• Smart TV is not safe; there is a threat to the personal safety of TV owners. What ESET SMART TV SECURITY can do

    Smart TVs are beginning to take leading positions in the television equipment market and displace conventional televisions.

    Of course!
    Internet access, a lot of films, TV series and news clips!
    Useful informational and entertainment resources!
    Weather, music, social networks...
    This list can be continued indefinitely.

    At the same time, there are ongoing debates regarding the safety of Smart TV. The Internet is beginning to actively enter our everyday life and today over 14 billion gadgets are connected to it. A TV without an operating system and an Internet connection will not surprise anyone, but few people think that Smart TV is not safe for the personal life of its owners. Thus, one research company has concluded that Smart TV owners are still under threat.

    Owners of Smart TVs that were released after 2012 are at potential risk.

    Already in 2016, the following trend began to be observed. Manufacturers have moved away from 3-D images and curved OLED panels. More and more companies have focused their efforts on the smart capabilities of operating systems. Not only world-famous brands Samsung, LG, Sony, Toshiba, but also small Chinese vendors develop their own software shells. Their goal is to turn the screen into the main link smart home and take the place of tablets and smartphones. In principle, the latter will have to be content with the function of the control panel.

    So can a smart TV catch a virus?

    Hacking smart TVs is a big problem

    2012 The ReVuln company posted a video online showing the process of exploiting the vulnerability of TVs with Smart function TV from Samsung. Immediately after this, an article was published where ReVuln specialists focused on the fact that this vulnerability can be used by hackers to gain access to any information located on the device. There is a lot that is unclear in the video, but the fact remains a fact.

    2013 Martin Helfurth, a famous German researcher, reported on his blog that he was able to hack Samsung TV with SmartTV function. The cyber attack was aimed at broadcasting programs using HbbTV technology. He managed to spoof the broadcast, create separate subtitles, generate currency for Bitcoin and carry out many other illegal activities. Helfurth admitted that the built-in WebKit browser version 1.1 and JavaScript make it easier to hack TVs. Moreover, on Samsung devices SSL encryption was not used.

    2014 Since then, LG has suspended production of models that support Google technology TV. She replaced it with an operating system with open source WebOS based on Linux. Owners of models released before 2014 often complained about cyber attacks. Downloading any application from third-party sites could lead to blocking access to watching television. TV owners were offered to pay a certain amount of money to restore access. Since 2014, these problems have decreased, but hackers are constantly inventing something new.

    The main problem is that no one will suspect attempts to hack their Smart TV. Hackers do their job quickly and easily.

    Avast research laboratories demonstrated in detail how to hack a Vizio Smart TV system in just a couple of minutes. They gained low-level access to the Linux OS and plugged the device on which the virus was stored into a USB connector. Such simple actions allow attackers to gain unlimited access not only to Smart TV, but also to all devices connected to the TV owner’s network. Smart TVs store logs of user activity. In addition, it is worth considering that modern operating systems have many disadvantages.

    What's the problem

    There are many security problems with using smart TVs. But it is still worth highlighting the main ones. Most models use outdated software libraries. Their vulnerabilities are known even to a novice hacker. It is worth highlighting the operating principle Smart systems TV, which is built on the sharing of resources. To speed up work, they open access to files as much as possible.

    Manufacturers of smart TVs do not focus on improving the security system. It is profitable for them to quickly sell out the series and start producing another one. In turn, a cyber attack on smart TVs can lead to three main problems. Which one exactly? Read on!

    In principle, hackers can hack anything connected to the Internet. And the easiest way to do this is through smart TV. Fraudsters gain access to your TV by exploiting security holes in the device. Just imagine, you are quietly lying or sitting in front of the TV screen, viewing information posted on the Internet or using one of the applications... And hackers are doing their job, perhaps on the other side of the world. It is worth noting that the security of using smart TV applications leaves much to be desired. It won't be difficult for hackers to break into Smart TV's security. They will quickly gain access to the camera and even the system voice control. What does this threaten? to an ordinary person? Attackers will monitor your entire house and listen to your conversations. It would seem, so what’s wrong with this? You are not some celebrity so that your personal life caught someone's attention! And you will be absolutely right. Access to a Smart TV camera to eavesdrop on conversations and monitor your household is nonsense that few people are interested in. But the next point that follows from this can really jeopardize your well-being.

