• What Windows 7 archiving does. How to archive a file or folder

    You will believe us if we assure you that this is the most complete and detailed guide on using data archiving in Windows? If your answer is “No”, we hasten to disappoint you - this is exactly it. See for yourself!

    Data security is one of the main tasks when working on a computer. For this purpose, there are a huge number of rules and regulations that must be followed. And there are also a lot special programs who help in this matter. Here we can mention antiviruses that cope with virtual threats, diagnostic and recovery programs hard drives so that they last longer. And such an important aspect as data archiving, which we will talk about in this material.

    What is data archiving

    On at this stage all kinds of storage devices digital information have a huge amount of memory. Flash memory cards, hard drives and specialized data warehouses provide tens and hundreds of terabytes of memory for your needs. But despite the fact that this volume is very large, it is in any case limited. Therefore, the task of saving memory is still relevant today. What is the easiest way to achieve your goal? Of course, reduce the size of files.

    This is exactly what is achieved through the use of data archiving process. But that's not all. Information security is increased through the creation and use of data backups. Transmitting smaller amounts of information saves time and available data network capacity.

    The process of data compression or archiving is a transformation of source information, based on special algorithms, done with the aim of reducing its volume.

    There are two main compression methods - lossy and lossless.

    1. Lossy compression- characterized by greater efficiency in terms of reducing the initial volume of data. Used to work with video, audio and graphic data. Lost information does not prevent the recovery and subsequent use of information.
    2. Lossless compression- characterized full restoration source data from the archive. Used to work with text files, program sources, and other information for which the loss of part of the source data is critical.

    Next we will talk about creating archives (images) of the Windows operating system. They are used to recover from critical failures. Let's consider the built-in tools with which all the necessary operations are carried out.

    You will need:

    Archiving in the Windows 7 operating system

    So, let's get acquainted with the archiving tools in Windows OS. Click to start Start -> Control Panel -> Backup and Restore.

    This is what the start window will look like when you first launch it. Now is the time to move on to configuration. To do this, click the link " Set up backup".

    We will go to a dialog box in which we will need to select a storage location for the created archive.

    My computer's hard drive doesn't have enough space, so it makes sense to choose removable media. In general, backup copies should be stored in specially designated places. portable hard The disk will be fine.

    Highlight required device in the list, and click the "Next" button.

    In the next step, we need to choose which data should be archived.

    We can leave this choice to the operating room Windows system. In this case, a backup copy of the system and personal files of users will be made.

    IN manual mode we can independently select custom and other files that we want to add to the archive.

    Select the appropriate item and click "Next".

    Now all we have to do is check the archiving parameters again. If everything was selected correctly, press the button " Save settings and start archiving."

    Upon completion of the process you will have a ready archive file, containing a backup of all your selected data.


    If necessary you can configure automatic start archiving systems. To do this, you need to set up a schedule. This can be done during the first launch, in the settings confirmation window. There you will see a button " Change schedule". Click it and configure the settings as needed.

    Select the time period, day of the week and time at which the process will be launched backup.

    Space management

    If you periodically create backups, the space on your hard drive or other storage media quickly runs out. At the same time, outdated archives are losing their relevance. It would be wise to delete them - this will help save disk space and leave only the latest data. For these purposes it is provided special function- space management. To launch it, click the button of the same name when you are in the main program window.

    Here you will find information about the available archive data, along with the volume it occupies. By clicking on the " View archives", you can see all available on at the moment backups, and delete obsolete ones.

    Recovering archived files

    Now that we have a backup copy of the necessary data, it's time to learn how to use it. Now we will look at the process of restoring files from an existing archive.

    We return to the main program window again. Now we are interested in the "Recovery" block. After we have created at least one backup copy, the “Restore my files” button will appear here. Press it. You will be taken to the dialog box " File recovery".

    Now we need to select the files to recover. For this, two buttons are provided - “Browse files” and “Browse folders”. The first will allow you to select a specific file or files, the second, respectively, entire folders.

    After everything necessary files will be selected, click the "Next" button.

    Now we should select the location where we want to place the recovered files.

    We can select any drive or folder, or leave the original location. After that, click the "Restore" button. Now all that remains is to wait for the process to complete.

    How to make a system image

    The previous steps were aimed mainly at creating backups user files. Now let's create a system image separately. We will use the same data archiving tools.

