• Searching for passport data by full name - effective methods and possible risks. Find out your registration

    Sometimes life presents us with situations when it is necessary to find a person, for example, while going for a morning jog or walking in the park with the dog, you found a lost passport and in order to return it you need to figure out how to find the person using passport data. It would seem that there is nothing complicated: you know the full name, date and place of birth, number and series of the passport, place and date of its issue and, finally, the address of the passport owner. But things are not always so simple. How can you find a person legally, that is, without violating the law on the protection of personal information?

    Brief information about the Russian passport

    Searching for a person using a passport: legal grounds

    Legal grounds for searching a person using his passport data are necessary primarily in order to protect the interests of both parties.

    There are quite a lot of situations when it is necessary to search for a particular citizen using his passport:

    • finding a lost passport and, as a result, searching for the owner of the document in order to return it;
    • searching for an old friend or relative. Local armed conflicts, man-made and natural disasters have led to an intensification, due to which communication between people can be interrupted, and the desire to check whether a person is alive using a passport is quite understandable;
    • (for a planned major financial transaction - car, lease, etc.);
    • searching for heirs or establishing family ties;
    • checking the solvency, reliability of a potential business or marriage partner, borrower, etc.;
    • finding out the whereabouts of a person at one time or another (for example, to find out where a person flew using his passport);
    • searching for a person who is evading payment of alimony, an escaped participant in an accident, a swindler/swindler who has pocketed other people’s money (in this case, you can count on active assistance in the search from government agencies).

    Any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to find the necessary information about himself, using his passport data. We are talking about clarifying tax arrears or accumulated debts. This can be done on the State Services portal or on special websites of the Federal Bailiff Service and the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

    What is needed to obtain information

    Finding the necessary information is easier when all the passport data is present - series and number, full name, date of birth and place of residence, etc. In practice, it often happens that only part of the passport data is known, and therefore you have to first look for the missing information. At the same time, you should be prepared to incur financial costs, since you won’t be able to find out a person’s passport details for free using your full name and date of birth.

    So, what passport data can you not do without to obtain information about a person? This is first of all:

    • Full name - knowledge of the last name, first name and patronymic (it should be remembered that the patronymic may be absent) is always important in searching for a person (although they can be changed). In addition, there is a real chance of finding namesakes with the same name and patronymic, so it is necessary to combine a search by full name with a search by other data;
    • series and passport number - using them to find out the owner’s last name and other necessary information is quite possible, because each passport has a unique combination of numbers: four digits of the series (the first two indicate the region of issue, the second two indicate the year of the form) and six digits of the passport number. To do this, you must contact the government authorities with a corresponding application and pay a state fee (the requested information is confidential and can only be obtained for a compelling reason);
    • place of registration - this information also helps to narrow the search or get new leads (for example, phone number, information from neighbors);
    • date and place of birth - this information is an important qualifier for the last name and first name and will help to weed out most namesakes.

    Having passport data easily allows you to obtain information about, which consists of 12 digits. This open information, and it is easily accessible. Speaking about whether it is possible to find out passport data, which is already considered personal, using the TIN, it should be noted that this is only partially possible. The first two digits will show the code of the subject of Russia, the next two – the tax office number, the next 6 – the taxpayer’s record number. The rest of the information is in the tax service, but it is not subject to disclosure.

    Sometimes knowing the TIN allows you to calculate the full name and address of the taxpayer; this is possible if the taxpayer has any debts. You should check their availability, for example, on the State Services website and, if found, select the “Redeem” item, then the mailing address will be displayed when generating a receipt.

    What information is available if you have passport data?

    Passport data allows you to obtain quite extensive information about a person from open sources, for example the following:

    • data directly about a person is, first of all, the full name of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Using passport data, you can easily find out the date and place of birth of an individual, his gender, place of registration, etc.;
    • information about the legitimacy of an individual’s passport, the presence/absence of its owner on the wanted list for criminal or enforcement proceedings, the ownership of a car;
    • data on marital status, range of interests and acquaintances. Finding a photo of a person using passport data will also not be difficult (especially in cases where the person actively uses social networks, posts his own photos, writes blogs, etc.).

