• Music social networks list. Social network lists. List of Russian-language social networks

    A social network (social network) is an Internet service (site, applications) for creating and maintaining connections between people, as well as for consuming information and games. Social networks are used in friendly communication, work, study, love - in almost all moments of life.

    There are a large number of social networks, but only a few are truly popular. They have many similarities. A social network usually consists of people (users - you and me) and communities (groups, publics). People join communities based on their interests. You can communicate with other people one-on-one, or in a group conversation. Important elements Social networks mean adding people as “friends”, posting photos and videos, your thoughts, creating your own image. Events and information from all your friends and communities are combined into a “feed” that you watch and read.


    Also called “VK”, “VK.com”. The most popular social network in Russia and the CIS countries. You can search for people by first name, last name, place of study and work, and hobbies. There are groups you can join (and create your own), listen to music, watch movies online. Initially it was a student social network, but then it quickly became popular among a wide audience. About 65 million visitors per day.

    We talk in more detail about VKontakte, registering with it and logging into the site here:


    This is the second most popular social network. It is believed that its active users are older than VKontakte users. Initially it was intended to search for classmates, fellow students, relatives, old friends and communicate with them. On Odnoklassniki, like VKontakte, you can listen to music, watch movies and TV series. Overall, this is an entertaining social network. Odnoklassniki has about 44 million visitors per day.

    All about Odnoklassniki, how to get there and what to do - here:


    Find out more about Facebook (and how to use it) here:

    My World

    Moy Mir is part of Mail.ru, a “national social network”. In terms of the number of active users, My World comes after VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. There are all the traditional elements of a social network - news feed, photos, videos, messages. In My World there are many people from the regions. An important part of the social network is games.


    Dating sites are also, as a rule, social networks where people find each other, communicate, make friends, post photos, and fall in love. Large free dating sites that we can safely recommend are Megakiss and Photostrana.

    How to find a person on a social network?

    On our home page There is a built-in people search, which is exactly what you search for on social networks. More about this here:

    How do social networks affect us?

    We have enormous opportunities for communication that did not exist before. Now we can find those whom we have lost or have not seen for a long time. Communication with friends has moved to social networks. When everyone has so little free time, social networks can be used to “virtually” meet and communicate – even with those who are far away.

    Through social networks we will find out latest news, we keep track of what’s going on with friends, watch movies and TV series. True, social networks can bring not only joy, but also disappointment and irritation. Therefore, you need to clearly understand how and why you use social networks and whether you depend on them.

    • On social networks we trust people too much. We rely on what others write and share with us without checking whether it is actually true.
    • We are jealous. Yes, yes: when people brag about their successes, travels, and new acquaintances, it may seem that their lives are more eventful. But this is an illusion - on social networks people tend to embellish themselves.
    • On social networks we behave differently than on real life. When people communicate at a distance, they become bolder, more relaxed, and therefore on social networks they often declare and discuss what they are talking about. ordinary life are silent.
    • We depend on people's reactions. When we get used to approval, “likes,” we may be more hurt by disagreement or criticism in the future.
    • Scientists cannot say whether social media is beneficial or harmful. It all depends on how we use them. It is necessary to maintain a balance between virtual (“apparent”) and real life.

    A large number of visitors come from search if the site is in the top ten and the further it goes, the fewer users it gets. This is the difficulty, because there are millions of sites. Competition, as in reality.

    A brilliant idea to attract large quantity visitors to your site became the idea of ​​a social network. The point of a social network is that people communicate on it and invite their friends to join. Many people lack communication in reality or people are located at a great distance from each other, which is what popular social networks are based on. During its development, social networks have become commonplace for us. We communicate every day on social networks.

    For many users, social networks have become indispensable in terms of communication. Exchanging messages with several people at once becomes a habitual state, without which a person plunges into loneliness and despondency. However, staying in the space of popular social networks does not make a person happy, since there is no real communication, depth and sincerity. Currently, many large companies are introducing a ban on popular social networks in Russia, such as Odnoklassniki.ru, VKontakte, Facebook and others.

