• How to set the time on a Windows 7 laptop. How to set the time and date on a computer: methods and instructions

    Windows clock, located in the lower right corner of the screen on the taskbar next to the “ ” button, language bar, other elements and open by clicking on them with the left button. In order for the system clock to show accurately, it is necessary.

    Synchronization occurs with the Internet server and your PC's time is automatically updated. By default, updates occur every 7 days while the Internet is connected. In the article we will look at how to enable synchronization, how to speed up time updating with the server, and what program you can use.

    How to enable and configure time synchronization on Windows 7, 8

    Note: Internet time synchronization is enabled by default in Windows.

    To get started, you will need to select small or large icons in the viewing area. Next in the list, click “date and time”.

    This will open the date and time options. You can also call them by left-clicking in the date and time display area and select the corresponding link (shown in the screenshot).

    In the window, go to the “Internet time” section; here you will find information about the current synchronization with the name of the server (if it is enabled). By default, Internet synchronization is performed with a Microsoft server called time.windows.com. To change settings, click “change settings” and “yes” (if User Account Control is enabled).

    In the Internet time settings, the option “ synchronize with time server" Select one of the pre-installed servers or define your own (the list of servers can be found here http://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/kb/262680). Next, click “update now” to synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet. If synchronization is successful, you will see a notification in the same window.

    To synchronize time via the Internet, you can use various utilities such as:

    1. Atomic Clock Sync
    2. NetTime
    3. SP TimeSync
    4. Other

    All aspects of synchronization are configured through the programs, and the update request interval is reduced. Standard methods You can also synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet faster and more often, read on to find out how to do this.

    How to reduce the time update interval from the Internet

    There may be a situation where the time is constantly lost due to problems with the system clock, even if you have time synchronization enabled on your computer. The solution to the problem is editing NTP client to speed up the update period. Depending on the OS version you will need:

    In the registry, go to the NtpClient section (the full path is shown in the picture below). On the right side of the editor, double-click the SpecialPollInterval parameter. Next, in the number system area, select "decimal" and the value field will contain the number 604800, which represents 7 days in seconds.

    For example, if you want to synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet every day, then enter the value 86400, which is calculated using the formula 60 seconds * 60 minutes * 24 hours * 1 day. Set your number of seconds and click OK.

    Note: Do not set the value less than 14400 seconds (4 hours), otherwise your computer's IP address may be blocked by the time server.

    You can also speed up syncing manually, but getting to the "update now" button is a lot of steps. IN in this case you can use cmd. To do this, you need to , 8 as administrator, and then enter the command below and press enter.

    Note: the command will work if time synchronization via the Internet is enabled.

    To speed up the process further, copy the synchronization command into it. Next, place the file on your desktop or pin it to the taskbar and run it as administrator.

    Preventing problems during synchronization

    Install exact time It is not always possible to synchronize with the Internet. You may encounter the following problems and solutions:

    1. Make sure that the time zone, date and time are manually set correctly on your computer, otherwise you will have trouble trying to synchronize your computer clock with an Internet time server.
    2. Windows gets its initial time from the BIOS, so make sure the time and date are set correctly in the CMOS BIOS.
    3. Check the CMOS battery for motherboard. If it is weak, then your clock may run slower, losing or resetting time. If so, then you simply need to replace the CMOS battery.
    4. If your computer does not keep accurate time even after enabling synchronization and changing time servers, read above about changing the update interval.

    As you can see, synchronize time on your computer with the Internet in Windows 7, 8 for accurate display is not difficult. Everything can be done using standard Windows steps. The programs will only reduce the cost of your time, for example, they will reduce the synchronization time in two clicks.

    Setting the date and time in operating system Android is a simple thing, but in some cases the user may have difficulties with it. They can be associated both with ignorance of certain things, and with failures of the operating system itself.

    How to Set Date and Time on Android

    The correct date and time not only help the user to be more punctual - few people would want to miss the bus because the time was set incorrectly - they are also important for the operation of some applications, which, if the data is incorrect, can begin to crash and work with errors. Therefore, it is strictly recommended to set the correct date and time on the device.

