• How to change your email password. How to change your mail password: simple truths

    Changing your mailbox password from mail.ru takes only a couple of minutes. Although no, I’m lying, you can sit for half an hour and come up with very complex password. And this is understandable, because no one wants their email to be hacked.

    I’ve been using an Internet mailbox for a very long time, but I ran into a question how to change password in email just a couple of months ago. And you know what - it's not so easy if you don't know which buttons to press. Today I offer you a short instruction on how to change your email password. After all, it is used by thousands of people who, perhaps, like me, are interested in this issue.

    First of all, go to your mail. But then you can get confused, because we don’t change passwords every day. In fact, you only need to do it once to remember everything. I will show everything clearly and, together with you, I will change the password in my mailbox. Watch carefully and remember. As mentioned above, there is nothing complicated here. For those who have several mailboxes, I recommend storing passwords in separate file. Sometimes, it is required separately for certain purposes.

    How to change the password in email from mail.ru...

    And so you have already entered into your mailbox. So you see this picture before your eyes. Next, click on the “More” button and in the window that appears, click on the “Settings” button.

    It will open in a couple of seconds new page. Here you can customize your mailbox to your heart's content. Set various filters for messages, specify a phone number, edit personal data and even create additional folders for messages that will have a separate password. But in in this case we need to select the menu item that is responsible for changing the password. So click on “Password and Security”.

    In this section, you can not only change your email password, but also strengthen the security of your email. You can, for example, add a phone number so that you can restore it later forgotten password. Also, if desired, there is a function for logging into mail after confirmation via SMS. As well as other settings that may also interest you. If you just want to change Old Password and you don’t care about all the bells and whistles, then just click on the “Change Password” button.

    A new window will immediately appear in front of you, asking you to enter the required data. Here write the password you have now, and then you need to enter a new one twice. But remember, you will not be able to specify something simple, for example a couple of numbers, as a new password. Since the site will not accept too easy password. We'll have to think carefully. And then we simply indicate the code from the image at the very bottom and click “Change”.

    If everything is done correctly - in the right top corner A green window will appear with the words “Password changed.” Next, you can try logging into your mail using a new password.

    I hope this simple instructions helped you. If anyone still has questions, ask them in the comments to this article. I will definitely answer everyone. Change passwords and customize your mailbox as you see fit.


    To change the password on the mail.ru portal, go to the main page of the service and on the left side of the page, where immediately below the resource logo there is the inscription “Mail”, enter your login (email address) in the appropriate line. Then click the link “Forgot your password?” and go to the new page dedicated to recovery account.

    To start here, you will need to enter your email address again, making sure to select the correct domain. There are several of them on mail.ru: bk.ru, inbox.ru, list.ru, mail.ru. After this, click the “Restore” button and proceed to the next step.

    To continue the password recovery procedure, on the next page that opens you will need to enter the characters from the picture in a special field. After this, an SMS message with a code will be sent to the phone number whose number was specified during registration of the email account. You will need to enter it later to continue the recovery procedure. Enter a combination of letters and numbers in the appropriate field, then click the button labeled “Receive code via SMS.” If you can't make out what exactly is written in the picture, click the "I don't see the code" link and the picture will update. And you can try dialing again.

    Within a few seconds, an SMS with an alphanumeric code will be sent to the phone number whose number was entered earlier on the password recovery page. It will need to be specified in a special window already new page. And only after that you should click the “Finish” button.

    The last step in restoring access to your email is to change your password. The new combination of characters that you are going to use in the future to enter your mailbox will have to be written at the next stage, where a new page with two lines will open. Specify New Password in the top column, then repeat it in the bottom. Then click the “Login to Mail” button.

    For convenience, it is recommended to write and save the password in a new text document. In this case, you will not need to constantly indicate it when entering your mail; it will be enough to copy the password from the file and paste it in a special column on the main page of the service.

    If you remember your password, but just in case you decide to change it, you can use the method described above or use the second option for this purpose. To do this, you will need to go to your email and top panel tools, find the “More” button, click it and select “Settings” in the drop-down window. After this, you will be taken to a new page where you will need to find the “Password and Security” section. These links are located both in the center of the page and on the left side. Click this button and in the window that opens, find the button labeled “Change password.” Click the link and in the new window, in the appropriate lines, indicate the current password and the new one, which will need to be repeated again in the bottom line. Enter the characters from the picture in the special field and click the “Change” button. After completing this step, you will need to enter a new password to log into your mail.

    The security of any system directly depends on the person. Installing on certain services simple passwords, users in most cases lose access to accounts, as many hackers use brute force to obtain account passwords. The more complex the login + password combination, the longer it will take hackers to crack. If the password has a complex structure, then crack it in the usual ways It becomes simply impossible.

    Most often, electronic mailboxes are hacked, since e-mail is used in most services as a means of confirming registration. When you gain access to email The hacker has a chance to recover passwords for all accounts that have a hacked e-mail set as their mailbox. In this regard, it is recommended to regularly change your email passwords. But how to change your password in Mail?

    Mail.RU is a popular postal service in Russia that began operating in the last century. The company itself recommends changing passwords at least once every six months. If you notice “extraneous” activity on your mailbox, change your password immediately. This way you will protect your mail from unauthorized access.

    Instructions for changing your password on Mail.RU

    So, to change the pass to postal service Maila, go to the website http://mail.ru and log in by entering your username and password:

    The service will automatically redirect you to the page with incoming emails. In the upper right corner next to the name of the mailbox, click on the “Settings” button.

    A page with settings sections will open. In order to change your password, you will need to go to the “Password and Security” section.

