• Your own email domain. Yandex Mail for a domain - creating and setting up a corporate mailbox

    Email is now necessary for virtually any action: registering on a social network, running a business. In turn, entrepreneurs mostly have their own personal website, where they offer various types of services. To look more respectable and competitive, an email with your own domain will be useful for advertising the product you are offering. If there are too many users, this service will also be needed.

    Domain email- this is a set of mailboxes that are connected by one name. In addition to the main one, it may have other names. They are synonyms for the main domain name. Based on this, all mailboxes without exception have one common part, which begins after the @ symbol and is the main name or its synonym.

    Reasons for creating mail for a domain outside of its host

    For a domain, mail is not transferred to other resources due to several dozen people, but if it is a large comparative site with thousands of users, then this action will be very useful and necessary.

    Often this transfer is done to save space. The basic capacity provided by the host has a strict limit of approximately 10 GB of memory. This amount is not enough even for a hundred addresses, let alone thousands. Based on this, it is inappropriate to spend such a meager space on postal addresses, and the best option would be to leave this space for the needs of the resource.

    A special need for a large volume for postal addresses appears when there are more than 2-3 hundred users. The situation is aggravated by correspondence between registered site visitors, which uses a large amount of data. The most common example of sending such a large amount of information to each other is the communication of employees of a commercial website related to sales.

    For these reasons, domain mail is important, and creating it outsourced will provide special benefits, such as:

    1. Large amount of allocated memory. Typically, all resources contain a fairly significant amount of information. Therefore, it is easier to organize communication with them a large number transmitted information between users.
    2. Wide range of control options. Various resources have special filters and appearance settings, which simplifies the work.
    3. Habitual appearance. Often it is large systems search companies provide services for providing space for a domain. Their mail looks quite recognizable, so you don’t need to spend a lot of time getting comfortable with the interface.
    4. Free free space. Services that provide space for mail are mostly free. Although there are paid options, but their services are almost the same.

    "Yandex.Mail" for a domain

    In general, Yandex mail is completely suitable for a domain. This service has a number of advantages:

    1. No investment required.
    2. Although the number of mailboxes is limited to 1000, you can apply for more. The main conditions are to be the owner of a large Internet portal, which must be connected to Yandex.Mail, and the number of mailboxes has either approached the limit or there has been high user activity.
    3. For the domain owner, the service provides a simple interface and settings for registered user accounts.
    4. The service makes it possible to put a site logo on all accounts linked to this domain.
    5. The volume of each registered box is unlimited.
    6. A calendar that can be synchronized with your work schedule, as well as a weekly planner.
    7. Special tools to work with office documents.

    As in many popular services, here are the following options for accessing mail:

    • through the website;
    • from a mobile phone;
    • through other mail services.

    Gmail mail

    This service has the following differences:

    1. Allows access to mail from mobile phones.
    2. The address is written in the form “[email protected]”.
    3. There is integration with all functions Google Apps. The lowest price for its use for one person is $5.
    4. Supports IMAP protocols and POP, as well as SMTP.
    5. Only 10 GB of space for mailboxes is provided free of charge.

    Mail.ru: mail service

    Distinctive nuances:

    • the ability to connect up to 5 thousand mailboxes;
    • volume is unlimited;
    • You can access your email from your phone;
    • viewing documents online.

    In addition, it is possible to communicate through the Mail.ru agent, and there is also a built-in calendar and up to 100 GB of cyberspace for each registered account.

    Setting up mail for a domain from Yandex

    To set up Yandex.Mail, you need to go to pdd.yandex.ru/domains_add and write the name of your domain.

    • dns1.yandex.net;
    • dns2.yandex.net.

    After which you will need confirmation that the person performing this procedure is the owner of the domain. Now you can use domain mail by entering in your browser: mail.yandex.ru/for/domain name.

    This method is the simplest, but one of the most popular and effective.

    Domain Selection

    According to its characteristics the best options are Yandex and Mail.Ru, and the version that was presented by Google is not financially profitable.

    In general, each service has its own advantages, and you need to choose based on which services for the portal will be necessary and which will not be useful at all.

    An email with its own domain is needed so that the username is really remembered; in addition, such an address looks more serious.

