• ZIP - where to download, how to install, unpack and pack the archive. How to create an archive on a computer using special programs

    how to create a spare parts folder and how to locate it later? And I would also like to know what it gives? Thank you.

    1. Right-click and select Send - Compressed Zip Folder.
      It helps compress information
    2. Download WinRAR and install. Next, right-click on the folder. Add it to the archive. You can also right-click on the archive and select extract. The archive compresses the folder, which reduces its weight.
    3. This is the ZIP archiver folder
      The archiver packs files by compressing them, reducing the file size.
      First, install an archiver, I recommend WinRar
    4. right-click on the file - send it to a compressed zip folder, gives a slight compression of information, it is not necessary to unpack it, you can work directly
    5. Right-click on the desktop: New - ZIP folder.
      The folder reduces the size of the files inside it.
      Eject: Open it and you will see "eject".
    6. There is no need to create a Zip folder. ZIP is a folder inside which there are compressed files, well, for example, you had a document that weighed 1 MGB and you need to send it, then you use an archiver that compresses it to 150 Kb :):) Saving space and all that!!!
    7. You create a zip with the right mouse button. There you will create a zip folder. All the files you put there are compressed and therefore weigh less
    8. Creating a compressed zip folder:
      Open the My Computer folder.
      Double-click the drive or folder.
      From the File menu, select New and Compressed Folder.
      Type a name for the new folder and press ENTER.
      You can also create a compressed folder by right-clicking the desktop and selecting context menu New and Compressed Folder commands.
      You can identify a compressed folder by the presence of a zipper on the folder icon.
      Subject to availability sharing For compressed folders, you must limit the folder name to eight characters and specify the extension .zip.

      Adding files to a compressed zip folder:
      Open My Computer and find compressed folder.
      To compress files and folders, drag them into a compressed folder.

      Compressing a file using the ZIP method is used to reduce the amount of hard disk space that the file will occupy. To launch/open/view it later, you need to unpack it.
      In the case of ZIP, in Windows decompression (unpacking) occurs “invisibly”; you simply go into the ZIP archive, like a regular folder, and open the files you need.
      Compression and decompression takes some time (the amount of time depends on the size of the compressed file).

      You can use RAR instead of ZIP.
      To do this you need to install WinRAR program. It allows you to set additional options compression, setting passwords for archives, etc.
      You can download WinRAR here: freesoft.ru/?id=4669

      In addition to ZIP and RAR, there are other compression algorithms/methods and corresponding programs that implement them (ARJ, LZH, HA, CAB, TGZ, GZ, GZIP, TAR...).

    9. zip is an archive. Created and unpacked by the archiver. Well, what does the zipped file give? Takes up less disk space if compressed well. Music and video are compressed (by the archiver) very poorly

    Almost every computer today has an archiver installed - a program that can compress and decompress files. Windows users systems for unknown reason give preference WinRAR archiver. As a matter of fact, I’m not against this product. It has a lot of advantages and one big drawback - it is paid. Today we will look at a program that is an excellent free alternative to WinRAR. We will talk about the program - 7-Zip. During the review process, we will create our own unpacking archive, and also set a password for our archive. And finally, let's try to compare: who compresses files better - 7-Zip or WinRAR.

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    Before we start talking about 7-Zip, let's find out what an archiver is and why it is needed. An archiver is a program that is used to reduce the size of files. Today it is customary to archive almost all types of files with the exception of multimedia (music, video, graphics). In the case of the latter, it is a separate story. The fact is that modern multimedia files are already compressed material. Only their size is reduced by other programs.

    Another use of archivers is to combine several files into one. For example, my article consists of a document in Word format and several graphic files. I decided to forward the article to a friend. You can, of course, attach all the files separately to a letter, but you can simply add all the components of my article to the archive and send it via email just one file, which will also be smaller in size compared to the non-archived version.

    Actually, that's all. The archive has been created. In my case, the result was an archive called AIMP.zip. If you carefully examined the context menu, you probably noticed that it is possible to create an archive in 7z format. This format is a product of the developers of the 7-Zip archiver. Its main characteristic is a higher compression ratio (compared to ZIP and even RAR). However, archive in this format It only makes sense if you are 100 percent sure that the recipient of the archive will subsequently have something to unpack it with.

    Let me give you an example. operating room Windows system XP immediately after installation is capable of unpacking archives in ZIP format, however, if you do not install additional software, which is our glorious 7-Zip archiver, then opening an archive in 7z format becomes impossible.

    How to put a password on the archive?

