• Strange computer problems

    My computer is broken, what should I do? Sooner or later, this question is asked by users who have encountered problems with their computer. Unfortunately, each of us has encountered a situation where a computer breaks down when it is needed most. Power failures, equipment failure, viruses and malware, hacker attacks - these and many other problems can be a consequence of a computer malfunction or breakdown.

    Computer problems are usually divided into two main ones. These are software problems associated with malfunctions of the operating system or programs, and hardware problems associated with malfunctions and failure of computer equipment. In any of these cases, computer repair is required. Let's look at the most common computer problems.

    Problems starting your computer

    The computer does not turn on, there is no response to pressing the computer power button.

    • check the power cable from the outlet or surge protector to the computer
    • connect the computer's power directly without using surge protector
    • Some power supplies have a toggle switch on the back. Make sure it is set to on (input)
    • Motherboards have a voltage supply indicator that signals when voltage is supplied to it. Remove the left side cover of the computer and check if this indicator lights up. If not, you should first replace the power supply with a new one.

    Problems booting your computer

    When the computer boots, the contents of the desktop are not displayed. By the way, I recently repaired my computer in Rublyovka and had the same problem.

    • The system boots, but its contents are not displayed on the desktop, as well as the taskbar and the start menu item
    • consequences of an operating system failure; possible modification of registry keys as a result of viruses and malware. There are times when such situations arise after installation on a computer. certain programs
    • You should press Ctrl+Alt+Del, go to the task manager, select file-new task/execute, enter the command explorer.exe and click OK. If, as a result of this procedure, the contents of the desktop are displayed, check the computer for viruses and the registry keys for their validity. If a failure occurs after installing a program, remove it. Or try to copy important data to removable media and call computer technician
    • if there is no result, you should restart the computer, boot from boot disk and check the system for viruses. Check the registry keys responsible for displaying and loading the desktop shell

    Blue screen or "screen of death" when starting the computer

      Possible causes and solutions:
    • When loading the computer, a blue screen appeared with the word STOP and error codes. The system does not respond to pressing any keys
    • the reason for the appearance of " blue screen" may be caused by many factors: incorrect installation/updating of the driver, power surges, improper shutdown of the computer, power supply failure, hardware failure (RAM, CPU, VGA, etc.), system overheating (HDD, CPU, etc.)
    • First of all, write down all error codes on paper. Often they can be used to find out/guess the possible cause of a malfunction.
    • Try restarting your computer by pressing the reset key. While loading, periodically press the F8 key. From the list that appears, select the "Load last known known configuration" option. If the result is the same, do this operation again by selecting the download option in " Safe Mode"
    • If the problem is not resolved in this way, it is better to call a computer technician to full diagnostics and identifying the cause of the problem.

    The computer randomly restarts

    The computer reboots spontaneously during operation and freezes

    Possible causes and solutions:

    • Go to My Computer - Properties - Advanced - Boot and Recovery - Settings and uncheck the box to reboot automatically. When a blue screen appears, rewrite the error codes
    • one of possible problems is the processor overheating, hard drive, video cards. It is necessary to check the temperature sensors.
    • , fans, radiators from dust, replace thermal paste on the processor
    • check your computer for viruses

    A computer is such a complex device that it is impossible to list and specifically describe everything. possible reasons its breakdown or incorrect operation possible only in a multi-volume series of books. Below we will look at the causes of the problems that computer users encounter most often and provide some tips.

    The computer won't turn on at all

    If, when you press the power button, the computer does not show any signs of life - it does not turn on, does not make any sounds or noises, there is no image on the monitor, most likely the cause of the breakdown is the power supply. It will be much easier, of course, if you simply forgot to plug in the computer (or turn on the power carrier itself).

    Some system units are equipped, in addition to regular button switch, also supplemented by a power switch on the back side, near the power cable connection. Check all these options and if the power supply is fine, in most cases the solution to this problem will be to replace the power supply.