    We return to the main program window again and press the button " Create a system image", located in the left navigation menu.

    The next step is to select a storage location for the archive.

    It's best to write to removable hard disc or DVD. Then click the "Next" button.

    Now you need to select the disks that will be included in the image. The system disk and the backed up Windows data must be selected without fail.

    After everything required disks will be selected, click the "Next" button. You will see a window for checking archiving settings. Once again, make sure that everything is selected correctly. To start the process, click "Archive".

    When the process is completed, a WindowsImageBackup folder will be created at the root of the system partition. It will contain a file with the extension .VHD - this is the system image file.

    Restoring a system from an image

    Now, in case of problems, we can restore the system from a previously prepared image. This is done as follows.

    We start the computer and go to boot menu. To do this, press the F8 key immediately after passing the POST test. This is the moment that has not yet started operating system.

    If everything is done correctly, you should see a list of available options to boot your computer.

    Choose the top option" Troubleshooting your computer", and press Enter.

    When the recovery environment starts, you will need to select the language and user you want to work under. Choose anyone with administrator rights.

    When the recovery tool selection window appears, you should click the " Restoring a system image".

    The recovery wizard will launch. You will only need to specify the desired image, start the process and wait for it to complete. After this, you can restart your computer and check the result.

    Video for the article:


    Data archiving and backup are very powerful and useful tools. One useful way to use them is as follows.

    Install the operating system on your computer. Show her off full customization. Install everything necessary programs. After this, create a full system image. Now, in case of failures, you can always restore it to working condition, and you won’t have to waste time on subsequent configuration.

    We have prepared a guide in which we explained.

    If the computer stops turning on, use the recommendations from the instructions

    Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected here?

    Information for the news

    Data archiving computer should be done in case of a rainy day. There was a sad case in my practice. There was a fire at one enterprise, and naturally the computer burned down along with hard drive, programs and databases were gone, it was clear to the naked eye that nothing could be restored. When the director of the company realized that all the data from this computer was hopelessly lost, he felt bad. Naturally, no archiving was carried out, no one even knew such a word, system administrator quit a month ago due to low salary, the bosses didn’t remember his name. This is the day, my friends, that you need to regularly archive data.

    Creating an image of Windows 7 using the "Data Archiving" tool built into the operating system

    In my article I will tell you how system administrators use such tools as Backing up computer data and Creating a recovery disk, and what unfamiliar nuances there may be. to a simple user, without relevant experience. I want to say that such an incident would not have had any negative effect on a good admin; he would not have batted an eyelid, and would have restored everything in an hour. How, you ask?

    • In our articles, we analyzed what it is in general, how to use it, as well as the product. But unfortunately, all these means will not help us, if we had the same disaster, they will all be useless without the means: Archiving computer data or Creating a system image.

    Windows 7 was installed on the burned computer, let's imagine that the unpleasant events have not yet occurred, but the system administrator has already ordered a long life, how would you and I act, knowing that we cannot neglect such a useful tool as Data Archiving. By the way, do you know what’s different? Data archiving computer from Creating a system image? Read on.

    Data archiving backs up our files, that is, photos, documents, drawings, music, etc. It is very important where it is produced, since we have a lot of personal data, it is better if it is portable USB hard drive, where our entire household will probably fit, but you need to be careful with it, such disks are afraid of strong impacts. If we have few files, we can even use DVDs.

    • Very many users Windows installation 7 split the hard drive into several partitions, install the operating system on one, store personal data on others, and this is correct, but it is not correct to store backup copies of your data on the same hard drive, even on a separately created partition, believe my sad experience and store everything on portable media or another hard drive.

    Personally, I always use a simple and normal SATA or IDE hard drive; such a drive can even be dropped and there is unlikely to be any damage to it. Inexperienced people, of course, may have problems connecting an additional hard drive to a computer. But excuse me, for whom have I written so many articles, for example: or Connecting hard SATA drive and How to connect an IDE hard drive.
    Now the most important thing is how we will proceed, now we will make, using the Data Archiving tool, a backup copy of all our files on the computer to a portable hard drive, we have done it, let’s imagine what happened to our system unit something happened or it was stolen, so all our data was lost. But we have another computer and you and I can install the Windows 7 operating system there, then we will connect a USB hard drive with our archive and restore our data.

