• After flashing the phone, the camera does not turn on. What to do if the main or secondary camera does not work on your phone

    Most cell phones today are equipped with built-in cameras, which, unfortunately, fail quite often. However, most of the breakdowns happen when the user tries fix your phone camera yourself. However, even if The camera on the phone doesn't work, this does not mean that it is necessary to replace it, sometimes there is still an opportunity to fix everything. In this article we will talk about external problems cameras mobile phones and ways to eliminate them.

    PROBLEM #1

    How to fix a cell phone camera if it got wet? Water getting into your phone is one of the most common problems why your camera doesn't work. First, follow. But even if you followed every step, moisture may remain in the camera lens, causing your photos to become blurry. In this case, the solution may be compressed air, used to clean the keyboard and computer parts. Hold the air nozzle a few centimeters away from the lens and direct the air stream into the slots around the cell phone camera lens.

    PROBLEM #2

    How to fix a cell phone camera if lens scratched. Removing scratches and blurring is often as simple as replacing the bezel or lens cap. But, of course, this will depend on the model of the camera itself. For example, to eliminate camera blur on Nokia N97, all you need to do is replace the lens cap. Repairing other models may be more difficult or even impossible. In any case, it is better to contact such problems service center for phone repair.

    PROBLEM #3

    How to fix a broken phone camera if you receive error messages? Some cell phones have their own operating systems and, accordingly, their own error messages when trying to take a photo. In most cases, this situation requires contacting, but there is one trick that you should try first. Before going to the workshop, just turn on the phone, remove the cover battery, and then remove the battery. Then, with the battery back in place, you can test your camera. If it helps, it was just a glitch; if not, the problem is more serious, rush to the service center.

    PROBLEM #4

    What to do if necessary phone camera replacement. This can be done independently only if you have experience in such work. The procedure will require a set of tools and camera model specifications from the manufacturer.
    Of course, in most cases, a simple and wise decision for you will be to contact. The results will be predictable and the stress will be less.

    In all applications on Android, errors can occur for one reason or another, and “Camera” is no exception. What to do if when you launch the standard Camera application the following message appears: Occurred unexpected stop Camera application (process com.android.camera)? Let's look at the solution to the problem in this article.

    What is the com.android.camera error

    Camera errors can manifest themselves in different ways. When you launch the Camera application, instead of the viewfinder window, you may see a black screen, on which after a while the following message will appear: “The Camera application has stopped unexpectedly (process com.android.camera). Please try again." You may also find that there is no camera in the apps that typically use it. For example, in instant messengers, photo editors, and so on.

    The com.android.camera error indicates that something is preventing the camera from working correctly. It could be like software glitch, as well as technical malfunctions of the camera module itself. In the event of a breakdown, it is better to contact a service center, since you are unlikely to be able to fix the problem yourself, but you can try to fix software failures in several ways.

    What to do if the Camera app stops unexpectedly

    Most often, errors on Android occur in the device’s RAM and are caused by incorrect work applications. In this case, rebooting your smartphone will help you, since when you reboot RAM completely cleared. Press and hold the device's power button, then select "Reboot" from the menu that appears.

    You can remove updates to the Camera app if you have previously updated it and install them again via Play Market. To do this:

    If standard application still unable to connect to the camera and you are still seeing the message “An error occurred in the Camera application”, you can install a third-party camera from the Play Market. Today, the app store has more than enough options from third-party developers. Open the Play Market and write “Camera” in the search bar, after which you can select an application from the list provided and install it.

    IN modern world The camera on your phone has become something that is almost impossible to imagine life without. Capture especially important point, scan the text, make a video call to loved ones. Far from it full list ways to use the camera on mobile devices. In many modern gadgets Manufacturers install two (or even three) cameras at once - front and rear. The first one is mainly used for communication or taking selfies. The second is for photographing the surrounding world.

    Although today's technologies make it possible to create high-quality, reliable hardware for smartphones that should last stably and for a long time, users may still encounter certain problems. When an average user discovers that the camera on his device has stopped working, he usually does not know what to do. Honestly, there can be many possible faults. With the help of this article we will try to analyze each one.

