• Choosing a monitor for your computer. What are the monitor diagonals? What monitor size is suitable for work and home?

    computer monitor is a device designed to display visual (graphic, text, video) information.

    Also, some monitors have built-in sound speakers and can thus reproduce sound, but this feature is not included in the main characteristics of the monitor.

    When purchasing or assembling personal computer(PC) of the individual ones, you should definitely pay attention to the characteristics of the monitor, which we will consider below.

    Previously, a monitor was called a display; now this name is rarely used.

    1 Diagonal length and proportions of the monitor

    Diagonal is measured in inches. 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters. Previously, the measurement (“standard”) of an inch was the width of the thumb on an adult man’s hand. An inch when indicating the diagonal of a monitor is represented by a quotation mark “ - in the form of a double stroke. In English, inch is inch, abbreviated as in.

    Most often you can find monitor models with diagonals of 15”, 17”, 19”, as well as 21”, 23” and 27 inches. The last option (27”) is more suitable for professional designers, photo editors, video editors, etc. Of course, ordinary users can also use it if they have the opportunity and desire to have a large monitor.

    Monitors may have the same size in inches, but they will differ in proportions (Fig. 1).

    Rice. 1 Monitors have the same diagonal, but different proportions

    As for the proportions (the ratio of the length and width of the sides of the monitor), three formats are most widespread -

    • 16:9,
    • 16:10,

    These numbers mean the following. 16:9 - this means that the width of the monitor (horizontally) is 16 conventional units, and the height of the monitor (vertical) is 9 of these same conventional units. More precisely, the width of the monitor is greater than its height by 16 divided by 9 times, that is, 1.78 times.

    And, for example, a ratio of 4:3 means that the width is greater than the height by only 4 divided by 3 times, that is, 1.33 times.

    Monitors with an aspect ratio of 16:9 and 16:10 are widescreen. They are good for watching widescreen and widescreen video movies. It is convenient to open several windows at the same time.

    Monitors with an aspect ratio of 4:3 are convenient for those who work with editors, with graphic files, etc., but for others they are more familiar.

    Monitors with an aspect ratio of 4:3 are often more convenient for work, and 16:9 for entertainment. Nowadays they are more often used widescreen monitors also for work simply because they are more common.

    Rice. 2 Two monitors in one case

    Widescreen monitors are convenient for those who like to work with several at once. Such users often use PC configurations with 2 (Fig. 2) or even 3 monitors at the same time.

    The diagonal length and proportions of the monitor are what users pay attention to first, but the main characteristics of the monitor, of course, do not end there.

    2 Type

    Currently, there are only two main types of monitors:

    CRT monitor

    As for the CRT, then this abbreviation stands for “cathode ray tube”.

    These monitors are similar to old TVs (they are almost the same size and weight). They are older and are rarely used because of their large sizes, energy consumption and harm to the eyes.

    Cathode ray tubes use high voltage, fast charged particles, and other technical things that are more harmful to users than more modern LCD displays.

    LCD is an abbreviation for Liquid Crystal Display, which translates as liquid crystal display.

    LCD monitors are more compact and lightweight because they can be almost flat in shape. Therefore, today they are used almost everywhere.

    LCD monitor

    The picture on LCD monitors is formed from a set of small dots (pixels), each of which can have a specific color. There are none here harmful effects on the user and his eyes, which were the cathode ray tubes.

    The first models of LCD monitors were slow, they could not reproduce fast-changing images without distortion, and therefore for a while cathode ray displays were competitive. However, technology does not stand still, and modern LCD monitors no longer have the disadvantages of their predecessors.

    Today, when buying a monitor, you can see a varied range of exclusively LCD displays. Cathode ray tubes are becoming a thing of the past.

    3 Resolution

    This is the number of pixels (the dots that make up the display) vertically and horizontally. The more pixels, the higher quality image can be obtained. And vice versa, the fewer there are, the more blurry, less clear, and lower quality the image will be. Therefore, if you want to see more clear pictures, you need to have more pixels.

    In general, a pixel is the smallest point on a monitor screen. The whole picture is made up of such points. The more dots and the fewer these dots, the more clear image. Hence the need to have more pixels to get better quality images.

    Typically, resolution depends on the size of the display and its aspect ratio. For example, quite often you can find:

    • 16:10 format monitors have a resolution of 1440x900,
    • for 4:3 format monitors – resolution 1600x1200,
    • 16:9 format monitors have a resolution of 1920x1080.

    Numbers, for example, 1920x1080 mean:

    – horizontally the monitor has 1920 pixels – the minimum points from which the image is composed,

    – the monitor has 1080 pixels vertically,

    – in total there are: 1920 multiplied by 1080 equals 2,073,600 pixels, that is, more than 2 million tiny dots, from which a beautiful, clear color image is formed.

    In addition, the term pixel density is often used. Density is calculated using the formula “the number of points on any side divided by the length of this side.” This is needed to represent how many pixels are in one millimeter or one centimeter of the screen. But, as a rule, people have already become accustomed to pixels, so the phrase “pixel density” is used much less often.

    4 Matrix type

    There are many types of matrices, they are not so easy to understand. They depend on the manufacturing technology of the matrix, and due to this they differ from each other in image quality, viewing angle, speed of image change and other parameters.

    The viewing angle means that somewhere the image is visible from all sides, and somewhere strictly at almost a right angle, so that the “neighbor” cannot see what is shown on your monitor.

    Select matrices following types:

    – relatively inexpensive, but not the highest image quality TN+film panels. Their disadvantage is small viewing angles (move a little to the side and you won’t see anything), a decrease in brightness and contrast if you look at the image from the side and not at a right angle, etc.

    – numerous IPS matrices with different nuances and differences from each other, having wide viewing angles, deep black color, good color rendition. Various types Such matrices can have both short (bad, slow) and fast (good, high-speed) response times, which allows slow matrices to be used for office work, and fast ones for watching videos, games and other applications that require fast graphics.

    – VA matrices, PVA matrices and other types of matrices that differ from each other in response time (speed), color rendering, viewing angles and other characteristics.

