• How to write in gray letters on Instagram. How to make an Instagram account a personal blog and promote it

    Hello, dear readers of the ilife.ru blog!

    In this article we will talk about how to design your Instagram profile so that people pay attention to it. more people. Correct, beautiful and original design- this is the first thing the user will see when they get to your page.

    Therefore, it is worth taking 10-20 minutes of time to read this article in full and edit important points in your account.

    Making a profile on Instagram

    Let's start, as always, with basic psychological things. We will answer the questions that the person who lands on the page wants to see.

    Your profile design should answer 3 simple questions:

    1. Who are you?
    2. What are you doing?
    3. How can you be useful to your subscribers? The user must understand at first glance why you will be interesting and useful to him in order for him to subscribe to you.

    If you run a business account where you sell some product or service, then rephrase these questions a little to suit them.

    What can you write:

    • What's your name?
    • Where are you from, where do you live?
    • Who do you work for, what do you do, what project are you leading, what do you know?
    • What are your hobbies, your lifestyle, your hobbies?
    • What have you achieved?
    • What do you write about on your Instagram?
    • How can I contact you? Link to a website or other social network.

    Don't forget that the number of characters is limited. You need to be brief, original and, most importantly, something that the visitor will remember. So that “this guy who...” is imprinted in his brain and he remembers you. You can capture it with just one detail.

    Nickname on Instagram (username)

    The username (nickname), which is initially specified when registering in English or transliterated, will be displayed everywhere during your activity. Therefore, it also needs to be made as simple and memorable as possible. So that you can be easily found in search.

    As you can see, the description and first name with last name in the profile are also shown in the search results.

    "Name" field in profile settings

    The one that is highlighted in bold.

    As you can see, it affects search results, as in search engines, and searching for Instagram itself. Therefore, here you can indicate not just your first and last name, but search query, by which they can find you.

    For example, if you are a photographer, you can indicate in the line:

    “Photographer of Perm - Vasily Blinov”

    Well, or somehow formalize it with various emoticons.

    Of course, a real first and last name works better than some commercial request. Especially if you use . People will see that this is not a living person, but some kind of company trying to sell them something, then you yourself will understand their reaction.

    What photo should I put on my avatar?

    The photo works exactly the same, it is displayed in many places. If there is any picture there, and not your photo, they will consider you a bot and pass by without paying attention.

    Post a good, cool photo of yourself where you can be seen in this little round piece. I generally have one photo on all social accounts. networks, it’s easier to find and remember. Above I gave a link to my page, you can go and look at it for an example.

    Now let's move on to the technical aspects of design.

    How to make description text on a new line?

    IN at the moment My profile is designed this way. It is impossible to do this through the application, because there is no “Enter” button that opens a new line.


    Step 1.

    Step 2.

    Step 3. We write a new text in the “About yourself” section or separate the old one with the “ENTER” button.

    Step 4. Save the settings and check on the phone.

    Such text is better perceived and read than simply in one sentence.

    How to center the description (bio) on Instagram?

    It's just as easy to do:

    Step 1. We go to Instagram from a computer through a browser.

    Step 2. Click “Edit Profile”.

    Step 3. In the “About Me” section, you must insert space characters (⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀) before the lines of text. Here they are in brackets, just select and copy.

    Step 4. Adjust the number of space characters to make it even. Check on your phone.

    This is how it worked for me, but I had to delete some of the text, because spaces are counted as characters, the number of which is limited. There is no way to move the link.

    How to make a "Contact" button and page category

    In order to activate this function on Instagram, you need to create public page on Facebook. If you already have such a page ( here is an example of my page), then all that remains is to link it to your Instagram account.

    Step 1. Linking the pages. Log in from your phone (via mobile application Instagram) in editing your profile and click “Try tools for the company” there.

    Step 3. Enter information through which users can contact you.

    The address will also be displayed in the profile data and, when clicked, shown on the map.

    If you don’t want users to be able to call a phone number and see the address (relevant for personal pages, bloggers), you don’t have to specify them.

    How to add emoticons?

