• What nickname can you come up with? How to come up with a nickname: creative ideas

    Internet. There is a lot of interesting things here even for “old-timers”, but for newcomers it is generally a separate state, with its own laws, rules and even language. It seems like a native language, but somehow incomprehensible. Here, for example. No matter what site you go to, you can look at it, you can read it, but you can’t download or discuss something. Vigilant but invisible “guards” require you to enter a nickname or register. You register - and then there’s a nickname. Only this time it needs to be invented. But how do you come up with something you have no idea about?

    Your name on the Internet or how to come up with a nickname - 7 ways

    The question of a “tricky” and memorable nickname worries not only beginners. “Veterans” of the Internet also often puzzle over this. But first, let’s find out what a “nickname” (or otherwise “login”) is and why it is needed.

    So, a nickname (correctly “nickname”) for an inhabitant of the World Wide Web is the same as a creative pseudonym for a writer. By the way, this word is translated from English as “pseudonym, nickname.” However, not only writers, bloggers, Frumites and other inhabitants of the World Wide Web use nicknames. Pseudonyms are often invented by film and theater actors, musicians, circus performers, in short, everyone associated with show business. After all, for this area it is very important that the name be sonorous, but not stupid, and literally etched in the memory.

    However, we won’t torment you with foreplay any longer, and offer a few simple recommendations, which (we really hope) will help you spend much less time “inventing” a bright and memorable nickname.

    Step one. Do you need a nickname and why?

    Before you come up with a nickname, remember one important thing: a nickname is needed for a specific purpose. Therefore, we advise you to decide how exactly you will use it. Whether it will be your name on a social network, in a chat or on a dating site. Or do you need a pseudonym? Or maybe you want to play some online game and your nickname should instill fear in the enemy. In any case, whatever medium of communication on the Internet you choose, your nickname must correspond to it.

    Let's say you are a writer and have just finished another novel, say a detective story. Agree, publishing it under the name “Hellish devil” or “Kisa” would be ridiculous. In addition, the nickname must be unique. This is especially important for forums or social networks. After all, on any forum there can be a lot of the same “Hellish devils”, and “Kisul” even more. Go ahead and figure out which one you are.

    Second step. Nick with a twist

    In addition to being unique, your nickname should, as they say, have a twist. That is, he must:

    • arouse curiosity;
    • attract attention;
    • associate with you.

    And here it is very important to know exactly why you need a nickname, since its zest largely depends on the scope of use.

    It is also important what associations your nickname will evoke among others. After all, the association is the highlight thanks to which it is “embedded” in the memory. Remember Chinese martial arts movies? The heroes had their own names, but they also had nicknames that in one or two words described their character and manner of fighting. And the famous character of Fenimore Cooper? His real name was Nathaniel Bumppo, but for his accuracy the Indians gave him their nickname, Hawkeye.

    Third step. Techniques

    We found out what the nickname should be. Let’s now talk about the techniques that are most often used by the “old-timers” of the Internet. But, again, one or another method must be used wisely, based on the context.

    1. First appointment. Letter. Strange as it may sound, just one letter can give your nickname some mystery, some mystery. Everyone will want to know what this letter means. However, there is one problem. There are millions of users on the Internet, and there are about thirty letters in both the English and Russian alphabet. In addition, various chats and forums do not allow using only one letter in a nickname. But all these restrictions were invented by people and people figured out how to get around them. The easiest way is to write the same letter several times, while inserting periods, hyphens or underscores.
    2. Reception second. Inverted words. Such words are often used in nicknames. That is, they take a word and write it from right to left. For example, Word-Drow, Dynamo-Omanyd and so on. Basically, people “invert” their names, and to make the name or inverted word sound beautiful, they add letters, particles, prefixes, and so on. Let's say this: we add the letter S to the word Modles, it turns out Modless. Or another option. The name Danyl is “transformed” into Lynad and with the help of the article der, Russian Danyl becomes German, DerLynad.
    3. Technique three: Turn verbs into nouns. This is the easiest way to come up with original nickname. If you need it in English, take the verb that expresses your favorite action and add the ending er to it. For example, Read-Reader, Write-Writer. It's even easier in Russian. You turn a verb into a noun: Write-Writer, Travel-Traveler. Would you say that there are many such nicknames? A lot, but you can add your name in English to this nickname or vice versa. And the result is a memorable nickname that will definitely help you find like-minded people.
    4. Technique four: Play with words and symbols. This game with words and symbols is perhaps the most popular on the Internet. It “works” very simply: letters or owls that sound similar are replaced with numbers, symbols or words that sound similar. For example, the letter “H” can be replaced with 4, “A” with @, etc. Thus, quite interesting nicknames are obtained. WITH English you can “play” the same way. See for yourself: 4Fun, Sk8ter, To№y.
    5. Technique five: Heroes of books, myths and legends. This technique can be used by creative people who want to bring beauty and poetry to their pseudonym. At the same time, show off your erudition. Moreover, it does not matter at all which mythology of which country or which century is taken as a model. If you want to feel like the ruler of the universe, take the pseudonym Zeusili Poseidon. Or maybe you prefer the Egyptian god Osiris or the ancient Greek Aurora. In a word, choose.
    6. Technique six. Nick and male instincts. And now it’s time for you, “Kisuli”, “Lapuli”, “Sweets” and other permanent “residents” of dating sites. Girls usually choose such pseudonyms to emphasize their naivety, insecurity and need for a strong male shoulder. As a rule, this works flawlessly for men. After all, it is much more pleasant to communicate with “Kitsonka” or “Zainka” than with the “Augean Cleaner”. In addition (don’t tell anyone!) they use a similar nickname if they want to confuse one of the stronger sex. In the huge family of Internet users, there are also such people. Moreover, they do this not so much out of bad intentions, but rather “as a joke and for fun.” But still, be careful. After all, the reaction to the next “Kisunya” may be the opposite and your own nickname will play a cruel joke on you.
    7. Reception seventh. Objects, sounds and nickname. Absolutely anything can be used as a nickname, even the names of objects and sounds. For example, Planer, Cutter, Protractor, Flash, Buzz and so on. And again we remind you that the nickname should be chosen according to the tasks and goals, and not just to make it sound.

    Related advice for copywriters. The same method can be used if you are struggling with the name of your clan or group.

    Of course, the techniques listed here are not everything. After all, human ingenuity, and especially the ingenuity of the multi-million Internet population, is limitless. You can come up with an interesting and memorable nickname in different ways. Some will be more effective, others will not. There is no universal recipe or nickname for all occasions, but there is advice common to everyone: first decide why you need a nickname, and then come up with one.

    How did you come up with your nickname and what does it mean?

    What users say

    I generally don’t worry about nicknames; it seems to me that it’s the content that makes the impression, not the nickname. And I advise everyone to pay attention to what you write, and not to inventing nicknames.

    As I said above, I also don’t really worry about this, whatever comes to my mind first, I write it down as a nickname. Truth is, most often I prefer to write in English letters, lizh occasionally have nicknames in Russian letters.

    It’s funny, I’ve never bothered with problems like this. Coming up with a nickname in order to make an impression is the lot of schoolchildren, because... They are not capable of anything else at that age.

    ProfInvestor, I disagree, the first impression of a person on the Internet is always based on his nickname and profile design. By inertia, when choosing, I evaluate freelancers by nickname and avatar. Of course, these are not fundamental evaluation criteria, but they still allow us to form some opinion about the seriousness of a person.

    This is a difficult question because often one or another nickname under which you would like to register is taken and you have to do something that is not in this system. For example, I don’t really bother and just made my name, how old I am, and the first 3 letters of my last name. Because when I register somewhere, I often have to do it quickly because time is money. And so I just did it for myself best option and on the Internet I use this nickname everywhere.

    I personally use different nicknames on different sites. In Steam, for example, I was Nostra, I was Kelevra, Arlan. On other sites, mainly under this nickname, which you now see. And all my nicknames have meaning. Nick, it seems to me, should carry a certain semantic load.

    Probably only TS was worried, since he created the topic.

    The article is certainly interesting, but I personally have never cared about the nickname, I usually call myself something that greatly impressed me at the last moment, recently I read a lot of science fiction and now I call myself Cthulhu, I’ll meet something else interesting, next time I’ll call myself something else...

