• What matrices are used in Samsung TVs. How to choose a TV for your home: types of matrices

    The popularity of modern LCD TVs is off the charts. They have completely replaced the old models and have long occupied a leading position in the market. The main element of any LCD TV is the matrix. It is directly responsible for the quality of the “picture”, so before choosing a TV model, the future owner needs to determine which matrix is ​​better.

    Today there are three main types of matrices for LCD TVs:

    • MVA (PVA);

    To understand which of the above options is better, you need to study in detail the features, advantages and disadvantages of each.

    TN matrix

    Twisted Nematic (“twisted crystal”) is one of the most common types. Also very popular is the TN+Film matrix, where the set-top box includes an auxiliary coating that makes it possible to expand the viewing angle of the TV.

    IN this device control electrodes are located on both sides of the substrate. When the transistor is not working electric field no, but the molecules of crystals are characterized by a normal state, and their structure resembles a spiral. Since the polarization angles of the first and second filters are perpendicular to each other, light that passes through the inactive transistor is freely released to the outside. This light forms a bright point, and its color is determined by a light filter.

    After the transistor is turned on, it begins to create an electric field, so the crystal molecules are built in a line parallel to the polarization angle of the first filter. Passing through them, the flow of light does not change its characteristics. Another filter is capable of fully absorbing light, generating a black dot in the place where there was one, consisting of three color components.

    The TN matrix for a TV is one of the earliest technologies, however, according to many experts, it is in certain aspects better than modern analogues. Today this type actively used in the production of budget liquid crystal matrices for TVs.

    The main disadvantages such a decision it is impossible to fully control the movement (rotation) of the crystals. This flaw can cause light to pass through the shutter. For the TV viewer, this manifests itself in a decrease in contrast, and black shades become gray. In addition, a phenomenon called the appearance of “dead pixels” may occur.

    Despite the above disadvantages, the use of TN matrices is fully justified by their affordable cost. Therefore this budget solution is in very high demand.

    MVA (PVA) matrices

    The next type of matrix is ​​Multi-Domain Vertical Alignment (MVA), or multi-zonal vertical alignment. This option is the brainchild of the world famous Fujitsu company.

    In this matrix, the control electrodes are located in a similar way compared to TN matrices, while they are on both sides of the substrate. The difference lies in their division into special cells or zones. Cells (zones) are created by protrusions that are present on the inner sides of the filters. The main essence of this design is the ability of the crystals to move freely. This feature allows the viewer to observe shades that do not change depending on the viewing angle. Therefore, MVA (PVA) are considered better than TN matrices.

    The next difference between MVA and TN is the perpendicular arrangement of the liquid crystals relative to the second filter in the absence of voltage. This ultimately results in richer blacks. After increasing the electric field, the molecules rotate, creating a gray dot. In this case, the viewing angle does not have any significance for the light intensity, since the bright cells visible to the user are completely compensated by the dark ones that are located nearby. This solution made it possible to eliminate the problem of small viewing angles inherent in TN matrices. In this regard, MVA (PVA) is much better than TN.

    IPS matrices

    An interesting type of matrix for a TV is IPS. Her main feature consists in the location of control electrodes in only one plane. This matrix option for a TV is better, according to fans of the world famous company Hitachi, which is the developer of the above technology.

    When there is no electric field, the crystal molecules are positioned strictly vertically, which prevents them from influencing the polarization angle of the light that passes through these molecules. In this case, the polarization angles of the filters are located at right angles, so the light passing through the transistor is absorbed by the second filter.

    When an electric field appears, the crystal molecules rotate 90 degrees. This leads to a change in the polarization of the light stream, which passes through the second filter without problems.

    In many cases this technology for a TV it is considered better because it acts as a compromise solution. Its use leads to increased color rendering, guarantees impressive viewing angles, and if the interaction between the crystal and the electrode is disrupted dead pixel It's dark, so it's hard to see. The disadvantages of such matrices for TV is a possible decrease in contrast, since the electrodes can block part of the light.

    In conclusion, we can say that getting an answer to the question of which matrix is ​​better for a TV requires a very detailed analysis and serious professional knowledge. Therefore, when purchasing a TV, it would be a good idea to consult with a specialist in this field.

