• Disabling mobile Internet on a megaphone in various ways. How to disable mobile Internet megaphone

    Often, after debiting a large sum of money from an account, an unlucky subscriber has a question: on Megafon? The main problem here is that whether you use the service or not, you are charged. At first it's not noticeable. But after a month you realize that there is an overrun cash, which is associated with services that you used briefly and then forgot to turn off. All possible options The implementation of this operation will be discussed within the framework of this article. Attention is also paid to Internet connection.

    Setting it up

    First you need to use Megafon. In most cases, everything happens automatically. When you turn on your phone or smartphone for the first time on the network mobile operator a system is launched to search for the necessary parameters in its database. As soon as they are found, they are sent to the subscriber. Next, they need to be accepted and saved. In some extremely rare cases this does not happen. Either the device is not certified, or necessary settings not yet in the database. How to set up unlimited Internet on Megafon, for example, in such a situation? We call the operator at 0500 and ask to send the necessary data. Then we accept them and save them.

    As a last resort, you can do everything manually. To do this, go to and create new profile. We give him a name to suit his taste. In the APN field enter internet. We set the MCC and MNC parameters to “250” and “03” respectively. We leave all other values ​​at default. After accepting the settings, it is recommended to reboot the device. Next, you need to activate the data service. This can be done in two ways: by calling the operator or using a request. The first method is simpler, so it is recommended to use it. We call the same number 0500 and fill out an application. When activating the service you will definitely receive text message.

    Why do you need to turn it off?

    Before turning off the Internet on Megafon, let's find out why it is important to do this. There is only one problem: daily withdrawals subscription fee. That's not a lot in one day. But if you collect the amount in a month, then everything will fall into place. Therefore, in order to avoid getting into such an unpleasant situation, it is recommended to turn off this service in cases where you don't need it.


    The easiest way to solve this problem is to call the operator. In this case, the algorithm is as follows. As soon as access to the global web is no longer needed, we call the operator at the same number 0500. After establishing a connection, please disable this service for this number. As soon as all the necessary actions are completed, you will receive a text message informing you that the Internet is disconnected. The main advantages of calling an operator are simplicity and accessibility. Also, nothing will be deducted from your account for this.

    We use the request

    Another simple way to disable Internet access is to use special requests. Their format depends on the used tariff plan and could be like this:

    • *105*450*0# - unlimited for telephone.
    • *105*282*0# - unlimited for a smartphone with 70 MB.
    • *105*980*0# - unlimited for a smartphone with 100 MB.
    • *105*981*0# - unlimited for a smartphone with 200 MB.

    At the end, be sure to press the “Call” button. Next, you should receive a message stating that the provision of such a service is for given number suspended.

    Service Guide

    Another way to disable the Internet on Megafon is to use the Service Guide system. Using it, you can also refuse this service on the Internet. In this case, the procedure for deactivating access to the global web is as follows. First you need a computer or laptop that is connected to the Internet. Then we launch the browser and go to the official website of the Megafon operator. Select your region in the appropriate one. Next, we need to register. To do this, click on the inscription “Personal Account”. A window will open in which we enter the mobile phone number, password and captcha. This is done once upon first login. Next, simply enter your phone number and password in the appropriate fields on home page. Then the main window of the Service Guide system will open. Here we find the “Services and Tariff” section. In it we select “Change tariff options" We find the ordered services and turn off the checkbox next to them. After this we log out of the system. In most cases, a message appears almost immediately indicating that Internet access has been disabled, but sometimes it takes time.

    Let's sum it up

    Within the framework of this material, three ways were described on how to disable the Internet on Megafon. The easiest way to do this is for an unprepared subscriber using a regular phone call operator by phone 0500. If you know the request format, then it is much more convenient to use it. And it’s more difficult to do all this using the Service Guide system. You should pay attention to it only as a last resort.

    The Internet these days has become as integral a part of everyday life as television or mobile communications. Many of us cannot imagine our lives without our favorite social networks or news sites. However, there are also those who are not frequent guest world wide web, some never visit sites at all.


    When do you need to turn off the Internet on Megafon?

    For them, having access to the Internet at mobile phone does not play any role, or even interferes. Such people would definitely like to turn off the Internet on Megafon. There are especially many such users among the older generation – our grandparents, parents. On the phone, they primarily value the ability to contact you at any time, other opportunities mobile communications they don't care.

