• Android phone is not charging: the power is on, but the charge does not increase: solutions. Problems charging your phone from an external battery

    Battery charging problems are one of the most common problems with tablet computers. It is especially common on unnamed products by Chinese craftsmen: one could even argue that it is typical for tablets costing $30-50. Branded models of popular brands in Russia - Asus, Lenovo, Samsung, etc., do not suffer from this so often, but sometimes you have to tinker with them.

    The majority of charging faults are related to the hardware of devices, but some are caused by software glitches and are quite easy to eliminate. Let's talk about the reasons for charging "glitches" of tablets and how to "revive" your iron friend on your own, whenever possible.

    Battery wear

    Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries used in tablet computers last less than the device itself: approximately 2-4 years. But their performance depends more strongly not on the duration, but on the operating conditions: the number of charge cycles (battery life) is inversely proportional to the depth of charge-discharge: the greater the latter, the faster wear occurs.

    As the battery ages, it loses capacity. When it becomes very low, the tablet discharges from 100% to 0% in less than an hour. In addition, a battery that has reached the end of its life is characterized by an incorrect indication: the system shows a higher or low level charge than it actually is.

    To solve this problem, as you may have guessed, just replace the battery with a new one. To do this, you will need skills in disassembling your gadget and soldering (in tablets, batteries are most often soldered).

    When choosing a new battery, you should look at the following:

    • Voltage: 3.7 (3.8 V) or 7.4 V. This indicator should exactly match yours.
    • Dimensions: The length, width and thickness do not have to be the same as the old one, but the new battery should fit comfortably in the case. You can't squeeze it.
    • Capacity (in milliamp-hours). Preferably not lower than it was.
    • Number of contacts: there can be 2 (positive and negative) or 3 (plus, minus and temperature sensor output). If the old battery had 2 contacts, any one will do (you don’t have to solder the third wire), if there are 3, it is advisable to take the same one.
    • Novelty. A “not fresh” battery most likely does not correspond to the declared capacity, since the latter decreases during long-term storage.

    Owners of branded devices such as Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 or iPad, the choice is easier - they should look for a battery specifically for their model.

    Faulty charger (charger)

    Chargers inexpensive tablets fail quite often. And sometimes they initially do not correspond to the nominal characteristics. Such a charger can “cunningly pretend” to be working, but the current it produces is so small that the gadget does not have enough of it (the average tablet computer consumes about 2 A).

    When connected to a “half-dead” charger, the following picture is possible:

    • The tablet shows charging, but is not charging.
    • The tablet takes several times longer to charge than usual.
    • The charge level does not increase, but decreases, despite the fact that the indicator shows the charging process.

    To check this version, connect the device to a known-good charger or external battery, the voltage and current of which correspond to the rating of your charger. If the problem is resolved, charger should be replaced.

    By the way, the computer’s USB port is not suitable for testing, since it produces only 0.5 A (USB 2.0) or 0.9 A (USB 3.0) instead of the required two.

    Malfunction of the charging and/or power supply system of the tablet

    Problems internal system nutrition is one of common reasons, according to which the tablet made in China does not charge. Explanation - low quality element base and assemblies.

    Devices from well-known manufacturers “get sick” with such a disease more often due to the fault of the users. For example, due to the connection of cheap, low-quality chargers (especially car chargers), careless handling (falls, impacts), or liquid getting inside.

    Externally, the malfunction manifests itself in a variety of ways:

    • The tablet shows charging constantly, including when not connected to a charger. And vice versa: does not detect the power source when it is connected.
    • Charging is no longer detected from time to time.
    • The battery drains quickly even after turning off the gadget.
    • The tablet does not turn on, turns off on its own, or freezes (until rebooted).
    • The charge indicator shows incorrect numbers.
    • The tablet becomes very hot while charging.

    Attention! Excessive heat during charging may indicate battery damage. You cannot operate or charge such a device: faulty lithium batteries tend to ignite and even explode!

    The culprit of the problem may be the connector, the power controller chip (it also controls charging), its wiring elements, or the battery. At home, without knowledge of electrical engineering and diagnostic tools, the problem cannot be solved, so it is best to take the gadget to specialists.

    Software failure, viruses

    The reason that the tablet takes too long to charge and discharges quickly may be trivial viruses. Some of them, unnoticed by the owner, use the computing resources of the processor, Wi-Fi, cellular communication, turn on the camera and microphone. This requires additional energy.