    Information about professional activities also refers to personal data, and none of the official bodies would provide such information to a third party, even if they had it. Since it will not be possible to find out where a person works from passport data without violating the law, there is some probability of discovering the place of employment of the wanted person using open-access Internet search engines and social networks (without violating the law on the protection of personal data). For example, all universities, scientific institutions, many firms and companies have their own pages on which they post information about their employees.

    Where can I get information?

    It is very easy to find the necessary information using passport data in Russia, provided that it is requested by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, the social service and other government agencies. These structures, for example, can easily “get through” a person’s phone number using passport data; for a private person, access to this type of information is difficult. But there are several options for getting out of this situation (we are not considering here proposals from Internet scammers to use the Ministry of Internal Affairs databases they allegedly downloaded for a “minimum reward”: the consequences of this can be unpredictable - from virus attacks to the loss of their own personal data).

    The first option - it is for those who are in a hurry and who have extra money - contact one of the private detective agencies, where any citizen who must:

    • enter into a special agreement with a detective agency (these agencies must also comply with the legislation on the protection of personal information; Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation applies to them);
    • pay for services.

    The second option is free, but may take a long period of time. You need to act independently through search engines (Yandex, Google, Rambler, etc.) or popular social networks (Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Moi Mir, etc.). There is a high probability that the search will be successful.

    And finally, the third way is to officially contact government agencies, that is, start searching for a person through the passport office or the authorities of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.

    How to make a request to the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the information bureau

    After acceptance of the application, within two days a notification will be sent to the address of the subject of the request indicating the information about the applicant for consent/disagreement about the representation of the requested person. After receiving consent, the information will be transmitted to the applicant within two days. The deadline for execution established by law is 30 days.

    It will not be possible to check the registration address of any person using passport data at the information desk (help desk). Providing address information is possible only through the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the State Services portal.

    Cost of government services

    Payment of state duty for the provision of this public service is not provided; information is provided free of charge.

    How to make a request on the website of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    Such a request can be easily made in electronic form, for which you need:

    • go to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (https://mvd.rf/) and select the “Activities” tab and click on “Government services”;
    • in the list of services, click “GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”;
    • Among the services of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, select the section “Providing address and reference information”, this is where the online passport database of people is available;
    • in the “Providing address and reference information” section that opens, click on “Get this government service online”;
    • Read the instructions and click on “Get a service”.

    After this, you will be automatically redirected to the State Services portal and then you must act through your “Personal Account”.

    In order to simplify the process, you can immediately use the State Services portal. Here the procedure is similar: in “Service Categories” select “Passports, registration, visas”.

    Then, among the services, find and click “Providing address and reference information.”

    In this way, you can find out your passport data online on the Internet, as well as send a request to provide you with data about another individual. To do this, you will need to indicate your region in your personal account and agree to the use of personal information about the applicant. Then fill in all required fields and click on the “Submit Application” button. After this, all information will be sent to the applicant’s personal account and to the specified email address.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to find out the series and number of the previous passport online on the website of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To obtain such information, you should personally contact the territorial migration service office where the new passport was issued.

    Using someone else's passport data: fraud and liability

    The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains Article 137 “Violation of privacy”, which establishes liability for the unauthorized use or distribution of someone else’s passport.

    The legislation provides for severe measures:

    • a fine in the amount of 150,000 to 350,000 rubles;
    • imprisonment for up to five years;
    • administrative sanctions, etc. (depending on the severity of the consequences).

    Therefore, you should be prudent and careful when using what can be found out about a person using passport data on the Internet without registration and what is freely available, so as not to harm either yourself or the person you are trying to find.

    Unfortunately, fraud with other people's personal data has become widespread. Using this information, you can cause serious material and moral harm: blackmail, take out loans in someone else’s name, deprive of real estate, make dubious transactions, etc.

