• VKontakte full computer version. VKontakte - mobile version of VK: login

    Despite the blocking of VKontakte by the Ukrainian authorities, social network remains popular throughout the former USSR. Almost every smartphone, be it Android or iPhone, has the VK mobile application. But what if we want to get a social network on our computer and not use the browser version? This is exactly what we will tell our readers about today. The article will talk about how to download VK for free to your computer or laptop. Let's get started.

    Download for PC

    You can get the VK program for your computer in different ways. Their choice will depend on the used operating system. Users of the new OS 10 or 8 will be able to download and install VK through the store; users of older axes will have to use an Android emulator. One way or another, we will describe both methods.

    Installation on Windows 8 and 10

    Downloading VK is very simple and completely free. We do the following:

    1. Open the Microsoft Store (you can find it through search).
    1. Now you need to use the store search and enter a query in the line. When the result we need appears in the results, click on it.
    1. Next, you should download VK to your PC. Click the [k]Get button.
    1. We are waiting for the download to finish, it will not take much time.
    1. When the VK download is complete, we can launch the application directly from the store.

    The shortcut will also appear in the [k]Start menu.

    For Windows XP, Vista and 7

    For PC on Windows based XP, Vista, 7 will have to use an Android emulator. There are several similar programs, but through trial and error we were able to determine that the best one is Blue Stacks. On our website you can get the latest Russian version of the application by clicking the button:

    Download BlueStacks 3

    You can read about how to properly install an Android emulator. Once it is ready for use, do the following:

    1. Go to the [k]My applications tab and enter search bar word [k]VKontakte. Next, click on the magnifying glass icon (marked with the number [k]3).
    1. Click on the icon we need in the search results.
    1. It's time to establish contact on the computer. On home page applications, press the [k]Install button.
    1. Now you need to grant the application the required permissions. To do this, click [k]Accept.
    1. We are waiting for VKontakte to download and install.

    In this article I will show all the ways to log into VK. We will learn how to open my VKontakte page on any computer, phone or tablet. I will also tell you what to do if you can’t log in.

    How to enter Contact

    You can access your VK page from any device with Internet access and a website viewer. From the computer mobile phone, tablet. Even from TV.

    Right now I will show you how to open your page on popular devices. I’ll also tell you what to do if your profile doesn’t open.

    VK login from a computer

    1. Open a new tab.

    2. In the top line, type vk.com or vkontakte.ru in English letters without spaces and press Enter on the keyboard.

    3. Will open either personal profile VKontakte, or home page site.

    If the main page opens, you need to log in. To do this, in the window on the right side, type your profile information: phone number or email, password. Then click on the “Login” button.

    After this, my page (wall) or news will load. This is the VKontakte entrance. Now you can fully use the site: listen to music, play games, chat with friends, join interest groups.

    This method works in any Internet program: Google Chrome, Yandex, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and others.

    Note: many users access VK through the Yandex or Google search engine. They simply type the request “VKontakte my page” and follow the links. I do not advise doing this because you may end up on a fraudulent site by mistake.

    As a result, you will enter your data there and lose access to your profile. Therefore, it is better to log into VK using the method that I showed. You can also add the site to your browser bookmarks or make it your start page.

    VK login from a phone or tablet

    There are two ways to open your page from a phone or tablet:

    • Via browser
    • Via mobile application

    Login via browser happens the same way as in the computer version.

    At the top of the Internet program, type m.vk.com and go to this address.

    The mobile version of the site will open, where we print the login information to my page. And click “Login”.

    The news page will load. That's it - you're logged in!

    The application is special program, which is installed on a mobile device.

    It is convenient if you use the social network frequently. It makes it easier to work with the site: correspond, listen to music, read news. In addition, the application is always online. This means that if someone writes a message, you will receive it immediately.

    Eat official application from the Contact team and several unofficial ones from private developers (see table).