    Almost everyone knows that the main manufacturers of processors for smartphones are Qualcomm (USA) and MediaTek (Taiwan). Fewer people know that they do not manufacture crystals themselves, entrusting it to factories like TSMC. But very few people know who makes displays for smartphones. But this is no less important component mobile device than CPU. Therefore, let’s try to clarify and find out who produces screens for smartphones at the global level.

    Looking ahead, it is important to note that according to outdated matrix technologies low quality easier to produce. Organizing the production of 7-inch screens with a resolution of 800x480, used in the cheapest tablets, is much cheaper than mass-producing 5" matrices with a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels. Having access to equipment written off by leading companies (such as Samsung) and purchased relatively inexpensively (hundreds of thousands instead of millions, millions instead of billions of dollars), even the unknown “Uncle Liao’s basement” can make screens. For obvious reasons, it is impossible to list such manufacturers.

    The history of the company dates back to 1938. It all started with trading in noodles, rice and other goods. The company switched to the production of electrical equipment in the 1960s. In the 80s and 90s, Samsung focused on the telecommunications industry, not forgetting household appliances, as well as industrial and special equipment. Around the same years, Samsung engineers showed active interest in LCD screen technologies. As a result, already in 2000, the first Samsung LCD TV with a 40-inch screen was created.

    Around the same time, intensive work began on active matrix organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). Attention was paid to VA and IPS matrices, as well as TN. In 2012, the successful display division was spun off into a separate subsidiary, Samsung Display. He had 6 factories at his disposal, 3 of them producing OLED screens, and the same number producing LCD screens. At the end of 2015, 38% of all mobile displays in the world were produced by Samsung.

    OLED screens

    In the early 2000s, OLED developments were in full swing. In 2004, 40% of all AMOLED screens rolled off Samsung production lines. Due to the developing smartphone market and “raw” technologies, these displays were large (10-20") and were installed on TVs. Until 2006, the company registered and acquired more than 600 patents for OLED technology. In 2010, over 97% of all AMOLED screens were manufactured by Samsung.

    In 2010, the company called its screens Super AMOLED and slightly changed their production technology. The main difference is that the sensor layer is now located on the matrix itself, rather than on a separate layer with an air gap. The first smartphone with a curved screen was released in 2013 Samsung Galaxy Round. As of 2016, Samsung produces flat and curved Super AMOLED screens for smartphones and tablets with resolutions up to 2560x1440 pixels.

    LCD screens

    Samsung also produces LCD displays for mobile equipment. Currently, this area is a lower priority, and all latest developments are AMOLED screens. LCD matrices are made for TVs, monitors and laptops. Some of them are also produced for smartphones. After the company announced in 2015 that it was selling equipment from the L7 plant in order to re-equip it for the production of OLED screens, it became clear: organic LEDs are a priority for the company.


    The Japanese company Sharp was founded by Tokuji Hayakawa in 1912. She started out producing pencils and repairing equipment. It was only in 1925, after seeing a radio, that founder Sharp decided to go into electrical engineering. Around the same time, Tokuji became interested in television broadcasting. In 1951, after a difficult war and post-war period, the first Japanese Sharp TV was released.

    In 1988, Sharp developed the first active crystal LCD screen, 14". In 1994, a 21" color TFT LCD display was released. In the early 2000s, it became possible to mass produce miniature LCD displays, which began to be introduced into own phones, sold in Japan. The matrices were also supplied to other companies. In 2012, Sharp, at a plant in Kameyama (Japan, Mie Prefecture), began production of 5-inch LCD screens with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. That same year (and beyond), they released Retina IPS screens for iPhone, iPad and MacBook.

    The first 4K display for a smartphone

    In the first half of 2015, Sharp launched a series of displays that combine IZGO technologies (reducing pixel sizes through the use of gallium, zinc, and indium oxides) and In-Cell (the sensor is built into the matrix). The first one was released then mobile screen 4k with a diagonal of 5.5". It was used in the Sony Z5 Premium. But innovative technologies did not help Sharp achieve high profitability, and in the spring of 2016 the company was bought out by 2/3 by the Chinese Foxconn.

    Japan Display Inc.

    JDI Corporation was founded in 2012 in Japan, as a result of the merger of production divisions Sony screens, Hitachi and Toshiba, as well as the state corporation INCJ. The company began producing LTPS LCD screens with high density pixels. Most of them use IPS technology. The company has become one of the main suppliers of Retina screens for iPhone.