    "Mukhtar. New trail." Episode 148. "Prisoner of the Dungeon"

    People often have problems figuring out how to find out a phone number by last name. Situations can be of a different nature - from searching for a person you like to important contact. Even in the Soviet Union, there were special certificates or entire catalogs for this. In Russia, using the Internet, this can be done much faster and more conveniently.

    Is it possible to find a phone number by first and last name for free?

    Knowing the details of the wanted person, you can find the number home phone by last name for free, In addition to the city number, it is possible to find the intended mobile number. There are several ways to find out a phone number by last name, but not all are legal. Often the methods are limited to the use of stolen databases. By using some of them, users may break laws. There are paid search methods, but there are many on the Internet and free ways- due to their demand and popularity. You can choose any one, depending on what you need.

    Ways to find out a phone number by the subscriber's last name

    The use of directories is a current technique for finding out a phone number by your last name. They use directories, data results on the Internet or Ministry of Internal Affairs databases, social networks, where you can see other information about a person, for example, date of birth, education, etc. All these options give a positive result at , but the data is not always reliable. This is due to the rapid change in contacts, when one number is replaced by another simply on a whim, and not for a good reason. It is difficult to obtain information about those who are deliberately hiding from search or do not want publicity due to a number of reasons.

    In addition to the Internet, you can use the search through acquaintances or friends of your wanted person. They can help out, give real contact the one you need. This method may turn out to be the most effective, completely legal, simple and effective. Its advantages include simplicity and efficiency, because it is easier to find through familiar people than sitting at the computer and looking for a suitable option. In addition to the number, it’s easy, then all the information will be complete, necessary for certain actions.

    Through the home phone directory

    Directories and address books were popular in a time before mobile phones. Then it was easy to figure out how to find out your home phone number by last name. The owner had a registration address, and each apartment had a landline telephone number, the number of which was included in the pages of the directory. it was extremely simple, the information was not classified, there was free access to absolutely every citizen, except officials. But it was also possible to find them with a little effort and connections.

    Modern city apartments still have city subscriber numbers, so this search option remains relevant. Directories have been translated into form electronic versions with easy navigation, provides information by name in alphabetical order, the ability to search by entering existing information. You can only find your home number using this method. For mobile phones, you will have to look for other options, inconvenient, difficult, costing a lot of money, requiring time and searching for connections.

    Download telephone number database

    There are popular sites on the Internet that appear due to requests for a given last name. They all provide links to special databases created by cellular operators, for example MTS. Such databases are illegal due to the fact that companies do not have the right to post them for free viewing. This is always stolen information or copied from an unknown source. Therefore, it can be difficult to trust it due to the reason that information quickly becomes outdated.

    Through law enforcement

    When your identity is lost, and the reasons for this are important, for example, debts or crimes, you can contact the police, where law enforcement officers will help you. They have their own databases. Thanks to the latest updates, the police will find the right person without delay. To access the Ministry of Internal Affairs database, you need a compelling reason for the search, a statement of accusations against the wanted person. Otherwise you will be wasting your time.

    Video instructions: how to dial a phone number by last name

    If you have a person’s passport details on hand, you would like to know the number mobile phone, be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to solve the problem using the usual methods. In some cases, it is possible to find a subscriber by name, surname, even on the Internet, but few people indicate passport data here, so the request will be useless. It will also not be possible to use databases of cellular companies, because the name of the operator is not always known. In addition, there are no updated databases on the Internet containing current information. What to do when there is no material about a person other than passport data?

    Find out a mobile number using passport data using a detective

    By contacting a detective agency, you get a good chance of successfully solving the problem. Specialists using own channels and communications will be able to quickly find the requested information. They will guarantee its accuracy and ensure your confidentiality. But the cost of services is confusing, because it turns out to be too high. Is it worth spending that kind of money for the required data? You can use an alternative method of resolving the issue, which will be more affordable financially, but no less effective.

