• Which is better: computer or laptop? What is better to buy, a desktop computer or a laptop?

    Good day everyone. IN lately mainly published on the blog step by step instructions, but today I want to take a break and not bother you with endless screenshots of “how to do it and where to click.” Let's take a break and think about the topic: which is better, a computer or a laptop?

    Of course, it’s impossible to simply answer such a “holivar” question. And there’s no need for this, although it still makes sense to evaluate what advantages each device has in order to understand what you specifically need.

    Everything was simple before. There were computers, there were laptops. Computers, as a rule, were much cheaper and much more powerful than their mobile brothers... just a couple of years ago I did not think that laptops would gain such popularity.

    Our world is changing, so now it is difficult to say: what is a computer and what is a laptop? I will try to consider devices that are as close as possible to the computers and laptops we are used to. In conclusion, for each I will try to recommend for what tasks this or that device is suitable

    To understand what is more interesting to us, I decided to highlight similar devices. Of course, I could be wrong and if you have something to say, correct me, but my vision of the current situation in the computer market is this:

    Desktop computer

    Classic laptop

    Transformable tablet

    It is important to understand that I am only considering computers with x86 processors that work perfectly in the usual way. Windows environment. I consider it inappropriate to compare Android and other devices here, since these devices, despite all their efforts, are not yet capable of fully replacing a laptop or computer. Who knows, maybe they are the future... but we are still living in the present!

    Desktop computer

    This is the same old man everyone is familiar with. It was with such a computer that I began my acquaintance a long time ago, now I don’t even remember when it all started. What do I want to say about him? Habitual system unit(Which many, and probably even most, call a processor), a Monitor (which is also “TV” for everyone) and a keyboard and mouse.

    Its main advantages are the possibility of modernization, and also, due to its size, good ventilation. Regular desktop PCs are less susceptible to overheating than their compact laptop brothers. Another huge plus is high maintainability (although technology is developing so quickly that sometimes it is not always possible to find a replacement component for a computer purchased half a year ago).

    If there is good ventilation in a spacious case, then it is logical that more powerful and power-hungry components can be placed here, because the issue of heat transfer is not as acute as in the case of a laptop. In general, if you have a computer at home and you don’t need it except at home, it will definitely be cheaper and more efficient to take it!

    What is a Monoblock? This is a familiar monitor to us, in which a system unit has been “placed” (as a rule, laptop components are used. They heat up less, take up less space...) And I don’t even know what to call it: is it a monitor with a computer built into it, or even laptop screwed to the back of the monitor. But if a laptop is primarily about mobility and the name itself reminds us of a book, then we will assume that the Monoblock is a familiar computer.

    The only advantage that I see is that it will take up less space, which, given their cost, is a very dubious pleasure. With its form factor, the advantages of a desktop computer are completely destroyed, and the problems of laptop hardware and cramped layout are added.

    We’ve finished talking about computers, now let’s move on to laptops, otherwise we won’t be able to answer the question. Which is better: a computer or a laptop?

    Classic laptop

    A laptop familiar to many, it is likely that you perceive it as your main computer and work tool. IN present moment Laptops have gained popularity due to lower prices and increased performance. If earlier we talked about gaming laptop as something inaccessible and insanely expensive, now this is no longer the case.

    Modern laptops have sufficient performance, and some can even show similar performance to a regular desktop computer (although the price will be noticeably higher than a regular PC) and a quite adequate price tag. But there are also disadvantages: due to the fact that space is limited, there are problems with overheating (and many people like to lie around with their laptop on the bed, covering all the ventilation holes), it is almost impossible to upgrade (improve), and often laptop screens are not amazing in terms of clarity and color reproduction. However, they are mobile, you can take them with you and work on the road, but it is expensive to constantly carry it with you... after all, it is bulky and a little heavy.

    An ultrabook is a logical continuation of laptops, but they have one feature. Ultrabooks use energy-efficient components and usually high-capacity batteries. The main task of an ultrabook is to always be at hand. That's why they are always thin, light, cold and hold a charge well.

    Ultrabook is perfect for those who constantly have to work on the road. Such an assistant will be simply irreplaceable (For example, my MSI X340 easily fits into a folder for papers and does not weigh it down)

    Transformable tablet

    The most fashionable and, in my opinion, absolutely useless combination. A hybrid of a tablet and a laptop (the keyboard is attached). There is no particular pleasure when using it as a tablet, and as a laptop it is also not particularly pleasant to use.

