• Why can't I log into YouTube - the web page is unavailable! Why doesn't YouTube work? Getting rid of video hosting errors

    And in most cases, new firmware makes working with TV more convenient, faster and more comfortable, but there are also unpleasant changes. In particular, some applications that were originally installed may disappear. For example, after updating the firmware on an LG TV, the Youtube application disappeared. In fact, the problem was not new firmware, and in Google’s changes, well, first things first.

    I propose to start by returning YouTube to its place. To do this, go to the application store, everything described below will be shown using the example of an LG TV, but for Samsung, Philips, Sony, etc. the process will be similar.
    Go to the application store, to do this, press the Smart TV button on the remote control.

    Select App Store

    Next you need to find the Youtube application, it is best to use the search.

    Enter “Youtube” into the search bar.

    Select the application found.

    Click "Install".

    Now you can always find the YouTube application on your TV.

    After that, you can use the application and watch your favorite videos.
    But not everything is so simple; on TVs manufactured before 2012, the YouTube application may not work. This comes as Google is updating its application programming interface (API) for developers. So owners of TVs built before 2012 are at risk and it is quite possible that the YouTube application will not work on their TV. To solve the problem, I recommend check if your TV is connected to the Internet , update the TV firmware, and try to install the application again; as a last resort, contact the technical support of the TV manufacturer.
    If the YouTube application is not available or does not work on your TV, do not despair, you can watch videos using the built-in browser. To do this, launch it from the list of applications and go to youtube.com. But please note that your browser must support Flash and HTML5 to play all videos.

    The video doesn't work on YouTube Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

    Many Youtube video hosting users encounter problems playing videos. In most cases, errors occur due to browser glitches. outdated version Adobe Flash Player or drivers. Read on to learn how to restore video playback from YouTube.

    Frequent problems with video playback

    Video loading extremely slow

    Video freezes after a few seconds of playback

    Instead of video, the player window displays a blank screen

    Causes and their elimination

    We recommend troubleshooting Windows errors and problems with help to troubleshoot possible problems. First of all, you need to update to the latest current version Browser and Flash player used to watch videos.

    Install the latest Adobe version Flash Player() and update your browser to latest version if it doesn't update automatically. Use the following links to official developer resources to download the most current version:

    Timely updating of the Internet browser can not only fix problems with video playback, but also provide higher security when browsing the Internet.

    Additional settings and troubleshooting

    If after Flash updates Player and browser YouTube video still won't play, to identify the exact cause of the problems that arise, try watching the video through another browser, for example, the one installed in Windows by default Internet Explorer. If the video plays normally in another program, check your browser settings - clear the cache (F5 button), enable JavaScript support if it was disabled.

    If problems persist during video playback, we recommend reinstalling the browser. To do this, delete it while saving user data () your bookmarks and data will not be deleted. After this, install the browser again using the above links to the developer sites.

    Sometimes YouTube video playback problems occur due to incorrect operation drivers video cards. To download the latest driver, you need to know which manufacturer's video card is installed in your computer. We wrote about how to find out the manufacturer of a video card and update the drivers for it.

    In some cases, playback problems are reported due to hardware acceleration in Flash Player. This option is designed to improve the quality of video playback, but sometimes leads to failures. To disable hardware acceleration:

    • Right-click on the video you are having problems watching;
    • Select the “Options” menu item;
    • Uncheck the "Enable hardware acceleration" checkbox. If you do not see such an option, then the function is not available;

    Click Close, then refresh the page and check if the video plays.

    After doing all these steps, your YouTube video still won't play? In this case, you should contact the official support help resource YouTube users. There you will find detailed recommendations for fixing problems and errors and can report your problem directly to official YouTube representatives.

    Let's look at why YouTube gives an error and doesn't work. Find out how to fix website problems.

    YouTube is the largest video hosting and the most popular Internet platform for bloggers and viewers. Every day the resource is visited by hundreds of millions of users from all over the world.

    Over the 12 years of its existence, the site has grown from a simple source of short videos to a full-fledged platform for the development of creativity.

    You can find content for any audience on YouTube.

    Also, the site is a cross-platform service. This means that users of computers, smartphones and tablets can work with it in the form of a client program.

    Today YouTube has working versions of software for all existing operating systems.

    Causes of errors

    Due to testing new features, users often encounter problems with YouTube.

    Almost every week information appears on the network about short-term failures and malfunctions in the service.

    In 90% of cases they occur on the server side of the site. Developers regularly test new functionality, develop algorithms and test their operation. All this is the main reason for periodic slowdowns of video hosting.

    Also, the problem may appear on the user's side.


    • Slow Internet connection;
    • Browser errors. In this case, the site itself will not load;
    • Problems with your account.

    Also, bugs may appear in mobile application for smartphones. Below you will find the solution to all possible problems video hosting.

