• What are antivirus programs for? Antivirus programs: list of the best

    Many manufacturers of security products produce free versions of antiviruses, which can be completely freely downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer and used on your computers.

    Most developers only include anti-virus scanners without real-time protection in their free editions, but there are developers who provide a full range of tools to protect your data in their free version.

    Below is a selection of antiviruses that you can download and use absolutely free.

    07/19/2018, Anton Maksimov

    Rows of free antiviruses with permanent protection added a new version of the Kaspersky Lab product called Kaspersky Free. If previously they only had a healing utility (antivirus scanner Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool), now they also release permanent protection file system and protection from malicious sites on the network.

    06/12/2018, Anton Maksimov

    Security is never enough. Many manufacturers of security systems think so. Including the developers of free antivirus 360 Total Security, which includes as many as 5 engines. Yes, this antivirus has many different engines, each of which performs its own task. This includes virus detection mechanisms from Avira and Bitdefender, proactive protection QVM II, the 360 ​​Cloud system and a recovery system System Repair.

    04/18/2018, Anton Maksimov

    Avast Free Antivirus- This free antivirus permanently protected package. Great for home use. In addition to the anti-virus module itself, it has a number of additional tools that will help save data and protect you from online threats.

    01/11/2018, Anton Maksimov

    So we got our hands on it free Comodo Internet Security. This is a set of tools to protect your computer, which includes a firewall, antivirus and proactive protection module. I will not describe all the features of Comodo Internet Security, because, in my opinion, they are standard and are present in most similar programs. The main difference between this program and the others is that it is free and amazingly reliable. At correct setting The program allows you to secure your computer to the maximum. The other day I reviewed several comparative tests that were carried out by various companies, and the results of these tests quite surprised me. As an example, I will give the results of one of these tests.

    10/05/2017, Anton Maksimov

    AVG AntiVirus FREE is a world-famous antivirus program that is available free of charge to home users and is already used by millions of people around the world. Unlike many free scanners from large antivirus laboratories AVG is a complete product that can ensure your PC's security to the fullest. AVG Anti-Virus FREE easy to use and does not slow down the operating system (has low system requirements).

    07/12/2017, Anton Maksimov

    Today I will talk about another free antivirus Avira Free Antivirus, which recently settled on one of my computers. The situation with it is special, since this antivirus is not a simple scanner; it does not need to be downloaded every time you need to check the system. This antivirus hangs in memory and does everything on its own. Independently downloads and installs updates, independently checks files accessed by the operating system and various applications.

    A massive attack by the WannaCry ransomware (WannaCryptor, WanaDecryptor) led to the infection of tens of thousands of computers in organizations and public institutions around the world. The malware uses a known vulnerability described in security bulletin MS17-010 and a combination of EternalBlue/DoublePulsar exploits that allow it to attack other vulnerable Windows systems on the same network. As a result, infection of one computer can lead to the compromise of the entire corporate network in the organization.

    After appearing on a computer through successful exploitation of the vulnerability, the WannaCry ransomware encrypts all files and documents of certain formats, executing remote commands sent via the SMB protocol and spreading to others Windows computers online.

    Perhaps you are too trusting and therefore have not installed an antivirus on your PC, or the license for your antivirus has already expired, or the antivirus you have installed does not provide maximum protection, and... maybe your PC is infected!

    02/20/2015, Anton Maksimov

    For the vast majority of households Windows users 7 and Windows 10, a standard antivirus product from Microsoft is quite suitable. In the operating room Windows system 10 it is already built into a system called Windows Defender (Windows Defender) and does not need to be additionally downloaded and installed. But for Windows 7 you will have to install it by downloading the distribution kit Microsoft Security Essentials on the Microsoft website. Essentially, they are the same product, but with different names for different systems.

    07/22/2013, Anton Maksimov

    Dr.Web CureIt! - an antivirus that is noticeably different from the programs everyone is familiar with. This utility does not work constantly, preventing the appearance of malware on the computer. It allows you to cure an already infected PC from viruses, Trojan horses, rootkits, etc. This feature of Dr.Web CureIt! determines the scope of application of this product. It can be used periodically to check the reliability of the antivirus installed on your computer, as well as in cases when indirect signs you may suspect a PC infection. In general, I benefit from Dr.Web CureIt! difficult to overestimate.