    5 Contrast level and viewing angle

    Contrast is measured by comparing the brightness of the monitor's white and black pixels. The average value of this indicator is 1:700. The numbers mean that the brightness of black pixels is 700 times less than the brightness of white pixels, which is a very respectable value. Although now it is quite common to find monitors with a contrast ratio of up to 1:1000.

    The viewing angle affects from what position in relation to the monitor you can easily distinguish the picture. Many modern monitors have a viewing angle of 170-175 degrees.

    We remember from school geometry that 180 degrees is a rotated angle, that is, looking at the monitor tangentially to its plane. Therefore, a viewing angle of 175 degrees is an opportunity to see the image even when standing to the side of the monitor. In other words, the picture is visible even if you direct your gaze almost parallel to the display.

    6 Pixel response time

    Also quite a significant indicator. The shorter the response time, the faster the picture will change (pixels will respond faster to the signal).

    High-quality modern monitors have a response time of 2-9 milliseconds. The number 9 milliseconds means that the image of each pixel can change more than 100 times per second.

    And the number 2 milliseconds means the ability to change the image of each pixel 500 times in 1 second! We remember that the human eye no longer has time to distinguish between changes in a picture with a frequency of more than 24 times per second, and therefore 500 times per second is a very good result!

    The faster the response, the better quality moving pictures the monitor can reproduce. Therefore, lovers computer games and those who like to watch high-quality films on a monitor screen prefer monitors with high response times, and are willing to pay extra money for this quality.

    7 Connectors and ports for connecting a monitor

    An important point when choosing a monitor is the option of connecting it to a computer. First of all, you need to know what connectors are on the computer.

    If the monitor is selected for a desktop PC, then the computer may have different ports, for example DVI, VGA, HDMI.

    Laptops usually use a VGA port to connect an external monitor.

    But in “apple” Apple computers Ports such as Mini DisplayPort and ThunderBolt are used. All this should be kept in mind when choosing a monitor.

    As a rule, monitors have the ability to connect to a DVI and (or) VGA port, but this must also be clarified.

    If you need to connect the monitor to other ports, you may need special adapters with which the monitor can be connected to the computer. And then you need to take care of these adapters in advance.


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    A computer monitor is just as an important component the entire system, as well as other components and peripheral devices. Unfortunately, very often a monitor is chosen only on the recommendation of a sales consultant, without delving into the technical features. However, unlike other components located in the system unit, during operation, all the user’s attention falls on the monitor. An incorrectly selected monitor causes decreased productivity, eye fatigue, and subsequent vision problems.


    Like many other complex technical devices, monitors have their own basic technical characteristics. Knowing and understanding them is key to a successful purchase. Below we will look at the most important monitor parameters that you should definitely pay attention to when choosing one.

    Monitor screen size

    One of the most important monitor parameters is the size of the visible part of the screen. This value is measured in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm) and is the length of the diagonal from the top corner to the opposite bottom corner. The smallest monitors have a visible part size of 15 inches, although at the moment The bottom level can be safely considered 17”. The largest monitors for mass use have a screen size of 30 inches, although there are specialized models whose size reaches 47 inches.

    When choosing, you should always remember the rule that the larger the diagonal, the better. It is obvious that the icons of modern graphic operating systems, as well as text on a large screen are easier to read, without unnecessary stress. For many, an additional argument is the possibility of full-fledged family viewing of films, which is difficult with a small monitor.

    When choosing a monitor diagonally, you should take into account that some manufacturers indicate an overestimated value for advertising purposes. For example, although the diagonal is indicated on the box as 17 inches, it is actually 16.5. This is not an error, but a measurement feature - the size of the LCD matrix is ​​given, and not the visible area, which is always slightly smaller. After all, no one is surprised that a kilobyte is not 1000 bytes, but 1024. The same applies to the diagonal size, you just need to carefully read the monitor specification.

    Monitor screen resolution

    Typically, there is a relationship between the monitor's diagonal size and the maximum supported resolution. The monitor resolution is selected by the user in applications and represents the number of image pixels horizontally and vertically. The higher the resolution, the more graphic information is placed per unit of screen area.

    Each modern liquid crystal (LCD) monitor has its own recommended resolution associated with technical features. It is in this resolution that the image is as clear as possible, and in all other modes slight distortions (blurring of characters) appear, which, although not a defect, nevertheless reduces the comfort of working with such a “non-native” resolution. And since for all monitors nowadays, native resolutions start from 1280 pixels horizontally (1024 for 15”), such a resolution and a small diagonal will ultimately lead to too small characters and you will have to strain your eyesight, especially when working with texts.

    Reducing the resolution only partially solves this problem, since in addition to a decrease in clarity, there is a decrease in the amount of information displayed per unit of screen area. In practice, this means the need to scroll pages in an Internet browser not only down and up, but also to the sides, which significantly reduces the usability of work. It also means you can't fit multiple open windows on the screen, forcing you to switch between them, making only one fully visible.

    Aspect Ratio

    The next parameter is the aspect ratio. Many people remember Soviet-era TVs and monitors with an almost square screen shape. In accordance with modern standards, monitors have significantly expanded horizontally and become narrower vertically. Since a person’s eyes are not located at one point, but are spaced horizontally on the face, this arrangement promotes panoramic vision, when it is easier to see the sides than the top and bottom. Therefore, cinematography began to shoot wide-format films with an increased horizontal frame size. Old TVs and monitors showed such films with black inactive bars at the top and bottom. To solve this, widescreen TVs and then monitors appeared on the market, which marked the end of the era of narrow-format images.

    The screen format is the aspect ratio, that is, a square shape is 4:3 or 5:4, and latest models are already available in 16:9 format. It should be noted that there are models of monitors with an aspect ratio of 16:10, in which, although the diagonal size is the same as 16:9, the screen area is larger, but their production has practically ceased, and this format is now used mainly in laptop screens.