    We recently told you... The advice given in that article is also relevant for other devices: if you suspect an infection, immediately scan the system and removable media good antivirus.

    Software failures of other origins (not related to viruses) may manifest themselves as the following symptoms:

    • Incorrect charge indication.
    • Discharge too fast.
    • Incomplete charge (when a certain indicator is reached - less than 100%, the charge level stops increasing).
    • The device “thinks” it is charging when the charger is not even connected to it.

    To resolve this problem, try the following (one thing doesn’t help, go to the second, etc.):

    • Remove applications that you installed before the crash.
    • Carry out 2-3 full discharge cycles (before turning off) and then charging the battery for 6-8 hours.
    • Reset the operating system to factory settings.

    Battery over-discharge

    Tablet batteries operate in a narrow voltage range: from 4.1-4.3 V to 2.7-3.3 V. A higher value corresponds to 100% charge, a lower one - 0%. When the voltage drops below the threshold level, the protective controller (a small scarf connected to the battery cells) disconnects the battery from current consumers (tablet devices) in order to prevent further discharge and failure. But at the same time, the battery is also disconnected from the charging circuit, that is, it loses the ability not only to discharge, but also to replenish electricity reserves.

    When the charge level drops to 10-15%, the tablet should, in theory, turn off, but sometimes this does not happen. As a result, overdischarge occurs, and the gadget stops responding to connecting a charger to it.

    In order for the battery to regain the ability to charge, its cell voltage must increase to 2.7-3.3 V. This can be achieved in two ways: slow and fast.

    • The “slow” method is very simple: connect the charger to the tablet, turn it on and leave it for several hours. Safety controllers lithium batteries capable of detecting a connected charger and allowing charging when voltage appears at the terminals.
    • The quick method or, as it is called, “push” the battery is recommended only experienced users. Recover with it normal function Charging can be done in 10-30 minutes, but this requires some knowledge of electrical engineering and the ability to disassemble your tablet. Let's look at it in more detail.

    How to “push” a dead lithium battery

    To do this you will need:

    • Voltmeter.
    • Soldering iron (optional).

    Operating procedure:

    • Cut off the connector from the charger and strip the ends of the wires by 3-5 mm. Use a voltmeter to determine the positive and negative wires. The first one is usually red, the second one is black.
    • Connect a resistor to the positive wire (you can simply screw it on, but it’s better to solder it).
    • Disassemble the tablet. Connect the negative wire of the charger (solder or glue with tape) to the battery terminal marked with a (-) sign, the other end of the resistor to the terminal with a (+) sign.

    • Plug the charger into a power outlet.
    • After the voltage at the battery terminals rises to 3.3 V, remove the structure and connect the tablet to the power source through the connector. It will now charge as usual.

    Attention! During the “pushing” process, be sure to control the temperature of the battery with your hand. If it starts to get noticeably hot, immediately disconnect it from the power source.

    When you urgently need to leave the house, and your mobile device has been charging for several hours without any visible progress, anyone can lose their nerve. At such moments, it doesn’t really matter why the phone isn’t charging; the very fact of the malfunction is infuriating. Especially if there were no problems before, but then at the most crucial moment your trusty device let you down.

    Why won't my phone charge from the charger?

    Before blaming the device itself for a malfunction, there are a few things to consider: check:

    • The socket is working properly.
    • Charging performance.
    • Its compliance with the working device.
    • The cable and plug are in good working order.
    • Connector status.

    IN modern houses Wiring problems are extremely rare, except perhaps due to errors during design. But if the wiring has not been changed for 20-30 years, then the sockets may fail from time to time.

    It’s very easy to check their serviceability; just have a voltmeter on hand; it will show both the presence of current in the network and its voltage level. But not all people are good at technical aspects, someone electric current scary as hell. And even from such situations there is always an easier way out - check do the light bulbs work in the room?. If not, this is already sufficient reason to believe that the problem is not with the phone, but with your electrical network. Even if the lamps are on, use an electrical device that you are 100% sure is working properly. There were problems with him too - exactly the wiring.

    Inattention as the reason for the lack of charge.

    Place all the blame on home network It happens extremely rarely, much more often the malfunction is hidden in the charger. Sometimes it’s a matter of simple human inattention.