    VKontakte- search for fellow students and classmates; the most visited resource in Russia and Ukraine. Created in 2006 by Pavel Durov (registration has recently been closed to everyone; you can become a member of the network only if one of your friends is already registered on the site, and he sends you an invitation to your mobile phone).

    My [email protected] a social network belonging to the same group of companies as Odnoklassniki; fully monetized in 2010. A distinctive feature is the ability to download special application and correspond directly from your phone or computer (analogous to an ICQ pager).

    My circle - social network for finding jobs and professional staff. The first social network on the Runet, created in 2005 by a group of recent graduates of MIPT, MSU and the Russian School of Economics. Initially, the resource was conceived as a site for finding classmates and fellow students, but was later repurposed. On March 27, 2007, the service was purchased by Yandex; Now it is one of Yandex’s services and continues its development under his tutelage.

    Companions— search for comrades in spirit, the opportunity to express your opinion on the most pressing and important topics.

    Privet.ru — a site about people and interests. Communication, blogs, communities, videos...

    Professional dating web (Webby)— provides its users with the opportunity to publish their business card presentation and establish business contacts.

    TooDoo— as the site’s authors write, “this site is a social network of “site fans,” designed to unite the Runet and allow everyone to exchange opinions with their friends about their favorite (or least favorite) sites, find new interesting pages, and get to know “by sight” those who read the same sites, make new acquaintances with interesting people, for example, with the authors of your favorite sites.”

    Spaces.ru - Russian network for mobile phones.

    In plain sight— the opportunity to meet new people, communicate with friends and acquaintances, create interest groups, as well as pages of public places and cities. After passing free registration More than 17 services and other features are available.

    Facebook- year of foundation - 2004. As of May 2011, more than 700 million people were registered on Facebook accounts. The most popular social network in the world.

    Classmates- year of foundation - 1995. Number of participants - about 50 million. “When you are over thirty-five,” said project CEO Michael Schutzler, “you look in the rearview mirror of your life, and one day the thought arises in your head: “ My God, how did I end up here? And how is Harry? I haven’t spoken to him for 25 years.” The network whose name is translated into Russian as “Odnoklassniki”, created in the city of Renton, USA, is designed to solve the problem of “looking in the rearview mirror”. Today, Classmates.com is one of the largest social networks in the world, connecting people who want to find and keep in touch with those with whom they studied, worked or served in the military. Its members have the opportunity to post photographs, biographies, and participate in news discussions in their community feeds. Classmates.com is considered the Internet's first social network.

    MySpace- year of foundation - 2003. “An online community for communicating with friends of your friends” - this is how the developers define the purpose of this social network. Network members can create own communities based on interests, blog, post photos, music and video materials. In January 2008, a beta version in Russian was launched, but already in August 2009, the final closure of the Russian division was announced. General manager Russian MySpace Alexander Turkot explained the closure by Rupert Murdoch’s categorical reluctance to develop the network in Russia. However, saved Russian-language interface and profiles of Russian users. After 2009, it lost its popularity (it dropped from 5th place in the world to 72nd in 2011, the number of network participants during this time decreased from 80 to 30 million). In April 2011, losses were first announced online.

    LinkedIn- year of foundation - 2003. The growing network unites St. 100 million professionals from 150 industries. Users have the tools to create their own professional portfolio, search for partners and clients, and expand their circle of professional communication.

    Friendster- year of foundation - 2002. One of the oldest online social networks, providing search for those “who are interesting to you” and building a social network. In recent years it has been losing popularity. The number of users is 8.2 million (June 2010) from around the world.

    • Tags:

    Social network- an interactive multi-user website, the content of which is filled by the network participants themselves. The site is an automated social environment that allows a group of users with a common interest to communicate. These include thematic forums, especially industry ones, which have been actively developing recently.

    Communication is via a web-based internal mail service or instant messaging.


    And if LinkedIn was created for the purpose of establishing/maintaining business contacts, then the owners of MySpace and Facebook relied primarily on satisfying the human need for self-expression. Indeed, in accordance with Maslow's pyramid, self-expression is the highest human need, even ahead of recognition and communication. Social networks have become a kind of Internet haven where everyone can find the technical and social basis for creating their virtual “I”. At the same time, each user received the opportunity not only to communicate and create, but also to share the fruits of their creativity with a multi-million audience of one or another social network.