    The process of setting the date and time in different Android versions is approximately the same: except that in new devices the system asks you to configure the data immediately, even before you start using the applications. In addition, the names of menu items responsible for time and date may differ slightly from each other depending on the different versions OS.

    After these simple manipulations, the date and time should change.

    Video: setting time and date

    If problems arise

    It happens that when setting the date and time, errors occur: changes are not applied, the newly set time and date are reset, or even thrown out of “Settings” with an error. There can be many reasons, but the most common ones are:

    • you have auto-time synchronization enabled, and therefore attempts manual change lead to nothing. To disable auto-sync, you need to uncheck “Use network date and time” in the date and time settings;
    • the problem is related to a single system failure and should stop after a factory reset or reboot;
    • defect in the device firmware - in this case, if you are not experienced user, it would be best to contact a specialist in service center, since when you try to reflash the device yourself, there is a high risk of damaging it;
    • there was a conflict between the time zones of the phone and the SIM card (most often this happens with the Tele2 operator).

    To fix the time zone and SIM card conflict issue, follow these steps:

    Auto date and time synchronization

    If you do not want to set the time and date manually, you can use the built-in Android function automatic synchronization time with the network. Or, if maximum accuracy is important, its improved version, the implementation of which will require root rights.

    Normal auto-sync

    To synchronize the date and time with network data, you need to tick just one item located in the “Date and Time” settings menu. It is usually called “Use network date and time,” but the options “Automatic date and time,” “Synchronize with network,” and other similar options are also possible.

    After checking the box next to this item, the date and time on the phone or tablet are synchronized with the network data and will henceforth be determined automatically. While this feature is enabled, manual setting date and time is not possible.

    When the “Use network date and time” checkbox is checked, the system itself checks the date and time with the network

    "Smart" synchronization

    Standard synchronization is not very accurate and works with an error of an average of 500 milliseconds (that's about half a second). This is due to the fact that when it was created, old and rather slow data transfer protocols were used. As a result, information about the current time simply does not have time to arrive on time and is slightly delayed. This leads to an error that is corrected by numerous applications for “advanced” time synchronization.

    For normal operation applications need to intervene Android settings, but by default they do not have this right. Therefore, in order to carry out smart synchronization, you need to have superuser rights, or root rights, on your device. However, those applications that are the most advanced, with a sin in half, but do without them.

    The algorithm for obtaining root access is unique for each phone model, which at the moment hundreds. Doesn't exist general method, which would allow you to obtain superuser rights on any device: even the most popular apps for “hacking” root rights work with a limited set of models, and is it suitable? specific application you don't know. To get root access to specific device need to familiarize yourself with technical documentation by rooting it on a specialized resource.

    There are several smart sync apps, and they are all similar to each other. Let's look at working with them using the ClockSync application as an example.

    ClockSync can be downloaded from official page V Google Play. However, this application is one of the most resource-intensive and multifunctional: for example, it allows you to change the server with which the time is checked. If you are not such an advanced user, then you can use some simpler analogue: for example, Smart Time Sync.

    Setting the time zone

    You can change the time zone defined on the device in the same settings item, “Date and time”. The “Time Zone” line allows you to change the default zone.

    The time zone, just like the date and time, has an auto-synchronization option. You can turn it on if you're unsure about your own time zones, but this setting can sometimes glitch in older versions of Android, so it's recommended to set it manually there.

    To synchronize the time zone with the network, you need to enable the "Use network time zone" option

    You can find out which time zone is used in your region using the media at your place of residence, including the Internet. Moscow zone - GMT+3, in St. Petersburg and middle lane Russia also mainly uses it. In general, time zones from +3 to +12 are used in Russia.

    To select a time zone, you need to click on the “Time Zone” button and select from a huge list the one that is used in your region. After this, the time will be set in accordance with the selected zone.

    To select a time zone, simply find the one you need in the list and click on it

    Time zone gets confused

    The time zone can go wrong in several cases: either auto-synchronization is not working correctly (in this case, you need to enable manual zone selection), or the wrong region is set in the settings of your phone or tablet.