    JDI and OLED

    In 2014, JDI, together with Sony and Panasonic, as well as with financial support from INCJ, created the JOLED Corporation, specialized in the production of screens based on organic light-emitting diodes. It is positioned as Samsung competitor, controlling the main part OLED market. It is planned to become one of the key suppliers of AMOLED matrices for Apple by 2018. At the end of 2015, 17% of all displays for portable equipment in the world came off JDI assembly lines.

    The founders began their activities with the production of household chemicals in the middle of the last century. Work on TFT technologies began when Goldstar was a separate company, in 1987. In 1995, a line for the production of LCD displays was launched in the city of Gumi (South Korea). In 1998, LG's display division transferred all screen technologies owned by other branches of the company. In 1998-2003, the company took first place in the LCD market. In 2001, LG developed Super-IPS technology, designed to eliminate the shortcomings of earlier IPS matrices. It forms the basis best screens from LG.

    LG OLED screens

    Organic LEDs are also receiving attention. Back in 2011, LG Optimus Sol was released - a smartphone with a 3.8-inch Ultra AMOLED screen with a resolution of 800x480. As of the end of 2015, the market share of OLED displays for mobile devices seems insignificant Samsung background. But in numerical terms, it means that about 5,000 organic diode matrices leave the LG assembly line every day. In total, in 2015, the Korean company occupied about 14% of the mobile screen market.

    AU Optronics

    AUO is a Taiwanese screen manufacturer created in 2001 by merging the display divisions of Benq and Acer. In 2006, the company bought out Quanta, also specializing in screens. Then this allowed us to take first place in the display market. The company is engaged in the development of its own technologies (VA matrices, OLED, OnCell touchscreens, curved LCD displays) and contract manufacturing of foreign products.

    OLED displays AUO

    At the end of 2015, AUO was able to supply about a million OLED screens for smartphones and other portable electronics. This puts it in third place, after Samsung and LG, in terms of production volumes of organic LED matrices. In the summer of 2013, the AUO AMOLED screen with a diagonal of 4.4" and a resolution of 1600x900 pixels was released. In 2014, AU Optronics released a 5.7-inch AMOLED screen with a resolution of 2560x1440. However, as of April 2016, the company's management believes that it is time for the mass introduction of AMOLED not yet.


    Tianma Microelectronics was founded in 1983 in Shenzhen (China). Until the beginning of this decade, the company was not widely known, as it developed products for the domestic market. Its main part is industrial LCD screens of low resolution, but with high reliability. Everything changed at the beginning of this decade, when the company began producing displays for mobile equipment. On at the moment it is the largest Chinese matrix manufacturer.

    Tianma's main products are LCD panels, but attention is also paid to AMOLED. In 2014, it absorbed NLT (created on the basis of NEC's display division), expanding its technology arsenal. Tianma's clients are Xiaomi company, HTC and other well-known smartphone manufacturers. Made for them LCD displays high resolution. Tianma's technology level reflects the 8K (7680x4320 pixels) 10" tablet display shown at CITE 2016.

    Other manufacturers

    As mentioned at the beginning, there are small companies (mostly Chinese) that produce LCD screens. For production, obsolete equipment is used, often purchased from market leaders. These screens are installed in ultra-cheap smartphones from little-known brands. By the quality of the picture, such products can be recognized at first glance. Poor viewing angles, dim and uneven backlight, and a grid of pixels visible to the naked eye - these are the main signs that the screen was produced at one of these factories.

    The problem is that running production lines modern IPS or AMOLED high-definition screens require billions of dollars in investment. Only a few world-class companies are able to allocate such finances, while everyone else has to be content with more affordable technologies. Therefore, a small company is simply unable to establish serial production high-end displays.

    In their TV labeling, LG, like other manufacturers, encrypt a certain technical information about the model. From the marking of the TV receiver you can find out the screen diagonal size, year of manufacture, series number, availability and type of tuner, for which country the model is made.

    Screen size

    The first two digits in the designation of LG TVs indicate the screen diagonal size in inches. One inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters. Increasing the diagonal size by a few inches can greatly affect the price, so you need to choose the size of the TV in advance based on the distance from which you will watch the TV. The most popular among buyers are TVs with diagonal sizes from 32 to 50 inches.

    Display technology

    There are plasma screens, liquid crystal screens with backlights from a lamp or diodes, and, more recently, OLED screens based on organic light-emitting diodes. The screen type can be recognized by the letter immediately after the first two numbers indicating the screen size.

    • E – OLED screen (from 2016 to 2018 OLED is designated by one letter, from 2018 by a different marking, it is written about it further);
    • U – matrix on liquid crystals with LED backlight and with Ultra HD resolution;
    • S – designation introduced in 2016, means “Super UHD” technology ( best LCD models, backlight using Nano Cell quantum dots);
    • L – liquid crystal matrix (LCD) backlit with light emitting diodes (LED) with HD resolution;

    Not released today:

    • C – liquid crystal matrix (LCD) backlit by a fluorescent lamp (no longer available);
    • P – plasma panel.

    Year of manufacture

    The year of manufacture of the TV is indicated by the next letter after the letter of the screen type. Each year, two or more letters were used in the labeling, indicating the presence of certain functions in a particular year. And only since 2014, one letter has been used in the LG TV labeling.

    • 2018 – K for LCD models, and the number “8” for OLED (W8, G8, E8, C8, B8);
    • 2017 – J for LCD models, and the number “7” for OLED (W7, G7, E7, C7, B7);
    • 2016 – H for LCD models, and the number “6” for OLED (G6, E6, C6, B6);
    • 2015 – F - flat screen, G- curved screen(EG - OLED 4K, UF - LED 4K, LF - LED Full HD);
    • 2014 – B;
    • 2013 – N, A (A with 3D function, N without 3D);
    • 2012 – LW, LM, PA, PM, PS (LW and LM with 3D);
    • 2011 – LV.

    L and P are the screen view.

    LG TV series

    The following numbers in the marking indicate the series and model in the series. The larger the number in each position, the more features has this model and so better technology applied. The series can range from 4 to 9. The most advanced is the 9th series.

    The series and set of functions differ (3D, Smart TV version, frame rate, etc.), the components used (processor model, set of connectors, etc.). Every year distinctive features each series changes, to know exactly how the series differ, you need to familiarize yourself with the specifications for a specific year on the LG website or on specialized resources. The main differences, which may be enough to choose a TV model, are given in the corresponding section here. From year to year certain components and functionality become cheaper and move to the lower series. So if some models are expensive for you this year, then in a year or two you will be able to buy a TV with the same capabilities for less.

    The following numbers after the series number are the model in this series and the modification of this model. The higher these numbers, the better the TV's performance.

    Tuner designation

    The last letter in the LG TV marking indicates the type of tuner for signal reception.

    • T - tuner formats DVB-T/T2, DVB-C;
    • S - tuner formats DVB-T, DVB-C, DVB-S/S2;
    • V - tuner formats DVB-T/T2, DVB-C, DVB-S/S2;
    • C - DVB-T, DVB-C tuner formats.

    An example of decoding the labeling of an LG TV until 2018

    For example, let's take the LG 49SJ810V model. What can you learn from this label? Let's look at it in order:

    • 49 – diagonal size in inches;
    • S – TV with a liquid crystal matrix and quantum dot backlight with 4K resolution (Super UHD);
    • J – 2017 model;
    • 8 – series number;
    • 1 and 0 – modification of the 8 series (indicates the appearance and minor differences in parameters);
    • V – information about the tuner.

    Changes in 2018

    LG is making changes to the labeling to ensure compatibility between the OLED and LED designations for different countries. Now marking in different countries will be the same.

    The main change affected the meaning of the letters at the end; if previously the type of tuner was indicated there, now there is a letter indicating the sales region, then a letter indicating the tuner, and at the end a letter regarding the design.

    At the end there may be the following letters:

    • First (region designation):
    1. R - Europe, USA;
    2. W - Korea;
    3. A - USA;
    4. S - UK, Singapore.
    For our countries there should be a letter "R".
  • Second (tuner designation):
    1. U - ATSC, Clear QAM;
    2. L - DVB-T/T2/T2HD/C/S/S2;
    3. N - ATSC 3.0, ATSC 1.0;
    4. S - SBTVD;
    5. J - BS110.
    There should be an "L" for our countries.
  • Third (denotes differences in design).
  • There is no decoding of the third letter from the manufacturers; it is believed that it is enough for the buyer to familiarize himself with the appearance in the store.

    Example for OLED: LG OLED77C8PLA


    • LG is a manufacturer;
    • OLED - organic light-emitting diode screen;
    • 77 - screen diagonal size in inches;
    • C - series (for OLED models there are W, G, E, C, B series);
    • 8 - year of production, in this case 2018;
    • P - region where implementation is taking place (P - Europe, USA);
    • L - tuner designation (L - DVB-T/T2/T2HD/C/S/S2);
    • A - design features.

    Example for LCD: LG 43UK6300PLB


    • LG is a manufacturer;
    • 43 - screen diagonal size in inches;
    • U - LCD matrix with LED backlight and 4K resolution;
    • K - year of manufacture 2018;
    • 6 - series;
    • 3 - subseries;
    • 00 - modifications within the 6th series;
    • P - region of implementation (Europe);
    • L - tuner type (L - DVB-T/T2/T2HD/C/S/S2);
    • B - differences in design.

    Decoding the product code

    The TV label usually also says additional information, encrypted in letters and called the “product code”.

    Let's look at what other information you can find out in the LG TV labeling.

    1) The first letter indicates the continent of destination:

    • Z – Europe;
    • U – Asia;
    • T - East and Africa;
    • N - North America;
    • A – Australia;
    • S - South America.

    2) The second letter refers to design.

    3) The third letter indicates the country of manufacture of the TV board:

    • A – Korea;
    • B – Russia;
    • C – Czech Republic.
    • AE – United United Arab Emirates;
    • AM – Armenia;
    • AT – Austria;
    • AZ – Azerbaijan;
    • BG – Bulgaria;
    • BY – Belarus;
    • CZ – Czech Republic;
    • EE – Estonia;
    • GE – Georgia;
    • HU – Hungary;
    • KR – South Korea;
    • KZ – Kazakhstan;
    • PL – Poland;
    • RU – Russia;
    • UA – Ukraine.
    • Z - LG IPS, 120 Hz matrix;
    • R - LG Display Co.Ltd. TN;
    • W - LG Display Co.Ltd. S-IPS;
    • Y - LG Display Co.Ltd. S-IPS;
    • U - LG Display Co.Ltd. IPS WUN SAB1/SAB2;
    • P - LG Display Co.Ltd. IPS WXN SBA1/SBA2;
    • Q - LG Display Co.Ltd. IPS WXN SAA1/SAA2;
    • V - LG Display Co.Ltd. IPS WUD SBA1/SBA2;

    6) The next letter indicates the type of backlight (L or W).

    7) The last letters indicate the country of manufacture of the TV:

    • JG – Poland;
    • JU – Russia;
    • LH – Korea;
    • LA - Czech Republic.

    Example of product code decoding:

    The label says: Product code: 42LA620V - ZA.BRUYLJU. Here “42LA620V” is the name of the model and how to decipher it is written above. But let’s try to decipher the designation “ZA.BRUYLJU”.

    • Z - TV for Europe;
    • A - refers to design;
    • B - the board was assembled in Russia;
    • RU - TV made for Russia;
    • Y - matrices in the TV receiver LG Display Co.Ltd. S-IPS;
    • L - indicates backlight;
    • JU - country of assembly Russia.

    LG TV serial number

    The serial number encrypts:

    1) The first digit indicates the year of manufacture.

    2) The next two digits indicate the month of issue.

    3) The following two letters indicate the country of manufacture:

    • PT – Korea;
    • RA – Russia;
    • AK – Kazakhstan;
    • L – Czech Republic;
    • WR/MA – Poland.

    An example of decoding the serial number of an LG TV:

    The label says: Serial number: 305RAYB59434. The TV is the same as above: model 42LA620V.

    • 3 - year of manufacture 2013 (the same year in the model name “LA” - means 2013);
    • 05 - month of issue;
    • RA - country of production Russia (the same country is encrypted in the product code);

    Why should I even be interested in this?

    It’s important and even very important! The TV marking (plate) can warn you against making the wrong purchase.

    So, it’s time to talk about purposefully choosing a TV and, oddly enough, the LG TV marking will help us with this.

    You can even object to me! After all, the seller must explain everything, why should I delve into the set of letters and numbers on the plate?

    Of course, you don’t have to go into it, but I doubt that the seller will tell you from the first words about the bad things about a particular TV.

    But anything can be hidden!

    For example... is there a built-in tuner for satellite reception, year of manufacture, country of manufacturer (who actually did the assembly) and much more.

    I already wrote about the moments of my painful choice of TV in the article:

    That’s why I’ll talk about the LG TV line.

    I’ll add that 4K is still tomorrow for many, and FUL HD is today, but I note that on a 4K TV even FUL HD looks much better, there are more pixels.

    But I’m talking about myself again, I’m still in a good sense of the word “dragging” on the excellent 4K picture.

    So, screen size

    The first two digits in the designation of LG TVs indicate the screen diagonal size in inches. One inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

    Increasing the diagonal size by a few inches can greatly affect the price, so you need to pre-size your TV based on the distance from which you will be watching it.

    The most popular among buyers are TVs with diagonal sizes from 32 to 50 inches. I even recommended 55, don’t regret it.

    About display manufacturing technology

    The screen type can be recognized by the letter immediately after the first two numbers indicating the screen size.
    E – OLED screen;
    L – matrix on liquid crystals (LCD) with backlighting on light emitting diodes (LED);
    U – liquid crystal matrix with LED backlighting and Ultra HD resolution;
    C – liquid crystal matrix (LCD) backlit by a fluorescent lamp (no longer available);
    P – plasma panel.

    Year of manufacture

    The year of manufacture of the TV is indicated by the next letter after the letter of the screen type. Each year, two or more letters were used in the labeling, indicating the presence of certain functions in a particular year.
    o LF - TVs with Full HD resolution;
    o UF - TVs with 4K resolution, flat screen;
    o EG - OLED 4K TVs with curved screen.
    o UB — TVs with 4K UHD resolution screens;
    o LB - TVs with Full screens HD;
    o UC-TVs with curved C-curved screens;
    o EC TVs with OLED screens;
    o LY - commercial TVs (for offices, bars, hotels).
    2013 and earlier:
    o 2013 – LN, LA (LA with 3D function, LN without 3D);
    o 2012 – LW, LM, PA, PM, PS (LW and LM with 3D);
    o 2011 – LV.

    LG TV series

    The following numbers in the marking indicate the series and model in the series. The larger the number on each position, the more functions this model has and the better the technology is applied.

    The series can range from 4 to 9. The most advanced is the 9th series.

    The series and set of functions differ (3D, Smart TV version, frame rate, etc.), the components used (processor model, set of connectors, etc.).

    Every year, the distinctive features of each series change; to know exactly how the series differ, you need to familiarize yourself with the specifications for a specific year on the LG website or on specialized resources.

    From year to year, certain components and functionality become cheaper and move into lower series.
    So if some models are expensive for you this year, then in a year or two you will be able to buy a TV with the same capabilities for less.

    The following numbers after the series number are the model in this series and the modification of this model. The higher these numbers, the better the TV's performance.

    Tuner designation

    The last letter in the LG TV marking indicates the type of tuner for signal reception.
    T - tuner formats DVB-T/T2, DVB-C;
    S - tuner formats DVB-T, DVB-C, DVB-S/S2;
    V - tuner formats DVB-T/T2, DVB-C, DVB-S/S2;
    C - DVB-T, DVB-C tuner formats.

    For built-in satellite TV reception, we need DVB-S/S2 to be present in the designation.

    Decoding the product code

    The TV label usually contains additional information, encrypted in letters, which is called the “product code.”

    1) The first letter indicates the continent of destination:

    Z – Europe;
    U – Asia;
    T - East and Africa;
    N - North America;
    A – Australia;
    S - South America.

    2) The second letter refers to design.
    3) The third letter indicates the country of manufacture of the TV board:

    A – Korea;
    B – Russia;
    C – Czech Republic.

    AE – United Arab Emirates;
    AM – Armenia;
    AT – Austria;
    AZ – Azerbaijan;
    BG – Bulgaria;
    BY – Belarus;
    CZ – Czech Republic;
    EE – Estonia;
    GE – Georgia;
    HU – Hungary;
    KR – South Korea;
    KZ – Kazakhstan;
    PL – Poland;
    RU – Russia;
    UA – Ukraine.

    5) Next comes the letter designating the matrix used in the LG TV:
    Z - LG IPS, 120 Hz matrix;
    R - LG Display Co.Ltd. TN;
    W - LG Display Co.Ltd. S-IPS;
    Y - LG Display Co.Ltd. S-IPS;
    U - LG Display Co.Ltd. IPS WUN SAB1/SAB2;
    P - LG Display Co.Ltd. IPS WXN SBA1/SBA2;
    Q - LG Display Co.Ltd. IPS WXN SAA1/SAA2;
    V - LG Display Co.Ltd. IPS WUD SBA1/SBA2;

    6) The next letter indicates the type of backlight (L or W).
    7) The last letters indicate the country where the TV was assembled:

    JG – Poland;
    JU – Russia;
    LH – Korea;
    LA - Czech Republic.

    The plate from my TV has nothing to do with the description of the markings.

    Example of product code decoding:

    Randomly taken TV model!

    The label says: Product code: 42LA620V - ZA.BRUYLJU. Here “42LA620V” is the name of the model and how to decipher it is written above. But let’s try to decipher the designation “ZA.BRUYLJU”.

    Z - TV for Europe;
    A - refers to design;
    B — the board was assembled in Russia;
    RU - TV made for Russia;
    Y - matrices in the TV receiver LG Display Co.Ltd. S-IPS;
    L - indicates backlight;
    JU - country of assembly Russia.

    LG TV serial number

    The serial number encrypts:

    1) The first digit indicates the year of manufacture.
    2) The next two digits indicate the month of issue.
    3) The following two letters indicate the country of manufacture:

    PT – Korea;
    RA – Russia;
    AK – Kazakhstan;
    L – Czech Republic;
    WR/MA – Poland.

    If you have any difficulties working with your LG TV, the best solution would be to contact technical support. LG technical support service is a staff of specialists who should solve almost any problem that arises.

    To write to LG support, go to:

    https://www.lg.com/ru/support/message-customer-support (Russia);
    https://www.lg.com/ua/support/message-customer-support (Ukraine). and fill out the contact form there.

    Try to include all the important information and details that can help solve your problem. Next, you just have to wait for the support service to respond.

    If you have any questions, you can also contact Customer Support by phone ( toll free line):
    8-800-200-76-76 (Russia)
    8-820-0071-1111 (Belarus)

    Beware of updating to firmware 04.45.04, your TV may freeze, so much so that without a technician, you may even have to send it to a service center.

    Good luck, Friends!

    Samsung branding and TV series

    Samsung has been using a unified system for naming TVs since 2008. This is marking, and we will look into it. Earlier models may be labeled differently, but such devices cannot be found in the market.

    From the TV marking you can to know screen type, year of manufacture, region for which the model is intended. By serial number and sub-series you can recognize some technical specifications, because the company pre-announces which series will have which parameters.

    These markings are located on the back of the TV and on the shipping box. Please note that the serial number is not " serial number”, and the number indicated in the model name, for example: “Samsung UE40MU6100UXUA”.

    Marking Decoding Example

    Let's consider two models from different years and with different matrices for display. The following describes all possible options markings.

    Model 2016 with LED screen

    Let's look at one example of Samsung TV labeling. From left to right:

    • U. LED TV,
    • E. Europe region,
    • 75. Screen diagonal in inches,
    • K. model 2016,
    • 9. Ninth series, numbers 0,0,0, we won’t say anything without the help of specialists (the last two zeros talk about design),
    • AB. indicates the tuner type, which can be defined in the list below.

    2017 model with QLED screen

    Another example of Samsung TV designation, this time for the Q model:

    • Q. QLED TV,
    • E. Europe region,
    • 65. Screen diagonal in inches,
    • Q9. 9 series model,
    • F. flat screen (for curved letter C),
    • A. Date of release and start of sales,
    • M. The letter refers to design,
    • U. tuner,
    • XRU. destination country Russia.

    Read also

    Screen view

    The first letter indicates the screen manufacturing technology:

    • U — illumination of the matrix with LEDs (LED);
    • Q – QLED, LCD using quantum dots for lighting, quantum dot enhancement film (QDEF);

    All modern models Samsung TVs are used as a liquid crystal display (LCD) matrix, different matrix lighting and the quality of the matrix itself. Therefore there are regular U-models and premium Q TVs.

    They are not produced today:

    • K— matrix organic light-emitting diodes (OLED., Organic light-emitting diode);
    • P. plasma screen(PDP.Plasma Display Panel), discontinued in 2014;
    • L. Illumination of the matrix with fluorescent lamps (CCFL, cold cathode fluorescent lamp), they have not been produced since 2013;
    • C-kinescope (CRT-cathode ray tube, cathode ray tube) is not produced today.
    • F - flat screen (flat);
    • C - curved screen;


    The second letter indicates the distribution zone (for which it is created):

    • E - Europe;
    • A. Asia, Africa, Australia;
    • S - Iran;
    • North Korea, North and South America.

