• Checking the health of the ssd disk. Checking the SSD for errors

    Mechanical hard drives every day they are getting closer to history, and they have been replaced by solid-state storage devices. Their an undeniable advantage are speed of operation, absence of noise during operation and low power consumption. This is especially noticeable when used in laptops and netbooks.

    But SSD owners should remember the main disadvantage - it is a limited operating resource. Each memory cell has a limit of write-rewrite cycles, and it’s no secret that Windows makes a lot of unnecessary gestures. Therefore, optimization of SSD drives becomes mandatory if you are interested in increasing their service life.

    Program for optimizing SSD drives

    There are many ways to, thereby reducing the number of write-rewrite cycles to the disk. However, you will have to work a lot with the operating system settings, including editing system registry. But a wonderful one frees us from this routine. free utility"SSD Fresh". In addition, some optimization measures will slightly increase the performance of the operating system and increase the amount of free space.

    Installing the SSD Fresh program

    Installing the program is simple, but you need to get a free key to be able to use the program. To do this, fill out the simplest form:

    Program features

    There is nothing particularly interesting on the first “Overview” tab; all this information can be found using the operating system. To finish everything quickly, turn on “Auto optimization”.

    But if you want to dig deeper, then let’s go to the “Optimization” tab and go through the points.

    Indexing. To reduce access time Windows files file system, and writes the index to disk. Due to the short data access time, less than 0.1ms, this function has become irrelevant for SSD drives. Turn it off.

    Disk optimization. This special function, used by SSD drives to increase their service life and performance. For it to work, it must be supported by the drive itself. Be sure to enable the TRIM function.

    Mark. File NTFS system allows you to store the access time for each file, which also means additional write cycles. If you do not need information about file access time, then disable it.

    Prefetch. Implies pre-loading into RAM applications, but due to the high SSD speeds- becomes irrelevant.

    Defragmentation boot files . Since all cells of an SSD drive have the same low access speed, and mechanical movement of the magnetic head is not used to move between them, defragmentation becomes useless, and even harmful due to excessive rewrite cycles. Turn it off. However, there is a special one.

    Windows Event Logging. System log Windows 7-10 contains a lot useful information, which can be useful when debugging incorrect operation of the operating system. But it constantly writes something to the disk, so if you think this information is unclaimed, we turn it off.

    Disable 8.3 name creation. For everyone modern applications creating short aliases for file and folder names is not at all necessary, but it uses additional write cycles, so we also disable this function.

    Setting up AHCI. For experts only. If there is a warning that AHCI is not enabled, follow the instructions. This usually means that for motherboard or chipsets.

    Recovery system. This option is not available in SSD Fresh, but for more better optimization and you can save disk space. Creation control points is undoubtedly useful, but information for restoring the operating system often takes up gigabytes of usable space and, again, a considerable number of disk writes. We disable this function, but then we don’t complain that after a failure, the system. Alternatively, you can reduce the amount of space for recovery files.

    If you purchased an SSD drive, I strongly recommend going through the steps and disabling functions that you do not use yourself, or use AUTO mode. Also you need disk optimization if you are from another hard drive.

    Live analysis

    In the “Live Analysis” tab, click the “START” button and analyze which processes are using the disk most actively. It is useful when there is a suspicion that the disk is being actively used by someone; the disk activity light is constantly on.

    In future articles I will return to the topic of operating system optimization more than once. in simple ways, so subscribe to blog updates. And if you find the information useful and interesting, share it with your friends on social networks, let them not remain in the teapots either. Good luck!

    The solid state drive has quite high resource operation thanks to wear leveling technologies and reserving a certain space for the needs of the controller. However, during long-term use, in order to avoid data loss, it is necessary to periodically assess the performance of the disk. This is also true in cases where you need to check a used SSD after purchasing.

    Checking the status of the solid state drive is done using special utilities, working on the basis of S.M.A.R.T. data. In turn, this abbreviation stands for Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology and translated from English means self-monitoring, analysis and reporting technology. It contains many attributes, but here greater emphasis will be placed on parameters characterizing the wear and service life of the SSD.

    If the SSD has been in use, make sure that it is detected in the BIOS and directly by the system itself after connecting it to the computer.

    Method 1: SSDlife Pro

    SSDlife Pro is a popular utility for assessing the health of solid-state drives.