    Often it is necessary to implement at least minimal information protection. Despite the fact that today there are many programs for cracking archive passwords, password protection in many cases turns out to be an effective remedy against unauthorized access.

    In addition, I would like to note that if your password contains numbers, letters, both lowercase and uppercase, and is longer than 10 characters, an attacker will need a lot of effort to guess the password.

    To set a password for the archive, we will need to create it again. However, we will do this using the 7-Zip Manager. To open it, click on the “Start” button, then “All Programs” and look for the item with the same name as the program name.

    Click on it and select “7-Zip” from the drop-down list File Manager" A new window will open.

    We see the archiver control center. A significant part of the window is occupied by the most common file and folder explorer on your computer. I suggest going to the same folder where we previously created the archive and creating the archive again.

    Also select all the files and click on big button at the top of the Add screen.

    In a new window we get the opportunity to configure archiving.

    I suggest just setting the value in the “Archive format” drop-down list to ZIP, and setting the compression level to “Maximum”. Now pay attention to the “Encryption” section. This is where the password is entered.

    When you finish entering, just click the “Ok” button at the bottom of the window. The archive has been created and is password protected.

    How to split a file into several parts?

    I would like to tell you about one more useful function 7-Zip archiver. Suppose there is a need to create an archive and write it to a very ordinary three-inch floppy disk.

    Of course, these same floppy disks in our advanced age high technology are an anachronism. But the situation has so developed that there are many companies and organizations that have computers that are not the latest, equipped with three-inch floppy drives.
    The main problem with floppy disks is their capacity. The fact is that they allow you to write to yourself no more than 1.44 megabytes. What to do if your archive is large? Break it into parts, each of which will exceed 1.44 MB.

    To do this, we again create our archive using “7-Zip File Manager”. Click the “Add” button and in the already familiar window, turn your attention to the “Split into volumes of size (in bytes)” drop-down list.

    Here we select the first item, which is to split the archive for the floppy drive. Click the “Ok” button and find that two files have appeared.

    Each of these files can easily fit on a floppy disk. To then assemble and unpack the whole thing, it will be enough to copy the files from the floppy disks into one folder. Please note that to collect files you must have the 7-Zip archiver installed.

    In conclusion, I would like to say: pay as much attention as possible to free programs. Often, freely distributed software has much greater functionality, and it is almost always less demanding on computer hardware resources.

    Best regards, Gosha Computer.

    Archiving is the process of placing files and folders into a special “compressed” file, which typically takes up significantly less space on your hard drive.

    Thanks to this, much more information can be recorded on any medium, this information can be transferred faster over the Internet, which means archiving will always be in demand!

    In this article we will look at how you can archive a file or folder on your computer; We will also touch on the most popular archiving programs.

    Archiving using Windows

    If you have modern version Windows OS (Vista, 7, 8) - its explorer has a built-in ability to work directly with compressed zip folders. This is very convenient and allows you to compress many types of files quickly and without problems. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to do this.

    Let's say we have a document file (Word). His actual size 553 KB.

    1) To archive such a file, right-click on it, then select the “send/compressed zip folder” tab in the Explorer context menu. See screenshot below.

    2) That's it! The archive should be ready. If you go to its properties, you will notice that the size of such a file has decreased by about 100 KB. Not much, but if you compress megabytes or gigabytes of information, the savings can be very significant!

    By the way, the compression of this file was 22%. The built-in Windows Explorer makes it easy to work with such compressed zip folders. Many users don't even realize that they are dealing with archived files!

    Archiving by programs

    Zip folders alone are not enough for archiving. Firstly, it has already been stated that there are more advanced formats that allow you to compress the file even more (in this regard, an interesting article about comparing archivers:). Secondly, not all operating systems directly support working with archives. Thirdly, the operating speed of the OS with archives may not always suit you. Fourthly, no one will be disturbed additional features when working with archives.

    Some of the most popular programs for archiving files and folders - these are WinRar, 7Z and the file commander - Total Commander.


    After installing the program, the context menu will allow you to add files to archives. To do this, right-click on the files and select the function as shown in the screenshot below.

    The created Rar archive compressed the file even more strongly than Zip. True, the program spends more time working with this type...


    A very popular archiver with a high degree of file compression. Its new "7Z" format allows you to compress some file types stronger than WinRar! Working with the program is very simple.

    After installation, there will be a context menu with 7z in Explorer, you just have to select the option to add a file to the archive.

    By the way, as mentioned, 7z is not much, but it compressed more than all previous formats.

    Total Commander

    One of the most popular commanders for working in Windows OS. It is considered the main competitor of Explorer, which is built into Windows by default.