    In addition, the cause of the failure may be an error in the databases. In this case, only one of the applications for “smart” synchronization, which has already been mentioned, will help; the servers they use usually detect the time zone without error. However, root access is required to use such applications. In the settings of such applications there is an “Auto-sync” item, which can only be turned on with root. If automatic time zone synchronization is enabled, the application will also determine the time zone automatically - and do so more accurately than the system menu.

    In the main settings menu of ClockSync and similar applications there is a button “Auto-sync time zone”

    Video: “fixing” the time zone through the application

    Setting the time and date on Android is simple - if the phone does not require maximum correctness of the result. If you want your watch to be extremely accurate, you will have to try. In any case, correctly determining the time is a valuable feature of the phone, which is extremely important for its normal operation.

    Problems with the clock on your computer may be caused by problems with the hardware or software or incorrect work drivers.

    Below are possible errors, their symptoms and ways to eliminate them.


    Troubleshooting problems with the clock on your computer may require restarting your computer or monitoring your clock for reoccurrences. HP recommends that you print this document for future reference.

    The clock settings on the computer are reset

    If the Windows time does not match the current time or you frequently need to reset the time, follow these steps.

    Step 1: Turn Internet Time Settings On or Off

    For some computers, it is possible to configure the clock on the computer to synchronize with an Internet time server when the computer connects to the Internet. Synchronizing your computer clock with Internet time is generally recommended as the most exact method maintaining the current time value. In some cases, connecting to an Internet time server can result in the clock on the computer not showing right time.

    To ensure that the correct time zone is selected and to change Internet time settings, follow these steps.

    Step 2: Update BIOS

    If a BIOS update is available for your computer, applying it may resolve problems incorrect display time on your computer clock. Instructions for searching and BIOS update see in document technical support HP BIOS Update Update BIOS for laptops.

    After updating the BIOS, watch the clock to see if the problem persists. If the clock shows the correct time, the problem is solved. Otherwise, proceed to Step 3: Uninstalling and resetting the real time clock to resolve the issue.

    Step 3: Uninstall and reinstall the Real Time Clock in Windows 8

    If your computer clock is showing the wrong time, try removing and resetting the real time clock after setting the system to safe mode. To do this, follow these steps:


    Do not attempt to reset the real time clock in normal mode downloads. This may cause the system to crash.

    Error code: Time and date not set

    Desktop clocks are battery-powered, similar to battery-powered wristwatches. This internal battery is called a CMOS battery or real-time clock battery. This battery keeps the time up to date when the computer is turned off. As in wristwatch, the battery must be replaced if the charge level drops to low.

    If you see an error message when you start your computer Time and date not set, the CMOS or Real Time Clock battery may need to be replaced. The following links and directions will help you find information on how to replace the CMOS or Real Time Clock on your computer, depending on its type.

      For desktop computers(tower) go to Removing and Replacing the CMOS Battery and follow the instructions there to replace the CMOS battery.

    • For HP TouchSmart PCs, All-in-One PCs (AiOs), and notebooks, follow these steps.

        Enter the name of the computer series in the search field at the top of the pages and real time timer in the search field and press enter.

        For example, enter HP Envy 15-3000 real time timer to find documents describing problems with the real time clock for HP Envy 15-3000 series computers.


        Do not attempt to replace the battery unless you can find a document that describes how to replace the CMOS or Real Time Clock battery on your type of computer. To resolve the problem, contact an authorized service center.

      1. To replace the CMOS battery or real time clock, follow the instructions in the document.

    System clock shows incorrect time after resuming from hibernation mode

    After resuming from hibernation mode, on some computers the system clock may stop or reset. To resolve the issue, try the following: For instructions on finding and updating the BIOS, see the HP support document Updating the Desktop BIOS or Updating the Notebook BIOS.

    Time in an era information technology has acquired special significance for modern man. Each of us looks at our watches at least several times a day. Many people regularly synchronize their time reporting devices through various sources, including the Internet. Accurate time sometimes plays a decisive role in matters where not even minutes, but seconds are important. For example, trading on stock exchanges can result in ruin for a player whose watch shows the wrong time. Let's try to set up ours electronic watch on your computer and synchronize the exact time via the Internet.