    Backlight type

    The next important characteristic is the type of backlight used. In LCD monitors, the image becomes visible due to light passing through the matrix (transparent plates with liquid crystals). The light source is a special lamp or a line of LEDs. Lamp-backlit monitors are gradually giving way to LED analogues, as they are more technologically advanced. Externally, they are very easy to distinguish: models with LED backlight very thin and with an external power supply. If you compare these two solutions, then each has its positive and negative sides.

    Lamp illumination allows you to obtain very warm color tones of the image, close to real ones. And monitors with LEDs consume less electricity and, theoretically, have a longer service life. Sometimes some users experience eye fatigue when working with an LED-backlit monitor, so it is recommended to take this into account when choosing.

    Viewing Angles

    All LCD monitors are characterized by viewing angle. The wider this angle, the greater the angle between the screen and the viewer the image will remain visible without distortion. In new models, the angle has been significantly expanded and the “childhood diseases” of technology, when even with a slight displacement of a person relative to the monitor, the image was distorted, have long been resolved.

    As a rule, if one person will work at the monitor, then this parameter is not so critical, and if the monitor will serve as a partial replacement for a TV, then when buying you need to look at the picture from different angles (left, right, slightly above and below) and choose the most satisfactory model.

    Matrix response time

    There is an important parameter for the operation of the LCD matrix - reaction speed (response time). This speed indicates how quickly each point in the image can change color or fade out. The lower this value, the better, which is especially important for fans of dynamic games. Modern monitors have quite sufficient response time (about 5 ms). It is recommended to refrain from purchasing a monitor with a reaction speed higher than 16 ms.

    Connection methods

    The monitor is connected to the video card via a signal cable. This could be a cable of the already outdated D-SUB (VGA) standard, a newer DVI and the newest HDMI and DisplayPort. D-SUB transmits analog signal, and the monitor converts it into an image; DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort are completely digital standards.

    It is believed that D-SUB distorts the image a little due to its analogue nature, subject to interference and double conversion from digital to analogue and vice versa, but in practice the distortion is so small that a person simply does not notice it, but if possible you should take a closer look at the newer ones standards. To connect a new monitor to an old video card, you can use special adapters.

    Matrix type

    There are several types of LCD matrices that directly affect image quality and color accuracy. The most affordable ones are TN (Twisted Nematic), on modern market they are the majority. The image quality generated using this technology will completely satisfy the average user, although there are more advanced solutions on the market. These include matrices of such types as IPS, PVA and MVA. The main advantages of these technologies include higher viewing angles and improved color reproduction. True, the cost of such monitors is slightly higher than their TN counterparts, and their response time may be slightly longer. As a rule, such solutions are most often used for professional work with images or connoisseurs of the best.


    It is recommended to choose a monitor from the range of well-known manufacturers, and avoid little-known products. It’s no secret that you have to pay extra for the brand, but this alone serves as an additional guarantee of the monitor’s reliability. Little-known companies can also offer high-tech, high-quality models, but it is impossible to determine this before mass sales begin. Whether it is worth saving a little by purchasing a new product, but at the same time taking risks, or choosing a simpler, reliable model from a well-known company is up to the buyer to decide.

    The most well-known manufacturers include Acer, Asus, LG, Samsung, Benq, Dell, Philips, ViewSonic and HP. It is worth considering that only a few companies around the world are engaged in the production of LCD screens, and often monitors from different brands have the same matrices.


    The design features of the monitor do not affect its performance and are selected by the buyer individually. Manufacturers offer different body colors, stand mounting methods, options for adjusting the screen position in the horizontal or vertical plane, and monitor control method (buttons or sensor). Some monitor models have the ability to rotate the screen 90 degrees around its axis, which can be useful for certain types of work.

    Monitor settings are controlled through a digital menu, and the sheer number of these settings directly depends on the model and level of the device. As a rule, users have access to: adjusting the image horizontally and vertically, adjusting brightness and contrast, changing the color scheme and adjusting sharpness.

    Many modern monitors often come with additional equipment, such as audio speakers or USB outputs for the possibility of connecting additional equipment.


    In conclusion, I would like to give some useful tips that you can use when buying a monitor.

    Often the monitor on/off button is backlit, so for those who like to watch a movie in the dark, you should pay attention that this backlight is not too bright.

    Most modern monitors have a glossy screen coating, which, on the one hand, is designed to improve color rendition and make the image more saturated, and on the other hand, it is a highly reflective surface that reflects the light sources surrounding it. If you plan to install your monitor next to a window or under a lamp, then it is better to choose a matte screen finish.

    Domestic electrical networks are characterized by a wide range of voltages, from 160 to 250 V, with a norm of 220 V. Some monitors are designed to operate in the range from 100 to 240 V, so if there are problems with electrical network these are the models you should choose.

    LCD matrix production technology involves the formation of millions of transistors per unit area. Therefore, sometimes some transistors turn out to be defective and do not work properly. This is expressed in the presence of one or more constantly glowing dots on the screen a certain color or always black. This point does not interfere with the operation of the monitor at all, but may irritate the user. The warranty sheets of all manufacturers indicate the possibility of such dots (pixels), which is not a malfunction if there are few of them. Therefore, when purchasing, you should definitely ask the seller to turn on the monitor and carefully examine the image for the presence of defective pixels, otherwise it will not be possible to exchange it under warranty in the future.

    When we think about a computer, we mentally imagine a monitor, and for good reason. It is with the help of the monitor that they print, watch movies, and play games. A person’s visual perception of the image, as well as the load on a person’s eyes, depends on the quality of the monitor. The optimal choice would be a monitor that provides high picture quality and maximum possible safety eye monitor. In this article we will answer the question - how to choose a monitor for a computer and go through the main parameters that should be taken into account when purchasing.

    Types of monitors

    Depending on the technological features of monitor production, they are available in liquid crystal, plasma, projection, cathode ray tube monitors and OLED monitors.

    The most widely used are liquid crystal monitors (LCD monitors), while plasma and projection monitors are not so popular among users due to their high cost. Before choosing a particular monitor, pay attention to its characteristics.