    Largest networks

    The popularity of different social networks varies in different regions of the world. Thus, the networks MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are more popular and widespread in North America;
    Nexopia - in Canada;
    Bebo - in the UK;
    Facebook, Hi5, dol2day - in Germany;
    Tagged.com ( English), XING and Skyrock - in different countries Europe;
    Public Broadcasting Service, Orkut, Facebook and Hi5 - in South and Central America (55% of Brazilian network users prefer Orkut);
    Friendster, Multiply, Orkut, Xiaonei and Cyworld - in Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore).

    The leaders in the number of users are Facebook (750,000,000), MySpace (255,000,000), Twitter (200,000,000), VKontakte (150,000,000), Windows Live Spaces (120,000,000), Habbo Hotel (121,000,000), Friendster (90,000,000), Hi5 (80,000,000), Tagged.com (70,000,000).

    English speaking Russian speaking

    • My network
    • Connect (there is a Russian-language interface)
    • exSlife (there is a Russian-language interface)
    • VNet (there is a Russian-language interface)
    • Hayland (there is a Russian and English interface)
    • Kuku (there is a Russian-language interface)
    • Draugiem.lv
    • ONE.LV


    Service social networks allow users to unite online around their common interests, hobbies, or for various reasons. For example, some sites provide services that allow users to post public access personal information necessary for finding partners. Examples: LinkedIn, VKontakte.

    Commercial social networks are focused on supporting business transactions and building people's trust in brands by taking into account their opinions about the product, how to make it better, etc., thereby allowing consumers to participate in the promotion of the product and increasing their awareness.


    For advertisers, social networks provide unique opportunities to reach consumers directly. Every day, millions of users conduct conversations about companies, their products and services, sharing their opinions and impressions. As a result, an individual member of the online community can ruin (or vice versa) the reputation of a company with a multimillion-dollar turnover.

    The size of the advertising market on social networks is growing steadily. In 2007, according to estimates from the analytical company eMarketer, it reached $1.225 billion. When compiling the report, eMarketer experts took into account all types of advertising placed on social networks, including display, contextual and video advertising, as well as the costs of marketing projects in which marketers create profiles for their products and brands on social networks. In addition, the forecasts take into account the costs of creating widgets and applications for the first time. According to a recent eMarketer study, the total revenue of social networks from advertising in 2011 will reach $5.54 billion. According to eMarketer forecasts, the size of the advertising market in social networks will double by 2013.

    Currently, companies in sectors such as consumer goods, liquor manufacturers, automakers, and entertainment companies are showing the greatest interest in social networks. Until recently, consumer brands have not pursued an aggressive advertising policy on the Internet, but for 2009 many of them have planned budgets for marketing on social networks.

    The growth of advertising on social networks is leading to budget overruns. Such popular platforms for advertising as search networks, websites of large newspapers and magazines, online media, are now forced to reduce advertising budgets or adapt to the realities of Web 2.0, optimizing their sites for functionality social media.


    Many people do not understand that the information they post on social networks can be found and used by anyone, including those who may not have good intentions. Information about members of social networks can be found by their employers, parents, children, former or current wives or husbands, debt collectors, criminals, law enforcement agencies and so on.

    For example, there is a known case where a criminal looked for women who looked similar to herself, killed them and sold their apartments.

    There is a known case of manifestation of psychosomatic disorders due to addiction to communication on social networks. In Belgrade, user Svetlana Pavlović ended up in a psychiatric clinic after her post on social media Facebook networks did not arouse interest among her friends. The clinic’s doctors called this case “Svetlana syndrome,” explaining the patient’s behavior as ordinary stress from the dissatisfaction of an individual’s social needs in the modern world.

    Some employers prohibit the use of social networks - not only to save money, but also to prevent information leakage.

