• Within how many days can you return your phone? The inability to use the product during each year of the warranty period for a total of more than thirty days due to repeated elimination of its various deficiencies. When I handed over the phone to the

    When purchasing a new smartphone, the consumer hopes for long and comfortable use. Sometimes expectations do not coincide with reality, and the gadget disappoints the owner or incorrect work, either a manufacturing defect or non-compliance with the declared parameters. The user is faced with the question of how to return the phone to the store?

    When purchasing a new device, keep in mind that the device is classified as a technically complex product. It can be given away only if there is a guarantee or at the request of the seller.

    On a general basis, technically complex goods of inadequate quality are returned within 15 days, the countdown of which begins from the time of payment for the purchase. After the 15-day period, such goods can be returned only if:

    • factory defect;
    • failure to comply with the deadlines for eliminating purchase defects, which are reflected in Article 20 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights;
    • the impossibility of continuous use of the device during the warranty period due to frequent troubleshooting, which during the year totals more than 30 days.

    Based on this, it will not be possible to return a correctly working gadget that complies with the declared configuration and documentation. At the same time, armed with knowledge, you can return even a technically sound device.

    Legislative regulations for returns mobile phone

    Based on Article 25 of the RF Labor Code, a serviceable non-food product can be returned and exchanged within 14 days from the date of purchase, if it has not been used, if it is not included in the list of goods that cannot be replaced (hygiene products, linen, plants, etc.) etc.).

    IMPORTANT! When purchasing, you must keep the receipt and the original appearance product and its configuration.

    Is it possible to return the phone within 14 days on these grounds?

    To answer this question, you need to understand the list of technically complex products. It includes telephone sets and consumer radio electronics. Modern smartphone does not limit its functions to these concepts. The range of its purpose is much wider, and it is characterized as a portable transmitting station. Therefore, the device does not belong to telephone sets and is not included in the register of technically complex goods.

    This means that a new, working device can be returned to the seller, receiving a refund or exchanging it for another model with an additional payment.

    Returning a faulty phone. Filing a complaint

    Modern Android provides its user with many different options, ranging from voice communication and ending with Internet access from anywhere in the city. It is often difficult to verify the correct operation of all built-in applications at the point of sale. Most often, the buyer is able to evaluate only the external data of the model, sound quality and communication.

    Often, a loan is taken out to make such an expensive purchase. It is all the more annoying to discover a fault at home that was not found in the store.

    What to do in such a situation?

    Remember about return deadlines. If manufacturing defects, defects or malfunctions are identified, you can return the smartphone to the point of sale throughout the entire warranty period.

    An unscrupulous seller may refuse to accept back a rejected purchase due to the fact that the device is a technically complex product. Then you need to file a claim addressed to the store manager.

    The requirement is drawn up in two copies and endorsed through the store’s incoming correspondence journal. This step serves as insurance for the buyer against failure to comply with the deadline for filing the petition.

    Within 10 days, the store must give a written response to the request.

    Some fraudulent sellers refuse to accept defective goods back even after receiving a claim, citing the fact that the breakdowns occurred during use due to the fault of the consumer. In this case, you will have to write a statement of complaint to the court. Based on a court decision, the store may face administrative liability. At the same time, do not forget that judicial practice is very ambiguous in matters of this kind, so it can protect the rights of the seller.

    Large stores that value their reputation and customers find a compromise and accept a low-quality product. The following compensation options may be offered:

    1. Full refund of the deposit including the cost of repairs, if any.
    2. Replacement with a similar model of proper quality.
    3. Exchange with additional payment if the same phone is not available or the consumer refuses this model.

    IMPORTANT! If there is no sales or cash receipt for the purchased device, witness testimony will be required to return it.

    Return processing process. Documentation

    Shortly after purchase, the new smartphone began to glitch, freeze, inform the owner about an error when identifying a memory card, have poor battery retention, and do not respond to touches. touch screen Or does the battery heat up and swell? The listed breakdowns are grounds to return a malfunctioning android. According to clause 1 of Article 18 of the PZPP, the buyer has the right to request to change the smartphone within a 15-day period.

    The seller may not agree that the device is of poor quality and may order his own independent examination. In this case, the buyer has the right to be present during the breakdown analysis. If it turns out that the operation of the device is impaired due to improper use due to the fault of the buyer, he will have to pay all the costs of the examination costs incurred.

