• What is Wipe Cache Partition on Android and why is it needed. Wipe on Android - reset settings

    Many experienced MMO players have often heard the expression “server wipe”. What it is, however, not many people know. Nevertheless, this procedure is often carried out by the administration of game servers, plunging players into shock and horror, since everything obtained with sweat and blood goes into oblivion. It is worth noting that wipe is possible not only on game servers. For example, there is such a thing as wipe operating system. You can often hear this about the Android OS. The time has come to understand this concept and consider in more detail what wipes can be and what they threaten users with.

    What is wipe

    Wipe (English “clear”, “delete”) is a procedure for resetting the settings of a server or any device that is not provided by the manufacturer, or rolling back to the latest backup copy. Typically, any unsaved data will be lost. Some servers or devices simply need to wipe from time to time. That it's not very useful end user, and without that it is clear. As a rule, server players or device owners suffer. But after this procedure is completed, the server or device begins to work without failures or glitches. So overall this operation is useful. But users don't think so. And they can be understood.

    Full wipe

    There is such a thing as a complete wipe. reset to factory settings. It is performed only when the server is doing poorly and nothing is working. In this case, all user data is lost. Everything has to be done again. A complete wipe is similar to resetting Windows to factory settings. That is, we have before us a bare system with minimum set drivers. And nothing more. It is worth noting that such a procedure is performed very rarely, since it has a detrimental effect on the server’s reputation. No self-respecting administrator will do this without good reason, because you could lose your audience. I would like to note that most people “suffer” from wipes pirate servers some game (the same World of Warcraft). On official servers The administration is trying its best to maintain functionality without such radical measures.

    How often are wipes done?

    So, wipe. What this is is already clear. But how often can the administration produce this procedure? It all depends on the degree of clutter on the server. And how quickly unnecessary piles of junk grow on it directly depends on the number of players on a particular server. The most densely populated worlds are exposed to this action once every six months. Is it worth reminding that this situation does not please users in any way. However, an adequate administration is doing its best not to abuse this operation, since frequent wipes can completely discourage people from playing on the server. And no one is interested in losing an audience. That's why admins often do backups data in order to minimize player losses.

    Wipe servers in Rust

    Some games allow users to perform their own wipes. But this is only if this server is the property of the player. A classic example is the atypical Rust toy. Here users are free to manage game world. If the player feels that there are too many unnecessary locations on the map, that resources have run out, or that some other problem has arisen, he can do this procedure himself. How to wipe a server in Rust? It's pretty simple. Just go to the server folder, find the Save directory and the Undefined directory in it. You need to delete all the contents of this folder. After starting the game, the user will find an updated world where he can go about his business again. Only very often this procedure does not need to be performed: it is fraught with unstable operation of the server and a lack of people willing to play on it.

    Wipes on mobile devices

    The situation is completely different with the operating system of Android mobile devices. Here is a slightly different interpretation of the word "wipe". You already know that this is cleaning the OS and resetting to factory settings. But it is performed only as a last resort and for other reasons. So, this operation is performed in the case unstable work system, the inability to start the shell, the presence of system glitches or other system-related problems. Wiping is very simple. You need to go into your phone's recovery. Each device has its own login method. In the menu you need to select the item wipe data and confirm the action. It would also be a good idea to wipe the cache. This is the wipe cash partition item. After rebooting, a pristine operating system awaits the user. Everything will have to be set up again, including installation necessary applications and adding an account. Wipes on Android help solve a huge number of problems without radical intervention in the device’s firmware. The beauty of this method is that any beginner can handle it, while full firmware The gadget is not available to everyone. Therefore, before getting into the firmware, you need to make all possible wipes and see what happens. If the problem persists, then more radical measures can be taken.


    So, the answer to the question “Wipe - what is it?” now you know. The reasons why this procedure needs to be carried out are also clear. In addition to the general “improvement” of the server or mobile device, this operation makes it possible not to use radical measures such as reinstalling the operating system or flashing the gadget. If we are talking about game server, then an adequate administration creates backup copies of data during a wipe to minimize player losses. So there's nothing wrong with wiping. But the server will become more stable.

    Hello everyone guys, Let's talk about such a thing as Wipe Cache Partition, you can see this on your Android smartphone, or on your tablet, but what is it? Today we'll figure it out. The word Wipe itself means to erase, the word Cache, I think you understand, is a cache, but the word Partition is a part of something, usually on a computer or smartphone the word Partition means part of the ROM (read-only memory). Well, that is, part of the memory or all of the device’s memory. In a computer, it acts as memory hard drive(or RAM) and in it Partition is local disk physical disk. In short, I’ll put it simply, Partition is a memory disk/section. And cleaning Partition means clearing the memory disk, and in the case of Wipe Cache Partition, I think this means clearing the disk/partition CACHE.

    So, I think I understand, Wipe Cache partition is an item in the menu Recovery Mode, and the item, as I already said, is responsible for clearing the cache. If you reset your phone to factory settings, the cache is cleared automatically, well, this is just a note for you.