    By the way, Since we touched on the topic of webcam hacking, it’s worth saying that specialists from iSEC Partners, which specializes in security issues, including Smart TV, have identified a breach. This topic was discussed at the Black Hat conference. It turned out that you can hack Smart TV software in a wide variety of ways. in different ways. This can be done using a browser and special application for use social network. By hacking into your smart TV, hackers get full access to account and invoice data. But hackers can also obtain a disk image and get acquainted with all confidential documents and materials. They can obtain usernames, financial documents, passwords and other important information. But a particular threat is that attackers can easily obtain payment system data, credit cards and any banking information. And this, you understand, can lead to losses. It is unlikely that they will be interested in the history of USB films or anything like that. And no one will guess that your Smart TV was used for these purposes. Although you can lure money out of the owners of such equipment in other ways.

    Although there is another way to “monetize” hacker work. Probably, each of us has encountered such a problem that, having visited some website, the computer suddenly “throws out” from the Internet and an inscription like this appears on a blank screen: “If within 3 days you do not transfer *** rubles to ********’s account, then access to the computer will be completely lost” . Is this a familiar situation? But reinstalling WINDOWS, especially not a licensed one, is much cheaper. Of course, if we are talking about some kind of important information, which is stored on the computer, then get off reinstalling WINDOWS it won't work. Although this problem can be solved without transferring money to the accounts of dubious persons. So here it is. The same problem can happen with a Smart TV. It will just be much more difficult to solve. By the way, this problem has a name - RANSOMWARE. You can “infect” a TV with such a virus in a variety of ways. The easiest way is to connect a USB drive to the TV port. Malicious programs can be found even in official app stores. This is especially easy for attackers who use the same network as their victim. Otherwise, you can simply “steal” your Wi-Fi password or spoof DNS queries. During the attack, hackers intercept traffic between the Smart TV and the server and spoof the download request. As a result, the user installs not a legitimate application on the TV, but a virus. Within a few seconds, the picture will be closed by a ransom message. Smart TVs are not computers. And getting rid of malware is very difficult. The virus blocks all functions of the TV. The user will not even be able to reset them to factory settings.

    1. Any TV that supports smart functions can be compared to full-fledged computer . Therefore, it is necessary to treat it properly. Under no circumstances should you visit sites that are suspicious, and especially do not follow dubious links.
    2. Don't forget to update your TV's operating system. From time to time, manufacturers develop patches that are designed to close security gaps. Of course, updating the system will take a lot of time. But this way you can completely protect yourself and your data.
    3. Don't ignore firewalls. Every device that connects to the Internet must be protected with it, including a smart TV. Make sure that the settings are correct and that your router has a built-in firewall.
    4. Maximize your network security. Pay attention to correctly chosen passwords and regular updates Wireless network software.
    5. Monitor your Smart TV camera from time to time. If you are not using it, cover it with a piece of electrical tape.

    And a few more tips

    However, experts say these steps may not be enough, so users should always be cautious. In addition to the above points, they recommend not installing suspicious applications, much less running them. How can you distinguish a suspicious application from a normal one, you might ask. For the average TV viewer it will be big problem. But if you understand anything about this, we recommend that you pay attention to the following.

    Firstly, domain name. Attackers like to register domains similar to popular services. They replace just one character, which you may not notice. For example, Yandec.Ru or Rmbler.ru. As a result, you will find yourself on a completely different site.

    Secondly, pay attention to the design. If the owners don’t bother much with it, then this should alert you. In most cases, they are slightly edited and differ little from standard templates.

    Thirdly, pay attention to the downloads. If you observe frequent or sporadic “loads” while working with a resource on your Smart TV, this may indicate its lack of integrity. The only exception is when the site uses Web 2.0.

    Fourth, Accept SSL certificates only if you are 100% sure of their authenticity.

    And finally You should be wary of a large abundance of advertising, especially links to sites with erotic content.

    Of course, based on these signs alone, one cannot say that the site is malicious. It's just worth paying attention to.

    From day one, experts advise using program verification. It is necessary to disable functions on Smart TV that you do not use and you should make sure that they are secure and correct settings your Wi-Fi. It's good if the encryption is at least WPA2.

    The ideal solution to the problem would be wired connection to the Internet.

    Some experts recommend creating isolated home networks with Internet access. It is important that the devices are not interconnected. Although this is very expensive for regular user. But large companies or banks may well take this advice.

    Smart TV is not safe!