    The article is useful for me, I somehow didn’t think about nicknames before, now I will approach this issue more carefully. In general, when I read someone’s nickname, it becomes funny from the imagination of our people. Some nicknames are very interesting and really memorable.

    My nickname is Enot, because I really like raccoons.. And on one forum I am registered as Ifsogirl. I'm a big fan of Stephen King's work, ifsogirl - it was an email from the deceased beloved daughter of the main character in one of the books. I liked it and decided to use it as a nickname.

    Somehow this topic of thinking through a nickname is not clear to me either. Let it be something you like or the name of your favorite character. Something that evokes positive emotions. Well, it also depends on where you sit with this nickname. Purposefully squealing over efficiency and so on is stupid. You will be remembered thanks to your activities and merits, popularity. Content, as written above.)

    I’m curious, have you come across any particularly memorable nicknames that stuck out to you? Doesn't matter what - originality, funnyness, or something else? For example, I don’t really pay attention to nicknames, but sometimes I come across quite interesting ones that, willy-nilly, attract attention to the posts of their owner.

    Choose a nickname that you primarily like, but only a few people can remember it. Most often, the ones that are remembered are not complex, sonorous nicknames associated with some famous characters, heroes of famous films, games.

    The history of creating pseudonyms goes back a long way. The word itself has Greek roots, and can be translated as “false name.” Famous people often changed their surname, but their motives were radically different from each other.

    What is a pseudonym for?

    In ancient China and Japan, great poets took on new names when they achieved fame. They wanted to be sure that their fame was not just a fad, but a recognition of true talent. Many authors went through their creative path again several times.

    Often the motive for hiding a name was fear - since the 17th century, actors and writers hid under pseudonyms so as not to disgrace the noble family and not bring the wrath of society upon their heads. In Tsarist Russia, revolutionaries seeking to avoid persecution carried out underground activities under fictitious, transparent nicknames.

    Another motive for changing the name is the cacophony of the sound. Singer Krivorotov could hardly win the hearts of female fans in the 80s of the 20th century, but Andrei Razin coped with this task in the best possible way. Modern movie stars also prefer bright and sonorous pseudonyms to their rustic surnames - a well-chosen option quickly becomes famous in all corners of the planet.

    The Internet also dictates its own rules to people striving to be at the center of the World Wide Web. Every second site offers to come up with a second name or nickname (nickname), and users have to use all their imagination so as not to get lost in the vastness of the web. How to choose a nickname for yourself different cases, let's try to figure it out in this article.

    A nickname with a twist

    The most important thing in a pseudonym is its originality and memorability. The name should arouse the curiosity of the interlocutor and the desire to solve the riddle. It is desirable that the nickname be associated with its bearer and be easily perceived by ear.

    It is very important to consider the circumstances in which the pseudonym will be used. It is unacceptable to use the nickname Milashka in business communication, but on a dating site its presence will be justified.

    Of course, you can always take advantage of the fruits of someone else's mental labor and assign yourself a name from some online directory. However, invent original names, which do not repeat anyone, are always more interesting.

    Know yourself

    Quite often, people take the problem of choosing a name too seriously. In this
    In this case, fictitious nicknames sound too pretentious and cumbersome. How to come up with a nickname so that it is easily perceived and does not cause irritation or a bewildered smile? The best thing to do is look back at your past and think about what your friends and family called you. Often close people very subtly notice character details and come up with an accurate comparison. It may happen that you don’t have to come up with anything, since a good nickname has already been stored in your memory for a long time.

    How to come up with a last name-pseudonym?

    People of creative professions have always sought to change the boring surname they inherited. A bright name on a poster or TV screen attracts the attention of the public and makes them take a fresh look at the personality of the actor or musician. Let's look at several ways to create this type of nickname and try to use them in real life:

    Female nicknames

    Dear girls, before you come up with an original nickname for communicating on the Internet, think carefully about what goals you want to achieve! What nickname can you come up with for a girl living online? It all depends on the task at hand.

    1. Seduction. Such affectionate nicknames as “Lapulya”, “Sweet” or “Pussy” will come in handy in this situation. However, you should not count on a serious attitude towards your person from the male sex. Nicknames of this type are designed for a quick instinctive reaction, which can lead to indecent proposals, insults and ridicule. Sometimes these aliases cause reverse effect- disgust and negativity.
    2. Online games. What nickname to come up with for a girl, an amateur network games? Brave ladies are not shy and proudly call themselves “Lady Hammer”, “Warrior”, “Queen of the Night”. The disadvantage of such nicknames is that other players may want to test the strength of the armor of their owners. If you are ready to repel all attacks, then the decision has been made correctly.
    3. Acquaintance. For those who want to build personal happiness with the help of dating sites, it is recommended to choose romantic names that will demonstrate the girl’s femininity and charm. For example, this could be the name itself, written in Latin script. The design of a nickname will help enhance the effect, when instead of one letter there is a graphic icon (a heart or a flower).

    Nickname for a man

    Men, as representatives of the strong half of humanity, always strive to demonstrate strength and confidence in all aspects of life. And here it is important not to overdo it. Nicknames like “Sex Machine” or “Ladies’ Man” can only cause not only bewilderment, but also laughter.

    You need to understand that women value intelligence, a sense of humor and the ability to make money. How to come up with a nickname for such a man? It’s very simple - use a mythological dictionary and a history textbook. A name borrowed from an ancient hero will show the education and erudition of its owner.

    Which nickname should I choose?

    How to come up with a nickname for “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki” and Facebook? Those who like to communicate on social networks know better than anyone the difficulties of choosing a pseudonym. And this is not surprising - thousands of people are racking their brains over how to present themselves former classmates and current colleagues in the most favorable light. For teenagers communicating with their peers in chats and groups, it is very important not to get lost among the original nicknames and attract maximum attention. To solve this problem, let's try to use the most original ways to solve it.

    How to come up with a nickname for social networks?

    Results of using an alias

    As a result of creative efforts, a lot of variants of pseudonyms are born and a new problem appears - the problem of choice. You don’t have to settle on just one word; it’s better to try out all the options you like. After communicating online for some time under a new nickname, you can understand its pros and cons. If there are more interlocutors and popularity is growing, then you are on the right track. If things got worse, then you should think about mistakes. Perhaps this nickname is inappropriate for this resource and only interferes with the completion of the assigned tasks. There is no need to despair - a negative result is a good reason for new achievements, and a creative approach will help you get the desired result.

    In turn, we hope that the article helped answer the question “How to come up with a pseudonym?”, and our tips showed you new ways to form an original name.

    Communicating in the open spaces " world wide web", everyone is free to come up with a nickname for themselves. This means that you have to choose the most convenient and harmonious name for yourself, which will replace your real name.

    After all, there are countless numbers of Mash and Vasya in the world, and with their usual name, even adding the most memorable numbers to it, you can get lost among the inhabitants of the virtual world.

    The nickname comes from the English “nickname”, can be translated as “nickname, nickname”, or as “network name” - a pseudonym that is used when virtual communication on the Internet on forums, chats, blogs.

    What is a nickname for registration?

    Typically, this is a fictitious name consisting of a series of letters and possibly numbers that you enter when registering or on a blog. Then all messages and comments that you write on the forum or blog will go under the nickname you created.

    Therefore, it is worth showing a bit of imagination when choosing a nickname that will be useful for any blog, forum and other “places” of communication in virtual world. An original nickname will make you not just another registered user of this virtual party, but will also attract everyone's attention with its original uniqueness.

    What nickname can you come up with?

    First of all, you can try the simplest method: create your nickname as an abbreviation of your last name, first name and patronymic. Perhaps the result will be a rather favorable-sounding name that will intrigue others. The more original such a rebus design sounds, the greater the chance of guaranteeing attention to your personality.

    An interesting and unusual word will certainly arouse curiosity among others: people will want to know what your nickname means, because the word is unusual and its meaning is incomprehensible, and the person with such a nickname is clearly extraordinary and mysterious.

    By the way, the tendency to make names from abbreviations existed in reality. At the dawn of the 20th century, in the post-revolutionary period and during the Soviet Union, many children born in those days received names created in the same non-standard way.

    Well, who now can guess that the beautiful-sounding and seemingly aristocratic foreign name Arvil is nothing more than capital letters from the expression “V.I. Lenin’s Army”? Or another example, Ninel is a female name formed from “Lenin”, if you read this word “on the contrary”, from right to left.

    So, everything “new is well forgotten old.” Therefore, it is not always worth showing extensive imagination to come up with an original nickname. You can look to the forgotten past and draw inspiration from it.

    So, if you want to come up with a unique nickname for yourself, you can pay attention to various mythologies of the world. This is a whole treasury of already forgotten, original names. In addition, each of them has some specific meaning, which can also be used wisely when choosing an original nickname.

    Of course, a well-chosen one will best cope with displaying your real essence. But a symbolic nickname can no less successfully complement your virtual appearance, attract the attention of other users and make it memorable for others.

    In the picture on the left it is marked with number 1, what is a nickname for the forum. As an example, we took a forum dedicated to Tolkien and his novel “The Lord of the Rings”. The number 2 indicates the avatars of the Tolkien forum participants. As you can see, the combination of a nickname and an avatar allows you to create an unusual image for yourself. First comes the nickname (number 1), and after that comes the corresponding avatar (number 2).

    Just don’t limit yourself to the well-known Greek (or Roman) mythology, the names of popular heroes of which are known to many almost from infancy. Well, who is not familiar with the name of Hercules-Hercules or Venus-Aphrodite? Be original!

    Pay attention to less popular, but no less interesting minds Scandinavian and Slavic mythologies, or even the little-known mythology of the Aztecs. Here you will certainly be able to find some unique and little-known name that will be ideal for you as a nickname.

    An excellent guide to choosing an original nickname can be any fantastic literature. It's just a wonderful wide field where you can find ready-made ideas without making much effort. Select little-known fantasy, in which you will certainly find many original names created by the boundless imagination of science fiction writers, and choosing a nickname will no longer be a big difficulty for you.

    You can also pay attention to medieval literature and historical novels. They can also be suitable as a source for choosing your nickname, because they feature various aristocrats, sometimes with very surprising names. Choose the most original, unfamiliar name from such a novel, and attention to your person will be guaranteed.

    But if drawing ideas for choosing your nickname from ready-made sources seems unrepresentable to you, then turn to your own imagination. Nicknames that invented independently.

    Such nicknames can become

    • extraordinary combinations of some two words (Elemental Bender, Star Queen, Cursor Knight, Mouse Master, etc.)
    • or combinations of words from a number of incompatible ones (for example, Gentle Steel).

    It all depends solely on your extraordinary imagination and its limitlessness. When deciding what nickname to come up with, try to use all your creative imagination and depth of knowledge, thus striving to find the most original and euphonious name that can best reflect your own uniqueness. This is important, because whether in the real or virtual world, you should strive for originality, and not become someone’s faceless mask! Then the attention of Internet users and the popularity of your personality in this communication environment are guaranteed to you.

    How to come up with a nickname on Instagram? A beautiful nickname is the key to successful promotion on social networks. It should suit the goals of the account, be original and memorable. And there are several steps to good nickname, let's talk about them.

    Username and Nickname: what are the differences?

    Many people confuse these concepts. And this is not surprising, because a nickname or nickname is the actual name that your subscribers see, as well. In the account editing section, Nick is the first line, next to the badge icon, and Username is the second, next to the human figure.

    The right choice both will help you be remembered and make it easier to find you among millions of accounts.

    Rules for choosing a name

    First, you need to decide on the topic of your account. I'll give you a few possible topics:

    • Blog.
    • Sales are retail or wholesale (and there will also be several branches here). For example, selling perfumes or clothing.
    • News.
    • Art.
    • Musician.

    It is from the theme that inspiration for the name should be taken. And, of course, the name of your company or Brand plays an important role. Everything should fit and be as clear as possible for users.

    Secondly, the highlight. Your name must be original. And for this you need to meet three conditions:

    1. The name should be of interest.
    2. It should not be associated with anyone but you.
    3. After reading it, the user should be interested in what posts are in the account.

    But! Of course, the name Sex tornado may meet these points, but if the topic of your account is not, for example, 18+ videos or call girls, you should not take it. Remember point 1. Yes, you have to keep a lot of things in your head, but if you take into account all the points, your nickname will be successful and will attract new possible clients.

    Thirdly, having figured out the approximate content of your nickname, you can figure out the main methods of inventing it.

    1. The name or type of activity of your company. Elementarily simple. Moreover, if the company has a unique name, there will definitely not be repetitions. If the name of your company is not ready yet, you can name only your activity and add a geolocation - write your city, for example. But this will be somewhat unoriginal;
    2. Abbreviation. For example, the name of your company is Fashion Shoes. Enter as nickname F.S. unusual? However, this solution is only possible if the username is good enough, otherwise neither one nor the other will work, and this combination will be very unfortunate;
    3. Changeling. Again, without good name nothing will work for the user. But this way you can make a rather original nickname. Yes and for the username it is good option. For example, the famous rapper Oksimiron used this trick, the address of his Instagram page is @norimixxxo.
    4. A play on words and symbols. Something that will bring a smile, or even better, a Homeric laugh. Something that will look interesting. You can take a look at English nicknames. For example, if you are engaged in romantic gifts, you can call yourself, for example, “Gift 4 u”. And it will be clear to everyone that your account helps make gifts, and judging by “4 u”, which reads as “for you” or, translated into Russian, “for you”, it is clear that these gifts are romantic. No, I don’t doubt your mental abilities like that detailed transcript here for those who don't know English.

    However, such tricks are best done with English, because most people know it, and not German or French. Although, it all depends on your direction. If, for example, you have a school Chinese language, the title can be made in Chinese. But still, it’s better not to, because your account will also be searched by those who don’t yet know this language.

    1. The best way from the entire list. Imagination. The process of creating a nickname cannot be placed within a narrow framework of methods. After all, true originality lies far beyond the rules. Create, and get the greatest return from your venture.

    In order to stand out, you can use a capslock or an emoticon that matches your activity. After all, why not? Nickname can complement the username, make it more specific and add more details so that users understand what to expect when opening your page.

    If even after everything written above, the process of selecting a nickname causes insurmountable difficulties, then here you go: .

    What does your nickname influence?

    Nickname, like the username, is indexed in searches, and therefore it is just as important. After all, future clients will look for you using it. Nice nickname First of all, it will give a good natural influx of audience. In addition, existing clients from other social networks will be more interested in subscribing to you if your nickname is more interesting than “I am Vasya.” By the way, . More about this in the corresponding article.

    Secondly, it will let people know what you do and what you have to offer. And this is very important indeed. This will also help you generate organic leads.

    Remember that you have 30 characters to express your personality. But, in fact, the shorter the better. And try to avoid sibilants if you write in transliteration - people can write sibilants in different ways, and spelling a nickname incorrectly can reduce your traffic significantly. For example, I don’t recommend writing borscht in your nickname, since it is written in German: borsch. I can’t imagine why you would call it soup, but I’ll warn you just in case.

    Let's return to the topic of nickname length. Short nickname much faster to remember and easier to enter. And, therefore, it can settle in the heads of subscribers and simply those who once heard or saw it.

    Free nicknames: how to determine whether there are many good ones?

    In general, there are an infinite number of nickname options. If you are busy alone, you can come up with something with minimal changes, and it will already fit. But it will be less original. In addition, Instagram has now begun to release nicknames inactive users, which means if a user with cool name has not been online for a long time, the likelihood of taking over his nickname soon increases.

    There are many sites and databases of free nicknames on the Internet. There are quite a lot of names there, somewhere around 500, 700 somewhere – 1000, but it’s quite difficult to find a good one – often there are names like: vitalya1989 or zmhmmm and the like. And these are definitely not suitable for us. Therefore, in principle, you can look there for something that suits you specifically, but the greater impact will come from the author’s nickname.

    Is there a list of available nicknames somewhere?

    As has already been written, such a card index is available on many sites. For example, I found more or less normal names on the website vnickname.ru. But personally, I wouldn’t use nicknames from there - they are too banal.

    There is also a database on avi1.ru. It is smaller, but there are also some interesting ones. Sometimes there is no point in searching in different databases, because they often repeat each other to one degree or another. Therefore, again, I advise you to rack your brains and come up with it yourself.

    Examples of nicknames

    Here I will try to systematize examples of some nicknames to cover everyone in need.

    For girls

    If a girl is free and looking for love, you can play on male perception - choose something feminine and playful. But in fact, to hell with stereotypes, they limit the scope of imagination so much that only something like sexi kitten comes to mind, which already smacks of bestiality mixed with pedophilia.

    For example:

    • Beautiful;
    • Single;
    • President's wife;
    • Stalin (a very real nickname of one interesting person);
    • Skyline;
    • Flame Rain;
    • P.S. ;
    • Raccoon (Raccoon);
    • Enotiktatoo (an example specifically for a company. And a very real one - in my city a girl tattoo artist is registered under that name);
    • Bloodrain (fans of games and films about the vampire Bloodrain will understand this choice. This example is purely for such people).

    For guys

    As an option, guys can consider the following nicknames:

    • The stoned wizard;
    • The Last Samurai;
    • Star Warrior;
    • Varg;
    • Wenceslaus;
    • Wolfhound;
    • Sk8er boy;
    • Voldemort;
    • DenAz (mix of first and last names);
    • Purple unicorn

    The most beautiful

    The concept of beauty is very subjective, and the beauty of nicknames is even more so. Therefore, I will give my subjective examples here. You may or may not like them.

    • Nightbringer;
    • Felicity;
    • Modless;
    • Spoontamer;
    • Property;
    • Fireball;
    • Sotran;
    • Pauler;
    • SeekYou.

    In English

    In English, as for me, the following nicknames can “shoot”:

    • Feodora;
    • Dulkree;
    • Durn;
    • Faebar;
    • Frostfon;
    • Ianthus;
    • IamVoid;
    • Moramar;
    • Morim;
    • Nikor.

    Subtleties of name design

    The design of the profile name and description plays a very important role. There are several ways to make them special:

    1. Writing them in the middle. Just put spaces in front of the name and it will be in the middle. Just add a few spaces, save and check your profile to see if the name has moved enough. If not, add more. If it's too good, delete it.
    2. Font. You may have noticed that in some profiles the fonts differ from the standard ones. And you can do this using applications. So enter, fonts for Instagram, install, enter required text, select a font, copy and paste where you want. Note: this feature only works with bio (description) and name.
    3. Capslock on Instagram does not look as flashy as during correspondence. This means that your clients will not be indignant, “Why are you yelling at me?” Capslock will simply make your name stand out.
    4. Emoticons will be an excellent addition to your nickname - they will enliven it and make it closer to subscribers.

    It's not just the nickname and username that make a profile successful. More in the article at the link.


    So, now you know all the subtleties of choosing and designing a nickname on Instagram. All I can advise you now is not to choose one of my examples or any of the nicknames on the Internet. The best you can come up with is only yourself. Your head contains best tool for advancement - the brain, and in it - an ocean of imagination. Just trust them and yourself.


    First, decide why you actually need a nickname. Your future nickname must correspond to the site on which it will be used. If the forum is dedicated to discussing serious topics, then the use of any entertainment names here would be inappropriate.

    Use your name. This does not mean at all that when registering on the site you have to write your first and last name. In addition, the forum may have a character limit. Modify the name, for example, using the Cyrillic alphabet or supplement it with numbers and signs. Make your nickname interesting and memorable.

    Use a nickname or nickname as a nickname. Remember what your friends called you during your school and student years and feel free to register under that nickname. Of course, it wouldn’t be bad if this nickname characterized you to some extent. After all, your interlocutor gets an impression of you based on your virtual name.

    Use the names of your favorite actors, movie characters, books, cartoons, etc. The imagination here is limitless. But it will be better if you come up with several nickname options at once, because the nickname you choose may already be occupied by another user. This is especially true for sites dedicated to a specific topic, for example, cinema, music, animation, etc.

    To choose an interesting nickname, use an English dictionary. Look through it and maybe you will like some word. Just don’t forget to read its translation so as not to get into trouble and not call yourself a rude or offensive name.

    Use a descriptive method. As a nickname, use adjectives that somehow describe your appearance. This is especially true for those who want to focus on their appearance, for example, >, >, >, etc.

    Interesting nicknames are obtained by combining several words into one with the addition of funny emoticons. You can read any word you like backwards and make it your original nickname. Most often, people use their names as shapeshifters.

    The nickname should contain some zest. It is necessary that the name on the network attracts attention and arouses interest in the person under this nickname. Users should be curious to know this nickname and why it was chosen. Non-standard nicknames are more memorable.


    • How to come up with a nickname

    To register account on many sites you need to come up with Nick (Nick name), in other words - a network name or simply a user alias. Moreover, it is important not only to choose it, but also to design it accordingly. There are several ways to ensure that your Nick became Nick alny, not like others.

    You will need

    • - table of character codes.


    Find one that suits you Nick. Choose it responsibly - this is the first step towards registration. A nickname can be a nickname or modification of your first and last name, or the name of a person, character or literary hero, preferences, even food.

    Paste into Nick special characters, for example, heart, sun, letters of alphabets of other nations, triangle Nick and and the like. To do this, open the “Start” menu → “All Programs” → “Accessories” → “System Tools” → “Table of Special Characters”. In Windows 7, find the table by using the search and entering the name “Symbol Table” in the line.

    You can also enter special characters through the additional numeric pad, which is located on the right side of the keyboard. Press and hold on your keyboard Alt key and dial on number pad on the right is the symbol code (for example, the copyright symbol © has the code Alt+0169, you do not need to type the addition sign). The required character will be printed, but in this case you need to remember the character codes.

    Use symbols or letters from a foreign alphabet instead of letters. General: SkUch@yu (bored), g0v0run (talker). Sometimes you need to be creative: lowercase “A” can be replaced with 4 or /-|, F with |=, O with () and so on.

    Use uppercase and lowercase letters as desired (called a fence). Combine the above methods to achieve the desired result.

    Useful advice

    IN Microsoft Word insert special characters You can use “Insert” → “Symbol”. IN Open Office can also be inserted via “Insert” → “Special characters”.

    It may help if you make a list of suitable nicknames. This is done so as not to rack your brains about which nickname to choose if the desired one is taken by another user.


    • How to enter characters
    • what nickname to choose in 2019

    Nickname (nickname) is a name that a person comes up with to use in the open spaces global network. On social networks, forums, and chats, people very rarely introduce themselves by their real names and surnames, creating an image for themselves that best matches their character, abilities, dreams or desires. When trying to name, many are faced with the fact that it is quite difficult to find something beautiful and original. To make this task easier for yourself, take note of a few tips for creating nicknames.

    Better to use latin letters, since not all social networks and other online communication systems allow the use of Cyrillic in nicknames.

    Special characters should not be used. They won’t add beauty, but they will make social network users doubt your intelligence. In addition, the nickname will become difficult to read and will not be remembered. The only exception is the & sign, which links words in a long nickname.

    It is not advisable to use more than 20 characters. Very long nicknames are difficult to remember. In addition, they are not always accepted by systems.

    Do not use obscene or rude words in your nickname: this will cause rejection of your person by other users. And most importantly, the use of such nicknames on social networks is prohibited.

    How to come up with a nickname

    The simplest option for a nickname is to use your own name. You can modify it a little to make it look more interesting on the site. For example, instead of the name Eugene you could write Johnny, John, Jack or Joe, and the name Catherine could be changed to Catherine, Kat. To make your nickname more interesting and your image more original and expressive, add a suitable word to the resulting name: Jack Sparrow, Captain Jack, Johnnie Walker, Injun Joe, Little Kat or Catherine Storm.

    In addition, you can read your name in reverse order, rearrange the letters in it in different ways, cross out some syllables or add new ones. Here, as an example, it is worth citing the pseudonym of the famous singer Ani Lorak, which is an inversion of her name: Carolina.

    Surely you have your favorite characters from books, movies, songs, games, animations, etc. Why not “borrow” the name of your favorite hero and use it as a nickname? Here the scope for imagination is practically unlimited. You can be Pechorin, Gordon Freeman, Mister Smith or James Bond - choose any one.

    However, you should keep in mind that not only you like this character, and therefore such a nickname may be taken. In addition, you are unlikely to be pleased to discover that you have quite a few “namesakes” on your social network.

    If you had a nickname that you liked during your school and college years, you can use it as a nickname for social networks. You can play him in an interesting way, for example: Silent Pool, Desperate Professor, Red-haired Beast, etc.

    In a word, show your imagination - and you can come up with a beautiful nickname that will attract public attention to you. Remember: in the virtual world people are still greeted by their nickname...