    Greetings, friends! 🙋🏻

    For a long time now I have wanted to start sharing with you information about how I create and manage my projects (websites/blogs), of which I already have 5. These are my most active projects. I recently closed several sites because they stopped captivating me, but I’m preparing to launch two new ones that will take their place. Thus, I will have as many as 7 websites :) Of course, for professional web developers this is a ridiculous figure, but, to be honest, this number is quite enough for me :) The most interesting thing is that readers know me mainly as, and have no idea have that I independently create and manage several content projects in Russian and English.

    So, with this article I would like to open a new one, where I will share information about what and how I do while developing my projects.

    It is possible that the topic of today's article may seem a little strange. Why on earth do I start by creating mail on my domain? The fact is that I already have the domain itself - I’m creating a new website on the old domain. Therefore, the next logical step for me is to purchase an SSL certificate and install it on the site, which, by the way, I haven’t created yet, so I’m starting from the very beginning. So I decided, since I’m making a new website, why not at the same time make instructions for the steps I’m taking: in case someone finds it useful.

    Well, okay, I won’t bore you with any more digressions, but I’ll move on to our topic today: how to create mail on your domain. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

    How to register an email with your own domain

    It's very, very easy to do! The whole process will only take you a few minutes if you have already purchased your domain.

    Action plan:

    1. Do you have a website/blog or are you planning to start one?, then, most likely, you already have hosting, access to which we will need to set up domain mail and create new mailboxes. If you haven’t purchased hosting yet, I recommend registering domains and buying hosting from FastVPS. They have excellent service, support and reasonable prices. Below I will tell you how and what you need to do to create mail on your domain.
    2. If you don't need a website- only mail. If you don’t have a domain yet, you can purchase it, for example, on reg.ru. In my opinion this is one of the best registrars domains on the Russian-language market, which I myself use. By the way, you can also purchase hosting there if necessary. Since without a website and hosting, your domain will not be connected to the hosting DNS, you need to delegate the domain. This can be done, for example, on Mail.ru, Yandex for domains or by connecting the domain to Gmail. Unfortunately, this article is not for you, since domain delegation is a completely different topic. It is possible that I will cover this issue later, but for now, you can try to figure it out using the instructions from the service providers.

    In my case, I already have a domain and hosting, but I need my own email domain mainly to purchase an SSL certificate for a new website. Without mail on your domain, you simply cannot purchase it.

    So, to create an email account for the site, you will need to go to the control panel on your hosting. Please note that control panels may vary between hosting providers. The most common are: ISPManager and CPanel, with which you are most likely to deal. For this reason, step by step instructions on creating an email for a domain will vary. Below I will show you how to create a domain email in these two panels.

    My site is hosted on FastVPS, which uses the ISPManager panel, so I'll start with that.

    The first stage is registering an email domain

    Before you register your first email box with your own domain, you need to create on the server mail domain. The mail domain is responsible for the collection of all mailboxes registered on your domain. For example, group email..com, support@site, and so on.

    In order to do this, follow the instructions below.

    Step 1. First of all go to your hosting control panel.

    Step 2. On the left you should have a column with various functions, as in the screenshot below. It may be slightly different from mine as the options depend on the hosting package you purchased. In this column Find the "Mail" section and select the "Mail Domains" option.

    On the left, in the “Mail” section, click on the “Mail Domains” option. Select the "Create" option to begin creating a new email account for the site

    Step 4. Now we will start creating a new email domain for your website. On the page that opens, do the following:

    Enter your domain, IP address, and check the boxes next to those fields that you consider necessary for your mailboxes.
    • IN field "Name" enter your domain, that is, the part of the email that will come after the dog sign “@”. There shouldn't be any www or http here! Please note that the domain you enter here must already be registered on your server, otherwise you will not be able to complete this step. If everything went well, you will see a green icon with a check mark.
    • In the field "IP address", click on the down arrow and select the IP address that appears in the list. Usually this is an address with numbers like this - If no options are offered, then leave the “Get automatically” option.
    • In the field "Default Action" choose the option that suits you. For example, what should your mail server do if someone sends an email to a non-existent address with your domain name, that is, instead of a letter to marketing@pro-smm..

      Here are several options:

      "error message", that is, a return letter to the sender that such a box does not exist.
      "ignore and delete" implies that the letter will simply be deleted from the server and no one - neither you nor the sender - will know about its existence.
      — « redirect to address" means redirect. A letter sent to an incorrect address will be redirected to the email address you specified. By checking this box, you can be sure that you will not miss important messages, even if the sender makes a mistake in writing the email address.
      — « redirect to domain" must be specified, for example, in case of a domain change. By selecting this function, you can choose two options: redirect mail to another domain or simply send emails to the email address you specified.

