• Description of the “Call me back” service from Yota. Useful Yota numbers and commands for all occasions

    It happens that the count mobile phone There are not enough funds to make the necessary call or send a text message. I hope you remember or are on another operator's network. Most operators provide the opportunity to ask the other person to call you back. This does not require connecting additional services or pay a subscription fee. You just need to type a specific command consisting of numbers and symbols. The article below will show how this happens in different operators communications such as:

    • Beeline;
    • MTS (Mobile Telesystems);
    • Iota;
    • Megaphone;
    • Tele 2.

    Attention! Check with the operator to ensure that the information provided is up-to-date.

    Service for Beeline subscribers

    If you are the owner of a SIM card from the Beeline operator and plan to ask the desired subscriber to call you back, you need to dial the combination on the phone *114* then enter the digits of the phone number of the person to whom you are sending the request, after which # and press the call button. It is important that the subscriber’s number is dialed in an internationally acceptable format, that is, using a plus.

    After these steps, your interlocutor will receive a message containing your request for a call back, and you will be notified that the request has been received. The message itself is free and valid not only for Beeline subscribers, but also for others mobile systems Russia and nearby states such as Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Remember that if you are within the roaming range in Russia, there is no charge for the service either. You can send up to ten such requests per day.

    Please note that it is possible to block such messages from your phone. Just type the command *114*0# and requests for a call back will not be sent to your number. You can return the process using the combination *144*0# . Only Beeline subscribers can set the ban.

    Do not forget that incoming calls while you are in roaming are paid for, which means that you can receive them provided you have a positive balance.

    How to submit a request to Megafon users

    It’s good if your mobile phone account always has the means to make mobile call. In situations where you need to call or send a message, but there is not enough cash on the balance sheet, Megafon will help. Just dial *144* then indicate the number of the person you are calling who should call you back and at the end press the “ # «.

    After making such a request, your interlocutor receives a corresponding text message and, just like the Beeline operator, you receive a notification in response that the request has been delivered to your interlocutor.
    Judging by this information, you can make calls and communicate with Megafon subscribers with a zero or minus balance on your mobile phone. It is very nice to know that the operator thought about the possibility of a situation that developed in this way. Such services greatly simplify the use of the services of cellular operators.

    “Call me back” for Tele 2 subscribers

    There are no subscribers who would not be taken by surprise by the sudden end of money in their account. But there are situations when making a call is absolutely necessary. Operator Tele 2 has a whole package of services that will allow you to stay in touch, regardless of your condition. personal account. One of them is sending a “Beacon”. To complete this procedure, dial *118* the number of the subscriber who needs to call you back and # . The subscriber will be asked to urgently call your number back. And your phone will receive a notification about the number of requests you can make. The command number will not change if you want to send a beacon to subscribers of another cellular operator. But it is worth noting that this procedure does not apply to mobile phones located outside our country.

    There is no charge for this service, but there is a limit on beacons. You can send only 5 pieces per day, and 60 per month. this procedure This is possible only when your phone balance is less than five rubles. It's nice that when sending a beacon within roaming, incoming calls are made free of charge.

    How to send a request to your interlocutor to call you back, being an MTS subscriber

    The procedure is similar to all those described above. Enter the command on your device *110* , please indicate phone number the person from whom you expect a call and press # . You can send such a request to subscribers of any Russian operator. Reception of such messages is prohibited by pressing keys *110*0# . It may happen that when sending of this request Incomprehensible symbols will appear on the screen of your phone that you are unable to read. This means that your mobile does not work in Russian. To change the language, dial *116*6*2# .

    Information for Yota subscribers

    Not long ago, an operator called “Yota” appeared on the cellular communications market. It allows you to make quality calls, send text messages and use the Internet throughout the country and neighboring countries. The “Call me back” service is also provided by this operator.

    You can send a request completely free of charge to subscribers of any mobile operator in Russia. Up to ten such requests are made per day. Recruiting *144* , the number of the subscriber you need and # .

    The procedure for completing a request is extremely simple and requires minimal effort from you. Activation of the service is not required, as it is automatically activated when purchasing a SIM card.

