• TV signal amplifier: what is it and what is it for. TV antenna signal amplification


    Pay attention to the location of the antenna. Important role The height at which the antenna is located plays a role in signal reception. It doesn’t matter at all whether we are talking about radio or television. To amplify an indoor antenna, place it as high as possible. If the antenna is telescopic type, for best regards signal, it must be fully open.

    Look where the antenna is pointing. If there are obstacles between it and the signal source, naturally the reception will be poor. Try to position the antenna so that there is no large tree, tall building, power line or any other structure in its path that could seriously interfere with signal reception. This way you can strengthen the antenna.

    Use antenna amplifier in order to make the indoor antenna more powerful. This is a special device that facilitates signal reception. Also try using additional grounding. This will practically not change the antenna power, but the signal will be clearer. Any antenna is an open oscillating circuit. The larger the area oscillatory circuit, the greater the ability to receive a signal it has. Any long wire can serve as an antenna. Attach it to yours indoor antenna. This will increase its area, and therefore its power.

    Use the last resort if none of the above methods help. Replace the indoor antenna with an external one. An external antenna is much better suited to quality reception signal, especially since there are much more options for customizing it. Direct external antenna in the direction optimal for signal reception. This will save you from the need to constantly adjust it, as is often the case when using an indoor antenna.

    The quality of television and radio signals does not always satisfy viewers and listeners. Moreover, there can be interference even when there is a seemingly powerful antenna. In order to improve quality reception, the antenna must be configured correctly.

    You will need


    If the antenna is directional, try repositioning it so that there are no obstacles between it and the signal source. Such obstacles can be high-rise buildings or other structures, power lines, and so on. You can try the exact direction to the signal source. To do this, you can use the help of an observer monitoring the signal at the receiver. To communicate with it, you can use portable radios or.

    If you have a directional antenna with flat polarization (such as “Wave Channel” and the like), check the polarization of the received signal. Adjust it according to the data received. To do this, you need to rotate the antenna relative to the axis directed towards the signal source. Most often, just trying to rotate the antenna 90° is enough.

    Efficiency antennas can be increased using an antenna amplifier. But in this case, the gain limit is set by the level of interference. To reduce their level, use shielded reduction, that is, the antenna is best using a coaxial cable.

    Efficiency antennas, especially when receiving on long, medium and short waves, can be increased by installing additional grounding. It should also be borne in mind that the antenna must be impedance matched with input circuit radio receiver That is, it must be connected with the type and cable recommended in the instructions for the receiver or.

    Please note

    Long, medium and short wave antennas can be long lengths of wire. It is also recommended to install the mounting points of such antennas based on the highest reception volume of the desired stations. That is, it is necessary to change the position of the antenna.

    Useful advice

    If we are talking about an indoor antenna, then the best solution There will be installation of a stationary external antenna. This will dramatically improve the quality of reception. It is also recommended to connect portable mobile receivers and televisions to an external antenna when operating them in stationary conditions.

    Receivers operating on ultrashort waves have long been commonplace. We use the radio at home, in the country and even in the car. But as you move away from the broadcasting station, the signal quality deteriorates noticeably. It is not always possible to install an effective receiving antenna, so using an antenna amplifier may be a solution to the problem. If you know how to use a soldering iron and understand the fundamental electronic circuits, then you can make one like this amplifier with your own hands.


    Check out circuit diagram antenna amplifier. It is made using a low-noise transistor, providing a gain of approximately 20 dB. At the input, low-pass filters with a cutoff frequency of 115 ... 120 MHz and a filter are connected in series treble with a cutoff frequency of 60... 65 MHz. This allows you to amplify signals from broadcast stations operating in the VHF range.

    Make a list of the required parts. In addition to the transistor, you will need several resistors and capacitors, as well as inductors. The parameters of the elements are shown in the figure for step 1.