    Error 404 on YouTube

    Error 404 is the most frequent code problems that can occur on any site.

    The problem appears in three cases:

    • The user provided an incorrect link to the site page;

    If your browser has a YouTube cache, instead of the text “Error 404” you will see this page:

    • No response received;

    Due to too large a flow of requests, the server may crash.

    In this case, the error will appear simultaneously for several users on all devices.

    The only thing you can do is wait until the site administrators solve the problem.

    As a rule, on YouTube all problems are resolved in a maximum of 15-20 minutes.

    • Software incompatibility.

    After automatic update mobile OS client application YouTube may be incompatible with the system, which is why difficulties arise with loading data.

    Video won't play

    There are situations when the site loads without problems, but a playback error appears in the video display form.

    If your browser uses Flash Player to display media, We recommend updating the service:

    • Go to official page developer Adobe Flash via the link https://flashplayer.org.ua/kak-obnovit-adobe-flash-player/;
    • Click on the “Download” field;
    • Wait for the installation file to download and run it.

    Wait for the installation to complete and restart your PC.

    Try re-launching the video on YouTube.

    Everything should work without failures. If the video is not being produced, delete the browser cache using the combination Ctrl keys- Shift - Del.

    The site does not load in all browsers

    If you cannot access the site from all browsers installed on your computer, most likely the resource address is included in the list of system restrictions.

    This is the result of malware.

    To solve the problem you need to edit HOST file.

    Follow the instructions:

    • Open the folder in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc ;
    • Find the HOSTS file without extension and open it with notepad;
    • Find last line text document. It should be " localhost". If there is other data below this line, it needs to be removed. Next, save the changes and reboot the device. After this, access to YouTube will open.

    Problems adding videos to Youtube

    Not only viewers of TV channels, but also their creators encounter site bugs.

    IN lately appeared large number complaints about problems with monetizing videos, filtering comments and views.

    There is also a bug in loading videos onto the site.

    When you add a file from your computer to YouTube, everything freezes or the download does not finish even after a day.

    This problem is described in detail in the site's community rules.

    Highlight following reasons slow video loading:

    • Low speed data transmission over the network;

    Your ISP can limit traffic.. We recommend testing your download and upload speeds using online services Speedtest or Multitest.

    • You are adding a video in an invalid format. The service supports a limited number of extensions. When you try to load a format that is not supported, an error occurs or the video continues to be added endlessly. Use MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG4, WMV, FLV, WEBM, ProRes formats;
    • Maximum time video - 12 hours. YouTube doesn't ignore attempts to add a longer video. If you see entries on the site for 13, 15 hours, this means that they were loaded even before the adoption of the restriction rules.

    Please note the video size, it should not be larger than 128 GB. To reduce this indicator, you can use applications for compressing MP4, AVI, FLV and other formats.

    The viewed entry has disappeared

    Users of the site may encounter problems playing a particular video. At the same time, the video hosting itself will work without failures.


    • The video is blocked at the request of the copyright holder;

    If a channel owner has uploaded a video that contains content from other authors, the video will be automatically blocked after a few days.

    When you try to open the player, you will see the message “Blocked by copyright holder.”

    • The author of the video has restricted access to the recording.

    Channel owners can configure the display mode of previously added videos.

    Videos may be added to a private playlist, only accessible through a link, or not playable in a specified list of countries.

    In the first two cases, you will not be able to watch the video, but in the second, you can enable VPN.

    This way, the contents of the page will become available, because the country of the account will change.

    YouTube doesn't work on Android - solution

    In case the Youtube application has stopped working on Android, there is a simple and effective way error solutions. Follow the instructions:

    • Go to your smartphone settings and select “Applications”;
    • In the list, click on the YouTube field;
    • In a new window, you need to delete all the settings that are in the program. Click on the buttons “Erase content”, “Delete default settings”. It is also recommended to uninstall updates.

    Then restart the client application. Its old version will be displayed.

    You can update it via Google Play, as described above.

    Bottom line

    YouTube is a functional service for watching videos. The site is constantly updated and updated with new features, which may cause users to experience playback errors.

    If YouTube stops working on your device, first determine the type of problem: eliminate the possibility of bugs in the browser, clean the HOSTS file, or use a VPN to access videos blocked in your country.

    Thematic videos:

    YouTube is the most popular video hosting site where you can find entertaining educational videos, films and cartoons. If the site does not open, you will not be able to watch the video. Let's figure out why YouTube doesn't work - what are the reasons for the problem, and what to do in each case.

    If YouTube does not open in the browser, the reason may be in the web browser itself. Open the site through another browser, if there is no problem in it, look for errors in the first one:

    • If you recently installed extensions or widgets, disable them - they may conflict with YouTube.
    • Clear the program cache - go to the settings and find the clear item, check the “cached data and files” box. The system will delete all saves, freeing up space for downloading new videos.

