• Show desktop icons keyboard shortcut. Windows hotkeys

    Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! I won't be mistaken if I say that many ordinary users when sitting at a computer, they never use hotkeys. Most people control their computer by manipulating the mouse. Even many of my friends, to whom I showed some key combinations for speed and convenience of working at the computer, did not immediately understand the point of using them.

    The force of habit does not allow many to give up what they are used to. This is how man is made. But, having tried several times to perform this or that operation on the computer using combinations different keys , after a while many begin to use them automatically. I hope that the recommendations listed below for using the keys on the keyboard will be useful to someone and will make it easier to stay at the computer.

    Keyboard shortcut.

    Hotkeys allow users to optimize their work on the computer and not interrupt the creative process with any nonsense. Using standard keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly execute the necessary commands (undo an action, copy and paste text, take a screenshot, switch the language and even turn off the computer) without being distracted or even looking at the keyboard. By the way, hot Windows keys operate in almost all applications of this operating system. It doesn't matter whether you're running Windows 7 or Windows XP. Let me give you a simple example of how the undo hotkeys “Ctrl” + “Z” work. To cancel last action, press the left “Ctrl” key and, while holding it, press the English “Z” key. If you want to undo multiple actions, press the "Z" key several times. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what language you have enabled. More often keyboard shortcuts work the same in Russian and English layouts.

    Keyboard keys for searching.

    It is very convenient to use the search keys “Ctrl” + “F”. They allow you to quickly find a phrase in a document, and working with text is greatly simplified. By the way, search keys can also be used on website pages. When you press "Ctrl" + "F", at the top right in Google Chrome(top left in Opera, bottom in Mazilla) a small window will appear where you can enter the word or phrase you want to find on the page. If such a word is on the page, it will be highlighted in yellow or yellow in your browser. orange. The same line will contain the number of words found on the page, as well as arrows that allow you to quickly move to the next option. Just don't get confused hotkeys search with site search. They only work on the page that is open in your browser.

    How to select text using the keyboard.

    Hotkey combinations are also used to highlight text. For example, if the text document is very large and you need to select it completely, use mouse cursor not very convenient. It's much easier to press "Ctrl" + "A" and all the text will be selected. To select a piece of text from the cursor to the left or right, press the Shift key and, while holding it, press the ← and → arrows. Each time you press the arrow, the next letter will be highlighted. True, it takes a long time to highlight text this way, but it can be useful. And to select text from the cursor to the beginning or to the end of the line, you can use the combinations “Shift” + “Home” and “Shift” + “End”. In the same way, you can select text from the cursor in entire lines, up or down. To do this you need to place the cursor in right place, press the “Shift” key and, while holding it, use the arrows “” and “↓”. By the way, pressing the opposite arrow removes the selection. To remove the selection, you can click anywhere open document. In some applications, you can deselect using the “Ctrl” + “D” keys, but they do not work everywhere. For example, virtual keyboard it does not respond to this combination.

    How to copy text using the keyboard.

    Many are also interested in what keys to use to copy V different applications. To do this, use the combination “Ctrl” + “C”. The keys work the same way in text documents, in graphic editors and in other programs. It is enough to select the desired fragment with the cursor and copy it using the keys. Moreover, these same keyboard keys are used to copy some files. But there is one caveat. If you want to copy text published on a website, you may not be able to. This is the text copy protection that was installed by the resource owner. About how to copy uncopiable text from such sites, described in more detail in another material.

    How to insert text using the keyboard.

    To paste text from the clipboard, you can press the hotkeys “Ctrl” + “V”. They also work in different applications. You can use hotkeys paste in text documents or when copying a file. It is especially convenient to use them to insert large number identical objects (for example, characters that you want to use many times in a document).

    How to switch the keyboard to English.

    We switch the keyboard from Russian to English and vice versa a hundred times a day, without even noticing it. Most often we use for this language switch RU/EN, which is located at the bottom of the screen, on the right, on the taskbar. But it is much more convenient to do this using the keyboard shortcut “Alt” + “Shift”. Over time, you begin to use these keys automatically. You just keep typing on the keyboard and don't think about how to switch to English and back.

