• Filling in the latest Photoshop. Fill - PaintBucket tool, Crop tool

    Filling a layer with color is a simple and popular operation in Photoshop. This may need to be done when you need a plain background or to apply some shade over the image - toning, for example, using a layer with yellow color to create a sepia effect.

    In order to make a layer completely one color, I counted 5 possible ways.

    Methods for filling a layer with color

    Method 1

    Menu command Editing - Fill(Fill) , or pressing a combination of hot keys that duplicates this command:

    Hotkey combination: Shift+F5

    A dialog box will open Fill in. In it, in the drop-down list Use select Color. The color selection palette will immediately open. Decide on a color and click OK.

    Method 2

    Using the Alt+Backspace key combination, the layer is filled with the main color set on the tool palette - .

    Method 3 Fill Tool

    From the toolbar, select Fill tool. Click on the layer and it will immediately be painted with the main color (see example above).

    Filling works when there is nothing extra on the layer. Otherwise, the tool will paint only certain areas.

    I remember when I first started learning Photoshop, I used exactly this method. The idea is that you simply paint over the layer with a brush, like Tom Sawyer painted a fence.

    All of the above methods have one common drawback - in cases where it is necessary, the layer filled with color will not increase. The part of the canvas that was added will be painted over automatically with the background color.

    Example. Initially, the layer was filled with yellow paint. After enlarging the canvas, a reddish color was added along the outline, in accordance with what was displayed on the background color indicator.

    To prevent this, you need to use the following method.

    Method 5 Fill layer

    Run the command Layer - New Fill Layer(New Fill Layer) - Color. You can immediately click OK. After this, a fill color selection palette will appear. Make a choice.

    Creating a layer fill is a very commonly used technique in Photoshop. It is used both when creating a new layer, and during various editing of one of the current layers. Despite the obviousness of the method, novice users may experience certain difficulties with its implementation. In addition, in different situations the filling procedure may have its own characteristics and variations.

    Types of fills in Photoshop
    In the standard package, they can be used in Photoshop various types fills:
    • solid uniform color;
    • gradient;
    • pattern.
    In addition, you can always expand the variety of fills by adding your own fill types.

    Performing a fill

    1. To perform a simple color fill, select the area that will be filled with color, activate the Paint Bucket Tool in the main toolbar, select the main color and left-click inside the selected area. As a result of this action, it will be filled with the selected primary color.
    2. To perform a gradient fill, also select the area to be filled in the image. After that, activate the Gradient Tool in the toolbar, select one of the preset sets of gradient fills to use. If necessary, fine-tune the parameters of the selected set. Specify the shape and mode of the gradient, and then specify the direction of the gradient vector inside the selected area. To do this, place the cursor at the starting point, hold down left button mouse, move the cursor in the selected direction and release the left button. As a result of this action the selected area will be filled gradient fill according to your preset settings.
    3. If you need to fill with a pattern from the main menu, go to the following path “Layers” - “New Fill Layer” - “Pattern” (“Layer” - “New Fill Layer” - “Pattern”). Click the "Ok" button in the window that appears. As a result of this action, the selected area will be filled with the last pattern fill you created. If you have not created such a fill yet, then you first need to do the following.
      Create new document. It is desirable that in this case its image has a square shape with the same values height and width. This will ensure that later, when using them as patterns, the original images will be uniformly filled. Create your intended pattern or copy it onto images from other sources. Select an area of ​​the image using the Rectangular Marquee Tool. From the main menu, go to “Edit-Define Pattern”. In the window that opens, assign a name to the new pattern and click the “Ok” button. The fill pattern is created and ready to use.
    These are basic techniques for performing filling, which in various modifications and variations are used in tasks of varying complexity in Photoshop. In practice, you will master them very quickly and use them to improve your skills digital processing images.

