• What does it mean to format a memory card. Why the micro SD card is not formatted and what to do in this case

    Most computer users They identify the process of formatting flash drives only with deleting data from digital media. In fact, this is not the only purpose of this operation.

    Formatting a flash card is similar to formatting hard drive. The same formatting options are available. Which people often don't pay much attention to. But right choice and adjusting these parameters during formatting may further affect the operation of your flash card. The instructions and information in this article will help you format your flash drive correctly.

    Formatting is nothing more than the process of processing a digital storage device. The main task of this process is to work with the structure of the drive, streamline it or completely change it. All digital storage media can be formatted:

    • Winchesters;
    • USB flash cards;
    • SD memory cards.

    Before starting the formatting process, remember that after this action, all data on the drive will be erased. Recovering lost data will be problematic and not always possible. But this process also has positive sides; during formatting, the system can detect and correct damaged parts of the structure.

    How to format a flash card in Windows 7/8/10

    Developers operating system Windows has made the formatting feature standard. You can find it in Explorer by right-clicking on the device display icon. In the menu that appears, select “Format”.

    Launching the standard media formatter

    In this simple way you can run standard program formatting. It consists of one window that contains procedure settings. Here you can change the type file system, cluster size, volume label, and formatting method. To begin the formatting procedure, click the “Start” button. The system will ask you for confirmation to complete this action, after which the process will begin.

    Windows Standard Formatter Window

    For normal use, changing the parameters is not important, but it will be useful for everyone to know what each parameter is responsible for:

    • The “File system” parameter is responsible for how information storage will be organized. There are several types of different file systems: NTFS, FAT, FAT32, exFAT. These file systems were created by Microsoft and are actively used in Windows.
    • The Cluster Size setting is the minimum amount of memory that can be allocated to store a file. By default, in the NTFS system it is 4 KB, for FAT – 64 KB, for FAT32 – 16 KB, for exFAT – 32.
    • The Volume Label setting is the name of the storage media that will appear on computers.

    In what format is it correct to format a flash drive for Android?

    As written above, in Windows OS when formatting there are 4 options for file system formats: NTFS, FAT, FAT32 and exFAT. So what format is best to choose for storing information on flash drives? To answer this question, you should consider the pros and cons of each format.

    FAT32 or NTFS? Still NTFS.

    Which file system is better: FAT32 or NTFS?

    The fat32 file system is most often used on devices with a small amount of memory, and ntfs on media with a large amount of memory. This makes sense.

    1. Files larger than 4 GB can be written to memory cards with ntfs format, while writing files to a flash drive with fat32 format will not be possible.
    2. The fat32 system generally works faster than ntfs, but when working with large files not as effective.
    3. The ntfs format is demanding RAM, and fat32, on the contrary, does not impose any requirements on the amount of RAM.
    4. Fat32 is compatible with all operating systems, and the ntfs system ensures stability and reliability.

    Based on the differences, fat32 is most suitable for storage media with a smaller volume, in which case there is no need to work with files larger than 4 GB. This is why flash drives for Android are best formatted in fat32 format. And for hard drives and usb drives It is preferable to use the ntfs file system, since it has more advantages, and its disadvantages are leveled out in modern conditions.

    What is the maximum cluster size to choose in fat32 for installing windows 7, 8, 10

    The hard drive's memory is divided into clusters, which correspond to the minimum memory size that can be allocated to store a file. Each cluster is marked by the system as occupied, even if it is not completely filled with information.

    For this reason, a file system with large size cluster will be irrationally used disk space. On the other hand, the smaller the cluster size, the slower the system will run. After all, the files will be split into many small parts. Based on the above, for Windows installations It is best to use a cluster size of 4 KB or less.

    Exfat file system - what it is and its features

    The exFAT file system is a development by Microsoft Corporation that combines best qualities NTFS and FAT32

    File format exFAT systems also developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is primarily intended for use on removable media. This FS has some features that distinguish it from older formats.

    • The maximum possible cluster size is 32 MB;
    • Acceptable maximum size the file is 16 exabytes;
    • The number of files and folders is not limited;
    • More efficient use of space;
    • No logging.

    This file system combines the features of two formats: NTFS (working with large files) and FAT32 (fast).

