• View hidden photos on VK. How to view closed pages on VK: step-by-step description

    No matter how contradictory it may sound, even in such a public place as social networks, people value privacy and try in every possible way to protect themselves, their space in the form of a profile, from prying eyes. Every user can close an account, but in reality this only gives the illusion of privacy. In fact, there are various secrets thanks to which you can freely view any profile with limited access.

    How to look knowing the ID?

    The most important information in the profile of each user registered on social networks is the address of his page, which can be very easily recognized, even if it has been changed more than once. If you know the unique digital address of the account that you need to view, then the problem can be solved in a few clicks.

    Knowing the identifier, you can view information from closed account user using auxiliary services or by substituting data in links. The first method is the simplest and fastest - you just need to go to the site that views closed pages and insert the necessary data, that is, the identifier. Here are some of the most popular sites to watch:

    A simple example of viewing a closed user page using the first specified service. Familiarize yourself with the information contained in limited access simple - all you need to do is follow a few simple steps.

    How can I look without knowing the user ID?

    It is much more difficult to open and view information from a closed page if the most important information, that is, the identifier, is not known. But this is also not an absolute obstacle. However, you will still have to find out this address, since all the services through which you can view closed pages in VK, they work on a similar principle and use an identifier, not a letter address.

    How to find out ID?

    Since the social network Vkontakte does not stand still and is regularly updated, introducing new functions, capabilities, eliminating shortcomings and miscalculations that were initially missed. In the new interface it is absolutely impossible to close the page, so it is not possible to find out the identifier big problem. There are many ways, and here are some of them.

    Learn more about supporting tools

    Thanks to the existence of such services that allow you to reveal information hidden from prying eyes, you can view almost all inaccessible data. How do they work and what is the essence of auxiliary tools?

    Vkontakte doguran ru

    This site is very convenient and easy to use, which is why it has become the most popular among curious users who do not want to be content with only the data that is revealed to them. The principle of operation is relatively simple - the site simply automated the process of generating links that open personal information and content. In principle, if desired, this can be done manually, but nowadays there is no need to substitute the ID value, since there is an automatic system.

    There are tips everywhere on the site, so it's easy to figure out. Paste the identifier from the clipboard by clicking the button to get a page of generated links.

    Vk view

    A similar, but previously created auxiliary service that works on the same principle as the previous one. In addition to the ability to open hidden pages there are many others on the site interesting features, the ability to download videos.

    Important! None of these services will provide viewing of blocked pages or those that have been deleted. Until they become active again, no one will be able to see them.

    Is it possible to view without registration?

    The advantage of all the above services is that you can use their services without registering for them. There is no need to login or register here. But, to get acquainted with the materials of the opened VK data, you need to log into your account - anonymously, without logging into the social network site, you will not be able to do this.

    Privacy or publicity

    Despite the fact that the Internet implies publicity and free access, people still try to hide something and control the breadth of the audience to which their private or professional information is available. But, it is important to know that no setting protects 100%, as can be seen from these instructions. That's why, best way keep something secret - don't upload it to the Internet!

    A huge collection of private photographs on VK (about 100 million). The service collects photos of all social media users. networks into a single directory.

    Finding photos of a particular user is easy - just enter it. But it’s difficult to remove, if you write to the creators by e-mail, then the chance is low, but if you make donations, the chance increases.

    How does the cattle depot collect photos on VK? It's very simple: the service automatically uploads photos of all users in the collection. online mode. It doesn’t matter where you post your photo, in a community or profile. Even if the photo is deleted after a couple of minutes, it will already be in the cattle station.

    Therefore, many dissatisfied users turned to Roskomnadzor, which contributed to the cattle station was blocked on the territory Russian Federation. It is not possible to bypass the blocking.

    The collection and storage of users' personal data is prohibited. Although users themselves post photos on public access.

    On at the momentthe site is not working even with proxy servers. The owners abandoned the business immediately after the blocking. So you can sleep peacefully and not be afraid that someone will look at your personal photos.

    Analogues of Skotobaza

    In 2018 There were different analogues, such as “Burn”, but they all do not work, since VKontakte developers tweaked scripts that prohibit bots from stealing private photos.