    After you make the description text with new line and save, you can go through the application on your phone to edit and put in the usual way necessary emoticons.

    Active link in profile

    If the URL is long and looks ugly, then it should be shortened using . For example, like mine, a short abbreviated link.

    About accounts that are hidden from view

    After a person views your profile, he proceeds to rate the content. Therefore, the account should not be closed.

    No one follows a private account, and with this setup you are unlikely to become popular.

    How to open a private profile?

    This cannot be done through a computer, only through a mobile application.

    Go to the application itself on your phone and in the right top corner Click the “Settings” gear. Drag the slider " Closed account"to the left.

    That's it, guys, this is where I finish the article about creating a profile on Instagram. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. And please write, is it necessary to talk about the design of posts on Instagram?

    I will be waiting for feedback.

    The vanilla world called Instagram attracts an entire generation not only with its dictated lifestyle, but also with its huge business potential. Everyone earns money here: celebrities earn money for a new shoe, students earn money for travel, and housewives are the envy of everyone. A person with an entrepreneurial spirit, sensing the smell of money, immediately asks the question: how to get the status of “ personal blog"on Instagram and start reaping laurels? And since there are few people who are not excited by this wonderful aroma, we wrote this article for you: .

    What will this give if we consider it together with other promotion conditions? This is the following:

    • The typical user doesn't bother about adding a public status. The very fact of its presence will smack of a professional approach and serious intentions.
    • It is possible to get additional space in your bio if you make a gray dot under your nickname.
    • Ordinary users those who know the settings algorithm want to install it in order to gain additional weight in the eyes of other users.
    • And finally, it gives a hint to the audience that this profile is a specialist in a certain industry and is ready to cooperate with it.

    The status, unlike a specialist diploma, is universal. You can change it at any time and appear before the audience as an expert in a different field. Technical aspects are discussed below.

    How to make a gray status on Instagram?

    How to determine a person's age? Ask him about what status is. If he says that this is the state of mind for today, then he is from our century. If he says that this is a rank in the hierarchy, then at the same time ask if he has photographs with caves and dinosaurs in the background. If you yourself did not understand the essence of the joke, then I have sad news for you.J

    The virtual world is an infinitely accelerated version real life. It also has its own values, joys and sorrows. The joy lies in the fact that our image in it is completely under our control. To do this, it is enough to learn to manage your status.

    The algorithm is as simple as always. Goes the beaten path straight to Facebook. Of course, to your account. The drop-down menu in the upper right corner will open the option to create a page. The page provides access to many commercial tools of Facebook and Instagram.

    The answer to the question of how to set a status on Instagram lies in the company’s profile. In fact, this is a page where you need to indicate the type of activity, name, telephone number and location. It should be remembered that users have the opportunity to call without leaving the page, for which you will be grateful for the conversion.

    If this is a private account, then the function will help indicate the type of activity of the user. For example, a photographer, designer, blogger or plastic surgeon. At the end, it is important not to forget to indicate the geolocation.

    Useful advice: You can set any status. But pay attention to its relevance to the content of the page. A photographer’s blog should contain professional and unique photographs, a marketer’s blog should contain professional terms and links to events and partners.

    How to change status on Instagram?

    What if the gray text below your nickname says you fictional character, are you actually a landscape designer? Are you now concerned about the question of how to change your status on Instagram? So potential clients will pass by and order the services of those who did not initially offer correct status? It is highly recommended to change it to the truthful version. The arguments in favor are given above. Stayed technical point. It is as follows.

    On the Facebook page on the left there is a “Quick Links” item. Clicking on the option opens a menu where there is an “Information” item. This item opens a window where the current status is indicated at the very beginning and opposite it there is an “Edit” link. Click and start typing the first letters of your status. The system itself will give out the rest of the word. All that remains is to save the changes and wait for the flow of clients. To make sure the changes are saved, you should refresh the Instagram page and admire the result.

    By the way, we talk about that in a separate article.

    How to completely remove the gray status?

    The day is not far off when, due to the influx of customers, it becomes necessary to hide your status for a while. There is no need to go to Facebook for this. This option is contained in the Instagram account settings. On home page settings there is a section “Options”, in the list of which you need to find the item “Switch to personal account" By activating it and going back, you become a typical user.