    Take the transistor type KT3120A or KT368A (the second option is less preferable). It is advisable to use imported capacitors in the device, similar in parameters to domestic K10-17. Resistors of the MLT and S2-33 types will be quite suitable for the amplifier. Wind the coils from PEV wire using a mandrel with a diameter of 4 mm. Coil L1 contains 3.5 turns, and L2 - 4.5 turns of wire.

    If you plan to use amplifier in a car receiver, add two relays and an additional power filter to the circuit. When power is applied, both relays turn on amplifier between the antenna and the receiver. When the power is turned off, the receiver input is connected to the antenna. Be sure to equip the car version of the amplifier with a metal case.

    Prepare for installation of device elements printed circuit board made of fiberglass, foil-coated on both sides. The pattern of the printed tracks may vary (depending on the part layout you choose). Leave the second side of the board metallized and connect it with foil along the contour with the common conductor of the upper side. Make the board for the automotive version of the amplifier more elongated so that you can easily place a power filter and relay on it.

    Assembled amplifier connect between the receiver input and the antenna socket, and make the connection with a short shielded cable if possible. When installing the device in a vehicle, place it close to the receiver in a shielded housing.

    Check how effectively the device amplifies the signal. If necessary, reduce the capacitance of the capacitors and increase the inductance of the coils (but not more than one and a half times). Please note that in city conditions where the signal level of radio stations is high, the antenna amplifier should be turned off to avoid signal distortion.


    • make antenna amplifier

    To improve the quality of the received image and “catch” previously inaccessible channels, it is not necessary to buy a new powerful antenna. The receiving ability of the antenna depends on various external factors, from the shape and design, changing which you can adjust the image quality.

    Antenna location

    Quality TV signal directly depends on the location of the antenna. Concrete walls, metal fences and structures greatly interfere with the passage of the signal, so most often it is located outside the house, on a wall or. If you know where the nearest transmitting tower is, the antenna should be pointed in its direction.

    Changing the antenna design

    Almost any antenna can be equipped with a special television signal amplifier. It operates on a 220 V network; you can buy the amplifier at most electronics stores. For the right choice it is important to know some parameters: noise figure (it should be as low as possible, preferably no more than 2 dB), gain Ku (calculated based on the presence of branches and its length).

    Most often, the antenna design is thought out taking into account the standard search for an on-air signal. It can be changed using any metal object that conducts current: wire, cable, balcony dryer, central heating radiators, etc. Aluminum and copper items with a large surface area work best. Metal objects that are not in contact with the antenna, on the contrary, interrupt the signal.

    Some antennas require special adjustments before use. You should check if the frequency range set to receive one or another signal.

    Common-mode grating effect

    If you take several identical antennas and space them horizontally so that the signal phases in them are the same, you can achieve significant amplification. For example, if a single antenna gives a coefficient of 7 dB, then a double antenna - up to 10 dB, consisting of four parts - up to 12 dB, etc.

    Basic rules of an in-phase array: parts can be purchased or made independently, but must be the same. It is important that the “floors” and “rows” are completely symmetrical, with the same length of lines and cable jumpers. For fixation, frames made of insulating materials, such as wood or plastic, are used.


    Please note during installation antennas terrain characteristics. Guaranteed television reception area signal but it depends on the terrain. If possible, install the antenna at the highest point adjacent to your home. To ensure the required height of the antenna device, if necessary, use an additional mast, securely strengthening it with guy wires.

    Choose the optimal reception design antennas. The requirements for it are as follows: simplicity and reliability, sufficient spatial selectivity, the ability to pass a wide frequency band, low input impedance and high gain signal A. For an area of ​​uncertain reception, the level ratio is also of particular importance signal and to the level of interference.

    If you are at a short distance from the telecentre (several tens of kilometers), use it to improve the received signal and an antenna of the “wave channel” type with a simple or loop vibrator, consisting of three elements. Antennas of this type are produced by industry, but if you have minimal amateur radio skills, you can make it yourself.