    It has absorbed all the shortcomings of a laptop and tablet, although I think it will be a promising direction in the future, but in its current form I don’t see the point, and the price tag is sky-high.

    About 5 years ago there was a netbook boom. ASUS Company presented its mini laptop, and other manufacturers did not stand aside and picked up the fashion. A netbook is usually a 10-inch screen, a weak processor and a capacious hard drive coupled with a powerful battery.

    At the moment they are reaching their end, almost completely replaced by tablets. You can’t do much work on such a screen, the weak processor also makes itself felt... so I think that they have a place in history, although for some this may be the case good option, given their relative cheapness.

    I am of the opinion (and I recommend it to you) that the usual desktop computer- This perfect solution for home. Although the monoblock is technologically advanced, it does not have any special advantages over a regular PC. So if there is no need to carry a computer from corner to corner, then you shouldn’t even think about it: definitely a PC. The cramped layout affected the heating, but you can take it with you. Relevant if you are a student and renting housing. There will be no problems if you move. If possible, take an ultrabook. It is light, comfortable, and I consider everything else unnecessary. And there is no best, the best is what suits you

    A computer today is collectively referred to as a laptop, netbook and desktop system. When making an upcoming purchase, you need to decide what type of computer you need. Often many people cannot choose what to buy, laptop or computer. Let's look at desktop computers, laptops, and netbooks in this article. Their pros and cons, pros and cons separately. First, we will describe the advantages, then the disadvantages of each type, and finally recommendations. This way you can understand for yourself Which is better, a computer or a laptop, or maybe a netbook.

    Of course, some people have already decided which type of computer they prefer. Some people prefer a laptop, while others cannot imagine their home without a desktop computer. For those who have decided, the article will help them find out the advantages of the type of computer they have chosen and use it to their advantage.

    The advantages of a desktop PC are that it is the only one that is a full-fledged computer. He has the highest power among those discussed. Most stable operation you can only expect from a desktop computer. This is clear, because the computer components are not squeezed into a cramped case like in laptops. Due to this, there are no problems with them. They receive enough air for cooling. And there is no point in saving on electricity at the expense of power, since desktop computer, as a rule, operates from the mains. Almost all serious work is done on desktop computers. Although a huge proportion of computers are used only for computer games. Which, in turn, require good computing power. In terms of computer power better laptop A. If you compare the power of a desktop computer and a laptop bought for the same amount of money, then the computer will more powerful than a laptop. If a component breaks on a desktop computer, replacement will cost much less. If you wish, you can make this replacement yourself. In addition, upgrading the system, which was mentioned in, is fully possible only on a desktop computer. Although computers with built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth are rare, you can buy and install them on any computer at any time. In addition to them, you can connect a TV tuner to your computer - for recording. And this is not all that you can do to increase the functionality of your desktop computer. In stores computer equipment There are a ton of devices that you can add to your desktop if you want.

    Now about laptops. The first reason influencing the choice of a laptop instead of a desktop PC is mobility. If your lifestyle or work requires the use of a computer different places, then your choice will most likely be on a laptop. To keep in touch with the outside world, almost all laptops produced today have built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. They allow you to easily exchange information with other mobile devices (phones, smartphones, etc.). Wi-Fi makes it easy to access the Internet from your laptop. Thanks to the built-in webcam and microphone, you can communicate with the people you love from anywhere, as long as you have Internet access. For business people, a laptop will be useful when working with clients, for example: for showing presentations on the road. It is impossible not to mention the battery-powered operation of the laptop. Which a desktop computer doesn’t have at all. Some powerful (correspondingly expensive) laptops will allow gamers to spend a pleasant time playing their favorite game online. But not every laptop is suitable for gaming.