    06/26/2013, Anton Maksimov

    Continuing popular topic about free antivirus, I would like to mention another development that I became acquainted with relatively recently and which I have not yet had time to write about. In theory, it would be possible to add this information to the original message, but I decided to put everything in the form of a separate note. So, today we will talk about a free antivirus from Kaspersky Lab called Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

    10.21.2009, Anton Maksimov

    An interesting free antivirus program is produced by Microsoft Corporation. The utility is called Malicious Software Removal Tool (Malicious Software Removal Tool for Microsoft® Windows® OS). This tool is in automatic mode scans your computer for a range of malware and immediately removes them when found. The tool is not a replacement for conventional antivirus utility, it only allows for rapid analysis for the presence of commonly occurring viruses.

    Malicious code.

    Antivirus software target platforms

    In addition to the OS for desktop computers and laptops, there are also platforms for mobile devices, such as Windows Mobile, Symbian, Apple iOS, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone 7, etc. Users of devices running these OSs are also at risk of becoming infected with malware, which is why some antivirus software developers release products for such devices.

    Classification of antivirus products

    By technology used antivirus protection:

    • Classic anti-virus products (products that use only signature-based detection methods, products that use only proactive anti-virus protection technologies);
    • Combined products (products that use both signature-based and proactive protection methods)

    By product functionality:

    • Antivirus products (products that provide only antivirus protection)
    • Combination products (products that provide not only anti-malware protection, but also spam filtering, encryption and backup data and other functions)

    By target platforms:

    • Antivirus products for Windows operating systems
    • Anti-virus products for *NIX operating systems (this family includes BSD, Linux, etc.)
    • Antivirus products for the MacOS family of operating systems
    • Antivirus products for mobile platforms(Windows Mobile, Symbian, iOS, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone 7, etc.)

    Antivirus products for corporate users can also be classified by protection objects:

    • Antivirus products to protect workstations
    • Antivirus products to protect file and terminal servers
    • Antivirus products to protect email and Internet gateways
    • Antivirus products to protect virtualization servers
    • etc.

    Antiviruses for websites

    They can be divided into several types:

    • Server - installed on a web server. The search for viruses, in this case, occurs in the files of the entire server.
    • A script or CMS component that searches for malicious code directly in site files.
    • SaaS service is a centralized management system that allows you to manage files, databases, settings and components of web resources on VDS and DS remotely.

    Special antiviruses

    In November 2014, the international human rights organization Amnesty International released Detect, an anti-virus program designed to detect malware distributed by government agencies to spy on civil activists and political opponents. Antivirus performs a deeper scan hard drive than conventional antiviruses.

    False antiviruses

    In 2009, the active spread of false antiviruses began - software that is not antivirus (that is, does not have real functionality to counter malware), but pretends to be one. In fact, false antiviruses can be either programs to deceive users and make a profit in the form of payments for “curing the system of viruses,” or ordinary malicious software. This distribution is currently suspended.

    Antivirus operation

    Speaking about Microsoft systems, you should know that an antivirus usually operates according to the following scheme:

    • Search the antivirus software database for virus signatures.
    • if an infected code is found in memory (RAM and/or permanent), the “quarantine” process is launched and the process is blocked.
    • a registered program usually removes the virus; an unregistered program asks for registration and leaves the system vulnerable.

    Antivirus databases

    To use antiviruses, constant updates of the so-called antivirus databases are required. They provide information about viruses - how to find and neutralize them. Since viruses are written frequently, constant monitoring of virus activity on the network is necessary. For this purpose, there are special networks that collect relevant information. After collecting this information, the harmfulness of the virus is analyzed, its code and behavior are analyzed, and then ways to combat it are established. Most often, viruses are launched along with the operating system. In this case, you can simply delete the virus startup lines from the registry, and in this simple case the process may end. More complex viruses use the ability to infect files. For example, there are cases where even some anti-virus programs, being infected, themselves became the cause of infection of other clean programs and files. Therefore, more modern antiviruses have the ability to protect their files from changes and check their integrity using a special algorithm. Thus, viruses have become more complex, as have the ways to combat them. Now you can see viruses that no longer occupy tens of kilobytes, but hundreds, and sometimes can be a couple of megabytes in size. Typically, such viruses are written in programming languages ​​more than high level, so they are easier to stop. But there is still a threat from viruses written in low-level machine code like assembly language. Complex viruses infect the operating system, after which it becomes vulnerable and inoperable.