    The most common reasons power supply failure - power outages or dust accumulated inside the power supply. Because of this, the power supply may simply burn out.

    An annoying squeak instead of loading the operating system

    If, when you turn on the computer, the operating system does not load, but instead service information appears on the background of a black screen, and all this is accompanied by an unpleasant, annoying squeaking sound, most likely there are problems with some important hardware component inside the computer - it could be the power supply , RAM, video card, CPU, motherboard, etc.

    In this case, the boot process is interrupted and the computer either turns off or reboots. It may also be that the computer makes an annoying squeak, but does not display any image on the screen - this is also a sign of a breakdown of some hardware component.

    The computer is noisy and shows signs of operation, but there is no image on the screen

    When the computer is turned on, it makes a characteristic noise, thereby showing signs full-fledged work system unit, but there is no image on the monitor screen - this situation is typical for problems with the video card or monitor. First, you need to check whether the system unit and the monitor are securely connected by cable; perhaps someone at home caught the wire, and it simply came off. Check the power button on the monitor itself.

    Monitors rarely fail suddenly; as a rule, at first they begin to display colors worse, the image may shake or become distorted. The easiest way to check whether the problem lies in the monitor is to connect it to another system unit. Or the system unit to another monitor.

    If everything is fine with the monitor, most likely the cause of the breakdown is the video card.

    No sound

    If the computer does not play sound, the first step is to carefully inspect whether the wires are disconnected, whether the speakers are turned on in hardware, or whether the volume is at zero. If everything is in order with this, the missing sound may indicate a malfunction of the speakers or sound card.

    By the way, it is very rare, but some PC builds may not initially be equipped with a sound card - as a rule, these are office devices purchased by companies purely for office work. It may also be that the problem was caused by the USB microphone. In this case, unplug it from the USB port and restart your computer.

    Immediately after turning on, the computer automatically turns off

    A computer that has just been turned on automatically reboots itself - a common sign that some of its hardware is overheating due to the accumulation of dust on the coolers. Disconnect the computer from the network, carefully disassemble the system unit, then remove dust from there.

    It is advisable to do this with a vacuum cleaner; you should not wipe anything with a damp cloth. If cleaning the dust did not help, and when you turn on the computer it also automatically restarts, most likely some of the hardware parts have burned out and need to be replaced.

    Computer freezes after inserting a CD or DVD

    If, after inserting a CD or DVD into the drive, the computer freezes, this means that it was unable to immediately read the data on the disk. Freezing is a consequence of the computer trying to solve this problem by changing the reading speed. This often happens with damaged disks, less often - the problem is in the drive itself.

    If attempts to read the disk take too long and fail, better disk remove from the drive. You can test the drive by inserting another disk with information into it, which has no visible mechanical damage - abrasions, scratches, etc.

    It happens that a damaged disk can store extremely important information. And if the computer drive cannot display the contents, you can try to read such a disk on another drive or using special programs designed for reading damaged disks.

    Regular date glitches on your computer

    To save the basic settings of the computer, its motherboard is equipped with a small battery. It is responsible for counting time, because the required date and date are automatically set even when installing the operating system.

    And if the battery starts to run out, these basic settings may periodically return to factory settings. Replacing the battery with motherboard- one of the budget computer breakdowns.

    Excessive computer noise

    If the computer begins to make excessive noise during operation, and this has not been observed before, most likely the fans inside the system unit are clogged with dust. It's time to clean up inside it.

    Computer problems - what to do?

    The answer to this largely depends on your experience in using a computer, your existing knowledge of its structure and operation, as well as your financial capabilities. If you have an extra amount of money, it is naturally better to take the computer to a service center or call a system specialist to your home, so as not to waste time searching for the cause of the breakdown and a solution.

    You can disassemble the system unit yourself and clean the insides of dust. But if the cause of the breakdown is the failure of the computer’s hardware components, you obviously cannot do without the help of specialists. Call system specialists you know or take your computer to a service center.

