• Puppet deformation, transformation. Animate in Photoshop using Puppet Warp

    Today, processing photos in Photoshop.

    In one of them, the model’s dress bulged in the belly area, in all photographs it looked good, but in this one the model seemed a little pregnant

    I didn’t want to send the photo to the trash bin because... the face turned out well - expressive, emotional.

    How to fix part of the toilet?

    I remembered about a tool that I use extremely rarely. So rare that I even forgot where to look for it

    I asked Yandex and found an article, a copy of which I post below.

    Source: http://www.tepka.ru/pho7/266.html

    Photoshop lessons

    Team Liquify

    In Photoshop team Liquify(Distort) allows you to twist, bend, stretch, and otherwise deform the image layer.

    Same as with the command Extract(Extract), in the command dialog box Liquify there is a preview window in which you can see the entire image (Fig. 19.1).

    You can only deform or reconstruct an image using a brush, the size of which and the degree of impact on the image are adjustable (similar to other types of brushes in Photoshop). You can also use the tool Freeze(Freeze) to prevent certain areas of the image from being distorted, similar to using a mask. If you want to partially or completely undo the distortions that were introduced, use the tool Reconstruct(Reconstruct). The changes you make will not become permanent until you click the button. OK and don't close the window.

    Rice. 19.1. Command Dialog Box Liquify after using the tool Twirl Clockwise

    Warping an Image Using the Liquify Command

    To be on the safe side, work with a duplicate layer or take a snapshot of the original image using the palette History(Story).

    1. Select the layer whose contents you want to distort. When the checkbox is activated Backdrop tool action Liquify can be extended to only one of several layers of choice, and not to all, as provided by default. At the same time, in the field Opality(Opacity) You can also adjust the layer's transparency. Team Liquify(Distort) only works on a raster layer and cannot be applied to an editable text layer or a shape layer.
    2. Select a team Liquify in the menu Filter(Filter) or press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+X.
    3. For deformation given image use the dialog box tools Liquify(Fig. 19.2). First in the section Tool Options(Tool options) (Fig. 19.3) enter the brush size (parameter Brush Size), setting the value in the range from 1 to 600 pixels, as well as the amount of brush pressure (parameter Brush Pressure) from 1 to 100% and the magnitude of noise fluctuations (parameter Turbulent Jitter) to determine how the image will be distorted. These three options apply to all command tools Liquify. If you are using a tablet, you can check the box Stylus Pressure(Pen Pressure) to allow pen pressure to affect the parameter value Brush Pressure.

    Rice. 19.2. Tools in the Dialog Box Liquify

    Rice. 19.3. Chapter Tool Options dialog box Liquify

    Rice. 19.4. Chapter Freeze Options dialog box Liquify

    1. Optional. Activate the tool Freeze(Freeze) by clicking on the tool icon (second from bottom) or pressing the key F to mask out certain areas of the image that should not be distorted. Next, select a color from the drop-down list Freeze Color(Mask color) in section View Options(Viewing modes). The default color is red, the same color is used when working with quick mask. Paint over those areas that should be left in their current state. If an error occurs, proceed to the next step.
    2. Optional. To remove protection from masked (“frozen”) areas, activate the tool Thaw(Unfreeze), hotkey T, and draw with it.
      • to invert the mask, click on the button Invert(Invert) in section Freeze Area(mask area);
      • To remove the mask from the entire image (making the entire image editable again), click the button Thaw All(Thaw everything) - see fig. 19.4;
      • to hide a mask created using the tool Freeze(Freeze), uncheck Show Frozen Areas(Show Masked Areas) under View Options(Viewing modes).
      • tool Warp(Warp)-key W- shifts the points in the direction of brush movement (Fig. 19.5, the arrow shows the direction of brush movement);
      • tool Turbulence(Excitement) - key A or tool icon - moves the points apart in the direction of brush movement. The image in the area of ​​​​action of the brush looks as if blurred by water (Fig. 19.6);
      • tools Twirl Clockwise(Twist clockwise) - key R or a tool icon - and Twirl Counterclockwise(Twist counterclockwise) - key L or tool icon - rotate pixels while you hold down the mouse button or drag the image. The larger the parameter value Brush Pressure(Brush pressure), the faster the rotation occurs (Fig. 19.1);

    Rice. 19.5. Warp

    Rice. 19.6. Result of using the tool Turbulence

    Rice. 19.7. Result of using the tool Pucker

    Rice. 19.8. Result of using the tool Reflection

      • tools Pucker(Fold) - key R or pictogram Bloat(Bloat) - key IN or tool icon - move points towards the center of the brush or in the opposite direction while you hold down the mouse button or drag the image (Fig. 19.7). The larger the parameter value Brush Pressure(Brush pressure), the faster the dots move;
      • tool Shift Pixels(Pixel Shift) - key S— moves pixels in a certain direction, depending on the direction of brush movement. By default, pixels are shifted to the left of the brush direction. Pressing a key Alt, you can move them to the right;
      • tool Reflection(Reflection) - key M— copies the points to the left of the brush direction line and moves them into the area of ​​effect of this tool, but only in a “reflected” form. In Fig. 19.8 shows how the tool Reflection was used to move the Seine River closer to the Eiffel Tower in the image. The result is a magnificent reflection effect. It only took two brush strokes.

    The specified tool used points to the right of the top line (upper stroke) and to the left of the bottom line (stroke). Pressing a key Alt, you can copy points on the opposite side relative to the position of the brush (Fig. 19.9).

    Try to freeze the area whose points you want to reflect, and then use the tool Reflection(Reflection).

    1. In order to partially or completely cancel the action of a command Liquify(Distort), follow the instructions in this chapter, section "Image Reconstruction".
    2. Click the button OK to fix changes made and return to the image window.

    To apply the tool Freeze to a specific area, select it before using the command Liquify(Distort). Save the selection in the alpha channel, then use the command Liquify from the menu Image(Image) and then in the pop-up menu Channel(Channel) section Freeze Area(Mask area) find the alpha channel. You can click the button Invert

    Rice. 19.9. Result of using the tool Reflection when the key is pressed Alt

    In Photoshop teamLiquify(Distort) allows you to twist, bend, stretch, and otherwise deform the image layer.

    Same as with the commandExtract(Extract), in the command dialog boxLiquifythere is a preview window in which you can see the entire image (Fig. 19.1).

    You can only deform or reconstruct an image using a brush, the size of which and the degree of impact on the image are adjustable (similar to other types of brushes in Photoshop). You can also use the toolFreeze(Freeze) to prevent certain areas of the image from being distorted, similar to using a mask. If you want to partially or completely undo the distortions that were introduced, use the toolReconstruct(Reconstruct). The changes you make will not become permanent until you click the button.OKand don't close the window.

    Rice. 19.1. Command Dialog Box Liquify after using the tool Twirl Clockwise to the image of the Eiffel Tower

    Warping an Image Using the Liquify Command

    To be on the safe side, work with a duplicate layer or take a snapshot of the original image using the paletteHistory(Story).

    1. Select the layer whose contents you want to distort. When the checkbox is activatedBackdroptool actionLiquifycan be extended to only one of several layers of choice, and not to all, as provided by default. At the same time, in the fieldOpality(Opacity) You can also adjust the layer's transparency. TeamLiquify(Distort) only works on a raster layer and cannot be applied to an editable text layer or a shape layer.
    2. Select a teamLiquify in the menu Filter(Filter) or press the key combinationCtrl+Shift+X.
    3. To deform a given image, use the tools in the dialog boxLiquify(Fig. 19.2). First in the sectionTool Options(Tool options) (Fig. 19.3) enter the brush size (parameterBrush Size), setting the value in the range from 1 to 600 pixels, as well as the amount of brush pressure (parameterBrush Pressure) from 1 to 100% and the magnitude of noise fluctuations (parameterTurbulent Jitter) to determine how the image will be distorted. These three options apply to all command toolsLiquify. If you are using a tablet, you can check the boxStylus Pressure(Pen Pressure) to allow pen pressure to affect the parameter valueBrush Pressure.

    Rice. 19.2. Tools in the Dialog Box Liquify

    Rice. 19.3. ChapterTool Options dialog box Liquify

    Rice. 19.4. ChapterFreeze Options dialog box Liquify

    1. Optional.Activate the toolFreeze(Freeze) by clicking on the tool icon (second from bottom) or pressing the keyFto mask out certain areas of the image that should not be distorted. Next, select a color from the drop-down listFreeze Color(Mask color) in sectionView Options(Viewing modes). The default color is red, the same color used when working with a quick mask. Paint over those areas that should be left in their current state. If an error occurs, proceed to the next step.
    2. Optional.To remove protection from masked (“frozen”) areas, activate the toolThaw(Unfreeze), hotkeyT, and draw with it.
    3. Do any of the following:
      • to invert the mask, click on the buttonInvert(Invert) in sectionFreeze Area(mask area);
      • To remove the mask from the entire image (making the entire image editable again), click the buttonThaw All(Thaw everything) - see fig. 19.4;
      • to hide a mask created using the toolFreeze(Freeze), uncheckShow Frozen Areas(Show Masked Areas) underView Options(Viewing modes).
    4. Activate one of the distortion tools (press the corresponding hotkey) and draw on the image in the dialog box. The tool capabilities are listed below:
      • tool Warp(Warp)-keyW- shifts the points in the direction of brush movement (Fig. 19.5, the arrow shows the direction of brush movement);
      • tool Turbulence(Excitement) - keyAor tool icon - moves the points apart in the direction of brush movement. The image in the area of ​​​​action of the brush looks as if blurred by water (Fig. 19.6);
      • tools Twirl Clockwise(Twist clockwise) - keyRor a tool icon - andTwirl Counterclockwise(Twist counterclockwise) - keyLor tool icon - rotate pixels while you hold down the mouse button or drag the image. The larger the parameter valueBrush Pressure(Brush pressure), the faster the rotation occurs (Fig. 19.1);

    Rice. 19.5. Warp

    Rice. 19.6. Result of using the tool Turbulence

    Rice. 19.7. Result of using the tool Pucker

    Rice. 19.8. Result of using the tool Reflection

      • tools Pucker(Fold) - keyRor pictogramBloat(Bloat) - keyINor tool icon - move points towards the center of the brush or in the opposite direction while you hold down the mouse button or drag the image (Fig. 19.7). The larger the parameter valueBrush Pressure(Brush pressure), the faster the dots move;
      • tool Shift Pixels(Pixel Shift) - keyS— moves pixels in a certain direction, depending on the direction of brush movement. By default, pixels are shifted to the left of the brush direction. Pressing a keyAlt, you can move them to the right;
      • tool Reflection(Reflection) - keyM— copies the points to the left of the brush direction line and moves them into the area of ​​effect of this tool, but only in a “reflected” form. In Fig. 19.8 shows how the toolReflectionwas used to move the Seine River closer to the Eiffel Tower in the image. The result is a magnificent reflection effect. It only took two brush strokes.

    The specified tool used points to the right of the top line (upper stroke) and to the left of the bottom line (stroke). Pressing a keyAlt, you can copy points on the opposite side relative to the position of the brush (Fig. 19.9).

    Try to freeze the area whose points you want to reflect, and then use the tool Reflection (Reflection).

    1. In order to partially or completely cancel the action of a commandLiquify(Distort), follow the instructions in this chapter, section "Image Reconstruction".
    2. Click the buttonOKto commit your changes and return to the image window.

    To apply the tool Freeze to a specific area, select it before using the command Liquify (Distort). Save the selection in the alpha channel, then use the command Liquify from the menuImage (Image) and then in the pop-up menu Channel (Channel) sectionFreeze Area (Mask area) find the alpha channel. You can click the button Invert (Invert) to swap the masked and unmasked areas of the image.

    Rice. 19.9. Result of using the tool Reflection when the key is pressed Alt

    Warping images is a fairly common technique in Photoshop. The functionality of the program includes many options for distorting objects - from simple “flattening” to giving the picture the appearance of a water surface or smoke.

    It is important to understand that deformation can significantly degrade image quality, so you should use such tools with caution.

    In this lesson we will look at several methods of deformation.

    Several methods are used to deform objects in Photoshop. Let's list the main ones.

    • Additional feature "Free Transformation" called "Deformation";
    • Puppet deformation. Quite a specific tool, but at the same time quite interesting;
    • Filters from the block "Distortion" the corresponding menu;
    • Plugin "Plastic".

    In the lesson we will mock this pre-prepared image:

    Method 1: Warp

    As mentioned above, "Deformation" is an addition to « Free transformation» , which is called by a hotkey combination CTRL+T, or from the menu "Editing".

    The function we need is in context menu, which opens after clicking the right mouse button when activated "Free transformation".

    "Deformation" imposes a mesh with special properties on an object.

    On the grid we see several markers, acting on which can distort the picture. In addition, all grid nodes are also functional, including segments bounded by lines. It follows from this that you can deform the image by pulling any point that is inside the frame.

    The parameters are applied in the usual way– by pressing a key ENTER.

    Method 2: Puppet Warp

    Located "Puppet Warp" in the same place as all the transformation tools - in the menu "Editing".

    The principle of operation is to fix certain points of the image with special "pins", with the help of one of which deformation is performed. The remaining points remain motionless.

    Pins can be placed in any place, guided by needs.

    The tool is interesting because it can be used to distort objects with maximum control over the process.

    Method 3: Distortion filters

    The filters in this block are designed to deform images in various ways.

    1. Wave.
      This plugin allows you to distort an object either manually or randomly. It’s difficult to advise anything here, since the images different shapes behave differently. Great for creating smoke and other similar effects.

    2. Distortion.
      The filter allows you to simulate convexity or concavity of planes. In some cases, it can help eliminate camera lens distortion.

    3. Zigzag.
      "Zigzag" creates the effect of intersecting waves. On straight elements it fully lives up to its name.

    4. Curvature.
      Very similar to "Deformation" instrument, with the only difference being that it has much fewer degrees of freedom. With it you can quickly create arcs from straight lines.

    5. Spherization.
      Action plugin reverse action filter "Distortion".

    Method 4: Plastic surgery

    This plugin is a universal “deformer” of any objects. Its possibilities are endless. By using "Plastics" you can perform almost all the actions described above. Read more about the filter in the lesson.

    These are the ways to deform images in Photoshop. Most often they use the first one - the function "Deformation", but at the same time, other options may help in any specific situation.

    Practice using all types of distortion to improve your skills in our favorite program.

    Hi all! In this tutorial I'll show you how to use the Puppet Warp tool in Photoshop CS5. First download the material we will need:

    This is what we should get:

    First, let's take a look at the before and after. I did everything so that the poses of our jumpers turned out to be natural, which is why the changes turned out to be small, but this is enough, because the goal of the lesson is simply to teach you how to use this tool.

    Let's open the first image. We have to create a selection of the first jumper. I use for this Polygonal Lasso(Straight Lasso) , but you can use other selection methods - perhaps something will seem more convenient to you. The main thing is to make sure that the selection is free of mistakes. When the selection is completely ready, cut it out new layer by clicking on Layer via Cut(Cut to new layer), and call the new layer, for example, "jumper 1".

    We also select the second jumper and delete it, since we will import it from another image. You don’t have to work too much on the quality of the selection, since we are still going to paint over the resulting gap.

    Turn off the layer with the first jumper and start painting over the gaps. Choose Clone Stamp(Stamp), and set the reference points the way I did, or select your own set of points. Use a soft brush to work.

    Name the layer "background" and now we have to fix it before we insert a new jumper here. Create a selection as shown in the image using Polygonal Lasso(Straight Lasso) - hold down Shift to draw straight lines. Now you can “clone” the water. For better quality work, use different sizes of brushes and different meanings opacity.

    Now select the sky, starting from the horizon line. Create a new layer and fill it with a gradient from #67abff To #a8c9f4.

    Now let’s open the image with the field and sky, cut out the sky from there and paste it into our project. Adjust the size and position of the new layer as I did and change the blending mode to Soft Light(Soft light) . Now in the list of layers, select the layer with the background, the layer with the gradient and this new layer, and combine them into one. Let's name the new layer "background".

    Now we open the second picture with our diving comrades and select the second jumper. Make sure the selection is as good as possible and copy it to a new layer in our main document. Name the layer jumper 2" and activate the layer with the first jumper again.

    Selecting a layer « jumper 1", click Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast(Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast ) and set the parameters as in the figure. We will also need to remove a piece of his calf and his panties from the collage - Sounds great, doesn't it?- and we are great. Select and delete.

    So we get to the main thing - using the tool Puppet Warp(Puppet Warp) in Photoshop CS5. First, we need to convert the jumper layers into Smart Objects. Right-click on the layer and click Convert to Smart Objects t (Convert to Smart Object). We do the same with the second jumper. Select the layer with the first jumper and click Edit > Puppet warp ( Edit > Puppet Warp). Set the parameter Density(Density) on Show mesh(Net).

    Puppet deformation is new opportunity V Photoshop, thanks to which we can change the positions and poses of objects, in our case people. Using cursors you can add new pins. Pins are a designation of points of an object that should not move, that is, which we bind and fix. Set these points the way I did:

    Let's start by changing the position of our communist jumper's leg. Select a point on his right knee and move it to the right like I did. Now do the same with the other leg.

    Let's bend his right leg a little. If you are stuck Alt and the cursor is directly on the pin point, you can see the scissors, and if the cursor is nearby. You can rotate an object. Before we start rotating the point on the knee, we need to create a point on the left ankle. As you can see, now the right leg is behind the left leg, and this is not good. This happened because there are no dots on the right leg - make them like I did. You can always move the points behind each other the way you need it - which ones are in front and which ones are behind. For example, I can place my left foot in front of my right using these two buttons, I just need to select the right point.

    While holding Shift, select four points at once and move them higher and to the left, as I did. Now select only the rightmost point and rotate it as shown in the image. Do the same with the other hand.

    After we are done with this tool, we need to click Enter. You can deactivate the result if you want to look at what came before.

    We choose the second jumper, more precisely a layer with him, and press again Edit > Puppet warp(Edit > Puppet Warp). Place the points as shown in the figure.

    Now let's move the point to the left and lower, just make sure that everything looks natural. While holding Alt, rotate your hand counterclockwise as shown below:

    Select the pin on the right shoulder and turn your hand higher, as if our jumper is flying, and press Enter. You can still go back to working with puppet warping whenever you want. You can play around with this tool some more, but I think we've done enough and we can move on.

    Move the second jumper a little to the left, and I also believe you should also rotate the first one, as shown below.

    Now let's make our picture more interesting. Duplicate the layer "jumper 1" and click Rasterize Layer(Rasterize layer). Now you can click Filter > Blur > Motion blur(Filter > Simulate > Motion Blur) and set the parameters as in the picture below. Make sure that the duplicate layer we are now working with is on top of the original in the layers list.

    Let's name the layer « jumper 1blur" and add a layer mask. Using a soft brush different sizes and opacity, paint it black on the mask like mine. Do the same with the second jumper.

    Now make a duplicate of the background layer and apply it to it Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter > Simulate > Gaussian Blur) and Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation(Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation). We set the settings as in the picture.

    Let's add a layer mask. Draw a spot like I did.

    I see that the light does not spread very favorably to the first jumper. Selecting layers jumper 1" and "jumper 1blur" and clamp Ctrl+T. Now flip the layers horizontally and press Enter.

    Now select all the layers, duplicate and merge the duplicates. Click Ctrl+U and set the parameter Saturation(Saturation) to -100. Set the opacity of the new layer to 80% and change the blending mode to Multiply(Blackout).

    No matter how beautiful static pictures are, sometimes it doesn’t hurt for them to become a little lively. How to add movement to a picture you like? Very simple. To do this in the program Adobe Photoshop There is a unique function called “Puppet Deformation”. Let's look at a small example of how it is used and what it gives.

    We open it, to which we will give movement. Please note that it is necessary that the image that will undergo transformation must be detached from the background image. Therefore, initially it will be convenient to train on clipart (cut out image on transparent background). You can also cut out the desired image from the overall image using the Straight Line Lasso tool as indicated by arrow No. 1 or the Magnetic Lasso tool indicated by arrow No. 2 or the Free Pen tool indicated by arrow No. 3.

    So, the picture is ready to go. Make a copy of the layer. To do this, on the layer that you want to copy, right-click and select “Create a copy of layer” in the menu that appears.

    Go to the “Editing” tab, “Puppet Deformation” function.

    We determine which parts of the image will undergo transformation, and those that should remain static are secured with “pins” - yellow dots that are set with the left mouse button.

    Now those parts that must be set in motion by holding left button Move the mouse slightly and secure it with a pin. This will be noticeable by the deviation of the image from the previous position against the background of the first layer of the same image.

    If suddenly a pin was installed in the wrong place or it is redundant, then you can delete it; to do this, press the right mouse button while standing on the pin and select “Delete pin” from the menu.

    It is worth noting that this function"Puppet deformation" can be used to either correct an image or make an animation.

    Now let's move on to creating animation. In the “Window” tab, select the “Animation” function.

    At the bottom of the working file (the file with which changes are made) a storyboard strip appears with the first frame. We set the time on the frame to 0.5 seconds. To do this, click on the triangle, as shown by the arrow, and select 0.5 from the list that opens.

    In order for the animation to be constant, you need to select the “Constant” cycle parameter as shown in the figure with arrow No. 1. Next, copy the frame as shown in the figure with arrow No. 2 by pressing the leaf.

    Now for the first frame we make the first layer with the image visible, and from the second layer with the image we remove visibility. For the second frame, only the second layer is visible, and remove visibility from the first layer with the image. To do this, in order to remove visibility from a layer, you need to use the left mouse button to remove the eye from the layer in the layers window, as shown by the arrow.

    Let's move on to saving the image. Since we have animation, in the “File” tab we select the “Save for WEB and devices” function. In the window that opens, set the parameters as in the figure, click on the play button, as indicated by the arrow, and click “Save”.

    In the dialog box, set the file name, select a location to save and click “OK”.

    The picture is ready.

    The perspective warp feature is very useful for both designers and photographers. Using this function, you can change the perspective (angle) of objects and elements of a photograph. Perspective warping is available in Photoshop from version CC 2014 and higher; to use it, you must have video memory with a minimum of 512MB.

    If you have Photoshop CC installed and have 512MB or higher video memory, but the perspective warping function is not available, check the program's performance settings. Select the top menu section "Editing" - "Settings" - "Performance" and make sure that in the settings GPU There is a checkmark next to "Use GPU".

    Deforming the perspective of a simple object

    First, let's deform the perspective of a simple object in order to clearly demonstrate the operation of this function and understand why it is needed. For work, I took an image of a book that lies at a certain angle; using perspective deformation, we will change its perspective (angle).

    And so, open this book image with Photoshop and first of all remove the “lock” icon on the book image layer, if there is one, by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

    After that in top panel menu select "Editing" - "Perspective Deformation".

    After of this action you will see that the cursor has changed to a different icon and now you need to click on any of the corners of the book with the left mouse button for the perspective grid to appear.

    The mesh can be made to “crawl out” over the edge of the canvas; this will not cause any deformation.

    After all the currents have been placed and the mesh is in the perspective of the book, you can begin to deform. To do this, click “Deformation” in the upper left corner and place the points of the mesh, achieving desired result and changing the perspective (angle) of the book.

    Having placed the points and obtained the desired perspective, simply press “Enter” to apply the resulting parameters.

    In this way, the perspective of a simple object is deformed. At any time, you can return the perspective changes by simply turning off this filter in the layers panel by left-clicking on the “eye” icon.

    Photoshop's "Perspective Warp" function has additional settings, for example, such as automatic alignments, namely alignment of all vertical lines strictly vertically (at 90 degrees), alignment of all horizontal lines strictly horizontally, aligning all lines horizontally and vertically at the same time, removing and canceling deformation. All these settings can be applied from the top menu.

    Deformation of the perspective of a complex object

    I repeat that perspective deformation in Photoshop is used for rectilinear objects; the version with the book was simple, since the book had only one plane. Let's now look at the way perspective is deformed in a more complex object, which has not one, but several planes.

    For work, I took an image of a wooden box, the image of which has three visible planes.

    In fact, in in this case there is nothing complicated, we will just need to select all three planes of the object when deforming the perspective. As in the case of the book, transform the layer with the image of the box into a smart object, select top menu“Editing” - “Perspective Deformation” and also select one of the planes of the box with a grid.

    Next, left-click on the corner of another plane of this object and without releasing the left mouse button, move it to the side, thus creating another perspective grid. We also adjust it according to this (second) plane of the object. When you move the grid point close to the first grid point, you will see that the edges of the perspectives will be highlighted and if in at the moment If you release the left mouse button, the entire side of the second grid will join the first. This automatic merging of mesh sides is useful, since all defects (unselected places) are eliminated.

    This is how we create meshes of all sides of the object and get one whole perspective.

    After this, we proceed as in the case of a book: in the top menu, click “Deformation” and by moving the points of the selected perspective, we adjust the required angle of the object, then press “Enter” to apply the deformation.

    If you want to make one of the sides of the object strictly horizontal or vertical, then hold down the "Shift" key, move the cursor over the selected side and click on it with the left mouse button.

    In exactly the same way, an object in a collage is deformed, i.e. you place an object in your collage and deform its perspective so that the object fits harmoniously into big picture collage. For collage work, you can use rulers to mark the horizon of the collage and make it easier to understand at what angle it is better to place the object.

    Photo perspective deformation

    Quite often, some distortions are visible in the photo, which can result from an incorrectly taken angle, lack of experience of the photographer, or simply due to budget camera. Photos with sad buildings, city streets and just some buildings often suffer especially often.

    Let's look at the photo of a city street that I took to work as an example. If you look closely, you get the impression that the buildings on the sides are somehow falling inside the photo (they have some tilt).

    This point can be easily corrected using perspective deformation. In the same way as in previous cases with the book and the box, first of all, we convert the photo layer into a smart object. Next, select “Editing” - “Perspective Deformation” in the top menu and use grids to select either only the buildings on the sides, or completely divide the photo into two parts, it all depends on what you want to get as a result of the deformation. In this case, I'll simply split the photo into two parts, highlighting the buildings on the left and right and connecting the perspective grids in the center. At the same time, I will make the central line strictly vertical by holding the "Shift" key and clicking on it with the left mouse button.

    Once the perspective is set, simply crop the photo around the edges using the Crop tool.

    This is how the “Perspective Warp” function works in Photoshop and this function is very useful and convenient.