    Check for correct installation antennas and configure it. To do this, select the optimal ratio of element sizes antennas required for admission signal and the selected stations. Correctly orient the structure in space by aiming the antenna at the broadcast center or repeater.

    Use for improvement signal a special antennas th amplifier. The dimensions, design and connection method of such a device can be very different. When choosing an amplifier, pay attention to the information indicated in technical documentation frequency characteristics and noise level. Setting up the amplifier used for specific model TV receiver, have it done by a professional. Otherwise, the efficiency of the device will be low.

    To improve the quality of the received image and “catch” previously inaccessible channels, it is not necessary to buy a new powerful antenna. The receiving ability of the antenna depends on various external factors, on the shape and design, by changing which you can adjust the image quality.

    Antenna location

    The quality of the television signal directly depends on the location of the antenna. Concrete walls, metal fences and structures greatly interfere with the passage of the signal, so most often it is located outside the house, on a wall or. If you know where the nearest transmitting tower is, the antenna should be pointed in its direction.

    Changing the antenna design

    Almost any antenna can be equipped with a special television signal amplifier. It operates on a 220 V network; you can buy the amplifier at most electronics stores. To make the right choice, it is important to know some parameters: noise figure (it should be as low as possible, preferably no more than 2 dB), gain Ku (calculated based on the presence of branches and its length).

    Most often, the antenna design is thought out taking into account the standard search for an on-air signal. It can be changed using any metal object that conducts current: wire, cable, balcony dryer, central heating radiators, etc. Aluminum and copper items with a large surface area work best. Metal objects that are not in contact with the antenna, on the contrary, interrupt the signal.

    Some antennas require special adjustments before use. You should check whether the correct frequency range is set to receive a particular signal.

    Common-mode grating effect

    If you take several identical antennas and space them horizontally so that the signal phases in them are the same, you can achieve significant amplification. For example, if a single antenna gives a coefficient of 7 dB, then a double antenna - up to 10 dB, consisting of four parts - up to 12 dB, etc.

    Basic rules of an in-phase array: parts can be purchased or made independently, but must be the same. It is important that the “floors” and “rows” are completely symmetrical, with the same length of lines and cable jumpers. For fixation, frames made of insulating materials, such as wood or plastic, are used.

    City residents, even in the private sector, do not experience problems with image quality when watching television. Citizens have the opportunity to choose between cable, satellite and terrestrial TV. Summer residents do not have such a wide choice and in most cases are content with receiving television broadcast in quality that leaves much to be desired.

    The reason the picture scatters into squares and the frame freezes when watching TV is low level TV signal. Signal weakness can be due to a number of reasons, such as:

    • Great distance from the base television station. The reliable reception zone is within a radius of 30 km.
    • Terrain. Even if you are in an area that is strong enough to receive a strong signal, the installation location may be near large trees, tall buildings, or in a low-lying area.
    • Presence of interference. A nearby high-voltage line or military facility.

    In addition to the installed passive antenna, television signal amplifiers for the dacha will help increase the level of reception.

    What is the purpose of the antenna amplifier?

    A television signal amplifier is a device for increasing the power and compensating for signal losses of analogue, terrestrial and cable TV. An electronic amplifier can be a component of an antenna, which in this embodiment not only receives, but also amplifies the signal level.

    Each amplifier comes with a power supply. It can be external or built into the design of the device.

    An amplifier with different gains can be connected to the same antenna model. The selection of equipment is carried out precisely according to individual characteristics every home.

    When is a TV amplifier needed?

    The use of a television signal amplifier is justified if:

    • the TV tower is located more than 10 km from the installation site;
    • interference or terrain weakens and makes the signal noisy;
    • if the signal strength from the antenna due to the length of the cable is not enough for wiring around the house or for a second TV.

    If your dacha is located in an area of ​​weak noisy waves, you will need a television signal amplifier. How to choose a suitable device and install it correctly? You need to know the answer to this question before purchasing.