    Attention: The Internet is full of “analogs” of a cattle farm, but all of them not only do not work, but also cause account hacking! If you come across such sites, under no circumstances do not enter data from VKontakte. Attackers will gain access to the account and be able to.

    The era of livestock farms and similar services is over. Now the storage and distribution of intimate, private photographs is prohibited. If you do not follow the law, punishment will follow.

    Many have long been wondering how to watch closed photos in contact. And indeed, inside each of us there lives another person who is curious about everything that happens to his loved ones, friends, family, or, on the contrary, enemies. It is possible to view private photos on VKontakte, and it is very easy to do. Moreover, there are several ways, so if it doesn’t work the first time, don’t despair and try again.

    How to view closed albums in contact

    Not long ago, the question of how to increase the rating in contact was considered, now it’s the turn of photographs. These lessons are somewhat related and will overlap, so we advise you to follow the above link and read the article. As you know, the Internet does not stand still and is constantly evolving, so the advice offered to you at the moment may already be outdated and not work, but it’s still worth a try. So, let's look at several ways to view hidden information.

    How to view private photos (method No. 1)

    The idea is to replace your id with another one in the Url, which was generated in advance. If you take the id of the page owner or his friend, for whom the album is not hidden, and substitute it in the url (Page Address) instead of yours, then the photos should open for you. I think it won't be difficult for you to complete a few simple steps, especially if you know where the id is.

    Copy the id and paste the id immediately after the equal sign into the given address.


    How to view private photos (method No. 2)

    This method has the specific name “Clicking” and works under certain conditions. The condition for this to work is that only some photos are hidden by privacy settings. If the whole album is closed from prying eyes, then proceed to method 4. Actions that you need to perform:

    1. Find the right person
    2. Go to his album
    3. Pay attention to the bottom of the page and click on “Enable Quick View”
    4. Click on the photo in front of the one that is closed
    5. Next, click the “Next” button
    6. After completing the steps, the photo should open

    If you don’t understand how to look at a photo after reading the text, then watch this video, where everything is clearly shown.

    How to view private photos (method No. 3)

    This method is designed for a small site bug, which provides an excellent opportunity to view private photos. Moreover, the entire page, and not just the album, can be closed; this will not hold us back. To achieve the goal: step by step instructions which is offered below.

    1. Find a completely closed page
    2. Please note that there are several avatars in the profile, i.e. they could be scrolled through when pressed.
    3. Click on any link in the “Menu” section
    4. Next, quickly click on the avatar
    5. A window should open in front of you that allows you to view all closed photos

    Pay attention to the speed of transition to the avatar (point 4). The sooner you do this, the better, this way you will avoid unnecessary inaccuracies and incidents.

    How to view private photos (method No. 4)

    It’s time for the last method on the list, but probably the first in popularity. To complete it, use Durov’s official website, which is located at durov.ru. This site has the same data as the contact, but for some reason not all privacy settings are met. Therefore, use 1 method with substitution of the left id and enjoy the result. Of course, the link looks a little different, because... the site is different.

    You probably know that in social network You can upload photos to VKontakte. Sometimes this is done to show your friends where you have been and what you have seen, and sometimes you just want to hide your photos from prying eyes. This is what we will do in this article.

    Hiding photos on the main page of VKontakte

    You probably noticed that on home page The latest photos you uploaded are loaded. So, it turns out that some of them can be hidden. Let's see what I mean and how it's done.

    Go to your page, hover your mouse over the right corner of the photo you want to hide on the main page. Look at the screenshot and everything will immediately become clear to you:

    They write to us that this photo will no longer be shown in this block. This action can be canceled by clicking the “Cancel” button:

    How to hide photos that I've been tagged in

    Go to “My Settings”.

    Go to the “Privacy” section. Opposite the item “Who can see the photos in which I was tagged”, set “Only me”.

    That's it.

    How to hide some photos from others

    I have already reviewed it. So follow the link and read how it's all done.

    Now let's figure out how to hide a single album. Go to “My Photos” and go to the “All Photos” tab:

    We find the album that we want to hide and click on the pencil in the right top corner. This button means “Edit Album”:

    Opposite the item “Who can view this album”, set “Only me”. This means that no one except you will see the pictures that are stored here:

    In order to transfer a photo to a hidden album, you must first find it, and then click on the “Actions” link under it and select “Move to Album” from the drop-down menu:

    How to hide an album on an Android phone

    Launch the VKontakte application for Android. In the left menu, click on the camera icon and go to the “Albums” tab. We find the one we need and in the upper right corner of his avatar we find three vertical dots and click on them.