    How to cheaply find out a mobile phone number using passport data

    To find a room quickly and inexpensively, use the services of our website. We work in the field information services for more than 10 years, so we have a valuable baggage of professional knowledge and the necessary experience. Among the site's clients are individuals, legal entities and even well-known detective agencies. Most of them have become regular customers and regularly use our help.

    We guarantee each client:

    • complete confidentiality;
    • affordable prices;
    • discounts for repeat orders;
    • efficiency of information retrieval;
    • several ways to pay for services;
    • free consultation;
    • quality of service.

    Order a service through the form feedback. Tell our employee the person’s passport details, mark the points you want to know. You will be told the cost of the work and the deadline for delivering the results. You can be sure of the accuracy of the information. Employees are searching for her mobile operators with access to updated databases.

    We work with the databases of any Russian operators: Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2, Rostelecom, Yota.

    Many people are interested in the question of how to find out about some stranger. additional information. And sometimes it's not just curiosity. For example, you conclude some important agreement with a person, but you know absolutely nothing about him. The most important transactions, as a rule, involve real estate, as well as expensive movable property (for example, a car).

    If you use the Internet wisely, you can find a lot of information about almost any person. In this article we will figure out how and where this can be done.

    Warning: Do not trust sites that promise to provide information about a person, but in return you will need to enter your mobile phone number, some other data or pay money. This is designed to deceive you. Simply put, these are scammers. A lot of information can be found completely free online.

    Checking the validity of a Russian citizen's passport

    On the website of the FMS (Federal Migration Service) you can completely legally check the validity of your passport ( http://services.fms.gov.ru/info-service.htm?sid=2000 ).

    To do this, you need to enter the series (the first 4 digits) and the passport number (6 digits after the passport series) into certain fields.

    The first 4 digits (passport series) indicate the region of issue and the year of the passport form. For example, series 50 04 means that 50 is the Novosibirsk region according to OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division), 04 is a passport form of the 2004 model.

    If you did everything correctly, the following message will appear:

    Find out a person’s TIN (individual tax number)

    To do this you need to know:

    • Last name First name Patronymic,
    • date of birth,
    • series and number of the passport, as well as the date of issue of the passport.

    If all the data is entered correctly, your TIN number will be displayed:

    If a person does not have a TIN (which is rare), the following message will appear:

    The TIN consists of 12 digits. The first 2 digits are the code of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the next 2 are the tax inspection number, the next 6 are the taxpayer’s tax record number, the last 2 are check digits to check the correctness of the entry.

    Is the person an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur)?

    On the website of the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service) you can “check” whether individual Individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), and also, if he was, then when he ceased his activities - https://egrul.nalog.ru.

    The search can be carried out by full name and region, INN or OGRNIP (main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur).

    What you can find out:

    • OGRNIP and date of assignment, TIN, full name;
    • date of entry on termination of activity;
    • which tax office registered;
    • information about the types of activities according to OKVED (what the individual entrepreneur does);
    • series, number and date of certificate.

    Now let’s decipher OGRNIP (main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur). This is a number that consists of 15 digits.

    For example, 309547531400056.

    The first number can use the values ​​3 and 4. This is a sign of the assignment of the state registration number of the record. 3 means that the sign refers to the main state registration number of the record of state registration of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP), 4 - to another state registration number of the record.

    The 2nd and 3rd are the year the entry was made in the state register.

    4th and 5th – code of the subject of the Russian Federation.

    6-14 numbers - the number of the entry entered into the state register during the year.

    The last number 15 is the control number for verification.

    Checking the traffic police database (if the person has a car)

    In total, there are 3 traffic police databases that are freely available:

    • Checking fines - https://traffic police.rf/check/fines. You need to know the license plate number and vehicle registration certificate number.
    • Driver check - https://traffic police.rf/check/driver#+. The search is carried out by the number and date of issue of the driver's license.
    • Checking the car - https://traffic police.rf/check/auto. You need to know the VIN, body or chassis numbers.

    Is the car pledged? Does the person have mortgaged movable property?

    The following information will be required for verification:

    • Full name of the mortgagor;
    • Vehicle VIN.

