• Recover damaged 7z archive. ZIP Repair – utility for recovering broken ZIP archives

    I had such moments when I could not unpack the archive, and all because it was damaged. This has arisen more than once, and after analyzing it I realized that others Windows users same problem. Fortunately, this problem can be quickly resolved, but not completely.

    In this article I will describe a method that will allow you to fully or partially restore damaged archive files using the archiver itself. We will work with ZIP and RAR archives, but restoring archives of other formats is done according to the same principle. Most likely you already have an archiver installed, otherwise how would you know about the generated archive. For example, it could be one of the most popular archivers - .

    You can download WinRAR from the official website.

    Unpack the damaged archive in two stages, in the first we will begin restoring the archive, and in the second we will begin extraction. Unfortunately, I do not guarantee 100% recovery and unpacking.

    Restoring a damaged archive

    We will restore the archive from using WinRAR, as much as we can. You can try using another archiver.

    First you need to launch the archiver, you can simply launch the program icon. Then you find the damaged archive, select it and in the control panel press the button " To correct"(first aid kit view button).

    If this button is not visible, you can press Alt+R.

    After clicking the required button, a window will appear showing the recovery options. At point "Archive type" choose RAR or ZIP, depending on which archive is damaged, then choose which folder it will be saved in.

    The recovery process will begin. If the file is large, then you will have to wait longer.

    The recovery attempt may fail. In this case, it will not be possible to extract all the files from the archive, but we will try at least some of them.

    Unpacking the damaged archive

    Right-click on the archive and select "Extract files...". A window with parameters should appear where we specify the path. Be sure to check the box next to "Do not delete files extracted with errors", and now click OK.

    This is interesting:

    The extraction process will begin. As I already said, there is no complete certainty that all files will be restored and extracted from the damaged archive, but we tried, I hope everything works out for you. The article is short but clear, I’ll try to find it more information about efficient extraction of files from an archive.

    When you see a message: “data error, perhaps the zip archive is damaged,” and the file in it is very necessary, there is nothing to rejoice at.

    It’s good if there’s another one in stock somewhere or you can download another one online, but if not, it’s a shock.

    Usually the 7 zip program works with this type of container, although there are many others.

    So, you received error 42125 archive zip is damaged or the archiver is simply unable to extract the files because they are in an unknown format - we’ll try to fix this.

    How to open a damaged zip archive

    Such twists of fate with a file in the ZIP format, one of the most popular for processing compressed data, which for some reason is incomplete or damaged and cannot be opened is not uncommon.

    Just before you remove it from your computer, since it is unusable, I suggest you try to restore it using ZIP programs Repair.

    Recovering a damaged zip archive using the program

    The program is free and very easy to use - you can download it right here using the link below or from the author’s website.

    The entire repair process consists of several stages under the guidance of a software assistant.

    The recovery process uses two buttons. The first (the one above) is viewing the damaged archive, the second is the save location after it is restored.

    After indicating to the program the damaged archive or its location and clicking next, in the next window the program will display all its contents, plus the status of each file separately.

    The repair process is quite fast and makes it possible to restore damaged files for viewing. Good luck.


    XP, Windows 7, 8, 10


    You may have already encountered a situation where something downloaded from the Internet or recorded on CD-disk or flash drive ZIP - the archive did not want to open, displaying a message about some kind of damage. Damage to archives is not such a rarity; they all have a clear sequential structure, so even the smallest change can lead to the fact that the archive will not be opened by the built-in ZIP -Windows archiver, not third party .

    The reasons for archive damage can be different. If you downloaded it from the Internet, there could have been a banal connection failure, as a result of which the archive turned out to be under-downloaded; damage to the archive can occur when it is written to damaged media or disks with errors file system. Damage can also result sudden shutdown computer, especially if the archive is in at the moment was opened in some program.

    Agree, it will be very annoying and insulting if an archive with important data suddenly turns out to be damaged. However, you shouldn’t despair, because it can be restored. For these purposes there is special program- . This tool allows you to repackage broken archives so that they can be opened by a regular or third-party archiver. The procedure for restoring archives in is fully automated and does not require any user skills.

    It consists of three stages.

    First you need to press the button "Next" in the window running utility, on the second - indicate the path to the damaged archive, as well as the path to the directory in which it will be restored, on the third - click again "Next" And "Finish". The program will view the contents of the archive, extract it, immediately repack it and save it with the same name and prefix "recovered" , so all you have to do is unpack it in the usual way.

    So, the archive itself has been restored, but what about the files it contains? Unfortunately, if the archive did not contain redundant information, it will not be possible to restore all the files, since they simply will not be extracted. If the damaged file still needs to be extracted, you can try restoring the archive with the program Recovery Toolbox for ZIP. Unlike , this tool performs a deeper scan of the contents of archives, allowing you to extract files with minor damage.

    However, you need to understand that even if extracted, the damaged file will remain damaged, since the program simply has nowhere to take the lost sequence of bytes from. Therefore, there is no guarantee that it will be correctly processed by the application for viewing it. Besides Recovery Toolbox for ZIP costs $27 , and this is too expensive for a one-time use, unless you have to deal with damaged archives constantly.

    Note: file extraction will be complete if only the header and service information of the archive are damaged, and not the packed data itself.