    Possible causes of computer breakdown or incorrect operation are outlined above. It’s not a fact that if your problem with your computer exactly matches the one described, this is exactly your case. Only experienced systems specialists can accurately diagnose the cause of computer problems.

    PC diagnostics

    In this article we will look at the most common reasons why clients contact service centers with computer breakdowns and ways to identify faults at home.

    First, a little theory: you should know that faults are divided into two main categories: hardware and software. Hardware faults mean problems with computer components: power supply, hard drive, motherboard, video card, etc. And in the second case, the “inappropriate behavior” of the computer is caused by problems with the software. The difference becomes important in the question of whether to call a technician at home or take the equipment to a service center.

    Next, having discovered a malfunction, find out whether all your computer components CONNECTED CORRECTLY. Perhaps someone carelessly moved the wire. Make sure all devices (even the mouse) are connected correctly. It happens that such little things can lead to the computer freezing.

    Be careful: if you smell unpleasant odors of burning metal or plastic, do not try to start the computer, as this can lead to complete “destruction” of the components and can also be a fire hazard.

    Now let’s look at the most “popular” problems, simultaneously determining what types of faults they may relate to.

    Computer won't turn on

    Make sure that the computer is receiving power and that the switch on the back of the system unit (not available on all models) is in the ON position. If everything is so, but the computer still does not turn on, most likely (9 out of 10 cases, according to statistics), the power supply has burned out. Most often, its repair is impractical, so it is necessary to replace the power supply with a new one. However, other, less common, reasons are also possible, for example, a malfunction of the motherboard or processor.

    The computer turns on but there is no picture

    Check the contacts again, try disconnecting the blue wire on the back of the monitor (the NO SIGNAL icon should appear if the monitor itself is working), is the system unit working (making noise)? Try, if possible, connecting the monitor to another system unit. Most often, the video card is the culprit (this also applies to laptops). Especially in the case when, for example, there is sound but no image. Repairing the video card itself is impractical, unless your PC has an expensive powerful gaming video card. In addition to the video card, the cause may be a malfunction of the motherboard or insufficient power power supply (relevant for gaming video cards).

    Black screen when turning on the computer

    A blank, black screen after starting the computer, a black screen with a mouse cursor or a blinking underscore indicates a failure of the operating system. System failure occurs due to corruption system files. The reason is usually virus attack to a computer or failed update operating system, as well as failing hard drive. In other words, the reason may be at both the hardware and software levels.

    The computer reboots

    There are quite a few reasons for a computer to restart itself during operation: from errors in the operating system, driver or program to a malfunction in the computer hardware, for example, in the RAM module.

    The computer turns off

    One of the common options is failure of the power supply. And also, as a rule, the reason the computer turns off on its own is overheating. Especially if the computer turns off while playing a game or while working with professional software, such as a 3D modeling program. In this case, you need to check the temperature of the computer components at idle and under load. The operating temperature range should not exceed 60-70°C. If overheating occurs, it is necessary to clean the system unit from dust, change the thermal paste on the overheating element and, if necessary, install additional cooling.

    The computer turns on after turning off or turns off after turning on

    There are options here, but, as a rule, the reason that the computer turns on immediately after turning off or turns off after turning on (without having time to load the operating system) is a faulty system unit or, less commonly, the motherboard. If you assembled the computer yourself or opened the system unit shortly before the malfunction, perhaps the cause of the malfunction lies in the incorrect connection of the power button to the motherboard or in a loose contact.

    Memo for the Client, or Advice from “Computer Geeks”:

    1. Having determined the cause of your computer malfunction, do not try to repair it yourself, because this is not always possible at home, without the participation of a competent specialist.

    2. Using the advice in this article, remember that self-diagnosis does not provide 100% accuracy, the cause of your computer’s malfunction may be purely individual, and in any case it will be more reliable to contact a service center.

    IN modern world it's simply impossible to do without personal computer, and its sudden breakdown is perceived by many as almost a tragedy. It would seem that the PC was working without problems, and then it starts to become “stupid”, turns off, the mouse refuses to work, or the computer does not turn on at all. What to do in this case? Of course, you can start calling the technician, but first it makes sense to figure out the problem - maybe not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance. Let's look at the most typical computer problems.