    How to restart your computer using the keyboard.

    There is one more key combination you need to know. If the computer freezes and does not respond to your actions, press the “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Del” keys simultaneously. A Task Manager window will open, listing all the applications you have running. When you see the “Not working” status opposite any of them, click on the “Cancel task” button.

    If the mouse does not work, use the Tab key to select. When the End Task button is highlighted, press Enter. You also need to know what keys You can log out if your mouse is broken. So, to reboot quickly or at all turn off the computer, press the Windows key. It is located at the bottom, on both sides of the keyboard, and displays the logo of this operating system. When the main menu window appears, press the "↓" key until the "Shutdown" button is highlighted. Press "Enter", it will appear standard window"Turn off the computer." Use the “←” and “→” keys to select the “Shutdown” or “Reboot” command and press “Enter”. To cancel this action and return to the system, press "Esc".

    Of course, there are other options for keyboard shortcuts to perform various operations on your computer. But in this post I shared the most common ones, which I use all the time myself and recommend to you, my readers. I wish everyone good luck!!

    In this lesson, you will find the main Windows 7 hotkeys; after reading, you will use your computer much more efficiently than you used it before.

    Hotkeys is a method of interaction between the keyboard and the computer. This method consists of executing commands (operations) on a computer using keys or key combinations to which commands (operations) are programmed.

    It’s very difficult to get used to something new, so you shouldn’t start memorizing all the keys. To begin with, take 10-20 pieces to use, and then use others, so to speak, expanding your knowledge. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that each program can use its own hot keys, which were programmed by the developers of this program.

    If you use Windows 7 hotkeys daily, at least 10 of them, you will notice how much more efficient your work will become. See the list of hotkeys in Windows 7 below.

    List of hotkeys

    Hotkeys for working with text and files

    I advise you to use the hotkeys that are in this section, be sure to learn and use them always.

    Ctrl + C– Copy selected elements.

    Ctrl+A- Select everything. If you are in text document, then when you press these keys you will select all the text, and if in a folder where there are other objects, then you can select all files and folders.

    Ctrl + X- Cut. The command cuts selected items (files, folders or text).

    Ctrl + V- Insert. Paste copied or cut items.

    Ctrl + Z- Cancel. Cancel actions, for example, if you accidentally deleted text in MS Word, then use these keys to return the original text back (cancel input and actions).

    ALT+ ENTER or ALT + Double-click the left mouse button– View properties of the selected element(s) (applicable for files).

    CTRL+F4- Close current window in the program.

    Deleting files and text

    Delete- Delete the selected element(s). If you use this key in text, then placing the mouse cursor in the middle of the word and clicking on the “Delete” button, deletion will occur from left to right.

    Shift+Delete- Delete item(s) bypassing the trash. For files and folders.

    Backspace - Deleting text. If you work in text editor, then this key can be used to delete text, place the cursor, say, in the middle of a sentence, by pressing the “Backspace” button, deletion will occur from right to left.


    — Open the Start menu or CTRL + ESC, the button is usually located between the buttons CTRL And ALT.

    +F1- Reference.

    +B- Move the cursor to the tray.

    +M- Minimize all windows.

    +D- Show desktop (collapse all windows, and when pressed again, maximize windows).

    + E— Open My Computer.

    +F- Open the search window.

    +G– Show gadgets on top of windows.

    + L– Lock the computer. If you leave the computer, be sure to use these keys to quick lock computer. Very useful if you have children or ill-wishers who can read your personal information.

    +P– Projector control. If a projector is connected, these keys will quickly switch between the projector and the computer.

    + R– Open the “Run” window.

    +T– One by one, we move the focus sequentially on the icons that are located in the taskbar.

    +U– Open the “Center” window special features».

    +X– Call “Mobility Center” (laptops and netbooks).

    + Tab– Call “Flip 3D”. When clicked, you can use the mouse to select the window.

    + Space– Desktop view (Aero Peak). All windows will become transparent.

    + Arrow– Control the location of the active window. Pressing the up arrow - maximize, down - minimize, left - snap to left edge, right - snap to right edge.

    +Pause— Open the “System Properties” window.