    It’s worth noting right away that the question is whether an antivirus is needed for Smart TV, which is not just relevant, but also has a logical implication. This is expressed in the fact that now it is possible to connect a TV to the Internet, which has become lately a real disaster for devices that do not have reliable protection. Viruses easily infect PCs, laptops, tablets, mobile phones. But how dangerous are they for smart TV?

    Is there a risk of getting a TV virus?

    From a theoretical point of view, this is quite possible, because harmful viruses are able to penetrate smart TV software via Wi-Fi and LAN channels. But in practice, not a single similar case has been recorded. And this is explained quite simply, almost all models smart TVs run on the Linux platform, which eliminates any possibility of infection.

    But there are exceptions, these are Samsung smart and some other models of Korean TVs that use an operating system created on Android platform. This is where such an unpleasant possibility extends to them, however, even in this case, not everything is as dramatic as it might seem. After all, TV, unlike computer equipment, connect not to the local, but to the internal LAN network.

    If you connect to the Internet through other devices, such as laptops, this does not pose a danger for the reason that they themselves are protected by an antivirus, and therefore cannot allow malicious elements to pass through. So in this case, there is no threat, and it simply has nowhere to come from.

    Is it possible to install antivirus programs on a TV?

    There is an opinion that it is quite possible to do this, but only in the case of Samsung smart, and then not directly, because such functions are not provided in it. To do this, at a minimum, you need to hack the television platform and download third-party ones through the Android system. mobile applications. Another question: How justified is it to install them on a TV? After all, there is no need for such a thing, and irreparable damage can be caused to its software.

    There are three main reasons why antivirus is not installed on smart TV:

    1. This is not provided.
    2. This is not necessary.
    3. They don't exist at all.

    Moreover, about the creation of this kind antivirus programs It’s out of the question, and there’s no reason to expect anything like this in the near future. There are reasons for this too, and they are more than convincing:

    • for this purpose, there is no any file system;
    • in this, there is no material benefit for the creators of viruses;
    • complete absence of any confidential information;
    • there is no access to the main applications, securely hidden in cloud storage.

    ESET SMART TV SECURITY is new antivirus famous manufacturer. This time not on smartphones or computers. The package was created with TVs that run the Android TV operating system in mind. Such TVs can also become victims malware And new package ESET protect them.

    ESET SMART TV SECURITY is an antivirus for TV.

    It works with Android TV. The package was created with the ever-evolving Internet of Things market in mind.


    ESET SMART TV SECURITY is designed to protect Android TVs from malware prepared by cybercriminals. They change the code that blocks access to the device and demand money to unlock it. The program allows you to select a virus scanning schedule and has an eye-pleasing interface.

    ESET SMART TV SECURITY does not work only with TVs. The software is also compatible with hardware such as console Nvidia Shield. The antivirus also works with Xiaomi console MiBox 4K.

    ESET SMART TV SECURITY can be downloaded from the Play Store on Android device TV. You can try the program for free for 30 days trial period. Then you will need to buy an antivirus.

    This is how antiviruses made it to TVs. I can't wait for the microwave and refrigerator antivirus to come out. After all, blocking these devices by attackers can really cause irreparable damage to digestion.

    LG TV is infected with viruses (connected to the Internet), how to clean it? The program does not support downloads.


      • Julia


      • Igor

        when you turn on the browser, the TV opens whatever it wants, it can simply turn off, it can return to the start page, it can open any random site. When you press the cursor on the start, stop, pause buttons, nothing happens until you click 1000 times and curse swear words


        Unplug the power cord from the TV, press the on/off button several times, then replace the power cord and turn on the TV. If this does not happen immediately, but after some time, the TV may overheat, what causes such malfunctions?! Reset the TV settings to factory settings, this should help solve the problem, if it doesn’t help, contact the company service center, possible free repair under warranty.

      • Andrey


      • Didar


      • Anna

        The TV constantly requires updates, maybe five times in an hour. Channels get confused and some disappear completely. Lately it works for about two minutes, then the picture disappears and it says that the channel is encrypted. although everything is paid for.


        Reset the TV settings to factory settings, run the update, wait until it finishes (if installation starts)
        If this continues constantly, there may be some kind of software failure - contact the company’s service center, you can call first and get advice.