    When you have dealt with all your existing customers and it’s time to work, go to this section again and change the item to “Switch to company profile.”


    While reading, we were able to pleasantly dream that it is very easy to get recognition virtual world. In practice, everything is not so fast and simple. At the beginning of any path it is necessary to prove somehow higher powers and to the universal mind that you really bring good to the masses. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s unique photographs, a homemade robot, or a method of non-surgical augmentation of body parts. You need to earn the trust of your audience. And she trusts those whom others trust. This is not a tautology, but a hint to the need to promote the page to infinite number subscribers.

    Recruiting from scratch takes a very long time. And when a certain milestone has been passed, then social proof - social trust - will begin to work for you. In other words, if new subscribers see that several thousand users have already liked your page, then they need to do it too.

    They will help with this special services. Most recommended: and. And if you want true fame and more free time for yourself, then services will help comprehensive promotion, or . And which of them is better is up to you to decide, looking at the results. There is simply no doubt about their strategic organization of work. And you need to judge by the results.

    From the author: Hi all! Today I want to tell you about how to become a blogger on Instagram and get a lot of likes, reposts and positive karma. Today we can say with confidence that Instagram has changed the lives of the majority of the inhabitants of our planet - people no longer try to hide their profiles, but quite the contrary, they regularly share every moment of their lives with the world. If you become a successful blogger on Instagram, then popularity in real life and many advertising contracts are guaranteed to you.

    Who is an Instagram blogger?

    You can blog for absolutely different purposes. For one person it is just a hobby, but for another it is a profession. However, if you want to become the owner of a mega-popular blog on Instagram, you will have to work hard, because you will have to post regularly and wisely so that readers are interested and look forward to your future posts and photos.

    In fact, an important social mission is entrusted to the shoulders of the Instagram blogger - to serve as a role model and example, to form the opinion of the audience and to help readers with the choice of information. If your life is not interesting enough to attract subscribers, then you can create what you think is the ideal story yourself.

    Choosing a blog topic on Instagram

    If you are increasingly thinking about how to become a blogger on Instagram, then it’s time to act. When choosing a blog topic, base it not only on your preferences, but also on the interests of social network users. Choose a topic that you are well versed in so that the information in your posts is literate and useful to readers.
    I would like to list the most common topics for Instagram blogs:

    Blogs of professionals in various service fields, for example, psychologists, doctors, stylists, lawyers, etc. Professional bloggers give advice and position themselves as experts in their chosen field.

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    Fitness blogs are ideal for those with a toned figure and those who don’t miss a single workout and are ready to set an example for their subscribers.

    Blogs for mothers are no less popular than blogs for fitness girls, because girls on maternity leave and raising small children especially often spend time on social networks and look for advice in a given situation;

    How to become a blogger on Instagram if you don't want to show your face? Yes, very simple! Blog from the perspective of a cartoon character or animal. You can post photos of your hero from different parts of the world, thereby covering the topic of travel, but from an unusual angle.

    What's the best way to design your blog?

    If you can get people interested in your publications, then users will start going to your profile to find out about you more information. Therefore, the right design will work as your business card.

    Blog photography must be high quality and look professional. If you created an account solely for the purpose of earning money, then you should not put a logo on your avatar - people will be much more willing to subscribe to the page of a living person.

    Be sure to give brief description your activities and indicate your website address or other contacts. If you want to create your own website or blog with a unique and stylish design, then it won’t hurt to take special video courses on website building.

    Speaking about how to become a popular blogger on Instagram, I want to pay special attention to your first publication. Don’t even think about writing a post right away about why you decided to start blogging; I assure you that this information is of no interest to anyone. Make your first publication immediately on the chosen topic and thereby pleasantly surprise your future subscribers.

    What posts are best to post on your page?

