• Electronic magazine. Acquaintance. Login to the electronic magazine mrko

    To improve parental controls for the performance of children at school, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region, was developed electronic diary MRKO. You can use this service at any time of the day, which is especially important for working parents. All you need to do is have access to the Internet and enter your username and password on the site.

    The main purpose of creating this document is to provide up-to-date and accurate information to parents about the progress of educational process their schoolchildren, namely: academic performance, class schedule, homework. Information can be obtained both for a specific week and for a quarter or year as a whole.

    The child will not be able to tear out pages with bad grades or hide the facts of not attending school. All information is filled out only by teachers and the child does not have access to the electronic document.

    In addition, the diary allows you to obtain information about parent meetings and other important events in the life of the school. Feedback is provided - you can write a message to the class teacher or teacher.

    Modern technologies make life much easier. Analysts predict that in the coming years the school will completely abandon paper diaries and switch only to electronic documents.

    How to connect the service

    To access this service, you need to find out whether the school is registered in this system. Most educational institutions are already using this portal, but some have just begun to master it. electronic resource.

    How to register for school portal Moscow region uslugi.mosreg.ru/obr

    The service is located on the website mos.ru. Only residents of Moscow can register on it. The login and password can be obtained from the class teacher at school. To do this, you need to make a request to the educational institution to release information. As a rule, the school director himself is responsible for this.

    You can access the site through the official government services portal or the Moscow city government website mos.ru. If you do not have an account there, you will need to register there.

    Terms of Use

    Not only schoolchildren, but also their parents can use a real electronic diary. The information contained therein is strictly confidential. No one will be able to track your child's progress. In addition, the site has the following terms of use:

    • The service is free for both students and their parents.
    • The password and login can be obtained from the school, and they issue it by personal request parents.
    • The portal can be used as long as the child is in school.

    The site user cannot obtain information about the progress of the educational process of someone other than his child. At the same time, data on his student’s academic performance strangers also cannot view.

    To gain access to the mos.ru website, you do not need to provide documents. They will only be needed when registering on the government services portal, where you need to go through the identification and registration procedure for your personal account.

    Registration in clubs, sports sections, creativity houses through State Services

    How to log in to MKRO

    You can open an electronic diary on the mos.ru website through the State Services portal; you must have a personal account in the ESIA. If you are not a user of the site gosuslugi.ru, then you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Open electronic page pgu.mos.ru and go through the registration procedure.
    2. In the upper right corner we find the “Login” entry and click on it.
    3. Next, the resource automatically sends you to the gosuslugi.ru website to create an account.

    Registration on the State Services portal

    Here you need to do the following:

    • A table will appear in front of you, where you need to indicate as login: SNILS number, mobile phone or address email. You need to mark one thing of your choice. This will be your login on this site.
    • Then enter the following data: your first name, last name and patronymic, email address, your mobile phone number.
    • You need to come up with a password. The latter must be at least 8 characters, where, in addition to numbers, several Latin letters must be indicated. You need to enter it twice.
    • Then the system will send a code to your mobile phone in the form of an SMS, which must be entered on the website. With its help you activate your account.
    • And one last thing. You need to check the box next to “I accept the agreement.”

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    The system will redirect you to the mos.ru website, where you will re-enter the previously created login and password. This is how the user ends up in the system.

    If you already have your own account on the government services website, you can use it to get into the electronic diary. To do this, find the “Login” inscription on the resource and click it. You will see a table with two columns called: “mos.ru account” and “other login methods.” You need to select the second option, where you need to click on the “public services” rectangle. This will automatically register you on the diary website.

    Access to the service

    By selecting the electronic diary item, top line The website address mrko.mos.ru/dnevnik will appear. On the right side of the page there will be a blue rectangle that says “Get a service.” You need to click on it.