    Pros Cons Installation link
    Official VK application ✔ Not only correspondence, but also audio calls
    ✔ It is possible to delete a message from all participants in the conversation
    ✔ Convenient to listen to music
    ✘ Works slowly (especially on older phones)
    ✘ Freezes and crashes at times
    ✘ Drains battery quickly
    Kate Mobile(Android) ✔ Works quickly
    ✔ Rarely glitches
    ✔ You can choose a theme and font size
    ✔ There is an invisible mode (anonymous mode)
    ✔ Can be installed on SD card
    ✘ There are problems with loading photos in the feed Android
    Alternative client (Apple) ✔ Works quickly
    ✔ Doesn’t glitch or freeze
    ✔ You can choose the font size in messages
    ✔ There is an invisible mode (anonymous mode)
    ✘ You cannot upload photos to albums
    ✘ No video
    ✘ No music

    Note: You can install several applications at once. Usually after a little testing it becomes clear which one is more suitable.

    How to install the application

    I’ll show you using the official VK application for Android as an example. Unofficial versions are installed in the same way.

    2. Click the “Install” button and wait for the download to complete.

    3. An icon will appear on the screen through which the program is launched. Let's open it.

    4. We print our login information for the social network and click “Login”.

    5. Click “Next” several times and at the end “Let’s go!”

    6. The “News” section will open. To move to other sections, use the bottom of the program.

    Login to my VKontakte page without a password or login

    Login and password are the data used to log into the social network. You can't get into your profile without them.

    Most often, the login is the mobile number to which the page was registered. Less commonly, it is an email address. And the password is a set English letters and numbers. It is also created during registration.

    How to log in without a password if you have access to your phone

    1. Open the site vk.com and in the login form click on “Forgot your password?”.

    2. Enter your phone number or email, to which the page was registered. Click Next.

    3. Type the letters and numbers from the picture. Click "Submit".

    4. Enter the last name that is listed in your profile and click “Next.”

    5. If the last name matches, then Contact will find your profile. Click on “Yes, this is the right page.”

    6. Get the code.

    It will come via SMS to your phone. Enter it in the “Confirmation code” column and click “Send code”.

    Type New Password for your profile twice and click “Submit”.

    A message will appear indicating that the data was successfully modified. Now you need to click on the VK logo in the upper left corner of the site. Then log in to my VKontakte page using the new password.

    How to log in without a password if you don’t have access to your phone

    If you do not have access to the phone number to which the page was registered, you will have to go through a recovery procedure to log in.

    1. Open the site vk.com and in the form on the right side, click “Forgot your password?”.

    3. Type a unique profile address, for example, vk.com/id123

    If you don't know your address, click the "Click Here" link below.

    Now use the person search form to find your page. To do this, type your first and last name from your profile on the top line. If there are too many people with such data, specify the parameters: country, city, age, etc.

    When you find your profile in the list, click on the “This is my page” link.

    4. Follow the recovery instructions.

    Typically you need to do the following:

    Now I will show you step by step how to identify the problem and solve it.

    If you are on the territory of Ukraine, then in your case we are talking about a global blocking. The same applies to users who try to open a social network on a work or school computer. In these cases, only .

    Step 1: check the website address

    First you need to look at the site addresses. It is listed in the top line of the browser. It must say vk.com or

    If something else is indicated in this line instead of vk.com, then you are on a fraudulent site.

    The website “Welcome | VKontakte" and the address bar says vk.com? So, everything is fine - go to your profile and use it. Just to be on the safe side, change your password and log into VK from now on.

    And if something wrong is written in the address bar again, it means there is a virus on the computer. Proceed directly to step 3.

    Step 2: try to log in from another device

    So you've completed the first step. Everything is correct in your address bar, but VK still won’t open. Moreover, other Internet pages work properly.

    1. Open the Internet browsing program;
    2. Top line type m.vk.com and go to this address.

    If the site does NOT open on another device. This means the problem is global. It happens that Contact is not available throughout the Internet. This happens when developers update the system or when problems occur on the site. technical problems. I advise you to just wait a couple of hours and try to log in again.

    If the site opened on another device, but it still doesn’t work on yours, which means it’s a local problem. Proceed to the next step.

    Step 3: remove the virus

    There are viruses that block websites on your computer. This usually applies to popular resources: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Yandex, Mail.ru. Now I will show you how to clean your computer from such viruses.

    1. Cleaning the hosts file.

    To do this, go to “Computer” (Start - Computer) and open that Local disk on which the system is located. Typically this is Local Drive C.