    If your blog is not interesting to readers, then they will all look and leave - and irrevocably. Therefore, your blog content is key. Here are a few simple rules that will help you lead interesting blog on Instagram:

    “brevity is the sister of talent,” so don’t write long, exhausting posts (people don’t like to read long texts);

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    break the text into several paragraphs, separating them with a blank line;

    do not burden readers with a huge amount of unnecessary details;

    the photograph must correspond in meaning to what is written;

    Don’t forget about feedback - try to regularly answer your subscribers’ questions, treat them with respect and, if possible, look through reviews that do not need answers.

    Promoting a blog on Instagram

    Who reads new bloggers? That's right, no one. Therefore, without wasting a second, we begin to act. Now I will tell you how to become a famous blogger on Instagram if you have no subscribers at all.

    Choose right time for your publications. The most the right time- 8–10 am, when people get ready and go to work, as well as lunch and 10 pm. Try not to post from 18 to 20, because this is the most active time, and your post will very quickly end up at the bottom of the feed.

    Hashtags play a big role in promoting your account, which you need to put under all your publications. Be sure to come up with your own personal hashtag, thanks to which people can control all posts about your brand. The most optimal number of tags is 5–6, of which a couple will be personal, and the rest will be popular. They will help potential audiences find you among Instagram users.

    Very effective way promoting a new blog - commenting on toppers. How does this work? Just! We subscribe to all popular bloggers in our field and leave high-quality meaningful comments under all their publications. And even if your comment is ignored, several people will anyway come to your page to find out what kind of smart commentator you are.

    Ideally, the author will notice you and tag you in one of his posts. You can write whole praises about ways to promote blogs, but even if after reading this article you have not achieved the planned heights, then do not despair, you can always take a video course on blog promotion.

    What needs to be done to make a blog profitable?

    More than half of the people who use the Internet learn about products and services from the social platform Instagram. Accordingly, selling something has become much easier. You can promote any product without spending a single penny on advertising. All you need is desire and perseverance.

    You can sell clothes, cosmetics, handmade items and anything else you want. If you have nothing to trade, then you can “make money” on yourself. For this it is enough to be interesting person. In this case, your page will work like a magazine - you will only need to place advertisements among your publications.

    The price of such advertising will directly depend on the number of your subscribers. It’s especially easy for beauty bloggers to advertise on Instagram, because they publish posts about how to become more attractive, and what cosmetics best used, which expands the audience of advertisers.

    I hope my article will help you become famous insta-bloggers. Subscribe to our blog and share interesting materials with your friends. See you soon!

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    Many Instagram accounts have an entry gray under the account title. This is the category the account belongs to. In this post I’ll tell you how to specify a category for your Instagram account.

    How to make the inscription personal blog, for fun, artist and others, on Instagram?

    The design of an Instagram account header includes an avatar, title or name, description, link, geotag and category if it is a business account. A category is a small gray inscription under the title or name on an Instagram account. Using it, you can find out what the account is about, because Instagram is a fairly creative platform and sometimes it’s difficult to determine the topic at first glance. Especially if it's not in the bio description. In this post I’ll tell you how to make the inscription personal blog, for fun, business, artist, fictional character, and others, in the category on Instagram.

    Categories on Instagram can only be specified for business accounts. You can read about how to switch to a business profile by following the link -> How to make a business account on Instagram?

    Basically, when switching to a business profile, you will have to specify the category of your business when creating a Facebook page. This category will be shown under your heading in a small gray inscription. If you did not notice the moment you selected a category, or accidentally specified the wrong category, then you can change it directly on Instagram. To do this, go to the account settings editing section and select “Category” there.

    Here you will see a field with a drop-down list where you can select the category that suits your account. Almost all categories have their own subcategories.

    Thanks to the efforts of Instagram developers and administration, users of this social network can create statuses for their account. About how to make “ public figure" - a status that provides more opportunities compared to the account of a regular user, and will be discussed in this publication.

    What does "Public Figure" mean?

    This inscription in the profile is usually assigned to bloggers and media personalities. In other words, a “public figure” is a person who is familiar to the public and, by virtue of his occupation, is constantly in full view of the media and audience social networks etc. Based on the above, in essence, any Instagrammer is a blogger who, by publishing photos and video content, tells something interesting to his audience. Blogger, publications, audience, social networks: do you feel like you are becoming a celebrity?!