    Start -> Control Panel->Archiving computer data era -> Recover files for all users lei, then we will indicate our archive and the process of restoring everything that you had on this computer will begin. If you don't need everything, restore only the files you need. But first things first.

    • Unfortunately, Data Archiving does not restore the entire working Windows 7 operating system, but only your personal data included in the archive. If you want to make an archive of the entire Windows 7 OS, along with settings, programs and, of course, your files, then you need to use the tool. Soz this image you can also deploy it on another computer and even with a different hardware configuration. Knowing certain subtleties, you can even get out of the image separate files, read our article Creating a system image.

    We create a backup copy of our files using Computer Data Backup.
    Start->Control Panel->Backup computer data->take your time to click the Archive button, first we’ll choose where.

    Click the Change settings button

    Next, select which hard drive (I have two of them, one is divided into two partitions (E:) and (C:), the second Local disk(N:) with a capacity of 465.76 GB, used specifically for storing archives) select it and click next.

    We can also store our data on a special paid server on the Internet, but there is a risk of theft of confidential data.
    What should be archived? Provide Windows selection 7 or choose yourself, good question, if you provide the choice of Windows 7, the archive will include the files of your personal libraries, all your programs and files used by the operating system for work. Archiving will take quite a long time and remember, there is no guarantee that all the data you need will be included in the backup. Microsoft Help is available in this window. How do you select files for backup in Windows?
    So we check the box Give me a choice and continue.

    In this window, you and I can select the files for archiving that we need. My advice, select only personal data (folders with documents, music, photos, etc.) do not select files in system folders for archiving software settings It is better to use not Data Archiving, but the System Image Creation tool (read System Image Creation).

    Include a system image of disks, (E:) and (C:). Data archiving can additionally create entire disk images (E:) and (C:) on my computer along with the data archive.

    • Note: You may notice that on (C:) there is Windows 7, and that the Archiving Settings are located on the drive (E:), but here is your answer, there I have a second operating system, Windows XP. My advice is to check the box Include system image for disks; the image with the operating system will be useful to us.

    Change schedule. In this window, you can change the schedule and data archiving will start when you need it, let data archiving be done exactly at a time when your computer is not busy, or cancel it altogether.

    After completing the Data Archiving process, we can see our backup archive on the disk (N:) on the left (it will be called full name your computer) and a disk image (E:) and (C:) on the right, called WindowsImageBackup with the Windows 7 and XP operating systems. The Data Archiving Tool creates an archive in the form of ordinary Zip files, which can be simply unzipped if desired. As for the Disk Image, you won’t be able to get the files so easily, so read on.

    What errors might there be? The archiving process may fail if on a removable USB device there isn't enough space.
    You can stop archiving by clicking the View details->Stop backup button.

    Before Windows 7, these utilities were not very developed in the Microsoft OS, and therefore most PC users used the applications third party companies. In this article I will talk about the built-in Backup and Restore utility ( Backup and Restore)", which, in my opinion, became best development Microsoft has been in this area for a long time.
    How to use the archiving utility and Windows recovery 7?

    How to launch?
    To enable backup you need to open “my computer” and right-click on the icon of your hard drive. Next, select “properties” and go to the “service” tab. There will be the treasured “archive” button - click on it.

    (Figure 1)
    The “archiving setup” window will open, click on the “set up backup” link. The system will search for a disk that is suitable for storing a backup copy of your data, or you can save all the information on network resources.
    There is also a link to recommendations for choosing a location for your archive - I advise you to read this information, it will definitely not be superfluous. :)
    Next, you have two options - let the system select the files for archiving or make the choice yourself.

    (Figure 2)
    It’s worth noting here that Windows does not automatically archive the “ Program files", files that are in the Recycle Bin, or temporary files whose size is equal to or greater than 1 GB. As well as all the information that will be located on the disk space with file system"FAT"
    So, we select the folders and files that we want to save.