    Erase Fail Count shows the number of unsuccessful attempts to clear memory cells. Essentially, this indicates the presence of broken blocks. The more given value, the higher the likelihood that the disk will soon become inoperable.

    Unexpected Power Loss Count– parameter showing the number sudden outages nutrition. Is important because NAND memory vulnerable to such phenomena. When found high value It is recommended to check all connections between the board and the drive, and then retest. If the number does not change, the SSD most likely needs to be replaced.

    Initial Bad Blocks Count displays the number of failed cells, therefore it is a critical parameter on which the further performance of the disk depends. Here it is recommended to look at the change in value over time. If the value remains unchanged, then most likely everything is fine with the SSD.

    For some drive models, the parameter may appear SSD Life Left, which shows the remaining resource as a percentage. The lower the value, the worse SSD state. The disadvantage of the program is that viewing S.M.A.R.T. available only in the paid Pro version.

    Method 2: CrystalDiskInfo

    Method 3: HDDScan

    HDDScan is a program that is designed to test drives for functionality.

    If any parameter exceeds valid value, its status will be marked with "Attention".

    Method 4: SSDRready

    SSDReady is software tool, which is designed to estimate the operating time of an SSD.

    Method 5: SanDisk SSD Dashboard

    Unlike the software discussed above, SanDisk SSD Dashboard is a proprietary Russian-language utility designed to work with solid state drives manufacturer of the same name.


    Thus, all the methods discussed are suitable for assessing the overall performance of an SSD. In most cases, you will have to deal with the SMART data of the disks. To accurately assess the performance and remaining life of a drive, it is better to use proprietary software from the manufacturer, which has the appropriate functions.

    When purchasing a laptop or desktop computer It is advisable to use solid state drives (SSD). Compared to traditional hard drives(HDD), each ssd check disk shows their advantages. The advantage of solid-state drives is stable and fast operation, lower power consumption and superiority in all parameters except cost. But this does not mean that SSDs are completely flawless.

    Due to the design of solid-state drives, they have a low operating life of 5 to 7 years. If you know what to watch out for and how to protect your drive, you can significantly extend its life.

    In solid state drives, unlike hard drives, there is no physical movement of the plates. This property creates immunity from many problems of old hard drives. Despite its immunity to mechanical damage, other SSD components may fail.

    SSDs require a power supply and a capacitor, which are prone to failure. This is especially true in cases of power failure or power surges. When the power goes out, data on SSDs can become corrupted, even on a perfectly healthy drive.

    Another possible SSD problem There is a limited number of read or write cycles. All types of flash memory have a similar problem.

    Average SSD runtimes have been measured for many years, so don't be paranoid. Modern SSDs have become less susceptible to read and write problems than older versions.

    If you want to know about errors and SSD performance drive in order to have time to create backup copies important information, then you can check it.

    Checking errors and functionality using programs

    To check the functionality of an SSD drive, use special programs, the functionality of which ensures the execution of error tests. Let's take a look at this software.


    The free CrystalDiskInfo utility checks disk read and write speed. Displays data about temperature and health status. Supports S.M.A.R.T technology for assessing the condition of the drive. The CrystalDiskInfo application has an installable and portable version. When working with the installed version, the status of solid-state drives is monitored in real time. An icon for the program you are using appears in the system tray. The CrystalDiskInfo utility will effectively check the SSD for bad sectors.

    SSD check:

    1. Downloading, installing and launching the CrystalDiskInfo program.
    2. Scanning the drive to assess its condition and presence of errors. Then the result is displayed.
    3. The main actions are performed in the “Service” tab in the main menu. There is functionality for specifying disk rescanning.

    SSD Life

    Errors and performance of the SSD are determined using SSD programs Life. This free utility is designed only to work with SSD drives. It provides early monitoring of decreased performance levels. There is a portable and installation version. The second option visually displays the disk status online so that the user has the opportunity to monitor the situation in advance.

    The application's working window has an extremely simple interface. It shows the predicted operating time of the drive, total time work, condition assessment, etc. Report data is updated special keys down.


    Carry out SSD diagnostics possible using the SSDReady program. Its functions were:

    1. Monitoring the status of the SSD disk.
    2. Estimating potential work duration.
    3. Other relevant statistics.

    The application conducts a daily analysis of data read and written to the disk. It is an excellent option for checking drives for general performance and errors.