    The procedure for processing a return is as follows:

    1. The complete factory configuration of the smartphone is assembled. It includes a box, a warranty card, an instruction manual, related spare parts and headsets that came with the device, availability serial numbers and fillings.
    2. A package of documents and a cash receipt are provided to the point of sale.
    3. A claim is filed, on the basis of which the seller will return the money or exchange old smartphone to a new one.
    4. An independent examination is carried out. It can be appointed either by the seller or made in advance by the buyer himself. The test results will be ready within a month.
    5. Based on the expert verdict, hand in your smartphone and get your money back or a new product.

    IMPORTANT! The result of the examination is the decisive opinion for the seller when resolving the issue of return.

    1. Repeated breakdown. If the phone has already been repaired, it means that the setup was done poorly or the device has more serious damage than it seems at first glance.
    2. If the price for the upcoming repair is excessively high. In some smartphone models it is not practical to replace protective glass panels due to scratches due to the high cost of repairs. It is cheaper to replace a broken device or return the money for it.
    3. If the buyer fundamentally does not want to hand over the phone for repair and demands that he be given a new one. Such a requirement is fulfilled only with the consent of the seller. In this case, he is not obliged to make concessions.

    In any state of affairs, the consumer has the right to protest the decision of the examination and apply for its re-conduct.

    Returning a working device

    If you don’t like the use of a new, properly functioning cell phone, you can also take it and return it to the seller, guided by the Law on ZPP of the Russian Federation. True, this will be quite difficult to do even if the following conditions are met:

    1. If the buyer at the time of purchase was not familiarized with the main characteristics of the gadget and was not provided full information about him, and at home it turned out that some important functions and the device has no parameters. In this case, the seller violated the requirement of Article 10 of the PZPP, and this is the basis for a return.
    2. If the mobile phone is not included in the list of goods that cannot be returned or exchanged, as well as in the list of technically complex goods.
    3. The parameters don’t suit you, you don’t like the shape or color of the device, or it’s inconvenient to use.
    4. No more than 14 days have passed since the date of purchase.
    5. The receipt, presentation, protective seals and films, and factory equipment have been preserved. If there is no check, you can use witness testimony.
    6. Has not been used.
    7. At the time of contact, the point of sale does not have the same smartphone model of the appropriate shape, color or size.
    8. Having a general passport.

    If all of the above requirements are met, the request to hand over the phone must be satisfied within 10 days.

    IMPORTANT! Returning a working phone is possible only with the voluntary consent of the seller.

    Returning a purchase to an online store or purchased on credit

    Article 26.1 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation provides for the resolution of disputes arising when making purchases remotely. So, based on of this document, the buyer has the right to refuse the goods purchased through the online store at any time before its transfer and transfer of money to the seller.

    As soon as the buyer receives the phone, he has 7 days to return the gadget of proper quality if he is not satisfied with the parameters or characteristics of the purchase.

    With written confirmation of the fact of transfer of the smartphone, the consumer can return it within 3 months from the date of signing the documents.

    An online store can definitely refuse to accept a product back only in the case of an individual special order that was intended for a specific user and cannot be used by other people. In this case, you can take your smartphone to a pawnshop to get some of the money back.

    Lending when purchasing expensive androids is common. Often, directly in stores, they offer to purchase a mobile phone using a car loan without guarantors or income certificates. Does such a transaction have a reverse effect and is it possible to return it? credit phone to the seller?

    For devices purchased in installments, the same rules apply as for gadgets purchased in regular stores, with a slight difference regarding the bank agreement.

    The return procedure will be the same as for a regular purchase. You need to carefully study the loan agreement. Often in it the bank prescribes the conditions and procedure for returning the phone.

    IMPORTANT! Payments on the loan do not stop until the bank makes a final decision on early termination of the agreement and closes the loan account.

    How to hurry the seller with an exchange or return?

    Litigation and red tape associated with the return of a device can discourage consumers from exercising their legal rights. To make this process easier and faster, use the following tips:

    1. Order an independent examination in advance. By the time you contact the store, the document will be in hand, which will significantly save time.
    2. Make a compromise with the seller. It is often much easier and faster to exchange a phone than to return it.
    3. Refer to the lack of information provided by the seller. Instructions for mobile phones are written in foreign languages. It is almost impossible to glean any information or an explanation of how the phone works from them. This fact can justify the appeal and exchange it as soon as possible.