    From the drop-down menu, select “Edit”:

    A menu pops up in which there is an item that is already familiar to us, who can view.

    February 10, 2016 at 03:23 pm

    VKontakte vulnerability: access to photo previews from dialogues and hidden albums any user

    • VKontakte API,
    • Information security


    A vulnerability was discovered in mobile version site vk.com. It allowed you to view previews hidden photos graphs, including photographs from user dialogues, plus it was possible to obtain information about users who liked this hidden photo. At the moment, the vulnerability no longer exists - it was fixed six months ago. VKontakte expressed their gratitude in the amount of $700 (no, not in votes).

    How it all began

    During the session, you are distracted by everything, just not to prepare for exams. So, when I saw about the Bug Bounty program from VKontakte on hackerone.com, instead of preparing for exams, I started looking for vulnerabilities. For some reason I was immediately drawn to look for vulnerabilities associated with photographs hidden settings privacy, and as it turned out - not in vain.

    Search for vulnerabilities on the full version of the site

    Assuming that I knew the id of the hidden photo (more about finding it below), I started trying to substitute this id in all sorts of curl requests - I tried saving hidden images to my album, tagging myself in them, liking, reposting, etc. nothing was giving a positive result until I tried just sending hidden photo on your wall. The result was strange - in the console the request returned the correct result and appeared on the wall new post, but its contents were empty. No matter how hard I tried, the server stopped all attempts to send a hidden photo to the wall - the posts were empty.

    Switch to mobile version

    Then, I remembered the comment and decided to try to do the same in the mobile version of the site.

    Sending a photo to the wall:

    Curl "http://m.vk.com/wall53083705" -H "Cookie: remixsid=#remixsid" --data "act=post&hash=#hash&attach1_type=photo&attach1=idOwnerPhoto_idHiddenPhoto" # photo id consists of two parts separated by an underscore idOwnerPhoto_idHiddenPhoto
    This request was not completed correctly, but after refreshing the page, I was surprised to find that an attached small copy of the photo appeared on the submission form.

    The maximum photo size is 130x130, but this is enough to, for example, recognize faces in a photo. Attempts to get a link to full photo came to nothing. Apparently, after the vulnerability was closed, direct links to full size You just can’t get it anymore.

    Browsing photos

    Vulnerability found. To exploit the found vulnerability, you need to obtain the id of the attacked photo.

    The id of a photo consists of two parts: photo12345_330000000 (idOwner_idPhoto), the second part grows from photo to photo, but this is not a regular auto-increment. Since the step selection algorithm is unknown, we will iterate with step 1.

    To enumerate we will use the api method photos.delete. This method for all existing photos (including hidden ones) will return error_code: 15. And for all non-existent photo IDs, one will be returned.

    Search speed
    From here you can learn how to quickly sort through photos. Yes, the data in it is not the newest, but even if you take into account that over the year there have been twice as many photos, the search time still remains acceptable.
    to find out direct links to a user’s photos, say, from last year, you need to sort through only 30 million (from _320000000 to _350000000) different variations of links

    Using the search accelerations from the specified article, the user’s photos could be searched:

    in 1 minute get all your photos from yesterday, in 7 minutes - all photos uploaded last week, in 20 minutes - last month, in 2 hours - last year.
    Elimination of open/hidden
    Having received links to all (both hidden and open) photos of the user, you can select only the hidden ones by trying to get information about the photo using the photos.getById method. Those photos for which information is not returned by this method are hidden.

    Information about liked users

    It was also possible to recognize users who liked the hidden photo. The likes.getList method returned all users who added a given object to their likes list, even if that object was hidden to the user running this method.

    Report to hackerone

    My report was opened in June. They closed the vulnerability after two and a half months without telling me anything. Another month later I received a response that the vulnerability was confirmed and closed. And after some time I received a reward.

    P.S.: for those who are trying to withdraw rewards from hackerone.com for the first time new account paypal - I advise you to read the terms and conditions carefully. Paypal, when transferring funds, may, without your consent, convert the reward into the currency of the country specified in your profile.