    One of the most common things you'll do with a new layer is fill it with color. If you have hidden the original background of your image or added interesting effect To the borders of a drawing, for example, you can make them even more piquant by adding a background painted in a solid color; Photoshop offers several different ways to solve this problem:

    Fill an existing layer with color. After you create new layer, select menu command "Editing - Fill". In the dropdown list "Use" When the Fill dialog box appears, select a color, and then click OK. You can also fill with a foreground color by pressing Alt+Backspace.

    Create a fill layer. If you're not sure what color you want to use, choose the New Fill Layer menu command and choose Color. Give the layer a name in the dialog box that appears and click OK. Photoshop will display the Color Picker dialog box so you can select the fill color you want. If you decide to change the color, double-click on the thumbnail and the dialog box will re-open so you can select a new color or grab one from the image itself. Fill layers are created with their own masks, and therefore, if necessary, it will be very easy to hide part of the layer.


    Dragging a new fill layer down the list allows you to create a solid background of the image. If you want to change the color, double-click the thumbnail to open the Color Picker dialog box.

    If you want to get creative, you can grab colors from an image by moving your mouse over it while the dialog box is open (the mouse pointer will change to an eyedropper shape). Click to select the color you want, and then click OK.

    Finally, if for some reason you need to hide part of the new color (say, to create a fade effect), paint over the attached layer mask.

    One of the many advantages of using fill layers is that, unlike regular layers, they fill with color. all layer, even if you enlarge the canvas. They can be used not only to create a solid background, but also to fill with a gradient or repeating pattern.

    If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

    Today we will consolidate our knowledge and learn how to change the background color in Photoshop. This question is relevant if there is no backdrop with a colored background, or it is available, but without the required color.

    So how can you change the background color of a photo? This will help us graphic editor Adobe Photoshop . In terms of time, the entire operation will take no more than 10 minutes. We will use two tools - " Wand" And " Fill", and, at the end of the operation, you can apply " Gradient".

    Attention! When taking a visa photo, we do not use the Gradient tool! We leave a uniform background, because... this is required by the rules for this format

    So, in order to open the graphic editor Adobe Photoshop, and in the tool palette select - " Wand".

    After the tool" Wand" is selected, click with the tool's working area directly on the background area. A selection is formed. Press the " key Delete", thereby discoloring pieces of the background.

    If there is a shadow near the head or in other areas located directly next to the selected object, then remove it too. Click on the shadow area with the " Wand", select it and click " Delete"But at the same time, make sure that the tool does not capture the subject itself. After we have removed the shadow and remnants of the background, we proceed to next stage changing the background in photoshop.

    So we've desaturated the background. Now we need to fill it with the required color. The background is now uniform, and it won’t be difficult for us to change its color. So, click on the working area of ​​the tool " Wand"on the background itself, in any place.

    If everything was done correctly, the entire background should stand out, while the subject should remain untouched. Now we can do whatever we want with the background. Let me remind you that we need change background color in photoshop. To do this, first select the required color in the color palette. To do this, click on the icon in the form of a colored square in the Photoshop tools palette. As you can see, there are two squares. The top one is responsible for setting the foreground color. That's what we need. Double-click on it, and in the color palette, select the desired color, say blue.

    Great! We chose the color. Now, actually, fill the background. To do this, in the toolbar, select the tool " Fill". Click on the background with the working area of ​​the tool. The background is filled with the color that we have chosen. In our case, it is blue.

    So we changed the background color in photoshop. But don't rush to remove the selection. Let's try adding a gradient to our background. If you want to leave the background uniform, then in the Photoshop menu - " Selection", remove the selection, and save the resulting image. But we will add a gradient. To do this, select the tool of the same name. It is located on the same button as the " tool Fill", you just need to right-click on the button and select " Gradient". Set the gradient settings as follows: mode - ordinary, strength - 100% , way - linear gradient . After choosing a tool, draw a vertical line from the top edge of the photo to the bottom, somewhere on the side of the subject. It should look something like this:

    Now you can remove the selection. If there are untreated areas along the contour of the head, and this happens, for example, with tousled hair, then work again " With a magic wand " And " Filling", and also in some places you can use the tool " Finger"After all this, it is very advisable to walk through the area of ​​the treated areas with a tool." Blur", thereby, as if covering up some torn areas. The blur strength, in this case, is recommended to be set within 70% , that will be enough.