    Benefits of the “Public Figure” status

    Statuses on Instagram were invented to show the type of activity (type of occupation) of the account owner. A person who visits the profile will immediately be able to draw a conclusion for themselves what the blog is about and whether it is worth spending their own time on it.

    What does this give (except for self-esteem and superiority over the gray mass of worthless people)? Such an account outwardly stands out among regular pages on Instagram, looks more attractive and, in some way, impressive. Under the username in such a profile there is an inscription in gray letters “public figure”, which the subscriber cannot fail to notice.

    Functional, status public person gives its owner the following benefits:

    • A communication option has appeared. The “Contact” button allows you to call, send email. letters and obtaining information about the location of the account owner.
    • Statistics option. This function hidden from the eyes of strangers, but accessible to the public figure. The analytics icon allows you to find out the activity indicators of your audience.

    But the most important advantage of the “Public Figure” status is perhaps a statement of your intentions to keep a serious Instagram diary, you are open to your subscribers and are always ready to be in touch with them.

    How to add the caption “Public Figure” on Instagram?

    So, how to make the status of a public figure on Instagram? The algorithm of actions is simple and will not cause any difficulties even for a novice Instagrammer.

    After which we go to Instagram and admire the “new personality”.

    How to remove “Public Personality”?

    If you decide that this inscription under the name has a bad effect on your health, you are tired of the harassment of fans and admirers, then know that everything can be “rolled back” by returning it to your profile standard functionality, accessible to the average mortal user. Next, we will tell you how to make a profile without a status (as well as communication buttons and analytics options).

    • go to your account settings;
    • In the settings section, select the “switch to personal account” option.

    After this procedure, your profile will magically turn into the profile of a regular Instagrammer.

    As a conclusion

    In fact, status will not add greatness to you and millions of subscribers. To do this, you need to put in a lot of work, spend time, money on advertising and competent promotion of your page. Popularity can only be achieved through subscribers and followers, which require regular publication of high-quality content. Integrated promotion services on Instagram will help you attract subscribers: Pamagram, Zengram, Doinsta and promotion services Bosslike, Likemania, and the status of a public figure will help you to always be in touch.

    Complex semi-automatic promotion services - they monitor limits and are vitally interested in the user’s success:
    • Pamagram - an integrated approach to promotion, friendly and honest service, care about users;
    • Zengram - like Pamagram, focuses on live subscribers, so the prices are not the lowest (and bots are useless for business), but not high either. In addition to the classic functionality, there is the opportunity to spy on someone...
    • Doinsta - focuses on automation, users like ease of use - once they added a lot of competitors, and then you can not log in for a very long time, but subscribers increase).
    Cheat services:
    1. Likemania. Works with all social networks. networks. The popularity of the exchange was ensured by the ease of markup. Small percentage of bots. People working on iPhones, smartphones, and tablets are very fond of it.
    Cheat services + Exchanges:
    1. Bosslike. There is free and paid fast receipt likes, etc. The absence of “left” pages and instant posting of comments has ensured BOSSLIKE a leading position among its peers. According to our test, out of 100 recruited subscribers, 80 remained after 2 weeks.
    2. VKTarget still remains the most popular service among advertisers and performers. The exchange copes with getting likes on Instagram at 5+.
    3. CASHBOX – free and paid account upgrade. Valued because large quantity tasks. Earning opportunity. Guarantees only “live” likes and subscriptions - the administration is fighting bots everywhere.


    How to make a gray status on Instagram

    Today we were asked a question about Instagram: Tell me how to write a word in gray letters on Instagram like yours “Blogger”? This is easy to do, let me tell you in more detail.

    Let's start with the fact that you can choose your own status. Indicate who you are and what you do. Basically, to make it easier for others who visit to understand what your Instagram is about. Keyword here is relevance. That is, if a person indicates in his status that he is a doctor, the profile should also be on this topic. And not products made from polymer clay. If you are a doctor and clay is your hobby, indicate in your bio that you also do clay.