    The problem with exFAT is its compatibility. It is supported only on Windows 7 and newer operating systems without installing additional software. In previous versions, this file system may be used after updates are installed, and the file system may not be fully functional in all cases. As for devices that are capable of working with this FS, then everything is much worse. Manufacturers refuse to pay for the use of this format. For this reason, it is too early to talk about replacing old types with the new exFAT file system.

    Almost all Android phones or tablets have a micro SD memory card installed (or can be installed). Its purpose is to expand the ability to store various data in mobile devices ah - photo and video cameras, smartphones or tablets, navigators.

    The fact is that the volume of the internal memory of portable devices most often does not go beyond 2 GB, while a flash drive allows you to add an additional 2 - 32 GB (limited only by the capabilities of the device).

    However, there are often cases when Android begins to behave incorrectly with a memory card.

    For example:

    — The operating system displays a message about the need to format the SD card, which indicates existing errors in the file system.

    — Applications are too slow or don’t launch at all, or “broken” files are found in the gallery. The reason here most likely lies in incorrect recording of information on the memory card or inadequate reading.

    — Only part of the total volume of the flash drive is visible, i.e. Instead of the declared 8GB, the device reads only 4GB. Here the problem may lie in the individual partitions on the SD or damage to the controller itself. In the latter case, as they say, it’s too late to drink Borjomi and formatting will no longer help.

    — The process of transferring information (copying) takes a lot of time.

    - A lot has accumulated residual files, which you don’t want to clean manually.

    - There’s just a need complete cleaning memory cards (eg pre-sale preparation devices).

    The reasons for the problems that arise can be very different, for example, incorrect removal of the drive or its damage of any nature (thermal, chemical, etc.), sudden shutdown power supply, etc. If you have similar problems, then to solve them you can resort to formatting the SD card.

    You can do your own formatting in several ways. The most common ones are using the device’s own built-in tools and using a PC (Windows or Mac).


    1. Before you begin the formatting procedure, you need to create backup copy information stored on the card (if it has not yet been created), because, as a result of our manipulations, all data stored on the card will be deleted.
    2. Make sure that your device has a charge of at least 50%, otherwise, if the device is turned off, all stored information will be irretrievably lost.

    Now let's get started.

    Using native Android system capabilities

    In the main menu, open “Settings”, select the submenu “Memory” (Storage) – a window will open in which statistical data on the use of storage devices (internal memory, flash drive) is recorded.

    • After scrolling through the data on internal reserves, we find the “Memory card” item (on some devices this may be an “SD card” or “External storage”).
    • In the window that opens, scroll down the statistics, find the buttons “Remove SD card” (or “Disconnect card”), “Clear SD card”.
    • On some gadgets there is no “Eject” (or “disable”) option, so just click “Empty SD card”.

    If your device has a “Remove SD card” (or “disconnect SD card”) button, then first press it, exit the settings, then go back in, and only after these manipulations the “Empty SD card” button is activated ( or “Format”), “tap” on it:

    Again, on some devices you will need to confirm the selected actions by pressing the “Ok” button.

    That's it! The process has started. The duration of cleaning depends on Android performance and memory card capacity. The wait can take up to fifteen minutes, or it can only take a few seconds.

    Using a personal computer (laptop)

    We insert the SD card into the built-in card reader of a PC running Windows OS (or a card reader connected via USB cable to the computer):

    Click “Computer” (possibly “My Computer”):

    After which a list of all memory devices will be displayed on the screen. Right-click on the SD icon, select the “Format” function, now a window with settings should appear.

    Leave the card type as FAT32 (other Android operating systems are not supported), check the “Quick” (or “clear table of contents”) box, then click “Start” (“start”):

    We wait some time until the end of the procedure.

    It remains to add one important detail. No matter how the process was started, it will delete all data, including installed applications. But this does not mean that everything will be lost - something may remain in the system’s memory in the form of preserved icons that will indicate that games or programs were previously located here. You should click on each such icon and agree if “delete” is displayed. It will also be possible to recover some of the deleted data, so you should pay attention to this if you are preparing your device for sale.

    The formatting error occurs equally often on new and used SD cards for mobile devices. The problem looks like this: the system offers to format the media, but when you agree, an error appears.

    If the cause of the error is software, you can solve it by using special formatting software or a registry editor. It’s worse when the reason for the impossibility of formatting is hardware, for example, mechanical damage, then, as a rule, the media cannot be restored.