    By purchasing new phone, do not forget to handle it carefully. This is especially true for the warranty period. After unpacking your purchase, you should put the box with all receipts and instructions in a safe place where they will remain for the entire warranty period. You should not leave the device unattended in public places where it could be stolen. The buyer must use the device personally. It is not advisable to transfer your cell phone to a third party who could break or break it.

    When planning to purchase a new product, treat the purchase with the utmost seriousness and responsibility. Analyze the device's functions, read user reviews and test the phone at the point of sale. These actions will save you in the future from being disappointed with your purchase and returning it to the store.

    Considering that virtually all electronics belong to the category of technically complex objects, the question of whether it is possible to return phones to the store receives more than one answer. As the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” states, it is possible to take back a purchased item if defects or defects are discovered within a two-week period.

    • A serious flaw cannot be eliminated during repair, or such repair will be close to the cost of the phone itself;
    • The item cannot be used for a minimum of thirty days during the year during the warranty period, provided that it has already gone through several repairs;
    • The repair period is over 45 days - which also gives the right to return the phone.

    If the item under warranty requires repair, instead of returning it to the store while the repair work is ongoing, the buyer has the right to demand that the seller temporarily and free of charge provide an analogue for use. Whether you can take advantage of this right depends on your initiative; the seller is not obliged to offer this option himself.

    The rules for returning a purchased mobile phone within the allotted two-week period oblige the seller to return your money within three days. If the purchased mobile phone is really subject to return, you can also exchange it for a similar working one. The store must provide the goods for exchange within no more than twenty days.

    When considering how to get your own money back for a purchased low-quality phone, it is important to know one nuance - the period for handing over the goods to the store in this case can be increased in proportion to the warranty period issued by the store. But you will have to order an examination to identify the fact of a manufacturing defect.

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    How to return a phone to a store

    To return the phone, which the seller is often not very happy about and does not always respond with immediate consent, the store administration needs to submit a corresponding application (claim). The statement indicates when you purchased what and at what price, why you want to give the phone back, and thereby confirm the fact of purchase. Whether it is possible to fill out such an application directly in the store or not, it is better to prepare it in advance and slowly, so that the seller does not have the opportunity to delay until the 14 days given to you expire to return the goods.

    Regardless of whether the store wants to engage in dialogue and whether it is possible to resolve the issue without the intervention of third parties, filing a claim with the store is a mandatory step. The submitted application must be considered within no more than ten days. If you want to exchange the product, the deadline for fulfilling your request is 7 days if the phone is on the store shelves, and 20 days if you need to order it.

    Since a faulty gadget can be returned to the store, refusal is impossible if you apply on time. When the seller interferes and does not allow you to take the money or return the item in dispute, Rospotrebnadzor or the court come to the rescue.

    Many consumers who have set themselves the goal of “I want to return the product” actually have the right to do so - to get their money back virtually the next day. But there are cases when they can be quite legitimately refused. Is it possible to do anything and when will we consider further.

    Working new mobile phone

    The law on the protection of rights allows consumers to return goods within 2 weeks from the date of purchase (subject to the conditions of preservation of the presentation and not broken tags and seals). But, since the phone is classified as a complex phone that cannot be returned, the situation is changing. Phones and other electronics cannot be returned if they were sold in full working order and are not defective.

    You have the right to neither exchange nor return your mobile device to the store if you simply don’t like it, you want a different color or with different characteristics. It is important to take this into account when answering the question of whether it is possible to exchange or return smartphones if they are not suitable for buyers. Before you return your new phone, you need to take care of the evidence. If you contact us on the day of purchase, the chances of returning your phone without any problems are much higher, but if you have already been using the device for several days, an expert examination is needed. Is it possible to do it yourself? You have this right, but it’s better to let the seller handle it.

    Rights of any buyer when purchasing mobile gadget also include the opportunity to be present during the examination. This standard procedure, so that you can return the smartphone to the seller who does not admit his guilt. Before submitting the goods for inspection, indicate in the application your intention to attend the examination, otherwise it will be carried out without you quite legally. Whether it is possible to get a refund for a completed purchase will depend on the results of the verification. If it turns out that you were sold a working new phone and problems due to improper use, you will not be able to return the device. Moreover, it is you who will have to pay for the examination in this case. Is it possible to hand over an item that is damaged due to your carelessness - definitely not.