    Time synchronization technology

    First, I’ll tell you a little about the technology used to obtain accurate time from Internet sources. The entire time synchronization process is carried out through a special network protocol called NTP (Network Time Protocol). This protocol is a vault different rules And mathematical algorithms, thanks to which the time on your computer is precisely adjusted with a difference of a few hundredths of one second. There is also a protocol for systems that do not require such precise synchronization, called SNTP. The difference between the source and the receiving device can be up to 1 second.

    The technology for transmitting precise time parameters is a multilayer structure, where each underlying layer electronic devices synchronizes with the one above it. The lower the technological layer, the less accurate the time obtained from it will be. But this is in theory, in practice everything depends on many parameters involved in the synchronization system and more accurate time can be obtained, for example, from the fourth layer of devices than from the third.

    At the zero level of this transmission chain there are always time reporting devices, roughly speaking, clocks. These clocks are molecular, atomic or quantum time-keeping devices and are called reference clocks. Such devices do not transmit time settings directly to the Internet; they are usually connected to the primary computer via high speed interface with minimal delays. It is these computers that make up the first layer in the technological chain. On the second layer there will be machines that receive time from the first layer of devices through network connection, most often via the Internet. All subsequent levels will receive information about the exact time according to the same network protocols from the overlying layers.

    Time synchronization in Windows

    Let's try to synchronize time using systems Windows XP, Windows 2003 . To do this, click on the clock that is located in your tray (usually in the lower right corner of the screen) to bring up the date and time settings. In this case, be sure to check the settings “ time zone”, which are located there and adjust them if necessary.

    For Windows Vista, Windows 7 You can also just click on the clock at the bottom of the screen and go to the settings through the special link “Changing date and time settings”

    Then go to the “Internet Time” tab and click the “Change Settings” button.

    An Internet time settings window will appear, similar to the same window from Windows XP, 2003.

    In this window there is an option to automatically reconcile hours via the Internet, which is available opposite the inscription “ Synchronize with an Internet time server" If you enable it by checking the box, then periodically the time of your computer will be updated via the Internet server by the operating system itself.

    Next, opposite the option “ Server:“The user can choose from a list of addresses from which synchronization will be carried out. Try selecting one of them and clicking the “ Update now" If through certain time a synchronization error message will appear below the list, manually enter one of the server addresses below and check the connection to it.


    Below is a video that will show the process of setting the system clock in Windows 7 and synchronizing it.

    Changing the automatic time synchronization period in Windows

    By default, the Windows operating system accesses synchronization servers only once a week. Provided that the user has set automatic check time, of course. For some, this period may seem quite long or may be quite frequent than would be desirable. Fortunately, the system allows you to change this parameter through the registry settings.

    Open the window Execute” through the menu “ Start" IN command line dial regedit and start with the “ OK" You need to get to the next section one by one

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SYSTEM - CurrentControlSet - Services - W32Time - TimeProviders - NtpClient

    and select the option in the window on the left SpecialPollInterval. The value is given here 604800 , if we translate it into decimal system calculus. This number of seconds is equal to one week. Here you can enter another value that you need, converting it into seconds.

    In addition to the clock running on your computer, there are probably other sources of time that you have to periodically check so as not to get out of the general work schedule or schedule. Clocks can be wall, table, or wrist, and the accuracy of the time shown by them does not always correspond to reality. Meanwhile, trying to synchronize the time of these devices manually, many turn to television sources. However, such means can transmit signals with significant delays, so it is impossible to guarantee accurate time to at least a minute from these sources.

    Fortunately, in global network There are many time display services that can help you set your watch to the exact time, down to one second. Of course, the Internet is not blameless in terms of time delays in the transmission of information, but such delays with good communication usually do not amount to more than one second.

    Multifunctional service for displaying exact time. In addition to its main purpose, it allows you to check the clocks of different time zones, find out calendar information for the current day, and fine tuning format for displaying time on the screen via the site and display style, display the current year calendar, find out the time in any city globe and much more. Perhaps one of the most useful and versatile time services I have ever worked with.

    A beautiful image of a dial with moving hands will delight fans of stylish virtual design. In addition to information about the exact time, here you can find data on the time of sunrise and sunset in your region, as well as a link to the weather forecast for the specified city.

