• Ready-made covers for VK group. How to enable and add a cover for a VKontakte group

    The cover for VKontakte groups appeared back in 2016. It has become an alternative to a vertical avatar. According to representatives of the social network, community covers provide more opportunities for creative experiments. On them you can place not only attractive photographs, but also inscriptions, a logo, and additional calls to action.

    Thanks to this material, you will learn how to make beautiful and memorable covers for the VKontakte group. You don't have to master the intricacies of graphic editors, download software and buy a license. A striking design for the VKontakte community is easy to create using free online tools.

    The recommended cover size for a VKontakte group is 1590×400 pixels. However, community owners can use graphics in other sizes. For example, when viewing a public page from a computer, the cover is displayed in size 795x200 pixels. For users mobile devices The community header adjusts to the screen size.

    A universal cover that will be displayed equally on both computers and mobile devices.

    Smartphone users see a “cropped” version of community covers - 190–200 pixels are cut off on the sides. When creating graphics for the VKontakte public page, do not forget about this feature, otherwise the call to action or logo will be cut off, and this will negatively affect both the brand and conversion.

    When creating a cover for my VKontakte community, I did not take into account the recommendations of the social network, so on smartphones the cover is cropped.

    If you took a photo or found a picture in a photo bank that perfectly describes your business, but does not correspond to the recommended VKontakte sizes, do not be discouraged. Such graphics can also be placed on the cover of the community - just specify the visible area and crop the image in the built-in editor of the social network.

    What should be on the cover of a community

    When creating a “header” for a VKontakte group, remember that it should contain only basic information and nothing superfluous. If you receive clients in offices, be sure to indicate on the cover the addresses, telephone numbers and opening hours of the branches. If you are going to sell any goods through the public, for example, original soft toys, demonstrate them in the “header”.

    Use the following guide if you are unsure of what elements to place on your community cover:

    • Title. Don't overdo it with creativity. Potential subscribers should immediately understand from the headline where they are and what useful information they can learn from the public.
    • Subtitle. With its help, you can decipher or supplement the title. Try to be concise in your wording.
    • Logo. If your company has a beautiful and high-quality logo, place it in the group header. This element will increase awareness of your brand.
    • Contact details. You can also indicate your phone number or email on the cover of the group. For example, if you are a home delivery business and your company has single phone to accept orders, place it in the header.
    • Photo by target audience. Another way to convey to a future subscriber that the group will be useful to him. However, before posting a photo or picture with your target audience, do not forget to conduct an analysis and draw up portraits of potential clients.
    • Product photo. If you are going to sell products through public, use high-quality photographs of the products in the header.

    To help you better understand how to properly design the cover of a VKontakte group, look at successful and unsuccessful examples.

    Examples of good and bad covers for a VKontakte group header

    Let's start with successful examples. The owners of this public have done a great job with the graphics - the cover contains a title, subtitle, logo, contact information, and a call to action.

    Another example of a successful cover. The “header” is not overloaded with information - it only contains the title, logo and product photos. Detailed information about the activities of the community is posted in the status.

    Laconic, simple and tasteful. There is nothing superfluous on the cover. All the necessary data - hours and work schedule, address, contact numbers- are indicated in the community information.

    Not a very good example of a VKontakte group cover. Yes, the header contains contact numbers, a title and subtitle, a logo and a USP. It’s just not entirely clear in which cities the company operates and what services it provides. There is no decryption in the community status either. Future subscribers will have to read the text in the public information to understand whether they need the company’s services or not.

    Another example of a bad cover. The community administrator decided to put all the information in a “header” and ended up with a deadly mixture. Moreover, on a smartphone the cover is cut off on the sides - the user will not see the list with the assortment, contact information and part of the logo.

    Now that you roughly understand how to make a VK group cover and what to place on it, it’s time to move on to practice. And the simple and free online editor Canva will help you with this.

    To make a cover in , you don’t need to go through a lengthy registration process or buy a license. You can use your Google account or Facebook profile to log in.

    Step 1.Once you're logged into Canva, start creating your cover. This can be done in two ways - manually, indicating the size of the “cap”. When you click on the “Create a cover for a VK group” button, Canva will open new template with recommended dimensions - 1590x400 pixels - and layout options.

    Step 2.If you don't know what to put on your cover, experiment with free layouts. Try out cover options, try changing the background color, position of inscriptions, frames and logos.

    Step 3.To change the cover background, upload your image to the editor by clicking on the “Downloads” icon and clicking on the “Upload your own images” button.

    After uploading the image to the service, click on the picture. It will “fall” on top of the design. To make it the background, hold down left button mouse and drag the image down. If you are not happy with the visible area on the cover, double-click on the background and move the image the way you want. Click the checkmark at the top to save your changes.

    Step 4.To add text to the cover, click on the “Text” icon and familiarize yourself with the types of inscriptions and fonts.

    For any inscription you can define the font, size, color, letter spacing and line spacing. Don't be afraid to experiment - all changes can be easily removed using the Ctrl+Z keyboard shortcut.

    Step 5.When the cover is ready, save the image by clicking on the “Download” button at the top of the menu.

    The service will offer to choose a format - PNG, JPG and PDF (standard and for printing). For VKontakte it is better to use the first two formats.

    All you have to do is click on the “Download” button, and in a few seconds the finished cover will be on your computer.

    While setting up my groups and helping friends, I found it inconvenient to remember the recommended sizes every time. At first I wrote them down in notes, and later I decided to make myself templates, which I share with you.

    The archive contains three templates: for VK, Facebook and YouTube. Files in PSD format (Photoshop). They have the recommended size and already placed guides for different sizes screens (desktop computers and mobile devices).

    Markup for the VKontakte group/public header

    I want to immediately warn you that on mobile devices the header is cut off at the edges and a little at the top. VK does not write anything about this when loading the cover. Using scientific research, I determined the width of the safe area to be 1200 px (internal layout guides). If it turns out that I missed the mark, please let me know in the comments. I'll correct it.

    Facebook group/public cover markup

    • 820×312 px for desktop computers,
    • 640×360 px for mobile devices,
    • 851x315 px, but this size is considered optimal and the fastest loading.

    For some reason mobile size larger than the recommended cover size for PC. I made the layout size 851x360.

    Youtube channel cover layout

    • 2560x1440 px for TVs,
    • 2560x423 px for desktop computers and laptops,
    • 1855×423 px for tablets,
    • 1546×423 px for mobile.

    Here, as in the case of VK, the sizes for mobile devices do not match. I haven’t done any scientific research, but I recommend making larger margins from the internal guides. If you place something in the center, place it three-quarters wide. I think you won't miss it. And I will also be grateful if you share your sizes from personal experience in the comments.

    That's all. I hope you find it useful. Ask in the comments if anything is unclear. Good luck in your creativity!

    As usual, let's first define the key concepts. Dynamic is a group cover whose contents change depending on the automatic mode. You can display it in the community header various types useful content, or just to please users 🙂 For example, if your company is engaged in the field of finance, you can connect a widget that displays exchange rates and the most important stock indices. If your business has a clear regional connection, add a block that will display information about today's weather. Finally, you can make a banner where the names of today's birthday people or the most active subscribers over a certain period of time will appear. Thus, along with interactive menu and widgets, this tool helps to increase audience engagement and loyalty to the brand.

    You don’t have to look far for examples - dynamic VKontakte covers are used by many groups. First of all, this technology used by the employees themselves social network: in the header of the official support service public there is a “live” counter of processed tickets.

    “StopHam” also keeps up with the times: on their page you can see a preview of the latest video and the name of the last participant to join. Unfortunately, although information about the number of views changes in real time, this is not a real embed, and you won’t be able to watch the video directly on VKontakte.

    In turn, the creative association Gazgolder turned the community header into a dynamic announcer, which displays information about upcoming concerts, film premieres or presentations of music albums.

    In a word, there are a lot of application options. The only question is how to create such beauty? Actually, it's not that difficult.

    Designers for creating dynamic VKontakte covers

    To get an interactive header at your disposal, you can go in two ways:

    1. Ordering development from scratch is expensive, but in the end you will become the owner of an exclusive solution with the functionality you need, which will help you stand out from your competitors;

    2. Using an online builder is much cheaper, but you will be limited to the set of widgets that the developers have provided to you.

    It is easy to understand that the first option is suitable for large enterprises that have a clearly structured marketing plan and a corporate image that has developed over the years (as well as a sufficient budget), while the second option is ideal for small businesses, since for most companies standard functionality is sufficient. Let's use one of these services and make a dynamic cover.

    Google helpfully suggests the name - DyCover. In terms of price, the option is not bad: the guys charge 100 rubles per month for one community, while their competitors, LetsCover, are exactly twice as much. However, the latter have a progressive volume discount, so this site It will appeal to those who deal with SMM professionally and manage several projects at the same time.

    However, the purpose of our material is not to determine the best service provider, but to test the capabilities similar decisions basically, so let's stick to DyCover. Registration is not difficult: authorization is naturally carried out through VK. After creating an account, all you have to do is select the desired community from among those where you are an administrator and connect it.

    Next, click on the “Create it” link in the pop-up notification and you will be taken to visual editor. After this, a three-day trial will be activated, during which you will be able to use all available options designer. In the first couple of times, we will be accompanied by pop-up tips, so it will be quite problematic to get confused.

    As the electronic assistant correctly noted, before creating a dynamic cover, you need to select a suitable background. Optimal sizes background - 1590 by 400 pixels, however, all significant graphic elements and widgets themselves should be placed on the central segment 1196 by 400. The thing is that on mobile devices the banner is cut off (197 pixels on each side), which means fans of portable devices They simply won’t see important information.

    By the way, DyCover takes this point into account. Let's try using one of the preset templates and see how it works.

    Select the “Informational Cover” theme, since it already has a background, and click on the “Grid for Mobile” button. Markings will appear on the screen to help you evaluate how our creation will ultimately look on smartphones and tablets. The upper line marks the border of the top bar operating system, which can also prevent the adequate display of our dynamic header.

    For greater clarity, you can use the preview function, after which it will become clear that this layout is not adapted for portable devices, since the Moscow block is outside the display.

    Now let’s go to the “Widgets” section and evaluate their range. At first glance, the list is not particularly impressive.

    In fact, first impressions are deceiving. For example, the “Text” widget allows you to create both regular text blocks and load cells from Google spreadsheets, use cascading styles or JSON. “Subscriber” displays the names of the most active users, the best commentators (by number or likes), reposters, authors (by the rating of posts from the “offer”), birthday people or the latest to join the group. “Statistics” broadcasts the total number of subscribers, the number of online users, as well as summary data, including gender distribution. Thus, by combining the presented tools, you can design dynamic VKontakte covers of almost any complexity.

    Let's look at how this works in practice. In the template above, each block that displays the weather and time in a particular city consists of four components:

    1. Text (city name);
    2. Figure (translucent white circle);
    3. Date and time;
    4. Weather.

    Each of them can be changed. For example, instead of a white circle, you can make a colored rectangle, and in addition to the hours, display the date, month and current day of the week. The “Weather” widget can show wind speed and weather type (clear, rain, fog, etc.), and in the latter case you can choose from several icon options, and even upload your own instead of the standard ones. Of course, you can resize widgets and edit fonts, which opens up a wealth of customization options.

    However, let's evaluate what the dynamic cover will look like in the group itself. To do this, click on “Save” and enter the name of the created template. Now we return to the control panel, select the desired item and click on “Apply”.

    Let's go to our experimental community and evaluate the result. Well, not bad at all! Perhaps the only disadvantage of this approach is the fact that when the page is enlarged, the text looks somewhat blurry.

    This is explained by the peculiarity of the technology itself: in fact, the service generates a static image with updated data at a certain frequency (once a minute) and loads it into the header. This is why you cannot, for example, embed a video player in the VKontakte cover. However, even such a “crutch” method can significantly improve the visual component of the group, standing out from its competitors.

    Are dynamic covers worth the money?

    So we come to the question of profitability and, frankly, the most correct answer will be this: everything is in your hands. Although the benefits of using interactive headers are difficult to overestimate, they, like any other tool in SMM, will help promote the group only if you use them correctly. For example, automatic birthday greetings won't work if you can't find gifts that will truly interest your audience. At the same time, by overloading the dynamic cover with information, even if it is useful, you will distract subscribers from new posts and, instead of increasing engagement, on the contrary, you will reduce this indicator. Therefore, the best thing to do is to find suitable service, sign up for a trial or monthly subscription, and then experiment, trying different approaches and formats. And, of course, watch your competitors, learning from their mistakes and adopting successful techniques.

    Many community owners want to create a cover for a group on VK online. In our article we will try to understand all the nuances of the procedure and provide advice for users.

    VK is a site that is constantly updated and improved. Group admins now have many tools to personalize their community. One of them is creating a cover for an online VK group.

    But what is it? This is a special image placed in the group header. Why do you need a cover?

    1. It allows you to improve the design.
    2. It manages to give the page a special style.
    3. You will love the new design.
    4. The cover can tell about the theme of the community.
    5. Groups with beautiful design arouse the greatest interest among users.
    6. People will be more willing to subscribe to the community.
    7. It is possible to adapt the image to the full and mobile version site.
    8. Creating a cover is quite easy, this procedure should not cause problems.

    How to make a beautiful cover for a group in VK?

    Labor costs for creation depend on your wishes. In general, group administrators have two options:

    • Take the finished picture and post it.
    • Create your own unique image.

    Of course, the second method is much more complicated. To create a unique cover you will need to use a photo editor. You need to have at least minimal skills in working with programs like Photoshop to achieve the desired result.

    Cover for VK group: size

    Sizes may vary. For example, on a PC the cover is displayed at a resolution of 795x200 pixels. On smartphones it adapts to the device’s screen.

    But it’s not always possible to find a picture with exactly this resolution! Don't worry, when you upload an image, the system will prompt you to crop it. Select the part you want, the edges will be automatically removed.

    It's important to remember that cover art displays differently on mobile devices than on PCs. It is cropped at 83px at the top, this space is occupied by system icons. Also, on smartphones with a display width of up to 400px, the edges are cropped by 196px.

    As a result, a small area will be invisible to mobile device users. It is better to leave it empty so that only the background of the image is at the edges, then the elements will not be cut off.

    Program for creating a cover for a group on VK

    Available ways to create a header for a group:

    1. Download the finished image for the cover.
    2. Do it through an online service.
    3. Order from specialists.
    4. Use photo editors and create your own.

    The Internet is full free pictures and templates in psd format. You can adapt them to your group and put them in the community header. This is the simplest option today.

    You can use special programsAdobe Photoshop, Pixelmator, etc. But you must be able to work with these applications, it will take time to master them.

    How to make a cover for a group on VK in Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop is the most popular program for image editing. It allows you to quickly create a cover if you have certain skills. Main advantage this method– manages to develop a unique design.

    Important! As a base, always select pictures that are larger than the recommended sizes. You will need to adjust the image to fit required resolution. But in the case of stretching, the quality of the picture deteriorates significantly, which is unacceptable.

    Open Photoshop. In the menu, select the item to create a new file. To save it you need to set the following parameters:

    • Immediately indicate the name of the file.
    • Size – 1590x
    • The background is transparent.
    • Color Mode – RGB colors 8 bit.
    • Resolution – 72 pixels per inch.

    Now find a picture on the Internet, copy it and paste it into the program. To adapt the size you need:

    1. Go to the “Editing” item.
    2. Then to "Transformation".
    3. Now select the “Scaling” section.
    4. Hold Shift.
    5. Use the left mouse button to capture a corner of the image.
    6. Adapt the picture to fit the borders.
    7. To confirm the action, press Enter.

    You need to write the name of the community. To do this you need:

    • Select the option to create a new layer.
    • Click on the button to add text.
    • Select an area for its placement.
    • Select size, color, font.
    • Enter the name of the community.
    • Open the styles panel.
    • Choose the appropriate one so that the text looks beautiful.

    You did pretty well simple cover. According to the instructions, almost any user can do it. Naturally, creating a header with many elements will take much more time.

    1. Open in the "File" menu.
    2. Select "Save for Web".
    3. Specify the PNG-24 set.
    4. Save the picture.

    How to upload a finished image?

    To upload a picture to the group you will need:

    • Enter the community.
    • Select an item to control from the menu.
    • Find an option with a community cover.
    • Select an item to download.
    • An add form will open.
    • You can select a picture in Explorer or drag it into the window.
    • Upload it to the site.
    • Confirm saving.

    Go to the main community page and evaluate the result. If you followed the size recommendations, the picture will fit completely.

    You learned how to create a cover for a group in VK. The process is not that complicated, it is enough to take into account all the tips provided.

    Dynamic cover for VK group

    Now it is possible to create a dynamic cover. The process of preparing it is much more complicated, and you will have to spend much more time.

    What is the difference between a dynamic header and a regular one? In it, images can be updated. The change frequency is configured separately during creation.

    But why do you need a dynamic header? There are many options for using it:

    1. You can display your CRM system.
    2. I manage to create a timer.
    3. Display the day of the week, date, time.
    4. Show the names of the last people who joined.
    5. Provide additional information.
    6. Such covers are suitable for groups of companies.

    Can be placed in a hat various information, which can be obtained from VK or from any other site. The options for using it depend only on your needs.

    How does this work?

    The principle is quite simple:

    Why do you need a script?

    The script is used to receive data and display it in designated areas. That is, it downloads information from the source and transfers it to the cover, and is a connecting element.

    The update frequency is adjusted based on your wishes. You can select the optimal value so that relevant information is displayed in the header.

    Creating a dynamic cover with a script is more difficult than a regular one. Much more knowledge and specialized software will be required. Therefore it is better to trust this procedure professionals. Then you can be sure of perfect functioning.

    How to connect the script?

    After completing the project, specialists will provide you with:

    1. Design layout.
    2. Sources in PSD format.
    3. Script.
    4. License key for binding.

    Professionals involved in developing design for communities take on the main tasks. Due to this, it is possible to save time and not delve into all the nuances of creating such covers.

    For the script to work, you will need to install it somewhere. There are several options:

    • On your home computer.
    • To the server of the company that was involved in the development.
    • To a remote server.

    You can install the script on your PC. But the computer must work around the clock. If the device is turned off, the information in the header will no longer be updated. Therefore, few community owners use this method.

    You can pay for hosting and install the script on a remote server. The cost of service starts from 80 rubles per month. But you need to choose reliable hosting that can ensure uninterrupted operation.

    Many companies involved in community design offer to install the script on their server. The cost of the service is small, subscription fee usually does not exceed 100 rubles per month. Also, company employees will support the functioning of the script.

    Nowadays, only the laziest people don’t have a VKontakte group. But creating a group and organizing it correctly are two different things.

    If you want people to be interested in you and follow you, you should take care of creating a cover for the VKontakte group. It is advisable to do this before you start driving traffic to your newly created social network page.

    A trick that will help make the company’s image more complete: order a cover for a VK group and for a Facebook page of the same type. The sizes will differ, but it is better to make the design the same.

    • Making the cover for a VK group attractive and informative is important for several reasons:
    • This is a chance to make a first impression and get the visitor to subscribe to the page. There will be no second chance like this.
    • This is an opportunity to literally create in a second using an image needed by the company image in the mind of the visitor. Pictures are much faster and more accurate than text.
    • This is the right place to talk about the most important things. Is there a big event coming up, a major sale coming up, a new direction opening? What is your business doing now? You can write information on the cover and convey it as quickly as possible to everyone who comes into your group.

    Before you start learning how to make a cover on top in a VK group, you should decide which path is closer to you:

    1. Make a cover for a VKontakte group to order. Result of work good designer will be great. But you will have to pay for quality, and you will also have to spend time and effort searching for a performer and interacting with him.

    2. Figure out how to make a cover for a VKontakte group yourself. This option will probably be inferior in quality to the previous one, unless, of course, you own graphic editors at least at the advanced user level. On the other hand, it will give you new knowledge and skills and allow you to save on design.

    If you choose the second path, the question arises of where to make the cover for the VK group. Welcome to Community Management. This function is in the first place in the drop-down list that opens when you click the button in the form of three dots. We've highlighted it in red:

    The “Community Cover” option is the fourth item after the name, description and type of group. VK offers two options: upload or delete the cover.

    If you figure out on your own how to make a cover on VK in a group, you will find that the site itself tells users the answer to this question. The ideal image size for the cover is 1590×400 pixels, format – JPG, GIF or PNG.

    All that's left to do is design. To do this, you can use graphic editors such as Photoshop or CorelDRAW, or you can take advantage of the capabilities of simpler online services for working with images.

    One of the most popular and intuitive online image and photo editors is www.canva.com. With its help it will be easy to understand how to do horizontal cover in the VK group

    The service allows you to use ready-made stylish fonts and options for placing text in pictures. Some of the templates are in free access, some designs will require payment.
    When the cover is ready, upload it to the VK group - and enjoy all the benefits of a beautifully designed community.

    Today we figured out how to make a cover on VK in a group, and in the next issues we’ll talk about other marketing tools that will definitely come in handy for your business.

    Try your hand at the 10-day business game “Your Start”, in which you will start making money from your business, using your talents and strengths!

    In it we tried to collect the most effective services, so use and implement them into your business processes.

    Stay connected!