    Then, in the table that appears, we carry out the first step of registration by clicking on the inscription “Access to the electronic diary of MKRO”. Here you need to fill in the following lines:

    • "Account name." You can enter the child's name or your own (for example, Peter).
    • "Login MKRO". You need to find out from your class teacher.
    • “Password MKRO”, which is also issued at school. After that, click on the green rectangle “Continue”.

    Regional portal of public services (RPGU) - IT marathon

    The system will then prompt you to complete the second step, which is called “Data Verification.” Here you need to review the previously entered information to see if everything is filled out correctly. After this, registration on the site is completed.

    In his account profile you need to add your own child’s account by selecting him from the general list of students at school. The data needs to be saved, after which you can start using the resource.

    How the service works

    Electronic system MKRO consists of the following sections:

    1. Diary.
    2. News.
    3. Personal messages.
    4. External assessment.
    5. Section "Diary"

    It is a spreadsheet where we select the required week at the top. The user will immediately see an analogue of a paper diary, which will contain the following columns:

    • Lesson number.
    • Item name.
    • Homework that should be ready for that day.
    • The grade the child received.
    • Teacher's comment.

    By clicking on the “diary” inscription in the top line, the following submenu will open in front of you: diary, all grades, final grades (for the year), schedule. In this part you can find full information about the student’s educational process.

    In addition, the resource provides the ability to select a separate subject, where you can easily obtain all the data relating to this discipline. Information in the diary is entered only by teachers.

    Other sections

    The “News” item contains information about current and future school events, as well as notices from the administration of the institution. All information is in chronological order for the convenience of users.

    How to enter an electronic diary through State Services

    The “Personal Messages” section contains data on incoming and outgoing correspondence, that is, it is analogous to regular email. To send a text to a specific teacher, here you also need to click on the “Write a message” inscription.

    The last point is “External assessment”. Here you can see the student’s final grades and his/her intra-school rankings among other students.

    Features and Benefits

    The service has a clear interface that is easy to use. An electronic diary will allow you to find and get acquainted with current information that concerns your child’s school life. We are talking not only about grades, but also about the class schedule, homework received, as well as planned events at the educational institution.

    The advantages of using this service are obvious. Among them are:

    • The teacher’s grades and comments cannot be erased here, since only teachers have such opportunities.
    • Clearly defined homework assignments that must be completed by a certain date. A child's handwriting can sometimes be difficult to read, or he or she may forget to write everything down. An electronic diary will help you understand these situations.
    • It is easy to monitor student progress while predicting final grades. The dynamics of grades will tell you which subject parents should pay close attention to in order to improve their child and not worsen further grades.
    • Possibility of timely receipt of information about upcoming parent meetings.
    • The easy way maintaining feedback with individual teachers or class teacher, which is especially important for busy parents.
    • You can get information at any time of the day. It is enough to have access to global network.
    • The service is provided free of charge throughout the student’s entire education period.
    • The site has a convenient and pleasant design with simple navigation, which is adapted for people with different levels of vision.

    We remind you that with September 1 Entry of parents (legal representatives) and students will be carried out only through the Portal public services: http://pgu.mos.ru/ru/ → tab "Education, study"→ tab “Electronic school student diary (MRKO)”"Get a service".

    We draw your attention to the fact that access to the system must be given to students and parents (legal representatives) by class teachers. For parents (legal representatives) and students are generated different accesses(logins and passwords). This is due to the difference in the content of their personal accounts in the system.

    To log into your parent’s personal account, enter your username and password received from your child’s class teacher.


    The main page of the parent’s personal account in EZhD MRKO. Available modules: “Diary”, “Forum”, “News”. The main page displays the “Schedule” window for a certain period. Latest news.


    The child’s schedule can be reflected for a week


    The “Diary” page provides information for the selected period: date, items, Homework, estimates


    The “Selected Subject” page displays: date, topic of the lesson, homework, and the child’s performance in the subject during the selected period.


    The “All grades” page reflects the child’s performance in all subjects during the selected period. Possible uploading to Word, Excel.


