• What passwords can you come up with for the game? How to come up with a complex password that's easy to remember

    Internet users have become smarter over the past few years. No, seriously. If earlier my friends complained about the constant hacking of their mailboxes or pages on social networks such as VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, today they deal with such a problem much less often. Not least of all, this has to do with the password - the most important part of any account, which for some reason is very often neglected. And in vain.

    Imagine that you have a page on a social network or, for example, an account on Skype. If an attacker gains access to the same Skype, he can spend the funds in your account. At the same time, you will not be able to present anything to the company itself, since you are responsible for your account. Or another case - someone opened yours and started sending spam to your friends. Who might benefit from this? No one, and only you will be to blame.

    But before we start talking about main topic our article today, I would like to make a small digression. I want to tell you that even the archi complex password, consisting of 50 characters, cannot protect you if you neglect simple rules security. Why?

    • The first reason is that you save the password in the browser. Never, remember, never, under any circumstances, do this! There is a type of Trojan that, when it reaches the user’s computer, checks the saved contents of the browser and, if saved data is found, transfers the information to the attacker, without you even knowing about it! Therefore, always write down all important data (the same password) in a diary or on a piece of paper to which only you have access.
    • The second reason: it is a continuation of the first. If someone has obtained data from your account on a social network, then they will probably try to use this password on other resources where you are also registered. This is why some users lose their mailboxes so easily - they use the same password everywhere! You can't do that! For each site, create your own unique combination of symbols!
    • The third reason: phishing sites. Alas, not one of us is immune from them. A phishing site is a fake site whose design completely copies some popular resource. Very often, for example, the same “VKontakte” fakes - you go to its exact copy, which is not located on the domain vk.com, but, say, on vkkkk.com. After you enter your profile data, it will instantly go to the attacker, although you yourself will not be able to access your page - after all, this is a completely different site, only outwardly similar to VK! Therefore, always carefully monitor the domain names of sites where you enter your valuable login and password. (You can also get to the phishing site through the shift hosts file, but we'll talk about that next time).
    • The fourth reason: keyloggers. Keylogger is small program, launched, as a rule, without notifying the user, which remembers all his actions: every keystroke, mouse movement, etc. Most often, keyloggers are used by jealous people who want to catch their significant other writing a love letter to an unknown person, but such programs often end up on the computer from world wide web and are used by bad guys to steal data, because everything typed on the keyboard is saved in a file, which is then sent to the attackers.

    Are you tired yet? I hope not, but modern reality is a very cruel thing and you need to be prepared for it. These are just a few of the main reasons why people lose access to their accounts. Therefore, follow the rules that we wrote about just above and then the risk of getting into a similar situation will be reduced to a minimum.

    How to come up with a complex password?

    Well, friends, now we move on to the most interesting part, namely, we will learn how to create complex passwords. In fact, there is nothing new in the system that will be discussed below, it’s just that many users are not even aware of it.

    Where to start? Perhaps this is why - the minimum number of characters cannot be less than 8. Why exactly 8? According to recent studies, words of 7 digits or less are selected much faster than words of 8, not to mention something larger (for some reasons the difference in selection time is very large). However, we advise you to slightly increase the number of digits to at least 12-14 - in this case, it will be almost impossible to select symbols programmatically, it will take years!

    So, now about the most important thing. Take something simple Russian word. Let's say the word is "wallet." Now we take it and write it on the English layout, that is, we have succeeded, evf;ybr. An excellent set of characters, it must be noted. Now at the beginning or at the end we add one capital letter - V. It turns out V,evf;ybr. Quite good, but that's not all. In the final part, we add some arbitrary number, for example, the year of your birth - 1975. The final password turns out like this: V,evf;ybr1975. It has 13 characters, including letters of different cases, numbers and special characters. Believe me, it will be so difficult for an attacker to find this word that he, most likely, will not even be able to do it!

    The password, which you can see just above, is given for informational purposes only and is NOT NECESSARY to use! You can come up with it yourself by following our instructions. Just don't forget your password! To prevent this from happening, write down a set of symbols in your diary or in some notebook and hide it away from human eyes. There is no need to write it down in your phone - someone can see it there, and if the phone is also stolen, then...

    By the way, there are special programs for automatically generating and storing passwords on a computer, but I don’t recommend using them - despite the fact that the data is securely hidden in the program, something can happen to the computer and then you can say goodbye to your data "... Be careful!

    On the social network VK great system security that protects users from guessing passwords for their pages, even if attackers learn logins from other people's accounts. In most cases, when an account is hijacked, the user is to blame, and one of the reasons for this is simplest password.

    What does the simplest password mean? This easy password, which usually consists of just a few numbers or letters. Here are examples of simple passwords:

    • zxcvbn
    • iphone
    • 88888888
    • password
    • andrei

    These are just a few examples, but you get the idea and that's the main thing. The more complex, and therefore more secure, the password, the lower the likelihood that the account will be opened by intruders.

    How to come up with a complex password for VKontakte?

    There are several in various ways how to come up with a password. We will look at one of the popular and at the same time valid schemes.

    So, first let's decide on the number of characters in the password. As a rule, experts advise using at least 8 characters, but this is the very minimum (by the way, many users in best case scenario use a 6-digit password). And although 8 characters is the minimum length recommended for a password, the actual number of characters in it should be at least 10-12. Tell me, is this a lot? But account security is hundreds and even thousands of times higher.

    Now let's start creating a password. Remember, it must contain both numbers and letters of different case and even special characters.

    The simplest option is to take some Russian word and write it in the Latin layout. For example, the word smartphone on the English layout it looks like this - cvfhnajy. This word has 8 characters. Few? Wait, we're not done yet.

    So the word cvfhnajy. We add a number to it, for example, some kind of memorable one. Let it be the number 201. We get the word cvfhnajy201. Just in case, we write the password with a capital letter to make it more difficult for attackers and we get Cvfhnajy201. Enough? No, you need to add special characters, for example, * . Now our password looks like this - Cvfhnajy201*, as many as 12 characters, while the password itself is complex, but easy to remember. Of course, it is given as an example and we strongly do not recommend using it - come up with your own, fortunately, it’s simple.

    By the way, just in case, you can write down the password itself somewhere in a notepad or notebook, and remove the latter as far as possible from human eyes.

    Registration password. Login and password. I forgot my password. This is something everyone faces. What password should I set to make it secure? Hackers will give you the best answer.

    The problem of setting passwords has two aspects. First, it must be reliable. Second, you must not forget it. While we can give advice on the first point, we cannot give advice on the second. It's all up to you. Get yourself a paper book and write down all your passwords there. You can write it to a rarely used flash drive.

    Cracking a password is quite simple if someone sets out to do this. It's just a matter of time and tools. But many obstacles can be placed in the way of attackers, including choosing the right password. In principle, every password you enter is encrypted, ranging from MD5 encryption to 3-step reverse encryption. However, anyone who intends to crack already knows how it is encrypted, and if you give a direct hint by choosing the wrong password, you will make his task a thousand times easier.

    If you simply lose control of registering on the site, then this is not a problem. Now, if you lose control of your mailbox or social network account, then this big problem. In a mild case, you will be spammed and you will lose trust with many of your contacts. In the worst case, you will lose money and compromise yourself. It is usually possible to recover and update your password, but you will still get problems.

    It's like the height of a fence. The higher it is, the more difficult it is for attackers to overcome it. It is possible to climb over, but it is much more difficult.

    Don't neglect advice.

    1. How longer password, the better. !!! Even by simple brute force it is much more difficult to hack it. Purely “brutal” attacks on your password are more difficult in time. Now the norm is from 8 acquaintances.
    2. LOGIN should never be the same as the password.
    3. Use a unique password that you have not previously specified. Those. no need to use a password that you have already used somewhere. At a minimum, if you hack, you will lose the rest. Get into the habit of writing them down on paper or putting them on a flash drive that you rarely use.
    4. The password must be diluted. Letters, numbers, and symbols. Necessarily. After all, it’s not difficult to install, but hacking is another time problem.
    5. It’s better if the password is meaningless Vi3%drsowtz5, and not ordinary words in Russian or English.
    6. Characters of different registers are more than welcome.
    7. Never use your name or the people close to you, dogs and cats, and especially your birth dates. Believe it or not, this is the first thing that is checked before manually cracking a password.
    8. Phone number and other bank cards no way.
    9. Regular keyboard passwords are also not allowed - such as qwerty and 12345678

    And now the most easily hackable ones that were introduced on the Internet at the end of 2013. At least don't use them.

    Last year the most popular number was 123456.

    The choice of password is yours, but the advice is based on basic hacking algorithms.

    In order to reliably protect data on your computer from hacking by intruders, you must always consider options for encrypting information. As a rule, to enter certain sites or use certain applications A password is always used. However, thanks modern technologies Today's hackers are very quick to guess and recognize simple methods encryption. In order not to lose the necessary data and not become a victim of attackers, you need to carefully think through the “password”. In order to figure out how to do this, first of all, it is worth considering the types and methods of encryption.

    Types of passwords

    Today, the following types of encryption are distinguished:

    • alphabetic;
    • symbolic;
    • digital;
    • combined;
    • using register.

    The first 3 categories are considered the most unreliable. If only letters or symbols were used to create a password, then such a cipher is quite easy to crack even with the most basic program. Such “passwords” can be used exclusively on forums or accounts that you are not afraid of losing. The following coding categories are worth considering more seriously.

    How to come up with a password: letters, numbers and symbols

    The more additional information contains code, the better. Such ciphers are almost impossible to crack. If the codes use combinations of letters and numbers or different characters, then these are the most complex passwords.

    It is also worth considering that the code must not be very short. The fewer characters used in encryption, the easier it will be for attackers. Therefore, a complex password of 8 characters or more signs is considered the best.

    If we talk about examples of bad passwords, the worst of them are combinations consisting of the same repeated numbers or letters. In this case, hacking is guaranteed.

    However, many are faced with the problem of choosing the right variants of complex passwords for mailbox or another method of authorization on virtual resources is not so easy. The fact is that many Internet users access a wide variety of portals. If you come up with a separate code for each of them, you can end up getting confused. What to do in this situation?


    The most complex passwords typically contain both uppercase and lowercase letters.

    It is not recommended to use specific words that can be translated from English or other languages. It is better if it is a chaotic set of symbols, in which some characters will be large and others small.

    It is most convenient to remember passwords written using case, if you follow a certain sequence of uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, the first character can be made small, the second - large, and so on.


    In order not to rack their brains about how to remember a complex password, some network users very often use their date of birth as a “password”. Unfortunately, such codes are considered the most unreliable. The fact is that it will not be difficult for attackers to find this information on a social network or other sources. However, this does not mean that this method should be excluded. If you mirror all the characters in the code, you can create a pretty interesting password.

    For example, a complex password of numbers “772010” means that the person was actually born on February 1, 1977. However, it is advisable to supplement such a cipher with some other symbols.


    And in order not to rack your brains over how to come up with a password, it is much easier to use ready-made programs for this. However, you need to understand that when using such applications there is a risk that they themselves may turn out to be developed by attackers, so it is much better to come up with “passwords” on your own.

    However, it is still worth considering what a generator is. This program creates passwords by randomly selecting random combinations of letters, numbers and other symbols. In this case, as a rule, several encoding methods are used at once, with the exception of “reversals”.

    This type of program is very small and easy to install. As a rule, they have only 1 button, so even inexperienced user can easily choose the password he likes best and use it.

    Such programs usually have internal antiviruses installed that prevent attacks by intruders. However, it is worth considering that the codes will be saved in the program database, so malware may have access to these files.

    In addition, after using the generator, many users receive extremely complex passwords that are simply impossible to remember. Some people make the huge mistake of recording this information in a file, saving it on their computer desktop. Doing this is strictly prohibited.


    This encoding method has something in common with the methods described above. Let's take a closer look at how encryption is done. This is much easier to do using complex passwords as an example.

    You can take the simplest but unique phrase that a person can remember quite easily. For example, someone liked the phrase “space oysters.” You can also use any lines from your favorite songs and poems, or just a set of chaotic words that the user likes most.

    • Rewrite all Russian words using the English layout. Based on our complex password example, it should be something like rjcvbxtcrbt ecnhbws.
    • Mirror the phrase swbhnce tbrctxbvcjr.
    • Replace all letters with symbols that look similar to them. For example, the letter “o” can be replaced with “()”, and the character “i” can easily be specified as “!” etc.
    • Remove paired or unpaired characters.
    • Remove all consonants or, conversely, vowels.
    • Add additional special characters or numbers.

    There is also another way that will help you quickly create the most complex passwords and not forget them. For example, let’s take the same phrase “space oysters.” If you take the first 4 letters of the first word and 4 characters from the second, you get the incoherent word “kosmritsy”. After this, just switch to the English layout and dial this combination again. We get rjcvhbws.

    If you complicate the cipher a little and add a capital letter, then in this case the password will be very easy to remember, since the original word is known only to the user himself.

    Such combinations are considered the most complex passwords, which are quite easy to remember.

    As a rule, many novice Internet users use their address as a login. email. Under no circumstances should you do this, since it will not be difficult for attackers to find out information about a person’s mailbox. Therefore, it is better to come up with some other word. You should also adhere to the following recommendations:

    • When creating passwords, you should never use personal data (for example, last name or first name, as well as the names of relatives or the names of pets).
    • It is not recommended to enter addresses, date of birth and other information that can be easily found on any social network.
    • You should not use those phrases or phrases that are widely used in everyday life by most people.
    • The code length must be at least 10 characters.

    How to quickly remember a new password?

    To do this, it is best to use some phrases that no one else repeats. Apply quotes famous people not recommended as many people do it.

    You can use an automatic poetry generator for this, as well as other poetry services, of which there are a huge number today.

    Perhaps there is a family tradition of using a word or expression that is rarely used by anyone else. You can simply use Latin letters to write it, and also supplement them with some significant numbers that will not be the date of birth.

    Here you are, dear reader, you probably don’t close your house or apartment with a latch or a hook. Entrance door, and choose a more reliable, stronger lock and key for your home, so that no one can get inside without your knowledge. And that’s right, and that’s how it should be! Otherwise, at some point in time, or rather, day or night, you can lose everything that was acquired through backbreaking labor.

    It is noteworthy that this everyday truth is also true for accounts in online services. They also need to be locked, and well locked with a key - a password - from strangers. After all, those who want to covet profiles, accounts in payment systems, online games, social networks, and anywhere (the Internet is big!), more than enough. And you don’t need to reassure yourself during the registration process on the next web resource with thoughts like “Who knows me here...”, “Who needs my profile...”, etc. Fragile hope for "maybe" in in this case could lead to trouble. Moreover, large ones if, for example, we are talking about cash in your online banking account.

    In this article, you will learn how to come up with a strong password, how to remember it, and how to store it safely on your computer.

    Complex password - guarantee of confidentiality

    Why do you need to invent good password? Yes, because it is the very first and most important level of protection for your personal data. Computer attackers “open” many user profiles by guessing a password using special programs. Lightweight symbolic keys are a godsend for them. Once - and you're done! You don't need to work hard on hacking.

    To further clarify this situation with statistical arguments, we will use a special web service https://howsecureismypassword.net/. It tells you how long it might take to crack a user-specified password. That is, it evaluates the degree of its resistance to hacking.

    So, let's assume that we decided to come up with a password using the arrangement of letters on the keyboard - qwerty (well, a very trivial combination). We ask the service.

    Now let's try to test a key 6 characters long, consisting of small English letters and numbers - ty23ds.

    The result is also disappointing: 54 milliseconds. Of course, in such a period of time the sequence can only be “solved” using an automated method. However, in most cases, hackers use exactly this technology.

    Let's complicate the combination: add capital letters to the set and increase the key length to 11 characters. Enter - eYtou349i93.

    This is much better: the villain-burglar will have to pore over finding the key for 41 years (in theory, of course!).

    But you can come up with a more complicated password: increase the length even further, for example, to 18 characters, and use special characters along with letters and numbers. Something like - ew$yu*ow)RweQ23&tT.

    The result is simply “cosmic” (by the way, to the delight of the user): the estimated time required for selection is 7 quadrillion years. And in 1 quadrillion, as you know, there are 15 zeros. In general, no comments.

    Vigilant readers will, of course, immediately ask the question: “Recruitment, but what about the Trojans? Are they stealing passwords? Yes, the tools of attackers are extensive: they include viruses, social engineering, and special software. And a complex password is certainly not a perfect panacea for hacking. account. But it can safely be called a powerful protective obstacle on the way of hackers to confidential data.

    Password rules

    When creating a symbolic combination to enter the site, regardless of its functionality and purpose, mandatory Consider the following points:

    1. Avoid simple combinations. In particular:

    • logical sequences - abcde, 1234;
    • keyboard layout vertically, horizontally, diagonally, etc. - asdfg, qscwdv.

    2. Do not use dictionary words in “pure form” (without adding other symbols, numbers). Especially such as “parol”, “password”, “admin”, “my_parol”.

    3. Do not use personal data that is in the open access, for example, on a personal page on a social network or in a profile on a forum. Even with added numbers! Including phone number, date of birth, mailbox address, first name, last name, patronymic, names of pets.

    5. Do not enter Russian words in the English layout (example: input - d)