• City numbers in federal format. City number - what is it?

    Many people can no longer imagine their life without talking on the phone. That's why modern means communications become excellent helpers.

    However, rarely does anyone think about functionality own number phone.

    What are the numbers?

    Regardless of the operator chosen, each number must be officially registered in the federal database.

    As for the operators themselves, they are accustomed to separating two types of numbers that do not have big differences between each other:

      Federal. As a rule, you first need to dial +7 , and then seven numbers that make up a certain combination.

      Urban. Previously, it was common to consider a landline number to be a telephone installed at home. Today the situation has changed dramatically. These are numbers provided for legal entities (private small companies or holdings).

    A local number, unlike the first type, has the following combination: 8 – city prefix – telephone number. As a rule, there are no more than seven digits in a phone number.

    Typically, the length of the number depends on how popular the phone company is and how many customers are active.

    What does it mean

    Many users have been familiar with the concept of a city number for many years, however What is a federal number? Not every person knows.

    In fact, this is an ordinary mobile phone number that is used by almost every modern resident.

    The total number of digits is always the same - 11. The number begins with +7, then three digits indicate the operator prefix, followed by the number itself.

    In order to dial a federal number, you must dial it in in the prescribed manner.

    In this case, a completely logical question arises: how is it different from the city?

    Difference from urban

    In reality there are not many differences, but they still exist:

    1 Federal number longer than the city one. As stated earlier, it consists of eleven digits, while the second type has a maximum of 7 digits. If in mobile numbers after +7 there are prefixes of telecom operators, then in the situation with landline phones you then need to dial the area code. For example, in Moscow the area code is 495 or 499

    2 Operators mobile communications use the number in standard mode , since it is assigned during the user registration process. In a situation with a landline number, it will be charged additional fee. Some service providers offer to connect a landline phone number, but the tariff plan corresponds to the conditions of using a mobile phone. IN in this case the surcharge will be much less. Modern people have long ago acquired the service of connecting a landline number

    Speaking about which option will be optimal, it is impossible to answer unequivocally.

    Private individuals For many years, federal numbers have been used in most cases, so there is simply no point in purchasing a city number.

    However, the situation is completely different with legal entities.

    As a rule, during the process of registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, a city number is registered, which will be used for negotiations with partners.

    Why do you need a landline phone number?

    Perhaps large cities can always be identified by their corresponding code.

    So, for example, if you call any company, then by prefix you can always find out where it is located legal address registration.

    It is also worth noting that thanks to the city code you can find out the time zone, which is extremely important for cooperation with companies located in another city or region.

    Some companies are engaged in cooperation with foreign partners.

    Some telecom operators in this case offer to switch to the international format and provide another phone number, or attach this service to the account.

    According to research, it is worth noting that numbers starting with +7495 or 8800 , calls are more frequent.

    The latter format is also quite popular, since everyone understands which company is calling and on what issue.

    Of course, you have often found yourself in a situation where you need to quickly determine which number you were called from: local or federal. The difference between a federal number and a local one is that you can call it from all over the world. The direct number is 123-45-67, and the federal number is X-xxx-123-45-67, where X is the country code, xxx is the city (region) code or your mobile operator. By the numbers xxx you can find out from which region the call is being made.

    Distinguishing numbers

    How to find out the federal number? Very simple. If you have mobile phone, then most likely you won’t have to find out anything here, since mobile operators They issue it in exactly this format, but not always. Finding out a federal number from a city number (home or work) will be a little more difficult. For Russia, the country code is +7, write it at the beginning, then your city code, and then your number. That's it, the federal version is ready. Many of us often dial 8 instead of 7, so the call is charged as long-distance, not international. Although it will not be a mistake if you dial 7, since the system will automatically determine the type of your call.

    Mobile operators to help

    You can also ask your operator cellular communication full version Your number. The point is that different operators The federal number may differ from the short one. For example, with MTS the short version turns into a federal one only by adding a prefix, but with Tele2 short number often completely different from "long". And if there are no problems with long-distance calls if you use only the area code, then with SMS delivery everything is just the opposite: they will be delivered only to the “long” version of your number.

