• Microsoft Security Essentials Update. Why Microsoft Security Essentials won't update

    General information

    Antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials is completely free and can only be installed on licensed versions of Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. All beta testers of this antivirus are strongly recommended to update their Microsoft version Security Essentials to the final.

    At the time of release of the antivirus, localized versions are available for residents of Australia, Austria, Belgium (French and Dutch), Hong Kong, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain, China, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore USA, Taiwan and Switzerland (German and French) and Japan.

    Microsoft Security Essentials download process

    1. If execution JavaScript scripts disabled in your browser, please enable these scripts.

    2. To download Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus, .

    3. On the Microsoft website page that opens, click the button Download Now(if your browser blocks a pop-up window, then allow pop-ups for the microsoft.com domain in the browser settings and, if necessary, in the firewall settings too).

    4. In the window that opens, select the language and your version of Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit).

    5. Select a location to save the file and wait for Microsoft Security Essentials to download.

    6. Before you start Microsoft installations Security Essentials, be sure to uninstall antivirus program, which you currently have installed (Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features).

    Installing Microsoft Security Essentials

    Run the downloaded file and follow the instructions in the Microsoft Security Essentials installer.

    An Internet connection will be required during installation of the antivirus.

    Upon acceptance by you license agreement, the Microsoft Security Essentials installer will require you to authenticate your copy of Windows.

    You will be able to continue installing the antivirus only if authentication Windows will pass successfully.

    After installing Microsoft Security Essentials, you need to update the virus databases to start using the antivirus. If you don't uncheck Scan my computer for potential threats after getting the latest updates(Check my computer for potential threats after receiving latest updates), then after the installation of Microsoft Security Essentials is completed, updating the virus databases and scanning the computer will begin automatically.

    If you press the button Cancel Update, the update process will be interrupted, and when you start the update again, it will continue from where it was paused.

    Manual antivirus scanning

    1. Launch Microsoft Security Essentials.

    2. On the tab Home set the type of anti-virus scan (Scan options):

    Quick (Quick check) – the most frequently infected locations are checked. A quick check usually lasts a few minutes.

    Full (Full check) – searches for viruses and other malicious programs on all disks and in RAM computer. A complete scan may take from several minutes to an hour, depending on the hardware capabilities of the computer.

    Custom(Custom Scan) – Anti-virus scanning will only be performed in the locations you specify.

    To start checking, click the button Scan now.

    Microsoft Security Essentials Updates

    Microsoft Security Essentials and its virus databases are updated automatically using Windows Update.

    If you want to update Microsoft Security Essentials and virus databases manually, run the antivirus, go to the Update and press the button Update(Update).

    It is also possible to update Microsoft Security Essentials virus databases without an Internet connection. To do this, you need to find a computer with Internet access and download a complete set of virus Microsoft databases Security Essentials for your version of Windows:

    After downloading the executable file of the update installation program, right-click on it and in the appeared context menu select Run as administrator.


    To view a list of all malware and infected objects detected on your computer, launch Microsoft Security Essentials and go to the History.

    To view the list of objects in quarantine, on the tab History select Quarantined items(Quarantined objects are undeleted infected objects, deprived of the ability to function and stored in special folder"Quarantine").

    To view a list of objects missed during scanning, on the tab History select item Allowed items.

    To clear your history, click the button Delete history.

    Setting up Microsoft Security Essentials

    Launch Microsoft Security Essentials and go to the Settings.

    On the left side of the screen is the main program settings menu.

    Scheduled scanning

    To schedule anti-virus scanning, in the main program settings menu, open the item Scheduled scan, check the box, set the frequency and type of anti-virus scanning of the computer, indicating the day of the week, time of day and scan type - Quick scan or Full scan.

    Here you can schedule a scan and update of anti-virus databases before scanning by activating the function Check for the latest virus and spyware definitions before running a scheduled scan(Check for the latest virus databases before starting the scheduled scan).

    Activate the function Start the scheduled scan only when my computer is on but not in use to have Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus perform scheduled scans only during idle periods when the computer is turned on but not in use.