    In addition to them, there are subscribers who use the Internet from certain gadgets (computer, tablet), and use the phone only for calls. If you have a school-aged child and you are used to controlling the information he accesses through websites, you, too, will most likely be happy to limit his ability to access the Internet in your absence and turn off his Internet on Megafon.

    When you buy a Megafon SIM card in a store cellular communications, your tariff is set up by a sales consultant who will take into account all your wishes for the range of services purchased from Megafon, including turning off the Internet. But what if there is no sales consultant nearby, or you haven’t thought about personal settings at the time of purchase? Is there a way to turn off the Internet on Megafon yourself?

    How to check if the Internet is connected on Megafon?

    Each Megafon SIM card contains the ability to connect to the Internet and automatically launches it as soon as you insert the SIM card into the phone. The verification method depends on specific model phone. Below are the most common ways to check if the Internet is connected on your phone. If they do not suit you, read the instructions for using your specific device

    If you are using a phone that is powered by operating system Android(Samsung, HTC, Sony devices), go to the section "Settings"« Mobile networks» (or « Network connections» ), find the item “Network access via GPRS”. If this item is checked, then your phone is connected to the Internet.
    If you are using a branded device Apple(iPhone), then go to the section "Settings", further "Net", find two items in the list: "3G" And "cellular data". If they are turned on, then your phone is connected to the Internet.

    For users of a phone running on the platform Windows(Nolia Lumia), you need to go to "Phone settings", further in "Network Settings", find the item "Data connection" and see what position the lever is in: "On"- means the phone is connected, position "Off" means that the phone is disconnected from the Internet.

    How to turn off the Internet on Megafon?

    Method No. 1

    You can turn off the Internet by unchecking the box in the same section where you checked for connection. With this method, the ban will be in effect on the phone permanently, regardless of which SIM cards you subsequently use. You can cancel the ban by checking the box in this menu again.

    Method No. 2

    You can opt out of the Internet using USSD codes– a special set of keys for sending command messages to Megafon to perform certain actions.
    By the way, you use the Internet on your phone, sometimes without even knowing it, for example, when you read e-book or viewing your email application. To disconnect Megafon from such services, there are special USSD commands. Also, the USSD code depends on the tariff to which you are connected to Megafon.

    The most common commands (type them on the keys of your phone and press the “call” button):

    • *105*221*0# — refusal of Megafon Internet service "Non-Stop"
    • *105*224*0# — disconnect from the service "Internet 24 PRO"
    • *105*264*0# — disconnect from the service "Internet 24"
    • *105*275*0# — disconnection from the service "Internet Owl"
    • *105*369*0# — disconnecting device users from the Internet "BlackBerry"
    • *105*504*0# - this command disables the option "Be calm"
    • *236*0*0# — “reject Internet” command for subscribers with a tariff "Internet XS"
    • *236*1*0# - the same for Megafon subscribers with the tariff "Internet S"
    • *236*2*0# — “disconnect” for the tariff "Internet M"
    • *236*3*0# — refusal of the Internet for the tariff "Internet L"
    • *236*4*0# — disconnecting the Internet from Megafon for subscribers "Internet XL"
    • *510*5*0# — refusal of the Internet in the application "Electronic book"
    • *522*0# — disconnection from the service "Children's Internet"

    If in this list you did not find a suitable USSD code to disconnect from the Internet on your phone, use reference number 8-800-550-05-00 (calls within Russia are free) or +7-922-1110500 (free from any country) and find out the correct USSD code for your tariff.

    Method No. 3

    You can turn off the Internet through your personal account on the official Megafon website. To do this, go to the Megafon website, on the right above the menu you will see a window for logging into your personal account. To log in for the first time, you need to get a password (type *105*00 # “call”). After logging into your personal account, go to the section "My services" and disconnect the Internet from Megafon.

    Video. How to turn off the Internet on Megafon

    At least every fourth subscriber uses mobile Internet from time to time. This is convenient, because you can stay online anywhere, use mobile applications, instant messengers, check mail and social networks. Internet S Megafon is designed just for such purposes.

    Description of the Internet S option from Megafon

    A small traffic package called Internet S Megafon is a popular service from the operator. With it you can search for data on the Internet, listen to music, upload and view photos, work with by email, social networks, messengers.

    In almost all regions, this traffic package is available for use only at home and is only provided to residents of the capital and region - throughout Russia. However, the cost for this region will be higher.