    That's all, actually. We learned how to change the background color in Photoshop. All that remains is to flatten the layers and save the image in the required format. To do this, in the Photoshop menu - " Layer"and select" Perform flattening" or " Merge Layers". And in the menu " File", select " Save as", set the required image format ( more often JPEG ), and the location where our file is saved. After that, click " OK".

    First of all, you need to install Adobe program Photoshop on your computer. The program is paid and you can buy it on the website of the manufacturer Adobe, or try searching and downloading it for free on the Internet.

    So, you have installed and launched Adobe Photoshop.

    This is the main window of the program. Don’t be intimidated by the abundance of interface elements and all kinds of tools; in just a few days you will become completely comfortable in this environment. We won’t look at what this window consists of now; in practice it will be simpler and clearer.

    Creating a new file

    Click File -> New. Consider the window that appears:

    • Name- the name of the future document. Most often, this parameter is not specified, and the file name is assigned when saving.
    • Width and Height- width and height of the future image. It is most convenient to specify in pixels. Pixel is a unit of image in two-dimensional raster graphics. It is from pixels, like bricks, that an image is built.
    • Resolution- number of points per unit length. The higher this indicator, the better the quality of the image, but also larger size file. Therefore, a resolution of 72 pixels per inch (the so-called screen resolution) is accepted as the norm.
    • Color mode- the most common RGB color(color), because allows you to use all colors visible to the human eye. The color depth is specified in bits; standard 8 bits are enough.
    • Background contents- defines the background of the image (white, transparent, background color).

    • Other settings are rarely used. Make the settings as in the picture and click OK.

    Tool palette

    Most often you will have to work with the tool palette.

    Today we will look at just a few of these tools:

    Selection tools

    Selection. Click on this tool and hold left mouse key, a selection menu will open: rectangular selection, elliptical selection, single column, single row.

    Each tool has an options bar, located below the menu bar and changes depending on the selected tool:

    So, for a rectangular selection we have the following parameters:

    New selection. A new selection is created, and existing selections (if any) disappear.

    Add to selection. The designated area will be added to the existing selection.

    Remove from selection. Excludes the selected area from the selection.

    Select the intersection. From two selections (old and new), the intersection area will be selected.

    Feather - an area of ​​partially selected pixels appears along the edges of the selection. Allows you to make a smooth transition of the object into the background.

    Style - specifies the selection method: normal - free selection, fixed aspect ratio - proportional selection, fixed size - selection area of ​​a given size.

    The options are the same for all selection tools.

    Let's try it in practice:

    Take the rectangular selection tool (click on it), move the mouse cursor to the upper left edge of the white canvas created at the beginning file lesson, press the left mouse button and, without releasing, stretch the square (Fig. 1).

    Now on the options bar, click on the “add to selection” icon, move the mouse cursor to the center of our square, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag out another square (Fig. 2).

    Now on the options bar, click on the “remove from selection” icon, move the mouse cursor to the center of our second square, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the square (Fig. 3).

    It should look like in Fig. 4.

    Let's leave it like that for now and see how to select and set colors.

    Color selection

    The main colors of the image are set using two squares at the bottom of the tool palette.

    1 - foreground color.
    2 - background color.
    3 - Set default colors (ie black and white).
    4 - swap the foreground and background colors.

    Click on the square and the color picker window will open. Click the color you like and then OK. The color you choose will become the foreground color. Now click on "swap foreground and background colors" and do the same with the second square. Read more about color in the article colors for the web.

    Now let's look at the next group of tools.

    Fill tools

    Filling. Click on this tool and hold down the left mouse button, a selection menu will open: gradient and fill.

    Here you can select what you need.

    Bucket - fills an image (selection) with color or texture.

    So, for filling we have the following parameters:

    Fill - determines what to use as “paint”: the foreground will be filled with the main color, the pattern will be filled with some pattern.