    Monitors, like all devices, have their own characteristics. The most significant of them are:

    • Screen size
    • Screen resolution
    • Aspect Ratio
    • Backlight type
    • Viewing angle
    • Matrix response time
    • Connection interface
    • Matrix type

    Let's consider each characteristic separately.

    Screen size

    – this is probably the first parameter that monitor buyers pay attention to. Typically, screen size is measured in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm) and is measured diagonally from the top corner to the opposite bottom corner.

    It is believed that the larger the monitor, the better. In fact, in principle this is true. Widescreen monitors are convenient for both watching movies and playing games, as well as working. But when choosing the diagonal size, you should pay attention to the screen resolution, but more on that below...

    The most common and purchased screen sizes today are 19-23 inches. I would safely call the smallest size 17 inches, because... Hardly anyone will buy 15-inch ones today. As for the upper limit, there are specific monitors with diagonals of 47 inches.

    Regarding the screen size, I would like to note the fact that monitor manufacturers do not always accurately indicate the size. For example, the box may say 22 inches, but in reality it turns out to be 21.5. There is no need to blame the manufacturers here, this is simply the specification of the monitor.

    – this is the second most important parameter for a monitor, although screen size and screen resolution are related.

    Resolution is defined as the number of image pixels horizontally and vertically. The higher the monitor resolution, the more information is placed per unit of screen area.

    Each monitor has its own recommended resolution. It is with this resolution that it is convenient to work, because... screen in in this case can convey maximum picture clarity. The resolution can be changed in the screen settings, which is highly inadvisable. Based on practice, it has been proven that working in a low screen resolution is very inconvenient.

    Please note that another parameter is associated with screen resolution - screen refresh rate. As the resolution increases, the refresh rate decreases. You should not purchase a monitor with a refresh rate of less than 60 Hz, because... In this situation, the strain on the eyes greatly increases, which in the future can lead to headaches. The optimal refresh rate for a monitor is 75-100 Hz. When purchasing a monitor, you should ask about the actual working resolution. So the resolution for screens with a refresh rate of 60-75 Hz for 19-inch monitors should be at least 1280x960 pixels, and for 22-inch monitors at least 1600x1050 pixels.

    Many people have probably paid attention to the aspect ratio of the monitor. IN lately monitors began to be produced in rectangular shapes, i.e. elongated horizontally and narrowed vertically. This was done for a reason. Everyone remembers what kind of TVs we had in Soviet times. They were square. Rectangular monitors and modern televisions came to us from cinematography. Scientists have concluded that a person’s eyes are on the same line horizontally and, therefore, a rectangular picture elongated in width is perceived better than a square one. Based on this, they began to shoot large-format films, which was a consequence of the release of rectangular televisions and monitors.

    Today, the aspect ratio used is 16:9, while square ones have a 4:3 format.

    It should be noted that 4:3 monitors continue to be produced to this day and are more suitable for work than for watching movies and games.

    When purchasing, preference should be given to monitors with a 16:9 ratio, because this standard is modern and well suited for work and play.

    The type of backlight is an important factor in choosing a monitor. The picture displayed by the monitor is visible to us thanks to the glow of a special lamp or line of LEDs that are located under the matrix (transparent plates with liquid crystals).

    Each type of backlight has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, a lamp-backlit monitor can produce softer, more realistic colors than an LED-backlit monitor. Also, users of LED-backlit monitors are more likely to experience eye fatigue.

    At the same time led monitors consume less energy and heat up less. LED monitors also have a long service life.

    It is very easy to distinguish LED monitors from lamp monitors. The first ones have an external power supply and are much smaller in thickness.

    So, consider these facts also when purchasing a monitor.

    I remember the first LCD monitors came with a very small viewing angle, when it was enough to move to the side, and the picture turned into something unknown. Today, these problems have in most cases already been solved.

    Viewing angle is also an important characteristic that should be taken into account when purchasing a monitor, especially if you choose a large diagonal monitor for watching movies. In general, the wider the viewing angle, the longer the image on the screen will remain without distortion.

    If you are buying a monitor for group viewing, for example, movies or photos, then buy a monitor with a viewing angle of at least 160 degrees horizontally and vertically.

    – this is the time it takes for a pixel to change its brightness, i.e. the time during which the pixel will change its brightness or color. The response time of the matrix is ​​considered one of the most important parameters and depends on the type of matrix. Response time is measured in milliseconds. The lower the response number, the faster the transitions and, therefore, the less visible distortion.

    If you are taking a monitor for gaming, then take a monitor with a matrix with a response time of up to 8 ms. If your monitor is intended primarily for work, then you can safely go up to 16 ms; I don’t recommend higher.

    The main sales leaders due to their low cost are TN-matrices. The only positive characteristic of this type of matrix is ​​the short response time; other indicators, such as viewing angle, color rendition, contrast and much more, leave much to be desired. It is difficult to find a use for these types of matrices, except perhaps to play games and watch movies.

    Another thing ISPmatrices. The main manufacturers of ISP matrices are LG, Philips and NEC. The advantages of this type of matrix include: high color rendition, closest to CRT monitors; really large viewing angles. There are, of course, disadvantages. Firstly, this is a long response time, although this indicator has recently been significantly reduced and brought to 16 ms. Second, low image contrast. This mainly manifests itself when reading fine details of an image.

    MVA (PVA) matrices– used mainly for professional work. This could be working with images, videos, drawing graphics, etc.

    The positive aspects of this type of matrix include a large viewing angle, high color rendition, and high contrast. But you always have to pay for quality. The price of MVA (PVA) (as well as ISP matrices) is significantly higher than its TN counterparts. In some characteristics they are inferior to ISP matrices, for example, color rendering. But in terms of contrast we have come far ahead. This is most clearly demonstrated when reading text. It is not for nothing that in offices it is recommended to install monitors on MVA matrices, because... With high contrast, the eyes become less tired.

    PVA– type of matrix produced by Samsung. This type is its own version of the matrix, which is slightly better in terms of performance (speed and contrast) of MVA matrices.