    Each of us has a bunch of gadgets at home; now connectors and chargers have almost been brought to a single standard (microUSB), but there are still exotic options. And a phone 5-6 years old is almost guaranteed to have a unique connector that will only fit a certain charger.

    Some people have a whole bunch of them on their charger shelf. different wires, in a hurry it is very easy to confuse them. And if you’re still thinking about something else and haven’t noticed that the cable itself fits into the connector with great difficulty, it’s guaranteed to take hours to find the problem.

    Rarely do we immediately think about our mistakes; at first you are guaranteed to look for a problem in technology. But this can be attributed to an annoying oversight; to correct the situation, it is enough to choose the right cable. What if really there is a malfunction?

    Charger and cable

    The problem may be with the wire or the connector itself. Each thing has its own margin of safety, especially wires, which can wear out and break not only by breaking, but also by twisting.

    Every time you twist or wrap a USB cable around something, its lifespan is reduced. So think about it, is it worth reducing the length in this way and saving those crumbs of space? If you place the phone on the edge of the table while charging, the wire is compressed against its surface, this also does not prolong the life of the device.

    You can usually judge the degree of wear by looking at the cable, but sometimes even wires that look like tatters work quite normally. At the same time, an apparently intact cable may stop charging the phone, so you never really know. The connector may act up if one of the contacts comes loose. In the most extreme cases - rust coating, the presence of water on the contacts or their deformation. A child can squeeze or bend the contacts without really noticing it.

    If you are already convinced that it's the cable, you can only tell if the problem is in the connector or wire by eye. And from a practical point of view, this does not play a special role, because everything will have to be changed at once.

    Look step-by-step video instructions, what to do if your device is not charging cell phone or smartphone:

    Why is charging going on, but the phone is not charging?

    But the most infuriating option is when it is displayed that charging is in full swing, but in reality there is no result. You take off the phone after a few hours, and there is one bar or a couple of percent. There are only three main reasons:

    1. Wrong charger again.
    2. Battery problems.
    3. Too many services and applications are running.

    In the first case The phone still detects the charger, but cannot use it normally due to a technical discrepancy. The situation is not so rare, but more often with such an error the charging process will not start at all. This often happens with brand phones iphone when not used original cable. To check, connect another cable and look at the result.

    Everything is much worse if the problem has arisen with battery. Now their cost is not so high and repairs will not be very expensive, but you are guaranteed to have to go to the store and look there suitable model. And not everyone’s case can be disassembled at home.

    A waste of time and money that you simply cannot afford if you are really in a hurry to get somewhere.

    Third option happens extremely rarely, you really need to run a lot of applications for them to consume all the charge. But just in case, try turning it off, mobile internet, close all games and other applications. If after this the charging process went much faster, we can congratulate you - you are the simplest and in a fast way fixed the problem.

    Why does my phone take a long time to charge?

    But let's be honest, most problems while charging are related to exactly with battery. The capacity is indicated on each of them; time and the laws of physics work against the owner. No matter how you use your phone, over time the battery will begin to lose its ability to hold a charge. And it won’t get better, every day the phone will be able to work less and less without recharging, and lie next to the charger longer and longer.

    You shouldn’t wait too long to solve this problem, you already know it - replace the battery at the nearest cellular store.

    Recommendations for smartphone owners circulated online: place the phone or battery in the microwave, turn it on and wait one minute. If you ever come across something like this, don’t take it seriously, it’s just a stupid and slightly evil joke that has cost hundreds of not-so-savvy owners of their favorite phones.

    Problems with contacts.

    Here's another tip about the connector. Sometimes it breaks itself connection between him andUSB-port. To fix it, just remove the battery, clean it and inspect it. If it is clearly visible that in the entrance area the “teeth” are tilted downward, correct this with a match or toothpick. You should press upward lightly and smoothly; be careful not to make things worse and completely bend the contacts.

    In most cases, basic cleaning of dirt is enough; removing dust and dried debris improves contact.

    You shouldn’t immediately run to the service center if you don’t know why your phone isn’t charging. There are a dozen reasons for this, most of them can be eliminated at home, without any special skills.

    Video about no charge

    When you connect the phone to a portable battery, its charging process does not proceed as normal and it is not possible to charge it. Or it discharges very quickly. Or the charge lasts a few seconds and stops. What to do if the external battery does not charge the phone - we are considering possible options and give answers.