    Then open Windows folder, in it System32, then drivers and in it the etc folder. There will be a hosts file.

    It needs to be opened via Notepad. To do this, double-click on hosts with the left mouse button and select Notepad in the window.

    Now we delete the line where it says vk.com. Usually it looks like in the picture (the numbers may be different).

    And let's try to get in touch

    Mobile version VKontakte is the No. 1 social networking site in the CIS, specially adapted for the small screens of mobile phones (the total audience per day is more than 80 million people, and the number of views is more than 1 billion). Every year more and more more people They use smartphones to access social networks, and it is quite natural that some problems arise. In this material we will tell you how to solve them.

    VK: Mobile version

    If you don’t have a smartphone or tablet at hand from which the user visits the VKontakte social network daily, then help will come laptop or regular computer. Of course, in some cases it is more convenient to use the full version of VK, but some people only like the mobile version. For just such a case, we are happy to announce that you can also use the mobile version on your computer!

    How to log into the mobile version of VKontakte via a computer or laptop

    When entering the official VK website, the user sees a regular wall and sections on the left. The desktop version in the browser address bar looks like this: https://vk.com (the site protocol must be secure with the letter “s” at the end, otherwise there is a risk of getting caught on another site).
    To access the mobile version of VK, just enter the following address in the address bar of your browser - https://m.vk.com. As you can see, the difference in the address is the addition of the letter “m”, which means mobile.

    The prefix “m” in the VK Internet address

    When you access the site from a smartphone or tablet, you are automatically redirected to the mobile version.
    By the way, you can open the full version of VK from your phone. To do this, look for the “Full version” item on the left side of the site.

    Attention! there are answers to the most common problems with the mobile version of VK, namely:

    How to switch to the full version of VK on a smartphone?

    Why does the mobile version open on a computer (laptop) instead of the full version?

    If you haven’t found the answer to your question, ask it in the comments, we’ll try to answer quickly!

    What is the difference between the mobile version of VKontakte and the full version?

    For a hands-on comparison, log in to the regular version - . And in another tab, open the mobile version of VK. There are very few differences between the full and mobile versions of VK, but there are some advantages that are worth considering:

    1. The mobile version has a more compact interface;
    2. The font is larger, so all menu items are visible very clearly;
    3. Lack of built-in advertising in the site interface;
    4. Fast loading of the social network, as unnecessary elements almost none.
    5. The functions of the mobile version are in no way reduced.
    6. The window adjusts to any resolution - if we start to reduce the browser window with the mobile version of VK, then there will be no horizontal scroll bar, and all elements will be adjusted to the specified window size.

    On desktop VKontakte, these signs are completely different, with the exception of functionality, of course. If you go to the full version, targeted advertising will be shown among the sections on the left, which cannot be disabled even with the help of a blocker.
    The font is much smaller, although this problem can be solved by increasing the browser window scale.

    For comparison, font sizes in the mobile and full versions of VK:

    Regular font

    Font in mobile version on PC

    As for loading the site, the full version has more elements, as well as more code. Various scripts take especially long to load. If there is little traffic and the Internet is not very fast, it is preferable to use the mobile version from both a smartphone and a PC.

    Interface of the mobile version of VKontakte

    Let's look at the main sections that are available in the mobile version of the VK social network. These sections are also available in the desktop edition. Only the location of the functions changes.

    VK mobile version settings

    If you go into the settings, then, as in the full version, there are the following sections, arranged compactly and minimalistically:

    Account– contains parameters that allow:

    In the full version, there are many more options in the security section.
    Privacy– here are the main parameters where you can configure:

    • visibility of basic profile information;
    • visibility of photos for users;
    • visibility of saved photos;
    • group display;
    • displaying a list of audio recordings;
    • displaying a list of gifts;
    • hiding friends;
    • visibility of notes on the wall;
    • interaction with other users;
    • web page visibility

    Next section - Alerts. Here you can set up notifications about actions that are taken in relation to your page, for example, when someone puts the “Like” mark, a dark window will appear showing that they liked it. These parameters can be configured as the user wants.
    Blacklist– people with whom the user no longer wants to communicate are added here.
    Money transfers– using the VK service you can send funds to other people, and this section will display completed transactions.