    About 10 years ago, netbooks became very popular. Essentially this is the same laptop, but smaller. The size of a netbook is slightly larger than a general notebook. Usually, it does not have a disk drive. But this drawback can be easily solved by purchasing an external USB drive. The plus of a netbook is its compactness and mobility. The netbook is ideal for long trips. The netbook is perfect for watching movies on the go. Thanks to capacious hard drives (from 160 GB and above), you can collect a good collection of films, music and photos in the netbook’s memory. A netbook is suitable for regularly uploading photos from the camera. The main tasks that a netbook can easily handle are: listening to music, Internet surfing and downloading, working in office programs. More complex tasks, such as light photo editing, and some games are also possible, but with difficulty and a lot of time. The most important advantage of a netbook can safely be called time. battery life. A netbook with a reinforced (6-cell) battery can work without being connected to an outlet for an average of 7 hours. There are models with 11 hours of battery life. Laptops can withstand 2-3 hours. For ultra-mobile people, a netbook is ideal. Now they have almost been replaced by tablets, let's talk about them too.

    Nowadays, for many, tablets may well become a replacement for a netbook or even a laptop. They have an extensive range of functions, while remaining very compact, thin and light. Unlike netbooks/laptops, most have good camera, GPS navigation, Internet from mobile networks If you take a Windows tablet, it can practically do everything that a netbook could, even more. Apple tablets a little peculiar, but if you get used to them, you won’t want anything else. Most devices still run on Android and can do the same only with the help of their own similar programs.

    It's time to draw conclusions.

    For home person It's better to choose a computer than a laptop. By installing it in a convenient corner of the house, he will not experience problems associated with processor overheating. Can connect a computer to and speaker system and it will work out home cinema. Wait, I think I'm going off topic.

    Laptop worth buying business people and those who often move from place to place. Those who, due to their duty, are forced to work with people and demonstrate their products and offers to clients. This can be done perfectly from a laptop screen. Laptop will do for those who do not want to devote a corner of the house to the computer, but prefer to walk around the house, while not looking away from the Internet.

    If you are inclined to buy a laptop, but at the same time you do not need a lot of power and games, and mobility is more important to you, then this may be your choice. By the way, using a netbook and Skype programs It’s very convenient to show recently completed renovations to relatives living far away.

    If your tasks can be accomplished using a tablet, then it will be many times more convenient than a laptop. Take your tablet with you; it is only slightly heavier than a general notebook. And in general, now a person with a netbook looks somehow old-fashioned or something.

    Small survey: What choice did you make?

    I will be glad to hear your opinions and questions. Comment - don't be shy.

    Choosing new computer, users often wonder whether a laptop or a desktop computer is better for home use. The answer to this question depends on the requirements specific person and his working style. In this material we will talk about what you should pay attention to if you are choosing a computer for home use.

    In order to answer the question of which is better for a laptop or a computer at home, you need to consider several parameters. The first of these is mobility. A laptop is mobile device. It is easy to carry from place to place; you can work with it not only at the table, but also on the sofa, in bed or anywhere else. At the same time, to work with a laptop you do not need anything, no monitors, keyboards or other devices. The laptop can be used even without a mouse.

    While a desktop computer is rigidly tied to the table on which it is installed. You can, of course, move it to another location, but you are unlikely to do this too often. Because the procedure of moving a desktop computer from one place to another is quite tedious.

    Therefore, if mobility is important to you, if you want to be able to easily move your computer and work in different places, then you definitely need a laptop. In this case, all the disadvantages of the laptop that we will describe below will not be so critical for you, since they are actually a consequence of its mobility.

    What is better for those who like to work at a desk?

    On the other hand, if you do not need mobility, if you plan to work with your computer exclusively at a desk, then a desktop computer has a number of noticeable advantages.

    Firstly, when buying a desktop computer for your home, you can choose exactly the monitor you need. For example, you can purchase a monitor that is 27 inches or larger. Laptops simply do not have such diagonals, so there is an advantage here regular computer. Of course, you can connect a monitor to a laptop, but why pay extra for a laptop if you still plan to connect a monitor to it and use it exclusively at your desk.

    Secondly, when buying a desktop computer, you can choose exactly the configuration that is needed for your tasks. You can select the components and assemble the PC yourself, or contact specialized companies where they will help you select the appropriate configuration and assemble it. One way or another, buying a desktop computer with such a custom configuration will be cheaper than buying laptop. Since you will only pay for what you really need, and not for what the laptop manufacturer decided to install.

    Which works better under heavy load?