    If you are a sales specialist and psychologist/ photographer/ plastic surgeon/ programmer/ wedding makeup artist/ cook, etc., be sure to indicate this. Instagram today is no longer a platform for photos, it’s most powerful tool interactions and a generator of clients, which is already giving other social networks a head start (and is already absorbing some and throwing them out of the market, which, for example, is now happening with live broadcasts on Instagram and with Periscope).

    Let me summarize the main message:

    Indicate who you are so that others can understand who you are and how you can be useful; they can advise you if something happens. Without indication in your status and bio, they will not know about you and will not be able to contact you.

    Why is it worth indicating the status in gray on your Insta profile?

    • this saves space for information in bio
    • looks like a neatly designed profile
    • differentiates you from other regular accounts
    • acquires a certain status and expertise in the eyes of subscribers

    I think it’s worth making a status if you want to get serious about managing Instagram and appreciate its capabilities.

    How to get blogger status on Instagram? For those who simply keep a diary on Instagram and talk about something interesting through photos/videos and text. Congratulations, you are also a Blogger on Instagram. Many didn’t even know that they were bloggers. So, a checklist on how to set the status.

    How to set a status on Instagram

    1. Create a Facebook page. If you don’t have an account, then the acc itself is a good place to start.
    2. Go to your page and click on the menu with an arrow on the right.
    3. Choose to create a page.
    4. We indicate our status, also known as the type of activity, company name, address.
    5. There we also indicate the phone number that will be displayed in the Contact button; if you want, you can hide it (but I would leave it for communication with clients - you can call directly from Insta).
    6. Fill it out and click the “Start” button.
    7. Add tags on your topic, a description of the company and a link to social networks.
    8. Put “Yes” everywhere and save the information. Add a photo to Facebook.
    9. Mark your geolocation. Ready!

    Now you can do everything without a VPN, but if you still have problems, read the post on how to make a Contact button on Instagram, it talks about hiding your IP during registration. Then turn it off. But it seems that it is no longer required.

    How to change status on Instagram

    If for the test you indicated some random status like Blogger, but in reality you are not a blogger at all and want to change it to your real activity (I highly recommend it, by the way). It is enough to change our category on the business page and it will change to gray status on Instagram.

    We go to the Facebook page. Usually on the left quick links or on the right your pages.

    Click Information on the left

    Click Edit category

    Ready. Let's see what happened on Instagram itself. Became a Personal Blog when I chose the Personal Blog category.

    I think you can do it too. If it helps, subscribe to useful tricks on Instagram - @ilya.core on Telegram or the blog newsletter. You can say thank you in the comments.


    Personal blog on Instagram (how to do it and what are the advantages)

    Every year, social networks provide more and more different functionality for companies. And Instagram was no exception. Starting in 2016, he launched a special type of account specifically for companies, which was called business profiles. They provide functionality that allows you to better know your audience and provide new ways to connect with them. This profile will be useful and ordinary users, since on its basis people will be able to create a personal blog on Instagram. How this can be easily accomplished and what advantages a blog provides will be discussed in this article.

    Benefits of a personal blog

    Visually, a personal blog on Instagram differs little from a regular user profile, but it provides quite a lot of opportunities for communicating with its owner. The profile of a user who has connected a blog looks something like this:

    The main advantages of this type of account are:

    1. The gray inscription “Personal blog” (for some “Personal blog”) under the button write in Direct and the user name. There are also variations: blogger, public figure, athlete, artist, artist and many others. The inscription, frankly speaking, attracts attention and distinguishes the user from many other profiles.
    2. New opportunities to connect with a blogger. A button to contact or call, as well as buttons for how to get there and send an email. All of them make it much easier for subscribers to find or contact the author of the blog.
    3. Third new feature not noticeable to guests, but very useful to blog authors - these are its statistics. It allows you to find out various quantitative indicators of the page, ranging from coverage to the number of impressions. This is a very large and separate topic, which we will cover in detail in one of the upcoming articles.

    But, perhaps, one of the main advantages of designing your profile as a personal blog is that by doing so you kind of let users of the social network understand that you take your account seriously, consider it as your means of self-expression and are always open to any feedback.

    How to make a personal blog on Instagram?

    Now that we have understood all the advantages of creation, it’s time to understand how to create a personal blog on Instagram. Technically, this is quite simple to do; there is only one condition: you must have your own Facebook account. Since both services have the same owner, it was done so that contact information from one (FB) can be exported to the other (IG).

    So I’ll write below detailed instructions on turning a regular Instagram account into a blog:

    1) First, you will need to click on the “wheel” on the main page of the application and find the “Switch to company profile” menu item.

    2) After this, click on the “Next” button several times and a screen will appear in front of you asking you to link your account to Facebook so that the application can manage your pages.

    3) Now that it is authorized for you, you will need to create new page or select from the list of existing ones. If you already have a blog on Facebook, then select it, and if not, then on the creation page from the list of categories, select “Personal blog”.

    4) Then, when the category is selected we will need to configure contact information(This will determine which buttons appear on our profile). For example, if you want to make a contact button on Instagram, then you will need to indicate your phone number here, after these simple actions people will be able to call you with just one click.

    All! Did you think there would be more steps? We did too, but the social network thought otherwise and, in fact, allows everyone, with a minimum amount of effort, to add the inscription “Personal Blog” on their page, and, of course, get all the functions that come with it.

    How to remove “Personal Blog”?

    If over time you change your mind and want to return everything “as it was,” that is, remove all the functionality of the business profile, then go to the already familiar menu and click on the “Switch back to personal account” button and answer affirmatively to the question that appears from the system.

    After this, the gray inscription under the name, communication and analytics buttons will disappear and your account will return to its original state.

    If you did everything correctly, then now creating a personal blog on Instagram is not a problem for you, since it is as easy as turning on a live broadcast. If not, then re-read the article again or ask your question in the comments.


    Status "Fictional character" on Instagram

    Relatively recently, Instagram allowed its users to change their profile status (personal blog, athlete, musician, etc.). The function is available only to business accounts, so you won’t be able to change the category on your personal page. Their list is constantly updated, so very interesting ones appear from time to time. Today we will tell you what a fictional character is on Instagram, and how to make or change one.

    Lifehack for our readers - 50 likes on Instagram for FREE from Likemania

    What is it?

    Fictional Character is a category that was available for selection on Instagram. Currently deleted. Available only to those accounts that managed to take it. The function itself is still relevant; users can change their profile status and indicate their field of activity.

    • allows you to distinguish your account from other profiles;
    • serves as an additional reference point by which potential clients can find you;
    • emphasizes status (athlete, blogger, musician);
    • Shows subscribers that you are an expert in the specified field;
    • looks beautiful;
    • allows you to quickly gain subscribers and likes through special services for integrated promotion (Doinsta, Pamagram, Zengram) because defines target audience who is potentially interested in the chosen area.

    The function is available only to verified accounts with a Facebook community attached to their pages (it must be open). The number of subscribers does not matter.

    How to choose a category

    Selecting profile status is available only to company profiles. Make from personal page You can create a business account through the “Settings” menu. To do this you will need a Facebook community where you have administrator rights. If it doesn't exist, then create it. After this, follow these steps:

    Save changes made and make sure that the specified information appears on Facebook page. After this, you can proceed to setting up your Instagram profile. Here:

    1. Login to your Instagram using your login details.
    2. Go to the “settings” menu and click on the “Linked accounts” line.
    3. A list of available social networks will appear, select “Facebook” and enter the details of the page that you recently created and configured (indicated the status).
    4. Enter your login (address email or phone) and Facebook password. Click "Login".

    If you did everything correctly, a light gray inscription with the name of the subcategory will automatically appear on your Instagram page. Sometimes this happens after some time (maximum after a day).

    How to change category


    1. Log in to your Facebook profile.

    1. Click on it. Select the current status from the list or start entering it manually (prompts will appear). Several can be noted.

    Save your changes. Information is updated not only on Facebook, but also on related pages. This may take some time. If after a day the category on Instagram remains the same (but has changed on Facebook), then try re-logging into Instagram, disabling it, and then linking the community to your Facebook profile.