• Pirate node 32 update servers. Mirrors, Eset NOD32 update v.3, v.4, v.5

    The most weak side any antivirus - obsolescence antivirus databases. The less often you update the database, the worse the protection. Antivirus NOD32 Eset company in my opinion is the best. Although its 4th version is clearly “bloatware” (bloated software), it still copes well with its task - protecting against virus infection.

    Eset NOD32- This commercial product. Servers with its updates are called mirrors. When you purchase a license, you will have the opportunity to update from the official Eset servers. But if you don’t mind the idea of ​​piracy and are ready to break the law, then here is a list of addresses with anti-virus database mirrors NOD32:

    Attention. I switched to Linux, now I have no time and no need to test new pirate mirrors. Therefore, updating the article has been temporarily stopped.

    Working servers:
    Banned mirrors:
    http://itsupp.com/downloads/nod_update/ESS5-1 day
    http://eset.tiserver.org/eset_upd/v5/ESS5-3 days

    Record type " - n days" shows how at the time of inspection The updates on this mirror lag behind the current databases.

    How to set up an update in the antivirus itself

    For example I take ESS4, this is a firewall + NOD32 antivirus. Any other version of the antivirus is configured in the same way. Open the main program window, click F5- we get into the settings. We find a point there "Update". On the right side of the window, click the button "Change".

    In the window that appears, enter new server, click "Add".

    After adding all servers, click OK once. We're back in the settings. To the left of the button " Change"there is a drop-down list - " Update server". Now the servers that were just added should appear in this list. Select either one of them or the item " Select automatically". Click OK and start the update in the main program window.

    Manual update. Nod32View

    If the antivirus cannot update from the servers you specified, it means either server is dead, or the address is incorrect, or maybe just “storms on the Sun” :). There is a way out: manual update. Download the program from here Nod32View latest version. The name has changed, the program is the same. The main program window looks something like this:

    Nod32 Update Viewer v4.21.2

    In the upper right corner there is a switch between program modules. Depending on the installation you choose, there may be more icons there than in the picture. Select the required module - " Eset Nod v3/v4 update". Then in field (1) enter the server address, click " Test ". If the server is alive, then field (2) it will be added to the list. We repeat the adding procedure with the remaining servers. There is a FAQ about the program on the developer's website, see button (3).

    How to update via Nod32View: V field (2) double click to any address. The program will send a request and soon the version of the anti-virus databases available on this mirror will appear next to the address. Only after this can you update from of this server. Or RMB at the address, select " Update mirror", or the button " Update" in the main menu. If " Update" not available means:

    • or the newest databases have already been downloaded;
    • or the server is not selected;
    • or the mirror database version was not received.

    Downloading the databases via Nod32View is only half the battle. You also need to go to the antivirus settings (see above), and specify in them the path to the local mirror with the databases on your computer. This is the same path where Nod32View downloads updates (see Nod32View settings, tab " Mirror"). Please note: in Figures 1 and 2 I have specified and selected the path to the local database mirror - .

    After all the settings in both programs and updating the local mirror via Nod32View, all you have to do is run the update of the antivirus itself. You can configure these programs to automatic update. How - read the manuals.

    A few more words about Nod32View

    Word First :). This program has one big drawback: the author wants you to download it periodically new version, about which you will receive a message after the deadline. At the same time old version stops working altogether. The author's motivation seems strained to me: " Often critical changes occur in the source data, and the program stops working fully..", etc. (see FAQ for the program, first question). Be that as it may, be prepared for such a surprise.

    Word Two: Nod32View is also convenient because it allows you to update the network under the protection of Nod32, or transfer updates to computers outside the network. It is enough to share the directory with the mirror on the network or copy new databases to a flash drive.