    You can also find out a federal number from a city number using databases, but only if your operator is generous and posts one, which happens extremely rarely. The most popular operators are MTS, Megafon and Beeline. In almost all tariff plans These cellular companies are immediately provided with a federal number. Federal number codes for the top three: MTS – 916, Megafon – 920, Beeline – 903.

    The article describes what a city and federal number of mobile operators is: Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2.

    The use of mobile phones has long become commonplace for most people in all countries. Today, customers of mobile operators can no longer just get the opportunity to just make a call, but are also able to choose countless different additional services. For example, the ability to choose one or another personal number.

    Such numbers can be “beautiful”, short, belong to various operators. In addition, such popular Russian companies as “ MTS», « Megaphone», « Beeline" And " Tele2"offer to their clients federal And landline numbers. Let's talk about this in more detail.

    What is a federal and city number on MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2?

    We all know what they look like regular numbers for mobile phones. Most people visualize the numbers " MTS», « Megafon», « Beeline" And " Tele2"at least in my region. These numbers are provided by default to every subscriber who buys a SIM card, and are essentially federal.

    That is, a federal number is a number that, when dialed, you can reach the subscriber, no matter where he is in the territory Russian Federation. You can also call this number from abroad. It looks like this: +7 (8) XXX XXX XXX XX. First digit ( +7 or 8 ) is the code of the Russian Federation. Next comes a three-digit code mobile operator (988 , 905 etc.), and the number ends with seven specific digits that are assigned to each individual subscriber.

    When calling from a home phone to a federal number, dial eight, and when calling from a mobile phone - 8 or +7 . Calls to federal numbers, as a rule, are paid if the caller has not activated a special service (which, in turn, will charge subscription fee).

    A city number usually contains seven, six or five digits (depending on the number of subscribers in a given city) and is intended for calls within your city. That is, you can call directly to a city mobile number only when the receiving incoming call the subscriber is in the same city as you. You can call from both mobile and home phones.

    If you are in other regions, then you can call a city mobile number by first dialing the city and country code of the called party.

    Having a city mobile number is almost equivalent to the number assigned home phone, with the only difference that your mobile phone is always with you. The payment is the same (monthly, per minute, etc.), and calls to it within your city are free. Also, a city number is easier to remember.

    What does the federal and city number of MTS, MegaFon, Tele2, Beeline mean?

    The difference between a federal number and a city number may also be in price. It all depends on the mobile operator and its offers. As a rule, subscribers choose federal numbers without a subscription fee, and city numbers with one. Although, everything can be the other way around.

    Video: You can connect a landline number to MegaFon for free

    Video: Beeline Business: Landline numbers and 8-800 number

    The telephone has always been and is still considered one of the most effective and simple methods communications. Just 10 years ago, one could only dream of such a luxury as a mobile phone. Now every resident of a large city has it. When calling a mobile phone, we often use the federal operator’s number.

    Federal number is an 11-digit mobile number that you receive with the purchased SIM card. This number consists of a country code (for example, Russia +7), an operator or city code (a three-digit number) and the number itself XXX-XX-XX. Today, mobile operators provide two types - federal mobile and direct city. Direct number looks like a landline number home number, but in fact it also refers to the federal one. This type of number is beneficial for companies and firms that need to maintain inexpensive communication with clients on a long-distance basis. Direct landline number allows you to call landline phone, which is not even connected to the intercity exit. Besides this this type It’s easier to remember because it consists of 6 or 7 digits. For those who do not pursue such goals, there is no point in changing the federal number to a direct one.

    If when making calls to federal and direct numbers If no questions arise, there is one caveat when sending SMS. When sending an SMS message to a “long” number, you dial +7 or 8, the operator code and the number as usual. If you want to send SMS to a direct city number, you need to know the federal number, which is assigned and issued to the subscriber along with a short number. That is, sending a message directly to a 7-digit combination will not work.