    Like most operators, Yota supports USSD commands, which can be dialed from your phone without using the application on your smartphone. In this material I will tell you what combinations the operator has and how to use them.

    Using queries is very simple and they are available even on the simple phone. Just type on your smartphone keyboard the desired combination. Below you will see which of them are used to manage services.

    Basic options

    I will include the main options as those that are most often in demand from the subscriber. These include checking the balance and remaining minutes, connecting and changing minutes in the tariff, etc.

    Check Yota balance

    Perhaps the most popular option is that it displays the remaining balance on the display.

    To request a balance, use the USSD command

    *100# Call

    Always up to date balance information on the map is available in a few keystrokes

    Check remaining Yota minutes

    The second most popular request is the remaining minutes on the tariff. As you know, the tariff includes N number of minutes and to find out their balance you need to dial the command

    *101# Call

    In addition to minutes per screen phone will come information about the remaining Internet traffic.

    Connect and change the package of minutes to ETA

    For those who have just connected and want to activate the tariff, or if you are already a subscriber and want to change the number of minutes up or down, with regular phone type the command


    where N is the size of the package of minutes for unlimited tariffs(for clients who connected before 01/25/2017);


    where N is the size of the package of minutes for tariffs with traffic packages.

    Find out your number via USSD service

    You can send the command


    Additional options

    • Connect an additional 100 minutes to the current tariff package - *602#
    • Connect to the “Unlimited SMS” service for 50 rubles to the current tariff package - *603#
    • Activate the “Unlimited mobile applications” option for 100 rubles - *604#
    • Connect additional package 5GB of traffic - *605#

    Send a message requesting a call back

    To send a notification, dial on your phone


    where ХХХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber to whom the request is addressed to call you back. After entering the command, the subscriber will receive a message with your number and a request to call you back.

    The maximum number of messages per day is 5.

    Opting out of unwanted SMS messages


    The following menu will appear on the screen:

    “SMS control” service:

    1. Blocking a number
    2. Blacklist
    3. More details

    IN automatic mode service activated call hold. It bothers someone and they want to turn it off. Use the following USSD commands to enable or disable the service:

    • Check the status of the Call Hold option: *#46#
    • Disable: #43#
    • Connect: *43#

    This is probably all I know USSD requests, which can be used with the Yota operator. If you have anything to add, write in the comments, I think it will help many.

    Operator Yota is one of the youngest operators, differing from the rest in almost everything: logo, provision of services and much more. It has both its pros and cons.

    These advantages include the “Call me back” service. Others mobile representatives it consists in the ability to throw a beacon and wait for a return call. The Yota operator provides the service in a completely different way: you cannot call at the expense of the interlocutor on Yota, but you can send an SMS command using various methods.

    What is this service?

    The “Call me back” request, popular on other operators, is an ideal opportunity to notify all friends and relatives about a zero balance and the impossibility of contacting them. In addition, this service works even if there is a large debt on the account. The only one distinctive feature, valid until recently: a request could be sent and in a standard way– via a smartphone – and different from other operators – via a computer, tablet or laptop. The downside, of course, is the inability to make a call - only by typing an SMS request.

    The “Call me back” service on yota is a standard option available to every subscriber, regardless of the model and year of manufacture of the phone. You can send it approximately 10 times in 24 hours, completely free of charge, to any operator and from any Russian region. However, it does not operate outside the limits Russian Federation, which means it is not possible to use the “Call Me Back” service through roaming.

    Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to send a USSD request from a computer. This is due to the fact that cases of spam and overspam, which are blocked, have become more frequent special applications. That is why the service can only be used from a smartphone.

    Correct use of the service

    Call at the expense of the interlocutor to Russian operator Iota is the ease and speed of the operation. But only for those who know how to use this service.