    After purchasing the device, it is important to keep all accompanying documentation, including the sales receipt. These documents will serve as proof of purchase if you need to return it. Can this be done if there is no receipt? Yes, provided that other papers have been preserved indicating when and where the item was purchased.

    Based on the above, is it possible to return a serviceable item to the salon - definitely no; is it possible to return a defective phone that is faulty through no fault of yours back to the store - definitely yes.

    Phone of poor quality, defective, under warranty

    Almost any gadget of poor quality can be returned with full financial compensation, especially a new phone that does not work or does not work correctly through no fault of the buyer. If there are manufacturing defects or other malfunctions that arose before purchasing the item, the consumer has a guaranteed right to file a claim with the store within fourteen days from the date of purchase. What would need to be returned along with this product – all accompanying documents and components.

    At your discretion, and not as the seller’s seller decides, you have the right to get your money back, exchange the broken phone for a similar new one, demand repairs, or, if you agree to take back the low-quality one, demand a reduction in its price with a refund of the difference.

    If you are interested in how to return a faulty phone, do not forget that this device usually has a warranty period. It allows consumers to return an item even if two weeks have passed since the date of purchase. The conditions for this are as follows:

    • Serious design flaw of the smartphone;
    • Violation of deadlines warranty repair(more than 45 days);
    • The total period of time a device needs to be repaired over a year is more than 30 days.

    When you contact the store after 14 days from the date of purchase of the item, be prepared for the seller to order a quality check (examination).

    Return to the online store

    To return a phone if it is defective or of poor quality, the PLA for the return of consumer protection sets several different rules. The law states that an item can be returned to an online store within seven days from the date it was delivered to consumers. However, a return is possible even if the device is in working order, since the activities of online stores are not covered by the list of goods that are prohibited from returning (with the exception of personal items).

    If the seller has not set a seven-day deadline in writing for you when returning a cell phone, the return period increases to three months (90 days).

    But in order to return the money and return the phone to the store, the following conditions must be met:

    • The presentation of the device is perfectly preserved;
    • The smartphone has not been used;
    • There are documents confirming the fact and cost of the purchase.

    It is not possible to return a new device to the store even if the mentioned conditions are met if it was made to order for you (engraving, color, etc.).

    The buyer has the right to refuse the purchase without consequences, even on the day of purchase. He does not have to pay any compensation for the return. The return of a faulty product if its price in the online store has changed is carried out with recalculation.

    The device was purchased on credit

    For many today, the question of whether it is possible to exchange or return to the store goods purchased on credit is still open. The law protecting consumer rights allows this to be done. At the same time, the procedure for returning goods in this case is almost no different from that provided for purchases with personal funds.

    Sequence of actions:

    1. Obtain from the bank a statement about the balance of the debt and payments made, if any.
    2. Bring to the seller the device purchased from him with all accompanying documents, bank statement and cash receipt.
    3. Submit an application to the administration to return the phone to the store, indicating the early repayment of the loan and the reason for the return.
    4. Expect your requirements to be met.

    Keep in mind that the answer to your question “can I get back the money I spent on buying a phone with a loan?” It also depends on whether you made your monthly payments correctly (if enough time has passed to fulfill such obligations). Until the seller cancels the contract with you, you are obligated to pay the bank. The paid funds are then returned to you by the store. Even if the defective item is exchanged for a replacement in the store, the contract is still reissued to receive a new phone.

    Again, according to the law, returning a smartphone is only permissible if it is of poor quality. There is no obligation to accept a defective product back or exchange it.

    When can I return my phone to the store?

    Is it possible to return the goods you purchased, and in what case have we considered? Now it’s worth looking in more detail at the timing of this procedure. Civil code operating in the territory Russian Federation, Article 502 establishes that a purchased item of inadequate quality can be returned within two weeks from the date of purchase. These fourteen days are counted from the date following the day of acquisition, that is, if we count it inclusively, we get fifteen days. Moreover, if the last day for delivery of goods falls on a weekend, it is postponed to the first working day following this weekend.

    By law, no store has the right to reduce this period, even when it states such conditions in the contract, on a cash receipt or anywhere else. Such a reduction is a direct violation of Russian legislation.