    To disable scheduled anti-virus scanning, uncheck the Run a scheduled scan on my computer.

    For the changes to take effect, click the button Save changes(Save changes).

    To assign what actions Microsoft Security Essentials should take when it detects a virus or other malware, go to Default actions(Default Actions) in the main Microsoft Security Essentials settings menu.

    Microsoft Security Essentials shares everything malware to four levels of danger, and if a malicious program is detected, one of four levels of protection is activated, depending on the degree of threat. For each protection level, you can set a default action (or check the box next to Apply recommended actions and leave “Recommended” at all levels):

    Severe alert level(Highest Severity Level), default action options available:



    High alert level(High Severity), default action options available:



    Medium alert level (Intermediate level hazards), available default action options:




    Low alert level (Low level hazards), available default action options:



    Microsoft Security Essentials, like most antivirus programs, contains a resident scanner that protects your computer from malware in real time in background. To set up the Microsoft Security Essentials resident scanner, open Settings -> Real-time protection.

    To enable real-time protection, enable the feature Turn on real-time protection(enable real-time protection).

    You can then configure the Microsoft Security Essentials Residential Scanner settings by activating or deactivating the following features:

    • Monitor file and program activity on your computer(Monitor the activity of files and programs on the computer);
    • Scan all downloaded files and attachments(Scan all downloaded files and attachments).


    In Microsoft Security Essentials, you can prevent scanning of specific files and folders, certain types of files (specified by extension), and even certain processes.

    1. To prohibit anti-virus scanning of specific files or folders, open Settings -> Excluded files and locations(Excluded Files and Locations) in the menu Microsoft settings Security Essentials.

    Click the button Add(Add) and specify which files and folders you want Microsoft Security Essentials to ignore during scans.

    To re-enable anti-virus scanning of previously excluded files or folders, select required file or path and click the button Remove(Delete).

    2. To disable anti-virus scanning files of certain types, open the item Settings -> Excluded file types(Excluded File Types) in the Microsoft Security Essentials setup menu.

    Enter the extension to be excluded (for example, *.jpg) in the line and click the button Add(Add).


    3. To avoid checking for certain viruses process types, open the item Settings -> Excluded processes(Excluded Processes) in the Microsoft Security Essentials setup menu.

    You can only disable processes executable files which have the following extensions:

    Enter one or more extensions in the line and click the button Add(Add).

    To re-enable anti-virus scanning of previously excluded file types, select required extension in the list and click the button Remove(Delete).

    Additional Microsoft Security Essentials settings

    To adjust additional settings, open the item Settings -> Advanced(Advanced) in the Microsoft Security Essentials settings menu.

    Activate the function Scan archive files(Scan archive files) to allow Microsoft program Security Essentials anti-virus scanning of archives (for example, .zip, .cab, etc.).

    Activate the function Scan removable drives(Scan removable drives) if you want Microsoft Security Essentials to scan removable drives for viruses and other malware.

    If you activate the function Create system restore point, then Microsoft Security Essentials will create control point system restore every time before starting an anti-virus scan.

    If you activate the function Allow all users to view the full History results, then all computer users will be able to view the history antivirus scans. If you deactivate this function, only users with Windows administrator rights will be able to view the history of anti-virus scans.

    Microsoft SpyNet – Microsoft Spy Network

    Every time a virus or other malware is detected on your computer, Microsoft Security Essentials sends information about the detected threat to Microsoft. You can choose one of two types of sending this information:

    1. Basic membership(Basic Membership) – Microsoft Security Essentials only sends basic information about the virus it finds. This information includes:

    • source of the virus;
    • actions taken by the user or the Microsoft Security Essentials program;
    • whether the actions taken were effective.

    2. Advanced membership(Advanced Membership) – in addition to basic information, Microsoft Security Essentials sends to Microsoft:

    • location of the malware;
    • file names;
    • principles of malware activity;
    • how far the malware has spread within your computer.

    In some cases, personal information will be sent to Microsoft. However, Microsoft promises not to use this information to identify or contact the user.

    Programs for Windows 7

    From time to time, some Microsoft Security Essentials users experience problems with the update. There may be several reasons for this. Let's figure out why this happens?