    What VKontakte applications are there for mobile phones?

    On the Internet you can find many different applications for Android and iOS devices. Of course, it is worth installing software that has earned the trust of users and not downloading applications from dubious sources.
    The most the best option is official VKontakte application. This client Available on both Android and iOS. Availability Material Design makes the interface very pleasant to look at. The official client is very convenient to work with, but there are drawbacks in terms of restrictions on listening to music up to 30 minutes a day and advertising. As for the load, the application is quite heavy and can consume a lot of system resources.
    In terms of functionality, most applications are no different from the desktop version of VK.
    VK Coffee for Android is a modification of the official client. There are features such as invisibility, using multiple accounts, no advertisements, PIN code protection and much more. You can download music to your phone.
    VK MP3 mod – supports the function of invisibility for other users, working with multiple profiles, encrypting correspondence, using large quantity various stickers. The special feature is downloading music in unlimited quantities.
    Kate Mobile is one of the popular and convenient clients for VK. Has the following advantages:

    1. Lightweight client that does not take up much space on the device;
    2. Invisibility mode for users;
    3. Support for multiple accounts;
    4. No VK advertising;
    5. Flexible customization of the interface type;
    6. Saving music to cache (Pro version only);
    7. Fast and stable client that works without errors.

    Using this program for a smartphone, the user can configure appearance for yourself. Login is carried out not only using a PIN code, but also with a fingerprint.
    If the user wants to listen to music and save it in the cache, he will have to download Pro version from the official website of the application, since it is not in the Play Market.
    Lynt lite - the client is very similar to the official one. Made in Material Design style and has the same functions. Features in appearance and design themes.
    VKontakte Amberfog is another popular client made according to the Material Design concept. Has the same functionality as Kate Mobile. Most of these options can only be used for money. If you don’t want to pay, you can complete tasks for which the user will be awarded coins. For them you can buy some Amberfog function for a month.
    Phoenix Lite - the only difference is in design, the functions are the same as in other clients.
    Polyglot VKontakte - there are no differences. The disadvantage is the lack of music and video sections.
    As we see, clients for mobile devices so many. And if you like simplicity and accessibility, then nothing prevents you from using the mobile version of VK from a computer or laptop.

    Useful video - How to make a mobile version in VK:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v296tljggV8 Video can’t be loaded: How to make a Mobile version in VK (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v296tljggV8)

    Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the mobile version of VKontakte:

    How to switch to the mobile version of VK on a computer?

    Switching to the mobile version of VK is very easy - just add a letter to the web address of the site https://vk.com/ "m". Together it will look like this: https://m.vk.com/

    How to switch to the mobile version of VK on a smartphone?

    If for some reason you have opened the desktop version of the social network on your phone, it doesn’t matter - do the same thing in the URL input field as in the previous answer - add the prefix “m” to the address.

    How to upgrade to the full version of VK on a smartphone or laptop?

    This can be done in two ways - or click on special item menu “Full version”, which is available both on the phone and on the computer, or remove the prefix “m” in the URL line.

    Why does the mobile version open on a computer (laptop) instead of the full version?

    One of the reasons is that you could involuntarily save the mobile version in your browser bookmarks. Another reason is that in your browser you click a link to your last saved visits, where there may be a version of VK for mobile phones. To prevent this, enter a query in the search bar (usually something like ml vk com or m.vk.com login) and then click on the VK website without the prefix “m” in the URL.

    Why does it open on my phone? full version VK instead of mobile?

    The same situation (only the opposite) can occur on a smartphone. If to enter VK you click on the last page you visited, or on a saved bookmark with regular version, then to change the situation and get to the mobile version, just click in the search on the Vkontakte website with the prefix “m”.

    Attention! Friends, if you still have questions or unresolved problems related to the mobile version of VK, feel free to ask them in the comments (below)!

    Did you know about these VKontakte opportunities?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rhA9_9DM6U Video can’t be loaded: 5 SECRET FUNCTIONS OF VKONTAKTE THAT YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rhA9_9DM6U)

    It happens that the mobile version of VKontakte opens, but you need to enter the full version (regular, web version). How to do this?