    Moscow: 3 GB within Russia, Altai region 4 GB home region, St. Petersburg 5 GB, Arkhangelsk 6 GB, Bryansk 6 GB, Vladimir 6 GB, Volgograd 5 GB, Ivanovo 8 GB, Irkutsk 3 GB, Krasnodar 7 GB, Krasnoyarsk 5 GB, Lipetsk 5 GB, Magadan 2 GB, Novosibirsk 5 GB , Omsk 4 GB, Orel 6 GB, Perm 6 GB, Rostov 6 GB, Vladivostok 3 GB, Khakassia 5 GB, Saratov 5 GB, Tula 6 GB.

    Features of the option:

    • 1 movie is provided free of charge per month from a special video library;
    • unlimited viewing television channels from Megafon;
    • subscriber speed has no restrictions;
    • Works on any device except tablets.

    How to activate the “Internet S” option on Megafon

    If necessary, on the mobile Internet, the traffic package can be connected in the following ways::

    • With the command ussd * 236 * 2 * 1 #. This action is supported by any phone even without an Internet connection, so it is the simplest and most convenient option for many users. After typing the combination, wait for a notification with instructions about further actions. When the operation is completed successfully, you will be informed. Order for 3,6, 12 months to save: 10% - 3 months. * 105 * 1054 #, 20% - 6 months. — * 105 * 1055 #, 12 months. – 30% – * 105 * 1056 #.
    • Create a text message by entering the number “1” in the field and 05009122 in the recipient column. This service number Internet-S options. After the SMS is sent, funds will be withdrawn from the balance and the gigabytes will be credited. You will receive a notification about this. You can get a discount if you order a package for more than long term: 3 m. minus 10% - send 1 to 05001054, 6 months. minus 20% - text "1" on 05001055, 1 year - minus 30% text "1" 05001056.
    • The subscriber can independently manage his SIM card and options, tariffs, funds, for which he can use the Personal Account service. Using it to connect Internet S will take just a few minutes. Visit the site https://lk.megafon.ru/login/, enter your phone number, receive one-time password to log in (the method of obtaining will be indicated on the same page), go to the column “Tariff, services, options”, select "All options and services", a list of all possible ones will open, where you need to choose “Internet-S”.
    • Activate the option directly on the operator’s website in the section with this service https://megafon.ru/internet/options/internet_s.html. Scroll through the page and click on the purple “Connect” button. A new window will open with activation methods. We need to stop at “Quickly connect on the site”, for which indicate the number of options: 1, 3, 6, 12 months, phone, click “Connect”.

    How to disable the “Internet S” option on Megafon

    The traffic package does not need to be disabled, because it is provided only for the paid period. But the operator has provided deactivation methods, just in case:

    • through the user's personal account https://lk.megafon.ru/login/;
    • by sending the word “stop” to the number 05009122;
    • by creating the short command * 236 * 00 # .

    Option cost

    The price of the Internet package varies depending on the area of ​​registration of the subscriber; it ranges from 250 to 350 rubles. Also note that the amount of data is also different.

    Moscow 350 rub., Altai Territory 300 rub., St. Petersburg 299 rub., Arkhangelsk 299 rub., Bryansk 250 rub., Vladimir 250 rub., Volgograd 239 rub., Ivanovo 269 rub., Irkutsk 229 rub., Krasnodar 290 r., Krasnoyarsk 350 r., Lipetsk 250 r., Magadan region. 269 ​​RUR, Novosibirsk 350 RUR, Omsk 300 RUR, Orel 250 RUR, Perm 350 RUR, Rostov 290 RUR, Vladivostok 349 RUR, Khakassia 300 RUR, Saratov 239 RUR, Tula 250 RUR.

    Not all clients of the Megafon operator (Russia) need mobile Internet. And some refuse it on principle in favor of saving money. This article will tell you how to turn off the Internet on Megafon in different tariff packages on the SIM card.

    Tariff plans under letters


    70 MB of traffic per day with daily debiting of funds from the account. But when connecting XL, a one-time fee is paid for the first month of use.

    To disable Internet XS on Megafon, perform any of these operations:

    1. Send a request - *236*00#.
    2. Send the “stop” command to service 05009121.


    "S" - option for active users global network on smartphones and tablets. Under the terms of this option, the subscriber is issued 3 GB monthly network traffic on maximum speed. The subscription fee is charged and debited from the account every month.

    You can disable Internet S on Megafon using the same USSD command as in XS. And also via SMS “Stop” by number 05009122.

    Note. Traffic monitoring is carried out using the request *558#.


    “M” is the optimal solution for those who view media content, listen to music, radio stations, and use social networks. The package limit is 16 GB.