    To the computer, or more precisely to the video card via a signal cable. Special connectors are used for connection: D-SUB, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort.

    DSUB– outdated connection type. An analog signal is transmitted to the monitor via D-SUB, and the monitor itself converts it into numbers. It is believed that such signal transmission may distort the image, but in practice these distortions are so small that regular user doesn't notice them. But, nevertheless, it is better to adhere to the new standards.

    DVI(Digital Visual Interface) - digital video interface for transmitting images to a monitor. In this case, unlike D-SUB, the digital-analog-digital double conversion connection no longer occurs and therefore this type of connection is considered the best in terms of image quality.

    HDMI– a connection interface with which it is possible to transmit high-resolution video data and multi-channel digital audio signals.

    The only difference between HDMI and DVI is that it is much smaller in size and allows for the transmission of multi-channel digital audio signals. The HDMI connector is a replacement for analog standards such as SCART and RCA.

    DisplayPort– one of the standards for modern connection of a digital display with a device, in this case with a computer.

    The main difference from DVI and HDMI is support for HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection), high bandwidth (10.8 Gbps), low supply voltage, and low interference.

    DisplayPort allows you to transmit both graphics and audio signals simultaneously. Maximum length DisplayPort cable length is 15 m.

    Everyone knows that on the shelves of computer stores you can find monitors from a variety of manufacturers. Which manufacturer to choose is the same question that is usually asked by a buyer to a sales consultant.

    You should choose monitors from well-known companies. Yes, you often have to overpay for the brand, but the likelihood that your monitor will be the best increases many times over. On the market you can find monitors from lesser-known manufacturers, which in terms of technology and reliability can be completely on par with the world giants. The cost of such models is much cheaper. But it is better to take them with caution at your own peril and risk.

    The most famous monitor manufacturers include brands such as Samsung, Acer, Asus, Benq, Dell, LG, Phillips, ViewSonic, HP.

    Monitors, like all devices, have properties such as color, design, stand mounting options, screen rotation angle, screen controls (buttons or touch). It should be noted that these features do not affect the operation of the monitor in any way and are individual for each user. Here, as they say, it comes down to taste and color...

    Monitor control is performed using buttons or a sensor, usually located on the front (front) part of the monitor. The number of settings depends on the monitor model, but the main ones that are present in all monitors are adjusting brightness and contrast; horizontal and vertical adjustment; automatic picture alignment adjustment; color management; image sharpness control.

    Many monitors are equipped with additional speakers (built inside) and USB connectors for connecting additional equipment.

    When buying a monitor, pay attention to the type of matrix - they come in matte and glossy. Glossy finish Provides high color rendering and rich images. But on the other hand, gloss is a glare surface, which can strongly reflect light sources, which in turn greatly interferes with work. If your monitor is located closer to a window or other light sources, for example, next to a lamp, then it is better to choose a monitor with a matte surface. From my experience, I can say that a monitor with a matte surface puts less strain on the eyes.

    When purchasing a monitor, always pay attention to the number of defective pixels. This is expressed by the pixel glowing either a certain color or black. This quantity There are always “dead” pixels in the monitor, it’s just that on some models there may be more of them, and on others there may be fewer. How can I check this? Ask the sales consultant to switch the picture on the monitor alternately to monotonous colors. Take a close look at the screen, if you do not find any black or other colored dots, then everything is fine with the monitor.

    Before purchasing, be sure to check with the seller regarding the warranty. Find out if there is a service center in your city that repairs monitors of your model. Be sure to fill out the warranty card. Some sellers either forget about this or do it on purpose - it’s not clear. In general, make sure that everything is filled out correctly.

    Well, that’s basically all I wanted to say about purchasing a monitor. I hope the above tips will help you choose a decent monitor for your computer.

    When choosing a monitor, you need to start with the most difficult thing - to understand what exactly it will be mainly used for, and based on this, select the ideal option.
    If you often work with color, for example you are a photographer or designer, then you first need to pay attention to color rendition, monitor size and resolution. If the computer is mainly used for games, then the most important parameter is the response time, although the screen size cannot be neglected. The main thing is to choose the screen size that is most convenient for you, not too small, but not too large.
    With a small display it will not be very convenient to communicate social networks, with the upper bound it is more difficult. For example, if you like to play various simulators, for example Microsoft Fly Simulator, then the larger the display, the more enjoyable it will be to play, and in first-person shooters, for example Counter Strike, Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, especially in online battles, big screen will be more likely to distract, because the radar is in the corner of the screen and in fierce battles, when you cannot be distracted for a second, you will have to periodically look away, fearing the death of the virtual alter ego.

    A monitor for watching movies should definitely be widescreen, have a large diagonal for comfortable viewing, high contrast for the ability to observe details even in the darkest scenes, and good color rendition, although in this case it is not as critical as in monitors for photographers and designers. One of the most common purposes of monitors is office work. This includes work in office packages, Internet work and flash games. In such cases, you need to pay attention to the screen size and resolution. CAD applications require a large monitor with high resolution and high contrast.

    The most important monitor parameters

    Now you can go directly to the monitor settings. When looking at a personal computer display, the first thing that strikes you is its size and screen format. The format in this case refers to the aspect ratio of the screen. The standard now is 16:9. This format allows you to watch movies without black fields at the top and bottom of the display and without cropping the image on the sides of the picture. Also available are 4:3, 5:4 and 16:10 formats. Monitors with aspect ratios 4:3 and 5:4 are gradually becoming a thing of the past, because their production is too expensive and cannot compete with the more common wide-format matrices.

    The size of screens is usually indicated in inches, and one value is indicated - the length of the diagonal of the screen. How to understand what dimensions the screen has in centimeters? Very simple.
    For example, let's look at the S19A300B with a diagonal of 18.5" and an aspect ratio of 16:9. First, let's calculate the dimensions in inches.
    According to the Pythagorean theorem:
    18.52 = (16x)² + (9x)²
    337x² = 342.25
    x = 1.00775
    Accordingly, the sides are approximately 16 and 9 inches, or 40.64 and 22.86 cm.