    1. Select the files and folders that you want to archive (they are highlighted in red). Then on the control panel, click the “pack files” function.

    2. A window with compression settings should open in front of you. The most popular compression methods and formats are present here: zip, rar, 7z, ace, tar, etc. You need to select a format, set a name, paths, etc. Next, click on the “OK” button and the archive is ready.

    3. What makes the program convenient is its focus on the user. Beginners may not even notice that they are working with archives: you can easily enter, exit, and add other files just by dragging them from one program panel to another! Yes, and there is no need to have dozens installed archivers on your computer to archive files in various formats.


    By archiving files and folders, you can significantly reduce the size of files and, accordingly, place more information on your disk.

    But remember that not all file types should be compressed. For example, it is almost useless to compress video, audio, pictures*. There are other methods and formats for them.

    * By the way, the “bmp” image format can be compressed quite well. Other formats, for example, such a popular one as “jpg”, will not give any benefit...

    ZIP is a data compression format. It is one of the most popular in the world, widely used in Windows, since the archiver built into it creates archives exactly in the format .zip.

    How to install a ZIP archiver on Windows

    How to Create a ZIP Archive on Windows

    To create an archive, right-click on the folder and select from the context menu Compress or Create archive.

    How to Extract a ZIP Archive on Windows

    To unpack the archive, right-click on the archive, then Unzip or Unpack archive. There you can also specify the path to which folder to unpack the archive.

    How to install ZIP archiver on Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, FreeBSD

    In Ubuntu, Debian ZIP installation happens with the command:

    Apt-get install zip unzip

    Sudo apt-get install zip

    Installing ZIP on CentOS:

    Yum install zip unzip

    Sudo yum install zip

    Installing ZIP on FreeBSD

    Pkg_add -r zip unzip

    How to pack a ZIP archive in Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS

    zip -9r archive.zip archive
    • zip— archiver command, does not change
    • -9r- keys. They define the rules by which the archiver will work. Keys are indicated with a leading hyphen. You can specify keys as a group, or each one separately, for example -9 -r . The keys can be the following:
      • 9 — degree of compression. Can vary from 1 to 9, from smallest to largest, respectively. If you specify 0, no compression will occur.
      • r— make compression recursive. This means that if the directory that we are compressing has subdirectories, then we include them in the archive too
      • x— exclude some files or directories. It is indicated separately at the very end of the command, for example: zip -9r archive.zip archive -x "archive/noarchive/*"

        The path can be either relative or absolute. An example of an absolute path:

        Zip -9r archive.zip /var/www/example.com/archive/* -x "/var/www/example.com/archive/noarchive/*"

      • -P— set a password for the archive. For example: zip -9r -P pass archive.zip archive

        Now the archive password is set to pass. To see the contents of the archive or unpack it, you will be asked to enter the password for the archive.

        Remember that the encryption standard .zip very weak and relatively easy to hack, so try not to encrypt important information with a zip.

    • archive.zip— name of the archive. Must end with .zip
    • archive— folder (directory, directory) that we compress. The path is relative to the current directory. You can specify an absolute one, say /var/log/archive/* . You can also specify several source paths to pack them into one archive, for example: zip -9r archive.zip archive archive2 /var/www/site/archive/*

    How to extract zip archive in Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS

    To unpack the archive .zip to the current directory, use the command.

    There are often situations when you need to split a file or folder of files into smaller parts. This happens in cases where, say, you need to send large volume information by email.

    Since mail server administrators often set a limit on the size of a letter, they either have to separate the files and send them in different letters. But when we have one big file, then you won’t be able to break it. In this case, an archiver will help you, for example 7zip, winrar and similar ones, which will help you create a multi-volume archive, thereby dividing your file into parts of the required size.

    Today we create a multi-volume archive V free archiver 7zip, and also learn how to set a password for the archive.

    Step by step instructions:

    For creating a multi-volume archive using 7zip, just follow these steps:

    Now you have many files of the same size that you can send to the recipient, one in each email.

    In order to unzip a multi-volume archive, you need to place all archive files in one folder. Then right-click on the first archive and select 7zip -> "Extract here":

    If at least one volume from the entire archive is missing (or one of the volumes is damaged), then after selecting the “unpack here” menu you will not see files from the archive.

    For adding a password to the archive, when creating an archive, enter the password in the “Enter password” field on the right side of the window.

    Also repeat the entered password in the “repeat password” field below:

    Now, when unpacking the archive, a message will appear asking you to enter the password for the archive.

    As we see, create a multi-volume archive Using 7zip is very simple.