    UPD: Hacked Nod32View

    I'm fed up with NodView's requirement to update. Old versions (from a year ago) do an excellent job with the task posed in this article. To this extent, the developer did not give us a choice" to download or not to download"new version, I dug into the code of the program. Nod32View v5.04, untied from the date with the advertising cut out, download. Use at your own peril and risk;)

    How to use banned mirrors

    Method 1: Scheduler + NodView

    The day is not far off when ESET specialists will cover all the pirate mirrors known to me, and Nod32 will refuse to update. There are two options: finally buy a license and not break the law, or attach NodView to the Nod32 scheduler and configure the first to automatically download updates for the second. I won’t go into detail about “buying”, everything is on the website eset.com. Let's take a closer look at the pirate method.

    In addition to the antivirus itself, you will need current version Nod32View. I currently have 5.02.2. The very first thing you need to do is add the file “nod32view.exe” to the antivirus exceptions. NodView supports command line operation. We are interested in the following call options:

    NOD32view.exe /auto - Runs auto-update once
    NOD32view.exe v4:http://server/path/ - Downloads the update from the specified server

    Auto-update is one big pain: (For it to work, it doesn’t matter whether you launch it through the program button or from the command line, you need:

    1. In the NodView settings (Mirror tab), select which servers to perform auto-update for, and when you select v4/v5, the flag for v3 is automatically raised! For what?!
    2. Let's say we chose auto-update for v4 (together with v3). We go to the appropriate section, mark the mirrors on which we need to look for new things. The server poll will go to the first one suitable by date/version. Everything is correct here. But getting NodView to download something requires patience%(Downloading won't work at all, If:
      • there will be a loss of connection with the mirror
      • the version of the databases does not somehow fit the selected section (databases marked with a red cross or databases for a different version of Nod32)
      • Several mirrors with suitable bases have been selected! (tested in practice)

    I decided to forget about auto-update and point to command line specific mirror. Everything works great here. Updates are downloaded from the specified server regardless of NodView settings, the problems described above also do not arise. The download can only be interrupted by loss of connection with the mirror.

    Offtopic. More about the “logic” of Nod32View: we take the mirror address, for example http://katana.pp.ru/eset_upd/ and try to add it in the v3 section. If the mirror responds (sometimes it lies), then NodView will offer to add it to the section. At the same time, we will get information that the mirror contains new things for Nod32 ESS5. Okay, version five, let's try to add same address in section v5. At the same time, NodView for some reason adds it to http://katana.pp.ru/eset_upd/ v5/, and then declares that nothing was found! Where is the logic!?

    Having decided on a suitable mirror, all you have to do is fill out the task in the antivirus scheduler " Launch external application ". There are no difficulties here, here is a screenshot of the most interesting part in my settings:

    Please note: daily update is scheduled Later launch NodView. The update settings indicate the local path to the databases where NodView will store them.

    There is a possibility that the scheduler of your version of Nod32 will not work as expected. Then the crutch remains the same, and the Windows scheduler or any alternative is used. You can also somehow set a schedule in NodView, but I haven’t mastered this part of the “miracle software”.

    Method 2: replace the mirror via hosts

    I recently found a new idea on this site. It’s strange that I didn’t think of this myself: (It’s not a childish method, if it’s not clear how it works, then it’s better not to use it. The point is to replace the IP addresses of official Nod32 servers with the addresses of pirated mirrors. The replacement works on a specific machine and then until the antivirus cleans the file" hosts".

    For example, let's take a banned mirror on http://slim-server.pp.ua:2221/. Through any whois service, for example 1whois.ru, we find out the IP address of this site, We register in [../windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts] correspondence: um10.eset.com On the left is the IP address of the site with a pirate mirror, on the right is official server Nod32 updates.

    In the Nod32 update settings we specify an almost real mirror: http://um10.eset.com:2221/ and that's it, it works! Moreover, you don’t even need to overload the machine, Nod reads “its” mirror without any problems :)

    Attention: there must be only one site on the IP address, otherwise the hoster will not resolve the package, because it will not find the specified DNS name. You can find out how many sites there are on an IP address on the same page where you received the mirror’s IP nickname. On 1whois.ru there is also a separate option under the search field, " Sites on the same IP". If there are no other sites, then the mirror fits the method.