    In a similar way, you can calculate the screen size of any monitor. No less important is the monitor resolution parameter. Typically looks similar to 1920x1080 or 1440x900. This characteristic denotes the number of dots vertically to the number of dots horizontally. The higher the resolution, the more information can be displayed on the monitor.

    The characteristics of the monitor indicate the maximum resolution, because it corresponds to the physical number of pixels, and it is this resolution that allows you to achieve the highest quality picture, because when setting lower values, the monitor electronics tries to show one pixel of the image transmitted by computer using more physical matrix points. The image quality naturally becomes worse. Nowadays, monitors with the following resolution are most often found

    2560x144027" MONITOR Samsung S27A850D
    27" MONITOR Samsung S27B970D
    1920x120024" MONITOR Samsung S24A450BW
    1920x108023" MONITOR Samsung S23A950D
    1680x105022" MONITOR Samsung B2230W KKF
    1600x90020" MONITOR Samsung S20A300B
    1440x90019" MONITOR Samsung E1920NW
    1366x76818.5" MONITOR Samsung S19A10N
    1360x76818.5" MONITOR Samsung E1920N YSB
    1280x102419" MONITOR Samsung E1920NR ASB

    If you look closely at this table, it becomes obvious that widescreen monitors are gradually replacing monitors with aspect ratios of 4:3 and 5:4. There is only one such resolution in this list – 1280x1024. All other resolutions are typical only for widescreen monitors.

    Various types of monitor matrices

    Let's now look at the main monitor parameter that affects picture quality - the type of monitor matrix. At the time of writing, Samsung monitors use three types of matrices - TN (Twisted Nematic), PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment) and PLS (Plane-to-Line Switching). For ease of comparison, let's look at a table with the main characteristics of the matrix, giving each parameter a rating from one to three. 1 is the lowest score, 3 is the highest.

    Color rendition (the number of colors that the matrix can show) 1 2 3
    Viewing angles (angles at which changes in color rendering and contrast allow normal work on the monitor) 2 3 3
    Response time (time it takes a pixel to switch from one color to another) 3 2 2
    Contrast (ratio of pixel brightness when on to brightness when off) 2 3 2

    Let's now take a closer look at each row of the table and at the same time determine which monitor with which matrix is ​​best to use for a particular task. The first thing we do is color rendering. PLS matrices have the highest rating, and since high color rendering is the key parameter when choosing a monitor for designers and photographers, a monitor with such a matrix should be preferred. TN has the minimum rating; therefore, monitors used in production, especially considering that, as a rule, they have a minimum price, will be optimal for tasks that are not color critical, such as office work or games. Monitors with a PVA matrix, like confident average ones, are well suited for watching movies and amateur processing/viewing photographs.

    Viewing angles. Please note that there is no minimum rating on this line. This is due to the fact that the early generations of the TN matrix had viewing angles limited not only vertically, but also horizontally, in modern models this deficiency is almost completely eliminated, so TN received 2 points. The viewing angles are even better. Thanks to Magic Angle Vertical technology, you can adjust the viewing angle of the monitor in the vertical plane. For example, if the monitor is mounted on the wall and you always look at it from bottom to top, you can expand the viewing angle for comfortable viewing from bottom to top.

    PVA and PLS matrices provide the widest viewing angles, around 178 degrees, both vertically and horizontally, which will not interfere with watching movies with friends.

    Response time. Here, monitors with TN matrix have a clear lead. Actually for this reason, all gaming monitors and stereoscopic 3D monitors with shutter glasses are built on this matrix. By quickly switching each pixel of the screen, even the most dynamic scenes of any game will be displayed as accurately as possible, without causing discomfort.

    Monitors with PVA and PLS matrices have a longer response time, but it is sufficient for everyday use, so they received 2 points.
    Contrast. Clear leadership of PVA. Throughout the entire history of the development of matrices of this type, they have been leaders in this parameter, so they are an ideal choice for film buffs. Thanks to the high contrast, even in dark movie scenes you can see the details of the picture. Monitors with TN and PLS matrices have worse contrast, but determining which one is better and which one is worse is quite difficult, and the final contrast of the finished monitor may differ from that provided by the matrix, for example, due to the type of backlight used. Therefore, we gave them 2 points.

    The result: games, 3D movies and office applications- TN matrix is ​​suitable; films and CAD – PVA matrices; design tasks and professional photography – PLS.

    Advantages of LED backlighting

    The term “backlight type” was mentioned a little higher, let’s figure out what this means. Initially matrices LCD monitors do not emit light. They just transmit or not light from backlight sources. Nowadays there are monitors with backlight either from fluorescent lamps (CCFL) or LED backlighting (LED).

    CCFL backlight has a number of disadvantages such as:

    1. High power consumption
    2. Limited service life
    3. Large lamp sizes
    4. Harm to the environment during production
    Because of this, monitors with such backlighting are gradually disappearing, giving way to modern LED technology. Thanks to this type of backlight, dynamic contrast has appeared, i.e., to display darker tones, the backlight becomes less bright, and vice versa, LED backlight consumes significantly less energy, making the use of the monitor more profitable. Therefore, when choosing a new monitor, we recommend paying attention to models with LED backlighting.

    3D monitors

    As already mentioned, monitors with a TN matrix allow you to display stereo 3D images. To implement 3D functions, Samsung has chosen the currently highest quality method for reproducing 3D content, namely shutter glasses and a monitor with a high refresh rate. With this method of display, the picture does not lose clarity, because each eye sees the entire picture in full, and not half, as on monitors with polarizing matrices. Shutter technology is sometimes criticized for reducing image brightness, but not in the case of Samsung. Monitors of this manufacturer will automatically increase the brightness of the image as soon as you put on the glasses.