    Use one of the following methods:

    1. Team - *236*00#.
    2. "STOP" message in service department 05009123.

    L and XL

    To disable mobile internet on Megafon in packages “L”, “XL”, proceed in the same way:

    use the universal request *236*00#, or the format:

    SMS “STOP” to the number 0500912x, where x, respectively, is a number: 4 - for “L”, 5 - for “XL”.

    Children's Internet

    The service provides limited access to web resources. It filters out sites aimed at an adult audience using its categorized, updated database (it contains over 500 million blogs, portals, and video hosting sites). To fully use it, you need to install a special certificate file on your child’s phone (available on Megafon’s website).

    To turn off the Internet on Megafon in the “Children's ...” phone, use one of these methods:

    1. Ask an employee at the operator's company salon to perform deactivation. In order for him to fulfill your request, you must provide a passport.
    2. Call the 0500 service from your SIM card or from any other phone at 88005500500.

    Service “Unlimited...”

    The “Unlimited” package was provided for tariff line"All inclusive." IN at the moment it is closed for connection.

    To disable unlimited Internet on Megafon, use the appropriate option (in the block active services) V personal account on megafon.ru (the site can be accessed via the Internet from any device).

    We wish you to quickly complete all the necessary settings on the Megafon SIM card!

    Today, every second inhabitant of the planet cannot imagine himself without such a wonderful achievement of our time as the Internet. On the global network you can find any information of interest, listen to music, read new books or newspapers, find friends and even make money. But precisely because the Internet is so important, it sometimes brings very annoying troubles. For example, many owners of a Megafon modem have ever noticed that money suddenly begins to disappear from their account. It's always so disappointing! This happens in two cases:

    • someone is stealing money from the account, in this case it is necessary to establish good antivirus(if we mean a computer) and change the card number (if we talk about a smartphone or cell phone);
    • somehow the limit service was connected or unlimited internet, which happens all the time.

    If it turns out that there are no viruses, then the problem lies in the second point. So, how to turn off the Internet on Megafon?

    Step-by-step instructions for disabling a paid service via phone

    If for some reason it is not possible to contact mobile operator, which will turn off in one minute unnecessary function, then you’ll have to read it more carefully and do everything yourself. In principle, it is not difficult.

    To deactivate the service you just need to pick it up cell phone and send a request depending on which mobile Internet package you need to refuse. If the problem is with the modem, then you can insert its card into the phone:

    • *236*1*0# – Basic service package;
    • *753*0# – Tariff Practical;
    • *236*2*0# – Optimal;
    • *236*3*0# – Progressive;
    • *236*4*0# – Maximum, most expensive service package.

    In addition, the digital combination for turning off the Internet on your phone is different from the combination needed to manage your smartphone account. Therefore, before typing numbers, it is better to familiarize yourself with the list posted on the company’s website. In any case, the user can always contact support by calling 8 800 550 0500.

    Since it is very easy to disable the Internet on Megafon via phone, there is no need to bother the consultant in vain: without a doubt, you can successfully complete this operation yourself.

    The Megafon company offers its users a lot of interesting services and applications, as well as the opportunity to manage their balance, control and optimize costs. To simplify control over the balance of his Internet, a Megafon user can register on the company’s website and gain access to his personal account, through which he can easily manage all options and settings. To understand how to turn off the Internet on Megafon in your personal account, follow the simple instructions:

    Go to the “Personal Data” column and click on “Service Management”. That's all. Here you will see the most complete picture of all possible operations, then everything depends on your desire, which service to connect, and which, on the contrary, to disable as unnecessary with a slight movement of the mouse button.

    Having an account in the Megafon service opens up wide opportunities for:

    • obtaining complete information about the account status;
    • activation or deactivation of various applications and functions: such as work on credit, bonus points, etc.;
    • It’s very easy to switch from one tariff plan to another through your personal account.

    And finally, through your account it is possible to temporarily block an Internet number if it will not be used for a long time.

    Disabling the XS feature

    Recently, the company pleased its users with an excellent opportunity to work with high-speed Internet. But such a service, of course, also requires large expenses, which a person often decides to temporarily refuse. To cancel, you just need to enter the number *236*0# and press the call button. After a couple of seconds, it will turn off automatically.

    Working with the Internet is an interesting, exciting process, but it will be much more enjoyable and productive if you arm yourself with simple and necessary knowledge. Now, if suddenly, when you wake up in the morning, you find that money is flowing out of your account again, you will not panic, because you know how to turn off the Internet on the Megafon modem. Successful work and good mood!