    The “Final grades” page reflects the performance (average score, final grades in subjects) of the child for the entire academic year and the number of lessons missed.


    The “News Feed” page for you and your child reflects:


    In case of problems in the “Diary” module on the main page, ask the service a question technical support IAS MRKO.


    The “Forum” module contains school and class news. Ask a question: the class teacher, teacher, deputy director.

    The MRKO electronic diary is one of the services provided by the Moscow City Services Portal, which can be obtained online.

    You can get acquainted with the student’s electronic diary in the “Education, studies” section presented in general list on the left side of the page, and directly on the main web page of MRKO, where the most popular services are collected.

    Education services

    To go to the electronic diary of MRKO, just click on the appropriate tab, after which you will be directed to the login page. How to log in is described in the link located just to the right. So, here are answers to frequently asked questions regarding the login procedure. Below are links to instructions for registering an account by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as instructions for use electronic signature on the Moscow City Services Portal.

    First of all, you will need to register, for which follow the appropriate link located just below the login form.

    By the way, registration will allow you not only to enter the electronic diary of MRKO in the future, but will also open access to a number of information resources capital, including portals of city services and Our City, as well as portals AutoCAD and Moscow Parking. When registering, you will need to indicate your last name, first name and patronymic, as well as your email address (which will help you recover your password if you lose it). Here you will also need to specify a login and password consisting of at least six characters, including numbers and latin letters. You will also need to select Security Question and give an answer to it. You will also need to indicate your mobile phone number to which an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent. After filling out all the required information, complete the registration procedure by clicking on the appropriate link - “Register”.

    After successful completion of registration, you will need to enter the login and password you entered to log in. If you forget your login or password over time, to recover it, follow one of the links provided here and follow the further instructions.

    You can also log in through one of the available social networks, Public services, as well as using an electronic signature legal entity. All this is available via the appropriate links located just below.


    The MRKO electronic diary is a service provided by the Moscow Department of Education. If you would like to obtain information about the department itself, use the “Departments” tab presented in the upper right corner of the site. By clicking on which you can view full list departments and select the one you need. If necessary, you can also use the existing search bar, which will help you find the desired department faster.


    Department of Education information includes general information, data on contact persons, address, services, including electronic ones.

    In order to log in to the MRKO electronic diary, first of all you will need to gain access to the diary, and for this you must fulfill a number of conditions.

    Gaining access to the electronic diary

    To activate the service, the electronic diary can be contacted individual, and this must be done in person. In the same way (personally) the result of the service is obtained. The MRKO electronic diary is a completely free service. However, to obtain it, it is necessary to provide a number of documents, including an application, a student’s birth certificate or a document that confirms the right of a legal representative (in the case of guardianship), as well as a document that serves as an identity document. The service delivery time is three working days. Based on the result, an envelope with an access code is issued.

    It happens that a person who applies for service connection may be refused. This is possible in cases where the submitted documents contain conflicting information, the child is a student at another school, the documents do not meet the requirements, etc. WITH full list The reasons for refusal can be found in the corresponding section.

    Reasons for refusal

    If you encounter any difficulties in the process of gaining access to the MRKO electronic diary service or working with it, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section, where answers to topics are collected. Here you can also use the search bar, which will help speed up the solution to the problem.

    Questions and answers

    If the answer is still not found, use the feedback form, where you fill out necessary information about yourself and state the essence of the appeal.

    MRKO electronic diary - pgu.mos.ru

    Modern schoolchildren do not need the skill of turning a two into a five with a slight movement of a pen with a red rod. And all because parents may not be able to monitor their child’s progress. traditional way- using a diary with grades, and using modern technologies– electronic diary on the portal PGU.MOS.RU. How this service works, what its advantages are and how to access the diary on Mosgosuslugi will be described below.

    Abbreviations used

    Some abbreviations will be used in the article, so for the clarity of the material it is better to familiarize yourself with them:

    • PSU – portal of public services;
    • MRKO – Moscow Register of Education Quality;
    • ESIA – unified system identification and authentication;
    • ED – electronic diary.