    Use formatting programs (SD Formatter and similar)

    Format the flash drive with standard using Windows and other operating systems it does not always work. In addition, as a result of “rough” formatting, the service life of the media is greatly reduced. Therefore, experts recommend using for these purposes special utilities eg SD Formatter.

    To format a flash drive using SD Formatter:

    1. Download the program, it is free, and install it on your computer.
    2. In the “Formatter” menu, select your flash drive through the drive menu.
    3. Run the process in Quick or Full mode.

    Video instruction:

    For most tasks, especially when the flash drive simply refuses to format in a standard way, the Quick format option is sufficient. But if that doesn’t work, you should try activating Full mode, it might work.

    Alternatives to SD Formatter: Mini Tools Partition Wizard, USB disk storage format tool. They are also free and work no worse, and sometimes better, than the most popular formatting program. The launch principle is similar: select the SD card in the Drive menu, start quick or deep formatting.

    Remove write protection by editing the Windows registry

    Special applications often help, but not always. No specialized utilities for formatting cards can handle the “Disk is write-protected” error, with the exception of professional solutions. It will be easier for the average user to understand how the Registry Editor (Regedit) works in Windows than to pay for and study complex commercial versions of applications.

    The registry is a software storage of information about the operation of all software and hardware components of the computer. To deactivate software protection from the entry you need to go into the registry, correct the error and save the changes. How to do it:

    Instead of regedit, advanced users can use a third-party registry editor. As a rule, there is no difference in the result: making edits through the built-in interface or installing proprietary programs.

    All that remains is to restart the computer and try again to format the SD Card, it should work. If not, the flash drive may be faulty at the hardware level.

    Check the memory card for read/write errors

    It happens that the above methods do not work due to problems caused by viruses and malicious software. The most common reason is read/write errors. Again, Windows itself will help fix them:

    1. Insert the memory card into the computer's card reader.
    2. From the Start menu, select Run and type cmd in the text box.
    3. In the opened command line enter [drive letter of the flash drive]: /f /r and press Enter.

    The process of checking the selected memory card for errors and bad sectors will begin.

    It is because of the occurrence of read/write errors that failures occur, and they prevent the memory from being formatted in the selected file system. Once the scan is complete, restart your computer and try each of the methods described in this article again. It should help.

    Question - Answer

    [Flash drive cannot be formatted: "Unable to complete formatting"]

    We bought a new SD card, it worked perfectly for 2 months, and then files stopped loading onto it, all documents were deleted, and now it is not formatted. Tried it from my phone and from my computer. All data is visible, everything can be copied to the computer, but nothing is loaded onto it, and when formatting it says “Windows cannot complete formatting.” Lenovo phone A1000.

    Answer. Very often the problem begins with the message "Windows cannot complete formatting the disk." If you can't figure out why the flash drive won't format, there's not much point in finding out. the real reason, due to which Windows refuses to format the flash drive. You can most likely bypass the system warning by using alternative formatting tools.

    First, read the article:. This useful material containing useful information: what is formatting, how to format a flash drive correctly, what programs are intended for this. Is it in the OS? Windows tools for formatting? Selecting a file system: FAT, NTFS or something else? At the end of the article there are answers to questions related to formatting flash drives.

    [Phone SD card is not formatted - what to do?]

    Flash drive microsd sony 64 gb 70 mb cannot be formatted. It is impossible to format anything. The files seem to be deleted and written down. But after reinstalling it in the card reader, everything is in place again.

    Answer. If the memory card on your phone cannot be formatted, the advice is as follows: take a card reader, connect the SD card to the computer and use the SD Format program to format the memory card.

    The SD Format utility will become universal solution. It is usually useful in situations where the microsd is not formatted in the standard way and other utilities refuse to format it.

    I have a Transcend 8 GB microSD flash drive. Used on a car DVR. The problem is that after formatting this flash drive, the files remain. They are read, copied and even deleted, but when I reconnect the flash drive to the computer, the files appear again. I tried to format it into different file systems, it says that it was formatted successfully, but after reconnecting everything remains in its place. Please tell me what to do if the flash drive is not formatted.

    Answer. If you use Mac OS, the operating system automatically writes service files to the memory card, so even after formatting they remain (appear) on it.

    Try formatting the memory card under Windows or use another formatting application, such as SDFormatter.