    To be one of these lucky ones, it is recommended to carry out the following procedure:

    1. Enter the command *144* 89XXXXXXXXXX # on the keyboard. XXX is the number of the subscriber you are asking to call back. In this case, there is no need to indicate your number - the system will automatically display it in the phone of the called interlocutor.
    2. Within a few seconds, the person who sent the request should receive an SMS notification about the successful delivery of the request or its failure. With the latter option, a person has the opportunity to send a request three more times, keeping the number of attempts at the same level. After the third time out of total available opportunities one attempt is deducted.
    3. The subscriber, in turn, receives a notification. When the number is turned off and then turned on, the SMS request does not arrive.

    Thus, there is nothing difficult in using this service. It should be taken into account that if the provided attempts are not completely wasted during the current day, the remainder is burned, and instead, for the next 24 hours, a new supply of attempts is offered.

    Activation of this service is carried out automatically: just order a SIM card in an online store or purchase it in a salon in your city, and also clarify the possibility of carrying out such an operation as making a call at the expense of the interlocutor on the Russian operator Yota - and after activating the “Call me back” card turns out to be perfect.

    Fourth Federal Yota operator began providing its services on April 24, 2014. On at the moment This operator provides communication services in most regions of Russia. But the company plans to fully cover our country. You can connect to Yota either through sales offices or by ordering a SIM card online. The courier will deliver it directly to your home.


    When connecting to the Yota operator, the subscriber will receive:

    • Services of 2G / 3G / 4G networks based on Scartel LLC and MegaFon OJSC
    • Unlimited Internet at maximum speed
    • Unlimited calls within the network
    • Federal number +7 999 and +7 991

    The main advantage of this operator is that it allows you to choose optimal tariff for each subscriber. In fact, each user can choose one of three tariffs: for a smartphone, tablet and home internet. And within these tariffs, choose the most optimal package of minutes, SMS and Internet speed for yourself. Yes, exactly speed, as on all tariffs Yota internet traffic is not charged.

    Like everyone else federal operators, Yota supports USSD commands. With their help, you can quickly carry out most operations within your tariff. Thanks to such short commands, you can change your tariff, connect an additional SMS package, etc. without going online or calling support.

    It is very easy to manage your communication services in Yota using USSD commands. But it’s difficult to remember all the commands and keep them in your head. Therefore, below we have collected all the short commands of this operator that can help you if necessary.

    Balance check

    The first short command that every Yota subscriber needs to know is checking the balance. In order to do this using a USSD request, you need to type on your smartphone:

    Checking the remaining minutes

    Within the tariff for Yota smartphones you can choose a package free minutes for calls to numbers of other operators and landlines. You can find out the balance of such free minutes using short number:

    My number

    Sometimes situations happen when the subscriber does not remember his number. In order not to call your friends back to clarify your number, you can use the USSD command:

    Additional package “100 minutes”

    If you talk more minutes than allotted by your tariff, then Yota always has the opportunity to purchase 100 additional minutes. This can also be done with a short command:

    Additional packages of minutes

    If you are unable to install mobile application, then you can connect a package of minutes using the USSD command:

    N – number of minutes in the selected package.

    For example, *105*300# – will connect tariff package with 300 minutes of calls in Russia.

    Additional package “50 SMS”

    Also in Yota tariff For a smartphone, you can always connect an additional SMS package. If you like to communicate short messages with your friends (although it’s unclear why you should do this if you have messengers), then you can connect 50 additional SMS using the USSD command:

    SMS requesting a call back

    Sometimes there are situations when you need to tell your friends or acquaintances to call you back. Of course, this can be done via SMS. But, if you do not have an SMS package connected, then the best option will send a notification using the USSD command:


    XXXXXXXXXXXXX– this is the number of the subscriber you are asking to call back.

    IMPORTANT: After you send such a notification to the subscriber, he will receive a message that you ask him to call you back. per day each Yota subscriber has the right to send 5 such requests.

    Call forwarding

    Sometimes there are situations when you need to forward calls coming to your Yota number, to another phone number. This can also be done using short commands. There are several forwarding options in Yota:

    • Unconditional forwarding


    • Divert 30 seconds after you don't pick up


    • Forwarding if you do not pick up after a specified amount of time


    t - time in seconds 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30

    • Forward if you are unavailable


    In all cases +7XXXXXXXXXX– phone number to which the call is forwarded.