    It may be that even with one site on an IP address, the method does not work, because the hoster conducts mandatory check DNS name. For example, 7plus7.ru hosted by Agava. And, presumably, the site may have its own protection, as is the case with katana.pp.ru. Then just don't use such sites :)

    We transform the idea into a convenient form. From the entire current list of banned mirrors, the method works with the following: slim-server.pp.ua, ufo.te.ua, south-tver.ru, nod32.stbur.ru And polter.no-ip.info. We write the corresponding substitution in hosts: um10.eset.com um11.eset.com um12.eset.com um13.eset.com um14.eset.com

    Now we add new mirrors to Nod32:


    As long as the pirate mirrors are alive, the update will work. If one server goes down, simply switch to the next one or even leave the choice to the discretion of the antivirus.

    I want to tell you about another way to update NOD32 antivirus by changing the update server. The bottom line is that you can change the update server from the official one to an alternative or network one. Such techniques are used in the corporate segment, which has its own update server, but you can also use it on regular computer with node antivirus. Now some craftsmen are posting their servers on the Internet. It’s hard to find them, so we post on this page a list of only verified and working servers. With some frequency, these servers die for various reasons. Therefore, so that you can have access to a working update server, we have made this page. For normal operation this method Antivirus activation is not required. All antivirus functions will work.

    Working ESET NOD32 SMART SECURITY update servers of all versions:

    • http://www.ut21.ru/
    • http://www.kayot83.ru/NOD5/
    • http://free-windows.ru/nod32mirror/

    Performance tested on October 17, 2017 - it works.

    Instructions for updating your antivirus.

    1. Open the antivirus, click on the settings gear, and at the bottom right click go to advanced settings.

    2. In the next window, select updates and then parameters, see if it is possible to change the update server, if so, then immediately go to step 8, if not, then you need to enable this setting manually.

    3. If the server cannot be changed, you need to make this option; for this you need to boot into safe mode. From now on, be very careful and follow all instructions exactly. IN Windows search write msconfig and click on the shortcut that appears.

    4. In the next window, select the “Download” tab and check the Safe Mode box, do not change anything else, click Apply and OK.

    5. We reboot the computer and it boots itself in safe mode. Then in the search we write regedit and click on the shortcut.

    6. The registry will open, go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ ESET Security Find \CurrentVersion\Info in the PackageFeatures list, right-click on the labels, select edit. For ESET Security change the value to 51, for NOD32 Antivirus different versions the values ​​can be 21, 1, 3d, 0c. We recommend using Smart Security.

    7. Again, type msconfig in the search, click on the shortcut, go to the download tab, uncheck the safe mode box, click apply and OK. We reboot the computer. This way, after rebooting, the computer will boot in normal mode. It's important to remember to do this!

    8. Now we have the opportunity to change the update server. Copy the server from the list above and add it to the antivirus. Open the antivirus settings, go to advanced settings, in the update server line, click change.

    9. We insert our update server into the first line, check that there are no extra characters or spaces, the server address must be accurate for the update to work. Click add and OK.

    10. Be sure to check whether the server appears in the update line and click OK.

    11. Now your antivirus will be updated from an alternative server.

    Now you know another way to update your antivirus through the update server. To avoid losing this page on the Internet, bookmark it in your browser. Share the link to this article with your friends, it will be useful for both you and us.

    Nowadays it is impossible to imagine a computer or laptop without installed antivirus program. For active Internet users, they are especially important, since on the vastness of the World Wide Web you can encounter a great variety of different Trojans, worms and other “evil spirits” that can cause harm. Each antivirus program has its own pros and cons. Each user chooses for himself the most convenient and effective program. Personally, I really like using Nod 32, and updates are always available.

    Many users prefer ESET antivirus Nod32. This antivirus is a powerful and effective defender operating system and computer files. The antivirus has a clear and user-friendly interface, and thanks heuristic analysis it will not allow the virus into the system. A significant advantage is the low consumption system resources and performance. It does not require special attention during operation. And a very big plus is that you can always find a nod32 update for free.