    • Next we have 2 functions that will help protect all domain mailboxes from viruses and spam. I personally only use the first two points: SpamAssassin and virus checking. Last 2 functions ( DKIM and DMARC) are needed to validate your own emails so that they are less likely to end up in spam and are better delivered to recipients. These are more advanced functions that are needed by serious organizations that send, for example, commercial letters and newsletters. Just keep in mind that you should not play with these functions and, if you choose them, you must use them legally, that is, no mailings to any purchased databases and no use of gray-and-black methods - only ethical and legitimate behavior.
    • Finally, when you finish selecting functions, check that all fields are filled in correctly and click on the “ Ok».

    The second stage - registering mailboxes for the site

    In the previous step, you created a mail domain on the server. Now you can register the first email account for your website. You can create as many email addresses as you like, as long as your hosting does not set limits.

    Step 1. Go to your site's control panel, as shown in the image below. Click on the domain name to make it highlighted. You will need to activate Boxes icon, which you need to click on.

    Click on your site's domain name and then click on the "Boxes" icon

    Step 2. A new window will open with all the mailboxes you have registered for the selected domain. If you are creating your first mail, then here, accordingly, will be empty for now. In the functions panel, find icon with a green plus “Create” and click on it.

    Step 3. Now you have to fill out all the fields in the new window.

    To create a new mailbox on your domain, fill out all the fields in the window that opens.

    Let's look at each column in order:

    • IN field "Name" Enter a name for the new mailbox. Please note that only the part of the email that will come before the dog "@" sign is entered here. There is no need to add the domain name, since it is selected in the second column. If you have only one email domain registered, this column will be filled in automatically.
    • IN field "Aliases" you can specify emails associated with the mailbox you are creating. For example, on the site you want to indicate an email to which people should write with questions about advertising. But in fact, no one looks at this email, since all letters are automatically forwarded to the head of the advertising department with email address masha@site. This way you only show the general email. department mailbox, not email a certain person. Just be careful, because when using this feature, you need to set redirection rules in the alias management section.
    • Next we have two password fields. In the first one you enter or generate New Password, which you repeat again in the second column. Be sure to write down your password somewhere so you don't forget. You will need it when installing the mail management client.
    • Field “Send copies of letters by e-mail” speaks for itself. Here you can enter the email address to which copies of each letter will be sent.
    • IN field "Max. size" You don't have to specify anything. Typically, hosting providers do not place restrictions on the size of mailboxes, so this field is automatically set to “unlimited.”
    • And finally, field with SpamAssassin function, which is better to leave enabled, since it definitely won’t make things worse :) After you have filled out all the fields, save the changes by clicking on the “ Ok».

    Well that's it! You created an email on your own domain. What should I do next so that I can use it? In order to view mail associated with a domain, you will need to configure it on one of the existing mail clients. The mail program will allow you to receive, send, view mail and perform various actions related to it.

    My second hosting SiteGround uses Cpanel control panel. Here, creating an email with a domain name is also very simple. Below I will show you in detail how this is done.

    Step 1. Login to your hosting control panel and scroll down to the " Mail».

    Step 2. Select an option "Email Accounts".

    Find the “Mail” section in the panel and click on the “Email Accounts” option
    Fill out all form fields and click on the “Create” button account»

    — In the last column you can enter mailbox quota, by setting maximum size for storing messages.

    - Finally, when everything is ready, click on the " Create an account».

    Your postal address ready to use! Now you can use email via Cpanel or set up an email client on your computer or link your domain email, for example, to Yandex, Mail.ru or Gmail.

    My hosting SiteGround in the control panel offers three email clients (in the menu Additional information"), but I personally prefer to use email on the computer. If you are interested in this topic, then I will tell you how this is done in one of the future articles.

    Well, I think I’ve covered today’s topic enough: “how to create an email domain and link email to it.” I hope my instructions were helpful to you!

    I wish you a great mood and less spam in your new mailboxes! 😉

    I was prompted to write this note by an article by Peter Aleksandrov (aka WPnew), in which he tells how you can make beautiful mail with the name of your domain (site) and redirect letters from existing mailboxes to it Gmail mailboxes(Google) and Yandex. I'm offering a little alternative option, which will involve your hosting and mail account in the gmail.com service from Google.

    And now about my option for connecting mail, like [email protected], Where: name- any name (for example admin), site.ru- the name of your domain (for example, a website).