    In accordance with Article 19 of the PLA, the return of a phone for which a warranty period has been established is extended for the period of validity warranty period. That is, if you have a document issued by the store that states that your device has a one-year warranty, you have the right to make a claim to the seller within a year. Of course, if malfunctions occur through no fault of yours. If you are not given a warranty coupon, the store is liable for two years.

    In the event that your cellular seller has taken for free repair, elimination of defects, the warranty is extended for the time that the device was repaired. Is it possible to demand free analogue during renovation? By law, yes.

    The store must return the phone within a month and a half and issue documents confirming the repair and warranty extension.

    The seller refused to return

    When a buyer wants to return a phone of poor quality within the first two weeks after purchasing it, this is his legal right, but sellers often neglect it, trying to relieve themselves of all responsibility.

    Stores do have grounds for refusal in the following cases:

    • The return period for the phone, including warranty, has expired;
    • There are no documents confirming the fact of purchasing the device from this seller;
    • The product was sold in good condition, defects were received after the sale due to the fault of the buyer (the rules allow the store to submit the item for examination).

    If you were refused, citing the fact that it was a factory defect and the store was not responsible for it, this is not an excuse. Accordingly, your rights upon return were violated. In such a situation, the consumer first submits a claim to the administration to return the product (phone) and then, if there is no effect, to Rospotrebnadzor or the court.

    Claim for product return

    In the event that the on-site seller does not agree to accept his product back with the return of the money paid for it in full, in accordance with consumer rights laws, it is necessary to submit an official, written return request to the store administration cash. Let us remind you that you can return the phone back to the store only if it is of poor quality and does not correspond to the characteristics declared for it.

    Whether this claim will be used for further proceedings or in your situation is a simple formality - it does not matter, the claim is drawn up in two copies. One is given to the administration, the second you keep, but the responsible employee is obliged to put on it the date of reception and registration number.

    The return claim is accompanied by a copy of the sales receipt and copies of other documents indicating the fact of purchase and the warranty period. To ensure that your rights are not violated, you must write a claim in which you clearly formulate all your requirements (you want to receive your money, exchange or repair, do you need an analogue for use, do you want to attend the examination of the product, if it is carried out, etc. ).

    The claim is considered within ten days with a mandatory written, official response. The same ten-day period also includes a refund.

    Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

    Rospotrebnadzor is an executive body whose activities are directly related to the protection of consumer rights. Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own territorial department, guided by the same law, where citizens should contact if necessary. The current legislation in our case provides several reasons to contact Rospotrebnadzor:

    • Identification of violations of consumer rights in the form of provision of low-quality services, provision of false information;
    • Inclusion in the transaction of conditions that are contrary to the law and infringe on the rights of the buyer (if the return period was reduced by the seller).

    Despite the fact that these issues are directly within the competence of Rospotrebnadzor, the protection of consumer rights to at this stage only establishes the fact of a violation. If you have a property dispute with the seller, you will also have to go to court. This need arises when the store categorically refuses to refund the money for the phone.

    You can file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor during a personal visit to the territorial authority or by sending registered letter with a list of investments and return notification. For convenience, you can also use the online portal - send a complaint through the government services website, but this requires prior registration. Regardless of the method of filing, the period for consideration of a complaint by Rospotrebnadzor is 30 days from the date of its receipt.

    The whole procedure takes a lot of time and may entail additional financial expenses, so before filing a complaint, make sure whether it is possible to return the purchased phone to the store in your particular case.

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    The language of jurisprudence is quite difficult for the average person to understand, which is probably why not only laws are written in a complex and confusing way, but also such necessary things of everyday life as contracts and.

    Let's consider a trivial situation. A man bought a mobile phone. Being confident that he can return it in 14 days safe and sound if the cell phone is not convenient. A consumer comes to a store asking for a replacement with another model and is refused. Man is upset, the mobile was intended as a gift
    to an elderly person.

    The buttons on the selected model turned out to be inconvenient and, accordingly, it was impossible to use the phone. What to do in such an everyday situation, buy a new phone, putting this one on the shelf, or try to protect your rights by referring to the law?

    Will consumer protection laws help?