      • neon


      • Alenka

        Good afternoon TV Samsung model UE40ES8007, constantly turns off by itself and turns back on, for a couple of minutes everything repeats again. Unplugged it from the socket, reset it to factory settings, doesn't help. It all started with a glitch in the Smart Hub program. At first it only stopped when I tried to exit the program. Then I stopped seeing wi-fi networks, absolutely everything, although other devices see at least 10 connection options (we live in an apartment building, there are a lot of connections around). And it also began to turn off when trying to connect to the Internet. We reset it to factory settings, and the TV began to turn off even when watching movies from a flash drive; when I tried to go into the TV settings, it also turned off. No more than 2-3 minutes it works and reboots. What's the problem?


      • Alenka

        It started a month and a half ago. At first it turned off only when starting the Smart Hub. Next, when you try to connect to the Internet. As a result, it now works for 2-3 minutes and then turns off. There is no antenna, since we always watch TV through programs. There is no longer a guarantee; we bought the TV at the beginning of 2013.


        Disconnect the smart hub cable from the TV and check if it turns off. Switch the TV to AV or HDMI mode, does it turn off there?! It is advisable to find a mode in which the TV does not turn off at least temporarily.
        Enter service mode:
        With the TV turned off, quickly and sequentially press the INFO - MENU - MUTE - POWER keys on the remote control
        For TVs less than 25″, the American method MUTE - 1 - 8 - 2 - POWER sometimes works
        Find the D-WatchDog item there (in the Adjust or other section), set it to OFF.
        My Samsung had the same problem, it was cured by disabling this self-diagnosis.

      • Kate

    • landing

      I work in support! the details are not important... the LG smarttv subscriber is calling, speaking in the browser, it says the browser is blocked by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for watching porn, and so on..... what could it be, if not a virus or a malicious script... even if the Ministry of Internal Affairs actually did it and how to treat it? Thanks in advance

    • DonSlonik

      Eh, I even took a camera to the client, but forgot to take a photo. I just couldn’t believe that there could be a beggar virus on an LG TV, while I was stunned and poking at different places“cleaned” the virus with my hands. But I didn’t take a photo (What it all looked like: LG TV model 42lb650v-ze. The whole smart phone works, programs show everything, launches, but when you start the browser a terrible message pops up that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has blocked everything for viewing sites of a homosexual nature, for violating articles of the code such and such a police squad is already on its way to you, urgently send money to such and such a number. There is a sign in the front with two buttons “check payment” and I don’t remember the second one. Everything is blocked, nothing works. .
      P.S. My wife forbade me to tell you how I removed the blocking)

    • Vladivir12121212

      When you connect a flash drive to a computer after it has been on the TV, the computer will find viruses on the flash drive. what to do? Can I reinstall the TV software?

    • Sergey

      To summarize, you can understand that the TV does not have special protection. and the cure for all ills may be to return to factory settings. I don’t go to harmful sites, but you can catch….. in seemingly safe addresses. Thank you!

    • nata

      Hello. Please tell me, after the update the TV started to freeze a lot. It pops up from everywhere: from a flash drive, a browser, from programs, even when you’re just watching channels. I reset it to factory settings, it didn't help.

    • nata

    • Victoria

      You type a search on the Internet, the remote control pushes you... you press up, and it goes to the side. Also connected mouse and mouse also tricks me. Plus, when you turn on the movie in HD quality, it freezes... this never happened before.

    • chizhby

    • Lyudmila

      Good afternoon! We have a problem with games, some of them have stopped loading, others are resetting. Movies are also being reset and not all videos are watched. We are using the same TV and at the same speed. Tell me what the problem is. Thank you

    • n_4udo

    • Vladlen

    • Vladlen

    • Vladlen

      The TV has a scheduled recording function. If you update the software now, will this function be removed and it will no longer be possible to restore it? After all, TVs produced now are deprived of this function.

    • roc

      When playing a video, it says “initializing, try again later” or “does not support the format” But this is funny... since the format is normal avi!))) TV model lg42lf5800v! and not yet opened. applications like YouTube, etc.

    • Alexander

      Good afternoon. Widgets in applications are not saved. After turning off the TV, everything disappears, only factory widgets remain in the additional applications. How can I fix this? Thank you

    • Gabit

      Samsung TV, you check your Internet connection, it says there is a connection. When you go to YouTube, the browser immediately says no connection. via cable the same as via Wi-Fi. I immediately check, it says there is a connection, I need to go to YouTube, there is no connection, and so on endlessly. although from time to time you can watch videos on YouTube. but very rarely. you can help with advice. thanks in advance

    • Gabit

      Hello, I called the service technical support samsung. They also could not help, the problem remained. I reset the TV to factory settings, it didn't help. I prescribed another DNS and it doesn’t help. When you turn on the TV, it says that there is a connection to the Internet, but when you go into any application, it says there is no connection to the Internet. What could it be? I even updated it. Although all other functions work fine. In addition to the smart hub. please help! !!