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    An excerpt characterizing the Antivirus program

    - Je vous aime! [I love you!] - he said, remembering what had to be said in these cases; but these words sounded so poor that he felt ashamed of himself.
    A month and a half later he was married and settled down, as they said, happy owner a beautiful wife and millions, in the large St. Petersburg newly decorated house of the Bezukhyh counts.

    The old Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky in December 1805 received a letter from Prince Vasily, informing him of his arrival with his son. (“I’m going on an inspection, and, of course, it’s not a 100-mile detour for me to visit you, dear benefactor,” he wrote, “and my Anatole is seeing me off and going to the army; and I hope that you will allow him to personally express to you the deep respect that he, imitating his father, has for you.")
    “There’s no need to take Marie out: the grooms are coming to us themselves,” the little princess said carelessly when she heard about this.
    Prince Nikolai Andreich winced and said nothing.
    Two weeks after receiving the letter, in the evening, Prince Vasily’s people arrived ahead, and the next day he and his son arrived.
    Old Bolkonsky always had a low opinion of the character of Prince Vasily, and even more so in lately, when Prince Vasily went far in rank and honor during the new reigns under Paul and Alexander. Now, from the hints of the letter and the little princess, he understood what was the matter, and the low opinion of Prince Vasily turned in the soul of Prince Nikolai Andreich into a feeling of malevolent contempt. He snorted constantly when talking about him. On the day Prince Vasily arrived, Prince Nikolai Andreich was especially dissatisfied and out of sorts. Was it because he was out of sorts that Prince Vasily was coming, or because he was especially dissatisfied with the arrival of Prince Vasily because he was out of sorts; but he was not in a good mood, and Tikhon in the morning advised against the architect coming in with a report to the prince.
    “Can you hear how he walks,” said Tikhon, drawing the architect’s attention to the sounds of the prince’s steps. - He steps on his entire heel - we already know...
    However, as usual, at 9 o'clock the prince went out for a walk in his velvet fur coat with a sable collar and the same hat. It snowed the day before. The path along which Prince Nikolai Andreich walked to the greenhouse was cleared, traces of a broom were visible in the scattered snow, and a shovel was stuck into the loose mound of snow that ran on both sides of the path. The prince walked through the greenhouses, through the courtyards and buildings, frowning and silent.
    - Is it possible to ride in a sleigh? - he asked the venerable man who accompanied him to the house, similar face and manners on the owner, manager.
    - The snow is deep, your Excellency. I already ordered it to be scattered according to the plan.
    The prince bowed his head and walked up to the porch. “Thank you, Lord,” thought the manager, “a cloud has passed!”
    “It was difficult to get through, your Excellency,” added the manager. - How did you hear, your Excellency, that the minister will come to your Excellency?
    The prince turned to the manager and stared at him with frowning eyes.
    - What? Minister? Which minister? Who ordered? – he spoke in his shrill, harsh voice. “They didn’t clear it for the princess, my daughter, but for the minister!” I have no ministers!
    - Your Excellency, I thought...
    - You thought! - the prince shouted, pronouncing the words more and more hastily and incoherently. – You thought... Robbers! scoundrels! “I will teach you to believe,” and, raising a stick, he swung it at Alpatych and would have hit him if the manager had not involuntarily deviated from the blow. - I thought so! Scoundrels! – he shouted hastily. But, despite the fact that Alpatych, himself frightened by his audacity to dodge the blow, approached the prince, obediently lowering his bald head in front of him, or maybe that’s why the prince continued to shout: “scoundrels! throw up the road! He didn’t pick up his stick another time and ran into the rooms.
    Before dinner, the princess and M lle Bourienne, who knew that the prince was not in a good mood, stood waiting for him: M lle Bourienne with a beaming face that said: “I don’t know anything, I’m the same as always,” and Princess Marya - pale, frightened, with downcast eyes. The hardest thing for Princess Marya was that she knew that in these cases she had to act like m lle Bourime, but she could not do it. It seemed to her: “If I act as if I don’t notice, he will think that I have no sympathy for him; I’ll make it look like I’m boring and out of sorts, he’ll say (as it happened) that I’m hanging my nose,” etc.
    The prince looked at his daughter's frightened face and snorted.
    “Dr... or stupid!...” he said.
    “And that one is gone! They were already gossiping about her too,” he thought about the little princess, who was not in the dining room.
    -Where is the princess? – he asked. - Hiding?...
    “She’s not entirely healthy,” said Mlle Bourienne, smiling cheerfully, “she won’t come out.” This is so understandable in her situation.
    - Hm! hmm! ugh! ugh! - said the prince and sat down at the table.
    The plate did not seem clean to him; he pointed to the spot and threw it. Tikhon picked it up and handed it to the barman. The little princess was not unwell; but she was so insurmountably afraid of the prince that, having heard how out of sorts he was, she decided not to go out.
    “I’m afraid for the child,” she said to m lle Bourienne, “God knows what can happen from fright.”
    In general, the little princess lived in Bald Mountains constantly under a feeling of fear and antipathy towards the old prince, which she was not aware of, because fear was so dominant that she could not feel it. There was also antipathy on the part of the prince, but it was drowned out by contempt. The princess, having settled down in the Bald Mountains, especially fell in love with m lle Bourienne, spent her days with her, asked her to spend the night with her, and often talked to her about her father-in-law and judged him.
    “Il nous arrive du monde, mon prince, [Guests are coming to us, prince.],” said M lle Bourienne, unfolding a white napkin with her pink hands. “Son excellence le prince Kouraguine avec son fils, a ce que j"ai entendu dire? [His Excellency Prince Kuragin with his son, how much have I heard?],” she said questioningly.
    “Hm... this boy of excellence... I assigned him to the college,” the prince said offended. “Why son, I can’t understand.” Princess Lizaveta Karlovna and Princess Marya may know; I don’t know why he’s bringing this son here. I don't need it. – And he looked at his blushing daughter.
    - Unwell, or what? Out of fear of the minister, as that idiot Alpatych said today.
    - No, mon pere. [father.]
    No matter how unsuccessfully M lle Bourienne found herself on the subject of conversation, she did not stop and chatted about greenhouses, about the beauty of a new blossoming flower, and the prince softened after the soup.