    External battery, portable charger, portable battery, universal battery, “Power Bank” (energy storage device, English) - these are all synonyms that designate a device that you can carry with you for the purpose of autonomous charging devices.

    For normal charging of the phone from external battery you must first choose it correctly. When buying, of course, the first thing they pay attention to is the size and weight. They try on how it fits in the hand (along with the phone), what space it takes in a purse or in a purse.

    When choosing Power Bank you need to pay attention to the size of the device

    But its most important parameter is capacity. It must be remembered that its efficiency is approximately 80 percent of the capacity indicated on the packaging (nominal). And the rest is converted into heat during operation or lost during transmission.

    Current strength

    Also, the case of the universal battery is marked with the current value at the connectors and which is actually supplied to store energy. On the one hand, the speed of the process depends on this value, and on the other, some devices (or rather, their controllers) require compliance with a clear value.

    As a rule, a current of one ampere is considered normal for a telephone.

    Determining problems

    If you encounter problems transferring capacity from the portable charger to the phone battery, you first need to make sure normal operation“Power Bank”-cable pairs.

    To do this, we connect another gadget to the device. And if the process goes well in it, it means that the cause of the problem is hidden in the phone itself.

    Then you need to move on to diagnosing the problem - how exactly is the phone not charging?

    • Not charging at all?
    • Does it charge extremely slowly (the current discharge of the mobile phone is not covered by the incoming charge)?

    Port pins

    Poor quality contacts inside the ports due to manufacturing defects or frequent disconnection can cause a lack of electricity flow.

    To fix this problem, you need to remove the battery with the phone turned off and using a tool like a toothpick, carefully lift the fastener inside the port. After that, return everything to its place.

    Replacing a broken wire

    Broken wire

    A disruption in the charging process can also be caused by a poor-quality or broken wire. Currently, due to cheaper prices, wires are produced very thin and delicate. In progress life cycle they constantly curl and tighten in different ways several times a day. It is not surprising that they break, unnoticed from the outside.

    You need to check the operation of the wire using another cable. If necessary, replace it.

    Cleaning port contacts

    The inside of the phone is more clogged for some, less so for others, but one way or another, it gets clogged. Small specks, fabric pellets, dust, as well as “shipwrecks” stuck inside the ports can cause power failure inside the phone. Cleaning will return the smartphone to working condition.

    IMPORTANT. Do not charge in a humid or hot environment. If connected to a power outlet for too long, the contacts can fuse with the plastic and even cause the batteries to explode. - Protection mechanisms do not always work! And factory defects are no exception.

    Damaged phone charging connector

    Checking the battery

    Despite the number of charge-discharge cycles, the phone battery does not last forever. Usually it will work without problems for two years. But over time, it becomes more and more difficult for it to retain (accumulate) a charge. You need to make sure it works.

    If there is deformation or swelling, corrosion, replace the element immediately.

    ADVICE. An interesting simple way to check a non-removable element is proposed - try to screw it on a flat table like a spinning top: the problematic one will easily screw up.

    Is the socket better?

    If you cannot fully charge the battery from an external battery, you should try charging it from a regular wall outlet. In this case, the amount of electricity supplied can be up to two times higher than when supplied via a USB port.

    Try charging your smartphone from a wall outlet

    "Power Bank"/wire

    Another reason for insufficient power supply may be the use of “foreign” devices. In this case, the strength or power of the current supplied to the battery may not be enough to accumulate the resource.

    Running applications

    The culprits of weak charge flow may be services, services or applications running on the phone. And this is not surprising - they require a lot of energy resources. This is especially true for toys, Skype in audio-video mode, hard Internet surfing, using increased brightness on the monitor, and connecting to 4G networks. The cardinal way to speed up the charge is to turn off all these delights. And the most reliable way is to turn off the phone completely.


    Sometimes modern devices make unjustified mistakes. For example, the phone turns itself off due to the fact that “it considers” its charge to be less than it actually is - no more than two or three percent. And the corresponding message is sent to the system. Although the gadget is charged.

    Calibration is precisely the process of “training” the battery to its capabilities. Helps solve many nutritional problems before they arise. It is worth doing this before you have to upgrade the batteries with new ones.