    After clicking on the gear, we will have the following menu, where we click “Mail Settings”:

    Having completed the previous operation, the settings menu will open in front of us, where we should select the “Accounts and Import” tab (underlined with a red line):

    In this tab we are interested in “Add your other email address”, which is indicated by the red arrow. Left-click on these words. We will need what is underlined by the green line at the very end, so we skip it for now.

    By clicking on “Add your other email address,” a new window will open in front of us in which we can enter our name or nickname (who is good at what). But under the number 1 we enter our email address with the name of the site (which we created on the hosting). This way we tell Gmail that we will write from their account in the future, but people will receive letters with the name we require. You need to enter your already registered email on the hosting.

    After filling out item 1, press the button " Next stage" (number 2) and the following opens before us (click to enlarge):

    Here I advise you not to touch anything and just click “Next action” (number 1). Here we will see:

    In this window, make sure that the address we need is indicated and click “Send confirmation”. After this the following will happen:

    Today I want to help you create a beautiful domain email on your hosting, redirect it and delegate it to Yandex Mail.

    What does this mean?

    You will receive a beautiful email with the tail of your domain. And you can view it in the panel postal service Yandex Mail.

    Why do you need domain mail?

    3) A solid mailbox for business cards.

    Advantages of domain mail delegated to Yandex Mail.

    1) Fewer emails will end up in SPAM.

    2) More trust from email services.

    3) Beautiful type mailbox [email protected]

    4) Convenient interface for working with mail from Yandex Mail.

    5) You can create up to 1000 boxes for yourself and your employees and friends.

    6) All correspondence is stored on Yandex without taking up space on the hosting.

    7) Unlimited mailbox volume.

    8) Scan mail for viruses.

    9) Convenient setup their SPAM filters.

    10) Many different themes for the interface.

    11) Access to mail via POP3/IMAP protocols.

    12) Access to mail from mobile applications and devices.

    13) Convenient tools working with letters in the web interface (downloading all attached files in one archive, listening to attached mp3 files, popular tags social networks and much more).

    14) Chat (medium of exchange instant messages) on the Mail pages.

    The fact is that many hosting providers generally do not provide mailboxes based on a domain and you have to look for an external mail service. But even if your hoster has a mail service, these mailboxes take up disk space from yours tariff plan on hosting, which forces you to constantly delete read letters and not store correspondence, since there are restrictions on the number, volume and mail traffic.

    If you still decide create domain mail directly on your hosting, then get ready for the fact that you will encounter something completely unfamiliar and user-friendly interface domain mail management. There may also be problems with setting up for different mailers and a bunch of other nuances.

    Today I will tell you how to create a domain email on the Yandex Mail service and how to immediately solve all the problems that arise with mail for the domain.

    We connect domain mail on Yandex.

    Many of you have an account on Yandex and use Yandex mail. So you are familiar with simple and functional user interface this mail service. How nice it would be if the email interface on a domain were just as convenient. This is exactly the question that Yandex programmers thought through when they created a mail service for the domain.

    In addition to simplicity and convenience, domain mail from Yandex has a lot of advantages, which I talked about a little higher.

    All that remains is connect Yandex mail for your domain. This will take from 10 to 30 minutes and depends on the specifics of your hosting and how quickly the Yandex robot checks your settings. After all the settings, you will be able to enjoy all these delights together with your website.

    Step-by-step plan for connecting the Yandex mail service and creating a domain email to the site:

    Step #1. Register on Yandex if you are not registered, or log in to your account using your existing username and password.

    Step #2. Go to the mail registration section for the domain.

    Step #3. We confirm the domain that belongs to you; you must prove that you are its rightful owner. There are several ways to do this. Whichever you choose is up to you, I recommend the first method.

    There are 3 ways to check website domain ownership:

    1) Placing a special txt (text) file in the root directory of your site.

    2) Creating a subdomain with a special name that Yandex offers with a Cname record leading to mail.yandex.ru.

    3) Change contact address for a domain name.

    The latter, in my opinion, immediately disappears due to the complexity of implementation in most cases. The first and second methods, in my opinion, are simple and can be used. Next, I will show confirmation by uploading an html file with a special name to my hosting.

    Watch my video tutorial on setting up domain mail on Yandex so you don't miss anything.
    In the video tutorial, I told you how to set up mail for a domain in two hosting sites, this and .