    The search for information is carried out using the Register of notifications of pledge of real estate on the FNP website - https://www.reestr-zalogov.ru/search/index

    Finding out if a person is married

    Let us immediately make a reservation that this is not a 100% verification method, but you can often find information of interest about the presence of a husband or wife.

    To check we need to know the following data:

    • Full name of the person;
    • The exact address of the property (or cadastral number) where he lives or which one is 100% likely to be his property.

    You can read more about this verification method in the article ““.

    This is what the information in the certificate from the Unified State Register will look like if the apartment is jointly owned by spouses:

    Is the person dead or alive?

    This is a 100% verification method. But with a high probability you can still find information. The fact is that the search will be carried out on notarial affairs. And if a person has no heirs, no one has applied for acceptance of the inheritance, then you will not find information here.

    You will need to know Full Last Name First Name and Patronymic of the person.

    The verification is carried out using the Register of Inheritance Cases - https://notariat.ru/ru-ru/help/probate-cases/

    For example, the following information can be found on former Russian President Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin:

    You can read more about the register of inheritance cases in the article ““.

    Who is the owner of the apartment in which the person lives and is there a mortgage?

    Quite calmly, if you know the address, you can find out who is the owner of the apartment in which the citizen being inspected lives.

    We check whether there are court decisions involving a specific person. Are legal proceedings currently underway in civil courts of general jurisdiction and in arbitration courts? Bankrupt or not?

    We check against the database of courts of general jurisdiction.

    The search is carried out in the GAS “Justice” system (state automated system).

    1 type of search " on cases and judicial acts» — http://sudrf.ru/index.php?id=300#sp

    2nd type of search " according to the texts of court decisions» — https://bsr.sudrf.ru/bigs/portal.html

    If you spend enough time, you can find interesting information about a person who was a participant in a civil process or a representative.

    Is the citizen bankrupt? We check against the database of arbitration courts.

    1 type of search on BRAS (bank of decisions of arbitration courts) - http://ras.arbitr.ru

    2nd type of search on CAD (card index of arbitration cases) http://kad.arbitr.ru These are cases that are currently underway, are in production.

    By the way, by entering a person’s full name, you can find out whether he is declared bankrupt or is currently bankrupt. You can also view the case history and download judicial acts.

    Believe bankruptcy You can also visit the website of the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information - http://bankrot.fedresurs.ru/Default.aspx

    We check the presence of enforcement proceedings (judicial debts)

    This can be done in the bank of enforcement proceedings on the website of the SSP (bailiff service) - http://fssprus.ru/iss/ip/

    To verify, you must enter the region and full name of the person.

    If the records are found, you will learn the following information:

    • Full name, date, place of birth of the debtor,
    • Number and date of initiation of enforcement proceedings,
    • Details of the writ of execution,
    • Amount of debt
    • Name and address of the bailiffs department,
    • The bailiff's name and telephone number.

    Is an individual wanted by bailiffs for enforcement proceedings?

    To verify, you only need to know the person's full name.

    The search register for enforcement proceedings is located at the link - http://fssprus.ru/iss/ip_search

    Is the person included in the register of disqualified persons?

    Disqualified person is a person whose rights to hold certain positions are limited:

    • In federal government services;
    • In government services of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    • In municipal bodies;
    • In the managing executive bodies of the legal entity;
    • On the executive board or board of directors;
    • Provide municipal or government services;
    • Participate in the training of athletes;
    • Provide expert services on industrial safety;
    • Provide medical or pharmaceutical services.

    Only a court can disqualify a person.

    According to the Federal Tax Service, the information in the register is updated daily.