    D. Boyd, based on survey materials in 16 US states, concluded that there are two main “fears” caused by social networks: sexual harassment and information confidentiality. Content analysis of periodicals in Denmark allowed M. Larsen to compile a list of the most frequently mentioned problems in connection with social networks, which include: sexual violence and pedophilia, intimidation and harassment, threats and violence, the spread of nationalist ideas. K. Fuchs, in the course of an online survey of German and Austrian students, received the following list of risks: data confidentiality, the spread of spam, the possibility of losing personal information, creating a negative image, Internet addiction. S.V. Bondarenko, based on a study of virtual network communities in the south of Russia, concluded that there are the following forms of manifestation of deviant behavior: hacking, violation of secrecy, defamation, cyberterrorism, computer pedophilia. A survey conducted on the State University-Higher School of Economics portal showed that, according to respondents, networks are “delaying” and take up too much time,” and are crowding out real communication, provide “redundancy of communication and information.” “Privacy issues,” the report mentions, “are less of a concern for social media users. These fears are mainly related to easy accessibility contact information for spammers, and not with the work of intelligence agencies."


    Social software- this is a wide range software systems, allowing users to interact and exchange data. This method of computer-mediated interaction has become popular with the advent of social sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Odnoklassniki.ru, media sites Flickr and YouTube, and commercial sites eBay.

    Many of these applications have such general characteristics like: open APIs, service-oriented design, the ability to remotely host data and media files. Such applications are usually classified as Web 2.0 systems.

    Within social software, two groups of software tools can be distinguished: communication and interactive.

    Communication tools are used to record, store and present communication data, most often in text form, but increasingly in audio and video formats.

    Interactive tools are used to support data-mediated (various media formats) interaction between individuals and their groups. In contrast to communication tools, the emphasis is on supporting the connectedness of users and the communication mechanisms between them. In contrast to communication tools, which are typically asynchronous, interactive tools are predominantly synchronous, allowing users to interact in real time (as in the case of Internet telephony, video chats, etc.) or almost synchronously (instant messaging services, text chats, etc.) .p.).

    The following examples of software systems that belong to social software can be mentioned:

    • Instant messaging systems (IM - Instant messaging) allow you to communicate with another user over the network in real time (in a relatively secure mode). The most popular of them include Skype, ICQ, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Miranda IM. Business-oriented systems include IBM Lotus Sametime, Microsoft Messenger and Jabber.
    • Internet chats (IRC - Internet Relay Chat) allow several users to communicate simultaneously in real time.
    • Internet forums have replaced electronic conferences (which arose before the advent of the WWW). A forum user can create a new "topic" that is accessible to others. Other users can view the topic and leave their comments in sequential recording mode.
    • Web blogs, or blogs for short, can be thought of as personal online journals individual users. The blog owner can post messages in his journal, while other users (readers) can leave comments on them.
    • Wiki directories (wikis), or simply wikis, are essentially websites whose content can be edited by site visitors. The most famous example is Wikipedia.

    IDC experts predict that the market for marketing and business applications for social networks will grow in the coming years. “Social media is becoming more popular and applications are emerging for a variety of purposes, which will continue to grow this market,” said Rachel Happe, research manager at IDC. - We expect that they will soon become popular applications for various marketing companies and firms, as well as corporate applications."

    Additionally, the report states that growth in the social networking app market will only slow down by 2011.

    See also


    Broadcasting Access Services

    Social networks in Russia (list)

    Surely you know some social networks. networks that are popular among Russians, but the more sites are used, the higher the results will be (attracting traffic or advertising). Here full list Russian social networks:

    1. VKontakte takes first place in all indicators in Runet. This site is also especially popular in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
    2. Odnoklassniki is a Russian-language social network that ranks second in Runet ratings.
    3. Twitter is a foreign microblogging system that has long been included in the TOP of Russian-language sites.
    4. Facebook is a leader at the global level, which has managed to overtake even search engines in terms of traffic.
    5. Google+ - network from famous search engine. The audience is growing rapidly as profiles are used for different purposes (for example, on Google Play).
    6. My Circle is a project suitable for finding jobs and employees for a company. In 2015, the project was purchased large company, so now it should be actively developed.
    7. YouTube - there are elements of a social network on this site (creating your own page, publications, comments), so it can also be included in the list.
    8. My World - the developers claim that the project is a national Russian social network (third place in Runet in popularity).
    9. Friend Around is one of those social networks. networks that require the installation of a special program to use.
    10. Instagram - registration only with mobile devices, convenient exchange photographs, an excellent option for branding.
    11. LinkedIn is one of the oldest social networks. networks created to establish business connections, find jobs and employees.
    12. MySpace is another foreign project that has long been translated into Russian and has earned popularity on the Runet.
    13. Small World - suitable for communicating with neighbors and people living near you. The functionality is wide, personal messages, photos, groups and so on.
    14. Hello - on this site you can find old acquaintances, make new acquaintances, publish photos and even create your own blog.
    15. Professionals - you can already guess from the name that this network created for business people and professionals from different fields.
    16. Fotostrana is one of the most popular dating sites in Russia, where you will also find functions inherent in social networks.
    17. Mendoo - erotic social. a network in which registration is available only to adult users.
    18. Diary - school social. network, it is used by both students themselves and teachers and parents.
    19. On the Internet - in the Belarusian segment of the Internet this is a very popular project. High-quality social network in Belarus.
    20. Twoo - More than 174 million people are registered on this site who are looking for new acquaintances.
    21. Socl - the well-known Microsoft company is the owner of this social network. Not many people use it in Russia.
    22. Classnet - a resource for schoolchildren has been created. Here they will find interesting conversation and receive training assistance.
    23. Flirchi- large network, used for meeting new people. It’s convenient that its developers created mobile applications a long time ago.
    24. Galaxy is the most unusual dating site with social elements. networks. Mobile application also available.
    25. Classmates - many people consider this site to be the first social network, since it was created in 1995.
    26. Pinme - Every day thousands of people share on this social network interesting pictures and post posts, which distinguishes the project from its analogues.

    The result was a large list and it included all popular Russian social networks. It is useful for various purposes, and in addition to advertising and attracting visitors to sites, you can establish new connections and search for people with similar interests. Good luck to you!!!

    Don't forget to write your comment if you liked the article. A few words from you, and a confession from me search engines that I write normal human articles. Thank you in advance!

    Today, social networks are so firmly rooted in our lives that the composition of the top five most popular social platforms remains virtually unchanged from year to year. However, the penetration and use of these social networks varies depending on geography and demographic factors. Understanding these differences plays a big role when targeting specific audiences. When comparing the most popular social networks, it is important to pay attention not to the number of registered accounts, but to the number of active users. From the review you will learn which social networks are growing faster than others, and which are currently in decline.

    The most popular social platforms

    The chart, produced by analytics agency Statista, gives a clear picture of the number of active users (in millions) on the world's most popular social networks. Topping the list is Facebook. This can hardly surprise anyone. Facebook holds the majority of the market share with over 2 billion active users. In January 2017, the giant's closest competitor was WhatsApp, which is also owned by Facebook. Then he was in second place. Today, YouTube is in second place with 1.5 billion active users. Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp occupy third and fourth places respectively.

    They are followed by platforms, the majority of whose audience is located in the Asia-Pacific region. These are QQ, WeChat and Qzone (with more than 600 million active users). This shows that there are a number of popular social media in APAC countries. After them, we see a cluster of platforms popular mainly in the West - Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter.

    What about in Russia?

    In Russia, the penetration of social networks is estimated at 47%; 67.8 million Russians have accounts on them. According to Statista, YouTube is used most actively in the Russian Federation (63% of respondents), VKontakte takes second place - 61%. Global leader Facebook is only in fourth place with an indicator of 35%. Skype and WhatsApp dominate among instant messengers (38% each).

    Social networks that are growing faster than others

    Marketers usually don’t spend much time on SMM. Which social network should you concentrate your efforts on? Twitter, which amassed 313 million users between 2010 and 2017, has seen the slowest growth compared to its biggest competitors Facebook, WhatsApp and China's WeChat. Founded in 2013, Instagram had already surpassed Twitter in terms of audience size by 2014.