    It is necessary to calibrate the smartphone


    Application updates, firmware installations and rollbacks to previous versions can also cause disruptions in the flow of electricity.

    This is explained by the fact that new devices are optimized for modern versions and they are equipped with more powerful batteries. But those purchased even a couple of years ago cannot always cope with the load.

    Therefore, if you notice a sharp change in the efficiency of a gadget, you should try to roll back its software. Although it happens that new version just reduces the exorbitant energy consumption.

    Availability of current in the outlet

    If the above methods do not work, you should really check for voltage in the outlet or USB port. As funny as it may sound, this is also possible.

    The last option is to replace the portable device.


    Through various network windows, the phone can be infected with viruses. Some of them, due to excessive activation of some application, can deplete the energy reserve (for example, the Carib virus seriously activates Bluetooth).

    IMPORTANT. No visit service center cannot be avoided in case of a sharp discharge due to vibration or sound signal. This occurs when there is a problem with the power amplifier.

    Why doesn't the external battery charge my phone? - We have shared with you all aspects of this problem. And you share with your friends and write in the comments.

    Over the past 20 years, phones have become an integral part of our lives. Not every home may have a TV, but every family member has a smartphone. Even small first-graders usually have a means of communication for emergency calls. The gadget performs various functions: from the ability to call to music player and readers. Therefore, a person whose phone stops charging finds himself in a state of mild panic. We have collected various reasons why your phone does not charge and ways to solve these problems yourself.

    It sounds very stupid, but sometimes it is this side that really lets you down. And it will be very disappointing, after disassembling the phone and trying all the options, to suddenly realize that the problem was with the socket. Therefore, first of all, try moving the charger to a different outlet.

    Faulty wire

    Very often the problem lies in the charger itself. They are not as durable as we would like, and constant use of the cord greatly shortens its life. This usually doesn't happen suddenly. First, you start to notice that the phone only charges in a certain position. You begin to twist the charger, fix it in a bent state to get the desired charge. But at some point the cord stops working completely.

    First of all, check the serviceability of your power cord. If your phone is standard android, then finding the cord is not a problem. You can go to any communication store and ask to check the gadget. Usually such requests are not refused, because you will buy a new cord in the same store.

    Attention: if your mobile phone is one of those models where there is access to the battery, then it is tempting to connect the wires directly to the battery. In an emergency, this method will work. Simply cut off the adapter, strip the wires, and connect them to the battery contact. But such experiments damage the battery itself; it stops holding a charge. Then you will have to buy not only a charger, but also new battery. Therefore, do not resort to this method.

    Clogged contacts

    The problem may be contamination or oxidation of the contacts. To solve the oxidation problem you will need alcohol and a thin brush. Lightly wet the brush with alcohol and carefully clean the connector. It is more convenient to remove dirt and dust from the connector using a thin needle or toothpick. Just be very careful not to damage the connector.

    Power adapter failure

    If your phone won't charge when plugged in, try checking the power adapter (the small box that plugs into the wall outlet). If it is too hot or, conversely, cold, it may be indirect sign breakdowns. Connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable. If it starts charging, the problem is with the adapter. Go to any hardware store and purchase a new one that matches the model of your device.

    Faulty charging connector

    It happens that the phone shows that it is charging, but the charge still “melts before our eyes.” Even if you connected it to the network or power bank.

    If everything is absolutely fine with the cord, the reason may lie in a faulty connector. This problem also manifests itself gradually. Usually it was not possible to immediately put the device on charge; we had to move the charger a little in the area of ​​the connector. The cause of the breakdown is usually careless use of the phone. People who like to leave their smartphone charging but continue to use it are at risk. Also, the cause of this problem may be the age of the mobile or simply a poor-quality connector. Cheap chargers also greatly loosen the connector socket and dislodge the contacts.

    You can try to solve this problem yourself.

    1. Turn off your device. Remove the battery if possible.
    2. Take a small thin object (toothpick or needle).
    3. Insert a needle into USB port and pull the small fastener up. This should be done very lightly and as carefully as possible.
    4. Insert the battery. Check if your phone is charging.

    If you couldn’t fix it yourself, then use the services of a specialist. The problem is solved quite quickly and inexpensively. After repairs, try to charge your phone less often. Try to charge your phone fully once a day.