    For hard testing SSD drive for performance and speed, you can use the DiskCheckup utility. This software provides monitoring of S.M.A.R.T attributes of an individual drive. As in the programs described above, this application displays hard drive statistics. The information helps track the health status of the device. The functionality of the product is almost no different from the described applications.


    HDDScan is a free utility that diagnoses different types of hard drives. The program will convenient tool, which will help the user search for errors on the hard drive. Showing S.M.A.R.T attributes and changing certain parameters is supported.

    This product can be used to continuously test your drive to prevent degradation. The application will help you avoid loss important files by creating backups.

    SSD Warning Signs

    A ticking or incessant buzzing sound from a disk is considered a sure sign of a broken disk. Unlike HDDs, SSDs do not make loud noise, but there are certain signs of bad sectors of the disk. Let's look at such problems and how to fix them.

    Damage to SSD storage sectors

    These situations occur when the computer tries to save or read a file. The process takes too long and ends unsuccessfully. As a result, the system displays a message indicating an error has occurred.

    Common symptoms of damage to bad blocks (storage sectors):

    1. The system is slow, especially when using large files.
    2. Availability common mistakes when transferring files.
    3. Active applications crash or freeze.
    4. Requirement to restore the computer's file system.
    5. The file cannot be written to or read from the hard drive.

    If you observe such symptoms, you should run any of the utilities described above to check for the presence physical problems with disk. If the errors are confirmed, then you need to immediately create backup copies of the information and think about purchasing a new SSD drive for replacement.

    Files cannot be written or read

    There are two ways in which bad storage sectors affect files:

    1. The system detects a bad block while writing data to the drive. This entails the system refusing to write data.
    2. Detection of a bad block by the system after data is written. Refusal to read this data.

    In the first case, the data will not be written at all, so it will not be damaged. System in automatic mode closes access to detected faulty blocks. They will be ignored in subsequent entries. If this is not done automatically, then the user needs to save the file to another folder or copy it to the cloud. Then the computer is restarted and the file is saved in the desired location.

    If the second case occurs, then data will not be easy to obtain. You need to use several methods to recover data from a damaged SSD drive. It will be very difficult to recover data. The presence of bad blocks indicates permanent data loss.

    The file system needs to be restored

    Message about this error pops up on the screen due to improper shutdown of the computer (not through Shutdown). Previously, this meant the development of bad blocks in the SSD or a problem in the connector or port.

    Nowadays such problems can be solved quite simply. Windows, Linux, and Mac have built-in tools that can repair damaged file systems. After similar mistakes the operating system prompts the user to launch using the appropriate tools. You must follow the instructions to restore the file system.

    During this process there are chances of losing some data, and recovery is a rather long process. This is another reason to periodically produce backup files.

    Frequent crashes when loading

    If the computer crashes during the boot process, but after restarting it works normally, then the hard drive is to blame. This is due to damage to storage sectors or is a sign of disk failure. It's better to create a backup before the files are lost forever.

    The check is carried out by the above-mentioned diagnostic programs. When creating backup copy data, you can format the disk and reinstall the OS.

    Disk is read-only

    This doesn't happen often. The solid state drive refuses to perform operations that involve writing data to the disk. The drive continues to operate in read-only mode. The disk does not modify files, and data can be easily transferred to another storage location.

    You shouldn't throw away an SSD like this right away. You can connect it in the form extra hard disk or external hard disk to other computers. You need to make sure that the operating system is not booting from the SSD.

    If the SSD continues to operate in read-only mode, you can restore all files before formatting.

    A number of diagnostic applications are used to test your SSD. Most of them have simple functionality that tracks online SSD status disk. If your computer has such a disk, you can use the functionality of the programs to carry out regular monitoring. This will allow timely status checks and protect data from unwanted losses.

    One of the most important parts of a computer system unit is the hard drive. It stores the necessary data, some user information. A hard drive is a delicate thing and requires proper care. Otherwise, there is a high risk of losing everything accumulated and downloaded.

    One of the options for saving information from a hard drive is backups to cloud services and/or to external media. The first procedure is characterized by its duration and absorbs a lot of traffic, while the second tires with constant copying. To limit the main storage medium from such problems, you need to acquire a couple of smart utilities for diagnosing regular and combined hard drives (HDD, HDD+SSD), as well as external SSD drives. The last two will be discussed today.

    Some applications help to promptly detect problem areas in the system areas of the drive and warn the user in advance about the need for a technical recovery procedure, while others solve this issue comprehensively, that is, they search for, find, correct and prevent further relapses.