    + Home— Minimize all windows except the active window; pressing again will open the minimized windows. + 5, the player will open.

    Alt + Tab– Switch between windows and applications.

    Shift + Ctrl + N– Create a new folder.

    SHIFT+ F10– Displays options for the selected element.

    Shift + Arrow – Selection . The arrows used are left, right, down and up. Applicable for text and files.

    CTRL- Selection of elements. By holding CTRL you can selectively select elements. For example, while in a folder, left-click on the folders that you want to copy or cut, after selecting, release CTRL and get the folders you selected for further work with them.

    Ctrl + Shift + Esc– Open task manager.

    CTRL+TAB– Go forward through bookmarks.

    Alt + F4– Close the window or exit the application.

    ALT + Space- Display the system menu for the current window.

    F2- Rename. Select the object and press the F2 button .

    F5- Refresh window. It is often used in the browser if the page is frozen or information needs to be updated. Applies also if you are in a folder or program.

    F10 - Activate menu.

    Esc- Cancel the operation. When opening, for example, folder properties by clicking ESC button, the Properties window will close.

    ENTER– Open the selected element.

    TAB- Go forward through options.

    P.S. Dessert for today, video about Windows 7 hotkeys.

    Often reading articles on the Internet or instructions for installing a program, you may come across key combinations(Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Win-R, Alt-Tab, Alt-F4, etc.). And if you still don’t know what they mean, then you can read them in our article.

    This article presents a complete list of key combinations on the keyboard, used not only in operating system Windows.

    Sections on working with keyboard shortcuts:

    Basic keyboard shortcuts

    Alt+Tab- Switch between windows
    Win+Tab- Switch between windows in Flip 3D mode
    Win+Up- Maximize window Win+Down- Restore/Minimize window
    Win+Left- Snap window to left edge of screen
    Win+Right- Snap window to the right edge of the screen
    Win+Shift+Left- Switch to left monitor
    Win+Shift+Right- Switch to right monitor
    Win+Home- Minimize/Restore all not active windows
    Win+Break(or Pause)- Launch the System item from the Control Panel (Properties item when right-clicking on Computer in the Start menu)
    Win+Space- Show desktop
    Win+B- Go to the notification area (tray)
    Win+D- Minimize windows or restore all windows
    Win+E- Launch Explorer
    Win+F- Launch built-in dialog Windows search
    Win+Ctrl+F- Run Search on your computer from the domain
    Win+F1- Launch built-in Windows dialog: Help and Support
    Win+G- Show gadgets on top of all windows
    Win+L- Locking the workstation (current user session)
    Win+M- Minimize all windows
    Win+P- Display additional options display (extend the desktop to 2 monitors, etc.)
    Win+R- Launch the Run dialog box
    Win+T- Select the first item in the taskbar (Pressing again switches to the next item, Win+Shift+T- scrolls in reverse order)
    Win+U- Launch the Ease of Access Center
    Win+X- Launch Mobility Center
    Win+digit- Launch the application from the taskbar ( Win+1 launches the first application on the left, Win+2, second, etc.)
    Win + "+"- Zoom in
    Win + "-"- Zoom out
    Ctrl + mouse wheel (up\down) on the desktop- increase/decrease desktop icons.

    In Explorer:
    Alt+P- Show/Hide Preview Area

    Shift + click on icon- Open a new application window
    Ctrl + Shift + click on icon- Open a new application window with administrator privileges
    Shift + right click on icon- Show application menu
    Shift + right click on a group of icons- Show menu, restore all / collapse all / Close all
    Ctrl + click on a group of icons- Maximize all group windows

    Key Win located between the keys Ctrl And Alt on the left side (the emblem is drawn on it Windows).
    Menu key is to the left of the right Ctrl.
    The combination “key” + “key” means that you first press the first key, and then, while holding it, press the second.