    On the new page, immediately below the “Password and Security” caption, there is a “Change Password” button. We follow it to change the pass to your mailbox.

    A small window will open where you will need to enter the new password twice, as well as the current password for the mailbox. To confirm the change of registration, enter the code from the picture and click “Change”.

    Congratulations, your mailbox password has been successfully changed!

    Password recovery after hacking

    But how can you change your password in Mail if your mailbox has been hacked? Changing the password using the above method will not work, since in most cases after email hacking the user loses access to the mailbox. To regain access to the mailbox, you will need to reset your password. To restore your pass, go to the main page of the service and click on the link “Forgot your password?” or open the following address in the browser: https://e.mail.ru/password/restore/. In the window that opens, enter your mailbox and click “Recover.”

    Mail.Ru provides two ways to recover your password: using a phone number or an additional mailbox. Select the linked phone number and click “Receive code via SMS”.

    On the phone will come SMS with an 8-digit code from the number 7761. Enter the received code into the appropriate window and click “Done”.

    Now all that remains is to enter the new password twice and click on the “Login to mail” button.

    After successful password recovery, your phone will receive another SMS from Mail.RU with the text “The password has been changed in the …@mail.ru mailbox.”

    Be sure to include your phone number with your mailbox, as recovering a lost or stolen password through it is much easier and safer.

    Hello everyone! Today I will tell you how to change your mail password if you have any problems with this. Basically, they recover their email password when they lose or forget their password, or perhaps their email was simply hacked. Therefore, I advise you to quickly read this article and unsubscribe in the comments) Shall we begin?

    So, open your browser and address bar enter http://mail.ru. opened before you home page Mayla. Find the line “Name” in the window and enter your email address(Login). In the “Password” line, enter your password and click “Login”.

    Your mailbox opened in front of you. Find the “More” tab and click on it once with the left mouse button. Now it's open additional menu, where you need to select “Settings".

    Now let's get straight to it how to change password in mail. In the settings section that appears, you can change your mailbox password. On the left side, find the “Password” link and follow it.

    A window has opened in front of you, where you can change your password. To begin, enter your previous password, then enter a new one and enter it again in the bottom line. If you don’t know, you can read the article. So, in the line “Current password" indicate your current password, with which you access your mail.

    Then in the “ New password" line, create a new password using numbers, symbols and letters of the English alphabet ( uppercase and lowercase). I advise you to immediately write it down in a notepad. If you forget it, there will be somewhere to look. Now in the line “ Repeat new password» Enter your new password again.

    Finally, enter the code from the picture to confirm to the system that you are a Human and not a Robot and click “Save”. Now your old password has been replaced with a new one and access to mail will be provided only when you enter the new password.

    At the end of this article, as always, I invite you to read very powerful articles, such as when you can’t call your master.

      To change the password in your mailbox on Mail.ru, you need to open a website window, enter your mailbox, then click Settings>Password. Next, fill out the form. Enter the old and new passwords, repeat the new one, enter the code in the picture, click Continue. Then enter your username and new password to enter your mailbox.

      I once asked myself this question because I started seeing a lot of complaints on the Internet that mail was often opened. So I thought about setting a more complex password. To do this, go to your mailbox, click on Settings, which is located at the top right and click on Password. Well, then we fill out the proposed form and as a result we have a new password.

      Changing your password on mail.ru is not difficult, go to your email, click on the settings link, after which a page with all the settings will open, click on the password tab, then fill in all the fields, this is the current password, new password, repeat new password ( accordingly, they must match), then click the save button. That's it, the password on mail.ru has been changed.

      In order to change the password on mail.ru, you need to go to your mailbox and click Settings in the upper right corner. Then select Password and Security and then click Change Password. Change your password more often to avoid hacking.

      Changing the password in a mailbox like mail.ru will not cause any difficulties and will take very little time. Just go to your mail settings, where you select the tab called Password and Security and here you can enter your old password, change it and enter a new one.

      Yes, go to Settings and at the top there will be an inscription Password, go there and change the password.

      In order to change the password in your mail.ru mailbox, you need to go to settings, then go to the Password and Security tab, then after you enter the old password you will have the opportunity to change it to a new one.

      I will describe step by step how to change the password. It's not difficult. First, go to the More menu and select Settings. Everything can be seen in the picture below.

      Select the Password item.

      Fill in the passwords in the empty cells provided. First we write the old password, then we write the new one twice and enter the secret verification code.

      In order to change password from yours mail.ru mailbox, necessary:

      1) On the page where all your letters are displayed, in the main menu select the item:

      More -> Settings.

      2) On the settings page you can see the most various types mail settings, but we are primarily interested in the item:

      Password and security.

      3) The button to change the password is at the very beginning. You need to click on not and a window for changing your mailbox password will open.

      4) To change the password, you need to specify the old password, the new password, and also enter the security code.

      5) After this you need to click on the button Change. If you entered the old password correctly and also entered the new one correctly, then the new password information will be saved.

      Changing your password on mail.ru is not particularly difficult and in fact it is very simple and quick to do. Go to your mailbox and in the settings choose to change your password. Next, you need to enter a new password, repeat it, enter the captcha and click the save button.

      After that, enter your username with a new password and log in to the updated account.

      It's quite simple, unless, of course, you forgot your old password..!

      Log in to your mail.ru account by entering your current password.

      Go to SETTINGS - PASSWORD - enter the old one - change to a new one.

      It’s more difficult if you don’t remember your old password..(in this case, in my opinion, only through the Support Service, but I don’t know of such practice.