    What to consider when choosing?

    For correct selection amplifier parameters need to be determined:

    • Distance to base station.

    The required gain is calculated based on the distance from the nearest television station to the installation site. Using the RTRS website, check the coverage area of ​​digital terrestrial television in your area and the exact location of the towers. Using Yandex or Google maps, measure the distance from your home to the television tower closest to you. You should not proceed from the considerations that, taking the most powerful amplifier, you will solve the problem with broadcast quality. Heavy-duty equipment can become self-excited and produce quite a lot of noise on its own.

    • Desired frequency range.

    Depending on the range of received frequencies, amplifiers are divided into multi-band, operating in several ranges, broadband - only in their own frequency band (HF + VHF) and band - amplifying either HF or VHF frequencies.

    A broadband television signal amplifier, when installed on a universal antenna, will receive and increase the power of all available television broadcasts in its frequency band.

    • Parameters of the amplifier itself

    These include signal gain and noise figure, measured in decibels, as well as current consumption and supply voltage.

    Installation and adjustment

    By installing a TV signal amplifier on the antenna or in close proximity to it, you will minimize cable losses. Installing the device indoors significantly reduces its operating efficiency. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the need for hermetically sealed protection of the device from precipitation.

    For power supply, a high-frequency coaxial cable is used, which has minimal attenuation during the passage of the signal.

    Some models have built-in protection against electromagnetic interference. If you purchased an amplifier without lightning protection, it is advisable to install it separately to avoid damage electronic components equipment.

    Setting can be called choosing an amplifier with the desired gain. If it is necessary to slightly increase or decrease the signal power, it is possible to change the input voltage. In this case, there is a high probability of equipment failure, so adjustments must be made with the utmost care.

    Many of us have heard of active home antennas for TV, but not everyone knows how they differ from passive ones? The difference is that it has an amplifier inside, which requires electrical power from an adapter, power from 9 to 12 Volts. This device can be used to improve the quality of TV channel reception on the antenna. Most often, amplifiers are used in the UHF or meter ranges, but they can also be installed far from the receiver, which is located at a considerable distance.

    To improve the quality of signal reception by an antenna, an amplifier is sometimes connected to it. This device is useful when the distance from the TV broadcaster to the receiver is large, or you have chosen the wrong model of satellite or cable antenna. Using the device, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of the picture reproduced by the TV. The location of this device next to the receiver is usually considered correct, because the signal coming from it along the cable is reduced.

    An antenna amplifier is a device that can add power to the received signal. Its presence helps you view active broadcast channels in higher quality.

    Antenna amplifiers for TV have a variety of parameters and may differ in appearance. In addition, some types of devices are designed for very distant reception, while others are designed for close reception. They are installed next to street or indoor receivers.

    Types of amplifiers:

    1. Broadband. This type An analog amplifier is designed to improve picture quality on several devices simultaneously (such devices are often installed in apartment buildings and entrances). Such a model can work not only in UHF, but also in the HF range.
    2. Multi-band. They provide improved received images from receivers that are installed on high masts. They are used in small collective reception systems.
    3. Range. Thanks to this species devices can receive a passive signal from particularly distant stations. These range models correct reception, eliminating strong noise.

    All types of amplifiers are designed to improve the signal. Your task is to correctly determine which type of device is suitable for your antenna.

    Smart device: TV antenna amplifier

    The receiving television antenna is designed to receive from the television center electromagnetic radiation, pointing it at the conductive elements entering the coaxial cable. According to the design of the outdoor antenna, it is possible to obtain and amplify weak signal different power. Based on this, the concept of the direction coefficient of a television antenna is introduced, which shows how many times the output signal level exceeds the signal received from a half-wave vibrator.

    A TV antenna amplifier helps to receive a signal. required power, promoting proper operation television device. The quality of the image that the board displays on the screen depends on it.

    The modern market for television devices presents us with many different models. Because of this, many people sometimes find it difficult to decide which device is best for them.