    Subscribers of the Megafon operator simultaneously have 2 numbers:
    - city direct line, which consists of 7 digits and is dialed without code or prefixes;

    Federal megaphone number, which is dialed with the country code +7 or 8, then the operator code and then only the number itself.

    Megafon federal number codes – 920-922, 925-929, 930-934, 936-939, 997, 999.

    Using the same principle, straight and federal MTS numbers, that is, the short number differs from the federal one in the absence of prefixes and code.

    MTS number codes – 910-919, 978, 980-989.

    Tele2 radically divided types of federal and direct numbers, so most often they look like two completely different subscriber numbers.

    Tele2 number codes – 900, 902, 904, 908, 950, 951,952,953.
    Beeline federal number codes – 900, 902-909, 951, 953, 960-969, 978.

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    When connecting to the MTS network, each subscriber is issued an individual telephone number with a federal code. But this number is not always convenient - it is very long, and calls to it from landline phones are charged as long-distance calls with appropriate tariffs. For business people this may not be acceptable. What to do?

    To make communication more convenient, you can buy a landline number on MTS. It is a seven-digit sequence of numbers, similar to the standard Moscow ones telephone numbers. And the essence of it is that calls to it from landline city phones are free. And the number itself becomes shorter and more convenient. Let us remind you that MTS subscribers have the opportunity to choose and buy a gold MTS number with a beautiful sequence of numbers, which is quickly remembered and easily recognized.

    What is the difference between a city number and a federal number?

    A federal number differs from a city number in that it is dialed in full international format, starting from +7. Next comes the area code (911, etc.), and then the seven-digit phone number itself. From landline phones, dialing will be slightly different - we dial “eight”, the region code and the number of the called subscriber.

    As for the city number, it can be dialed from landline and local mobile numbers in direct format - 123-45-67. This is very convenient for business people doing business. Direct numbers are shorter, so they are better perceived from advertising materials– shorter sequences of numbers are remembered much better and look more solid.

    The direct city number in the MTS network has a federal duplicate. That is, knowing the direct number of a particular subscriber, we can call him on a federal number. Thanks to a special tripartite agreement, MTS provides its subscribers with 2 numbers at once:

    • Federal number in the format +7-985-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ;
    • Direct city number in the format +7-495-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.

    In the example presented, the last 7 digits of both numbers are the same, only the codes differ. If we call a direct landline number from a landline phone, then we dial only the last 7 digits. The same applies to calls from local mobile numbers.

    Connection kits with city numbers can be purchased at all MTS communication stores. But we must remember that the subscription fee for a direct number is 500 rubles higher than for a federal number. Direct landline numbers are available on “Smart” tariff plans and on some other tariffs. For example, if the subscription fee for the “Smart-mini” tariff with a federal number is 400 rubles, then for the tariff with a city number its amount will be 900 rubles.

    The subscription fee for tariffs with city numbers is charged as follows:

    • The amount is 304.80 rubles. written off in equal installments monthly;
    • Remaining until full size The subscription fee for the selected tariff is charged once a month.

    Let’s give an example: the monthly fee for the “Smart” tariff is 1000 rubles. Of these, 304.80 rubles. written off in equal installments every day. The balance of the amount, which is 695.20 rubles, is written off once a month. This feature is associated with the cost of allocating a direct landline number, included in the subscription fee for the selected tariff plan.

    How to choose the right MTS city number

    We already know what federal and city MTS numbers are. Now all that remains is to figure out how to choose a landline number? When you contact an MTS service center, tell the consultant about your intention to purchase a direct landline number. He will offer you several options to choose from, among which you can choose a beautiful number, the easiest and most memorable.

    By choosing a direct landline number, you will receive a SIM card that will have two numbers at once- this is a federal number with the code +7-985 and a direct number with the Moscow code +7-495. The last 7 digits of both numbers will be the same.

    How to connect a landline number to MTS

    As already mentioned, to connect to a direct city number, you need to contact the MTS service office and purchase a SIM card with the appropriate numbering there.

    How to disable a landline number on MTS

    There is no option to disable a direct landline number in the MTS network. In order to refuse a landline number, you will have to change your federal number.