    (Figure 3)
    Note that you can create an image of the entire hard drive, but this option must be checked yourself. This function will be available if you have selected a medium other than the disk from which you are going to archive information for the archive storage location.
    We follow the link “change schedule”, there we can select the time and day of the week on which the backup will be performed.
    We save everything set parameters and begin our first data archiving. To do this, just click on the button of the same name “save settings and start archiving”.
    When the process is completed, the drive you selected will contain 2 files and a disk image folder (if you enabled this option).
    How to restore an operating system from an archive?
    If you want to rollback and restore data from backup, you just need to click on the “Restore files of all users” button, which is located in the “backup and...” window.
    Next, you can select the backup of the files or folders you want to return. Then all you have to do is restore the lost data either to the same location or to another one that you specify - to do this, click the “recover” button.
    How to manage archive size?
    Archival information also takes disk space, although smaller than the original. You may have a situation where you need more free memory.
    Here again the data archiving utility can help us, so with its help you can manage the size of your archives. We go to the “archiving and ...” window, the location of your archived information will be indicated there, its volume and under the archive size there will be a “space management” link - click on it.

    (Figure 4)
    Next, you can click on the “View archives” button. Here you will find a list of all archives that were created by the system. To free up disk space, you can delete the oldest ones.

    (Figure 5)
    There you can also change the settings for saved system images. You can instruct the system to store only the most recently created image. Or you can set the system settings and Windows itself will manage the space that the images occupy.
    In the end, I can only say one thing, compared to what happened before - this is simply an amazing breakthrough. This utility works just fine and can help you protect yourself from accidentally losing important information.
    Use this utility, and the risk of data loss will drop to almost zero - all the best to you!

    Questions, tips and comments can be submitted right now.

    Setting up Windows 7 backup (archiving).
    With Data Backup in Windows 7, you can easily save your data on your computer. Therefore, in this article I will try to tell you how to enable and configure data backup in the Windows 7 operating system.

    At any time, you can lose all documents from your computer when, for example, it becomes infected, or the installation of any programs and drivers causes errors in the system, so using a backup Windows copy it is possible not only, but also the entire operating system to the state in which the last archiving was carried out.

    Let's figure it out how to set up data archiving in Windows 7.

    Setting up archiving Windows data 7.

    In order to set up Windows 7 data archiving, go to: Start -> Control Panel -> Back up computer data

    Next, you need to wait a few seconds while data archiving starts. The window will come out Setting up archiving, in which you need, or a flash drive where the Windows 7 data backup will be saved. After selecting, click Next.

    A window will appear in which you need to select the type of archiving, or manually, we choose it ourselves necessary disks, folders or files that need to be saved, or we provide it to Windows, in which all the most important, standard Windows folders, files from libraries, from the desktop. And you need to click Next.

    And now, if you selected the second option, manual selection of archiving, then the following window will appear like this:

    In which you should select files for archiving; to do this, you just need to check the boxes next to them. After clicking the Next button, a window will appear in which you should check the archiving parameters again. There is a point below Schedule, where you can set up a Windows backup schedule, to do this, click Change schedule.

    In the next window, you need to select how often will backups be performed?, on what days and at what time, after these settings, you need to click OK.

    And now press the button.

    You will have to wait a bit for the archiving parameters to be saved further in the Archiving or restoring files window archiving will be performed:

    If you click on View details, you can view the files and folders that are currently being archived. You can also stop archiving by clicking the button Stop backup.

    I guess that's all. Today's article talked about how to make a backup and how to set up archiving in Windows 7.

    If you don't want to bother with reinstalling Windows, it is better to create a good backup copy of it in advance using a standard system archiving tool.

    Even though modern versions Windows work with much fewer failures; sooner or later there will still come a time when you have to reinstall a broken system. So recently I came across a laptop with problems...

    Most modern laptops that come with an operating system already installed have very convenient feature restoring factory settings. It can be implemented in different ways: either at the software level ( special utility), or even on hardware ( separate button, which starts the recovery process).

    However, if we ignore the difference in the methods of initializing the process, then the internal mechanism will be approximately the same everywhere. On the hard drive there is a special hidden section, which contains an image of the operating system and some service files that allow this image to be deployed to the main system volume.

    However, many, in pursuit of an extra couple of gigabytes on the hard drive (or out of ignorance), delete this useful partition, thereby leaving the laptop without a system backup. And today I’ll show you how to create a Windows recovery partition yourself, which will allow you to quickly return your laptop or computer to its usual rhythm of work without a traditional reinstallation.