    Rebooting the equipment is the first thing to do when faced with incorrect camera operation. The gadget could simply have crashed or the application might have frozen. Sometimes such errors can be cured by simply turning the device on and off. After pressing the lock button, you should see context menu, where you need to select “reboot”. If a regular reboot does not produce any positive results, you should be patient and try other methods, which will be discussed below.

    Memory card

    If the photography application does not launch, there is a chance that the problem is not even hidden in the phone itself. Check the integrity of the memory card on which photos and videos are automatically saved. Be sure to try inserting another memory card and starting the camera again.

    The second stage is to make sure whether there is enough free space for recording in internal or external storage, because modern smartphones create pictures very high resolution, and this negatively affects the weight of media files.

    Mechanical damage

    There is always a possibility that the camera module itself has suffered mechanical damage (that is, a hardware problem). Lenses are the most vulnerable and fragile component of mobile devices. A mobile device may stop taking pictures after falling - under such circumstances, the module usually breaks or the cable cracks, the lenses break, or the light sensors are damaged.

    But other mechanical damage is also possible: the cable connecting the lens module to motherboard, could burn out, moisture or dust could get into the lens, significant physical damage was caused to the gadget, after which failures and errors begin one after another.

    In such a situation, attempts to deal with the breakdown on your own can lead to new negative consequences for the device, so the only thing left to do is contact a specialist or company that carries out certified repairs of mobile equipment. Fortunately, there are many of these today - in any large shopping centers you can find several “workshop islands” where the health of your smartphone can be diagnosed in a matter of minutes.

    Special programs

    Of course, you shouldn’t rush into mechanical repairs right away, because the cause could still be software. First, you should try installing an alternative utility for the camera instead of the standard one in order to test the functionality of the old module on it. If everything works as it should in the new application, then the start of the malfunction is most likely the clogged cache memory of your device; to fix this, you just need to delete old cache from the settings of your favorite application. To delete the cache you need

    • go to “Settings”;
    • select “Memory”;
    • open “Application Data” and find the same utility for the camera among many others;
    • Now all that remains is to click on “Erase data”;
    • confirming your choice.

    Reset to factory settings

    The second most common software malfunction is an automatically installed update containing certain bugs that prevent the user from starting the camera for various reasons. In this case, we return to factory settings.

    • open “Settings”;
    • We are looking for the item “Restore and reset”;
    • Scroll through the menu to the very bottom, then go to “Reset settings”;
    • select “Erase everything”.

    Please note that after resetting the settings to factory settings, all files, passwords, contacts will be permanently deleted from your device, so do this first backup copy stored important information.


    Sometimes a faulty gadget should be checked for viruses. Perhaps they were the cause of all the troubles: open source Android OS has its own vulnerabilities that attackers can take advantage of, for example, blocking the operation of a mobile camera. On Google Play There is a lot of proven antivirus software (by the way, there is plenty of free one too). Download the applications you like, run the test, and wait for the result.

    It must be taken into account that malicious files on the gadget itself has the ability to prevent correct operation security software, so it will be useful to connect your smartphone to a desktop or laptop to perform a more thorough virus scan using computer programs.


    The next method is to flash the device, which should absolutely help with the hardware failure of the smartphone. You can do it yourself, but you should be careful: a failure in data transfer or failure by the user to comply with all points of this operation can completely disable the phone. You can download the firmware only from official websites; only this guarantees a real signature of the new software license. Please note that after flashing your smartphone (even if purchased just a few days ago) will lose the mandatory warranty service from the service center.

    Service center

    When none of the above tips bring the desired effect, do not despair: seek help from a qualified specialist or return your phone under warranty to a service center, where a free repair will be carried out. full diagnostics device and upon detection software malfunction it will be eliminated at the expense of the manufacturer.

    Also, if a device is found to have a manufacturing defect that prevents the camera from working correctly, the faulty device will be replaced with a new one. It is important to understand that the warranty does not cover mechanical damage to the mobile device that occurred through the fault of the owner himself, that is, you have every right refuse repair or exchange.


    So, this article listed all possible reasons phone camera malfunction. You should never despair and panic: as you can see for yourself, hopeless situations no - there is always a chance to return your favorite phone to full functionality. We hope that this material will remain nothing more than informational for you and you will never personally encounter the problem of the camera not working on your gadget. Happy shooting!