    When considering the question of what is better for a laptop or a computer at home, you also need to take into account the level of load. Unfortunately, most laptops don't handle heavy workloads very well. This mainly manifests itself in increased noise levels and heat generation.

    If you give it to a laptop maximum load and support her for a long time, then the laptop will run noticeably louder than a similar desktop PC under the same load. In this case, the laptop will begin to actively discharge the battery and heat up everything around it. Holding such a device on your lap will no longer be comfortable and you will most likely place the laptop on the table, where it will turn into an analogue of a desktop PC.

    Therefore, if you plan to often play computer games or work with professional programs that create heavy load, then perhaps the laptop is not best choice for you. If you plan to use the computer more in office mode, to work with the browser and office programs(Word, Excel), then both a desktop computer and a laptop can handle such a load perfectly.

    Which is cheaper: laptop or computer?

    Cost is another parameter that needs to be considered when choosing between a laptop and a computer. At first glance, laptops cost about the same as desktop computers. After all, you still need to buy a monitor and keyboard for the computer, but the laptop is already equipped with all this. But, if you look in more detail, it becomes obvious that with the same configuration, the laptop is noticeably more expensive.

    This is primarily due to the fact that laptops are equipped with very small screens. When buying a laptop, you will have to choose between 13, 15 and 19 inch screens. If you buy a monitor separately, then for the same money you can get a screen with a much larger diagonal.

    In addition, when buying a laptop you overpay for compactness and mobility. In order to fit productive components into a compact case, laptop manufacturers have to resort to a variety of tricks, which ultimately inevitably affects the price. There are also a number of components in a laptop that are generally not found in a desktop PC. For example, a battery and a touchpad. The presence of these devices also increases the cost of the device.

    In the long term, the advantage of a desktop computer over a laptop becomes even more obvious. If any of the components of your desktop computer breaks down, you can repair it yourself or contact any computer technician you know. In the case of a laptop for repairs, you almost always need to contact service center, where you will have to pay significantly more for repairs. However, in many cases, repairing a laptop is not practical, since it will cost half the cost of a new device.

    Also, the laptop has virtually no resources to further update its configuration. In most cases, all you can do on a laptop is replace the hard drive and add RAM. On some models you can also replace the drive optical disks to another drive. While a desktop computer has almost unlimited possibilities to change the configuration. If you have a desktop PC, then you can install a more powerful processor or video card at any time, add several hard drives or memory sticks.

    Most people who decide to purchase an electronic assistant, immediately before purchasing, are faced with the need to decide which is better - a laptop or a computer.

    Unfortunately, in this issue It's no use asking experienced computer gurus for advice because the answer will be subjective. In this article we will present objective arguments in favor of one solution or another, drawing intermediate conclusions. But final decision still remains with the future user computing system. Considering which is better - a computer or a laptop, we will point out their advantages and disadvantages.

    Personal computer components

    Any computer, unlike mobile phones and SOC systems (device on a chip), is a set of replaceable components - components. Each of them is designed to solve a specific range of tasks: the video card processes the image and transmits it to the monitor, the sound adapter generates sound, etc. Accordingly, if necessary, you can easily upgrade almost any unit. For example, if it works slowly computer game, then by replacing the video adapter with a more powerful one, you can achieve increased performance graphics system, actually breathing a second life into outdated system. Although such a replacement is possible for both stationary and mobile systems, components for the latter are 2-3 times more expensive.

    If we consider the question of which is better - a computer or a laptop, from this point of view, then the answer is obvious. The ability to easily change components allows you to increase the obsolescence time of the entire system, delaying the need for it complete replacement. Thus, a desktop computer is the choice of a rational person.

    Hot temper

    When considering which is better - a computer or a laptop, one cannot help but point to efficiency. It is known that all high-frequency electronic elements heat up during operation. In computers, this applies primarily to processors with a high degree of integration of semiconductor controlled switches. To remove heat, cooling systems are used, consisting of a fan, radiator and heat pipes (optional). Obviously, large radiators simply will not fit into a small laptop case. This is why it is possible to use more powerful and efficient components in desktop systems. But (there are some), when performing “heavy” applications, they heat up, which, if the cooling efficiency decreases due to dust, can lead to overheating and malfunctions.