    Standard Windows backup tools

    Dozens of special programs have been written for system backup and recovery. However, Windows itself has good backup tools. IN earlier versions The OS for this purpose had the functions of creating backup recovery points and the File and Settings Transfer Wizard (Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools):

    The first tool allowed (and still allows) to create the so-called restore point. It contains information about the current state of the computer at the time the point was created, a backup copy of the registry data and system folder. Since in Windows problems often occur due to registry errors or corruption system files, then such a partial backup scheme may well help restore the PC after a failure.

    The recovery point does not contain any user files. If you needed to set up their backup, then for this you were supposed to use File and Settings Transfer Wizard. This tool allowed for direct cable connection or via local network transfer from one computer to another user data stored in special folders(My documents, My drawings, My music, etc.). In addition, it allowed you to sync cookies and cache Internet Explorer(if the user used it).

    The more or less complete backup function first appeared in Windows XP and was called " Data archiving":

    This tool made it possible to save on a local or other disk of the user’s choice not only data from special folders, but also any files from the system partition or even the entire system partition! Moreover, in additional settings backup, it was possible to activate a special service that would monitor data changes and make all these changes to the created archive.

    The tool was very easy to use, but often had problems with restoration. Therefore, in Windows 7, the problematic mechanisms were redesigned and we had at our disposal a well-functioning set of backup tools in the form of a special section “Backup and Restore Files”.

    Preparing a place for archiving

    On the problematic laptop that I told you about at the very beginning, I had to completely change the hard drive, so initially there was only one partition on it - the system Disk C. On an already working computer or laptop there can be several partitions, so the drive letters that will appear The screenshots below and in the description are just indicative examples.

    Create system backup It’s best immediately after setting it up and installing all the necessary software. This way, after a future restoration, we will get the most fully functional system, in which there will be no “garbage”. In fact, we will have it ready for Windows work without reinstallation!

    In principle, you can make a backup after a long period of using the computer (provided that the operating system is functioning normally), but in this case the size of the backup copy can be several times larger than in the case of “pure” Windows.

    And so we smoothly approached the most important thing - determining the required location for future backup. It is recommended to create it on external media(flash drive from 32 GB or removable hard drive) so that if the hard drive of your PC fails, you can deploy the system on a new drive. However, you can do like laptop manufacturers and simply allocate a separate partition for backup.

    To determine the required size of the new partition, look at how much space you have on Drive C after installing all programs and drivers. I got almost 24 GB for Windows 10 x64. Just in case, add an extra 5-10 GB to this figure and you will get the size necessary to archive the entire system.

    Create new section the easiest way is to use free program MiniTool Partition Wizard. We launch it and select a partition of the hard drive from which we will select the amount we need free space(I have only Disk C, but you may have, for example, Disk D). In the menu on the left we activate the function "Move/Resize Partition":

    A window will open in which, using a slider or a window for entering numbers, we need to set the required size of the empty space to be created. I installed about 30 and a half gigabytes using the slider (and you are guided by your size system disk) and pressed "Ok".

    Now an unallocated space without its own letter should appear in our list. Select it and press the button in the left menu "Create Partition":

    A window will open in which you can configure the parameters of the future section. There is no need to touch anything here. Unless you can change the letter that is issued automatically to any unoccupied letter that you like (but later we will delete it anyway, so you don’t have to try too hard :)). Click "Ok" to create a new task.

    Thus, our program should have two tasks: resizing the disk partition to the required number of gigabytes and creating a new partition on the resulting unallocated area. To complete these tasks, click the button "Apply" on the toolbar in the upper left corner.

    If you changed the size of any logical drive, then the scheduled tasks will immediately begin to execute. If you created the unallocated area on system partition, then you will see a warning like in the screenshot above asking you to restart your computer. Click "Reboot Now" and wait until the program automatically completes all tasks when loading.

    System archiving

    So, we have a freshly installed Windows and a partition (or removable media) for its backup. The time has come to create a backup directly. IN different version Windows access to the archiving system opens differently. IN Windows 10 for this purpose, you can follow the path “Control Panel” - “All Control Panel Items” - “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)”, or enter the search phrase “Backup”:

    IN Windows 7 the path will be: “Control Panel” - “System and Security” - “Backup and Restore”. IN Windows 8 the most confusing: WIN+X - "Control Panel" - "File History" ("Small icons" display mode) - "System image backup" link in the lower left corner (by the way, this function can be accessed in the same way in Windows 10 ).