    The computer (system unit) does not turn on

    First of all, check whether it is connected to the power supply, as well as the reliability of the power cable connection. After this, check the power supply filter (usually it looks like a simple extension cord); the power button on the filter may be turned off. In general, you need to find out if power is being supplied to the computer. Sometimes for such a check you may need a multimeter, which can be used to “ring” the power cable and extension cables. If a faulty cable or surge protector is found, it should be replaced with a new one.

    The computer turns on, but the operating system takes a very long time to load and slows down during operation

    There can be many reasons for such problems, let's look at a few of the most common cases.

    The computer began to slow down gradually over time. In this case, as a rule, PC clutter is to blame. Over time, installed and not correctly remote programs, leave a lot of unnecessary “garbage” in Windows registry, also files on virtual disks fragmented, etc. All this leads to a slowdown of the system. This problem is solved using various programs for cleaning and optimizing the registry, and defragmentation virtual disks PC. Finding such programs on the Internet is not difficult.

    Another case: The computer takes a very long time to boot, but works fine. There may be too many programs in startup. In this case, you can use the built-in Windows utility"system configuration". You can call it with the commands: START / run / open: msconfig /, a tab will appear where you can see what is clogged up on your computer.

    The reason for the slow operation of the PC and its shutdowns may be overheating of the system. You can find out the temperature of various components using special utilities. Regularly clean the system unit from dust so that its cooling does not deteriorate.

    When you turn on the computer, the system unit starts (this can be heard from the sound), but the monitor does not turn on

    Look, perhaps the monitor is simply not turned on. Check the connection of the cable connecting the monitor and the system unit, as well as the power cable of the monitor. If everything is fine with the power supply and the indicator light on the monitor is on, then the problem is most likely hidden in the video card. When you turn on your computer, listen to the sounds it makes. Depending on the PC model, the sounds may vary. To understand them, you can search for information on the Internet by entering “BIOS signals” in a search engine and indicating the PC manufacturer.

    If the problem is really in the monitor itself, then the only thing you can do yourself is check the fuse, but to do this you will have to disassemble the monitor. If everything is done carefully, it will not cause any harm to the monitor. Usually the fuse is located near the power cable connector. The suitability of the fuse can be checked by “ringing” it with a tester. If the fuse is faulty, you need to replace it with a new one that has the same characteristics. By the way, various noise and distortion of the image on the monitor can be caused by an insecurely fastened cable through which the signal comes from the system unit to the monitor.

    Video card malfunctions

    Problems with the video card can be hidden both in the hardware and in software. Carefully remove the video card from the system unit, and carefully inspect the capacitors - if swollen or exploded capacitors are noticeable, then, with some skills, they can be removed and replaced with similar new ones. The video card may also malfunction due to overheating or a faulty cooler. In this case, remove the cooler. As a rule, it is enough to pull it out and lubricate the axle. You can use silicone grease, spindle oil, and even machine oil. Do not overdo it with the amount of oil - 2-3 drops are enough.

    Overheating of the video card may also be due to incorrect installed drivers. In this case, reinstall the drivers by downloading the necessary ones from the Internet.

    Mouse doesn't work

    Check the mouse cable - often due to prolonged intensive use, the cable becomes damaged at the bends. Check the batteries if wireless mouse. If this is a regular mouse, then change the connector through which the mouse is connected. Usually, if the mouse refuses to work and the cursor jumps sharply, then it is better to replace it.

    Liquid spilled on the keyboard

    Whatever liquid gets on the keyboard, the procedure for saving it is the same: if possible, remove all the liquid, turn the keyboard over, shake it, wipe it, disassemble it. Before disassembling, we advise you to take a photo of the location of the keys on the keyboard so that there are no problems with its assembly. We dry the keyboard (but not with a hairdryer). After complete drying, we assemble it and try to connect it to the PC. If the keyboard does not work, then we take it to the workshop, or buy a new one.