    We check whether the person is wanted

    1. Search for a person in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Wanted"— https://mvd.ru/wanted
    2. Informing about persons wanted on suspicion of committing crimes– http://fssprus.ru/iss/suspect_info/
    3. Search register for enforcement proceedings— http://fssprus.ru/iss/ip_search/

    We are looking for information on the services of the State Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on migration issues

    1. Verification of invalid old-style foreign passports for a period of 5 years - https://guvm.mvd.rf/services/invalidpass
    2. Checking the validity of work permits and patents for labor activities by foreign citizens and stateless persons - http://services.guvm.mvd.rf/info-service.htm?sid=2060
    3. Checking the validity of employment licenses for citizens Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation - http://services.guvm.mvd.rf/info-service.htm?sid=2001
    4. Checking the validity of invitations to enter the Russian Federation for foreign citizens and stateless persons - http://services.guvm.mvd.rf/info-service.htm?sid=2061
    5. Checking the existence of grounds for not allowing foreign citizens and stateless persons to enter the territory of the Russian Federation through the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - http://services.guvm.mvd.rf/info-service.htm?sid=3000
    6. Compliance of the document and the registration address - http://services.guvm.mvd.rf/info-service.htm?sid=2160

    Verifying a person through social networks

    Today, almost every one of us is registered in social networks. And from any person’s account you can “pull out” a lot of interesting information. For example, collectors have been using this for a long time.

    On Odnoklassniki the audience is older, on VKontakte it is mainly young people (schoolchildren, students, young people under 30).

    The Russian audience of Facebook, of course, is not as large as VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, but it also deserves attention.

    My World is convenient to use for those who have an email address @mail.ru.

    Verifying a person through search engines Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler

    If you use conventional search engines wisely, then with some perseverance and systematic analysis you can find the information you are interested in about a person.

    As you know, there are 2 largest search engines - Yandex and Google. There are many other systems, but the most powerful and modern algorithms search are used in these two search engines.

    You can search not only by full name, but also by phone, e-mail, and other known parameters. You can search for girls by their maiden names.

    The phone number can be dialed in different interpretations: +7 923 ХХХ ХХ ХХ, 8923ХХХХХХ, 8-923-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ, etc.

    Search by photos

    There are several interesting services on the Internet that allow you to search for information using photographs. The algorithm is this: you upload a photo of a person into a search engine, and it gives you results where this image is still used (links to websites). These services will also be useful for photographers who may find illegal use of their photographs.

    Thus, having just a photograph of a person, you can very likely find data about him.

    We list the most interesting resources:

    • https://images.google.com - search for photos in Google (you can upload a picture or provide a link to it)
    • https://yandex.ru/images/search - search from Yandex using images
    • http://www.tineye.com - English-language image search engine
    • Search by photos on VKontakte. Few people know, but using the social network VKontakte you can search by photos. To do this, go to My News > Photos. The search is carried out by text in photo descriptions and text on the photo, which is entered in the editor.

    You can also search VKontakte similar photos. With its help, you can search for those, for example, who stole your photos. To do this, in the photo search, type copy:photo-52630202_306002782. Photo-52630202_306002782 is part of the link of the photo for which we are looking for duplicates (copies) on other accounts.

    Verification of education document

    First of all, this will be of interest to employers in order to protect themselves from specialists with purchased diplomas.

    You can check in the Federal Register of information about documents on education and (or) qualifications, documents on training on the website

    Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science at this link - http://frdocheck.obrnadzor.gov.ru

    The right to be forgotten. Removing information about a person from search engines.

    On January 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 264 of July 13, 2015 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Information” came into force information technology and on the protection of information" and articles 29 and 402 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation."

    This law is also referred to as " right to be forgotten law».

    The essence of this law is as follows: at the request of a citizen, the search system must remove from the search information about the applicant that is disseminated in violation Russian legislation, unreliable information, irrelevant, and no longer relevant for the applicant.

    Exceptions: information about criminal offenses, if the deadline for prosecution has not expired, and information about the crime committed, if the criminal record has not expired, cannot be deleted.

    The search engine operator is obliged to remove the information within 10 days. Refusal to delete information can be appealed to the court.

    It is also necessary to understand that the information itself is not physically deleted from the Internet. Links to this information are removed from the search. And if anyone knows this link, he can go to it directly and see this information.

    If you have interesting additions to this article, write in the comments.