    Some viruses can use your flash drive as a breeding ground for their malicious code, so it makes sense to check it for viruses by connecting it to your PC.

    In addition, the DVR can record files on its own, without your permission. Unfortunately, you did not specify which files are copied to the flash drive - therefore, we cannot help identify the true “culprit”.

    I bought a hard drive. But before writing files to it, a problem arose: a window pops up where you need to select the disk format (I select it as a flash drive), then the disk is formatted. Suddenly a message appears stating that "Windows cannot complete formatting." I went to the disk management section and in order to enter a new hard drive to work, tried to format it as a file NTFS system and assign a drive letter to it, but nothing happened. What should I do, why is it not formatting? How to put this disk into operation?

    Answer. Windows can't format the drive because it's too big and the standard formatting utility is limited in its capabilities.

    Divide your hard drive into several partitions to different types data (for example, music, videos, documents, etc.), for each disk, specify the file system type. The easiest way to do this is through a disk and partition manager such as Acronis Disk Director.

    As a storage medium in many gadgets (mobile phones, cameras, e-books etc.) memory cards are usually used. Sometimes it happens that the device does not see the memory card, although in theory it is compatible with it in type and size. In this case, formatting can help.

    Formatting is the process of marking up a storage medium and creating structures. When formatting, all data that was on the media is destroyed. Some devices (say, cameras) allow format a memory card without a computer, simply by selecting the appropriate item in the device menu. Each device does this differently, so we advise you to simply carefully read the instructions for your phone or camera - everything should be described there.

    If the “native device” refuses to format the memory card, although in theory such an option is present, you can try turning it off and then on again. If this does not help, you can try to find another device that supports memory cards the right type, and format the card in it. But formatting a memory card directly in the device is not always available, so we’ll tell you how how to format a memory card using a computer.

    To format a memory card you will need a card reader- a device for reading memory cards. It can be either plug-in or built-in. But if you don’t have a card reader, don’t despair: you can format the memory card directly in your camera (phone, player, etc.) by connecting the device to the computer with a USB cable in data transfer mode or USB Mass Storage, it’s just that in this case formatting will take longer.

    The easiest way is formatting a memory card using standard operating system tools Windows systems via Explorer. To do this, you need to connect the card to your computer (via a card reader or by connecting a device with the card). Then go to “My Computer”, find the memory card in the list of disks and right-click on it. Select in context menu"Format" item.

    A formatting window will open, in it you need select the file system type for the memory card. If the memory card is less than 2 GB, it is better to select a file type FAT systems or FAT16. For memory cards larger than 2 GB, the FAT32 file system is suitable (most likely, it will be selected by default). The remaining points can be left untouched. Then just click on the “Start” button and wait for formatting to finish.

    The second option for formatting a memory card using a computer is formatting using Disk Management. To apply this method, connect the memory card to your computer and right-click on the “My Computer” icon. In the context menu, select "Management".

    In the computer management window that opens, find the “Storage devices” item, and in it - the “Disk Management” sub-item. In the list of drives, find the memory card, right-click on it and select “Format”. The system may warn you that all data will be lost during the formatting process- just click Yes.

    In the format window, enter the volume label (disk name), select the file system. You can also select the cluster size - data storage units. But if you don't know why this is needed, it's better to leave the default value. Click OK. If the system again warns you that formatting will destroy the data on the disk, click OK again. Now you can wait for the system to format the memory card.

    You can also format the memory card using special programs . Please note that some programs do not support all types of memory cards. It should also be remembered that formatting in any way will destroy all data on the memory card, so if there is any important information, you need to make a backup copy of it before formatting.

    SD Card Formatter- free desktop program for formatting SD/SDHC/SDXC cards. It is an indispensable tool for restoring compatibility of SD and microSD memory cards with operating systems and devices. Correct formatting does not always, but in many cases eliminates the problem of file system incompatibility.

    The SD Formatter application is designed entirely for working with memory cards, formatting them using SD/SDHC/SDXC standards. Therefore, if for certain reasons your SD card cannot be formatted, we strongly recommend SD Formatter as a formatting tool instead standard utilities included in the operating system. Those applications also work with almost all types of flash drives and cards, but the result is not optimal in performance. Manufacturers advise formatting the SD card using special applications. SDFormatter is one of the best for formatting.