    1. The databases are not updated automatically.

    2. During the scan process, the program displays a message that updates cannot be installed.

    3. When active connection connection to the Internet, downloading updates is not possible.

    4. The antivirus constantly displays messages about the impossibility of updating.

    Often, the cause of such problems is the Internet. This could be a lack of connection or a problem with your browser settings.

    We solve problems related to the Internet

    First you need to determine whether there is an Internet connection at all. In the lower right corner, look at the network connection icon or Wi-Fi network. The network icon should not be crossed out, and the Wi-Fi icon should not contain any symbols. Check internet availability on other applications or devices. If everything else works, move on to the next step.

    Resetting the browser settings

    1. Close the Internet Explorer browser.

    2. Go to "Control Panel". Finding the tab "Network and Internet". Let's go to "Browser Options". A dialog box for editing Internet properties appears on the screen. In the additional tab, click the button "Reset", in the window that appears, repeat the action and click "Ok". We are waiting for the system to apply the new parameters.

    You can go to "Properties: Internet", through search. To do this, enter in the search field inetcpl.cpl. Opening double click found file and go to the Internet properties settings window.

    3. Open Explorer and Essentiale and try to update the databases.

    Changing the default browser

    1. Before changing the default browser, close all program windows.

    2. Go to the dialog box for editing Internet properties.

    2. Go to the tab "Programs". Here we need to click the button "Use as default". When the default browser changes, open Explorer again and try to update the databases in Microsoft Security Essentials.

    Other reasons for not updating

    Rename the system folder “Software Distribution”

    1. Start in the menu "Start", enter into the search window "services.msc". Click "Enter". With this action we went to the computer services window.

    2. Here we need to find the automatic update service and disable it.

    3. In the search field, menu "Start" enter "cmd". Moved to command line. Next, enter the values ​​as in the picture.

    4. Then we go back to services. Find automatic update and run it.

    5. Trying to update the database.

    Resetting the antivirus updater

    1. Go to the command line using the method indicated above.

    2. In the window that opens, enter the commands as in the figure. Don't forget to press after each "Enter".

    3. Be sure to reboot the system.

    4. We try to update again.

    Manually updating Microsoft Security Essentials databases

    1. If the program still does not load automatic updates, we try to update manually.

    3. Downloaded file, run as regular program. You may need to run it as an administrator.

    4. Check for updates in the antivirus. To do this, open it and go to the tab "Update". Check the date of the last update.

    If the problem persists, read on.

    The date or time on the computer is not set correctly

    A fairly popular reason is that the date and time on the computer do not correspond to real data. Check the data for consistency.

    1. In order to change the date, in the lower right corner of the desktop, click once on the date. In the window that appears, click "Changing date and time settings". We change.

    2. Open Essentials and check if the problem is still there.

    Pirated version of Windows

    You may not have licensed version Windows. The fact is that the program was configured in such a way that owners of pirated copies could not use it. When you try to update again, the system may be completely blocked.
    We check the availability of a license. Click “My computer. Properties". Down in the field "Activation", there must be a key that must match the sticker included with installation disk. If there is no key, then you will not be able to update this antivirus program.

    Problem with the Windows operating system

    If all else fails, then most likely the problem is operating system, which was damaged during the registry cleaning process, for example. Or is it a consequence of exposure to viruses. Typically, the main symptom of this problem is various system error alerts. If this is the case, then problems will begin to arise in other programs. It is better to reinstall such a system. And then reinstall Microsoft Security Essentials.

    So we looked at the main problems that may arise when trying to update the databases in the Microsoft Security Essentials program. If nothing helps at all, you can contact support or try reinstalling Esentiale.

    Antivirus software is the basis for the security of any computer. Like a fortress or defensive wall, an “antivirus” stands in the way of various Trojans, worms, rootkits and other malicious programs trying to penetrate the user’s operating system in order to cause malfunctions or steal important information.

    We are used to the fact that we need to buy antivirus software. Before that, you need to study many different products that offer the most different manufacturers so that you can definitely choose the best one.However, Microsoft users of real Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP free download and install reliable, convenient and undemanding system resources antivirus application.