    You cannot access the full version in the mobile app on your phone. It is best to use a browser on a computer, laptop, or tablet. But you can also use a browser on your phone (Safari, Chrome), but it will be very small and you will have to enlarge it. Here we talk about all the ways to log in to the full version, on all devices.

    How to switch to the full version

    If you are currently on mobile (m.vk.com), you can switch from mobile to full mode yourself:

    How to open the full version of VK on a computer or tablet

    Click "Full version" in the left column of the menu, below (penultimate item):

    How to open the full version of VK on your phone

    Attention! For mobile application this advice does not apply (an application is a program installed on your phone with the “VK” icon). The full version can be opened in the mobile version of the VK website, which you access through a browser on your phone (for example, Chrome or Safari) at m.vk.com.

    1. Open the main menu in the mobile version ( button on the left top corner in the form of three stripes).
    2. Scroll down if you can't see all the items.
    3. Click "Full version".

    You can also open the full version of VK simply by following the link (more on this later).

    On a phone, the full version will look small, so you will have to move the image with your fingers to make it larger and get where you need it. But if there is no other device besides a smartphone at hand right now, this is a completely workable solution.

    How to quickly open the full version of VKontakte

    You can open the full version of VKontakte through the “Login” start page. Open it at website, find VKontakte and click there. You can connect your page using the button "Entrance"(you will need to give access permission) to always see if you have new messages and other events without going online. You can enter the full version of VK with one click on the rectangle "VKontakte" and also quickly open messages, online friends, new comments, etc.

    How to open the full version of VKontakte using the link

    The full version of VKontakte can be opened directly using this link: Full version. The full version is also called “regular”, “normal”, “web version”, “computer”, “desktop”.

    How can I make sure that the link opens the full version of VK, and not the mobile one?

    Was https://m.vk.com/site
    It became https://vk.com/site

    In exactly the same way, you can correct the address in the browser address bar to open the full version of the same page you are on. You need to click on address bar, remove the letter m and the period at the beginning, and then press Enter on the keyboard (or button “Go”, “Open” in the browser itself).

    Why do you need the full version of VK, why is it better than the mobile one?

    Only in the full version are all the features of the site available that are not available in the mobile version or in phone applications. For example, creating a request for support agents. In addition, in the full version there are no restrictions when restoring access to the page and, in general, there are much fewer problems with this - especially with attaching photos and entering a confirmation code. It also makes it easier to understand the reasons for blocking a page and unblock it. Therefore, for such matters, we recommend always using the full version of the VKontakte website.

    Why is the mobile version opening?

    This usually happens because someone posted a link like m.vk.com...- this letter “m” at the beginning of the link takes you to the mobile version. It’s just that that person was using his mobile phone and copied such a link from himself. When other people click on it, they end up on mobile. It’s okay, because now you know how to access the full version of VKontakte!

    Why doesn't something work in the full version?

    Most often, if you have problems with the full version of the VKontakte website, it means you have problems with your browser. Clear temporary files, reinstall it, update or install another one.

    It happens that the mobile version of VKontakte opens, but you need to enter the full version (normal). How to do this?

    How to switch to the full version

    You can switch from mobile to full-time:

    1. Open the main menu in the mobile version (the button on the left top menu in the form of three stripes).
    2. Scroll down if you can't see all the items.
    3. Click "Full version".

    How to quickly open the full version of VKontakte

    You can open the full version of VKontakte through the “Login” start page. Open it at vhod.cc, find VKontakte and click on the “Login” button. The VKontakte website will connect to home page and you can open the full version of VK with one click on the “VKontakte” rectangle (and you will have cool additional features invisible type). Or you can immediately open the full version by clicking on the “VKontakte” heading on the start page:

    Login - VHOD.cc

    How to open the full version of VKontakte using the link

    The full version of VKontakte can be opened directly via the link: Full version. The full version is also called “computer” or “desktop”.

    How can I make sure that the link opens the full version of VK, and not the mobile one?