    The majority of the population knows that non-grocery goods must be accepted by the store within 14 days. Let's take a closer look at whether this is true. Article 25 of the Law “On the Russian Federation” says that the buyer can return undamaged and unused goods within a specified period (14 days) to the seller from whom the purchase was made.

    Based on an excerpt from the law, you can demand, rather than ask the store, to exchange a cell phone for another or return the money. In response to a demand, as a rule, the phrase sounds: “read
    pay attention to the law." We read and understand that there is a clue, on the basis of which the return of the mobile phone did not take place - list of products not subject to exchange on the general basis referred to in Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation.

    Why did the exchange and return of the phone not take place?

    The last line of Article 25, referring to a separate register of goods that are not subject to exchange or return, forces you to read more carefully legislative framework RF. Of the entire list of non-returnable goods, point 11 is interesting, which sellers love to refer to.

    The appendix to the article says that a mobile phone cannot be exchanged, since it has service, manufacturer's warranty and can only be accepted back if a manufacturing defect is detected. In other words, all category attributes "technically complex household goods":

    1. Metal cutting machines;
    2. Household woodworking machines;
    3. Electrical household machines;
    4. Electrical appliances;
    5. Radio-electronic household equipment;
    6. Multiplying household appliances;
    7. Household computer technology;
    8. Photographic equipment;
    9. Cinematographic equipment;
    10. Facsimile equipment;
    11. Telephone sets;
    12. Electric musical instruments;
    13. Electronic toys;
    14. Gas household equipment;
    15. Gas household appliances.

    Reading this list, I would like to understand which of these products belongs to cell phone. Similar bewilderment is caused by the instructions included in each box, where it is written in black and white: “a telephone is a portable radio station,” the exchange and return of which operates according to completely different rules. Moreover, certified models have OKP code 65 7140, which was assigned to them according to the all-Russian product classifier.

    And despite the fact that the mobile device also has a warranty and service, like the above products, it replacement must take place at the buyer's request within 14 days, not counting the day of sale/purchase.

    OKP protects consumer rights

    After reading this necessary document, it is not difficult to find out that exchange and return of the phone must take place without fail. Evasion of execution threatens the seller with large fines, since such a violation is considered an administrative crime.

    Grounds. According to OKP from the General Classifier number 005 -93, household and radio-electronic equipment have codes from 65 8000 to 65 8900. Further, carefully, in the certificate received from the seller, the code 65 7140 is indicated, which classifies the cell phone as a “means of radio communication, radio broadcasting and television of general use” (extract from the law). The common name: “cellular device”, “mobile phone”, “mobile device”, “cell phone” cannot be a basis for refusing a return, since it is used only in everyday life, for the convenience of identifying the item.

    Duel of laws on the return of a mobile phone, or the help of a professional lawyer

    As such, there is no law on the return of a mobile phone in a single form. A previously published letter from Rospotrebnadzor from the tenth year, clearly defining the exchange of return of mobile phones, was hastily deleted, but not cancelled. An ordinary person is unlikely to be able to painlessly collect the necessary
    evidence base for protecting your rights, which was described in detail above.

    To save time and nerves, contact professional lawyers, for whom Russian laws are their home. In a law office, you will not only be able to get detailed advice on an issue that interests you, but also draw up an agreement for the provision of services to protect your interests by a professional lawyer. Based on the agreement and power of attorney, a lawyer will be able to protect your interests not only in court, but also directly before the seller.

    Does it make sense to contact professionals to return your mobile phone? It's up to you to decide. It depends on the value of the goods in question and how much you want to restore justice. After all, you not only have the right to buy a phone, you have the right to use it with pleasure.

    Unfortunately, not a single answer here was correct! The only user, Igor, replied that the telephone set is not included - the list of technically complex goods, BUT it is included in the list of durable goods and, accordingly, it is also subject to separate (exceptional) rules. The State Duma is already considering the issue of excluding telephone sets from this list, but until this happens, telephone sets are subject to the resolution given below, or rather the paragraph from it.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55 “On approval of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods, a list of durable goods that are not subject to the buyer’s requirement to provide him with a free supply for the period of repair or replacement of a similar product, and a list of non-food products of adequate quality, not subject to return or exchange for a similar product of another size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration" (as amended on October 20, 1998, October 2, 1999, February 6, 2002, July 12, 2003, 1 February 2005, February 8, May 23, December 15, 2006, March 27, 2007, January 27, 2009)