    • movladi

      When I try to connect to wifi I get an error
      lg smart tv
      After clicking “set up connection” it first shows “Initializing the network” and then this error “to connect to the network, check the cable connections local network or access points” with wifi everything is fine, the phone and computer easily search and connect, there is a second TV set exactly the same, it also searches and connects, but the first TV doesn’t even get to the network list menu, the latest firmware is 04.27.09
      Everything was fine before, the problem appeared recently, help!

    • Vladimir

      Hello! Tell me about the problem.
      1) WIFI stopped working, it just quits during setup, via cable it’s fine.
      2) when you start the smart it freezes, then turns off and immediately turns on
      3) when starting from a computer, Alsharu freezes and turns off then turns on
      4) when I insert a flash drive, THE SAME STORY.

    • Vladimir

    • Arslan

    • AZE

      After connecting the flash drive, it takes a long time to load and turns off after a few seconds. I reset the TV and smarthub to factory settings. It didn't help. I have formatted the flash drive more than once. Previously there were no problems with this flash drive and with the TV.

    • Xenia

      If the TV says that the old date is set, that the license has not come into force. Chrome cannot guarantee that you are working with a real site, but rather a copy. And all this is written on a red screen.

    • Olya

      Samsung TV with a curved screen. We watched it, turned it off, turned it off after about two hours. The screen blinks for a second. And that’s it... there is a black sound. We tried to plug it into the socket directly. To no avail. What could be the reason

    • smon

    • Vadim

      Good afternoon. I have a Samsung smart TV 2015. I turn on the TV, then the video (it doesn’t matter whether it’s on YouTube, in a browser or a TV channel), 30 seconds of watching pass and the video is interrupted, some kind of clip (music) is turned on and it’s always the same. And the clip plays until you switch to another channel. And it always happens when you turn on the TV. It is impossible to enter the browser at all (throws it out). This problem It's been going on for a month now. I reset the settings - it didn't help.

    • Alexandra

    • Ereke

      Hello! My Samsung Smart constantly writes unexpected. Completed The last browser session is restored. Last Session or go to home page
      What to do in this case it is a virus?

    • Oleg

      Hello. I have a Samsung smart TV and there is this problem with it: when I turn on an application, an Internet browser for example, it appears extraneous sound, as if some kind of music video is running at the same time, I close the application and for a second I see the image accompanying this sound (usually a music video clip), then it also closes by itself. After some time, the same nonsense began in Youtube application and it started to work poorly, after starting to watch a video, at about the beginning of the second minute of viewing, it throws you out of the application, and sometimes it is accompanied by turning off and then turning on the TV. Tell me what could be the problem? Virus? Or do you just need something cleaned or updated?

    • Irina

      Good afternoon! I have an LG and problems when turning on the TV, at first I thought that the problem was in the remote control. but it doesn’t turn on from the remote control at all, unless from the button on the TV itself. By the way, it turns off normally from the remote control without glitches. The TV has a bottom light, when you turn it on it’s blue. and when turned off it turns red. So when I try to turn it on, it flashes red, but does not register as before.

    • Irina

    • Firzat

      Hello everyone, I have this problem. Yesterday I connected the hard drive to an LG smart TV, but today the TV doesn’t want to start. And the hard drive doesn’t work anywhere, at least the laptop doesn’t see it. What could be the problem? I pulled it out of the socket and pressed on /off when off the state does not help anything

    • Nikolay

      Hello, can you tell me, the LG32LV3700 TV stops broadcasting channels, the antenna is fine, other TVs work, I returned it to factory settings, set it up within two or three days, started working again, then again channels disappear and like this all the time…………