    Example. It was https://m.vk.com/vhod_cc It became https://vk.com/vhod_cc

    In exactly the same way, you can correct the address in the browser address bar to open the full version of the same page you are on. You need to click on the address bar, remove the letter m and the period at the beginning, and then press Enter (or the “Go”, “Open” button).

    Why is the mobile version opening?

    This usually happens because someone posted a link like m.vk.com... - that letter “m” at the beginning of the link takes you to the mobile version. It’s just that that person was using his mobile phone and copied such a link from himself. When other people click on it, they end up on mobile. It’s okay, because now you know how to access the full version of VKontakte!

    On topic:


    Switching the VKontakte website from mobile to full version

    Sometimes we can use the VKontakte social network through a mobile phone, iPad, another tablet, and we end up on the mobile version of VK, although we need the full version of the site, which will look the same as on a computer, but some wonder how to switch? In this article, we decided to tell and show how you can easily and simply switch from the mobile version of VK to the full version of the social network.

    Instructions for switching to the full version of the VK website on a mobile phone:

    To go, open the mobile version of VKontakte in the browser on your phone or tablet, scroll to the very bottom of the page, there will be a button or link “Full version”, click on it and you will get what you wanted.

    Instructions for iPad:

    Are you using a tablet from Apple, then a special touch version of the contact will be shown for you. To switch to the full version, turn the iPad horizontally, in the menu on the left, in the form of icons we will see that immediately below the “Settings” icon, there is an icon in the form globe, called “Full version”, click on this button.

    If you do the opposite, you can read how to do it in our article.

    How to remove the VKontakte mobile icon?

    This method is suitable for phones and tablets on which you can download and install Google browser Chrome (Google Chrome), this can be an iPhone, iPad or devices on Android system.

    The first thing you need to do is install a browser, you can download it from our website:

    • After installation, open the vk.com website in it.
    • Log in to your page and then open the chrome menu.
    • Click "Full version required" and then reload or refresh the page.

    After you have done everything according to our instructions, the mobile phone icon next to Online will disappear and will not be displayed.


    How to switch from the mobile version of VKontakte to the full version

    Popular Questions, Page

    There are situations when there is no access to computer devices, you only have a mobile phone or iPad at hand, but you need to use the full version of the VKontakte social network. There can be many reasons: from the banal habit of using the desktop (computer) version to the convenience of working with a group if you are an administrator. Even though the mobile version contains all the functionality of the full version, it is still not enough. I will tell you how to quickly change the mobile version of the site to the full one.

    Upgrade to full version

    Let me start by saying that we are talking exclusively about the mobile version of m.vk.com (link), and not about special applications, of which there are many for different mobile phones.

    In order to use the full version, you need to open any browser, first go to m.vk.com, log in and then find the “Full version” item in the main menu. You will be automatically redirected to vk.com and the social network will take on the same appearance as on your computer. You can immediately switch to the main version without entering your login and password - scroll to the very bottom and click on the corresponding line:

    How to remove the phone icon next to online VKontakte

    When you use VKontakte from your phone, but do not want to advertise your presence on the social network not from your computer, you need to do the following: first of all, download google chrome. Only in this browser is it possible to hide the phone number next to the online sign. Then open the VKontakte page at vk.com, and in the chrome menu select Requires full version.

    After update the icon will disappear. You can also sit on a computer, simulating a mobile phone. To do this, just go to VKontakte via m.vk.com. If you don't have unlimited internet, then there is a special one for you free version VKontakte website 0.vk.com.

    True, this promotion is only for Beeline subscribers.

    How to delete a friend in the mobile version of VKontakte

    You can delete a user only after going to his page. In the Other section, click on More and select Remove from friends from the drop-down list. You can also see how to clear a page of unnecessary subscribers.

    The mobile version was created solely for the convenience of displaying functionality on a small mobile phone screen. Most users of modern mobile devices use various applications for VKontakte.


    VKontakte 4.13.1 download free to computer for Windows and Android

    VKontakte - free application on a computer for Windows, smartphone and tablet on Android, on iPad and iPhone (iOS), as well as for mobile devices on Win Phone.

    Download VKontakte for free on your computer for Windows, because this is a real salvation for active regular users of the popularized Russian social network.