    A new study from Statista shows that Twitter fell far behind its peers in 2017. It saw the lowest growth in monthly active audience, with only 23 million from Q3 2015 to Q3 2017. Facebook, meanwhile, grew by 461 million.

    How users interact with brands on social networks

    Knowing how to behave and what posts to make on social media is also important, since it shapes the image of your brand and, as a result, encourages users to buy your products or, conversely, unsubscribe from your groups. Social media is increasingly being used as customer engagement platforms where customers, existing and potential, want answers to their questions in real time. A chart taken from a Sprout Social report shows that 48% of users can be persuaded to buy by quickly answering questions in a group. 46% respond positively to promotions, and 42% may choose a brand's product if its page provides educational content. 27% of surveyed users admitted that they would be willing to make a purchase if they were shown materials that are usually left behind the scenes.

    Half of respondents to a Sprout Social survey said they would unfollow a brand's community if I posted content that they found offensive, and 27% said they would mark a brand and its page as spam and block it. That's why it's so important to reach and engage your potential customers by publishing relevant and interesting content that resonates with your audience. target audience.

    Social networks with the most active audience

    An important factor that influences how much time we should devote to SMM on a particular social network is the level of audience engagement. Here again, Facebook dominates, and also has the highest engagement over time, according to data from analytics firm comScore's study of a panel of US consumers.

    Facebook success amaze. In addition to the social network itself occupying the top spot, other corporate-owned platforms also took second and third place. Facebook Messenger has a 47% penetration rate, with Instagram right behind it.

    From the latest data from Pew Internet, shown in the chart below, we can see that Facebook also leads in the number of active audiences per day. 76% of users log into the social network every day, on Instagram this figure is 51%. Only 42% of Twitter users check it daily, which is almost half that of Facebook.

    The average daily duration of use of social networks in the United States is 2 hours 1 minute; in Russia, users spend a little more time on social platforms - 2 hours 19 minutes.

    Engagement rates in different social networks

    Marketing analytics company TrackMaven analyzed 51 million posts from companies across 130 industries to find out which social networks have the highest engagement rates. The results showed that the absolute leader in terms of engagement per 1000 subscribers is Instagram. This is so much higher than the indicators of other social networks that we had to compile separate diagram to illustrate the differences between Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

    As you can see from the second graph, Facebook is significantly ahead of Twitter and LinkedIn. The reason for this is to a greater extent that more posts are published on Twitter because there is no algorithm to show content to only a small part of the audience. Because of this, brands have to flood their feeds with posts to break through the information noise. This, in turn, reduces the response rate to publications. Below is the average daily number of posts per account on three social networks.

    General statistics on social media usage around the world

    Every year, WeAreSocial updates its comprehensive Global Digital Report, which compiles actionable data on social media around the world. From it you can find out how differently social platforms are used in different parts Sveta. It is surprising that Western countries are seriously lagging behind in the rate of penetration of social networks.

    Below are the main conclusions of the studies.

    • The number of Internet users in 2018 reached 4.021 billion people, which is 7 percent more than a year ago.
    • The audience of social networks in 2018 totals 3.196 billion people - 13% higher than last year’s figure.
    • The number of mobile phone users is 5.135 billion people, which means an increase of 4% compared to last year.

    The numbers are growing rapidly, especially for active users of social networks on mobile devices - the penetration rate is 39%, which is 5% more than in 2017.

    If we talk about the structure of web traffic depending on the type of device, then the most traffic is generated by mobile users(52%, which is 4% higher than last year). Only 43% of all web pages are visited from desktops, which is 3% lower than last year.

    Northern, Western and Southern Europe, as well as North America, boast the most high level Internet penetration - 74%-94% of the total population uses the World Wide Web. In Russia, 110 million people use the Internet—76% of the total population.

    The growth in the global audience of social networks since January 2017 was 13%. The fastest growth in the number of users is observed in Saudi Arabia. Since January 2017, their number has increased by 32%, the global average is 17%. Other countries with the highest growth rates include India, Indonesia and Ghana. The reason for the jump was the development of technology, which made it easier for the population to access social platforms. Social networks grew the slowest in the UAE, South Korea and Great Britain -<5%. В России пользователей соцсетей стало на 8 826 000 человек больше (+15% к прошлогоднему значению).