    If you have a different hosting, then you can view the manual for setting up domain mail for some popular hosters on Yandex at the link: http://help.yandex.ru/pdd/add-domain/hoster-settings.xml#hoster-settings

    Below I will tell you how to set up domain mail only using Timeweb hosting as an example. Using your login and password, log in.

    Go to the Quick Actions section and click on the item: “Upload files to the server.”

    In the root pablic_html folder of your site, select the “File” item, then click on “Create a file” and create new file with a special name that was offered to us by Yandex with the html extension.

    Let's go now to home page connect domain mail to Yandex and click the check domain button.

    Step #4. Setting up an MX record on the hosting so that the hosting redirects all mail to the Yandex mail account.

    We return to the Timeweb hosting control panel and go to the panel to the list of created domains. When you hover over your domain, a green key button will appear, click on it.

    In the window that opens, go to the second tab called MX mail servers and make the settings for MX 10 MX.YANDEX.RU as in the picture below and save the changes.

    We return to the Yandex MX record settings and click the “Check MX record” button and wait for the Yandex robot to check it.

    Step #5. After successfully checking the MX records on your hosting, you will be able to create the number of domain mailboxes you need.

    In the example below, I have created several mailboxes for my domain.

    Now, you can log into the mailboxes you created using a special link that Yandex offers. The link looks like this https://mail.yandex.ru/for/your-domain or simply through the authorization form on the main page of Yandex mail.

    When you log into your new mailbox, Yandex will ask you to fill in your personal data and redirect you to the “Mail for Domain” page. Completion of registration." Here you just need to correctly fill in all your personal data and save it. After saving your personal data, you will be able to use your personal domain email.

    Step #6. We make additional settings digital signature DKIM for your mailbox. This is necessary to ensure that all sent letters reach 100%.

    What is DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)?

    This is a method of verifying your mail using a special signature.

    DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) technology combines several existing methods anti-phishing and anti-spam in order to improve the quality of classification and identification of legitimate email. Instead of a traditional IP address, DKIM adds a digital signature associated with the organization's domain name to identify the sender of a message. The signature is automatically verified on the recipient’s side, after which “white lists” and “black lists” are used to determine the sender’s reputation.

    This is not a required step, but without it there is a chance that mail sent from your domain mailbox will end up in your recipient's SPAM mailbox.

    To set up a DKIM signature for your domain mail, return to the main page for registering domain mail on Yandex and scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the column with the following content: “To enable DKIM, you need to add a special TXT record to the DNS of your domain” and click on the link: “Show contents of the entry."

    In the window that opens, copy your digital signature to your domain mail and go to our hosting settings.

    In the hosting settings, go to the control panel, to the list of created domains. When you hover over your domain, a green key button will appear, click on it.

    In the window that opens, go to the third tab called “Advanced settings” and change the digital signature of the DKIM TXT record there to the one you took from Yandex. Be sure to click and save the changes made.

    Congratulations! If you have gone through all the points that I described above, then you have a fully working domain email.

    It remains to wait a little while for the Yandex robot to check the digital signature settings for domain mail.

    That’s all for me, thank you for your attention, I look forward to your questions in the comments to the article. Best regards, yours Alexander Novikov.

    And put corporate mail on it. But it has its own interface and its own fans. Many people like mail from Yandex, so you shouldn’t bypass it. And when organizing corporate mail, you can think about which one is better to do. Maybe someone will want to use a separate script.

    Today I want to tell you about how to set up mail from Yandex on your domain.

    Yandex.Mail for domain- This free solution from Yandex.
    Main Features Yandex.Mail service:

    • 1000 email accounts (more is possible)
    • no restrictions on mailbox size
    • you can upload your logo for the mail web interface

    Of course, these are not all the features of the service. Yandex.Mail for domain. Basically, the service is identical to the Yandex.Mail service and has the same features.

    Domain connection

    In order to learn more about the service and evaluate its advantages, you need to go to the following address: http://pdd.yandex.ru. The same address is needed to start working with the service. Yandex.Mail for domain.
    If you are authorized in Yandex, then you will need to click on the link "Connect domain", or you can go to http://pdd.yandex.ru/domains_add/. If you are not authorized, then by visiting the first link, you will be automatically redirected to the domain connection page.
    There is a signature field here "Enter the domain name for your email." Where you actually need to enter the name of your domain. And a sign «@» tells you that your mailboxes will look like [email protected] (from this link you should enter yourdomain.ru). After you have entered your domain, you need to click on the button "Connect domain".

    After you click on the button, the following window will open in which you will need to confirm domain ownership and enter additional settings.