    Microsoft Security Essentials - this is a great addition to Windows , which strengthens and expands the protection technologies already available in the operating system. It is also the first free antivirus software to Microsoft offers to all its users.
    You can download it.

    More recently Micro soft has released updates for this free antivirus software. They've already got a name Microsoft Security Essentials 2.0. In this product, the protection mechanisms are even more improved and reliable. Users Microsoft Security Essentials will receive the new version automatically, along with updates Windows.

    Microsoft Security Essentials provides very high level computer security by recognizing and blocking all known threats: virus attacks, spyware and malware, rootkits, etc. Information about new viruses and new “creations” of attackers is uploaded to the database MSE automatically, so this antivirus always remains modern and up-to-date, and users do not have to spend money and time purchasing and downloading updates.

    Generally Microsoft Security Essentials requires minimal user participation. In fact, it comes down only to installing it and expressing consent to remove it malicious files and programs. Then the antivirus does everything itself: detects suspicious programs, requests and system actions, checks their reputation and, if a danger is confirmed, blocks them. The computer owner receives notifications from Microsoft Security Essentials only if he is required to take any action to correct a critical situation. As a rule, in such cases, the user chooses one of several solutions that the antivirus offers him.

    Despite his constant activity Microsoft Security Essentials operates almost unnoticeably, without reducing the speed of the computer or slowing down the system. This happens thanks to smart caching and rational use of memory, activation of scanning while the computer is resting and limiting the load on the processor.

    In general, if we summarize all the advantages and benefits of this free antivirus software, then we can confidently say that Microsoft Security Essentials perfect for home use. It is reliable, affordable, convenient. He's exactly what you need to the average user who wants to protect their computer but does not have enough time to study the characteristics of all the popular antivirus programs.

    Security Essentials is a software antivirus product from Microsoft that works as a built-in solution in new operating systems (Windows 8 and 10), or as an installable application for Vista or Windows 7. The program is distributed absolutely free, and new virus signatures are sent out weekly, and this is good alternative paid antiviruses from third party developers.

    Despite all the advantages of this program, users rarely choose it as their main means of protection, and are also not aware of its basic functions. There's also not much information online about how this happens. Microsoft update Security Essentials, and since I myself use this software, I wanted to fill this gap. In the article I will talk about standard procedure downloads new version antivirus database, and will also consider some of the problems that arise during this operation (and read about how to temporarily disable this antivirus). Let's get started!

    Standard update

    There is absolutely nothing complicated here. To update Microsoft Security Essentials manually, all you need to do is:

    1. Open the main program window.
    2. Go to the "Update" tab.
    3. Click on the button of the same name to start searching for a new version of the anti-virus database.

    Important! The screenshots shown in this article are based on Windows Defender, which is included with Windows 8. This does not have of great importance, because Security program Essentials is his complete analogue, but only for previous OS editions. The structure of tabs, settings and windows in these applications is completely identical.

    Immediately after execution last action in the above instructions, you will search, download and install current signatures:


    In theory, the progress of the update procedure when correct settings Internet access should not cause any difficulties. However, like any other software package, Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus is not updated if the computer accesses a proxy server and the system is not configured properly for this.

    Defender itself does not have network access parameters inside it: they are pulled up from “Browser Options” - special component Panels Windows management. Therefore, to check your network access settings and update Microsoft Security Essentials through a proxy, you will need:

    All you need now is to specify the correct settings for accessing the Internet by entering the proxy server address and port in the appropriate fields below. Here I cannot give any exact values ​​or recommendations, and you should find out this data yourself from your system administrator, or from the provider providing you with a connection to the Network.

    Important! You must understand that incorrect settings network access, this is just one of the few reasons why Microsoft Security Essentials is not updated. You might just want to try the update procedure again later, as the Microsoft server may simply be overloaded.

    So, that's all I wanted to tell you about updating Windows Defender. I hope many users will choose it and make this application with your standard antivirus on your computer. And if you want to remove this antivirus, you can read how to do this. See you soon!