    3D Samsung glasses They are lightweight and can be used together with corrective glasses. The battery lasts for 70 hours of operation. For example, let's look at the Samsung S27A950D monitor. Unusual and attractive design It immediately catches the eye, but it’s not just the design that attracts attention to this monitor. High static contrast, LED backlighting (which is what makes the monitor so thin), glossy screen surface with proprietary Ultra Clear Panel technology, which reduces glare from external sources lighting, and a large diagonal of this monitor will allow you to enjoy not only modern games, but also films in 3D format. If your favorite movie doesn't exist in 3D, then with just one click you can breathe new life to any film or TV program, adding another dimension.

    In the previous paragraph, the glossy surface of the screen was indicated as an advantage. Indeed, glossy screens provide a brighter, more saturated picture, increase viewing angles and contrast. Unfortunately, to show the difference in picture quality between matte and glossy screen It's almost impossible to see in a photograph, so you'll have to take my word for it. With all the advantages of a glossy screen, there is one drawback - they reflect everything that is in front of the screen. If there are light areas on the screen, then this is not a problem, but in dark images the reflective ability of glossy monitors causes some inconvenience. Ultra Clear Panel technology is designed to reduce this effect. A special coating on the screen eliminates extraneous glare, increasing image brightness and contrast. Thanks to this technology, you can see more detail in dark and light areas.

    Monitor cases and stands

    There is nothing more to say about the screen characteristics. Let's take a look at the monitor body. The ease of installation and use of the monitor depends on the design of the monitor case. First of all, this concerns the ability to rotate and tilt the screen. The most universal monitors have four degrees of screen freedom: pivot, height, tilt, left-right rotation (swivel). All designations are clear, except, perhaps, one – pivot. This is the ability to rotate the screen around an axis perpendicular to the screen plane and passing through the intersection point of its diagonals, i.e.

    This method of rotation is quite rare, but if you often use vertical scrolling when working at a computer, then you will appreciate it. The remaining adjustments are designed to make it easier to install the monitor to achieve the most comfortable posture for the computer user.

    It is a common belief that a monitor stand is just a stand, and it should not have any functions other than providing stability to the monitor. Fortunately, not all manufacturers think the same way.

    Samsung builds real docking stations into monitor stands, allowing you to make the most of your desktop space. An excellent example is the Samsung C24B750X. The Samsung Central Station CB750 monitor docking station uses the most latest technologies high-speed wireless communication, so the monitor “communicates” with the computer faster and more efficiently. Availability USB port 3.0, a USB hub with two USB 3.0 and one USB 2.0 ports and a stylish wireless adapter opens up new possibilities for you.

    The docking station has an automatic detection function wireless network(Auto Wireless Detection), which ensures ultra-high-speed data transfer in the local network. You can connect multiple computers to the CB750 docking station wirelessly via a wireless adapter, while still being able to connect your computer using a regular cable.

    Interfaces for connecting monitors to a computer

    An important characteristic of the monitor is the interface with the computer. There are currently five common interfaces:

    Connectors VGADVI-DDVI-D Dual LinkHDMIDisplayPort
    Interface typeAnalogDigitalDigitalDigitalDigital
    Maximum resolutionUnlimited (practice shows that when using this interface, even at a resolution of 1920x1080, due to interference, the picture quality deteriorates)1920x1080 (at a frame refresh rate of 60 Hz, i.e. bandwidth this interface is not enough for 3D content at maximum resolution)2560x1600(at 60Hz)
    1920x1080 (at 120 Hz)
    1920x1080 (60 Hz v1.3 and below, 120 Hz v1.4 and above)2560x1600 (60 Hz for interface version 1.1)
    3840x2400 (60 Hz interface version 1.2)
    Maximum cable length without lossThere is no hard limit, but the longer the cable, the lower the image quality5 m5 m10 m15 m

    When choosing a monitor with the most popular resolution at the moment, 1920x1080, you need to pay attention to having at least one digital interface, because when connecting via VGA, even if from the other end of the wire there is a DVI-VGA adapter and a DVI video card connector, the picture will be somewhat blurry. In addition, if you purchased a monitor that supports stereo 3D, you will not be able to get the 3D effect when connecting to VGA.

    If you plan to assemble a video wall from monitors using Eyefinity technology, then when choosing a monitor you need to pay attention not only to the presence of a narrow frame, but also to the presence DisplayPort interface required to connect more than two monitors. Among Samsung products there are special sets for video walls of six (Samsung MD230X6) and three Samsung (MD230X3) monitors, and special brackets that allow you to install monitors in a convenient way.

    Sometimes while working with a monitor you have to change image parameters directly on the monitor itself. To do this, most of them have control buttons that allow you to change some picture and energy saving parameters. Usually encountered sensory and mechanical buttons. What to prefer? In fact, it is purely a matter of taste and habit. For example, I prefer mechanical ones.

    Additional features and capabilities of some monitors

    Let's now look at the functions that cannot greatly influence the choice of monitor, but, other things being equal, can tip the scales in one direction or another.
    The first thing I would like to mention is the built-in USB hub. It's no secret that the USB connector is currently the most popular. The vast majority of external peripherals currently use the USB interface, so quite often these connectors are not enough. Decide this problem USB hubs are required, but you must admit that there is not much space on the table for unnecessary devices to lie on it, so having a built-in hub in the monitor would be a great addition.
    It is worth noting that there are already monitor models with a built-in USB hub that supports the latest version of this interface – USB 3.0

    When choosing a monitor, there is another way to save space on your desktop. As you know, almost all monitors work from the network AC 220 V. The cable from the outlet is connected to the power supply, and the power supply can be built-in or external, similar to a laptop power supply. Monitors with a built-in power supply are usually thicker than similar models with an external power supply. For example

    Another nice addition will be the speakers built into the monitor. Of course, you shouldn't expect them to powerful sound, but for dubbing system sounds there are more than enough of them. In order for the monitor to “sing”, two connection methods are used

    • Connecting a monitor via HDMI
    • Connecting an additional cable from the monitor to the sound card.
    Sometimes, instead of or along with the speakers, the monitor has a headphone jack, which will be especially useful if system unit It's not convenient enough to connect and disconnect headphones if you want to listen to music or watch a movie without disturbing others. True, there is one drawback - we have never seen monitors with a microphone jack, which is not very convenient for fans of Skype and online games.