    Operating system problems

    Because of failed update or harmful viruses The phone may stop showing that it is charging. These problems are solved differently in different operating systems.


    1. Use programs to optimize system performance (CCleaner, Clean Master, Smart Manager).
    2. Install an antivirus and scan your device for viruses.
    3. Reset the system to factory settings. To do this, find the “Settings” menu item on your phone.

    Find "Backup & Reset".

    Then select Factory Reset.

    If the problem was precisely operating system, then the last method will definitely help. Just remember to transfer all important data to the flash card.


    1. Force restart your iPhone. To do this you need to simultaneously press Home buttons and Power for about 30 seconds.
    2. If the problem occurs after the update, you can simply cancel them. To do this, connect your device to your computer. Open iTunes and make a backup.

    Windows Phone

    1. Reboot your phone.
    2. Try turning off the device and charging it for 20 minutes while it is turned off.

    Battery fault

    If your phone won't charge, then the problem may be with the battery. Like any thing, it has its own service life. It is especially shortened if the mobile gets wet or falls. If it is possible to take out the battery and examine it, then be sure to do so. Pay attention to whether the battery has any deformation, swelling or bending. This is a sign that the battery is not working.

    If the battery is non-removable, then there is another way to check for defects. Place your smartphone on the table and try to rotate it around its axis. A swollen battery will cause the phone to spin vigorously.

    Upon purchase new battery, try to buy an original one from the manufacturer. They cost more, but the quality is much better than third-party developments.

    Problem with the controller

    If you have checked everything you could and the phone is not charging, then most likely the problem lies in a broken controller. It is he who is responsible for ensuring that the phone is charged. You won’t be able to identify the problem yourself, much less fix it. It is better to contact a specialist who can accurately determine the cause of the breakdown and fix it.

    The phone has become such a part of our lives that without it you feel like you have no hands. But if your phone has stopped charging, this is not a reason to despair. Replacing a battery, connector, or charger is quite quick and inexpensive. It’s much worse when, for example, the screen glass of a gadget breaks. That's where the repair can cost as much as buying a new phone. Here the problem is local in nature and is solved very quickly.

    It often happens that the phone does not charge, and this problem occurs on both old and new phones.

    There are also situations when charging in progress, but very bad, slowly, up to a day.

    Why such problems arise and what to do to solve them will be discussed further.

    Problem #1. Broken cable

    Often, USB cables burn out, break at bends, or simply stop transmitting a signal.

    Therefore, the first thing to do if the battery does not charge is simply check the charger cable.

    If, for example, a defect is found on it, which is shown in Figure No. 1, you can try to manually press one end to the other or wrap the break with electrical tape.

    You can also try taking a toothpick or a regular match and literally picking at the inside of the USB tip in those places that are shown with arrows in Figure 2.

    You can take a regular painting brush for this and walk it along the inner surface of the tip.

    It is quite possible that the reason is that there is dust or some kind of debris inside.

    No. 2. USB cable tip

    To rule out this option, you need to try charging using a different charging cable. You may have to buy new charger.

    If the problem does not go away, then the problem does not depend on charging.

    Problem #2. Phone connector

    There is only one way to eliminate this option - charge the battery outside the phone itself.

    For this there are special individual devices for charging batteries. An example of this is shown in Figure 4.

    The same can be done using another phone that uses the same one. You can also use a homemade charger. It's very easy to make.

    This could be two simple wires connected to the battery terminal (shown by the red arrow in Figure No. 5). You can attach them even with the most ordinary electrical tape.

    The video at the end of the article explains this method in more detail.

    Problem #3. Bad battery

    Batteries tends to break down after long use. Therefore, you can install another battery and try to charge the phone again.

    You can simply remove the battery and put it back in. There are times when this helps too.

    Important! When you open the phone, feel the battery - it is quite possible that there are some irregularities, bulges or other deformations on it. This means that there is no point in trying to restore the battery - corrosion begins to do its job.

    Then you definitely need to buy a new one, because otherwise other metal parts will begin to corrode.

    If the phone is without any curved decorative elements on the body, you can simply put it on the table and unwind it.

    If it spins, it means the battery is swollen and this will cause back cover some bulges appeared.

    A swollen battery looks as shown in Figure 6. Of course, it may not reach such a critical state, but if the swelling process has already begun, then it will not end.