    Pattern - pattern for filling.

    Mode is a method of overlaying pixels; there are many values ​​and will be considered as needed.

    Opacity - determines the degree of transparency of the fill.

    Tolerance - range of colors to fill.

    The anti-aliasing checkbox means to soften the edges of the transition.

    Let's try it in practice:

    Take the fill tool (click on the bucket), move it inside the selection made in the previous step, and click with the mouse. Our selection will be colored in the foreground color (black by default).

    Now in the options bar, select: Fill -> Pattern, Pattern -> any you like.

    Move our bucket inside the selection again and click. Now it is filled with a template and looks like this:

    Please note that in the template window that opens, only a small part of them is presented. If you click on the arrow on the right, a menu will open, at the bottom of which other collections of templates are listed. They can be added to existing ones.

    Gradient. Creates a fill with smooth transition between two or more colors.

    Let's look at the options panel:

    If you click on the arrow on the right, a palette with gradient options will open, with double click a gradient editing window will open in front of the arrow (here you can configure your gradient options).

    Determines the type of gradient (from left to right - linear, radial, angular, reflected, diamond).

    Inversion (reverse) - a checkmark indicates to geometrically reverse the gradient.

    Dithering (depth - dither) - the checkbox indicates smooth to reduce segmentation.

    Transparency - a check mark indicates the use of transparency.

    Let's try it in practice:

    Create new file, take the rectangular selection tool and stretch it into a rectangle, then on the toolbar, click on the gradient icon, on the options bar, click on the arrow and select the gradient you like, to the right select the type of gradient (any).

    Pay attention to the first two squares in the gradient selection window that opens. They use the colors you set as your foreground and background colors (the colored squares at the bottom of the toolbar). The first gradient makes a smooth transition from the main color to the background, the second - from the main color to transparency.

    Now move the mouse cursor to the middle of the left side of our selection, press the left mouse button and, without releasing, draw a line to the middle of the right side (Fig. 1)
    Now draw the gradient line diagonally (Fig. 2)
    And now from top to bottom (Fig. 3)

    See the difference and experiment with different gradients and their types.

    Saving an image

    Our lesson is coming to an end, all that remains is to learn how to preserve our masterpieces.

    Click the File menu item, in the pop-up menu you will see the usual item - Save As - and a new one - Save for Web (Save for Web). Let's figure out which one is for what.

    If you are working on an image and want to be able to change it in the future, you should select the menu item - Save As

    Where to save and what name to give is your personal business, but the format will be *.PSD;*.PDD. It is in this format that all your settings are saved (we don’t have them yet, but they will appear later). Thus, it is not the entire picture that is saved, but its parts, each of which you can change whenever you want.

    If your image is ready, then select the menu item - Save for Web. The image will be saved optimized for the Internet (i.e. with the best quality/file size combination). The saving window that opens should be examined in more detail:

    Four tabs at the top offer you to view image options:

    Original - the image as it is. As a rule, large size file not valid for web.
    Optimal (optimized) - the optimal ratio of quality and file size from the point of view of the program.
    2-up, 4-up - respectively two and four image options side by side, the size is indicated at the bottom of each. You can choose the best one in your opinion.

    On the right top corner This window allows you to set additional settings:

    Here you can select the format of the saved image. General recommendations - use JPEG formats and PNG for photographs with subtle realistic color transitions, GIF format - for contrasting, low-color drawings. By the way, all the pictures on this page are saved in GIF format.

    If you use the tabs discussed above, then customizing this part of the window is not necessary, at least not at this stage.

    So, choose the most optimal image in your opinion and click on the Save button. The usual saving window will open, where you should specify the Folder (where to save) and the File Name, the rest will already be specified, click Save again. The image for the web is ready.

    This concludes the first lesson. You learned how to create a new file, select areas and fill them in various ways(color, pattern and gradient), and also save images in in the required format.

    To reinforce these skills, experiment (create different shaped areas and fill them in different ways).

    In the next lesson you will learn how to work with text and get acquainted with the main concept of the program - layers.