    • Senya897

      Good day. TV LG 49UB850v-ZA. Software version 05.05.55 I don’t know how to ask the question correctly, it’s difficult to explain without screenshots. About two months ago it became impossible clear image. At the beginning on digital television from Rostelecom. I began to sin on the console or hdmi cable. Tests showed that the problem was not there. But now the situation is exactly the opposite. On ivi or a fork player the video is terrible, but on the console it’s only a little worse. From a flash drive also in poor quality. If you look at the console, vertical stripes appear, but they are not all over the screen, but as if selected, on certain colors. And if from the Internet or from a flash drive, then the image is completely pixilated. It feels like the codecs are not the right ones. But this isn't a computer, is it? I have already done a factory reset several times, with no results. The warranty also expired, so the choice fell on your own crazy hands and your help. I also tried to roll back the software to some version 3 or 4, I don’t remember anymore. Yes, it doesn’t look like a mechanical failure, because sometimes it slips into good quality image. It’s only on video, I open the menu and it’s also good. So I conclude that the problem is in the software or something else

    Today we will talk about a very important problem that requires attention: viruses. If we are used to encountering them when operating computers and mobile devices, then we can’t even think bad things about TVs. But in vain, because you can catch viruses on TV too! This problem is relevant for modern models, equipped with Smart TV function. Are there ways to secure the operation of the device and is it possible to clear the TV from third-party interference? software? How to clean a TV from viruses (Samsung) and other issues will be discussed in this article.

    Virus cleaning

    How to clean Smart TV? There are various ways achieving this goal. First, let's try to work on the device's memory.

    What causes the out of memory error?

    This problem is due to the fact that, most likely, your device is not designed for viewing multimedia online. On such models you will have to forget about using simple browser to watch movies and TV series. Worth taking advantage special programs, which can be easily found in the application store.

    Errors of this kind can also be associated with “real” clogging of the system. Many users happily fill up the TV's memory third party applications and widgets that are practically never used. In this case, you should go through the list installed applications and delete those you see fit.

    It is worth noting that this error is not caused by malware, then another question arises.

    Important! Smart TVs can provide online television viewing, just like on a computer. The only catch is the software. There are no special tricks here, and you can easily cope with the task. Just follow our instructions on .

    Is it possible to catch viruses on Smart TV?

    Purely theoretically - yes. Many TVs operate on the basis of an operating system android systems. But cases of interference in the system are rare, so we can conditionally say that viruses for Smart TV practically do not exist. Most errors are caused system failures, which are “fixed” in the following ways.

    Clearing Lg TV memory

    Very often, TVs are equipped with a small amount of memory, so it is advisable to immediately “clean up” traces of browser use and regularly delete browsing data through its settings.

    So, how to clean your TV:

    1. First you need to quickly dial the combination on the remote control when the TV is turned off. It consists of quick clicks on: info, menu, mute, power.
    2. Your device will start to turn on and an English menu will be available on the screen, in which you need to find and select the “SmartHab Reset” item.
    3. Initially, the option is disabled and set to off. We should run this option and replace off with wait.
    4. We wait a couple of minutes, then turn off the TV and immediately turn it back on.
    5. Now you need to launch “SmartHab” and the browser again. The installation of various updates will begin; here you will need to be patient and wait until all operations are completed.
    6. After this procedure, you need to restart the browser and see that everything works.

    Important! If the software update does not start for some reason, you should repeat everything from the first step. Try not to miss anything.

    Other cleaning methods.

    How to clear Lg or Samsung memory in other ways? If the TV is equipped external hard disk, you can do the following:

    1. Disconnect the media from the device.
    2. Connect it to personal computer using a USB cable.
    3. Open the antivirus that is installed on the PC. Scan the disk for threats.
    4. Remove detected threats, if any appear after analysis.
    5. If you cannot get rid of the problem, you can perform preventive formatting of the media.

    Important! The last point is needed only for preventive purposes. Resort to it if you cannot cope with the problem in other ways.

    For the same prevention purposes, you can install an antivirus that will protect the operation of your TV.

    Antivirus for Smart TV

    Nobody forbids you to install a protection program for your Smart TV, but first you need to prioritize:

    1. You will not be able to equip your device without hacking. You can perform such operations with the device only at your own peril and risk, since such manipulations “reset” the warranty terms and may even lead to breakdown.
    2. Do you need an antivirus for your TV at all? Most new TVs work on new ones operating systems, which have a number of differences from devices on Android. One of these differences is closedness file system. This feature is the main protection against the intervention of attackers, which is why the manufacturers themselves do not release any antiviruses for their products. For what? It is impossible to penetrate such a system.

    Important! We advise you to refrain from installing an antivirus for your TV, since you can cause irreparable damage to the system and you will have to pay for the repair of the TV yourself, since the warranty conditions will no longer be relevant after you interfere with the operating system.