    An example of an ideal monitor for designers and photographers

    Finally, let's look at a few examples. The first will be a monitor for working with color (for designers and photographers). Such a monitor should have PLS matrix. Currently there are two models: Samsung S27A850D and the new S27B970D.

    Samsung S27A850D Samsung S27B970D

    These monitors have a diagonal of 27 inches, with a resolution of 2560x1440, perhaps highest resolution for matrices of this size. Thanks to the very high resolution, the workspace of graphics packages will be as efficient as possible. The monitors are equipped with LED backlighting, and the display itself on the stand has 3 degrees of freedom.

    The Samsung S27B970D monitor is a more modern solution for professionals. This is evidenced by its design with metal structural elements and the fact that each monitor of this model undergoes individual factory calibration, thereby improving the already remarkable color rendition and image quality.
    In addition, using the built-in Natural Color Expert coprocessor, the user can independently adjust gamma, white balance and even backlight uniformity.

    By the way, you can easily connect a modern, powerful tablet or communicator with support to this monitor and broadcast HD video or photos to the monitor, while simultaneously charging the built-in battery of your mobile device via the same cable. The necessary cable is, of course, supplied with the monitor.

    Both Samsung monitors, S27B970D and S27A850D, can automatically adjust brightness depending on the lighting and turn off the screen if no one is in front of the monitor. This saves energy. Reducing electricity consumption by 120 W per day is equivalent to reducing CO2 emissions from a thermal power plant by 10.8 kg per year or planting 4 trees!

    The Samsung S27A850D monitor has an external power supply, but on the back panel there is a frame for attaching it directly to the monitor body.

    Among the interfaces on the S27A850D monitor there are two Dual Link DVI connectors and one Display Port, and the S27B970D has all the options for digital video interfaces - HDMI, Dual Link DVI and Display Port. A nice addition will be USB hubs built into each of the monitors discussed.

    An example of an ideal monitor for modern games

    Now let's look at a gaming monitor. First of all, it must have a short response time. Also, in our opinion, it is most comfortable to play on a large monitor, so we will consider the Samsung C27B750X monitor as an example.

    The monitor has a real response time of 5 ms, and is built on modern matrix MVA with extended viewing angles to the maximum - 178° vertically and horizontally. The matrix resolution is 1920x1080, which fully complies with the Full HD standard. Also, it is equipped with powerful speakers, which is very useful in games.

    Thanks to the available HDMI connector, you can connect to this monitor game consoles last generation. Interesting feature This model is able to connect the monitor wirelessly to a computer or laptop at a distance of up to 10 meters - no more wires, just bring the laptop to the monitor and it will automatically be added as an additional display.
    Also, the happy owners of this monitor will be able to control several mobile devices at once (laptop and communicator, for example) and desktop computer using one mouse and keyboard - this is made possible thanks to Mobile Control technology. In addition, thanks to the same technology, you can simply drag and drop various files and documents from PC to mobile device and vice versa - despite the fact that this possibility is not important for gaming monitor, it was impossible not to mention it.

    Considering the above, you can always choose a monitor with the most suitable characteristics for you.

    And knowledge of the subtleties in its choice will help you choose the right model correctly. We should start with their types. Today there are 3 types of monitors. CRT, LCD and LED.

    To calculate the monitor diagonal, you can use the monitor diagonal calculator in inches and centimeters.

    CRT or cathode ray tube is a long-obsolete technology used in monitors. CRT monitors are already an antiquity that has passed into retirement. Unless someone still has these “pot-bellied” monsters with a convex screen. Then, of course, they removed the belly and bulge and continued to produce CRTs, but with a flat screen.

    LCD (liquid crystal display) - liquid crystal monitors, thin and flat, replaced electron beam ones. This type Most users have it. This monitor uses fluorescent lamps. The image quality is better, power consumption is less.

    LED (light-emitting diode) - modern variety LCD monitor. The technology is based on light-emitting diodes. As a result, the colors are more saturated and the picture is of better quality.

    To calculate the TV diagonal, you can use the TV diagonal calculator in inches and centimeters.

    Monitor size specifications.

    This is the size, or more correctly, the diagonal of the screen, which is measured in inches and can have any value. In the days of CRT monitors, 17 inches was considered a good diagonal. With the advent of LCD, monitors began to increase in size and became wide-format, and the diagonal exceeded 20, and then 30 inches. Optimally, for desktop use you need 23-24 inches, but if your needs are larger, there are also huge screens of 27 or 32 inches. The larger the diagonal, the higher the resolution you can set.

    Monitor resolution as its characteristic.

    Resolution is the number of pixels (dots) horizontally and vertically. For example, in a resolution of 1024*768, the first number is the number of horizontal pixels, and the second number is vertical. As a rule, the higher the resolution, the better the quality of the image on the screen. Separately, it is worth highlighting such monitor characteristics as the screen aspect ratio. Initially, all monitors were in 4:3 format, that is, the screen was almost square. With the advent of wide screen monitors, formats such as 16:9 and 16:10 appeared. Of course, there are others, but these are considered the most common. The wide format allows you to contemplate the screen more comfortably, thanks to more overview and expanded space.

    Monitor characteristics - matrix.

    The last important image characteristic when choosing a monitor is its matrix, which is responsible for the behavior of liquid crystals and their role in image formation.

    To calculate the laptop screen size, you can use the laptop screen size calculator in inches and centimeters.

    It makes no sense to go into the details of each matrix, but we can distinguish 3 main types:

    1. TN (TN+Film - Twisted Nematic). A cheap and outdated type, the downside of which was poor visibility of the picture from different angles.

    2. IPS (In Plane Switch). This type is more expensive and has a longer response time compared to TN, but this is compensated by an excellent picture and no problems with viewing angles.

    3. PVA/MVA (VA). This matrix appeared later and is something between the first two types. The price of such a matrix is ​​correspondingly cheaper than IPS.