    But what is the Recovery Mode menu and what is it for? I answer, this menu can be called service or service boot menu, that is, it does NOT work IN ANDROID. By loading into this menu you can reset settings, install new firmware, and do something else, but all this requires special knowledge

    This is what Recovery Mode looks like on a Samsung phone:

    Don't you notice anything here? Yes, I agree, it’s hard to see here! But I think it’s better seen this way:

    This mysterious Wipe Cache Partition item in the menu!!! But now you already know that this item is responsible for clearing the cache and apparently this applies to the system partition, well, I think so

    Well, just a minute, can you tell me more about what exactly the Wipe cache partition item does? I can write it now! This means that this is clearing the cache, but what cache exactly, what is in this cache? These are temporary files and data that remain after programs are running or after updates. They usually clear the cache if the smartphone slows down, or there are some freezes; clearing the cache does not always help, but sometimes it does help. Don't worry, clearing the cache will not affect your programs, they will remain in place as they were

    Cache cleaning is available in almost any phone, well, like in any one. I can’t say for sure, maybe I’m wrong, but it seems service menu Recovery Mode does not apply to Android at all, it seems to be a menu of the phone itself, completely separate. Well, or the Android service menu, but it works ONLY BEFORE LOADING the operating system itself. Each phone's menu is a little or a lot different, here's an example, I've never seen such a menu before:

    Another note for you: I learned that if you update the firmware, you need to clear the cache, and you need to use the Wipe Cache Partition and Wipe Dalvik Cache items. But the second thing is, what is it? It’s not all that simple, I can’t really understand what it is, but here are the pictures, maybe you’ll understand something (otherwise I won’t boom boom).

    FULL WIPE is a complex operation on mobile devices, which includes completely clearing user data and formatting all sections of the built-in memory. Includes a series of sequentially executed commands ( wipe dalvik-cache + format system + format cache + format/data + wipe cache partition + wipe data/factory reset + wipe battery stats). On devices running Android OS, this operation can be launched from the Recovery menu; it helps to avoid conflicts that often arise between different firmware. Strictly speaking, Full Wipe removes all tails left over from the previous firmware.
    As a result of this action, all programs, application and user data, and settings are deleted from the device. In fact, even the operating system itself is erased, so without having a file with the image of the new firmware, it is strictly not recommended to launch this operation. It is better to perform a full backup before Full Wipe working system in case new firmware will not want to function normally. When erasing the operating system, only the external flash drive remains unaffected, with the exception of the system folder.android_secure, in which Android stores applications moved to the memory card.

    Full Wipe for android

    So, to perform Full Wipe, you need to select the following items in the Recovery menu one by one and then answer in the affirmative to the confirmation request. Navigation through the Recovery menu items is carried out using the volume down or up buttons, and selection - Power button. Let's take a closer look at each operation that is sequentially performed with Full Wipe.

    1. wipe data/factory reset- deleting all settings and user data. This cleans the /cash and /data partitions located in the gadget’s built-in memory, and the .android_secure folder (storage for applications transferred to the flash drive). This operation is in many ways similar to the similar Hard Reset function that is performed on WinMo, although there are some differences. On Android Factory Reset leads only to clearing the specified partitions, and the firmware itself remains untouched. At the same time, if the user, due to inexperience or intentionally, violated any functions of the system (for example, deleted some system files), a factory reset will not help restore lost capabilities - this can only be done by flashing the firmware.
    On WinMo, Hard Reset not only clears all memory, but also downloads new firmware, replacing the old one, that is, it completely updates the device system to the “off-the-shelf” state.

    2. wipe cache partition- clearing the cache memory (/cache section), which serves to speed up access to frequently used files. This is a kind of buffer that allows you to increase the speed of the device.

    3. format/data- clearing all user data and settings. This also includes all settings of any installed or previously remote programs, if for some reason their data was not cleared immediately.

    4. format/cache- clearing the cache partition.

    5. format/system - complete cleaning system partition, which leads to the deletion of operating system files (erases it). Please note that once this operation is completed, the device will not be able to operate until the new firmware is installed. When cleaning the system partition, only the factory Recovery menu remains working.

    6. wipe dalvik-cache- deleting .dex files. These files are created automatically by the system for everyone installed applications and are used in their work. It happens that these files are not compatible with new version applications - in this case, conflicts may arise. Deleting these files will lead to their new creation the next time the OS boots, which will eliminate possible problems.

    7. wipe battery stats- deleting battery statistics stored in the batterystats.bin file. The operation helps recalibrate the battery. It is best to perform this operation when the battery charge is 100%. According to Google developers, this file only serves to display battery consumption statistics and does not affect the operating time of the device.

    8. format/boot- cleaning the OS kernel.

    Wipe (wipe – wipe, wipe) in Android system called a factory reset. This process is also called “formatting” or “Hard Reset”. Why do you need to reboot on Android?

    The fact is that after this action the device will be completely cleared of preinstalled programs, and will help get rid of the following problems:

    • Possible malfunction as a result getting root rights;
    • Incorrect functioning and occurrence of system errors;
    • Deterioration in performance as a result of operating system updates;
    • Problems due to flashing, i.e., after switching from original to custom firmware;
    • Deleting all personal data (hard reset) when pre-sale preparation devices.