    There is practically nothing superfluous on the screen, only basic information about the exact time, plus the ability to compare it with the clock of your system. However, there is a small menu with additional functions, such as the remaining time until the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar, a stopwatch, a date converter and a time zone map.

    You also have access to other web resources that may help you resolve your issues.

    In this article we will talk about how to set the time and date on a computer.

    Setting the time on Windows 7

    Of course, this article will seem very strange to some people, because how can you not know the basics. But alas, not everyone has learned how to use a computer, and even such little things can seem complicated.

    First you need to find an indicator of that very time. It is always located in the lower right corner of the monitor, on the bottom panel. Selecting it from other icons is as easy as shelling pears - the time is always indicated there and Now you need to click on the indicator with the left mouse button. As soon as you do this, a small window with a calendar and clock will open in front of you.

    However, this is just the beginning of the journey. In the window that opens, you cannot do anything, just find out the number of days in the month and the day of the week. In order to start setting up, you need to click “Change date and time settings”.

    Now you see a completely different window. As you can see, it has three tabs, but you only need one - “Date and Time”. Usually it opens right away on its own. As you can see, there is a button “Change date and time”.

    Important:in order to set the date and time on a computer with an operating system Windows system, you must have administrator rights. Otherwise, these manipulations will lead to nothing.

    So, after you click the button, a window similar to the very first one will appear in front of you, only now all the values ​​​​on it can be changed. On the left is the calendar. To change the date on your computer, simply click on the number you need. You can change the month at the top of the calendar using the arrows. To change the time, simply enter the required value in the field below the clock. Once all actions are completed, click “OK”, the settings will be saved automatically.

    Now you know how to set the date and time on your computer in Windows 7. Now It's worth considering other operating systems.

    Setting the time on Linux

    So, almost everyone knows Windows, but with Linux Few people are familiar with it, and some are hearing about this operating system for the first time. However, its fans are not so small, and therefore it would be ridiculous to omit information on how to set the time and date on a Linux computer.

    In fact, setting the time on the two operating systems is almost the same. And this time you also need to click on the time indicator, only on different Linux distributions this indicator is positioned differently. For example, in Ubuntu it is at the top right, but in Linux Mint it's in the lower right corner. As soon as you find it, immediately press LMB.

    Just like in Windows, a window with a calendar will appear in front of you. We won’t dwell on it for a long time, so click “Setting the date and time.”

    Now a large window has opened in front of you with a map of all continents and a large number sliders and drop-down lists, but don't be afraid, it's easy to work with.

    Unlike Windows, on Linux you can change the time and date in two ways. The first involves changing the time zone. In the upper left part of the window you can just see a picture with all the earth and belts. Below it there are two drop-down lists: region and city. Select the desired values, the time on the computer will be set in accordance with them.

    If after this the time is set incorrectly, then you should move on to a more flexible setting. To the right of the picture you can see the “Unblock” button - click it. You will be asked for a password. After entering it, you will be able to change the values. However, first, uncheck the “Network time” line. Now, using interface elements, change all time and date values ​​as you wish.

    Setting via BIOS

    There is another way to set the time and date on a computer, but it is more suitable for an advanced user. However, it is worth mentioning.

    First of all, you need to get into the BIOS. Once you have done this, look in the first tab for an inscription similar to Standard CMOS Feature. When you enter it, you will see many different inscriptions, but they are not of interest to us. Look for the Time line or, if the time is already visible on the screen, change it. Here is a simple way to bypass entering a password on Linux and administrator rights on Windows. Even though you know how to set the time and date on a computer running these operating systems, something may go wrong.

    Reasons for resetting settings

    Know that if your PC time keeps resetting, there is an 80% chance that the reason is the battery on the motherboard. You just need to replace it, and everything will go away. These batteries are sold in almost any office supply store, but, of course, it would be better if you go to a computer store.

    The second option is also related to the battery, but this time it does not run out, but oxidizes. In this case, it also needs to be replaced, just clean the contacts before installing a new battery.


    To sum up, we can clearlyOI would like to say that it is very simple. Most people can do this intuitively, without outside help. However, sometimes difficulties are possible. Now you know how to set the date and time on your computer.