    How to format an Android device

    In fact, formatting the memory of a tablet or phone running Android is not difficult.

    To format the memory card, you need to go to Settings - Privacy - Reset settings. However, in latest versions Android this method is not available, so we would advise formatting the memory card on a computer. How to do this - read below.

    How to format a phone tablet using a card reader

    To format your tablet or phone you will need a card reader and installed program sdformatter, which can be downloaded from the link above.

    1. Remove the microsd/sd card from the android device
    2. We take a card reader, connect it to the computer and insert a memory card into it
    3. Launch the sdformatter program
    4. In the list of disks in the sdformatter window, indicate the letter of the memory card connected through the card reader (you can check the match by the disk label or by the contents of the memory card). Be careful, make sure that you are going to format the exact memory card that was in the phone!
    5. Go to the settings of the sdformatter program (Option button) and select the formatting type Full OverWrite.
    6. Click Format and wait for formatting to finish.
    7. We take out the SD card from the card reader and insert it into the phone.

    How to format a memory card on your phone using SD Format

    You can read about how to work with SD Formatter in official instructions or follow the instructions in the program's Message Area. The utility is very simple in design, and we note key features when working with her.

    Download SD Card Formatter

    The first thing you need for successful formatting is to download the SD Memory Card Formatter application.

    Important. Administrator rights are required to run SD Card Formatter.

    Connecting a memory card to a computer

    Carefully remove the memory card from mobile phone(or tablet) and connect it to the PC using a card reader. Alternatively, you can simply connect the device to your computer on which the SD Memory Card Formatter program is installed.

    To work with media, you will need one of the special devices:

    • USB SD Card reader - separate device, connected respectively via the computer’s USB port
    • SD Card slot - usually available in any laptop/Macbook.

    Formatting Settings

    Formatting is configured through the Option window. Format Options provides two types of formatting:

    • Quick format - files and folders are marked as writable, but formatting does not affect the data in the files
    • Full (Overwrite) format - the program deletes the contents of files.

    In other words, after Quick format you can still try to recover files, while after Overwrite format the chances are extremely low.

    Selecting a drive to format

    From the Drive list you need to select the SD card to format. As a rule, the program does this on its own. Conveniently, they are not displayed here. sections of hard disk, so it is difficult to get confused and select the wrong disk. However, it is still worth double-checking the name of the letter if other storage media are connected to the computer.

    If the flash drive was inserted into the SD slot after the program was launched, the disk may not appear immediately. In this case, you need to click the Refresh Button and check the status field. The blue logo in the main window indicates that the SD card has been successfully connected.

    A similar scenario also applies if you don’t know how to format an Android phone: follow the instructions carefully, SD Format is quite suitable for working with this mobile OS.

    Perform formatting

    To apply the settings, you must click OK; to start formatting, click Format in the main program window.

    When formatting is complete, a window with the status Memory Card Format Complete! Information about the file system, available memory card capacity, and cluster size is also available here.

    Instructions on how to format an SD card

    Resume. SD Formatter - great program for formatting microsd, sd and other memory cards. If you don't know how to format an SD card standard means or encountered certain problems reading information from a memory card, this utility will provide all possible assistance. The program is absolutely free and safe, and you should not be afraid that after formatting you will receive a “brick” at your disposal.

    Supported SD memory card interfaces

    The sdformatter utility supports multiple device interfaces for working with SD, SDHC, microsd and SDXC

    • SD slot on computer
    • SD reader by USB protocol
    • PC card, CardBus or ExpressCard SD adapter

    Before downloading sdformatter and immediately before starting to work with the application, you need to make sure that you have the ability to work with an SD card using one of the above protocols with the sdformatter program.

    SDFormatter application interface

    SD Formatter program interface A few settings of the SDFormatter program required when formatting a memory card. If your memory card cannot be formatted, we advise you to pay close attention to all parameters without exception.

    1 Status

    This field shows the status of the SD memory card/SDHC/SDXC memory and the device interface.

    • Blue: activity status.
    • No logo: SD memory card or SDHC/SDXC memory card or SD interface of the device is disabled.
    • Grey: no connection. These can be SD memory cards, SDHC/SDXC cards recognized by the SD Formatter utility.

    2 Drive

    This list indicates the SD/memory card drives, SDHC/SDXC cards that have been opened and recognized in the SD Formatter. Disk from this list can be selected to format the SD memory card.

    3 Size of SD card

    This field indicates the capacity of SD/SDHC/SDXC cards on the selected drive.

    4 Message Area

    This area displays SD Formatter messages or notifications to users. This area is useful for additional information in case sd card not formatted.

    5 Refresh Button

    This button is used to update information on the SD memory card/memory card or SDHC/SDXC storage cards. When you press this button, the SD Formatter receives the latest information from the SD memory of the storage card. This button is useful when new memory cards, SD/SDHC memory/SDXC cards are added via the device's SD interface.

    6 Volume Label

    This field in the sdformatter program is used to display the sd volume label. Enter the new volume label that will be written to the SD card during formatting. You can enter up to 11 characters in the Volume Label field. If NOT was used in the volume label name English language, this field may not display correctly. In this case, you should enter the new SD card volume label in English.

    7 Option button

    This sdformatter utility button is used to select options when performing a format operation. When the button is pressed, a window with options for formatting the SD card is displayed on the screen.

    8 SD card formatting options

    This area shows the current SD card format options selected in the Format Window Options. If the SD card is not formatted, you should vary the program options.

    9 Button to start formatting SD (Format)

    This button starts formatting the SD memory card. After clicking this button, a confirmation window for the formatting operation will appear on the screen. You can continue or cancel formatting the disk/sd card.

    10 Exit button

    This button is used to exit the SD Formatter application after formatting the memory card

    It should be noted that memory cards supporting SD/SDHC/SDXC protocols have a so-called protected area intended for standard features security. The SD Formatter 4.0 utility does not format this security zone. Therefore, always use the corresponding application or SD-compatible device to provide SD-protected function to format the protected area on the memory card.

    System requirements to run sdformatter

    This information will be useful if your memory card cannot be formatted and there is a need to install the sdformatter application.

    If an SDxc card is connected directly through the computer's SD slot without installing a driver, the card may not be recognized correctly, and therefore a message will appear indicating that it needs to be formatted. In this case, do not agree to format the memory card: this may lead to complete removal data on the storage device and unwanted formatting in a file system that is not compatible with the SDXC device.

    SD Card Formatter vs standard formatting tools

    Basic tools are available for Windows and Mac OS. hard formatting disk, USB drive and SD card. But this method is not recommended: formatting may significantly reduce the performance of the storage device.

    SD Card Formatter has no such drawback. Moreover, the program is often used to fix problems with memory card recognition after incorrect standard Windows formatting.

    Unlike system utilities, SD Formatter does not affect the protected area. This reserved area on the memory card is required for security functions. It is not recommended to format it.

    As the developers of SD Formatter clarify, formatting is configured for maximum performance(for FAT file system). This way, you can use the default settings when formatting.

    Like other programs, SD Formatter cannot format encrypted memory cards (for example, BitLocker To Go). Therefore, a mandatory step is to decrypt the content before performing the operation.

    Answers to readers' questions

    How to format a flash drive on Android?

    Answer. To format a memory card of a device on the Android platform, you need to remove the card from your phone or tablet, then use a card reader to connect it to your computer. After that, open SD Formatter and find the flash drive in the list of storage devices. All subsequent steps are described in the instructions for formatting a memory card above.

    The operating system displays the following error: "Windows cannot complete formatting." What would this mean, how to solve the problem?

    Answer. Usually this error appears in two cases: if for certain reasons the formatting cannot be completed or the flash drive cannot be formatted regular means OS.

    There are two methods for solving formatting errors and, accordingly, two tools. The first one is built-in system utility diskmgmt.msc (run via Start - Run). The second program, as you may have guessed, is sd formatter. Through it you can perform quick and deep (low-level) microsd formatting cards.

    What is low-level formatting microsd?

    Answer. - this is a type of formatting of a memory card and flash drive, which involves cleaning and subsequent testing, creating a table of files and copying it to the service partition of the storage device. As a rule, to low level formatting It is worth resorting to only in extreme cases, if the microsd or sd card is working with errors.

    I recently bought a 16 GB memory card. The phone supports more, but there was a problem when using the phone for a long time for an hour or two. Applications on the memory card open and close immediately, but when the phone is rebooted, everything goes back to normal, and then goes bad again. Why is this so?

    Answer. It is not a fact that the problem is related to the memory card. If specific application causes a conflict, this may affect the operation of other programs. It may be running in the background.

    Check if your phone has unnecessary applications. Removing them may correct the situation.

    If the method of deleting applications does not work, try formatting the card microsd memory. This can be done either through your phone (in the Android settings) or through a card reader on your computer. SD Formatter is precisely this program for formatting a memory card.

    Problem with flash drive. 2 days ago I bought a new 16 gig flash card. I inserted it onto Android and completely formatted it and then moved the files from Android to it. After formatting the sd card everything is fine, but when I download some videos and applications from the Internet after 5 minutes, they get damaged. More precisely, he writes: it is impossible to play the video and the black screen. The application says: package parsing error. I formatted the microsd again - everything seems to be clean. And again the files are damaged. last night at android folder I saw strange files with an unknown format in the SD card, 2-3 gig in size. I tried to delete it, but it says the deletion failed. I rebooted Android and they disappeared. Could it be a virus or something else?

    Answer. An error in parsing a package in Android occurs, as a rule, due to the incorrect size of the apk file. This means that the installer was copied to microsd card not completely.

    Perhaps during formatting it was specified wrong format. Android supports FAT and exFAT, try this one or this one. Read above for information on how to format microsd using SDFormatter.

    If the problem cannot be resolved, remove unnecessary and recently installed applications on your phone, or, as a last resort, update the Android firmware.

    The phone sees the flash drive, reads the photos that were on the flash card, but does not open applications on the flash drive. Samsung phone galaxy s3 mini.

    Answer. If you can't open apps on your phone, you can move them to internal memory phone using the application manager. The second option is to download them again from Google Play and install it on the memory card.

    If the application still does not open, format the memory card to FAT or exFAT.

    I was watching a video on my Nomi_i4510 phone and suddenly I forgot about the charge percentage and the phone turned off. I put it on charge, turned it on, and in the notifications it says “there is no SD card, if you can’t connect the SD card, click forget device.” I reboot the phone and go into settings, then into storage and storage and there’s this picture: internal storage SD card (damaged) and below – SD card is missing. I go to the SD card and it says that in order to continue using the SD card you need to format it. I click “Format” and it’s formatted, everything is ok. But the fact is that the SD card partition (missing) is still there and rebooting does not help. That is, the SD card is connected and works normally and it’s as if it’s missing. What to do, how to format the SD card?

    Answer. Try formatting the SD card not through your phone, but using the sd formatter program. Also try inserting another memory card into your phone and see if information about the missing card appears. If yes, update the phone firmware and reboot the device. As a last resort, you will have to do . Whether the game is worth the candle is up to you to decide (save everything first important files from phone to computer).

    I bought it 2 months ago HUAWEI phone LUA - 21. It reads the memory card, but when I take a photo or download a program from the Internet, they always write: “no memory,” although I have a new micro flash drive. And every time the “Preparing SD card” notification appears.

    Answer. Errors may occur due to incorrect formatting of the memory card. This is a fairly common problem and is easy to fix:

    1. remove the sd card from the phone,
    2. connect to PC (via card reader)
    3. copy files from the flash drive to your PC (make a backup copy)
    4. format the memory card to Fat32 or exFAT
    5. copy files from PC back to USB flash drive

    After these steps, the SD card should be normally detected by the phone.

    Please tell me, is it possible to decrypt an SD card using this program? Because there was a failure in the phone, and the files remained encrypted and the phone does not read them.

    Answer. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to return encrypted data after resetting the settings. Neither additional software like SD Formatter nor the built-in capabilities of Android will help. For further use, you need to format the SD card. It is clear that you will lose the encrypted data on the microSD.

    I formatted the phone. Now it asks for the account that was synced with it. I don't know this account because I turned off synchronization. What to do?

    Answer. Probably we are talking about Google account, which is indicated in the Android settings or immediately at the stage initial setup phone. Create new account in Google and connect a new email.

    Phone Lenovo A7000. Reads microsd as internal memory. There's a lot on the map free space, but it doesn’t even allow applications to update. I deleted a bunch of applications, left only the most necessary ones - I still can’t download anything. How to make a memory card external media? Only resell?

    Answer. Most likely, the problem is due to incorrect formatting of the card. Try formatting the SD card on your computer, selecting Fat or extFat as the file system on the microsd. The SDFormatter utility will handle this task.