    Antiviruses have been known for a long time. Absolutely all people have heard about such programs, even those far from computer equipment. In principle, speaking in general terms, an antivirus is the key to understanding the security of all computer system and data security.

    What is an antivirus? General concepts

    If we talk about what antivirus is software, then, roughly speaking, this is one application or a complex software, which are designed to protect the system and information from malware, search for and identify viruses, remove them, or treat infected system components in the form of files or installed applications.

    Thus, we can say that an antivirus is software for comprehensive protection of a computer system from external threats that can penetrate it from the Internet, via email or using removable media.

    Classification of antiviruses

    As for classification, antiviruses can be conditionally divided according to their purpose and analysis technologies, not to mention the environment in which they are supposed to operate.

    In terms of purpose, an antivirus is either a single program for analyzing, identifying or removing malicious codes and applications, or a combined software package capable of not only performing the above actions, but also providing comprehensive protection in terms of operation World Wide Web, receiving and sending email, protection against spyware modules capable of stealing information from background, when the user doesn’t even know about it, etc. (these are so-called antivirus versions).

    The most simple example two types Eset NOD32 and Eset can serve Smart Security.

    The second package has more capabilities and can not only detect the presence of them in the system and treat other files. It has quite powerful functionality even to protect the computer system and data when constantly connected to the Internet, and the program also has a “proactive” protection function, can create backup copies for recovery, can encrypt data and much more.

    Analysis methods also occupy an important place in the classification of such software. They are divided into signature and probabilistic.