    If you want to visit your favorite resource and not be tied to the only one personal device- computer, then download this software to your mobile phone, or download a convenient and practical program for Windows.

    Now every second Internet user has his own profile in social resources. The most visited social site is, naturally, VKontakte. Many people can no longer imagine everyday life without news feeds, updates from friends, posting photos and, of course, instant online communication. It is now possible to go online without a PC from a smartphone using software application VKontakte.

    This official client is recommended by Pavel Durov himself as the optimal full-featured tool that significantly saves Internet traffic. Once in the application interface, users are asked to log in and enter their personal profile. After that, in the mobile or desktop client you can view/comment on avatars, photos, manage audio recordings, make acquaintances, add friends, publish statuses, watch and recommend video clips, join communities, and subscribe to news/updates. Thus, VKontakte implements best ratio optimality GUI with custom navigation functionality. It should be noted that the compact version of Opera Mini used by many, the only advantage of which is saving traffic, is significantly inferior to the program described.

    How to download VKontakte to your computer

    Download VK to your computer directly EXE file impossible, because There is no such official build. That's why:

    1. For Windows 8, 8.1, 10: just follow the main link (green button) and download the VKontakte application for free through the Store.
    2. For Windows 7, XP, Vista: must be downloaded BlueStacks emulator on your computer and install it, then download VKontakte for Android through it (via Play Store or APK file), install and run the application. This way you can use any Android application on the computer.

    How to install the OLD VKontakte design on a computer? Very simple, see the link for more details

    Download for smartphone/tablet


    How to return the old version of VKontakte

    In April 2016, the social network Vkontakte received new design and design. The old version is already outdated and was around a long time ago. in the test version of the new VKontakte design, each user himself could turn on the new version, check it, and if he was not satisfied with it, then go back to old version VK.

    How to turn on the new version of VK?

    This can be done this way: open the news on the VK blog and at the very end of the page click “Join testing” (this may no longer work).

    How to enable the old version?

    You could return the old one back there, at the very bottom of the narrow left column of the site, a pale gray link. It is called “Return to the old version of the site.” Now not everyone has it, and soon it will disappear completely. Read on:

    Why did the new version turn on by itself and how to get back?

    Since June 9, some VK users (approximately 10 percent) received the new version forcibly, that is, it turned on itself, and they can no longer return to the old one. If this happened to you, then most likely you are one of these users. What to do? You can’t do anything, you can only get used to it, because a person gets used to everything. Try to take this calmly. Some time will pass, and the old version will already seem inconvenient to you. And in any case, the developers of the VK site would not be able to save the old version for you for a long time.

    Reportedly, this is the beginning of a mass transfer of all VK users to the new version. Here is the official news about it. Those who did not fall into the mentioned 10% will still be able to switch to the new version and back to the old one for some time, but then everyone will only have the new version.

    New version of VK on your phone too?

    The new version refers to the full version of the site that people use on computers and tablets. This does not apply to the VK application for phones, which is developed and updated separately (see: How to log into VK from a phone).

    Who doesn't like the new version of VKontakte?

    Not everyone likes the new version of VKontakte. Many people want it back previous version which they find more convenient. Some argue that the new design is too similar to Facebook and even Odnoklassniki. Users even created an online petition demanding that the old version be preserved and given the “right to choose.” Most likely, this will not affect anything. Online petitions are often created for various reasons and thanks to them, information is disseminated very widely. But in reality, the petition has never helped anyone. When the noise subsides, everyone forgets about her.

    VKontakte laughed at its users who promised to leave if they did not return the old version. A month after their promise, they still continued to sit on VK (look at them).

    It is known that some people always greet any major update with hostility, since changing old habits is too painful for them. But over time they calm down.

    Please write below in the comments what you think about the new version of VKontakte! Your opinion is important.

    Why is this important? When you express your opinion, it will become easier, you will release your negativity. True, 92% of people will not read this, but will immediately look for a hole where they can write. Congratulations if you're reading this! If you really want to contact VKontakte employees and ask them to return the old version, try contacting their support service.

    How to log in to the new or old version of VK?

    You can easily log into any version of VKontakte (depending on which one you have now) through Login to VK on my page.