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    Very often there are situations when necessary information in the archive is not available because it is not unpacked. At the same time, an unpleasant message appears: “ archive is damaged" We offer several ways to solve this problem.

    You must have the Winrar program installed on your computer.

    After all the steps taken, a window will appear in which Winrar will ask whether to treat zip or rar. Choose the type of format in which you have a problematic file. Further indicate the location, where to place it, press the button OK.

    We wait for the process to complete and try to open the archive as usual. If the file is very large in size, you will have to wait a little. Doesn't work? Most likely you will have to use other possibilities.

    You can also try extract documents in parts from a damaged archive. You will need:

    It is, of course, possible that there will be several files or no files at all, but you will at least get those that can be extracted.

    In order to increase the likelihood of unpacking, you must, before adding files to the archive, specify recovery information. Especially for very important documents. The procedure will take you a few minutes, but in the future there will be no problems with opening and restoration.

    It's not difficult to do this choose the desired object, right-click on it, select “ Add to archive" A window opens in which we put a checkmark next to the item “ Add recovery information».

    After that, go to the tab in the same window Additionally. Here you will need to set the recovery percentage, I advise you to set it to more than 3% for a positive result. Next, click OK, wait while the utility archives the files

    We use 7Zip

    If the above mentioned manipulations did not help you in any way, do not hesitate to download a powerful archiver 7Zip. It is free, effective, as it supports a huge number of different formats.

    You just need to choose the required version, suitable for your computer, 32 bit version system or 64 bit. Download the program, let's launch. In the window that appears, you need to specify the path to the file that is damaged, click the button Next, as shown in the figure below.

    There is another option for recovery damaged files using the program RAR Recovery Toolbox.

    But I want to warn you right away that the program is paid, if you don’t want to pay, you can look for the Portable version.

    The program is very simple to use, understandable, launch it, press the button Next, following all the requirements.

    Program Hamster Free Zip Archiver also intended for creating and opening archives. Unlike Winrar, it has a beautiful interface and a clear menu. But it can only be created zip formats and 7z. It only unpacks archives in rar format. You can try opening a damaged archive using it. It has been noticed that for most people these attempts are successful.

    Quite often, when working with packaged data in the form of compressed archives of the RAR format (and not only it), you can encounter various kinds of errors with messages that the archive itself or the files or folders in it are damaged and cannot be extracted. Most users, alas, absolutely do not know how to open a damaged RAR archive, believing that this is impossible from the start. In this situation, all users can be immediately reassured, since methods for restoring the integrity of the packed data, unless critical damage is observed, for example, in the form of inconsistency checksums, There is. We will consider the simplest of them below.

    Error “RAR archive is damaged or has an unknown format”: what to do first?

    But first, let's imagine a situation where a user downloaded packaged data from the Internet, and used exclusively trusted sources. The download seemed to go without errors, but when you try to unpack the archiver program reports that the RAR archive is damaged (it does not open standard method). If we are talking specifically about possible data corruption, there is a way out. However, in case of notifications about CRC errors or unexpected end of the archive, it is best to repeat the download using another Internet resource. It is quite possible that on the site where it was produced bootstrap, the archive was already in this state.

    How to recover a damaged RAR archive using a native program?

    It is clear that downloading a file again, especially if it has large size, can take a very long time. What if the traffic is paid? After all, these are additional material costs! Few users know that this situation can be dealt with much more simply, and without resorting to re-downloading.

    How to open a damaged RAR archive? The first step is to use the main utility for working with data of this format - the WinRAR program. In this case, it is advisable to update it to latest version.

    After launching the application in the native window file manager program must be found saved on disk or removable media archive, select it, and then select the archive recovery option from the operations menu, after which you will need to indicate to the application the format of the damaged file (in our case, RAR, not ZIP), and also select the location to save the recovered data. After confirming the operation, the new archive can be opened in 99% of cases out of 100 in a standard way (double click on the file) or in the application itself.

    Extracting files in parts

    Now let's see how to open the damaged RAR archive others, no less in an effective way. If anyone doesn't know, WinRAR program It is absolutely not necessary to unpack the entire archive. This can also be done in parts, saving damaged files in a specified location.

    To do this, you need to run standard unpacking, but in the menu for choosing where to save the extracted data at the very bottom of the window, select the option “Keep extracted files on disk” or “Do not delete files extracted with errors” (for different versions archiver). It is quite possible that at the end of the procedure some slightly damaged data inside the archive itself will be extracted.

    Recovering or opening an archive using the RAR Recovery Toolbox utility

    Finally, we will separately focus on how to open a damaged RAR archive if the above methods did not give the desired effect. To perform such operations, you can use the small utility RAR Recovery Toolbox. It is, however, paid, and without registration you can only perform an analysis of the damaged archive, but you will not be able to restore the data. However, as an option, you can use this application. In it, you just need to select the desired archive and follow the instructions of the “Wizard”.

    In this case, you will need to mark all files that are subject to analysis and recovery, simultaneously paying attention to the icon exclamation mark opposite each of them. If he has blue, restoration can be done. When it's red - no.

    The situation is almost identical to the previous case, when at least part of the information can be extracted from the archive. It may very well be that only some unnecessary files like text instructions or something else, and the main components of the program, if the program in the archive was actually downloaded, will be restored, which will in no way affect the installation or performance of the application.