    General purpose hotkeys

    Key combinationDescription
    Open the Start menu
    Ctrl + Shift + Esc
    Ctrl + Alt + Delete
    Calling the "Task Manager"
    Win+E Launching Explorer
    Win+R Displaying the “Run program” dialog, analogous to “Start” - “Run”
    Win+D Minimize all windows or return to initial state(switch)
    Win+L Locking a workstation
    Win+F1 Access Windows Help
    Win+Pause Opening the System Properties window
    Win+F Open file search window
    Win + Ctrl + F Open computer search window
    Printscreen Take a screenshot of the entire screen
    Alt + Printscreen Take a screenshot of the currently active window
    Win + Shift + Tab
    Switches between taskbar buttons
    Move between panels. For example, between the desktop and the Quick Launch panel
    Ctrl+A Select everything (objects, text)
    Ctrl + Insert
    Copy to clipboard (objects, text)
    Cut to clipboard (objects, text)
    Shift + Insert
    Paste from clipboard (objects, text)
    Ctrl + N Create new document, project or similar activity. IN Internet Explorer this causes a new window to open with a copy of the contents of the current window.
    Ctrl+S Save the current document, project, etc.
    Ctrl+O Call a file selection dialog to open a document, project, etc.
    Ctrl+P Seal
    Ctrl+Z Undo last action
    Shift CD-ROM autorun lock (hold while the drive reads the newly inserted disc)
    Alt+Enter Go to full screen mode and back (switch; for example, in Windows Media Player or in a command interpreter window).

    Keyboard combinations for working with text

    Keyboard shortcut Description
    Ctrl+A Select all
    Ctrl + Insert
    Shift + Insert
    Ctrl + ←
    Ctrl + →
    Moving through words in the text. Works not only in text editors. For example, it is very convenient to use in address bar browser
    Shift + ←
    Shift + →
    Shift +
    Shift + ↓
    Selecting text
    Ctrl + Shift + ←
    Ctrl + Shift + →
    Selecting text by words
    Ctrl + Home
    Move to the beginning or end of a line of text
    Ctrl + Home
    Move to the beginning or end of the document

    Keyboard shortcuts for working with files

    Keyboard shortcut Description
    Shift + F10
    Displays the context menu of the current object (same as right-clicking).
    Alt+Enter Calling “Object Properties”
    F2 Renaming an object
    Drag with Ctrl Copying an object
    Drag with Shift Moving an object
    Drag with Ctrl + Shift Create an object shortcut
    Ctrl clicks Selecting multiple objects in random order
    Shift clicks Selecting multiple adjacent objects
    Enter Same as double click by object
    Delete Deleting an object
    Shift+Delete Permanent deletion object without placing it in the trash

    Keyboard shortcuts for working in Windows Explorer

    Keyboard shortcuts for working with windows

    Keyboard shortcut Description
    Alt + Shift + Tab
    Calling the transition menu between windows and navigating through it
    Alt + Shift + Esc
    Switch between windows (in the order in which they were launched)
    Alt+F6 Switching between multiple windows of the same program (for example, between open WinWord windows)
    Alt+F4 Closing the active window ( running application). On the desktop - call the Windows shutdown dialog
    Ctrl+F4 Closing the active document in programs that allow multiple documents to be opened simultaneously
    Calling the window menu
    Alt + − (minus) Call system menu child window (for example, a document window)
    Esc Exit a window menu or close an open dialog
    Alt + letter Call a menu command or open a menu column. The corresponding letters in the menu are usually underlined (either initially, or become underlined after pressing Alt). If the menu column is already open, then to call the desired command you must press the key with the letter that is underlined in this command
    Alt + Space Calling the window system menu
    F1 Call application help.
    Scroll text vertically or move up and down paragraphs of text.

    Keyboard shortcuts for working with dialog boxes

    Keyboard shortcuts for working in browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox)

    Keyboard shortcut Description
    F4 Displaying a list of the Address field
    Ctrl + N
    Start another browser instance with the same web address
    Ctrl+R Refresh the current web page
    Ctrl+B Opens the Organize Favorites dialog box
    Ctrl+E Opens the Search panel
    Ctrl+F Launch utility program search
    Ctrl + I Opens the Favorites panel
    Ctrl+L Opens the Open dialog box
    Ctrl+O Opens the Open dialog box, similar to CtrL+L
    Ctrl+P Opens the Print dialog box
    Ctrl+W Closing the current window
    F11 Switch to full screen mode and back (works in some other applications as well).