    These were the most common computer problems.When repairing a PC, follow safety precautions; before work, be sure to turn off the power to all components. Keep your desk in order, work carefully and accurately, and try not to lose small parts.

    Many of us have encountered problems with our computers more than once. There is nothing surprising in the fact that people begin to get very irritated when their favorite equipment begins to act up. Unfortunately, far from computer users understand that it is not computers that are primarily to blame for these problems, but rather the users themselves. No antivirus or firewall, or it's not timely update, installation of potentially unsafe programs that are embedded in system processes, surfing on suspicious sites, and simply careless attitude towards the computer, all these actions lead to deterioration of the computer. Of course, a computer does not have a soul or inner world, unlike a person, but, nevertheless, this does not mean that it cannot “get sick.” So, let's look at the most common errors and failures in computers, as well as methods for solving them.

    Very slow work computer. One of the most common computer problems . The main reasons for this problem may be: too large number programs running simultaneously, lack of RAM or too weak processor, presence of viruses on the computer, errors in the operating system registry, hard drive is full to capacity. The solution to this problem may be the following: Increasing computer performance by installing more modern components. Full computer scan for viruses, removal unnecessary files, optimization of system operation using special programs, or as a last resort, reinstalling the OS.

    Computer freezes completely. Reasons: absence of some performers Windows files, numerous computer viruses, overloaded registry, RAM corruption. Solutions: full check computer for viruses with a modern antivirus, system optimization special programs, restoring or reinstalling the entire system, replacing RAM.

    The computer reboots spontaneously. Reasons: the presence of a large number of spyware and virus programs or a malfunction in the computer's cooling or power system. Solutions: scan your computer for viruses. Complete analysis of all elements of the system unit. The cooling of the processor or video card may be faulty, or it may need full analysis, and possibly replacement, of the power supply. A possible option is that the power supply is working properly, but it does not have much high power for computer.

    The computer won't turn on at all. Causes: damaged power cable, faulty power supply. Solutions: replacing the old cable with a new one. Check the power supply on another computer, if it is not working, replace it with a new power supply.

    Regular computer time failure. Cause: villages CMOS battery located on the motherboard. Solution: newer.

    The browser is constantly changing start pages, bookmarks, passwords. Reasons: obvious presence of spyware or virus programs on the computer. Solutions: scan your computer for viruses, possibly complete reinstalling the operating system.

    With an Internet connection using dual-up technology, they regularly receive huge phone bills, with outgoing calls to countries to which calls were not made. Reasons: availability on the computer spyware (dialer program). Solution: urgent reinstallation of the operating system with complete formatting the entire hard drive (antivirus programs V in this case, ineffective).

    Poor gaming performance, for enough powerful computer. Reason: set volume too small virtual memory. Solution: increasing the amount of virtual memory up to any necessary size, but to the detriment of free space on system partition hard drive.

    No sound on the computer, bad quality images. Reason: may have been previously reinstalled operating system. Solution: installation of all necessary drivers.

    Internet doesn't work. Solution: Check everyone network cables, check if the IP address is blocked, check your computer for viruses, check state personal account . Try to connect to the Internet later; it is possible that the problem is not with the computer, but on the side of the provider.

    The computer speaker makes sounds regularly. Problem: the video card, processor, RAM, hard drive is faulty or incorrectly connected, sound card, or other components of the system unit, the monitor may not be connected to the video adapter. Solution: checking all computer components check for correct connections; if the problem is not solved, look for the faulty component and then replace it.

    So, we have looked at the most common problems that ordinary users may encounter when working on their home computer. Of course, basic computer knowledge, as well as the help of the Internet, can help solve most of these problems, however, there are some problems that it may not be entirely correct to solve on your own, since it is easy to cause reverse effect and, as a result, only make the situation worse. In such cases, it is best call a specialist who can perform a thorough diagnosis of the computer and solve the current problem.