    Signature analysis

    The signature method is based on the fact that the antivirus program compares the structure of suspicious files with those stored in the signature database. That is why we can say that an antivirus is an application that constantly requires updating. As is already clear, this methodology does not provide a 100% guarantee of security, because the program can only detect an already known virus. Among the most simple programs This type can be distinguished by Avast, an antivirus that is free.

    Probabilistic Analysis

    As for this type of analysis, it is divided into heuristic, behavioral and checksums.

    In short, an antivirus is a means of comparing the structure of files based on already known viruses, as well as identifying the algorithms that they use in their work.

    Behavioral analysis involves the likelihood of performing certain actions. Mostly this applies to executable macros, scripts or applets. In other words, such a technique is able to predict what action can be performed by one or another suspicious file or application.

    Checksum comparison is a technique in which file checksums are written to cache and then compared with subsequent values. A conclusion about the presence of a threat can be made based on the fact that simultaneous or massive changes are made to system objects.

    As is already clear, almost all methods contain a very conditional determination of the presence of a virus. So, for example, Avast is an antivirus that can mistake the execution of some macro command as a threat, while in fact it is not a virus or malicious code. Each threat probability assessment method has its pros and cons. But here is their combination in one software product gives more tangible results, allowing you to identify codes or spyware based on aggregate analysis.

    The most famous antiviruses

    As for anti-virus software, there are now quite a lot in the world of computer technology simple applications and entire multifunctional complexes. Perhaps the most famous software package can be called Kaspersky Anti-Virus, which today has the greatest capabilities compared to all other products.

    True, this package is designed for systems that are quite powerful in terms of performance, since it gives such a load in active mode that low-power computers and laptops will simply “choke” during operation. However, Kaspersky Anti-Virus has its own minimum and recommended system requirements for computer hardware. So you won’t be able to install it on every computer yet.

    Eset Corporation products are no less popular. The most popular here are Eset systems NOD32 and Eset Smart Security, mentioned above. It is worth noting that the products of Kaspersky Lab and Eset are paid or shareware, so you will have to pay a hefty sum for them (of course, provided that you use licensed software). It goes without saying that cracked versions can also be found on the Internet. But even the hackers themselves cannot provide guarantees of full functionality.

    Among free programs many users prefer the same Avast, AVG, McAffee, Norton Antivirus, etc. In principle, there is now quite a lot of antivirus software, so each user chooses what to work with and how to protect the system.


    Probably, most users have already realized that an antivirus is a program for complete protection not only from viruses, but also from many third-party threats related to espionage or theft of confidential information, in general, from everything that may pose a threat to the operating system , hardware (there are also such viruses) and user files, which are stored on a hard drive, removable media, or even in cloud storage.

    Annotation: The lecture discusses the purpose and principles of operation of programs necessary for full and effective protection home computers from harmful influences.

    General information

    The main difference between a home computer and a regular production workstation is its versatility. If in organizations computer technology is usually purchased for a specific purpose: for typing, drawing in professional graphics packages or for programming, then a home computer is often used not only for work outside of work hours, but also for computer games, personal correspondence, searching and viewing information on the Internet, for playing movies and music. At the same time administration home computer in the vast majority of cases is produced exclusively on our own owner.

    Therefore, all programs intended for home use have a transparent interface, are easy to install and manage, and are necessarily accompanied by documentation that is understandable even for a non-specialist. Antivirus security programs must also meet all of the above requirements.

    Among the programs necessary for complete and effective protection of home computers from the harmful effects of programs are:

    • Antivirus software, which is responsible for checking files and other file system objects for viruses and, if they are detected, takes user-defined actions in relation to them
    • Programs to protect against unauthorized access and network hacker attacks often included in the antivirus suite or built into the operating system
    • Spam filters- this is an additional measure that allows, in some cases, to significantly reduce the load on anti-virus software, thereby increasing the reliability of protection

    The listed programs can either be part of one complex for protecting your home computer, or they can be installed separately. The main advantage of the first method is the presence of a single control interface and the complementarity of each module, thought out by the program creators. Installation individual programs, especially different manufacturers, only in some cases may be useful, for example, when for one reason or another specific functions are needed, but no single comprehensive product can provide them. In the case of a home user, this is extremely rare, and if all three modules need to be installed, it is advisable to do this using a comprehensive solution.