    TV matrix repair



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    Screen size

    As a rule, TVs are produced with screens from 32 to 65 inches, the most popular among users. Eat more screens, but this is for large spaces and most buyers do not choose them.

    Year of issue

    • Q/MU/M – 2017
    • KS/KU – 2016
    • JS/JU – 2015
    • HU/H – 2014
    • F - 2013
    • E - 2012
    • D - 2011
    • Since 2010
    • In 2009
    • A - 2008

    In addition, additional letters have been added to those that indicate the year:

    • S - TVs under the SUHD brand (released in 2015 and 2016);
    • U is an ultra-high resolution 4K UHD screen.

    All Q (QLED) and S (SUHD) models have 4K UHD resolution (3840x2160).

    Previously there was a letter like this (after indicating the year):
    H - means a body of normal thickness;

    If after marking the name of the year there are no other letters, and the series immediately continues, then this is a regular LED HDTV with Full HD (1920×1080) or HD Ready (1366×768) resolution.

    television series

    Read also

    The following pictures show the series and sub-series of Samsung TVs.

    In descending order, the price decreases, and the technical characteristics deteriorate, or rather, the devices become simpler, without additional functions.

    The second number indicates the podcast series. According to some experts, various technical data may be hidden in this figure. There is no official explanation from the company regarding this figure, so it is difficult to say.

    The third number refers to the design, so it will not reveal any technical parameters.


    The fourth digit indicates the presence of a tuner and its appearance. For example, the number 7 meant the presence of a DVB-T2 tuner, and 0 meant the presence of a DVB-T tuner. That's how it was before 2013, but since 2013, the appearance of the tuner began to be designated by two letters, and the fourth number also began to refer to the design.

    Now the type of tuner is indicated as follows (the newer designation is indicated in brackets):

    • AW(W). DVB-T tuner/C;
    • AB (AU or U). DVB-T2/S/S2 tuner;
    • AK(K). DVB-T2/C tuner;
    • AT(T). two tuners 2 x DVB-T2 / C / S2;
    • SB. DVB-T2/S/S2 tuner;
    • Sandstones tuner DVB-T/C/S2;
    • ST. two tuners 2 x DVB-T2 / C / S2;
    • Sea level two tuners 2 x DVB-T/C/S2;
    • AF (BF). DTV tuner / digital cable tuner / analogue tuner;
    • D.K. DVB-T2/C;
    • AR (DR). DTV tuner / analog tuner.

    Then there may be one or two letters. According to the company's explanation, these letters to consumers do not contain any information. Additionally, these letters may not mark Samsung TVs.

    Destination country designation

    And the last three letters that indicate the country in which this will be sold TV:

    • XRU. Russia;
    • Xua. Ukraine;
    • XCS. Kazakhstan;
    • XZF. France;
    • XXU. England;
    • XZT. Italy;
    • XXC. Spain;
    • XZA. USA;
    • XXY. Australia;
    • XMA (XXM). Malaysia;
    • XZN. Arab countries;
    • XXT. India, Thailand;
    • XMS. Asia;
    • XZG. Germany, Austria and Switzerland;
    • XXN. Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg;
    • MBT. Baltic (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia);
    • XXE. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland;
    • XXH. Eastern Europe (Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, etc.).


    Most important parameters that can be extracted from the markings are the year of manufacture and the serial number.

    Main technical characteristics that distinguish one series from another:

    1. Availability of ports (USB, HDMI, etc.);
    2. Technologies for image improvement (increasing frame rate, improving color rendition, etc.). For example: Wide Color Enhancer Plus, Clean View, Clear Motion Rate 100, 400, 600;
    3. Availability Wi-Fi module, LAN port for connecting to the Internet;
    4. Availability of a tuner, for example, for receiving digital television. It can be DVB-T2 or DVB-T;
    5. Screen resolution: HD Ready, Full HD, Ultra HD;
    6. Frame frequency, the frequency of the matrix itself;
    7. Availability of 3D functions, Smart TV, ability to control by voice or gestures.

    And there is surround sound, browser, number of cores in the processor, thickness of the case, etc. Some features will be important to you, and some can be neglected. Pay attention only to the fact that it is really important for you not to overpay for the purchase.