    List of non-food products of proper quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for similar goods of other sizes, shapes, dimensions, styles, colors or configurations (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55) (as amended on October 20, 1998 , February 6, 2002)

    1. Goods for the prevention and treatment of diseases at home (sanitary and hygiene items made of metal, rubber, textiles and other materials, medical instruments, instruments and equipment, oral hygiene products, spectacle lenses, child care items, medicines)
    2. Personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, combs, hairpins, hair curlers, wigs, hairpieces and other similar products)
    3. Perfume and cosmetic products
    4. Textile goods (cotton, linen, silk, wool and synthetic fabrics, goods made from non-woven materials such as fabrics - ribbons, braid, lace and others); cable products (wires, cords, cables); construction and finishing materials (linoleum, film, carpeting and others) and other goods sold by the meter
    5. Sewing and knitted products (sewing and knitted linen products, hosiery products)
    6. Products and materials in contact with food, made of polymeric materials, including for single use (tableware and kitchen utensils, containers and packaging materials for storing and transporting food products)
    7. Household chemicals, pesticides and agrochemicals
    8. Household furniture (furniture sets and sets)
    9. Products made of precious metals, with precious stones, made of precious metals with inserts of semi-precious and synthetic stones, cut precious stones
    10. Cars and motorbikes, trailers and numbered units for them; mobile devices small-scale mechanization of agricultural work; pleasure boats and other household watercraft
    11. Technically complex goods household use, for which warranty periods are established (household metal-cutting and woodworking machines; household electrical machines and appliances; household radio-electronic equipment; household computing and copying equipment; photographic and film equipment; telephones and fax equipment; electric musical instruments; electronic toys; household gas equipment and devices)
    12. Civilian weapons, main parts of civilian and service firearms, ammunition for them
    13. Animals and plants
    14. Non-periodical publications (books, brochures, albums, cartographic and musical publications, sheet art publications, calendars, booklets, publications reproduced on technical media)

    What to do if you don’t like the recently purchased phone? Surely many have encountered a similar situation at least once. It is worth knowing your consumer rights to resolve the problem.

    Let's find out if it's possible to return a working phone to the store if it just doesn't fit.

    Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

    If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact the online consultant form on the right or call free consultation:

    How to speed up the exchange or return process?

    You can use a little trick: the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” stipulates that the seller must provide complete information about the product. But, as a rule, store consultants often do not talk about the lack of any functions in a certain product model, because their goal is to sell.

    In addition, complete with modern phones instead of detailed instructions they only sell quick guide user . Therefore, when contacting a store with a request to return or exchange a product, you may well refer to the fact that upon purchase you were not provided with comprehensive information about certain functions of the product.

    Often the store is more willing to agree to exchange goods. If the store has a phone model that suits you, a compromise option of exchanging rather than returning the goods will be the easiest way out of the situation.

    If you exchange for a phone model of a different cost, the store will recalculate and return the difference, or you will have to pay extra for a more expensive model.

    What documents do I need to provide?

    When a consumer contacts a store about an exchange or return working phone on the day of purchase, it is enough for him to have with him a document confirming the purchase, as well as the product itself, complete.

    If the buyer contacts the store later (but), he will need to write an application and provide identification. The application must indicate the reason, at which the consumer intends to return or exchange the purchase.

    The reasons may be different: inappropriate dimensions of the equipment, equipment, color, etc. If the consumer decides to return or exchange the phone without explaining the reason, he thereby gives the seller the opportunity to refuse this request on formal grounds.

    So, basic rules for returning a phone which didn't work:

    • no more than 14 days have passed since the date of purchase (not counting the day of purchase);
    • the presentation is preserved, there are no traces of use;
    • The consumer should contact the store with the complete product, documents for the product and an identity document.

    Funds are returned to the buyer within three days from the date of application. In case of payment of money for bank card The time frame may take a little longer - up to 10 days.

    Returning a phone purchased through an online store

    You can return an unsuitable phone purchased in an online store or by phone before receiving the goods and within 7 days from the date of receipt. The consumer should contact the management of the online store through a written statement.

    The cost of delivery of goods in case of refusal of it is not reimbursed by the store., and the refund for the product itself occurs within 10 days to a bank card.

    How to return your phone within 14 days without any problems - watch the video tip: