• Change color in photoshop cs3. Three ways to quickly change the color of an image in Photoshop

    In this tutorial, we'll introduce a color replacement program and learn how it can quickly change the color of objects in a photo.

    We will show you not the most professional, but the easiest and fastest way to change the color in an image. This method doesn't always give the desired result, but it usually works well for simple tasks. It's a simple tool and worth trying before moving on to more complex and time-consuming methods.

    Color Replacement Tool

    The Color Replacement Tool was first introduced in Photoshop CS, and if you're working in Photoshop CS or CS2, you can find it grouped with the Healing Brush tool.

    If you have Photoshop CS3 or CS4, CS5 or CS6, click on the Brush tool icon and hold it until a drop-down list of other tools in the group appears, select “Color Replacement”.

    Once you select the Color Replacement tool, your mouse cursor will turn into a circle with a small cross in the center.

    You can adjust the size of the circle using hotkeys - brackets [ or ]. The left bracket reduces the size, the right one increases it. To adjust the hardness of the brush, add a Shift keystroke (Shift+left square bracket makes the edges soft, Shift+right square bracket makes the brush harder).

    How the Color Replacement tool works:

    When you drag the Color Replacement tool on an image, Photoshop continuously scans a color swatch located in at the moment under the cursor cross. This is the color that will be replaced with the current foreground color. Any other pixels that surround round cursor, also change color as it moves across the object.

    For example, if you position the cursor at blue in the photo, and the foreground color is red, then in the cursor's area of ​​action, the color below it will change to red. There are several options for customizing the tools in top panel, but we'll look at that later.

    In the Tools palette you can see the current color settings. The default color is black:

    To change the foreground color, click on the top square (color swatch) and select any new color from the color palette. Choose green. Click OK and close the color picker.

    Look at the tool palette. The foreground color pattern has changed. Now the foreground color is green. Now, if we paint on the image with the Color Replacement tool, the original color will be replaced with green:

    Let's take an example of a photograph of a girl with balloons:

    She looks happy with a blue balloon in her hand, but maybe she would like to have a green balloon. Let's see what we can do for her. Using the “Color Replacement” tool, clicking on the ball with the cursor will begin moving inside it. Photoshop begins to replace the blue color with green.

    To change the color of the rest of the ball to green, you just need to keep the mouse button pressed.

    If you accidentally go beyond the boundaries of the ball and hit the yellow wall behind it, Photoshop will begin to change the color from yellow to green:


    Everything is simple and hassle-free until you reach the edges of the ball. If you look closely, you will notice that the edges of the ball are not completely closed, a blue stripe is noticeable.

    We've already mentioned that the Color Replacement tool has several options that you can customize in the Control Panel. One of these parameters is “tolerance”. “Tolerance” determines the sensitivity to the color being replaced. The default tolerance is 30%, which is a good starting point. But this is not enough for our case. We increase the tolerance to 50%, which will allow the Color Replacement tool to affect a wider range of colors:

    We have established greater tolerance. Now, let's undo the last step and try finishing the edges again.

    We finish processing in the remaining areas and our blue ball magically turns into green, thanks to the “Color Replacement” tool:

    Use color from image

    In the example above, we randomly selected a new ball color from the color picker in Photoshop. You can just as easily select a color directly from the photo itself. To do this, with the Color Replacement Tool active, press the Alt key and your cursor turns into an Eyedropper Tool.

    Click on the area of ​​the photo that contains the color you want to use. Photoshop will make this color the main background color. In the Foreground and Background color icon, the top square changes to the color you selected.

    Let's take the color of the girl's blouse:

    If you look at the Foreground color swatch in the Tools panel, you'll see that the color you clicked on has become the foreground color:

    We can paint the ball with this color again using the Color Replacement tool:

    Blend Modes

    Blend Modes

    The reason the Color Replacement tool preserves volume and texture is because it uses blend modes to blend new colors.
    The new color interacts with the previous color and this effect is obtained. You can see blending modes in the top settings menu. There are four of them: hue, saturation, color and brightness (Hue, Saturation, Color, and Luminosity). The default mode is Color.

    If you've ever studied color theory, you've probably heard that color is made up of hue, saturation, and brightness. You can choose any blending mode depending on which of these three aspects of the original color you want to affect.

    Hue: When you apply Hue mode, only the base color will change. Will not change the saturation and brightness of the original color. This mode is useful for images where the colors are not very intense and it usually produces very little change.

    Saturation: The “Saturation” mode only changes the saturation of the original color. Hue and brightness are not affected. This mode is useful for reducing the intensity of a color, or removing color completely.

    Color: Color mode is the default and changes hue and saturation. The brightness will remain unchanged. This is the blending mode you will use most often.

    Luminosity: Finally, Luminosity mode changes the brightness of the original color to the brightness of the new color. Hue and saturation remain unchanged.

    Let's take another photo with balls:

    One way to make one balloon stand out is to reduce the color saturation of the other balloons. We will not change the actual color of the balls, but only the intensity of the colors. In the Blending Modes tab, I'll select the Saturation mode.

    If we wanted to completely decolorize the balloons, we would set the base color to black, white or gray, but since we want a more subtle effect, we'll just go with one of the less rich colors from the image. While holding down my Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) key, we temporarily switch to the Eyedropper Tool, and click on the color we want to use. We will choose a less saturated yellow color. The color itself doesn't have any meaning since the blend mode won't change the original color. The mode will only affect the saturation:

    Select the “Color Replacement” tool and paint on those balls on which we want to reduce the saturation level, making them paler. Brush size can be adjusted square brackets. If necessary, adjust the tolerance level. In the example below you can see how different the original shade of the ball is from the changed one.

    Paint over the other balls. Their saturation decreases. This is what the result looks like:

    Brightness Issues

    Unfortunately, there are situations in which using the Replace Color tool causes difficulties.

    These are cases when there is big difference between the brightness of the original color and its replacement. For example, we want to change the hue of the top orange ball to purple another ball. It seems easy to do, but...

    First, let's return all the colors of the balls to original condition. To do this, go to the menu File - Revert. Then we take a color sample from the purple ball by clicking on it with the Alt key to switch to the eyedropper.

    Set the blending mode to Color. This is the default value. Then we start painting over the orange ball to change its color to dark purple. Here's the result:

    Hm. It's definitely purple, but it doesn't quite look like other purple balls, does it? The problem is that our orange ball is much brighter than the purple balls. Set mode mixing does not affect brightness. It only affects color. Let's change the blending mode to “Brightness”/”Luminosity”:

    Let's cancel all previous actions and return the ball orange, and then set the blending mode to “Brightness”/”Luminosity”. Now we paint the ball dark purple.

    It's safe to say that the result is bad. In the “Brightness”/”Luminosity” mode, the ball became brighter, but it remained orange and lost its structure.
    The problem is that there is too much difference in the brightness of objects. The Color Replacement tool is great for simple tasks where you just need to change the hue or saturation of a color, but if there are too many differences between the brightness of two elements in an image, you'll need to choose other color replacement methods.

    Let's take another look at the “Color Replacement Tool”.

    In the top menu we see three icons depicting pipettes. Each of these icons represents an option for selecting a color sample to work with (Sampling). We look from left to right: test - continuously “Continuous” - set by default; sample - once “Once”; sample - sample background “Background Swatch”. To switch from one option to another, you just need to activate the selected icon.

    Let's consider the options.

    Test - continuously “Continuous”. In this option, the color selection will be made by the tool continuously while you hold down the mouse button and move the cursor over the image. This option can be used when you need numerous and complex color changes in an object.

    With the “Once” test, Photoshop respects the color you clicked on, no matter how long you hover over the image. This option is best for replacing large areas of uniform color.

    Sample background “Background Swatch”. You probably won't use this option very often. Here the background color replaces the original color. Only those pixels in the image that match the background color will be replaced. To do this, you need to select a shade from the color palette that best matches the color of the image. This can be done by clicking on the bottom square of the color icon. Adjust the tolerance value if the shade does not suit you.

    “Restrictions”/ “Limits”

    The next option for the Color Replacement tool controls the location of the pixels to be replaced and is called “Limits”. There are three color detection options: Contiguous, Discontinuous, and Find Edges.

    Most often you will use the first two.

    The default constraint type is “Contiguous”/“Contiguous”. In this version, the “Color Replacement Tool” recolors the pixels that are under the cross within the cursor. The tool will not affect pixels that match the selected color but are separated from the cursor by an area of ​​a different color. At least until the cursor is in these zones.

    The “Discontinuous” constraint type replaces all pixels within the cursor.

    The final type of edge highlighting, “Find Edges,” replaces color in areas that have a tint of the selected color, preserving the outline of the edges of the object.

    Let's consider last option in the top menu of the “Smoothing”/”Anti-aliasing” tool settings. Use this option if you need to smooth the edges of an object's precise outline. If you don't need anti-aliasing, uncheck the box.

    Good luck with your processing ;-))

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    Hello, dear readers. Replacing colors in a picture is quite an interesting and addictive activity. Personally, I can spend quite a lot of time doing this entertainment. There are several tools that will help with this work and each of them is suitable for its own case.

    Today I will tell you how to change the color of a picture in Photoshop and which method to use in each certain case. You will like it, I assure you.

    It should be noted that I use Photoshop CC, but we won’t do anything specific, so feel free to start reading even if you have more simple version this program. Not online service, of course, it is weak and non-functional, but in cases with CS3, 5 or 6 you will not notice the discrepancies.

    Let's get started?

    Simple color correction

    Equipment for high-quality photography is quite expensive, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t have it. Receive good pictures This can be done using editing programs such as Photoshop. To be honest, I use this opportunity for almost every photo I post on my blog. I like the colors brighter than what is usually posted on the Internet.

    By the way, if you are interested, read the article already published in Start-Luck. I’ll take a pre-prepared picture to start talking about simple color correction and get to work.

    I open the “Image” tab in the top menu, and then the “Correction” category. Take the time to have your own experience understand what “Brightness/Contrast”, “Richness”, “Hue/Saturation” and other options that you will find in this tab are.

    You won’t spoil or break anything, and you can always return to the original version by simply refusing to save changes when closing the picture. Just look at how certain tools behave. As they say, what you come to on your own is always remembered better than when everything is explained to you on your fingers.

    For example, open “Color Tone” and pull the various sliders, you will immediately see how the picture changes colors and will be able to build a logical chain between your actions and the result. Don't forget to check the "View" box.

    Color balance changes colors more strongly, the settings are more subtle and interesting.

    If you want to work with certain element, enough , I have more than once simple and in clear language talked about how to do this with more than 8 tools and methods. I won’t repeat myself, it’s not difficult to find the publication, just follow the link just above.

    Now I will use the most in a simple way- “With a magic wand.” I just click on the object and the desired fragment is highlighted. Using the tolerance setting, I set the variation in color.

    As you know, there are many shades of white, blue and any other color. The higher the tolerance number, the more shades from the spectrum the program will determine and highlight using a wand.

    Change the direction of the curve and the color becomes different.

    By the way, if you want to work with the background in this way, that is, the area that is outside the selection, then you need to first select it, and then in the “Selection” tab top menu select the “Inversion” position.

    You can remove running ants using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+D.

    Replacement by contrast

    I talked about this method in great detail in the article. « » . Now we will quickly run through the main functions. I'll give you a little instruction that will suffice.

    This tool is ideal for replacing a bright, stand-out color in a picture. For example, a yellow apple on a white background, a red car in a green forest, or, as now, a bright girl in a dark room.

    I return to the “Adjustments” section and select the “Color Replacement” tool here. Using the Eyedropper tool, which appears automatically, I select the shade that will change. IN in this case I click on the curtain. Then I move the Scatter slider so that the girl becomes almost black, and all other objects have outlines ( I wrote a whole article about how to draw a black background).

    Please note that the curtain and the wall still need to have an outline; simply setting the spread to 200 will not work. Otherwise, the program will not take into account shades and will paint everything unattractively with a single color. Now I click on the color plate at the very bottom of the window, under it it says “Result”.

    I click through the spectrum and different shades until I achieve the perfect result.

    Ready. Without repainting the photo, we got an excellent result. In just a few seconds. Now let's talk a little about the disadvantages. As I said above, it is convenient to use this method if the image has contrast. To repaint a particular girl's dress in a different shade, you will have to highlight it. I can offer another interesting one, in which much attention is paid to complex objects, for example, hair.

    I’ll use the Magnetic Lasso tool myself.

    Now I'm transferring the dress to new layer by pressing Ctrl+J at the same time. ? Read the post that I recently prepared for beginners about them in detail.

    We return to “Color Replacement” in the “Correction” section. In this case, you will have to change the hue using the “Hue”, “Saturation”, “Brightness” sliders. If I click on the “Result” box, it turns out extremely disgusting and implausible.

    In my opinion, the shade of the young lady’s dress is still far from ideal, and therefore I want to blur it a little. I open the “Filter” tab and select everyone’s favorite “Gaussian Blur”.

    The robe became less clear, but the shade evened out somewhat.

    As I already said, this method works best if there are contrasts, so I’ll be satisfied with this, and I’ll tell you about the last tool for today.

    A quick tool for complex cases and dramatic changes

    I like the Color Replacement brush better than other tools for a similar task. You can find out about it in the article « » , in which I turn the most ordinary girl into a red-haired Smurf woman with blue skin.

    Finding a brush is not difficult; to do this, you need to right-click on a regular brush. Will open additional menu, in which you can select the desired tool.

    I choose a color. Everything is as usual. Window on the right. In this case, black, and then I paint over part of the girl’s hair. Please note that all shades are preserved.

    You can put green.

    To change the brush size, use the keys.

    I can also offer a training video on this topic.

    Well, if you want to understand the program more professionally and understand exactly how this or that function works in the Photoshop program, then I offer a very useful course “ Photoshop for beginners in video format ».

    Maximum useful information about tools. That's basically all. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter to stay up to date with the latest, useful and simple information.

    See you again and good luck.

    Welcome! In this article, we will show you how to change the color of a selected object in photos in Photoshop. You've probably visited the websites of car dealerships, where all the color options of cars are presented, and by clicking, you can see them all, or clothing stores, where you can also see all the color options presented. Naturally, you can photograph the product in all colors, but this is not always possible, and you need to show the entire assortment. Repaint with a brush complex objects it won't work, because this method does not allow you to convey, for example, the texture of clothing or all the glare on a car body. Well, stop pouring water, let's get started!

    Changing colors on contrasting objects

    1. First, we need to copy the image layer just in case, so as not to spoil it and accidentally save it. To do this, click on the photo layer and press the keyboard shortcut ctrl+ j. This is the layer we will work with:
    2. Now we need to create an adjustment layer. To do this, click on the “Create a new adjustment layer” button, which you will find at the bottom of the layers panel, and in the list that appears, select “Hue/Saturation...”.
    3. This is the layer with the mask that should appear:
    4. Now we need to change the color in the properties of the created adjustment layer:
      Please note that we are editing the red color in the photo, and select it accordingly. If you have a different color, then you need to choose that one. If the color you need is not on the list, then you should look for a solution in the following methods.
    5. Activate the Eyedropper tool in the properties of the adjustment layer and use it to take a color sample from the area of ​​the photo that you are editing:
    6. The next step is to select the required color using the “Color Tone” slider in the properties of the adjustment layer. You can also edit the saturation and brightness to give the desired result:
      Don't be alarmed if the entire photo begins to change color - this is normal. Then we will do everything right!
    7. Once you have found the desired shade, you need to fill the adjustment layer mask with black. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl+ i, but before that, be sure to activate the layer mask by clicking on it:
      After you fill the mask with black, the photo will return to its original form. By the way, if you want to know what masks are and how to use them, then read the article Working with masks in Photoshop.
    8. Now select the area to which we are changing the color. Selections can be made with a pen P or with a magic wand W, if the edges are clear. If the edges are not quite clear, then it will be easier and faster to use a quick selection:
      This is how we selected the editable area:
    9. Now take the brush B, select white and paint the mask in the edited area with white. The required color will appear:
    10. Deselecting Ctrl+ D and look at the result. If you see that there are areas of the photo that could not be properly selected and could not be changed, then do not be upset, since we worked with a mask and everything is easy to edit. To do this you need to take the brush without selection. B with white color and carefully work on them, changing the size of the brush and its hardness. In the end, the result should please you:
      Tip: After you have changed the color, you can change the adjustment color settings in order to change the color to the desired one, without having to do all the manipulations again.

    Change the colors of the object to any others

    Good day everyone! Today we will learn how to change the color of an object. Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the color of clothing in a photo to highlight some details. This very useful skill will be very useful to you, since replacing colors on an object allows you to refresh your work and give it originality. It's simple, and today's episode will contain different examples.

    If you suddenly decide to tune your car in real life, and don’t know what color is best to choose, then you can try Photoshop here for starters. Repainting for real is expensive, but on a computer it’s just the thing. You can see the result and make the right decision.

    There are several ways to change the color of an object. We will consider them. The first way is to use the built-in color change function, or color replacement. Let's get to know him first. As usual, load the image and duplicate the layer. Next, open in the top menu “Image” - “Correction” - “Replace Color”.

    A window will open in front of us in which we need to select the color to be replaced and the color that will replace it.

    Let's start by checking the box in the first line (if not checked) for localized color sets. These are the standard colors available in the program. Next, choose the color that we are changing, for example, the red color of the insect. Click on the pipette (the first of three icons) and press the pipette on the insect’s body in the square window below.

    At the same time, the shade to be replaced will appear in the window with the name of the color. Please note that the next line is “scatter. You can set it to "maximum". The higher this setting is, the more colors it will capture. At the bottom of the window, options for replacing colors are shown.

    You can use the slider, moving it from right to left, choosing a color, or you can immediately click on the colored square and in the color selection window that appears, set the desired one, for example, blue. Next, use the sliders to adjust the saturation of this color and brightness. Having done all this, click OK and get the result:

    The ladybug turned from red to blue. The second color change option is slightly similar to the first, but the operations are carried out differently. Name this procedure can be selected by color. Earlier we talked about car tuning, so let’s take a car as an example. Load the image and go again to the top menu “Selection” - “Color Range”.

    A window will open in front of us, slightly similar to the previous one. We also set the spread to the maximum, and use the “Pipette” to click on the red color of the car. It turned white in the viewing window.

    Having completed all the necessary operations, click OK and, as a result, we get a picture of a car in which the red color is highlighted with a dashed flickering line. We have ensured that only the necessary areas of the drawing a certain color we stood out. And we did not resort to classic selection tools like Lasso and others.

    Now go to “Image” - “Correction” - “Hue/Saturation”.

    The settings window will open. In the “Toning” line, put a tick. Next, use the slider to select the desired color tone. In my version - green. We adjust the brightness and saturation as you like.

    When you have reached the desired option, click OK. After that, remove the selection and get the result. The car went from red to green. If this color does not suit you, we do the same thing step by step, but choose a different color.

    These are such simple operations, and the results are impressive. Fast and accurate. You've just gotten an idea of ​​computer color matching. If still computer code know about car paint - you can try to select real colors.

    Change the color of the object to white

    In this example, we repaint the object white. Let's take the same red car as an example and repaint it white. First, let's go to layers - new adjustment layer - black and white.

    As a result, a new layer will appear and its adjustment window will open.

    Here we move the sliders, especially the top red one, since the car was red, until we get the desired result.

    How to change the color of an object using a sample in Photoshop?

    You can also change the color of an object by creating a template or sample of the desired color. We create a new window in the program, in which we paint the background in the desired color, for example blue.

    Next we move on to the picture that needs to be recolored. Here we select selection - color range. Now use the eyedropper to click on the color to change. Use the eyedropper with the + sign to add selection points and click OK. If, as a result, not only the desired object is selected, but also neighboring areas, do it as follows.

    Select the lasso tool, and from the top menu use the add to selected area and subtract from selected area buttons.

    Using the lasso tool, outline the unnecessary areas (with the subtract from selected area button activated). As a result, unnecessary areas will be removed.

    Having thus performed the necessary manipulations, we will obtain the desired selection, namely a clearly red car.

    Go to image – correction – select color.

    A window will open in front of us.

    Here you first need to open the source drop-down menu and select the picture with the created blue color. She will appear in the window nearby.

    At the same time, the color of the car will change. Now, moving the Luminosity, Color Intensity and Attenuate sliders, we find the right option colors

    After it works desired result Click OK and remove the selection. The picture has changed color. Well, for clarity, here’s a short video in which the sky above a girl’s head on the beach is repainted using the Eyedropper and Gradient tools.

    Replace the color of an object using the Eyedropper tool

    Above we talked about how to change the color according to the sample. In the described version, a created Photoshop document template was used. However, you can select the color to change in the edited picture itself. To do this, there is an eyedropper tool, which is located on the toolbar (sixth from the top).

    If you need to create a color scheme that will be the same as that of the image, then the eyedropper is just designed for this. Having selected the eyedropper, you need to click on the desired color and it will immediately appear in the primary color selection square. If you do not click the mouse button, but hold it down, you will see that a sample ring has formed around the pipette.

    If you move the cursor with the eyedropper over the picture, you will see how the color on the ring changes. Upper part shows the selected color, and the bottom one is the one that was originally. So, these are actions with the eyedropper tool. Now how to use it to change the color of an object. To do this, you will need to perform a number of operations. The first is to select that part of the picture whose color needs to be changed. For example, in a photo with a red car, you need to repaint the side mirror in one of color schemes the whole picture. For example, let's take the black color of the bumper.

    Choosing a tool quick selection or any other that is more convenient for you and select the area. Since the object in the example is not complex, I used a magnetic lasso.

    Now select the eyedropper tool, click on the black color of the bumper and see that the desired one has appeared in the primary color square.

    The result, of course, is not the same as in the options described earlier, but if you work on correcting the resulting image, you can achieve more realistic results.

    Good luck in mastering the program!