    If YouTube does not work in all browsers, the problem may lie in the flash player that is responsible for playing the video. Install from the official resource. If you see a black rectangle instead of an image, you should also update or install Adobe Player.

    More possible reasons site inaccessibility – blocking of certain videos at the country level, provider or network administrator. In this case, use an anonymizer website or a VPN browser extension that will allow you to bypass the restriction.

    Don't forget regularly antivirus program. Some viruses write automatic redirection into the system, so another site may open instead of YouTube. In this case, check the file hosts. It is stored on system disk in the catalog Windows, in the folder System32/drivers/ets. Open it with any text editor, if there are lines other than “”, delete them. Save the file and run the antivirus.

    On a smartphone

    What to do if YouTube does not work on your smartphone? First, check your Internet connection - if the speed is low or the channel is busy, the videos will not open. Try visiting other sites and connect to Wi-Fi if you have previously used mobile Internet.

    If video hosting refuses to work even with stable connection, clear your browser cache or YouTube apps. Open settings, find the program through which you launch videos. Click on “Clear data”. Then reboot your device.

    To keep YouTube running smoothly, update your system regularly. In new versions, developers eliminate errors that interfere with normal functioning.

    On TV

    On TV with Smart function TV has a YouTube widget. If it doesn't start or disappears from the menu after the update, try the following. Launch the application store, search for YouTube and install the widget.

    If the store does not have YouTube and your TV was released before 2012, you will not be able to use a branded video hosting application. Google stopped supporting it for older models in mid-2017. In this case, you can open youtube.com in the browser on your TV. If you find it more convenient to use the application, try alternative widgets:

    • ForkPlayer – free, easy to understand GUI, but not all links open;
    • NstreamLmod – paid, for viewing it is convenient to use the SmartON catalog ;
    • NstreamPal is free; to launch videos, use the ALEXKDPU directory.

    They are all a list of playlists from various sources. Select Youtube and get access to watching videos, searching for channels, and creating playlists.


    We figured out why YouTube may not work on a computer, smartphone or TV. Fixing the problem is not difficult - do not forget to update applications, run antivirus scan and clear the data cache. Getting the hosting widget back on old TVs is a little more difficult; third-party utilities will help solve the problem.

    Let's look at why YouTube gives an error and doesn't work. Find out how to fix website problems.

    YouTube is the largest video hosting and the most popular Internet platform for bloggers and viewers. Every day the resource is visited by hundreds of millions of users from all over the world.

    Over the 12 years of its existence, the site has grown from a simple source of short videos to a full-fledged platform for the development of creativity.

    You can find content for any audience on YouTube.

    Also, the site is a cross-platform service. This means that computer users can work with it in the form of a client program.

    Today YouTube has working versions of the software for all existing operating systems.

    Causes of errors

    Due to testing new features, users often encounter problems with YouTube.

    Almost every week information appears on the network about short-term failures and malfunctions in the service.

    In 90% of cases they occur on the server side of the site. Developers regularly test new functionality, develop algorithms and test their operation. All this is the main reason for periodic braking.

    Also, the problem may appear on the user's side.


    • Slow Internet connection;
    • Browser errors. In this case, the site itself will not load;
    • Problems with your account.

    Also, bugs may appear in the mobile application for smartphones. Below you will find solutions to all possible video hosting problems.

    Error 404 on YouTube

    Error 404 is the most common error code that can occur on any website.

    The problem appears in three cases:

    • The user provided an incorrect link to the site page;

    Follow the instructions:

    • Open the folder in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc ;
    • Find the HOSTS file without extension and open it with notepad;

    • Find the last line of the text document. It should be " localhost". If there is other data below this line, it needs to be removed. Next, save the changes and reboot the device. After this, access to YouTube will open.

    Problems adding videos to Youtube

    Not only viewers of TV channels, but also their creators encounter site bugs.

    Recently, there have been a large number of complaints about problems with monetizing videos, filtering comments and views.

    There is also a bug in loading videos onto the site.

    When you add a file from your computer to YouTube, everything freezes or the download does not finish even after a day.

    This problem is described in detail in the site's community rules.

    The following are the reasons for slow video loading:

    • Low data transfer speed over the network;

    Your ISP can limit traffic.. We recommend testing your download and upload speeds using the online services Speedtest or Multitest.

    • You are adding a video in an invalid format. The service supports a limited number of extensions. When you try to load a format that is not supported, an error occurs or the video continues to be added endlessly. Use MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG4, WMV, FLV, WEBM, ProRes formats;
    • The maximum video length is 12 hours. YouTube doesn't ignore attempts to add a longer video. If you see entries on the site for 13, 15 hours, this means that they were loaded even before the adoption of the restriction rules.

    Please note the video size, it should not be larger than 128 GB. To reduce this indicator, you can use applications for compressing MP4, AVI, FLV and other formats.