    • Disable forwarding

    Blocking an unwanted number

    If your phone is attacked by messages that are unnecessary for you, namely spam, then you can permanently block this number not only with the capabilities of your device (we have already written about this), but also using the Yota short number:

    This service is completely free. Moreover, be sure to send the spammer’s number to the employees of this operator. You can do this by number:

    Call waiting and holding

    If you often talk on the phone, then you have probably repeatedly found yourself in such a situation when, not yet finishing a conversation with one interlocutor, another calls you. Thanks to modern technologies, you can quickly respond to another without dismissing one conversation. To hold a number, you can use the following number:

    Using it, you can activate the call waiting feature, disable it, or view the status of this service.

    Contact Yota support

    If you already have a Yota SIM card, then you can write an SMS to the number

    If you have not found the answer to your question, you can always contact the service Yota support by phone number

    8 800 550 00 07

    You can also find other USSD commands from the Yota operator on the Internet. But they are not working today. All currently relevant commands for this operator are listed above. Save this page and you won't have to remember them. As new numbers and USSD commands become available, we will add them to this list.

    Video. Mobile operator - Yota (Mini - review)

    Lack of funds on your mobile phone balance is akin to a tragedy - you cannot call friends, relatives or colleagues, send SMS or simply go online. And if there is no place to top up your account, then the problem only gets worse. In such situations, subscribers are saved by special services from mobile operators. In this review, we will look at how to send a beacon from Iota if the balance has reached zero.

    To send a beacon from Yota, dial

    USSD command *144*XXXXXXXXXX#. The number is indicated in ten-digit format.

    What is the name of the service

    There were times when there were no beacons. And there was no operator Yota (Eta). When the account ran out of money, subscribers were unable to make calls. The only solution was not to lower the balance to complete zero– in this case, you could call and immediately hang up the call. Then the called party could understand that someone was waiting for his call. Subsequently mobile operators offered a more civilized solution.

    The “Call Me” service from Iota, which allows you to send a beacon, became the very solution. The subscriber dials a special request, and the called party receives the request. The word “beacon” was borrowed from Tele2, which operated a similar service with the same name. The convenient word was snapped up by subscribers of other social networks and became firmly established in everyday life.

    When planning to send a beacon from Yota to Tele2 or to the numbers of any other operators, subscribers call this action with a variety of phrases:

    • Sending “call me back” is a completely harmless option;
    • Throwing off a beggar is a funny, rarely used option;
    • Throwing a beacon is for the most persistent people;
    • Sending a freebie is another not the most common option.

    You can even send a homeless person from Iota - a mocking joke for people who never have money to call.

    You can also throw a beacon, send it, send it, and perform any other actions with it. That is, you can call the process of sending a request to call back whatever you like.

    By sending a beacon, the subscriber seems to be telling his potential interlocutor - I don’t have money, I’m waiting for a call. The recipient can only decide whether to call back or not. You should call back only to familiar numbers, let the rest somehow find the money for the call themselves - cellular communication cheap now.

    “Call me” service from Yota

    Operator Yota never advertises its additional services. It seems that they simply do not exist. Nevertheless, you can still send a request to Yota to call back, and it’s absolutely free. This opportunity provided as part of the “Call Me” service. She doesn't demand subscription fee and a separate fee for sending requests. You can send a beacon with any balance – negative, zero or positive.

    In order to send a beacon from Yota to another number, you need to send the USSD command *144*XXXXXXXXXX#. The number is indicated in ten-digit format, for example, *144*9161234567#. After a few seconds, the specified number will receive a request that this person waiting for a call without being able to call himself.

    The service requires certain limits. The thing is that some people have a manic need to send beacons to other users - they always have zero balance, because they talk a lot, but don’t have their own money. As a result, cases of abuse of this opportunity were recorded - recipients simply languished from constant requests. Therefore, it was decided to limit the number of beacons - Yota sets a limit of five requests per day. It is impossible to increase the limit or bypass this limitation in any way.

    Not only Yota, but also other operators have similar limits on beacons - this is a common practice.