    So, we present to your attention a list of programs for checking an SSD disk for errors. All applications are respected by both professional and amateur users and have more than once helped both of them solve problems with high-speed hard drives.

    Crystal Disk Mark

    This program is for checking hard drives (SSD, HDD) and external storage media. The utility began its history more than 10 years ago, so the developers are burdened with a wealth of experience, as well as user support.

    By and large, we have a program for checking SSD drives for speed. That is, the application allows the user to find out the real parameters for reading and writing data to a hard drive or any other drive. Moreover, the Seq algorithm is used as the main analysis tool. The latter is used by almost all manufacturers of high-speed internal and external SSD drives.

    This algorithm allows you to compare the numbers obtained as a result of the test with those specified in the specifications for the equipment. If they differ greatly, then you can sound the alarm and resort to the help of heavier software tools. Check speed hard It is recommended to perform SSD disk repairs at least once a week, because a problem that has just appeared is much easier to fix than one that is running and has been doing a good job on your hard drive.


    This program for checking SSD drives will provide the user with all technical information about the device and tests it using different algorithms. The utility is distinguished by an abundance of functionality.

    Here you can find out the internal temperature and external SSD drive, as well as other connected drives. The application identifies individual sectors that are working slowly, and a rich database of hard drives allows you to compare the received reports with the original specifications of the manufacturers.

    Distinctive features of the software

    The HDDScan SSD disk testing program supports both modern arrays and outdated connection interfaces, that is, it works not only with high-speed media, but also with equipment on SATA cables and old memory cards.

    The fly in the ointment here is the indication of the process of performing current tasks, or rather the absence of it as such. Linear diagnostics of solid-state media have never been fast, even on powerful computers, so the absence of the usual strip with percentage completion is confusing and alarming: sometimes it seems that the program for checking SSD drives has simply frozen.

    Seagate SeaTools

    This is proprietary and fastidious Kingston media and devices from Toshiba, alas, do not work with this application, but devices from Western Digital feel quite comfortable in tandem with this utility.

    The software allows you to conduct three main types of analysis:

    • short, where only superficial testing is performed to identify obvious problems;
    • express diagnostics with short reading of sequential arrays (checking the SSD drive for bad sectors);
    • a complete analysis of everything. The last procedure will take a lot of time, but according to its results, you will find, as they say, even a needle in the hole. That is, not a single bad sector or any problem will be hidden even in the most hidden depths of the hard drive.

    One more useful feature This program for checking SSD drives - monitors and installs the latest software for your hard drive. You will always know about the release of new firmware or some drivers.

    WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostic

    Another proprietary utility, but from Western Digital. The software is more loyal to competitors, so this program can be used (in most cases) on devices from Seagate, Kingston or Toshiba.

    It should also be noted that this utility does not have a simple and intuitive interface, so it cannot be recommended for beginners. In addition, one of the reasons why fans should stay away from the functionality of this application is the presence of irreversible modes, such as deep formatting of tracks and sectors. After executing, for example, the WRITE ZEROS function, data recovery is out of the question.

    Another distinctive feature of this program for an SSD disk is checking the wear of the hard drive and subsequently correcting problems, that is, in-depth analysis and reassignment of damaged areas. In this case, the utility places special marks on bad sectors, after which the operating system is prohibited from writing any data to this location. As a result, we have not just diagnostic software, but universal solution to analyze and fix drive problems.

    Victoria HDD

    This is one of the oldest utilities in this area. “Victoria” appeared at the dawn of ATA interfaces, and this is more than fifteen years ago. Despite its venerable age and mediocre support from developers, the program copes well with the tasks assigned to it and puts a good half of the modern software in this segment to shame.

    "Victoria" copes well with ordinary express diagnostics and reassignment of bad sectors. In addition, the interface provides a section for checking the connection of the device with motherboard. That is, in real time you can see the status of the loop and the voltage supplied to the hard drive.

    Software features

    One of the positive and at the same time negative aspects of the program is the interface. On the one hand, we have an extremely simple code that works as if separately from the operating system and can be launched, as they say, on the knee, that is, in a DOS or BIOS environment. But on the other hand, many find it difficult to use the utility, because there are simply no official builds for Windows and they have to be tricky with command line or download amateur versions adapted for windows.

