• How to close a page from other users. How to close a VKontakte page from all users except friends

    Social networks, in addition to their main advantages, also have their disadvantages. For example, your photos and wall posts may become public. If you don’t want anyone to see all this, it will be useful for you to know how to close a contact page.

    Using the site itself

    If you want to hide photos posted on a social network, or adjust the visibility of posts on your page, as well as the visibility of the page itself, you can use the privacy settings. To do this:

    • Go to your contact page.
    • Find "Settings" in the menu on the left.
    • In it, find the “Privacy” tab.
    • Here you can configure who can see what on your page, who can send you messages, and who can view your page.
    • If you want to close a page from a specific user, then the “Black List” tab will be useful to you. There you can add specific VKontakte users who will not be able to write messages to you or view your page.
    • Most cardinal decision is to delete the page. You can do this in the settings, in the “General” tab, at the very bottom of the page.

    Software control

    On at the moment There are a lot of programs and resources on the Internet that allow you to manage your contact page. But most of them, as a rule, are viruses or fraudulent programs for hacking the page. Be extremely careful when using these programs.

    There are also some codes and scripts that allow you to close the page. But if they are in open access on the Internet, then anyone can read them and apply them in the same way as you applied them.

    In fact, there are many ways to bypass all contact restrictions. It costs skilled programmers and hackers nothing to view a closed page in a contact and find out the login and password for your page in order to spread spam through it. This is discussed in our other article: "".

    Today, perhaps, there is one effective way do closed page in contact - limit the data on the page. You should not add photographs of erotic content to VKontakte, or leave important information, such as home address, telephone and address email.

    Be careful and careful!

    Hello, dear friends! Today we will talk a little about conspiracy. We will hide some or all information about your page from other users or search engines.

    A fairly large number of users are interested in the process of hiding information from their page on the VKontakte social network. And that's right. Let's imagine the situation that I use my account to store photos or listen to music, watch movies, etc. Why should I put my life and some personal data on display? In this regard, I can close all information from outside users and use VK for the above purposes. By the way, this is not the first article about such conspiracy, so you can read a number of publications about how and what is hidden in VK:

    Well, now let's move directly to practice.

    Hiding the VKontakte page in the full version

    Go to your page, click on top menu in the right top corner and from the drop-down list select “Settings”:

    On next stage we have another menu on the right side, in which we will need to go to the “Privacy” section:

    I would like to draw your attention to the “Wall Posts” section. Many people don’t want to show them to everyone, so if you want to hide posts on your VK wall, then put the appropriate value in front of all posts about posts. If you want no one to see them at all, then again put “Only me.”

    Now we go to the very end of the page and find such an important section as “Other”. There is such a thing as “Who can see my page on the Internet.” Set it to “Only VKontakte users”.

    The fact is that when the value “Everyone” is set there, search engines index your page, like any site, and your photos are already entered into the search engine database, they can be found by image search. In the same way, any user can enter your first and last name into a Yandex search, for example, and find your page in the database. If all this does not suit you, then we prohibit the indexing of our page.

    You should also understand that your page will not immediately fall out of the search engine index; you will have to wait until it is updated search database. This may take from one week to several months.

    After you set restrictions that only VKontakte users can see your page, everyone who is not registered there will see this screen in front of them:

    That's it, we have completed our task.

    Let's now figure out where you can specify privacy settings in mobile application for Android

    Hide a page from your phone using the app

    Launch the application, in the left menu click on the gear icon, which means “Settings”.

    On the right side of the screen, these same settings are loaded and we select the “Privacy” item:

    Now we perform all the necessary privacy settings. We already know what it is and how to do it from the previous paragraph of our article:

    And with this I finish the story about how you can hide both the entire VKontakte page and some of its elements. So, use all these functions, hide your pages from unregistered users if you need it.

    And I, as always, look forward to your comments, questions and additions.

    Today we will talk about how to close a VKontakte page from outsiders, or more precisely, how to limit access to it to the maximum - unfortunately, the functionality of the social network does not provide the ability to hide a page completely.

    You can ensure that your profile information is not available to everyone through your privacy settings. Are you ready? Then let's get started.

    Select " My settings", which is next to " My audio recordings», « Messages"and so on. There, go to the “ Privacy b".

    They will appear in front of you possible settings privacy - for example, " Who can see my photos?" or " Who can see my audio recordings" You are free to choose whether you want to hide selected information from everyone or give access to certain people: for example, “ Who can see the list of my groups» - « Only friends" There is also convenient feature « Some friends": you will be able to select from your friend list those for whom you want to leave the information visible.


    Also at the very end of the privacy settings page there is a separate block “ Other" We are interested in his subparagraph “ Who can see my page on the Internet?».

    The VK functionality provides the following options to choose from:

    • everyone;
    • to any people, with the exception of those who came from search engines;
    • only to those who are already registered on VKontakte.

    If you choose the last option, then it will be possible to find your page only through a search in VK itself, and unauthorized users will see from the link to you that the page is available only to those who are logged into the site.

    “How other users see my page”

    At the very end of the privacy settings block, the functionality will offer you one more feature - look at a sample of what your page looks like to others. To do this, follow the link of the same name.

    You will be shown your profile with restrictions and the inscription above it “ Almost everyone sees your page this way. Do you want to know how your page is viewed? certain person ? If so, just enter your friend's name or a link to someone else's page in the field below this entry.


    Even if you hide everything that was available in the " tab Privacy", visitors to your page will still see the following:

    • your photo on your avatar;
    • brief information - birthday, country, language, if indicated;
    • everything that is on your wall;
    • The default contents of the two photo albums are “ Photos on my wall" And " Photos from my page».

    The problem can be partially solved like this:

    • remove avatar;
    • enter a fictitious date of birth, fill in only the fields required for registration;
    • do not leave anything on the VK wall that you do not want to show to strangers- unfortunately, it is impossible to hide the entries on it, unless they were left by other people.


    However, there is still one way to completely hide your VKontakte profile, but it is quite drastic. This is a blacklist. You can send a user to it like this:

    • go to " My settings»;
    • select sub-item " Blacklist»;
    • paste a link to someone's profile and click " Add", or on the person's page under the video block, select " Block so-and-so».

    IN lately The question indicated in the title of this article is being asked more and more often by users. One thing is not clear - what exactly is meant by the expression “hide your page on VK”? However, let's consider all possible options.

    In the first case, you can hide some of the information that is available on your page from other users. To do this, you need to use the privacy settings.

    Go to your page and select “My Settings” from the menu.

    Select the "Privacy" tab. Here, if possible, set the option “Only me” or “No one”. In this case, you can close your page from other users as much as possible. Or select “Friends Only” so that basic information is available to them.

    Please pay attention to the “Other” subsection. Here you can make sure that your page is not available to users who are not registered in VK. To do this, in the “Who can see my page on the Internet” item, select “Only VKontakte users”.

    Remember that you won’t be able to completely hide your page from other VK users - they can still go to your page, although most of the information will not be visible to them. However, there is one way that will not allow the user to even view your page - this is to block him.

    Go to the user's page and scroll down until you see a three-item menu (usually this menu is located under audio or video recordings). Click "Block username".

    In this case, the user will be trapped and will not be able to communicate with you. This is what he will see when he tries to visit your page:

    Of course, it makes sense to block a user only if you decide to end all communication with him.

    Social networks have captivated users over the past few years. Global Network from all countries of the world, and Runet in this regard was no exception. Indeed, the “killers” of the working time of office employees and the pastime objects of young or not so housewives have caused real hysteria in the minds of users - many are ready to spend most of their time on social networks. According to statistics, every third person who regularly accesses the Internet is registered in one or more social networks, the most popular of which today is the VKontakte resource. Is this good or bad? Let’s not talk about this; everyone is free to decide for themselves whether to plant virtual beds or devote their time to something more useful. Let's try to find out how to hide it from the eyes of strangers, because sometimes some data that is carelessly posted there becomes available to those users for whom it was not intended at all.

    The question of how to close a page in a contact most often arises for those users whose accounts have been attacked by spammers, or those who have seen their photos and videos most often processed on other resources, in most cases classified as xxx. Also, those users who do not want to give up the communication opportunities provided by social network, but want them to be available for viewing by a limited circle of people, for example, friends and close relatives.

    In fact, solving the question of how to close a page in contact is quite complicated, but still there are several on the social network useful tools, which most users simply neglect, or do not know and do not know how to use. It is worth noting that there are a lot of ways to hide your page in a contact, and almost each of them gives a certain effect, but only for those pages that are not subject to a targeted attack knowledgeable people. That is, you need to understand that, even knowing how to close a page in a contact, you cannot be 100% sure that personal information will not become the property of those individuals who wished to receive this information for one reason or another.

    To remove your page from the eyes of prying eyes, or to protect your own photos from the curiosity of other users, you can use some of standard means. The first thing you can do is experiment with your profile settings, making it private or private. It is worth noting that this action, although it creates a certain barrier for those who are too curious, it is not effective method fighting with any knowledgeable people. The fact is that the ways and methods of circumventing private profile and gaining access to information, a great variety has been invented. And all these methods are posted on the Internet, that is, any student can use them.

    The second way to hide on VKontakte is to use various scripts and applications, also posted on the Internet in large quantities. For those who decide to use similar decisions, there is also a not very pleasant surprise in store - in most cases, such applications either do not work at all or work with errors, and therefore are ineffective. In addition, we should not forget that under the great name “Program to do VKontakte, whatever you want,” which is so attractive inexperienced users download and install itself, can pose a real threat to the user’s personal data, being ordinary computer virus.

    You can search for a long time for a way and method, but unfortunately no one will find a 100% working solution from prying eyes and attackers. Although... there is one answer to the question of how to close a page in contact - just don’t create it!