    Since Facebook has the largest share of users, it would be useful to know how the content you post will perform on the social network and what features to use to increase its reach. According to social network statistics, the average reach of a publication is 10.7%, with organic posts having 8% (organic reach in Russia is 11.3%), and for paid posts this value is 26.8% (27.4% in Russia) . Organic and paid Facebook posts have enormous potential. It is important to target publications correctly in order to receive quality leads.

    You can get a more complete picture of the state of the global digital market in 2018 by studying our review of the Internet 2017-2018 in the world and in Russia: statistics and trends, which we prepared based on the Global Digital 2018 study.

    Popularity of social networks by country

    The graph below from the GlobalWebIndex report, based on a survey of Internet users, perfectly reflects the popularity of various social networks by country. Indonesia, the Philippines, Mexico, India and Brazil are among the top ten most active audiences on each social network, significantly ahead of the US, UK and European countries.

    Of the four social networks presented (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google+), Russians are the most active users of the video service. Twitter and Google+ are used relatively often by only 20% of our compatriots, and Facebook is regularly viewed by just over 40%.

    Demographic statistics of social media use

    As can be seen from the graph, different age groups have a similar pattern of social media use. This suggests that social networks have reached a stage of maturity where they can reach all demographic groups, regardless of age and gender. The exceptions are Instagram and Tumblr, which have younger audiences.

    Strategies for interacting with social media audiences

    According to The State of Social 2018 study, 96% of brands have a presence on Facebook.

    Moreover, only half of the respondents have a documented SMM strategy. Large businesses are a little more responsible about this issue than small companies (60% said they have such a document).

    When it comes to the types of content brands publish, images, links, and text lead the way. Even though video posts tend to get the most engagement, video content only comes in fourth. This is primarily due to the complexity of creating such materials.

    At the end of 2017, Smart Insights, together with Clutch, conducted a survey among business representatives, in which they asked which social networks were of the greatest value to them. It turned out that among B2C companies Facebook is considered the most effective (93% of respondents), and most B2B companies prefer LinkedIn (93%).

    The Value of Social Media for Brands in 2018

    1. If you think that your target audience is not on social networks, you are mistaken.

    Through social networks you can reach any audience, regardless of gender, age, or social status. 98% of online consumers are registered on social networks, a fairly large part of them are adults 55-64 years old.

    1. People devote a third of their time on the Internet to social networks.

    The average user spends 2 hours 15 minutes a day scrolling through their feed and communicating on social platforms, and young people aged 16-24 spend almost three hours. If you do not consider SMM as a channel for attracting customers, then you are voluntarily giving up the attention of your target audience to your competitors.

    1. Half of all social media users follow brand pages.

    4 out of 10 internet users follow their favorite companies on social media, and a quarter follow brands when planning to buy something. People respond positively to such content, so an active presence on social media is of great value to companies.

    1. Social networks are the main source of information for consumers.

    People aged 16-24 prefer to look for information about brands on social networks rather than on search engines. A quarter of users in this age group admit that a large number of likes on a brand’s page can persuade them to make a purchase. In the group of 35-44 years old, 20% of respondents said the same. Social commerce can be considered one of the main channels for generating profit, which means it is important to diversify your efforts and not rely only on advertising.

    1. Watching videos is a favorite pastime on social media.

    Facebook is the largest social network in terms of number of users, but YouTube takes first place in terms of traffic and the reason is because of the video. Video posts receive the most active response, and that is why leading brands constantly publish videos on their pages.

    The following materials were used in preparing the article:

    1. Global Social Media Research Summary 2018 by Smart Insights
    2. The State of Social 2018 report by Social Media Week
    3. The Biggest Social Media Trends Shaping 2018 article published on the GlobalWebIndex blog
    4. Social Networks Study: How social networks were used in 2017 by analytical agency Metricool
    5. Global Digital 2018 report package compiled by WeAreSocial analytical agency

    Do you want to order the maintenance of your company’s communities on social networks? Contact us by phone: