• Is it possible to disable superfetch in windows 10. Superfetch what is this service

    Hello everyone, you're probably looking at services and found something like SuperFetch there and are now wondering if it's possible to disable it? Well, because it seems like there are fewer services, the computer runs faster. In fact, there is some truth here, but with the SuperFetch service things are a little different.

    The point is that SuperFetch service This is exactly what it is aimed at, improving performance. That is, in theory, turning it off can only slow down the computer. But here everything is controversial: some users say that this service is of no use, others, on the contrary, insist that there is no need to disable it.

    But why is this SuperFetch service needed at all, what is so special about it? This service makes sure that the data that you often work with is accessed as quickly as possible. That is, by data I mean programs, files. That is, if you launch Chrome often, the SuperFetch service will make sure that Chrome starts faster next time.

    To be more precise, SuperFetch caches all the files that are most frequently accessed by Windows. But the funny thing is that SuperFetch can eat up a lot of RAM, which is used for the cache. There is such a problem on the Internet, especially on Windows 7, that when Windows does nothing, the RAM is still used to the maximum. Well, I hope you already understand that it is the SuperFetch service that is raking it in for itself. But another funny thing is that, as Microsoft reports, if memory is urgently needed by some program, it will be immediately freed.

    So we can conclude that SuperFetch is a service that, in theory, should speed up the computer due to the fact that it will cache all files and programs frequently used by Windows. Subsequently, access to them will be very fast. By the way, all free RAM is used for the cache.

    But due to the fact that the SuperFetch service does not always work as it should, there are simply incomprehensible situations... Well, I read on computer forums that some program reported that no free memory, despite the fact that the computer is full of RAM and the computer is not doing anything special... This is all because of SuperFetch, which took the RAM and does not want to give it back... These are the jokes...

    Personally, I didn’t see much of a difference between when this service works and when it doesn’t. Everything seems to be the same. But I’ll still show you how to turn it off, so that if something happens, you can also turn it off and check how it will be better or worse without it. And then if anything happens, you can just as easily turn it back on.

    So, to turn off the SuperFetch service, first open the task manager, to do this, right-click on the taskbar and select this item:

    Now go to the Services tab, and there we click the button with the same name Services:

    Now find the SuperFetch service in the list of services and double-click on it:

    Then this window will appear:

    Now look, you see, my service is running here, where the Status is, it says that it’s Working. Well, to disable this service, you need to select Disabled where Startup Type is and then click the Stop button:

    And then just don’t forget to click OK! That's it, after that you have disabled the SuperFetch service. To enable it, you need to set the Startup type to Automatic and click the Run button. Well, that is, there is nothing particularly complicated here.

    You can turn it off, see how it is, maybe it will get better. I still can’t figure out what’s better when this service is enabled or not. But the truth is I use the software cache for hard drive, maybe that's why I don't see the difference. If you are interested in the cache, I wrote about it

    Sometimes you may encounter problems with low system performance. The reason for this may be the SuperFetch service, which heavily loads the disk. To improve the performance and speed of your Windows 10 computer, many recommend disabling this service.

    What is this service responsible for?

    SuperFetch- a service that constantly works in background and finds out which applications are used most often. Over time, it marks these applications as “frequently used” and pre-loads them into RAM.

    If you are the owner modern computer With at least average performance, SuperFetch will work fine and won't cause any problems.

    In most cases, SuperFetch is actually useful. If you have a modern computer with at least average performance, the SuperFetch service will work fine and will not cause any problems.

    However, it can cause some problems:

    • Because SuperFetch is always running in the background, the service itself is always using CPU and RAM resources.
    • SuperFetch doesn't completely eliminate the need to load applications into RAM, but it simply speeds up the process. Whenever a download occurs, your system will experience the same slowdown as if you were running the application without SuperFetch.
    • System startup may be slow because SuperFetch preloads a large amount of data from your hard drive into RAM. If every time you start or restart your computer, your hard drive running at 100% load for several minutes, then SuperFetch could be the culprit.
    • The effect of using SuperFetch may not be noticeable if Windows 10 is installed on an SSD. Since the SSD is so fast, no prebooting is required.
    • SuperFetch may cause problems in games if your system has 4 gigabytes of memory or less. This problem relevant for games that use a large amount of RAM, which constantly request and free up memory. This behavior can cause SuperFetch to constantly load and unload data.