    To make the right choice when purchasing, you need to consider several points:

    1. Gain factor. It is calculated based on the approximate distance between the television device and the signal source (broadcast tower). It cannot be more than 150 km. But at a distance of 10 km or less, there is no need to amplify the signal; you just need to determine a suitable antenna.
    2. Antenna type. SWA models are suitable for array receivers. They operate in frequencies from 49 to 791 MHz.
    3. Frequency range. An excellent solution for an ordinary outdoor receiver would be to install a broadband variety, only more good result will show a device that operates only in a certain frequency range.

    You need to know that the lower the noise figure of the device, the better the picture on the TV screen will be.

    How to choose a TV signal amplifier: digital and conventional types

    In order for the television antenna to better catch the signal, you can connect an amplifier to it. This device helps improve the quality of reception if the distance to the television center is particularly large, or if you have a weak, bad antenna. Especially often, devices that amplify television signals are installed by residents of the lower floors of high-rise buildings, for summer cottages, and in rural areas.

    How to choose a digital TV signal amplifier so that it brings maximum benefit and does not have to be changed? To do this, you need to know the reception level of your antenna and the distance to the transmitting television center.

    An amplifier for the TV antenna is installed so that the image stops snowing and the picture becomes clear. Depending on the distance to the transmitting center, it is necessary to select a device for the TV with appropriate amplification factors. The longest distance cannot go beyond 150 km. If the distance to the transmitting installation is less than 10 km, then the antenna amplifier is not installed. All you need to do is choose the right antenna.

    To select the correct device you need to know:

    • Distance to the nearest transmitting station;
    • The frequency range you need;
    • The type of antenna you already have.

    There is no need to chase maximum gain. Such devices may not operate properly and produce loud noise.

    We create a television signal amplifier from improvised means

    An indoor antenna equipped with an amplifier makes it possible to provide a high-quality and clear picture on the TV screen, remove noise and find more channels. To do this, you do not have to purchase the device in the store.

    It is not at all difficult to make a television signal amplifier yourself. To do this, you can use a variety of available means.

    Let's look at an example of manufacturing simple amplifier using beer cans. An amplifier for an antenna of this type can be made in 10-15 minutes. and it will function perfectly. In order to make it, you need to get: a power cable, a plug, two tin cans, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws, adhesive tape/duct tape, a stick like an old wooden trample.

    Stages of creating a device for signal amplification:

    • We connect the beer cans and the stick using electrical tape. You need to ensure a distance between the cans of somewhere around 7-7.5 cm. If the cans have rings, it is easiest to attach the cable to them.
    • We screw self-tapping screws into the cans. To do this, we strip the ends of the cable and attach it with screws.
    • Using adhesive tape, we connect the stick and the wire to give the device stability.
    • Cover the jars with a large plastic flask with the bottom and neck cut off.
    • We make a hole in the middle of the container. It will be possible to pull the cable through it.
    • When you assemble the device, pour a little boiling water onto the nylon bottle. It will help change the shape of the plastic bottle and ensure a good seal of the hole.
    • We connect the device and configure it. This block you need to configure it so that it works flawlessly.

    If desired, you can improve the design by adding several sections to it.

    What is a TV signal amplifier (video)

    Often, even in the city, when using a regular TV, problems arise with the signal from the Polish antenna. To avoid this problem, you can connect cable or satellite TV. For those Those who do not have the opportunity to install expensive equipment must connect an antenna amplifier. This device will be useful when the TV tower is too far away, or you have chosen the wrong antenna. This device can be purchased ready-made in a store, or made independently. The main thing is to correctly determine the power of the existing television antenna and the distance to the nearest populated area.

    To watch television in the country or in small towns, a television or satellite antenna is usually used. Satellite allows you to view large number channels in digital and HD quality, and regular television channels receive terrestrial digital TV. As a rule, these are 20 digital channels.