    What is an electronic student diary?

    By going to the state portal of the Moscow region, parents can gain access to their child’s electronic diary. This is a program that allows you to view student grades, homework in various subjects, comments and notes from teachers regarding the educational process. Essentially this is computer version an ordinary, familiar paper diary. Parents can access it at any time of the day, even when the child is at school. All you need to do is become a user of the service, and, having an Internet connection, go to account on the portal.

    How to access the service?

    Parents can view their child’s electronic diary through the State Services website for the Moscow Region uslugi.mosreg.ru or through the portal of the mayor of the capital www.mos.ru.

    Attention: only Moscow residents whose children attend schools in the capital can become users of the service.

    The number of schools participating in the project is growing every day, but not all educational institutions yet have students have access to electronic diaries. You can find out whether the school is participating in the project from the class teacher or the administration of the educational institution.

    If the school has implemented the ability to gain access to online diaries, the class teacher can give parents a login and password to enter the program. If your school doesn't already have a program, don't despair. There is a high probability that soon the school where your beloved child studies will have the opportunity to work with the service, since the government is actively introducing modern technologies into the field of education.

    Registration on the portal PGU.MOS.RU

    In order to access the electronic diary on the website pgu.mos.ru, parents need to create Personal account at Mosportal State Services.

    If the parent is not a member of the ESIA, after loading the mos.ru website, he needs to click on the “Register” button and go through a simple procedure for creating an account, during which he will need to provide the following data:

    • first name, last name and patronymic;
    • email;
    • login;
    • password (you need to enter it twice);
    • answer to security question;
    • current mobile number.

    Tip: in order for a password to be protected from hacking, its length must be at least 6 characters, which, in addition to letters, must also contain numbers.

    Must be specified valid number mobile, since it completes the user account registration process. A confirmation code will be sent to your mobile phone; you will need to enter it in the authorization window.

    How to use the service?

    After successful authorization, the site’s services will become available, including the student’s electronic diary. You can find the service in the catalog by clicking on the item “Electronic student diary” in the “Secondary general” section of the “Education” category.

    Note: ED MRKO is a very popular service, so access to it is organized with home page portal.

    After the required service has been found, you need to click on the “Get service” button on the portal. After this, the user will be asked to undergo initial authorization. It involves entering the following data:

    • in the “Account Name” column, you must enter the child’s first or last name in Latin letters (if there are two or more children, it is better to use first names);
    • MRKO login and password - this information must be obtained from the class teacher.

    In order for the class teacher to transfer access to the student’s ED, parents need to:

    • write an application (in paper form) or submit an electronic request;
    • provide the child's birth certificate to the school;
    • show your passport (if the request is submitted not by a parent, but by a legal representative, then you will also need a document confirming this fact).

    After filling out this information, you must confirm your login by clicking on the “Login” button. Next, an electronic version of the school diary will be available for viewing. The data is entered into cells, similar to a regular diary. Homework is indicated next to each subject. If the child received a grade, it will be duplicated in electronic form.

    Advantages of an electronic student diary

    The parent can view all grades assigned to the child, or only his final grades for the semester. In addition, the service stores data on all past marks given to the student previously, for example, for the last academic year, if the school already had a program in place. In addition to grades, parents can view teachers' comments regarding the student's performance, as well as homework in subjects. The service has a forum where parents can exchange opinions on the work of the program.

    The service is provided free of charge. To access the student's ED, you need to have access to the Internet and an account on the portal. A parent can monitor a student’s progress at any time of the day. All data in the ED is available only to portal users, those who know the login and a password to log into the account, that is, if this information is not disclosed, third parties will not be able to view the student’s grades.

    But the system is not without its shortcomings. On at this stage access to the service is often unavailable due to technical work. In addition, not all students have the opportunity to use electronic diaries, since this requires the school to have a certain technical base (computers, Internet access) and teacher training.