    Despite such problems, the program is stable and efficient work. In addition, the software is absolutely free and takes up very little space, which allows you to put it not just in any drive, but even in the system area of ​​​​the disk, where space is already full.

    The utility seems to be simple, but it cannot be recommended for beginners. Here you need at least basic knowledge and understanding of the process of diagnosing and restoring hard drives. That is, for those who are accustomed to clicking on the start button and then clicking OK in the “Done” window, this software will not suit you.

    HD Tune

    This is a fairly simple shareware application for diagnosing regular and high-speed hard drives. The software works in two standard modes: express software analysis and low-level error detection in reading mode.

    It should also be noted that the tools used by the utility have proprietary algorithms, so they can detect most non-standard errors, where regular applications they'll just pass by. The software supports almost all known connection interfaces from classic ones SATA drives to modern SSD protocols, so there should be no problems with synchronization.

    Distinctive features of the utility

    If you purchase a paid license, the functionality of the program expands significantly, and most importantly (for many), advertising and constantly pop-up blocks with offers to buy some trinket disappear.

    The professional version has not only diagnostic capabilities, but also resuscitation capabilities. The latter imply a prohibition of writing to bad sectors, and in rare cases, restoration of them to full functionality. The Pro version costs about 2,000 rubles, and you can purchase it on the developer’s official website. If you're lucky, you can buy the software at a significant discount from some distributor on a promotional basis, or even get it in addition to a more expensive product.

    HDD Regenerator

    This is already a whole complex where the user has access to a huge range of functionality for diagnosing and solving problems associated with hard drives and SSD hard drives, among others. The software uses its own search methods and algorithms to correct bad sectors as the main management tools.

    Unlike the previous utility, Regenerator not only denies the operating system access to problem areas of the disk, but also tries to restore the latter. Combination and superficial formatting at high and low levels allows (sometimes) to bring bad sectors back to life.

    It should also be noted that the utility works with all known drive interfaces, so there are no problems with synchronization. The software will handle both old SATA drives and brand new combined or external SSD drives.

    Features of the program

    The only disadvantage of this powerful tool working with hard drives is the cost of the license. On the official website of the developer you can buy the program for 5,000 rubles. In other distribution networks you can get a discount, but not more than 500 rubles, so this software cannot be called inexpensive.

    Despite such a high cost, the program is worth its investment, especially if your system unit more than one hard drive or a whole collection of flash drives and others external drives. The utility will save your information more than once or twice and treat your devices from specific ailments. Professional users have noticed that regular use of this program significantly increases the service life of hard drives (from 15 to 40% depending on the type and volume). Therefore, the software can be safely recommended to all those who care about their drives, as well as the information stored on them.


    A very compact utility to configure your system for use SSD drives, which over time displace regular HDDs. The price of SSDs is constantly falling, but data transfer speeds are increasing, but not all systems can work correctly with these drives. In particular, Windows XP does not have features to work with these devices. For this reason ordinary users you have to use programs from third-party developers. One of these programs is SSD Tweaker. This utility allows you to optimize the operation of system services, or simply disable unnecessary utilities. It has a multilingual interface, including Russian...


    OCZ Toolbox is a utility for updating the firmware of a solid-state hard drive from the OCZ company. This utility is necessary for all users of such hard drives, since solid-state drives, unlike hdds, have own firmware, which needs updating. The fact is that the manufacturer of a given hard drive notices problems much later than a new one is released hard drive. The OCZ Toolbox utility automatically detects your hard drive and downloads from the Internet new firmware, if it exists, of course. We must warn you that updating the firmware is only possible on a disk that is not used as...


    Intel Solid State Drive Toolbox is a utility for managing solid state drives from Intel. This program allows you to configure operating system for proper interaction with the drive, as well as for carrying out full diagnostics drive and installation additional parameters. The program makes it easy to check availability new version firmware for your hard drive and install it if it is detected. Also, the program can diagnose the disk for errors and fix them if they are found. Besides, Intel program Solid-State Drive Toolbox allows you to view an approximate...


    SSD Life – A program that is designed to monitor the performance of hard drives. Displays full information o SSD drive, calculating wear and service life. The service life calculation can increase or decrease, the result depends on the statistical data on the use of the equipment, which is entered into a formula specially developed for this purpose. In addition to this it displays additional information, for example, operating time, number of starts, etc. Some data will be very useful when purchasing a disk that has already been used by someone; the program will display how much and how this disk was used. Displays information about...