wi-Fi. Perhaps after some time the malware will display an error message and reveal itself.
    • Practical advice: Find someone you trust and share your “super secret” (but actually false) information with them. If outsiders find out about this, then either your friend is not such a friend after all, or you are still being monitored. In the second option, set up a push-button “dialer” for secret conversations and communicate, putting your smartphone away - its microphone should not hear your conversations.
    • To protect your smartphone from connecting to false base stations, use

    There are times when a person has doubts whether his phone is being tapped. In such cases, not everyone has any idea how to find out the truth. There are several ways to find out whether your phone is wiretapped or not.

    Signs that your phone is being tapped

    Sound quality during calls

    • In order to determine whether your phone is being tapped or not, you should listen carefully to extraneous sounds while talking on the phone. As a rule, they are the ones who can issue wiretapping. But there is no need to panic ahead of time, because extraneous noise may turn out to be simple interference communication services.
    • You can also use a special sensor that is used to check for excess background noise. By looking at the arrow on the device, you can determine whether the phone is being tapped during a conversation or not.

    Handy electrical appliances to help

    Pay attention to the simultaneous operation of your phone and nearby electrical appliances, such as a TV or radio. If wiretapping is really present, then the signal from the devices will noticeably deteriorate.

    Extraneous sounds on an unused phone

    Often, phones that are being monitored emit various sounds. sound signals and vibration even when a person is not using it. This depends on the software previously installed on your landline or mobile phone. If you pay attention to your phone, you can easily notice changes in its operation.

    How to check a mobile phone for wiretapping

    • Battery. A phone that is tapped operates around the clock, but its owner does not even know about it. Pay attention to the temperature of the battery in your phone, it will get very hot. You can also notice how often you charge your phone. Check if your phone has programs that can quickly drain your mobile phone's charge.
    • Shut down the phone. Pay attention to how long it takes you complete shutdown mobile device. If the process begins to take longer than usual, this may also indicate that the phone is being tapped.
    • SMS messages. Be more attentive to SMS messages received from unknown recipients. Even simply opening a message can activate the installation of eavesdropping on a mobile phone.
    • Fixing expenses. Calculate whether costs have increased cellular communication? Frequently used programs for tapping mobile phones charge a fee for using the service. Record your balance cell phone daily to notice changes.

    Recognizing wiretapping on a landline phone

    • Appearance. Inspect carefully appearance landline phone, whether it was opened before. If you notice that the phone has been opened, then you will have to open it and take out the bug.
    • Doubtful persons. Start paying attention to the people around you, whether dubious cars have appeared near your house, whether they are coming to you uninvited guests under the guise of plumbers and other home maintenance workers.