    But sometimes it happens that the signal is interrupted, the image is distorted and there is noise on the screen. This can be caused by various reasons:

    • problems of broadcasting itself;
    • problems with receiving equipment;
    • weak signal.

    In the latter case, you can try your TV antenna. However, remember that such actions also increase noise and interference. Therefore, you can first try to improve the signal by reducing losses.


    Satellite dishes, also called dishes, vary in diameter. The larger it is, the better quality reception. A converter is installed on the plate itself, transmitting the signal to the receiver. There are also signal amplifiers.

    Types of satellite antennas:

    Television antennas are:

    1. Indoor and outdoor depending on the installation location. Indoor rooms are only suitable for zones confident reception and in the absence of significant obstacles in the signal path.
    2. Active and passive. In the first case it is used active amplifier signal connected to the electrical network.
    3. Based on the range of received waves, all-wave, meter (MV) and decimeter (UHF) are distinguished. Digital broadcasting in Russia it is carried out at UHF frequencies, so a UHF antenna is sufficient.

    The quality of the TV signal is influenced by the following factors:

    • distance from the broadcast tower;
    • design and material;
    • active or passive amplification;
    • connection losses.

    Reducing losses

    To improve the signal from a television or satellite antenna, you can try to reduce losses in the system:

    Signal Boost

    You can boost your TV signal as follows:

    1. In the case of a room, place it as close to the window as possible and preferably higher. Make sure there are no obstacles in the signal path.
    2. Raise the external antenna on the roof or higher on the facade so that reception is not hampered by buildings or terrain.
    3. Point the external antenna correctly. This recommendation is also relevant for a satellite dish. Often problems with the signal are simply due to its incorrect location.
    4. You can try to expand the antenna with a piece of wire.
    5. Create a common-mode array design from several identical antennas, placing them horizontally and vertically so that the signal phases in them are the same.
    6. Replace the antenna with a more suitable design and type.
    7. Install a signal amplifier.

    To decide how to boost the signal, use simple rule: if the tower is less than 30 kilometers away, then any external one will do passive antenna. If the signal is poor, then the problem is within the system, in the equipment, connections or improper installation. If the repeater is more than 30 km away, then use an active amplifier:

    • The further the distance, the more gain you will need.
    • Choose one with the lowest noise figure, or rather, it is better to pay attention to the gain/noise ratio.
    • Pay attention to the voltage of the device. If you increase it, you can increase the gain.

    In the same way, you can strengthen the signal of a satellite dish. There are also combined amplifiers that work both on non-television broadcast and on satellite dish. If you are familiar with the theory and practice of radio electronics, then you can assemble an amplifier for a satellite or television antenna with your own hands; there are many diagrams for this on the Internet and in special manuals.

    Install the amplifier as close to the antenna as possible. But remember that if you install it outside the room, it will not last long, most likely no more than a year. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, it may oxidize and stop functioning normally.

    If your satellite dish previously worked normally and suddenly interference appears, then you can improve the signal with your own hands in the following ways:

    1. Check the serviceability of all elements of the system; perhaps some equipment or part has mechanical damage, is dirty or rusty.
    2. Perhaps the location and direction of the antenna is wrong. In this case, it must be redirected as it was before.
    3. Check if there are any obstacles in the signal path. This could be stuck snow, leaves, branches of an overgrown tree, or a new tall building.

    If you initially have problems with image quality, replace the plate with one with a larger diameter. Consult your TV operator for compatible equipment and proper installation.

    Thus, most methods and recommendations are universal and can improve the signal of both satellite and television antennas. In case satellite television such a concept as distance to the broadcast source is not used, but the correct directionality, diameter and absence of obstacles are decisive. You can buy an amplifier or make one yourself, but do not forget that it itself is a source of noise and interference. And it is advisable to minimize the use of such devices. Share your experience in the comments if you have encountered problems with signal reception in suburban areas, how and by what means you were able to improve the quality of television reception.