    • Press the key SHIFT five times: enable or disable Sticky Keys
    • Hold down the right key SHIFT eight seconds: enable or disable input filtering
    • Hold down the Num Lock key for five seconds: Toggle voiceover on or off
    • Alt left + Shift left + Num Lock: Enable or disable keyboard pointer control
    • Alt left + Shift left + PRINT SCREEN: Turn high contrast on or off

    When using a computer, the user performs most of the operations using the mouse, but in many cases it is impossible to do without using the keyboard. Text is typed using a keyboard, this is understandable, but to control a computer, a keyboard is also necessary.

    To perform many operations on a computer or in programs, so-called “hot” keys are used. These keys, or a combination of several simultaneously pressed keys, perform certain commands that are necessary to perform any actions on the computer.

    Most hotkeys perform the same actions in all versions of the Windows operating system. For new versions of the operating system, for example, for Windows 8.1, new hotkeys have been added for more convenient control new interface of this operating system.

    This article does not list all the hotkeys in Windows, there are a lot of them. I tried to select the most commonly used keys on the keyboard, which are used to perform various actions on the computer. In many cases, performing certain actions using the keyboard takes significantly less time than performing the same action using the mouse.

    You can check this statement, for example, by opening a document in any text editor. After pressing the keyboard keys “Ctrl” + “P”, the document will be immediately sent for printing. And when using a mouse, you will first need to enter the corresponding program menu, and then select the print command in the context menu that opens of this document. In this case, the gain in time when using keyboard keys is obvious.

    Keyboard keys are conventionally divided into 4 classes:

    • Alphanumeric block - typewriter keys.
    • Service keys are keyboard keys that control keyboard input.
    • Function keys (“F1” – “F12”) - the functions of a specific key will depend on the one used in at the moment applications.
    • Additional keyboard. This part of the keyboard is located on the right side of the keyboard. It is used to enter numbers and to control the computer. The operating mode is switched using the “Num Lock” key.

    Service keys

    Service keys are designed to perform the following actions:

    • Enter - input. Execute a command, depending on the task currently being performed
      Esc (Escape) - stop or cancel the action in progress
    • Caps Lock - enable the so-called capital letter mode. When you hold down this button, the entered text will be typed in capital letters
    • Num Lock - enable the numeric keypad
    • Page Up - scroll the page up
    • Page Down - scroll the page down
    • Backspace (←) - delete the last character
    • Del (Delete) - deleting an object
    • Ins (Insert) - used to insert and create
    • Home - goes to the beginning (left edge) of the line
    • End - goes to the end (right edge) of the line
    • Tab - this key is used to switch between window elements without using the mouse
    • Print Screen- this key is used to take a screenshot of the monitor screen

    Keyboards widely use the “Ctrl (Conrtol)”, “Alt (Alternate)” and “Shift” keys, as they are often called modifier keys, which are used in conjunction with other keys to perform necessary actions.

    Additional keys

    These are relatively “new” keys that were introduced into the keyboard by keyboard manufacturers for more convenient computer control. These are the so-called Windows keys (keys with an image of the operating system logo), keys for controlling the computer's power, and multimedia keys.

    Here are some keyboard shortcuts that perform actions when using the Win key (Windows):

    • Win - open and close the Start menu
    • Win + Pause/Break - open the System control panel window
    • Win + R - open the Run window

    • Win + D - show and hide the Desktop
    • Win + M - minimize open windows
    • Win + Shift + M - open previously minimized windows
    • Win + E - launch Explorer
    • Win + F - open the Search window
    • Win + Space (Space) - when you click on these buttons you can view the Desktop
    • Win + Tab - switch between running applications
    • Win + L - block the computer or change users

    Popular hotkeys

    Other most commonly used keys and keyboard shortcuts:

    • Alt + Shift - switch language
    • Ctrl + Esc - open the Start menu
    • Alt + Tab - switch between running programs
    • Alt + F4 - close the current window or exit any program
    • F1 - Windows Help
    • F10 - activate menu bar
    • Ctrl + O - open a document (in any program)
    • Ctrl + W - close document (in any program)
    • Ctrl + S - save document (in any program)
    • Ctrl + P - print a document (in any program)
    • Ctrl + A - select the entire document (in any program)
    • Ctrl + C - copy a file or selected part of a document to the clipboard
    • Ctrl + Insert - copy a file or selected part of a document to the clipboard
    • Ctrl + X - cut a file or selected part of a document to the clipboard
    • Ctrl + V - paste a file or selected part of a document from the clipboard
    • Shift + Insert - insert a file or selected part of a document from the clipboard
    • Ctrl + Z - undo last action
    • Ctrl + Y - repeat undone action
    • Del (Delete) - deleting an object to the Trash
    • Ctrl + D - deleting an object to the Trash
    • Shift + Del - deleting an object from the computer without placing it in the Recycle Bin
    • F2 - rename the selected object
    • Alt + Enter - properties of the selected object
    • Shift + F10 - open the context menu for the selected object
    • F5 - refresh active window
    • Ctrl + R - refresh active window
    • Ctrl + Shift + Esc - launch Task Manager

    Keyboard shortcuts in Explorer

    Some keyboard shortcuts for working in Explorer:

    • Ctrl + N - open a new window
    • Ctrl + W - close window
    • Ctrl + Shift + N - create a new folder
    • Ctrl + Shift + E - view all folders that contain the selected folder

    Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 8.1

    Windows 8 supports some additional combinations keys on the keyboard that are designed to better management new features of this operating system.

    Some keyboard shortcuts in the operating room Windows system 8.1:

    • Win + C - opening the "miracle" buttons
    • Win + F - open the "miracle" Search button to search for files
    • Win + H - open the "miracle" button "Sharing"
    • Win + K - open the “miracle” button “Devices”
    • Win + I - open the “miracle” button “Options”
    • Win + O - fix the screen orientation state (portrait or landscape)
    • Win + Q - opening the “miracle” “Search” button to search for data in all or one open program
    • Win + S - Open the "miracle" Search button to search Windows and the Internet
    • Win + W - open the "miracle" button "Search" to search for parameters
    • Win + Z - displays commands available in this application(if the program has such commands and parameters)
    • Win + Tab - switch between recently used applications
    • Win + Print Screen - take and save a screenshot
    • Win + F1 - call help
    • Win + Home - minimize or restore all windows of running applications
    • Win + Space (Space) - switch keyboard layout to another language
    • Win + Ctrl + Space (Space) – return to the previous keyboard layout
    • Win + plus sign (+) - zoom in using Magnifier
    • Win + minus sign (–) - zoom out using Magnifier
    • Win + Esc - exit Magnifier
    • Win + U - launches the Ease of Access Center application


    Using hot keys on a computer can significantly speed up the execution of practical tasks, saving the user time. In some cases, when working, using the keys on the keyboard is more convenient than performing similar actions using the mouse.

    This article will talk about well-known, interesting, necessary and useful key combinations on the keyboard, which many people probably do not know. However, if you get used to using them, you can save a lot of time as a result. And since time is money, and computers are our everything, this article is a must-read and understandable for everyone!

    1. Magnifying glass (magnification)

    Win + +/-

    What does an activated magnifying glass look like in lens mode (there is also a full-screen mode, then the entire screen will be a magnifying glass)

    When your eyesight is poor and you need to look at part of the screen, you can greatly enlarge it and view the screen as if through a magnifying glass.

    2. Increased contrast

    Shift + Alt + Print Screen

    Folder view in high contrast mode

    This combination enables or disables High Contrast mode

    3. Flip (rotate) the screen in any direction

    Ctrl + Alt + arrows (up/down/left/right)

    Inverted screen view

    The arrows will flip the screen in the direction indicated. This function will be useful on laptops, when, for example, you need to see how something looks in height, or if you need to turn the laptop over. This is how designers rotate the screen to see more. Or you can joke with your friends. In general, you can figure out how to apply this interesting feature yourself.

    This trick does not work everywhere (depending on the video card).

    4. Quickly switch between windows


    When you switch, you will see a side view of all open windows. The appearance may vary depending on the version of Windows. The picture shows Window 10.