    There are several ways to disable this service in Windows 10

    Disable via Services

    1. While holding down the key Windows, click " RExecute».
    2. Enter " services.msc", then click " Enter».
    3. The “ Services" Find in the list " Superfetch».
    4. Right click " Superfetch", then select " Properties».
    5. Select the " Stop" if you want to stop the service. In the drop-down menu " Startup type» select « Disabled».

    Enable or disable via the registry

    1. While holding down the key Windows, click " R" to open the dialog box " Execute».
    2. Enter " Regedit", then click " Enter».
    3. A Registry Editor window will open. Go to the following location in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Session Manager Memory Management PrefetchParameters
    4. On the right side, double-click " EnableSuperfetch" If this value does not exist, right-click on the folder PrefetchParameters", then select " Create»> « DWORD value (32 bits)».
    5. Give " EnableSuperfetch» one of the following values:
      • 0 - disable Superfetch
      • 1 - enable prefetching at program startup
      • 2 - to enable boot prefetching
      • 3 - enable prefetching for everything
    6. Select " OK».
    7. Close Registry Editor.

    Shutdown after command line

    1. Click " Search" → enter " Command line" → right-click on the application → " Run as administrator».
    2. Enter the command: sc config SysMain start=disabled
    3. Restart your PC.

    If you turn off Superfetch and want to enable it for certain applications, you can use special switch in the program shortcut: /prefetch:1

    Where is the data stored? prefetch?

    By default, prefetch data is stored in the " C: Windows Prefetch».

    Service SuperFetch necessary when used on computer hard disk (HDD) and small volume RAM(up to 4 GB). When using modern components, you can disable the service so as not to slow down your PC.

    Modern SuperFetch technology: what is this service? Users first heard about SuperFetch after the release of the Windows 7 operating system. This is a unique technology that is not known to all users. Advanced users just need to remind Prefetcher in Windows Vista to understand what the point is. In this article we will tell you in detail about Superfetch.

    Superfetch. What kind of service is this? Start

    When you turn on any computer program All configuration components (or executable ones) are first downloaded from the disk on which the program is installed. Only after this, these components are loaded into RAM. This sequence of actions is repeated every time you start a program.

    The SuperFetch intelligent system is a technology for optimizing OS functioning processes and accelerating access to applications. It analyzes the most frequently downloaded programs by the user. When such programs are launched again, Superfetch saves application files into RAM, that is, it caches them. All this allows you to speed up the operation of the operating system and the device as a whole. Thus, turning on the program is much faster due to the fact that its data is already saved in the device’s RAM. They do not need to be read from the hard drive again. It turns out that SuperFetch saves the user time on launching various applications.

    SuperFetch is presented as SysMain in the process tree of operating systems after Vista (if you open the Task Manager).

    Comparison of Prefetch and SuperFetch

    The first trial use of the technology occurred already in Windows XP. In Vista OS this technology was called Prefetcher (from English “prefetch”). This technology was used to optimize the loading of OS components and various modules of launched applications just before launch.

    After implementation in the Windows 7 operating system, the technology was partially redesigned, including changing its name to SuperFetch. The service has changed, but the Prefetcher part is still present. The prefetcher, unfortunately, has several disadvantages. Your device's RAM is limited, so it makes sense to only download frequently used apps. When a program is no longer used frequently, its data is deleted from RAM and ends up back on the hard drive in the paging file.

    The new version of Superfetch studies the user's work with programs, creates special cards and saves the configuration of regularly downloaded applications. If the program has been unloaded, then this service analyzes the entire process that caused the unloading. If necessary, Superfetch initiates new download program data into the device's RAM.

    As a result, the user receives greater operating system performance and fast loading popular programs.

    Sometimes problems may arise if the device's RAM capacity is less than 1 gigabyte. Let's look at this issue in more detail below.

    Changing SuperFetch technology settings

    This section will talk about how to configure SuperFetch. Advanced users recommend using group policies or system registry for this purpose. The first and second options generally repeat each other. Let's focus specifically on the change through the system registry.

    Regedit is enabled by using the Win+R key combination and adding to command line corresponding name "regedit"

    You need to find the PrefetchParameters directory in the HKLM branch. You can search manually or through search bar. The directory should contain the following keys: EnablePrefetcher and EnableSuperFetch. The second key may be missing, in which case it must be created through the Edit DWORD parameter. Give the key an appropriate name. It is possible to enter 4 values ​​for each of the specified keys:

    • 0 – completely disabled
    • 1 – only launched applications are optimized
    • 2 – only the launch of system components is optimized
    • 3 – balance between acceleration of system components and programs.

    Using the services.msc command, you can open the settings window running in at the moment processes and services. You need to find Superfetch in the list. From the list of settings, select the required startup type (from 0 to 3). This way you can manage SuperFetch modes and the SysMain SuperFetch service.

    Should I disable the SuperFetch service?

    Professionals advise turning it off this function, if the device has a small amount of RAM (less than 1 gigabyte). In this situation, the download may be more than 500 MB, excluding the paging file and virtual memory.

    Majority modern devices Initially they come with a fairly large RAM (more than 3 GB). If the device has 2 gigabytes of RAM, then SuperFetch will work correctly without overloading the system. It is recommended to check the device and, based on the result, decide whether to disconnect it.

    Problem starting SuperFetch

    When SuperFetch is enabled, errors may occur in its module. They will not seriously affect the functioning of the operating system; errors will not appear at the system level. The essence of the error is that the SuperFetch service is not activated, provided set parameters work (in the register). A message appears indicating that SuperFetch terminated has stopped working, and access may be denied. The reason may be insufficient RAM or a conflict between RAM sticks. The best solution is to disable the SuperFetch service. If there is enough RAM, then you need to test it for problems. After this, you can either stop using SuperFetch or continue using this technology.

    In the article we talked about SuperFetch: what kind of service it is. Setting procedure through the registry and disabling options of this service are described in detail above. It’s not at all difficult to disable or change parameters yourself. The decision to disable is made individually depending on the amount of RAM of the device.

    Vista was first operating system, in which SuperFetch appeared. This service was then introduced into Windows system and Windows 8. This service is designed to intensify productivity software, using their cache in RAM. SuperFetch is used in ReadyBoost.

    On computers running a software version greater than Windows 8, SuperFetch is not required for acceleration. In this case, this service may cause errors when operating the system. To avoid errors, it is better to disable SuperFetch.

    There are two methods to easily stop SuperFetch. If you carry out the entire algorithm of actions in reverse order, then SuperFetch will work again. Below are the algorithms for disabling SuperFetch:

    The easiest way to disable it is through the Control Panel, go to Administrative Tools and then Services. You can also use the Windows + R combination and enter the value services.msc in the window that opens.

    The window that appears contains a list of services, including SuperFetch. Click on this service mouse twice. In the window that opens, select the “Stop” command. In the “Startup type” section there is a sub-item “Disabled”, which should be clicked. Next “Apply”, this will activate the settings. Then you should restart the computer and check the functionality of the applications (this is not necessary, as a rule, all settings work).

    Another way to disable SuperFetch using an editor Windows registry 10. Press the key combination Win+R and enter - regedit. To save time, you can not type the command manually, but paste it by copying, removing the period at the end. Press Enter. The “Registry Editor” window appears. Find the address input line and enter: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters.

    Next you should find EnableSuperfetcher. In a situation where this parameter is missing, you need to create it using a DWORD using this name. If you need to disable Prefetch, you need to change the EnablePrefetcher value to 0. Then restart the computer.

    If you need to enable SuperFetch, you need to carry out all the steps in the reverse order, but instead of 0, put 3.

    When the selected value is 1, the technology works selectively, that is, only for download files. If the value is 2 – only for software. These parameters help configure the system for each specific user. The algorithm for turning it on and off is very simple.