    Antivirus software

    The main and also mandatory element in anti-virus protection is, of course, an anti-virus program. Without it, we cannot talk about effective anti-virus security if we are talking about a computer capable of exchanging information with other external sources. Even the user's compliance with all computer hygiene rules does not guarantee the absence of malware if an antivirus is not used.

    Antivirus software is a fairly complex software package; its creation requires the efforts of a team of highly qualified virus analysts, experts and programmers with many years of experience and very specific knowledge and skills. Core Technology antivirus scan - signature analysis implies continuous work monitoring of virus incidents and regular release of updates to anti-virus databases. Due to these and other reasons, antivirus programs are not built into operating systems. Can only be built-in simplest filter, which does not provide a full anti-virus scan.

    The main elements of any anti-virus protection for a workstation or network server- this is a constant scan in real time, an on-demand scan and a mechanism for updating anti-virus databases. They are also required to protect your home computer.

    Real-time verification

    As a rule, on home computer there is a constant exchange of information with external sources: files are downloaded from the Internet, copied from CDs or at home local network and subsequently open and run. Therefore, the main tool in the arsenal of anti-virus protection for a home computer is real-time scanning. Its task is to prevent the system from becoming infected.

    On a home computer, it is strongly recommended to use constant scanning whenever it is turned on - regardless of whether it is connected to at the moment to the network, whether foreign mobile storage media are used or only some internal tasks are performed. Constant checking is characterized by minimal system requirements necessary for its operation, and therefore an antivirus launched in this mode in the vast majority of cases remains unnoticed by the user and appears only when viruses or other suspicious programs are detected.

    Without much damage to the quality of anti-virus protection for your home computer, you can often exclude scanning of outgoing email messages and archives from real-time scanning, but it is recommended to scan all other objects.

    On-demand scan

    As mentioned above, information is often exchanged on a home computer using CDs, floppy disks and other mobile storage media: new games are installed, copies e-books and textbooks, films and music are copied. On-demand scanning is used to detect malicious code that has entered the system. All home users are strongly recommended to check all suspicious storage media for viruses, each time before reading or copying files from them. This simple step takes a little time, but can significantly reduce the likelihood of penetration malware to the computer. Additionally, it is recommended to check for viruses at least once a week. all hard disk.

    In terms of scan settings, this mode is particularly thorough - on-demand scans usually scan all file system objects.

    Updating anti-virus databases

    Anti-virus databases

    Only timely updating of anti-virus databases can guarantee correct and effective work The most reliable part of anti-virus protection is signature analysis.

    Anti-virus databases are files containing virus signatures. They are produced by antivirus manufacturing companies and, accordingly, for different programs they are different - for example, Kaspersky Anti-Virus will not be able to work with Dr. anti-virus databases. Web and vice versa.

    Get the most latest versions You can download the necessary databases from the manufacturer’s website using the tools built into the anti-virus program, or by copying files from the website yourself. In normal situations, it is recommended to update using the first method, the second is more complex and is intended for extraordinary situations, for example, if there is a suspicion of incorrect operation built-in update modules or inability to directly access the Internet.

    This means that to update anti-virus databases home user Usually it is enough to connect to the Internet and click on the button in the antivirus program interface that starts the update process. If an Internet connection is not provided, the only way out is to go to the antivirus manufacturer’s website using another computer, download and copy the databases to your computer using a mobile device. Detailed description This procedure can be found in the user manual or program documentation.

    Keeping anti-virus databases up to date

    Expanding the boundaries of the Internet coupled with improving communication channels between different computer networks make data exchange significantly faster. Proportional to power growth information flows The rate of spread of viruses also increases. Today, from the release of a virus into the world to the onset of mass destruction, a matter of hours, and sometimes even minutes, pass. In such a situation, the dominant criterion for choosing anti-virus protection tools is the frequency with which the anti-virus software manufacturer releases anti-virus database updates, as well as the response time to the occurrence of an epidemic. Today, the leader in this area is Kaspersky Lab, which has the best record of releasing antivirus databases, releasing updates hourly, while most other companies have settled on daily updates.