    Point of view

    One of essential elements any computer is a monitor. The interaction between humans and programs is possible precisely thanks to this device. One of its characteristics is screen size. The larger it is, the less strain on vision (compared with smaller diagonals, all other operating conditions being equal). In laptops, built-in monitors rarely exceed 17 inches, but in the world of personal computers they have long crossed the 22-inch mark. Comments are unnecessary, and in this regard, the answer to the question of which is better - a computer or a laptop is obvious.

    Portable systems

    Now we list the advantages of laptops (they are also the disadvantages of stationary solutions):

    Compactness, thanks to which home use no special workplace required;

    The ability to always take such a computer with you;

    Even the cheapest laptop is ready system. Just plug the power cord into the outlet and press the power button. There is no need to understand the types of video interfaces, hard drive standards, etc.;

    Cost-effectiveness achieved by special models of components used;

    Partial independence from the power grid.

    In the age of widespread computerization, purchasing new computer equipment is extremely important. Here many buyers get confused important question, What to choose: desktop computer or laptop? Undoubtedly, both have advantages, so first of all, you should decide on the priority purpose of the purchase and understand the main characteristics and differences between the types.

    Portability and size

    Of course, the laptop attracts interest primarily due to its mobility and portability. With it, unlike a desktop computer, there are no restrictions on movement, and you can take it on trips. But the laptop also has a number of other advantages; let’s look at each of them in more detail. First of all, a laptop allows you to have it anywhere, at your fingertips. full-fledged computer. Charge built-in battery will allow you to work for some time away from power sources. The second main quality is wireless Internet connection.

    Space saving

    Spatial space saving also plays a role important role, the size of a laptop is equal to the size of a desktop computer monitor. Weight not exceeding 4 kg. There are also lighter models, weighing no more than 1.5 kg, but their main disadvantage is low power and a small range of components. Let us remind you that the weight of a desktop computer is several times greater than the heaviest laptop model.

    Repair and improvement

    In terms of possible upgrades, there is undoubtedly a greater advantage home computer. The internal components of the laptop require connection to a permanent set. This means that there is no improvement in the performance and functionality of the laptop due to the addition or replacement of components. A stationary computer is easier to replace some parts, which makes it possible to increase power. A similar upgrade of laptop parts requires a professional approach and is more difficult to perform.

    In case of a number of breakdowns, it is often impossible to repair a laptop. Many built-in parts are difficult to replace, and when production ceases, it also happens that the necessary parts are almost impossible to buy, and their price is high. In this situation, you will probably have to purchase a new computer. It is worth noting that not all parts of a desktop computer can be replaced and there are some limitations.

    Cost and service life

    The price range for both types of equipment is quite large and flexible. The price depends on both the power and the set of components, and many other characteristics. But the undeniable fact is that if you buy a laptop to save money, you will incur losses. It will always be worth more expensive than a computer, despite the fact that hospital productivity can be several times greater. Here it will be important to determine whether the buyer needs a laptop or can really get by with a desktop computer.

    The lifespan of a home computer is significantly more laptop. This is justified by the fact that they are not subject to movement indoors, they are not carried with you when traveling, and in general, with careless attitude towards technology, dangerous situations in the case of a laptop arise more often. Accidental impacts and shaking in vehicles can significantly shorten its service life.

    What is the purpose of a computer?

    For many buyers, purchasing a computer is a significant expense, so after purchasing it is worth thinking about its intended use. First of all, you need an Internet connection, because today it has become an integral part of every modern person.

    To watch videos would be better suited desktop computer. Although many laptops of the current generation have a wide screen, the power of their video cards often does not allow them to support high quality pictures. Problems may also arise with playing formats; not all laptops today “can” play the Blu-ray format. But DVD roms can be quite high quality.

    When equipment is planned to be used for games, the hospital has undoubted priority. After all, most laptops are unsuitable for this due to their low power and not very powerful video card. Also for storing information, such as photos, libraries or video libraries laptop computer not very suitable due to small volume hard drive. You will be faced with the problem of purchasing additional removable drives, or you will have to make do with the small built-in volume available for storage.

    Let us remember that each of the described types has both its advantages and disadvantages. They differ in many ways technical characteristics and when choosing one, you should especially analyze its purpose. If there is no particular need to take your computer with you or move it indoors, it is more advisable to purchase a productive desktop computer. But it is always up to the buyer to decide.