    You can download Nod32 antivirus without much difficulty. This is a shareware program, that is, a certain period of time is provided during which you can use all the features of the program for free. This period lasts one month. The program updates its anti-virus databases, and the computer is under maximum protection. At the end of the period, you must purchase a registration key. The price may vary depending on the validity period of the key. Without the key, the antivirus will not receive updates to the antivirus databases. But updates can be set up for free.

    Setting up an update server for Nod 32

    How to update ESET Nod23 for free and without registration? All you need to do is follow a few simple steps.

    1. Open the program window and press the F5 key. After clicking, a window will open with additional settings as shown in the picture. Select the item - update.

    2. In the “update server” item, select “change”, as shown in the picture.

    3. In the window that opens, in the “update servers” item, you need to insert the address of the update server. Where can I get it? Type in the search engine - NOD32 Antivirus update server. There are a great many of them on the Internet, you just need to choose one of them. After you insert the address of the update server, click “add”.

    4. After this, click “OK” and get the necessary updates.

    This method does not carry with it any illegal actions and is widely used. Over time, update servers die, and you just need to find a new one and repeat these steps. Free update nod32 is always available, you just need to spend a couple of minutes searching. The nod32 update server is easy to find because there are a lot of them. Below in the video you can watch a video on how to update nod32 nod32 update keys.

    Added 07/22/13

    Today I decided to make your task of finding updates for nod32 a little easier. After digging a little on the Internet, I found a small list of servers to update. At the time of writing this paragraph, all update servers were working. If you find a non-working server, please write to me.

    Servers for the fifth version:

    • http://nod32.stbur.ru/eset_upd/v5/
    • http://ddn.org.ua:9999/v5/eset_upd/v5/

    Servers for the fourth and third versions:

    • http://nod32.stbur.ru/eset_upd/v4/
    • http://bevb.himki.net/nod3/v4/
    • http://nod32.stbur.ru/eset_upd/
    • http://update.uhss.ru/eset_upd/
    • http://update.uhss.ru/eset_upd/sky/
    • http://ufo.te.ua/aids_update/eset_upd/
    • http://ddn.org.ua:9999/
    • http://lib.dmmi.edu.ua/nod32-4/
    • http://nod32.pentium02.org/eset_upd/
    • http://nod3x.djbdb.net/
    • http://nod32.nnm.uz/
    • http://torrentka.ru/nod32_upd/
    • http://www.uchaly.ru/eset_upd/
    • http://klanhub.no-ip.info/nod3/
    • http://www.nod32upd.front.ru/v3/
    • http://siniy.ws/eset_upd/

    Added 06/05/2018

    A few more working servers for the Nod32 update, all checked.

    • http://nod.gorod.nu/eset_upd/
    • http://tiart.ru/BaseNod32/v5/
    • http://schoolnet.by/~zabolotie/nod4/
    • http://www.market-a.ru/nod32/

    Despite the widespread blocking of upgrade servers for NOD32, we are constantly looking for new and working solutions. We are pleased to bring to your attention another server that allows you to update this antivirus.
    The method we propose is not only much more convenient, but also eliminates the need constant search working keys, updates are available at any time directly from our website.
    Despite the fact that version 8 has already seen the light Eset Smart Sesurity, statistics eloquently indicate that many people prefer the proven and reliable versions 4 and 5 to it.
    At the same time, the updated version of the program contains a number of improvements and innovations that make the protection even more reliable, so I advise you to update your antivirus after viewing it first full review. Also presented to your attention detailed video instructions on downloading, installing and updating a new antivirus.

    So, you can try the following update servers for NOD32:

    http://nod32.jimmy.com.ua/eset_upd/v4/ - the server is relevant for versions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. http://www.ut21.ru/v7/ - a backup option, relevant for everyone application versions. Let me briefly explain the essence of such movements. Paid version uses an official server, which requires purchasing a license for a very considerable amount. You can also update via alternative servers, but lately they are periodically subjected to powerful electronic attacks. Our server was no exception, so until the problem is resolved, I offer you the following options: replacing the server or switching to a weaker and unreliable antivirus application. Decide for yourself.

    Instructions for replacing the update server for NOD32

    Find the NOD32 icon in the system tray (lower right corner of the screen), right-click on it and activate the option “ Open»