    Yandex delegation and DNS hosting

    Also, in this window you can delegate some of the rights to Yandex to manage the domain. To do this you will need to change the NS server of your domain. To do this, you need to contact your domain registrar or hosting provider. It often happens that you do not have access to settings for changing this particular data. Therefore, ask the registrar to change your NS servers to Yandex NS servers:
    Primary DNS server: dns1.yandex.net
    Secondary DNS server: dns2.yandex.net

    Exactly in the form in which Yandex offers them to us.
    Of course, this procedure is not at all necessary. But if you do this you will get convenient DNS editor and you don't have to write separate settings for the domain. Because when delegating, all the settings for DNS records necessary for full work Mail and Jabber from Yandex on your domain will be generated automatically. And Yandex and its servers will be responsible for the performance of your domain. The rest of the information can be obtained from the corresponding Yandex help.

    Domain delegation is the transfer of part of the rights over a domain zone to another party.

    The domain delegation process may take some time.

    Step 1: Verify domain ownership

    In the first step to connect a domain, you need to confirm domain management rights. And there are several ways:

    • Upload a file with a special name and code to the root directory of your site
    • For the subdomain on which you mean to use Yandex.Mail, you need to change the CNAME record to mail.yandex.ru
    • Specify the email address offered by Yandex as the contact email address for your domain. This can be done through your domain name registrar.

    The simplest one, in my opinion, is to create a recommended file with special text.
    To do this, you need to go to the site control panel, or if you have FTP access, you can use or and upload the file offered by Yandex to the root of the site. After you download it? It is advisable to check its presence on the hosting in the root of the site by simply following the link http://yourdomain.ru/filename.html (yourdomain.ru is the name of your domain, filename.html is the file name suggested by Yandex).
    Just below the first STEP there is information about whether these actions have been completed or not. Yandex will automatically log into your domain at the specified time and check whether you have done at least one of the methods to confirm your rights to manage the domain.

    The next inscription just tells you when Yandex will come to you for verification.
    Next check will be: 06/28/2013 08:45
    After about this time, you can update and check if STEP 1 was completed.

    If STEP 1 has been completed, it will become crossed out and this will mean that you have confirmed the rights to the domain, and now you can proceed further.

    Step 2. Set up MX records

    After rights to manage the domain have been confirmed, you need to make changes to the MX records. If you did the delegation procedure, then you can skip this step.
    In order to enter the appropriate MX records, you need to go to your hosting panel and there find something like “DNS Configuration” or “DNS Editor”. And in this section, delete all inline MX records and inline CNAME records, A records. In my editor, one entry “Built in TXT records” was also deleted.
    After these steps, you need to create a new MX record that looks like this:
    Subdomain name - @
    Record type - MX
    Data - mx.yandex.ru.
    Priority - 10

    If you want to access your mail through your subdomain (mail.yourdomain.ru), then you need to add a CNAME record with the following settings:
    Subdomain name: mail
    Record type: CNAME
    Data: domain.mail.yandex.net.

    Moreover, “domain” is here Not needs to be replaced with something else. It needs to be entered as it is.
    While you are waiting to add MX records, you can already add the mailboxes you need by simply entering your login and password. Login is what will appear before the “ @ "in your mailboxes. For example in the address [email protected], yourname is your login.

    When delegating a domain, be prepared for the fact that your domain may be down for several hours to several days. This is due to the fact that DNS records must be updated on many third-party resources.

    After the MX records have been confirmed, a window for managing your mail will open, and here you can:

    • Add a mailbox
    • Set up domain
    • Launch DNS Editor

    Add mailbox:

    Everything is simple here, you can add your mailbox, and here you need to enter your login and password, the latter twice.

    Set up domain:

    Here you can select Default address(on specified address letters will arrive from mailboxes that do not exist in this domain), Add alias, enable/disable Chat for domain, enable/disable General list contacts.

    DNS Editor

    A DNS record editor is provided here. During my work, I had a problem with the accessibility of the site, so I had to enter all the A-records manually. Perhaps you won't have such a problem.

    Let me remind you once again that the distribution process DNS settings does not go away immediately, and may take some time - from several hours to two or three days. And if you didn’t encounter any errors during setup, then accept my congratulations!) If someone in your company uses mail clients, then the Yandex.Mail service does not exclude this possibility. I checked the functionality of the mail on . Everything works great.
    Good luck and enjoy your work with mail using Yandex.Mail service for a domain.