    These days, large number users of all kinds electronic gadgets prefer the Android operating platform.

    The choice of this software is based on taking into account some important criteria, but in most cases the key role is played by the ability to get a practical video camera or photo camera at a relatively low cost.

    But, in practice, situations often arise when the device one fine day does not work as it should, in other words, in source code platform there is a certain failure.

    Probable Causes

    As a rule, camera doesn't work when several underlying causes occur, for example:

      Update process current firmware gadget. It is known that updating the system is an automatic function and does not depend on the will of the user, but it can easily become a catalyst for emergency situations in the correct operation of the camera. To solve the problem, you should roll back the system version after the next Android update;

      Camera onAndroid may fail due to mechanical shock. For example, if the gadget is overturned, the module responsible for the camera settings may fail;

      Dust accumulation on the sensor. Row portable devices have remote modules, therefore, their surface is easily contaminated;

      The module cache is clogged.

    Setting up the camera correctly Android

    Setting up the camera can be done in one of three known ways:

      Manual system reset mobile gadget to factory settings. In order to do this, you should perform the following operations - open the gadget settings menu, go to the tab « backup» and check the configuration box "reset to factory settings";

      Downloading the antivirus and subsequent "cleaning" systems. To date, many have been developed and effectively implemented antivirus programs, which can be freely viewed and downloaded on Google Play;

      Clear module cache. To do this, you should go to settings, select menu "applications", count "camera" and click on the line below "clear cache";

      Gently wipe the camera's protective lens with an alcohol-soaked cloth;

      Download alternative application. There are countless of them on the Internet, both paid and completely free. After you install such an application, its icon will become available on the desktop.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that the camera on Android tends to work incorrectly, and working with it has its own characteristics.

    IN mandatory It is worth considering a number of requirements for proper operation, and you will not have problems with the operation of the camera module and OS!

    Many users of smartphones running on operating system Android users are often disappointed in the quality of photographs taken with the camera of their device, because in online reviews and other owners of similar devices the photos turned out much better. What could be the reasons for this problem and how to improve the camera on Android?

    Some of the possible reasons:

    1. Camera defect;
    2. Errors in the operation of the Camera program;
    3. Incorrect camera settings.

    Let's take a closer look at each of them.

    1 Camera defect. Colorful stripes There are spots in the photo, severe blurriness - this is most likely a defect of the camera itself. This happens. And if your smartphone is still under warranty, you should take it to the store for exchange or return it to a service center.

    2 Errors in the operation of the Camera program. Firmware manufacturers sometimes make mistakes by launching unfinished software on sale. Typical symptoms of such “hackwork” are: inverted colors in the photo, an inverted image, or the camera simply refuses to start.

    What to do in in this case? Fortunately, there are many programs that are analogous to a standard camera, and if you wish, you can install any of them, or even all at once, on your smartphone.

    Applications - replacement for the standard “Camera”

    HD Camera

    Excellent application, with a huge number manual settings, thanks to which you can adjust the image size (number of megapixels) and the compression quality of the photo, as well as white balance and select different shooting scenes. As a bonus, there is a tilt position for the smartphone, which will allow you to take photos without blocking the horizon and the QR code scanner.

    Download the HD Camera app on your smartphone: link

    DSLR Camera

    An excellent application with many settings that will make you feel like a real photographer. Among the useful functions, it is worth noting the choice of ISO, a visual histogram, a grid for convenient framing, tracking focus, white balance and much more.

    Download the DSLR Camera app on your smartphone: link

    3 Incorrect camera settings. It would seem a trifle, but many do not know that despite the stated presence in the cell of five, eight, thirteen, etc. megapixels, this parameter can be set arbitrarily. And when purchasing a device, it is not always set to maximum. Therefore, first of all, you should go into the settings of your camera and see what mode is set.

    The higher the resolution of the photo, the greater the likelihood that the photo will look better on a computer or TV screen. Also try adjusting the white balance (WB), it may be that it gives unrealistic colors.

    It is very important to set up the camera on your smartphone and enjoy high-quality images. And by the way, an important detail is the ability to turn off the sound when shooting. This greatly simplifies life in rooms where silence is required (for example: library, lecture room, etc.). To learn how to mute your camera, check out this article:

    Have a nice photo!