    However, home computers often have very limited bandwidth, especially when connected via regular telephone line. Consequently, it may be difficult for such users to check for new anti-virus databases every hour. Therefore, the optimal update schedule depends heavily on your network connection method. Based on this parameter, the following categories of home users can be distinguished:

    • Always connected- in this case, the anti-virus database update is configured to run on a schedule - once every three hours (unless the anti-virus program manufacturer recommends otherwise)
    • Periodic connection does not allow updating every three hours. Therefore, in this mode, it is optimal to check for the presence of new anti-virus databases every time you connect to the Internet, but at least once a day
    • Lack of Internet connection- the most difficult option. In this case, it is necessary to organize delivery of updates using mobile media. However, since such computers usually also limit the exchange of information with external sources, updating antivirus databases usually possible at intervals of up to three days

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    version: 5.3.1 from March 18, 2019

    Program for safe online checks files for viruses - SA+ tests objects in an isolated cloud container without installing them on a computer, using 12 anti-virus engines of the VirusTotal online scanner for analysis.

    SecureAPlus Freemium is a set of tools for protecting your computer from the penetration of malicious code, based on three components: the ClamAV anti-virus kernel, a special method for detecting dangerous programs based on a white list, and the function of scanning all new objects in a secure cloud, using the AV engines of the Virustotal service.

    version: from March 15, 2019

    Free antivirus Avira Free Antivirus 2016 is intended for non-commercial use. But despite its free status, this program offers a full range of capabilities related to the detection and removal of malicious modules.

    The program has a special wizard for more convenient updating of anti-virus databases.

    version: 19.3.2369 from March 12, 2019

    Avast is a popular antivirus solution for PC and mobile platforms that allows you to protect all your devices from viruses, spyware and targeted hacker attacks.
    Avast! Antivirus is designed to provide good level security not only for a laptop, tablet and phone separately, but for the whole home network Wi-Fi.

    version: 19.3.3084 from March 12, 2019

    Developers from the Czech company AVG present most powerful antivirus, capable of giving a head start to many paid analogues. Interestingly, in some respects it is superior to such “heavyweights” as Kaspersky Internet Security (it does not load the RAM as much and works without false positives) and Panda Antivirus Pro(guarantees reliable protection both online and offline).

    Given the increasingly sophisticated methods of stealing personal information, new version the authors decided to rely on Internet security, in particular on intercepting the so-called “spies” and “hijackers”. By the way, it is precisely because of the emphasis on technologies aimed against data thieves and hackers that the AVG antivirus removal program is installed in Amazon.com, Wal-Mart and Yahoo!

    version: from March 11, 2019

    The powerful free antivirus 360 Total Security with optimization function works on five engines at once and is capable of providing comprehensive protection for all your devices in real time.

    We present an uncompromising antivirus solution from the Chinese developer Qihoo 360, which will help to reliably protect your computer from viruses, rootkits, Trojans and other threats, as well as restore the system, clean it of unwanted elements and optimize your PC.

    version: from February 01, 2019

    version: from January 10, 2019

    Russian-language Comodo antivirus can protect your computer and prevent intrusion unwanted programs and virus threats, including those coming from the Internet, and does not require registration or purchase of a license.

    Each computer should be under continuous antivirus protection. But in the era of commerce, it is very difficult to find a truly high-quality antivirus that is also free. One of the few is Comodo Antivirus.

    version: 11.1.2 from December 28, 2018

    Dr.Web CureIt is a free antivirus tool that provides quick search vulnerabilities and neutralizes them when detected. The program works without installation and helps restore system functionality even in case of serious infections.

    There are times when, due to malicious applications The computer's operation is disrupted. The Doctor Web CureIt application can revive it in the shortest possible time. It does not require installation, can detect different types of virus threats, and most importantly, it is absolutely free. You just need to download the latest version of Dr.Web CureIt, start the scanning process, after which, if viruses are detected, the program will offer to neutralize them.