    When many windows are open, it is often convenient to switch between them not with the mouse, but with the keyboard using Alt + Tab. To select the desired window, do not release ALT and press TAB.

    However, with a large number Windows are not always convenient. However, when you work with two windows that you need to switch between frequently, this combination will be indispensable. One way or another, every modern person should know and have the habit of using this combination.

    Alt+Esc similar to Alt+Tab, but switches windows in the order in which the windows were opened.

    By the way, such a switch can be caused using the combination Win + Tab.

    5. Quickly delete a file (bypass the trash)

    Shift + Del

    Windows always asks you to confirm deleting a file, and sooner or later this confirmation window becomes annoying. This combination will delete the selected file immediately without confirmation.

    By the way, you can disable confirmations in the cart settings. To do this, right-click on the Recycle Bin (on your desktop), click on Settings and uncheck the box next to “Show confirmation window”.

    Disable file deletion confirmation

    6. Quickly go to the desktop (minimize all windows)

    Pressing this combination again will return everything before open windows, as if you never folded anything.

    By the way, you can get to the desktop by clicking the implicit button at the end of the toolbar (next to the clock).

    Another option to minimize all windows is to grab any window by the top with the mouse and shake it (left right left right). This will close all active windows, except the window you grabbed... This thing is called Aero Shake, which can also be done using a keyboard shortcut Win+Home.

    7. Quickly exit your profile (account)

    This combination will only be useful if you have a password set on your profile. By clicking it, you can quickly exit your profile without turning off your computer, thereby blocking access to it. You will be able to log into your profile again only after entering your password. In this case, everything in your profile will remain exactly as it was before you logged out, including all open application windows and so on (as if you never logged out).

    8. Minimizing, maximizing, moving windows

    Win + up/down— expands/collapses the current window to fill the entire screen (if it can be expanded). These combinations are similar to clicking on the middle window button.

    Win + left/right— will place the window exactly on the left or right half of the screen.

    Working in two windows at the same time

    Win + Shift + left/right— will move the window to the adjacent monitor (when 2 or more monitors are used).

    9. Other interesting and useful combinations

    Win + B - activates system tray switching. May be useful if the mouse suddenly stops working.

    Ctrl + Shift + N - quick creation new folder in the current directory.

    Win+Pause/Break- opens the system window (basic data of your Windows). It will be useful when you need to see the computer name or system information.

    Ctrl + Shift + Esc - task manager, same thing combination Ctrl+Alt+Del in earlier versions Windows.

    Shift + F10 - opens context menu file, folder. The same as pressing the right mouse button. However, in this case we will see underlines under the letters and when we press the corresponding letter on the keyboard, the desired menu item will be selected. Well, or you can simply go to the desired menu item using the arrows and press enter.

    Context menu

    Alt+Enter- opens the properties of a folder or file. There you can see the size, creation date, etc.

    10. Meaning of function keys (F1 F2 F3 F4 ...)

    Every keyboard has function keys, however, not every one of us knows the purpose of these keys, and yet half of them are assigned generally accepted tasks:

    • F1- call for help (help).
    • F2*- editing. Renaming a file or folder.
    • F3*- search. Allows you to search necessary files, folders. If the search is open, it focuses on the search string. In programs, enables or starts a search.
    • F4- exit. Closing.
    • F5*- page update.
    • F6- button to switch between viewing modes.
    • F7- no specific function (depends on the application).
    • F8- if pressed during Windows boot, allows you to select the boot mode. In other cases it depends on the application.
    • F9- to enter the boot menu ( boot menu) on some motherboard models. This menu allows you to specify hard drive from which the computer needs to boot. Typically, changing the parameters of this menu is necessary when installing Windows.
    • F10- most often this is calling or closing the program menu.
    • F11*- most often this is switching to full screen mode and back.
    • F12- no strict function. Depends on the program. Often used to open the program menu. In Word, this key is used to save an open document.

    Video on the topic

    Full list all keyboard shortcuts for any version of Windows.

    I highly recommend getting used to using keyboard shortcuts - they save a lot of time, I’ve tested it from personal experience.