    Types of “reset” on Android

    Hard reset on Android can be divided into two types:

    1. Full (aka hard reboot on Android) – deleting all programs and data on the device itself, or in any of the selected sections.
    2. Partial – deletes a specific folder (directory).

    Ways to perform wipe

    Execute Android wipe possible from the following modes:

    1. Settings menu: go to the settings menu, then “recovery” and “reset”, check the “clear SD card” checkbox (data stored on the memory card, programs and files inclusive are deleted, information from the phone’s memory will also be deleted).
    2. Using the “reset” button located on the device (if provided by the manufacturer): using a paperclip (or similar object), press and hold the reset button for 15-30 seconds (the settings are reset to factory settings).
    3. Recovery menu: to get to the recovery menu, turn off the power, hold down the “home” key and the volume rocker to increase, simultaneously with the “power” button. Important: different devices may have other key combinations. We move through any menu by decreasing or increasing the volume, and selecting actions by pressing the “power” (turn on) key. In addition, it is possible to use a PC and ADB programs, universal for all devices. First enable USB debugging.

    a) B standard menu recovery Android: select Wipe data/factory reset, then “Wipe cache partition”, reboot the smartphone ( Reboot system now);

    b) In the menu Recovery CWM(or similar):

    • Partial Wipe (in case of a “glitch” of some program), with saving all data or programs: “Wipe cache partition”, then “Advanced”, then “Wipe Dalvick Cache”, finally reboot, or reboot on android
    • Full Wipe or hard reset android (removing all programs and their data): select “Wipe data/factory reset”, then “Wipe cache partition”, and reboot the smartphone (Reboot system now). The content is saved.

    Wipe through recovery

    Now directly about wipe through recovery. In the classic Android recovery version, two types of reset are available:

    To delete all data stored in the DATA or CACHE sections and folders containing program data. In this way we permanently remove all applications along with the root directories and personal settings, but we save media files (image, video, music).

    Wipe cache – we erase temporary information about the operation of programs and applications. This action is required if a system malfunction occurs.

    What if nothing helps? You shouldn’t blame the fact that “your hands don’t grow from there”, you just need to perform “WIPE DATA/FACTORY RESET”. In this case, it is possible to do wipe applied to any section of the system.

    And the last, fourth mode from which you can wipe is the Bootloader menu, but in in this case you must use fastboot tools.

    Additional information about wipe on Android

    Often on sites that publish information about Android, you can find instructions on how to install the firmware, as well as how to obtain root rights. These guides instruct you to perform a factory reset this way: wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, format data. However, this is a frankly incorrect recommendation because it does not reveal the full structure recovery menu and talks about ignorance file structure Android systems. The wipe data/factory reset action deletes the data partition containing the dalvik cache directory. This means that some manipulations will be completely unnecessary. The fact is that wipe and format are terms that have the same meaning, for example the system/xbin partition does not contain format files, but the wipe file is there.

    Some nuances of performing a wipe on Android

    Often users are faced with a dilemma: when to reset the settings, before flashing the device, or after? The answer lies on the surface - of course before flashing, because any firmware usually has a built-in function with which it performs automatic reboot system after installation has been completed.

    If in the firmware in the section " data"There are uploaded files" wipe", let's see how the system will perform its functions after loading, if it's bad, then perform " wipe data».

    And a little more information about the subtleties.

    Many experts agree that the emphasis custom firmware CYanogenMod can be called a script - part of the installation from the recovery menu, which initially backs up the system files, and after flashing it restores them. As a result, errors may occur. Therefore, if you decide to use this firmware, then first run format system.

    That’s basically all we wanted to tell you, we really hope that our information was useful.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/26379-13_11-e1496428061855.jpg" alt="smartphone in hands" width="271" height="200"> !} A user who is planning to sell his mobile device, may be interested in how to do wipe on Android. Smartphone owners often use them to store personal information. It could be business correspondence, electronic invoices, contact information, photographs, etc.

    Wipe data/factory reset - good idea, but in some cases this function may not be enough. For example, when employees of the famous company Avast bought 20 used Android smartphones, then they were able to recover photos, Google search history, emails, text messages and contact information.

    There is a method that will help the user completely erase all information and avoid troubles associated with leakage of personal files.

    Preparing for a factory reset

    Those who are interested in what wipe is on Android should first of all install the FRP (Factory Reset Protection). Google Company developed FRP as an additional layer of protection for Android 5.0 Lollipop. If the gadget is stolen, the program will not allow thieves to erase all files on it for the purpose of further sale to third parties.

    If you perform a wipe data/factory reset with the FRP application enabled and try to set up the device again, the program will require you to enter the username and password for the last Google account registered on the device. If a person does not have such data, then the smartphone will remain locked. Attackers are unlikely to be able to sell a mobile device that doesn’t even run the operating system.

    After installing FRP, you need to perform the following steps:

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/lupa-password21-300x170.jpeg" alt=" account Google entry"width="300" height="170" srcset="" data-srcset="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/lupa-password21-300x170..jpeg 400w" sizes= "(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px">