    Once in the backup section, click the button in the left menu "Creating a system image" and follow the prompts of the wizard that opens. The first step is to choose a location to save the backup. This can be a local hard drive (not recommended, but we will use it), a DVD drive (you will need 6 or more DVD-R discs) or any network storage from local network:

    Select the blank partition we created (or an external hard drive, if you have one) and click “Next”. A window for selecting partitions to be archived will open. Here we mark our Disk C (or another one on which you have the system installed) and click “Next” again:

    Another window similar to the previous one will open, in which we are asked to double-check the specified settings and begin the process of creating an image by pressing a button "Archive". The Windows archiving process will start, which will take about half an hour (depending on the amount of data being archived).

    At the end of the backup, Windows will ask us if we would like to create system recovery disk. In principle, you can agree to the offer by inserting a blank DVD into the drive and following the prompts. Or you can refuse (for example, if there is no disk drive) in order to later create such a disk in the form bootable flash drive, or burn another image of some resuscitation disk.

    Now we only have to do one (in principle optional) action - hide section with a system backup recorded on it. It is advisable to do this for two reasons. The first is aesthetic: in the Computer window you will not display an extra disk that is unnecessary in everyday work. The second is increased security: if the disk is not visible in the system, then you will not accidentally clean it and no virus will get on it (theoretically :)).

    To do this in the Control Panel, follow the path "Administration" - "Computer Management" - "Disk Management"(section "Storage devices" in the left toolbar). Select our backup section here and call it context menu. Click on the item "Change drive letter or drive path" and in the window that opens, click the button "Delete".

    The result of our manipulations will be the appearance in the list of disks of a partition without its own letter. This section saves all the information recorded on it, but it is nowhere to be seen in standard Explorer, which most likely excludes data corruption by the user or malware.

    Archive recovery principle

    So, we have already created a backup copy of our system and hidden it relatively securely. All that remains is to find out how to use it to restore initial state our computer. If your system is working, then for this you can use the System Restore Wizard, which is located in the same place as the System Image Creation Wizard. However, most often we need to restore Windows that is no longer working. And here we just need the previously mentioned recovery disk.

    There are two ways to create it. If you want to burn a system recovery disc onto a DVD disc, then the easiest way for you to do this is through the archiving tool we are already familiar with. But you need to click not the “Create a system image” button, but the one below - "Create a system repair disc":

    Considering the fact that not all laptops have a DVD drive, you often have to burn a system recovery disc to a USB flash drive or the same external hard drive. For this purpose, it is best to take a 16 GB flash drive or create a separate partition of at least 8 GB on a removable hard drive (all information on the partition or flash drive will be deleted first).

    Go to the Control Panel and go to "Recovery" section. Here we press the first button "Creating a recovery disc" and follow the prompts of the wizard, who will offer to select a USB drive for recording data and create the resuscitation disk we need from it:

    Windows Recovery System is also available on installation disk with the new "Ten". So, if you have one, then you don’t have to create an additional recovery disk, but simply when loading the screen with the “Install” button, click on the button in the lower left corner (by the way, you can download the official Windows image 10 from the official MicroSoft website):

    The recovery system itself has several tools and sections. We are interested in the section "Additional options" . This is where the tool we need is located "Restoring a system image". We select it and a simple wizard will launch, which will allow you to select the media with the system image, and then automatic mode will restore it (all information on Drive C will be destroyed!):

    However, there is one nuance here - the recovery system cannot always determine hidden drive with an archive that does not have its own letter. If, when selecting media with backup copy If you don’t find a line with an empty letter, then you first need to assign any free letter to our backup section. This can be done in different ways. For example, MicroSoft suggests using Command line and the Diskpart team.

    I would recommend using any Windows LiveCD or bootable version already known to us utilities for working with hard drives MiniTool Partition Wizard Bootable 9.1. There, in visual mode, through the Disk Management tool discussed above (or the MiniTool Partition Wizard interface), you can assign any letter to our hidden partition.


    Windows Backup is a very convenient and reliable way system backup. Having a pre-created image of your system, you can restore it in a few minutes and get Windows fully customized to your needs with everything necessary software and drivers!

    In general, if you are tired of frequently reinstalling the system, just create an archive of it and in the future you will not have problems restoring the functionality of your PC!

    P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that open credit is given. active link to the source and preservation of the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny.